1 INSPIRE DS Highlights Data Specification Elevation v3.0 Jordi Escriu - TWG EL Editor Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC) INSPIRE Conference 2012 Istanbul, 25 th - 27 th June 2012

Data Specification Elevation v3 - INSPIRE · • Common set of rules assuring aggregation of grid cells (grid origin, grid cell reference point) • Common proposal with other TWG

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Page 1: Data Specification Elevation v3 - INSPIRE · • Common set of rules assuring aggregation of grid cells (grid origin, grid cell reference point) • Common proposal with other TWG


INSPIRE DS Highlights

Data Specification Elevation v3.0

Jordi Escriu - TWG EL EditorInstitut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC)

INSPIRE Conference 2012

Istanbul, 25th - 27th June 2012

Page 2: Data Specification Elevation v3 - INSPIRE · • Common set of rules assuring aggregation of grid cells (grid origin, grid cell reference point) • Common proposal with other TWG


This presentation

� TWG Elevation

� INSPIRE Data Specification Elevation v3.0

� EL Theme overview

� Scope

� DS Key aspects

� Model structure

� Results (Application schemas)

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Page 3: Data Specification Elevation v3 - INSPIRE · • Common set of rules assuring aggregation of grid cells (grid origin, grid cell reference point) • Common proposal with other TWG

3Nov’ 10 – DS EL v1


TWG ElevationMichael Hovenbitzer (Facilitator)

Jordi Escriu Paradell (Editor)

Chris Howlett

Dave Capstick

Eduardo González

Gyula Iván

Lee Brinton

Lynne Allan

Rogier Broekman

Tim Kearns

Veijo Pätynen

Vincent Donato

Zdzislaw Kurczyński

Katalin Tóth (EC- JRC contact point)



20122010 2011


May’ 10

Kick-off Frankfurt

Jun’ 11 – DS EL v2


Nov’ 10


Mar’ 11


Apr’ 12 – DS EL v3


Nov’ 11


Feb’ 12


Page 4: Data Specification Elevation v3 - INSPIRE · • Common set of rules assuring aggregation of grid cells (grid origin, grid cell reference point) • Common proposal with other TWG


Elevation theme

• Definition

“Digital elevation models for land, ice and ocean surface. Includes

terrestrial elevation, bathymetry and shoreline.”

[INSPIRE Directive, 2007/2/EC]

• Description

“The theme includes:

Terrestrial elevation (namely land-elevation), represented as:

– Digital Terrain Models (DTM) describing the three-dimensional shape

of the Earth’s surface (ground surface topography).

– Digital Surface Models (DSM) specifying the three dimensional

geometry of every feature on the ground, for example vegetation,

buildings and bridges.

Bathymetry data, e.g. a gridded sea floor model”

[Adapted from INSPIRE Feature Concept Dictionary]

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Elevation theme

• Relationships with other INSPIRE themes

– Geographical names – Summits, mountain passes, singular spots

– Hydrography / Administrative Units – Data consistency

– Sea Regions – Shoreline (Coastline)

– Buildings / Utility and governmental services / others3

• Attributes storing absolute elevations

• Identification of the Vertical CRS to which these are referenced

– Orthoimagery (& others using grids)

• Modelling of Grids as coverages

– Elevation present in use cases of many themes as input data

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Reference materials

Reference documents

• 36 received and analysed

User requirements survey

• 44 received

• 4 Key use cases selected

– Flooding

– Orthoimagery production

– Maintenance of fairways

– Elevation mapping

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DS Scope

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Modelling of surfaces

• 2.5-D model, only one value per

horizontal position

• Digital Terrain Model (DTM) orG

• Digital Surface Model (DSM)

• Measurement procedures

• Shoreline

INSPIRE Data Specifications

on Sea Regions, ‘CoastLine’

Feature type

Data representations

• Vector data (2-D or 2.5-D)

• Grid data (coverages)

• TIN data

In the scope

Out of the scope


• Absolute gravity-related elevation

properties (heights and depths), forG

• Land elevation

• Bathymetry of the Sea, inland water

bodies and navigable river courses

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DS Key aspects (I)

• Homogenous / Integrated approach to

– Representation of different surfaces:



– Land elevation and bathymetry data (integrated land-sea models)

– Different spatial representation types:

• Grid

• Vector


• Identifier management

– Unique identifiers mandated only for Grids and TIN objects

• Temporal representation: life-cycle information

– beginLifespanVersion / endLifespanVersion (voidable)

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Digital elevation models (DEM):

difference between DTM and DSM


Land-elevation sub-theme Bathymetry sub-theme

Dynamic features

Varying water level

Dynamic features

Varying water level

Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

Digital Surface Model (DSM)

Bare terrain surface

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Graphical examples:

Measuring of elevation properties

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Positive Height

(Negative Depth)

Earth’s surface

Varying water level

Vertical reference

level – Datum


Spot –elevation


Spot –elevation

Land-elevation sub-theme Bathymetry sub-theme

Positive Depth

(Negative Height)

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Example: Description of an integrated

land-sea model


Positive Height

Earth’s surface

Varying water level

Vertical reference

level – Datum


Spot –elevation


Spot –elevation

Land-elevation sub-theme Bathymetry sub-theme

Negative Height


1. This example shows how an integrated land-sea model may be expressed e.g. as heights referenced to a single vertical

CRS. Alternatively, it may be expressed as depths (this alternative is not the one shown in the figure).

