Data Structures IT

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  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 1

    dvanced Data Structures

    Chapter II:

    Data Structures

  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 2


    Data Types:Refer to the different kinds of data that a variable may hold in aprogramming languages






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    FAP:UC-BCF 3


    Data Objects:Refer to the set of elements

    Example: data object integer refers to

    D = {0, 1, 2, 3, }

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    4/43FAP:UC-BCF 4


    Data Structures:

    Describe the set of objects and how they are related.

    Describe the set of operations that can be applied on theelements of a data object.

    Typically this describe the more complex data types such asarrays, stacks, queues, trees, graphs and operations of how

    to manipulate these.

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    5/43FAP:UC-BCF 5


    A structure that can have a number of heterogeneouselements.Declaration: Recor dType

    t ypedef st r uct


    f i el d1;

    f i el d2;

    f i el d3; f i el dN;

    }Recor dType;

    f i el d1

    f i el d2

    f i el d3



    f i el dN

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    6/43FAP:UC-BCF 6


    Field1, field2, field3 fieldN can be of any data type (i.e. integer,float, real, record)

    To define a variable for the record:

    Recor dType A;Assigning a value to a record field:

    A. f i el d1 = ;

    A. f i el d2 = ;To retrieve a value from a record field:

    pr i nt f ( %d, A. f i el d1) ;

    pr i nt f ( %c, A. f i el d2) ;

    pr i nt f ( %d: 4: 2, A. f i el d3) ;

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    7/43FAP:UC-BCF 7


    Consecutive set of memory locations is a set of pairs index and a value finite, ordered set of homogeneouselements.


    - one-dimensional array

    - n-dimensional array

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    8/43FAP:UC-BCF 8


    2 data types Base type of component type

    Index type

    Declaration i nt A[ 10] ; char B[ 45] ;

    2 basic operations Extraction


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    FAP:UC-BCF 9


    If an array is declared to be A[n], then:

    n = number of elements

    If an array is declared to be A[n][m], thenn*m = number of elements

    if given n-dimensional array declarationA[b][c][d][n] = b,c, n

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    FAP:UC-BCF 10


    To determine the ith element of a Single-dimensionarray:

    A[ i ] = + ( i ) * esi ze

    wher e:

    - base or st ar t i ng addr ess

    i el ementesi ze el ement si ze i n byt es

    Exampl e: Det er mi ne t he addr ess of 5t h el ement of an

    i nt eger ar r ay A wi t h a st ar t i ng addr ess of 2000

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    FAP:UC-BCF 11


    To determine the ith element of a Two-dimension array:

    A[ i ] [ j ] = + [ ( i ) *( UB2) +( j ) ] * esi ze

    wher e:

    UB2 upper bound of t he 2nd di mensi on

    - base or st ar t i ng addr ess

    esi ze el ement si ze i n byt es

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    FAP:UC-BCF 12


    To determine the ith element of a Three-dimension array:

    A[ i ] [ j ] [ k] = +[ ( i ) *( UB2) *( UB3) +( j ) *( UB3) +( k) ] *esi ze

    wher e:

    UB3 upper bound of t he 3r d di mensi on

    UB2 upper bound of t he 2nd di mensi on - base or st ar t i ng addr ess

    esi ze el ement si ze i n byt es

  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 13



    1. Given A[10][3][3][6], =2000, esize=4 bytes:

    a. f i nd t he f or mul a t o r epr esent an el ement i n a 4-di mensi onal ar r ay.

    b. f i nd t he t ot al number of el ement s

    c. f i nd t he addr ess of A[ 2] [ 2] [ 0] [ 4]

    2. Given X[8][3][6][2][3], =3000, esize=3 bytes:

    a. f i nd t he t ot al number of el ement s

    b. f i nd t he addr ess of X[ 0] [ 2] [ 5] [ 1] [ 2]

  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 14


    3. Consider the following declaration:

    t ypedef st r uct {

    i nt A;

    char B[ 10] ;

    f l oat C;

    char D;

    }r ect ype;

    t ypedef r ect ype mat r i x[ 121] [ 4] [ 5] ;

    mat r i x A1;

    a. comput e t he addr ess of el ement A1[ 120] [ 3] [ 3] gi ven t hebase addr ess at 2000.

    b. Assume t hat we do not know t he si ze of RECTYPE i nnumber of byt es but we know t hat t he addr ess of

    A1[ 20] [ 2] [ 3] i s 2160. Gi ve t he si ze of RECTYPE i nbyt es. Assume t he base addr ess i s at 2000.

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    FAP:UC-BCF 15


    An ordered list in which all insertions and deletions aremade at one end called the TOP.

    LIFO (Last In First Out)A B C D E F



    A B C D E F G


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    FAP:UC-BCF 16


    Operations: Create(top) Create an empty stack

    Push(Stack, top, item) Inserts an element item into the stack

    Pop(Stack, top, item) Removes the top element of the stack

    and stores the value in item S_top(Stack, top) Returns the top element of the stack

    Empty(top) Determines whether the stack is empty or not.

