data and identifies uncertain regions. A set of charts is 4887/Packed Bed flooding.pdf · LG = data and identifies uncertain regions. A set of charts

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  • Fp = packing factor, ft1 = kinematic viscosity of liquid, cS

    CS = C-factor, Eq. (14-77), based on tower superficial cross-sectional area, ft/s

    CP = capacity factor, dimensional [units consisted with Eq.(14-140) and its symbols]

    The abscissa scale term is the same flow parameter used for tray(dimensionless):

    FLG = 0.5



    For structured packing, Kister and Gill [Chem. Eng. Symp. Ser. 128,A109 (1992)] noticed a much steeper rise of pressure drop with flowparameter than that predicted from Fig. 14-55, and presented a mod-ified chart (Fig. 14-56).

    The GPDC charts in Figs. 14-55 and 14-56 do not contain specificflood curves. Both Strigle and Kister and Gill recommend calculatingthe flood point from the flood pressure drop, given by the Kister andGill equation

    Pflood = 0.12Fp0.7 (14-142)

    Equation (14-142) permits finding the pressure drop curve in Fig. 14-55or 14-56 at which incipient flooding occurs.

    For low-capacity random packings, such as the small first-generationpackings and those smaller than 1-in diameter (Fp > 60 ft1), calculatedflood pressure drops are well in excess of the upper pressure dropcurve in Fig. 14-55. For these packings only, the original Eckert floodcorrelation [Chem. Eng. Prog. 66(3), 39 (1970)] found in pre-1997 edi-tions of this handbook and other major distillation texts is suitable.

    The packing factor Fp is empirically determined for each packingtype and size. Values of Fp, together with general dimensional data forindividual packings, are given for random packings in Table 14-13 (togo with Fig. 14-55) and for structured packings in Table 14-14 (to gowith Fig. 14-56).

    Packing flood and pressure drop correlations should always be usedwith caution. Kister and Gill [Chem. Eng. Progr., 87(2), 32 (1991)]showed that deviations from the GPDC predictions tend to be system-atic and not random. To avoid regions in which the systematic deviationslead to poor prediction, they superimposed experimental data points foreach individual packing on the curves of the GPDC. Figure 14-57 is anexample. This method requires a single chart for each packing type andsize. It provides the highest possible accuracy as it interpolates measureddata and identifies uncertain regions. A set of charts is in Chapter 10 ofKisters book (Distillation Design, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992) with


    FIG. 14-54 Efficiency characteristics of packed columns (total-reflux distillation.)

    FIG. 14-55 Generalized pressure drop correlation of Eckert as modified by Strigle. To convert inches H2O to mm H2O, multiply by 83.31.(From Packed Tower Design and Applications by Ralph E. Strigle, Jr. Copyright 1994 by Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, Texas. Used with per-mission. All rights reserved.)

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    updates in Kister, Lason, and Gill, Paper presented at the AIChE SpringNational Meeting, Houston, Tex., March 1923, 1995; and in Kister,Scherffius, Afshar, and Abkar, in Distillation 2007: Topical ConferenceProceedings, 2007 AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, Texas.The latter reference also discusses correct and incorrect applications ofthose interpolation charts.

    There are many alternative methods for flood and pressure dropprediction. The Billet and Schultes [IChemE Symp. Ser. 104, pp.A171 and B255 (1987)] and the Mackowiak (Fluiddynamik vonKolonnen mit Modernen Fllkorpern und Packungen fr Gas/Flus-sigkeitssysteme, Otto Salle Verlag, Frankfurt am Main und VerlagSauerlnder Aarau, Frankfurt am Main, 1991) correlations are ver-sions of the GPDC that take the liquid holdup into account. TheEiden and Bechtel correlation [IChemE Symp. Ser. 142, p. 757(1997)] is a version of the GPDC in which accuracy is improved byusing constants representative of packing shape instead of packingfactors. The Lockett and Billingham correlation (IChemE Symp.Ser. 152, p. 400, London, 2006) uses a Wallis correlation

    CG0.5 + mCL0.5 = CLG (14-143)

    where CL = uL[L/(L G)]0.5 (14-144)

    and was shown to work well for high-surface-area (>400 m2/m3) struc-tured packings. Here CG is the gas C-factor, Eq. (14-77), based on thetower superficial cross-sectional area, and m and CLG are constants,available from the cited reference for some packing.

