1 D D a a t t a a Q Q u u a a l l i i t t y y S S t t r r a a t t e e g g y y Version: 1-2 Author: RNC Date: May 07 Gloucester City Council

Data Quality Strategy - Gloucesterdemocracy.gloucester.gov.uk/documents/s3203/Glouceste… · Author: RNC Date: May 07 Gloucester City Council . Data Quality Strategy ver.1-2 May

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Version: 1-2 Author: RNC Date: May 07

Gloucester City Council

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Data Quality Strategy ver.1-2 May 2007 Gloucester City Council



1. Introduction 3

1.1 Why is Data Quality Important? 3

1.2 The Six Characteristics of Good Quality Data 4

1.3 The Aims of this Strategy 5

2. Governance and Leadership 6

2.1 Overview 6

2.2 Objectives 6

2.3 Member Responsibility 6

2.4 Officer Responsibility 6

3. Expectations and Requirements 8

3.1 Overview 8

3.2 Awareness & Compliance 8

4. Systems and Processes 9

4.1 Overview 9

4.2 Systems 9

4.3 Planning 9

4.4 Outputs 10

4.5 Ensuring Data Quality 10

4.6 Data Security 10

4.7 Partnerships and Data Sharing 10

5. People and Skills 11

5.1 Overview 11

5.2 People 11

5.3 Skills 11

6. Data Use 12

6.1 Overview 12

6.2 Using Data 12

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Data Quality Strategy ver.1-2 May 2007 Gloucester City Council


1. Introduction

1.1 Why is Data Quality Important?

Data is the factual information we use to carry out our business, especially information organised for analysis or used to reason or make decisions.

Having a high level of data quality – ensuring that data held is fit for use in operations, decision-making, planning and performance management – is vital if the Council is to achieve its objectives.

Performance information is increasingly being used by external bodies to assess our performance, often as an alternative to inspection, and this trend is placing a greater emphasis on the quality of data held.

Significant resources are spent on the activities and systems involved in collecting and analysing the data which underlies performance information, so it is imperative that there is confidence in its reliability. The data must be fit for purpose, presenting an accurate and timely representation of the Council's activities.

Increasingly, external partners are demanding data quality standards are in place to support data sharing initiatives.

Good quality information is essential for sound decision making at every level. It is vital that the performance information used to inform, manage and plan activities is accurate, reliable and comparable, both over time and with different authorities/service providers.

The council has a statutory responsibility to publish performance information and to provide assurance that the data is accurate. To achieve this, adequate arrangements for data quality must be in place across the authority.

1.2 Links to other areas

The data strategy is part of the Council’s Performance Management Strategy.

It will also have links to the following strategies:

Risk Management Strategy

Information Management Strategy (This includes the Freedom of Information Policy and procedures, Records Management Policy and procedures, Data Protection policy and our Information and security policies)

ICT strategy

Others as required

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Data Quality Strategy ver.1-2 May 2007 Gloucester City Council


1.3 The Characteristics of Good Quality Data

The criteria upon which data quality is judged can be distilled into six main characteristics: accuracy, validity, reliability, timeliness, relevance and completeness.


Data should present an accurate picture of performance and enable decision making at all appropriate levels. The need for accuracy must be balanced with the costs and effort of collection. The best and most cost efficient way of collecting essential data should be found. A prerequisite is that definitions for data should be specific and unambiguous. The data must be at an appropriate level of detail to influence related management decisions, and must be within a reasonable margin of error.


Data should clearly and appropriately represent the intended result. Where proxy data is used to compensate for an absence of actual data, organisations must consider how well this data measures the intended result. Data should be recorded and used in compliance with relevant requirements, including the correct application of any rules or definitions. This will ensure consistency between periods, and with similar organisations.


Data should reflect stable and consistent data collection processes and analysis methods across collection points and over time, whether using manual or computer based systems or a combination. Managers and stakeholders should be confident that progress toward performance targets reflects real changes rather than variations in data collection approaches or methods. So for example, the significance of sampling, or any natural fluctuation, including seasonal profiles, need to be understood by both data gatherers, and those using the final information.


Data should be captured as quickly as possible after the event or activity and must be available for the intended use within a reasonable time period. Data must be available quickly and frequently enough to support information needs and to influence the appropriate level of service or management decisions.


Data captured should be relevant to the purposes for which it is used. This needs periodic review of requirements to reflect changing needs.

It may be necessary to capture data at the point of activity which is relevant only for other purposes (e.g. equalities information), rather than for the current operation. Quality assurance and feedback processes are needed to ensure the quality of such data.

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Data Quality Strategy ver.1-2 May 2007 Gloucester City Council



All the relevant data has been recorded. Monitoring missing or invalid fields in a database can provide an indication of data quality and can also point to problems in the recording of certain data items.

1.4 The Aims of this Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to set out the Council's approach to ensuring that the data held is of a high standard. It does this by describing how data quality is handled by the Authority as well as providing guidance on what steps should be taken to make certain that data held is of the highest quality.