    Stack full: Top = n-1 Stack empty: Top = -1

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    FAP:UC-BCF 17


    Representation: One-dimensional array

    Singly linked-list


    A B C D E F

    A B


    C D

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    FAP:UC-BCF 18



    #def i ne n

    t ypedef el ement t ype;

    t ypedef el ement t ype St ack[ n] ;


    Processing of procedure calls and their terminations

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    FAP:UC-BCF 19


    Procedures for Stack Operations:

    voi d cr eat e( i nt *t op)

    {*t op = - 1; }

    voi d push( st ack S; i nt *t op; el ement t ype i t em){

    i f ( t op==n- 1)

    st ackf ul l ;

    el se {*t op++;

    S[ *t op] = i t em;



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    FAP:UC-BCF 20


    voi d pop( st ack S; i nt *t op; el ement t ype *i t em)

    { i f ( t op==1) st ackempt y;

    el se{ *i t em = S[ t op] ;

    * top- - ;}

    }el ement t ype s_t op( st ack S; i nt t op)

    { i f ( t op==- 1) er r or _rout i ne;

    el se r et ur n S[ t op] ;


    i nt empt y( i nt t op)

    { i f ( t op == 1) r et urn 1;

    el se r et ur n 0;


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    FAP:UC-BCF 21


    voi d mai n( )

    { cr eat e( &t op1) ; cr eat e( &t op2) ;s_empt y = empt y( t op1) ;

    pr i nt f ( %d, s_empt y) ;

    push( s1, &t op1, 16) ;

    s_empt y = empt y( t op1) ;

    pr i nt f ( %d, s_empt y) ;

    push( s1, &t op1, 10) ; push( s1, &t op1, 9) ;

    push( s1, &t op1, 8) ; push( s1, &t op1, 7) ;j =s_t op( s1, t op1) ;

    pr i nt f ( Top i s %d, j ) ;

    pr i nt f ( %d\ n, t op1) ;

  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 22


    s_empt y = empt y( t op2) ;

    pr i nt f ( %d, s_empt y) ;push( s2, &t op2, 10) ; push( s2, &t op2, 9) ;

    push( s2, &t op2, 8) ; push( s2, &t op2, 7) ;

    push( s2, &t op2, 12) ; push( s2, &t op2, 4) ;

    pop( s1, &t op1, &i t em) ;

    pop( s2, &t op2, &i t em) ;

    j =s_t op( s2, t op2) ; pr i nt f ( Top i s %d, j ) ;

    pr i nt f ( %d\ n, t op2) ;}

  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 23

    Evaluation of Expressions

    Expression is made up of operands, operators anddelimiters.

    Operands can be any legal variable names or constantsin programming languages.

    Operations are described by operators:Basic arithmetic operators: + - * /

    Unary operators: - +

    Relational operators: ==, >, =,

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    FAP:UC-BCF 24

    Evaluation of Expressions

    Our concern: how the expressions are evaluated

    The compiler accepts expressions and produce correct result byreworking the expressions into postfix form. Other forms include

    infix and prefix.

    Prefix :

    Postfix : Infix :

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    FAP:UC-BCF 25

    Evaluation of Expressions

    Expression: A + B

    Prefix : +AB

    Postfix: AB+

    Expression: (A+B*C)/D

    Prefix : /+A*BCD

    Postfix: ABC*+D/

  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 26

    Conversion from Infix to Postfix

    using Stacks

    IN-Stack Priority (ISP) The priority of the operator asan element of the stack.

    IN-Coming Priority (ICP) The priority of the operatoras current token.


    ) -- --^ 3 4

    *, / 2 2

    +,- 1 1

    ( 0 4

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    FAP:UC-BCF 27

    Conversion from Infix to Postfix

    using Stacks


    Operators are taken out of the stack (POP) as long astheir ISP is greater than or equal to the ICP of the newoperator.

    Note: ISP and ICP of # sign = -1

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    FAP:UC-BCF 28

    Conversion from Infix to Postfix

    using Stacks

    Algorithm:voi d POSTFI X( expr essi on E)

    t oken x, y;

    st ack[ 0] = # ; t op = 0;x = next t oken( E) ; / / t akes t he f i r st t oken and r emove i t

    f r om t he or i gi nal expr essi on.

    whi l e x ! = #

    { i f x i s an oper and pr i nt f ( x) ;el se i f x == ) {/ / unst ack unt i l (

    whi l e st ack[ t op] ! = (

    { pop( y) ; pr i nt f ( y) ; }

    pop( y) ; / / del et e (


  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 29

    Conversion from Infix to Postfix

    using Stacks

    el se{ whi l e i sp[ st ack[ t op] ] >= i cp[ x]

    { pop( y) ; pr i nt f ( y) ; }push( x) ;


    x = next t oken( E) ;


    i f ( ! empt y( st ack) )

    { whi l e st ack[ t op] ! = #

    { pop( y) ;pr i nt f ( y) ;



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    FAP:UC-BCF 30


    An ordered list which all insertions take place at oneend, called the REAR, while all deletions take place atthe other end, called the FRONT.