    A drawback of most of these correlations (except that of Eiden andBechtel) is the unavailability of constants for many, often most, of themodern popular packings.

    The above methods apply to nonfoaming systems. Foaming systemscan be handled either by applying additional derating (system) factors tothe flood correlation (see Table 14-9) or by limiting the calculated pres-sure drop to 0.25 in of water per foot of packing (Hausch, DistillationTools for the Practicing Engineer, Topical Conference Proceedings, p.119, AIChE Spring Meeting, New Orleans, March 1014, 2002).

    Pressure Drop The GPDC discussed above (Figs. 14-55 and14-56) and the Kister and Gill interpolation charts provide popularmethods for calculating packing pressure drops. An alternative popu-lar method that is particularly suitable for lower liquid loads was pre-sented by Robbins (below).

    For gas flow through dry packings, pressure drop may be estimatedby use of an orifice equation. For irrigated packings, pressure drop

    increases because of the presence of liquid, which effectivelydecreases the available cross section for gas flow (Fig. 14-53). In prin-ciple, there should be a method for correcting the dry pressure dropfor the presence of liquid. This approach was used by Leva [Chem.Eng. Progr. Symp. Ser. No. 10, 50, 51 (1954)]. A more recent methodby Robbins [Chem. Eng. Progr., p. 87 (May 1991)] utilizes the sameapproach and is described here. The total pressure drop is

    Pt = Pd + PL (14-145)

    where Pt = total pressure drop, inches H2O per foot of packingPd = dry pressure drop = C3Gf210(C4Lf) (14-146)PL = pressure drop due to liquid presence

    = 0.4[Lf /20,000]0.1[C3Gf210(C4Lf)]4 (14-147)Gf = gas loading factor = 986Fs(Fpd/20)0.5 (14-148)Lf = liquid loading factor = L(62.4/L)(Fpd/20)0.5L0.1 (14-149)

    The term Fpd is a dry packing factor, specific for a given packing typeand size. Values of Fpd are given in Tables 14-13 and 14-14. For operat-ing pressures above atmospheric, and for certain packing sizes, Lf andGf are calculated differently:

    Gf = 986Fs(Fpd/20)0.5100.3G (14-150)

    Lf = L(62.4/L)(Fpd/20)0.5L0.2 Fpd > 200 (14-151a)

    Lf = L(62.4/L)(20/Fpd)0.5L0.1 Fpd < 15 (14-151b)

    The Robbins equations require careful attention to dimensions. However,use of the equations has been simplified through the introduction of Fig.14-58. The terms Lf and Gf are evaluated, and the PL is obtained directlyfrom the chart. Basic nomenclature for the Robbins method follows:

    C3 = 7.4(10)8C4 = 2.7(10)5Fpd = dry packing factor, ft1Fs = superficial F-factor for gas, Utg0.5, ft/s(lb/ft3)0.5G = gas mass velocity, lb/hrft2Gf = gas loading factor, lb/hrft2L = liquid mass velocity, lb/hrft2Lf = liquid loading factor, lb/hrft2

    P = pressure drop, inches H2O/ft packing ( 83.3 =mm H2O/m packing)

    FIG. 14-56 The Kister and Gill GPDC (SP) chart for structured packings only. Abscissa and ordinate same as in Fig.14-55. (From Kister, H. Z., and D. R. Gill, IChemE Symp. Ser. 128, p. A109, 1992. Reprinted courtesy of IChemE.)

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  • TABLE 14-13 Characteristics of Random Packings

    Packing factor, m1Size, Bed

    mm, or density,* Area, % Normal DryName no. (#) kg/m3 m2/m3 voids Fp Fpd Vendor


    Pall rings 16 510 360 92 256 262 Various(also Flexi-rings, 25 325 205 94 183 174Ballast rings, P-rings) 38 208 130 95 131 91

    50 198 105 96 89 7990 135 66 97 59 46

    Metal Intalox (IMTP) 25 224 207 97 134 141 Koch-Glitsch[also I-rings, AHPP, 40 153 151 97 79 85 [Sulzer, Amistco,RSMR, MSR] 50 166 98 98 59 56 Rauschert, Montz]

    70 141 60 98 39 Nutter rings #0.7 177 226 98 128 Sulzer

    #1 179 168 98 98 89#1.5 181 124 98 79 66#2 144 96 98 59 56#2.5 121 83 98 52 49#3.0 133 66 98 43 36