The Strategy is divided into five sections, each of which feed into the overall aim of achieving an excellent standard of data quality:

Governance and Leadership — Members and the Corporate Management Team should ensure appropriate arrangements are in place to confirm the quality and accuracy of data held to manage and report on performance;

Expectations and Requirements — to be documented and communicated in respect of data quality;

Systems and Processes — to implement and maintain effective systems and processes to secure data quality;

People and Skills — to develop the people and skills required to secure data quality; and

Data Use — ensuring that data supporting operational and performance information is used to manage and improve the delivery of services.

This strategy should be reviewed annually.

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Data Quality Strategy ver.1-2 May 2007 Gloucester City Council

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2. Governance and Leadership

2.1 Overview

Gloucester City Council has made a clear commitment to achieving and maintaining a high level of data quality, and the delivery of this will be led by the Chief Executive Julian Wain and the Corporate Management team. Data quality is an important and essential element of many Council documents, including the Statement on Internal Control, the Delivery and Improvement Statement, as well as the Corporate Plan and the Annual Performance Review.

Data quality is also an integral part of the everyday work undertaken by the Council, and should be seen to be part of business as usual.

2.2 Objectives

Each portfolio must ensure the corporate data quality objectives are met by setting out the key service objectives in the service development plans which should include defined milestones to aid the improvement of the quality of data.

Data quality and schedules are also a key part of the contracts agreed with external providers, ensuring that we can monitor performance and deliver services effectively and accurately.

Data quality improvements are driven both corporately, through the corporate performance regime working with internal audit, and at a service level. Ongoing improvement plans with detailed procedures for key systems and data reports are in place.

2.3 Member Responsibility

Member responsibility lies with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for performance, meeting with senior officers regularly to discuss key issues, including data quality. The Portfolio Holder and Cabinet has full involvement in the development of the corporate performance plan targets and activities.

The Audit Committee will monitor the implementation of the Data Quality Strategy and the associated action plans. Performance reports are monitored by Members through the Scrutiny committees.

2.4 Officer Responsibility

Council Management Team has overall responsibility for data quality assurance. Performance reports are received from the Corporate Performance Manager, Internal Audit, and Service Performance Officers

The ultimate responsibility lies with the Chief Executive, however the Assistant Directors and their nominated representatives are accountable for ensuring data quality in their service area.

Day to day responsibility is devolved to the most appropriate service level, and staff who work with management information systems are also responsible for ensuring the integrity of data within their system.

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The Council also has a duty to consult with key staff when developing and implementing information systems. For example, the involvement of operational staff in the implementation of systems, mapping of processes and agreeing of file structures is considered a key stage of the process, as well as designating operational level responsibility for new initiatives.

The Information Management and Security Policies outline the need for all staff to be responsible for maintaining data's accuracy, currency and update frequency. In addition, staff have legal responsibilities to ensure the accuracy and quality in the processing of personal information under the Data Protection legislation.

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3. Expectations and Requirements

3.1 Overview

This Data Quality Strategy sets out the expectations and requirements of data quality within Gloucester City Council.Other corporate policies and documents should make reference to data quality and this strategy where appropriate:

This strategy is to be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure its relevance.

3.2 Awareness & Compliance

This strategy is made available to all staff through the intranet and hard copies provided to senior management and appropriate officers. Awareness training is provided to ensure that the Council's approach to data quality is embedded within the authority's work.

The Council provides training to users of key systems to ensure high levels of data quality.

Most importantly it is the responsibility of managers to ensure the information used in the day to day management and reporting of service performance complies with the data quality criteria set out in this document.Ensuring the adequate provision of data quality arrangements is regarded as a one of the primary managerial responsibilities.

Compliance with data and information policies is ensured through the rigorous programme of internal audit. In addition to this, a schedule of data quality reports, which identify missing fields and potentially inaccurate information, are sent to operational teams for action; visits by performance staff are made to operational teams to discuss data quality and performance issues; and software tools are used to generate reports for cross referencing and checking.

The Council takes a proactive approach to ensuring that weaknesses in data quality are corrected, whether they are identified through Internal Audit, Corporate Performance Unit, Scrutiny, or external inspection.

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4. Systems and Processes

4.1 Overview

Data quality is all about systems. This does not just mean the systems into which data is input, but also the quality control systems that are put into place for the collection, analysis and reporting of information used to monitor performance and that staff are supported in their use of these systems.

At Gloucester City Council, the systems we have in place should provide us with assurance that our data quality is high, and our culture of continuous improvement and innovation will mean that, as long as we remain focused, this will remain the case in the future.

Our aim in terms of data quality is to have all systems operating on a `right first time' principle.

4.2 Systems

The primary systems are the ones that produce the service level information used for the day to day business including those listed in 6.2. These must have processes in place to ensure the output is reliable and accurate. Where possible this data will be read by PerformancePlus to avoid double handling.

PerformancePlus is the system for corporate performance management and reporting, and protocols exist on the input of data as well as reporting and analysis, which includes a full audit trail.

Both corporately and at service level there are systems in place to ensure the accurate input and reporting of data.

