Data Conversions Steps, Best Practices, and Considerations for Successful Data Conversions Norm Bowen 04/12/2011

Data Conversions

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Steps, Best Practices, and Considerations for Successful Data Conversions. Data Conversions. Norm Bowen 04/12/2011. About Norm Bowen. Major professional focus is making data as valuable as possible Broad range of IT and business experiences: AT&T, CIT, ISC, OCPS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Data Conversions

Data ConversionsSteps, Best Practices, and Considerations for Successful Data Conversions

Norm Bowen04/12/2011

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About Norm Bowen Major professional focus is making data as valuable as

possible Broad range of IT and business experiences:

AT&T, CIT, ISC, OCPS▪ Database & Application Development/Support▪ ERP Systems▪ Business/Systems Analysis▪ Reporting▪ Backup DBA experience

Experience working with Oracle, Sybase, DB2, SQL Server Credentials

Masters in Computer Science Business Intelligence certificate - Univ. of California MCTS certifications - Business Intelligence & Database Admin

Current: Data & Reporting Analyst on contract at a Healthcare firm in Altamonte Springs

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What will be covered Stages and steps of a data conversion project

A guide for progressing from concept to completion, including project planning

Conversion Processes PM, BA, Technical information for developing, testing

and executing the conversion Additional Considerations

Items not directly a part of the “conversion” but should be considered to potentially provide additional value to tasks being performed and provide more value to the company

OPASS Chime-in Share your conversion tips / experiences / feedback

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Reasons for Data Conversion(Migration/Integration) Migrating to a new system New Business/Regulatory

Requirements New database Mergers & Acquisitions

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Stage 1: Big Picture, Analysis, Feasibility, Project

Get a handle on the big picture / the impact

Understand Source(s) Understand Destination(s)Determine FeasibilityProject Plan – 1st draft

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Understand the Big Picture What is the conversion about? What systems are involved? Why is the conversion needed? And how important is it? Approx how big and complex is this conversion?

# of systems? Amount of data? Scope of data being converted?

What is the impact on…? : Business processes System processes Reporting Systems users External parties System processes

Any pre/post dependencies? And their timing? Can the conversion be done in pieces? Will it have to be done in pieces? Who are the key players that might become involved?

System/Data Owners Power Users C-level Sponsors Data Architects Developers, etc.

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Know your Source(s) & Destination(s)

SOURCE What does the data

represent? How is it used? Profile of the data Subset of data to be

converted Key measurements that

can be used to confirm if conversion was successful

Database Type

DESTINATION What does the data

represent? How will it be used? Is there data already

existing in the destination? Differences between

source and destination Key measurements that

can be used to confirm if conversion was successful

Is Database Type different from source?

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Feasibility – Proof of concept

Proof of concept using data from the most important / most complex processes / data

Verify converted data will meet needs of the new (or existing) system

Do not go through too much before verifying that it will work for what you need

Go No-go Decision

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Project Plan – Round 1 Create a non-detailed project plan

Use the information gathered in Stage 1 to estimate the complexity and effort of the tasks, the resources needed, how long it will take, etc.

include competing business activities Assemble the team

PM / Team Lead Business / Data Analysts Business Users / Data Experts / Data Owners DBA Data Architect Consultants

Officially launch the project

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Stage 2:Impact, Mappings, Project, QA

Impact Analysis Detailed Data Profiling & Source-

Destination Mappings Data Gap Analysis Project Plan – 2nd draft QA Plan

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Impact Analysis Business processes affected System processes affected Reports Users (may lead to need for training) New Application Rollout Business/IT activities (month-end closes,

sales promotions, holidays, other system upgrades, etc)

Equipment Needs & Sourcing Ongoing Resource Needs Go No-go Decision

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Source/Destination Mappings & Data Gap Analysis

Create Source – Destination Mappings Include ALL data that will be in the conversion process,

even data that will be unchanged List data that will be excluded List data that will not originate from Source but will be

supplied for the Destination Handle data not accounted for

Important Source data that is not mapped to anything Destination data that do not have a source Hard-code / rule-based assignment

Keep Legacy Keys allow for backward reporting / querying (if you foresee

this necessity)

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Source to Destination Mapping Example

Excel is adequate in many cases Visio is also a good option Other more sophisticated tools


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QA / Verification Planning

Application Functionality Source Aggregates vs. Destination

Aggregates Pick a variety of specific records that you

follow all the way through the conversion process Old detailed records vs. New detailed records

Old Reports vs. New Reports IT + Business Team + QA team

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Stage 3: Project, Development, QA, Other

Enhance the project plan & move other project tasks along

Determine development methodology – tools, coding, source code control,

Set up environment Develop conversion QA - Test, Test, Test the conversion

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Project Plan - more details, more precise timelines, assignment of all tasks to people, dependencies, fallback plans, etc.