    Raschig Super-ring #0.5 275 250 98 Raschig#0.7 185 175 98 #1 220 160 98 82 #1.5 170 115 98 59 #2 155 98 99 49 #3 150 80 98 36

    Cascade mini-rings #1 389 250 96 131 102 Koch-Glitsch(CMR) #1.5 285 190 96 95

    #2 234 151 97 72 79#2.5 195 121 97 62 #3 160 103 98 46 43#4 125 71 98 33 32#5 108 50 98 26

    Fleximax #300 141 98 85 Koch-Glitsch#400 85 98 56

    Jaeger Tripacks #1 223 118 96 85 Raschig(Top-Pak) #2 170 75 98 46 VSP 25 352 206 98 105 Raschig

    50 296 112 96 69 Ralu-rings 25 310 215 98 157 Raschig

    38 260 135 97 92 50 200 105 98 66

    Hiflow 25 298 203 96 Rauschert50 175 92 98 52

    Hy-Pak, K-Pak, #1 262 174 97 148 Koch-Glitsch,AIPR #1.5 180 118 98 95 Amistco

    #2 161 92 98 85 #3 181 69 98 52

    Raschig rings 19 1500 245 80 722 Various(116 in wall) 25 1140 185 86 472 492

    50 590 95 92 187 22375 400 66 95 105

    CeramicsBerl saddles 6 900 900 60 2950 Various

    13 865 465 62 790 90025 720 250 68 360 30838 640 150 71 215 15450 625 105 72 150 102

    Intalox, Flexi-saddles, 6 864 984 65 2720 VariousTorus-saddles, Novalox 13 736 623 71 660 613

    25 672 256 73 302 30850 608 118 76 131 12175 576 92 79 72 66

    Raschig rings 6 960 710 62 5250 Various13 880 370 64 1900 170525 670 190 74 587 49250 660 92 74 213 23075 590 62 75 121

    Pall ring 25 620 220 75 350 Raschig38 540 164 78 180 50 550 121 78 142 80 520 82 78 85



    TABLE 14-13 Characteristics of Random Packings (Concluded )

    Packing factor, m1Size, Bed

    mm, or density* Area, % Normal DryName no. (#) kg/m3 m2/m3 voids Fp Fpd Vendor


    Hiflow rings 38 409 108 83 121 Rauschert50 405 89 82 95 70 333 52 86 49


    Pall rings 15 95 350 87 320 348 Various25 71 206 90 180 18040 70 131 91 131 13150 60 102 92 85 8290 43 85 95 56 39

    Super Intalox, 25 83 207 90 131 131 VariousFlexi-saddles, 50 60 108 93 92 85Super-Torus, Novalox 75 48 89 96 59 46

    Cascade mini-rings #1A 53 185 97 98 92 Koch-Glitsch(CMR) #2A 46 115 97 59

    #3A 40 74 98 39 33

    Raschig Super-ring #0.6 62 205 96 105 Raschig#2 55 100 96 49

    Ralu-ring 15 80 320 94 230 Raschig25 56 190 94 135 38 65 150 95 80 50 60 110 95 55 90 40 75 96 38 125 30 60 97 30

    Snowflake 51 92 97 43 Koch-Glitsch

    Nor-Pac 25 72 180 92 102 NSW38 61 144 93 69 50 53 102 94 46

    Tri-Packs #1 67 158 93 53 Raschig(Hacketten) #2 53 125 95 39 43

    Ralu-Flow #1 55 165 95 67 Raschig#2 54 100 95 38

    Hiflow 25 63 192 92 138 Rauschert50 59 110 93 66 90 34 65 97 30

    Lanpac 90 67 148 93 46 LantecImpac #3 83 213 91 49

    Tellerettes 25 112 180 87 131 Ceilcote50 59 125 93

    *Values are approximate and may not be consistent. Actual number depends on wall thickness and material.Packing factor Fp from Kister, Distillation Design, McGraw-Hill, 1992; Kister, Larson, and Gill, paper presented at the Houston

    AIChE meeting, March 1923, 1995; Strigle, Packed Tower Design and Applications, 2d ed., Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, Tex.,1994; Kister et al., in Distillation 2007. Topical Conference Proceedings, 2007 AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, Tex.

