Data representation Revision tip: Focus on the things you find difficult first.

Data representation

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Data representation. Revision tip: Focus on the things you find difficult first. “Every lesson counts – don’t waste a minute.”. Exam tip: When converting binary numbers in the exam, draw a table to show your workings. Binary numbers (base 2). Convert 10110 to denary (base 10) (1 mark). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Data representation

Data representation

Revision tip: Focus on the things you find difficult first.

Page 2: Data representation

Task Time (minutes) a

1. Complete self assessment sheet. 22. Read through the chapter on data representation. 153. Work through the questions on the revisiontemplate focusing on weaker areas first.


4. Attempt the multiple choice test on Edmodo. 105. Attempt the past paper exam questions. 206. Mark past paper exam paper questions. 157. Read through the chapter on data representation. 158. Attempt the multiple choice test on Edmodo again. 10

“Every lesson counts – don’t waste a minute.”

Page 3: Data representation

Binary numbers (base 2)1. Convert 10110 to denary (base 10)

(1 mark)

2. Convert 1001001 to denary (base 10)(1


3. Convert 11001101 to denary (base 10)(1


4. Convert 11111001 to denary (base 10)(1


Exam tip: When converting binary numbers in the exam, draw atable to show your workings.

4. How many gigabytes are there in 3 terabytes?(1

mark)……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................5. How many kilobytes are there in 2.5 megabytes?

(1 mark)


Page 4: Data representation

Denary (base 10) to binary (base 2)26 (base 10) as a binary number (base 2)

1. Convert 34 (base 10) to binary (base 2). Show your workings.(1


2. Convert 115 (base 10) to binary (base 2). Show your workings.(1


3. Convert 99 (base 10) to binary (base 2). Show your workings.(1


4. Convert 76 (base 10) to binary (base 2). Show your workings.(1


Page 5: Data representation

Adding binary numbers

1. Add 101100 and 111001 in binary.(2


2. Add 101111 and 10011 in binary.(2


3. Add 1001101 and 101011 in binary.(2


4. Add 11011001 and 10010111 in binary.(2


Page 6: Data representation

Hexadecimal numbers

1. Convert the hexadecimal number 3A to denary.(2 marks)

2. Convert the hexadecimal number AD to denary.(2 marks)

3. Convert the hexadecimal number 5E to denary.(2 marks)

4. Convert the denary number 91 to hexadecimal.(2 marks)

5. Convert the denary number 169 to hexadecimal.(2 marks)

6. Convert the denary number 51 to hexadecimal.(2 marks)

Page 7: Data representation

Binary to Hex & back again1. Convert 10110110 to hexadecimal.

(2 marks)

2. Convert 11001001 to hexadecimal.(2 marks)

3. Convert 10011011 to hexadecimal.(2 marks)

4. Convert A5 to binary.(2 marks)

5. Convert 7D to binary.(2 marks)

6. Convert F3 to binary.(2 marks)

Page 8: Data representation

Characters1. What happens if you sort the list ‘Gorilla’, ‘bear’, ‘Elephant’, ‘Cat’, ‘dog’ in

a computer program using ASCII or Unicode to represent the character set.

(2 marks)……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................

Images1. How many colours can be represented in a 4 bit

colour system?

(1 mark)……………………………………………………............................................................................................................……………………………………………………..................

2. The image opposite shows the metadata of an image. What is… (3 marks)

a) the size of the image: ………………………

b) the colour depth: ……………………………

c) the resolution: ………………………………

2. What is the difference between using the ASCII character set and the Unicode character set?

(2 marks)……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................

3. What are the main factors affecting the size of the file needed to store an image?

(3 marks)……………………………………………………............................................................................................................……………………………………………………..................……………………………………………………............................................................................................................……………………………………………………..................……………………………………………………............................................................................................................……………………………………………………..................……………………………………………………............................................................................................................……………………………………………………..................

Page 9: Data representation

Sound1. How does sample rate affect the quality of the playback for an MP3

sound track?(2 marks)


Instructions1. How does the computer tell the difference between instructions and

data?(2 marks)

……………………………………………………................................................. ……………………………………………………................................................. ……………………………………………………................................................. ……………………………………………………................................................. …………………………………………………….................................................

2. What factors affect the file size for a sampled MP3 soundtrack?(4 marks)


2. How are instructions stored in binary in a computer?(2 marks)

……………………………………………………................................................. ……………………………………………………................................................. ……………………………………………………................................................. ……………………………………………………................................................. …………………………………………………….................................................

Exam tip: Don’t confuse sample rate and bit rate; they are different. The sample rate ishow frequently the data is sampled; the bit rate is the amount of data stored at each point.

Page 10: Data representation

Past paper exam questions.2011 past paper.

Page 11: Data representation

Past paper answers.2011 past paper.

Notes: What do I need to improve?

Page 12: Data representation

Past paper exam questions.2011 past paper.

Exam tip: When converting numbers in exam questions make sureyou show your workings.

Page 13: Data representation

Past paper answers.2011 past paper.

Notes: What do I need to improve?

Page 14: Data representation

Past paper exam questions.2012 past paper.

Page 15: Data representation

Past paper answers.2012 past paper.

Notes: What do I need to improve?

Page 16: Data representation

Past paper exam questions.2013 past paper.

Page 17: Data representation

Past paper answers.2013 past paper.

Notes: What do I need to improve?