    FIFO (First-In-First-Out)

    Elements are processed in the same order as they werereceived. The first element inserted in the queue will bethe first one to be removed.

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    FAP:UC-BCF 31


    Conventions for FRONT and REAR: Front is always 1 less than the actual front of the queue.

    Rear always points to the last element in the queue.

    Initial value: Front = Rear = -1

    Operations: Createq(Front, Rear) creates an empty queue

    Insert(Queue, Rear, Item) inserts the element item to the rear

    of the queue. Delete(Queue, Front, Rear, Item) removes the front element

    from the queue and assigns is to variable item.

    Qfront(Queue, Front, Rear) returns the front element of thequeue

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    FAP:UC-BCF 32


    Qempty(Front, Rear) determines if the queue is empty or not

    Returns 1 if true

    Otherwise return 0

    Front = Rear means queue is empty.

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    FAP:UC-BCF 33



    One-dimensional Array

    Singly linked-list


    A B C D E F G

    A B C D


    Rear Front

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    FAP:UC-BCF 34



    #def i ne n

    t ypedef el ement t ype;

    t ypedef el ement t ype Queue[ n] ;t ypedef i nt FR

    FR f r ont , r ear ;

    Queue Q;

  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 35


    Example:Processing of customers transactions (i.e. cashiers, bank-related)

    Procedures for Queue Operations:

    voi d cr eat eq( FR *f r ont , FR *r ear )

    { *f r ont = *r ear = - 1 }

    voi d i nser t ( queue Q, FR *r ear , el ement t ype i t em){ i f ( r ear == n- 1) queuef ul l ;

    el se { ( *r ear ) ++;

    Q[ *r ear ] = i t em; }


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    FAP:UC-BCF 36


    voi d del et e( queue Q, FR *f r ont , FR *r ear , el ement t ype

    *i t em){ i f ( *f r ont == r ear ) queueempt y;

    el se { ( *f r ont ) ++;

    i t em = Q[ f r ont ] ; }


    el ement t ype qf r ont ( queue Q, FR f r ont , FR r ear )

    { i f ( f r ont == r ear ) er r or r out i ne;

    el se r et ur n( Q[ f r ont + 1] )}

    i nt quempt y( )

    { i f ( f r ont == r ear ) r et ur n 1;

    el se r et ur n 0;


  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 37



    QUEUEFULL signal does not necessary imply thatthere are N elements in the queue.

    To solve this, move the entire queue to the left so thatthe first element is again at Q[0] and front = -1.

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    FAP:UC-BCF 38

    Circular Queues

    n- 1




    . .

    . .


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    FAP:UC-BCF 39

    Circular Queues

    voi d i nser t ( queue *Q, FR f r ont , FR *r ear , el ement t ype

    i t em){ i f ( f r ont == ( r ear +1) %n) queuef ul l ;

    el se { *r ear = ( *r ear +1) %n;

    Q[ *r ear ] = i t em; }


    voi d del et e( queue Q, FR *f r ont , FR r ear , el ement t ype

    *i t em){ i f ( f r ont == r ear ) t hen cqueueempt y;

    el se { *f r ont = ( *f r ont +1) %n;

    *i t em = Q[ f r ont ] ; }


  • 7/25/2019 Data Structures IT


    FAP:UC-BCF 40

    Circular Queues

    el ement t ype cqf r ont ( queue Q, FR f r ont , FR r ear )

    { i f ( f r ont == rear ) er r or r out i ng;

    el se r et ur n( Q[ f r ont +1] %n) ;


    i nt cquempt y( )

    { i f ( f r ont == r ear ) r et ur n 1;

    el se r et ur n 0;


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    FAP:UC-BCF 41


    Convert the following infix expressions to postfix and


    1. A+B*C/ D

    2. A/ B C+D*E- A*C

    3. ( A+B) *D+E/ ( F+A*D) +C

    4. A+B*D E F G/ H J *K- L5. ! ( A&&! ( BD) ) | | ( C

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    FAP:UC-BCF 42


    Convert the following prefix expressions to infix:

    6. - +- ABC*D EFG

    7. +- ABC+D- EF

    8. | | | | &&ABC!

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    FAP:UC-BCF 43


    Convert the following infix expressions to postfix

    using stack:12. B+C ( E+F*G H) / ( K- L/ M) +N

    13. B+C/ D ( E+F*G H) +Z

    14. A+B- C*D*( E+F- G*H I J ) +L/ M+( N*O/ P+

    ( Q R S T) ) +U