Appropriate systems testing should be undertaken to ensure that systems are implemented with minimal errors and scope for incorrect data input. Data quality standards and processes should be a key part of all new system specifications.

All key systems must have full operation and procedural manuals in place.

4.3 Planning

The Council's performance management tool, PerformancePlus, is structured to report against the aims and priorities set down in the Corporate Plan and the Local Area Agreement. It can also ‘talk to’ other data systems and has been set up to include risk monitoring, and financial information associated with the corporate performance planning.

A ‘golden thread’ exists between all levels of planning in the Council, The performance data, clearly stated in the Service Plans, that is reported at team level shows how the team contributes to the service goals and in turn the corporate aims and priorities of the council.

The Corporate Management Team has the responsibility to ensure the approach to business planning and performance management in each service area is synchronised with the corporate aims and objectives.

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4.4 Outputs

All system outputs should be accurate, clear and in a format convenient to the recipients. Different presentation formats should be considered for different audiences.

All teams should ensure that information is reported in a consistent and robust manner. With the use of PerformancePlus this consistency is being led corporately.

4.5 Ensuring Data Quality

It is vital for data to be both correct and secure. All performance management teams have the responsibility to ensure that data is reported in a timely and accurate manner. It is part of the standard audit trail that any changes to data are done through appropriate channels. An example of this would be a change in targets having been through the Assistant Director and CMT before corporate amendments are made.

Systems should have built-in controls to ensure that the scope for human error or manipulation is minimised, and to prevent erroneous data entry, missing data and unauthorised data changes, PerformancePlus has a full audit review function to monitor who has made entries and changes.

4.6 Data Security

Data must be secure, in terms of ensuring that only authorised use is made of the data and also that changes are only made where appropriate. Security controls should be in place on all key systems to prevent unauthorised data changes. These should be reviewed regularly to ensure protocols and policies are adhered to. The corporate PerformancePlus system entry is password login only.

It is vital that business continuity arrangements are in place to restore data in the event of IT failure or a wider catastrophe. There is an IT Recovery Plan in place supported by off-site real-time backup of key business data for recovery purposes.

Daily backup procedures are in place to protect the integrity of the corporate PerformancePlus database and all other key systems.

Critical service recovery plans should identify critical documents and service heads have a responsibility for ensuring their protection.

4.7 Partnerships and Data Sharing

As an ever-greater emphasis is placed on the importance of partnership working, the Council must ensure the data that is shared with, and received from, partners is accurate, timely and appropriate.

When entering into partnerships it is vital that the spirit of this strategy is followed and that the responsibilities for ensuring data quality are clearly identified in the partnership documentation.

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This can be achieved through information sharing protocols, for example, which help to ensure legal compliance and aid staff in determining where and when it is appropriate to share information. It is also important to agree standards of data quality from the outset.

There is a Corporate Data Protection Policy in place to ensure that personal information is processed legitimately and is only used for specified purposes

5. People and Skills

5.1 Overview

For this data quality strategy to be successfully implemented, it is vital that staff are aware of their responsibilities and that they are equipped with the necessary training to carry out those responsibilities effectively.

5.2 People

Staff roles and responsibilities with regard to data quality are documented within their job descriptions and performance appraisals, and as a part of the appraisal process data quality issues would be reviewed on at least an annual basis. At a wider level, team and service plans as well as procedures would inform on data quality issues.

5.3 Skills

Training is provided through the corporate training programmes on issues such as:

• Data protection; • IT security; • Freedom of information; • PerformancePlus; • Customer service centre training; and• Corporate systems operations.

Training needs for data quality should be identified through the staff development reviews but should also be carried out on an ad-hoc basis as need arises.

Where dedicated systems are being used, software suppliers and in house specialists should provide specific training.

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6. Data Use

6.1 Overview

The Council must have in place arrangements that focus on ensuring that data supporting performance information is also used to manage and improve the delivery of services and that it is actively used in the Council's decision making processes. It must be delivered accurately and in time to enable the decision making process set out in the Annual Performance Management Cycle to be effective.

6.2 Using Data

Using performance data as part of the day-to-day management of the Council's business is vital if we are to achieve our objectives. The performance information drives improvement across and through all levels of the organisation, as part of the performance management framework.

In delivering services on a day to day basis it is essential that the quality of data is maintained to provide efficient service delivery and effective decision making.

The key systems operated in the authority are:

Current Systems


AXIS (ACR) Cash receipting IBS Benefits



CHRIS 21 Personnel and Payroll INTRANET / EDRMS (Styletech)






FOCUS CIVICA Car parking


Systems highlighted are the primary financial information systems and core service systems in the council.

New systems and links to partner organisations are regularly being implemented. It is the responsibility of each member of staff to ensure that they follow the relevant procedures and business rules to ensure that data quality standards are maintained.

Before data entry onto a corporate system takes place, service managers must be able to demonstrate the data is accurate and appropriate.

For queries or assistance with this strategy, please contact: Rupert Charley tel 01452 396709

Or email [email protected] is available on the council’s intranet.