    Dry packing factor Fpd from Robbins, Chem. Eng. Progr., 87(1), 19 (1990). The bracketed packings are similar to, but not the same as, the Koch-Glitsch IMTP. Some of them have holes that the

    IMTP do not have, and others have sizes that are different and are made by different dies.Packing factor supplied by packing vendor. Vendors: Koch-Glitsch LLP, Wichita, Kansas; Raschig GmbH, Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany; Sulzer Chemtech Ltd., Win-

    terthur, Switzerland; Rauschert Verfahrenstechnik GmbH, Steinwiesen, Germany; Amistco Separation Products Inc., Alvin,Texas; Julius Montz GmbH, Hilden, Germany; Ceilcote Co., Berea, Ohio; NSW Corp., Roanoke, Virginia; Lantec ProductsInc., Agoura Hills, California.

    G = gas density, lb/ft3L = liquid density, lb/ft3L = liquid viscosity, cP

    The Robbins correlation applies near atmospheric pressure andunder vacuum, but is not suitable above 3 bar absolute. For high(>0.3) flow parameters [Eq. (14-141)], the correlation has only beentested with air-water data.

    For flood and MOC predictions, Robbins recommends his pressuredrop method together with Eqs. (14-142) (flood) and (14-139) (MOC).

    The GPDC and Robbins correlations are empirical. Fundamental cor-relations are also available. Most of these use the channel model, whichattributes the pressure drop to the resistance to flow in a multitude ofparallel channels. The channels may have bends, expansions, andcontractions. Popular application of this approach are the Rocha et al. cor-relation [Rocha, Bravo, and Fair, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 32, 641 (1993)] forstructured packing and the Mackowiak (Fluiddynamik von Kolonnenmit Modernen Fllkorpern und Packungen fr Gas/Flussigke-itssysteme, Otto Salle Verlag, Frankfurt am Main und VerlagSauerlnder Aarau, Frankfurt am Main, 1991) and Billet (Packed Column

  • Packing factor, m1

    Size Area, % Normal DryName or number m2/m3 voids* Fp Fpd Vendor

    4T 135 995T 90 99

    5TX 90 99Super-Pak 250 250 98 55 Raschig

    350 350 98 70

    Ralu-Pak 250YC 250 98 66 RaschigRhombopac 4M 151 Kuhni

    6M 230 599M 351

    Max-Pak 0.5-in 229 98 39 RaschigMontz-Pak B1-125 125 97 Montz

    B1-200 200B1-250 250 95 66B1-350 350 93

    BSH-250 250 95BSH-500 500 91B1-250M 250 43B1-350M 350B1-500M 500

    Wire Mesh

    Sulzer AX 250 95 SulzerBX 492 90 69 (52.5)CY 700 85

    BX Plus

    Wire gauze BX 495 93 Koch-Glitsch

    Montz-Pak A3-500 500 91 Montz

    Goodloe 765 1010 96 Koch-Glitsch773 1920 95779 2640 92

    Hyperfil 2300 2300 93.6 394/230,|| 460 Knit Mesh 1900 1900 94.8 312/180,||1400 1400 96.0 180/131,||


    Flexeramic 28 260 66 131 Koch-Glitsch48 160 77 7988 100 86 49


    Mellapak 125Y 125 Sulzer250Y 250 72125X 125250X 250

    Ralu-Pak 30/160 160 92 Raschig

    Multifil plastics P1500 1500 88.5 Knit Mesh

    Packing factor, m1

    Size Area, % Normal DryName or number m2/m3 voids* Fp Fpd Vendor

    Metals, corrugated sheets

    Mellapak 125Y 125 99 33 Sulzer170Y 170 99 392Y 223 99 46

    250Y 250 98 66350Y 350 98 75500Y 500 98 112750Y 750 97125X 125 99 16170X 170 99 202X 223 99 23

    250X 250 98 26500X 500 98 82

    Mellapak Plus 202Y 99 Sulzer252Y 250 98 39352Y 98452Y 350 98 69752Y 500 98 131

    Flexipac 700Y 710 96 Koch-500Y 495 97 Glitsch1Y 420 98 98 (105)

    350Y 350 981.6Y 290 98 59250Y 250 992Y 220 99 49 (36)