Continue to collect feedback during the development process

Adjust team if necessary; get all parties on board (communication is key on any project)

Get agreement on mapping and other requirements

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Development Set up the environment

Servers Size and build databases Linked servers

Plan and create a starting point for your conversion environment that you can revert back to for testing and re-testing database backups & reset scripts that can be used to create

a consistent starting point Develop conversion programs (this could be a multi-

person or multi-group effort) Create DDL scripts, T-SQL programs, Stored Procedures,

Functions, .NET programs, batch jobs, SSIS packages, etc. Clean up scripts / Rebuild scripts Develop in parallel

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Development (cont’) Build in Logging Determine Order of all processing Develop such that processes can be run in

parallel instead of serially to speed conversion time

Build Master Package(s) or batch job(s) to execute the programs in the correct, most efficient order

D_Customer D_Product

D_Customer_Profile D_Sales


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Development (cont’) Use performance improvement techniques to tune your

conversion processes SET NOCOUNT ON Update Statistics Do not interweave DDL with DML Use or Drop Indexes / Partitions▪ Create indexes on source tables to speed data

retrieval; remember to clean up after (add to your cleanup script)▪ Create temporary indexes on destination tables (after

loaded) if used for lookup or joins to load other tables use available tools - DTA, SQL Profiler, Execution Plans

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Development (cont’) Build in Commits and Re-startability for long

running processes Create intermediate check-points to verify

the conversion along the way – especially between dependencies Load Customers Check Load Products Check Load Sales Check

Traceability Log updates to audit tables or audit columns Use permanent tables instead of temp tables to

enhance traceability Include code to handle outliers – including


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Development (cont’) Check destination tables for triggers, and

understand what the triggers do; may need to temporarily disable them ALTER TABLE tablename DISABLE TRIGGER triggername ALTER TABLE tablename ENABLE TRIGGER triggername

Check indexes and constraints (check, defaults) on destination tables drop/disable as necessary then rebuild/enable; may have to use “nocheck” option▪ ALTER TABLE WITH NO CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT ….▪ OR Create with NO CHECK

Check for Identity columns – may need to disable them: SET IDENTITY_INSERT tablename ON

perform inserts and then later enable them SET IDENTITY_INSERT tablename OFF

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Development (cont’) Functions frequently used to manipulate/check


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Development (cont’) If the destination already contains data that cannot be

changed, create conversion programs with that in mind Include verification that existing data is not affected by

the conversion Handle database to database variations (especially

between data types) Re-build reports and views (keep output same if

possible) Create new system processes (interfaces, feeds,

extracts, etc) Build / Rebuild indexes Feed information back to the project manager as new

information is uncovered regarding run times, new steps, etc

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Test, Test, Test Backup databases Test and Test again Verify data and functionality Verify aggregates Verify selected detailed records Review data from ALL data types – verify at least

one column for each data type Tune the conversion process; reset the cache when

capturing run-times to avoid misleading run times All relevant teams should be involved in testing;

Business Users should be responsible for the final sign-off

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Other Considerations Train users in parallel with development;

make users aware of any data changes, new data entry methods, etc.

Run old and new system in parallel to compare results, and verify the new system

Set firm cut-off point for when no more updates will be done to the source system

Is this an opportunity for archiving? Do SLA’s need to be adjusted? Are we in full compliance with all regulatory


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Stage 4: Schedule, Execute, Post Tasks Stick to the schedule Keep track of progress; compare results to

what was expected; share results Keep all team members informed of progress Execute Post-conversion scripts / tasks Allow limited access to new system or to

data to allow for more verification / damage prevention

Make new system/data accessible / Go-Live Provide close monitoring and support for

new system and users

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Get ALL stakeholders involved early Analyze and Plan Well Develop Smartly Test Vigorously Communicate Throughout

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Your Turn Your experiences

What are some stand-out items that you recall from conversions you have participated in?

Your best practices What would you consider a “must-do” step or

method for conversions (or conversely a “must-not-do step”)?

Any suggestions to improve this presentation?

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Norm Bowen407-547-9488

[email protected]

Thank you for the opportunity to present!