Data Structure - Assignments.doc

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  • 8/14/2019 Data Structure - Assignments.doc


    Assignment 1

    Function Calling

    Make four functions which operate on floating point data. Each function will take 2

    input arguments (by value) and would return the result. Operations which will be

    implemented includes

    1. ddition

    2. !ubtraction

    ". Multiplication

    #. $ivision

    $efine these functions and show how these functions will be called.

    Assignment 2

    Data types + sizeof() + Function Calling + Passing by value

    %rite a function in which use si&eof() operator to find the intrinsic si&es of all the

    available data types in ''. sk from user whether to display the si&e if

    individual data types or not* Moreover+ sum the si&e of all the data types.

    Assignment 3

    Conditional tatement

    Enter your marks and decide grade. Marks can either be taken from user or it can

    be hard,coded.

    Assignment !

    "nt#oducto#y concept of a##ays and loops

    -ind si&e of different data types and store them in an array. hen using /for0 loop+

    print this array.

    Assignment $

    Playing %it& AC"" using loop

  • 8/14/2019 Data Structure - Assignments.doc


    ake the user name in small alphabets. Make the first small letter of every word to

    capital case. $ont disturb spaces during this conversion. n eample is user will

    enter /3uaid a&am0. 4our program should convert it into /5uaid &am0.

  • 8/14/2019 Data Structure - Assignments.doc


    Assignment '

    Function Calling + Passing by add#ess

    %rite a function which takes two arrays of type /short0 and si&e 16 as arguments+

    perform dot product of these two arrays and accumulate the sum in an accumulator

    of type /int0. 7eturn this sum to the calling function by value.


    ecto# p#oduct and vecto# dot p#oduct by using pointe#s

    %rite two functions which takes two arrays of type /short0 and si&e 16 as

    arguments. 8owever in the called function+ it performs dot product using pointer


    i. -unction dot9roduct() returns the sum by value.

    ii. -unction vec9roduct() takes the result array also as an argument and

    writes the result in it.

    Assignment *

    t#ing p#ocessing functions

    %rite your own string processing functions like my!trcpy()+ my!trlen()+ my!tr'at()+

    my!trcmp() using:

    i. forloop and

    ii. whileloop.


    File ,ead -#ite + t#uctu#e .sage

    4ou are given a tet file (/input-ile.tt0) with integer numbers. ;t carries two

    columns like as follows:

    1 "1#

    2 ""#

    " "#