    2.5Y 150 993.5Y 80 99 30 (15)4Y 55 99 23 (10.5)1X 420 98 52

    350X 350 981.6X 290 98 33250X 250 992X 220 99 23

    2.5X 150 993X 110 99 16

    3.5X 80 994X 55 99

    Flexipac 700 710 96 223 Koch-High-capacity 500Z 495 97 Glitsch

    1Y 420 98 82350Y 350 981.6Y 290 99 56250Y 250 992Y 220 99 43

    Intalox 1T 310 98 66 Koch-Glitsch1.5T 250 992T 215 99 563T 170 99 43

    TABLE 14-14 Characteristics of Structured Packings

    *% voids vary with material thickness and values may not be consistent.Packing factors from Kister, Distillation Design, McGraw-Hill, 1992; Kister, Larson, and Gill, paper presented at the Houston AIChE Meeting, March 1923, 1995;

    and Kister et al., in Distillation 2007: Proceedings of Topical Conference, AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, Tex., April 2226, 2007.Dry packing factors from Robbins, Chem. Eng. Prog., p. 87, May 1991.These packing factors supplied by the packing vendor.These are expanded metal packings.First figure is for hydrocarbon service, second figure for aqueous service. Vendors: Sulzer Chemtech Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland; Koch-Glitsch LLP, Wichita, Kansas; Raschig GmbH, Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany; Julius Montz

    GmbH, Hilden, Germany; Knit Mesh/Enhanced Separation Technologies, Houston, Texas; Kuhni Ltd., Allschwil, Switzerland.

    Analysis and Design, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, 1989)methods. Stichlmair et al. (Distillation Principles and Practices, Wiley,New York, 1998; Gas Sep. Purif. 3, March 1989, p. 19) present alter-native correlations using the particle model, that attributes packingpressure drop to friction losses due to drag of a particle. This is similarto the Ergun model for single-phase flow [Chem. Eng. Prog. 48(2), 89(1952)].

    Example 13: Packed-Column Pressure Drop Air and water are flow-ing countercurrently through a bed of 2-inch metal Pall rings. The air mass velocityis 2.03 kg/sm2 (1500 lbs/hrft2), and the liquid mass velocity is 12.20 kg/sm2 (9000lbs/hrft2). Calculate the pressure drop by the generalized pressure drop (GPDC,Fig. 14-55) and the Robbins methods. Properties: G = 0.074 lbs/ft3; L = 62.4 lbs/ft3,L = 1.0 cP, = 1.0 cS. The packing factor Fp = 27 ft1. For Robbins, Fpd = 24 ft1.The flow parameter FLG = L/G (G/L)0.5 = (9000/1500) (0.074/62.4)0.5 = 0.207. TheF-factor = Fs = UtG0.5 = G/(G0.53600) = 1500/[(0.074)0.5 (3600)] = 1.53 ft/s(lb/ft3)0.5.



    Using the GPDC method, the capacity parameter [by Eq. (14-140)] =Ut[G/(L G)]0.5 Fp0.5 0.05, which is roughly equivalent to

    Fp0.50.05 = 270.5(1.0)

    = 1.01

    Referring to Fig. 14-55, the intersection of the capacity parameter and the flowparameter lines gives a pressure drop of 0.38 inches H2O/ft packing.

    Using the Robbins method, Gf = 986Fs(Fpd/20)0.5 = 986(1.53)(24/20)0.5 = 1653.Lf = L (62.4/L)(Fpd/20)0.5 0.1 = 9000 (1.0)(1.095)(1.0) = 9859. Lf /Gf = 5.96.

    From Fig. 14-58, pressure drop = 0.40 in. H2O/ft packing.


    HETP vs. Fundamental Mass Transfer The two-film modelgives the following transfer unit relationship:

    HOG = HG + HL (14-152)

    where HOG = height of an overall transfer unit, gas concentrationbasis, m

    HG = height of a gas-phase transfer unit, mHL = height of a liquid-phase transfer unit, m

    = m/(LM/GM) = slope of equilibrium line/slope ofoperating line

    In design practice, a less rigorous parameter, HETP, is used toexpress packing efficiency. The HETP is the height of packed bedrequired to achieve a theoretical stage. The terms HOG and HETP maybe related under certain conditions:

    HETP = HOG (14-153)

    and since Zp = (HOG)(NOG) = (HETP)(Nt) (14-154)

    NOG = Nt[ln /( 1)] (14-155)

    Equations (14-153) and (14-155) have been developed for binary mix-ture separations and hold for cases where the operating line and equi-librium line are straight. Thus, when there is curvature, the equationsshould be used for sections of the column where linearity can beassumed. When the equilibrium line and operating line have the sameslope, HETP = HOG and NOG = Nt (theoretical stages).

