Social Media Listening Report for #QUIKPRO 2014 Compiled by: Jenny Devine | Social Media Channel Manager t: (07) 3212 3002 | e: [email protected] | facebook.com/BOQOnline | twitter.com/boq Date range 27/2/2014 – 25/03/2014

Date range 27/2/2014 – 25/03/2014

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Social Media Listening Report for # QUIKPRO 2014. Date range 27/2/2014 – 25/03/2014. Compiled by: Jenny Devine | Social Media Channel Manager t: (07) 3212 3002 | e: [email protected] | facebook.com/BOQOnline | twitter.com/boq. 2. Intro. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Social Media Listening Report

for #QUIKPRO 2014

Compiled by: Jenny Devine | Social Media Channel Manager t: (07) 3212 3002 | e: [email protected] | facebook.com/BOQOnline | twitter.com/boq

Date range

27/2/2014 – 25/03/2014


This report provides insight into the Social Media engagement generated by BOQ’s involvement in the Quiksilver Pro 2014.

Date range covers all mentions leading up to and during the promotional period.

BOQ supported the Quiksilver pro with two main activities in social media this year:

1. Social Media engagement with ASP, Quiksilver, Roxy and fans of the pro.

2. An Instagram Photo contest asking users to “tell us the local bank you love”.

SM Engagement ResultsBOQ Created SM conversations and engagement in a number of ways:

1. Using BOQ SM Channels to engage with the official channels of ASP, Quiksilver and Roxy by re-tweeting, liking, sharing and comment on their content.

2. Using BOQ SM Channels to engage with fans of the Quiksilver Pro.

3. Generating our own content that was picked up by the official channels of ASP, Quiksilver, Roxy and fans of the pro.

The SM conversations generated by BOQ resulted in:

7217 mentions of the BOQ Brand (Post’s about the BOQ Brand, direct mentions using BOQ’s twitter handle or posting on the BOQ Facebook page.

Results per channel

Each direct mention of the BOQ Brand has a potential reach, this is the audience of the tweet/post.

Potential follower reach of twitter mentions: 7,220,869

Total reach of Facebook audience:


Who/What/HowThe most engaged mention of BOQ was the announcement from ASP of the winners of the QSP:

The number of mentions of the @BOQ Twitter handle resulting from this tweet on the 11/3/2014 was • 1004 in less than 24 hours.• Potential follower reach =


Twitter users from around the world were exposed to our brand:


Love your local bank Instagram promotion.Instagram a photo of your local bank and #lovekirra, #lovesnapper or #lovegreenmount. Tell us in 25 words or less why it’s your favourite bank for your chance to win one of three Darren Handley Surfboard valued at $850.

Total of 334 entries

Potential BOQ Brand Reach of 2 Million

The people who generated the 10,000 tweets that mentioned @BOQ, had a total of 2,055,795 followers, this is the potential reach.

Campaign vs Brand

Tweets for the overall campaign focused on the fanbase….

Tweets that mentioned @BOQ focused on the donation and cause.

$1.00 per Facebook Like

The twitter promo was over in 24 Hours, so we decided to run a Facebook “Likes” promo on the evening of Telethon 9-11PM.

$1.00 per like of the Telethon7 Facebook page up to $10.000

Telethon began the evening with 35,475 Facebook Likes, by the end of Telethon evening, they had 65,000 Facebook Likes. This continued to grow and is now at

74,614 fans!


Tweets for #Telethon7 – 2.1 Million with a potential reach of 4 Billion.

Tweets mentioning @BOQ – 10 Thousand, with a potential reach of 2 Million.

Telethon7 Facebook Fan increase of 50,000.

Worldwide brand exposure for Telethon7 and BOQ

Learnings – You can’t control or stop twitter!