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DS Key aspects (II)

• Coordinate Reference Systems

– Land elevation

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Geographical Scope CRS to be used

Inside ETRS89 scope

(continental Europe)

ETRS89-GRS80 recommended

Heights: EVRS mandated (IR Data Interoperability)

Outside ETRS89 scope

(overseas territories)

MS to decide and identify

Heights: Earth Gravitational Model (EGM Version 2008) recommended

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Example: Description of land-



Positive Height

Land surface

Varying water level

Vertical reference

level – Datum


Spot –elevation

Land-elevation sub-theme

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DS Key aspects (III)

• Coordinate Reference Systems

– Bathymetry

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Geographical Scope Vertical reference to be used

Sea - Tidal Waters

Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) *

(*) In in open oceans and effectively in waters that are deeper than 200

meters LAT may be approximated by MSL due to overall inaccuracy of

depths measurements): MSL to be used.

Sea - Non-tidal Waters Mean Sea Level (MSL)

Inland standing

water bodies

Local reference level *

(*) The height of this reference shall be provided and referenced to a

gravity-related reference system

- EVRS, within its geographical scope

- Reference system identified by MS, outside this scope

Navigable riversCollection of local reference levels, along the river section *

(*) The same previous note, for each reference level used.

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Example: Description of the sea floor


Sea floor

Varying water level

Vertical reference level – Datum


Spot –elevation

Bathymetry sub-theme

Positive DepthReference point A

Reference point B


1. In this example the vertical reference level of this sea area is determined using two reference points

(reference point ‘A’ and reference point ‘B’).

2. Both reference points have known elevation offsets from the vertical reference level.

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Example: Description of the floor of

an inland standing water body


Water body floor

Varying water level

Vertical reference level – Datum


Spot –elevation

Bathymetry sub-theme

Reference point A


1. In this example the vertical reference level of the inland standing water body is determined using one reference point

(reference point ‘A’).

2. The reference point have known elevation offset from the vertical reference level (equal to 0 in this example).

Positive Depth

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Example: Description of the bed of a

navigable river


Scope of River section BWhere the vertical reference level is

Datum ‘B’

Scope of River section AWhere the vertical reference level is

Datum ‘A’Reference point B

River bed

Varying water


Vertical reference level – Datum A


Spot –elevation

Bathymetry sub-theme


1. In this example two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’ of a river are shown. Each of them has its own vertical reference level (Datum ‘A’ and

Datum ‘B’, respectively).

Positive Depth


Spot –elevation

Positive Depth

Vertical reference level – Datum B

Reference point A

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DS Key aspects (IV)

• Geographical Grids:

– Proposal to use a European Common Grid for Raster Data (Grid_ETRS89-


• Hierarchical grid

• Based on ETRS89-GRS80 geodetic coordinates

• DTED structure

• Common set of rules assuring aggregation of grid cells (grid origin, grid cell reference


• Common proposal with other TWG dealing with coverages (e.g. OI)

– Optional use by MS

– Alternative to Grid_ETRS89-LAEA (Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area)

• Aligned with the IR (Section 2.2.2): Other theme-specific grids may be specified

– Main objective:

• Avoid cross-border interoperability problems due to different grid cell alignment rules.

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Model - Structure

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Application schemas


Conceptual Model D2.5

Coverages (Domain and Range)

App. Schema




Base types


Vector Elements


Grid Coverage



INSPIRE Elevation

Data Product Specification


INSPIRE Directive

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Results – Application schemas



� Common types


� Elevation property type

‘height’ / ‘depth’

� Surface type

‘DTM’ / ‘DSM’

[Data type]

� Vertical CRS identifier


Elevation –Base types

Data type


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Results – Application schemas



� Main class

� ‘ElevationGridCoverage’

� Enums. (Base types)

� ‘height’ / ‘depth’

� ‘DTM’ / ‘DSM’

� Conformity to

� Generic Conceptual Model:

Coverages – Domain and range

� ISO 19123:2005:

Coverages geometry and


Elevation –Grid coverage

Elevation Grid



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Results – Application schemas



� Generic abstract class

� ‘ElevationVectorObject’

� Child features types

� ‘SpotElevation’

� ‘ContourLine’

� ‘BreakLine’, ‘VoidArea’,

‘IsolatedArea’, ‘StopLine’

� Enums. (Base types)

� ‘height’ / ‘depth’

� Data type

� ‘ChartDatum’ – Solution for use

of non-registered bathymetric

vertical referencesElevation –Vector Elements

Spot Elevation Contour Line

Break Line

Void Area



Elevation Vector


Stop Line


Chart Datum

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Results – Application schemas


Elevation -TIN

Elevation TIN



� Main class

� ‘ElevationTIN’

� Enums. (Base types)

� ‘height’ / ‘depth’

� ‘DTM’ / ‘DSM’

� Conformity to

� ISO 19107:2003 – Spatial Schema (‘GM_Tin’)

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