    An alternative parameter popular in Europe is the NTSM (numberof theoretical stages per meter) which is simply the reciprocal of theHETP.

    Factors Affecting HETP: An Overview Generally, packingefficiency increases (HETP decreases) when the following occur. Packing surface area per unit volume increases. Efficiency increases

    as the particle size decreases (random packing, Fig. 14-59) or as thechannel size narrows (structured packing, Fig. 14-60).

    The packing surface is better distributed around a random packingelement.

    Y structured packings (45 inclination) give better efficiencies thanX structured packings (60 inclination to the horizontal) of the samesurface areas (Fig. 14-60).

    For constant L/V operation in the preloading regime, generallyliquid and vapor loads have little effect on random and most cor-rugated sheet structured packings HETP (Figs. 14-59 and 14-60).HETP increases with loadings in some wire-mesh structuredpacking.

    Liquid and vapor are well distributed. Both liquid and vapor mald-istribution have a major detrimental effect on packing efficiency.

    ln ( 1)



    Other. These include L/V ratio (lambda), pressure, and physicalproperties. These come into play in some systems and situations, asdiscussed below.HETP Prediction HETP can be predicted from mass-transfer

    models, rules of thumb, and data interpolation.Mass-Transfer Models Development of a reliable mass-transfer

    model for packing HETP prediction has been inhibited by a lack ofunderstanding of the complex two-phase flow that prevails in pack-ings, by the shortage of commercial-scale efficiency data for the newerpackings, and by difficulty in quantifying the surface generation inmodern packings. Bennett and Ludwig (Chem. Eng. Prog., p. 72,April 1994) point out that the abundant air-water data cannot be reli-ably used for assessing real system mass-transfer resistance due tovariations in turbulence, transport properties, and interfacial areas.More important, the success and reliability of rules of thumb for pre-dicting packing efficiency made it difficult for mass-transfer models tocompete.

    For random packings, the Bravo and Fair correlation [Ind. Eng.Chem. Proc. Des. Dev. 21, 162 (1982)] has been one of the mostpopular theoretical correlations. It was shown (e.g., McDougall,Chem SA, p. 255, October 1985) to be better than other theoreticalcorrelations, yet produced large discrepancies when compared totest data [Shariat and Kunesh, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 34(4), 1273(1995)]. For structured packings, the Bravo, Fair, and Rocha corre-lation [Chem. Eng. Progr. 86(1), 19 (1990); Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.35, 1660 (1996)] is one of the most popular theoretical correlations.This correlation is based on the two-film theory. Interfacial areasare calculated from the packing geometry and an empirical wettingparameter.

    Alternate popular theoretical correlations for random packings,structured packings, or both (e.g., Billet and Schultes, Beitrage zurVerfahrens-und Umwelttechnik, p. 88, Ruhr Universitat, Bochum,Germany, 1991) are also available.

    Rules of Thumb Since in most circumstances packing HETP issensitive to only few variables, and due to the unreliability of even thebest mass-transfer model, it has been the authors experience thatrules of thumb for HETP are more accurate and more reliable thanmass-transfer models. A similar conclusion was reached by Porterand Jenkins (IChemE Symp. Ser. 56, Summary paper, London,1979).

    The majority of published random packing rules of thumb closelyagree with one another. They are based on second- and third-gener-ation random packings and should not be applied to the obsoletefirst-generation packings. Porter and Jenkinss (loc. cit.), Franks(Chem. Eng., p. 40, March 14, 1977), Harrison and Frances (Chem.Eng., p. 121, April 1989), Chens (Chem. Eng., p. 40, March 5, 1984),and Walas (Chem. Eng., p. 75, March 16, 1987) general rules ofthumb are practically the same, have been successfully tested againstan extensive data bank, and are slightly conservative, and thereforesuitable for design.

    For small-diameter columns, the rules of thumb presented byFrank (loc. cit.), Ludwig (Applied Process Design for Chemical andPetrochemical Plants, vol. 2, 2d ed., Gulf Publishing, Houston, Tex.,1979), and Vital et al. [Hydrocarbon Processing, 63(12), 75 (1984)]are identical. The author believes that for small columns, the moreconservative value predicted from either the Porter and Jenkins orthe Frank-Ludwig-Vital rule should be selected for design. Summa-rizing:

    HETP = 18DP (14-156a)

    HETP > DT for DT < 0.67 m (14-156b)

    where DP and DT are the packing and tower diameters, m, respec-tively, and the HETP is in meters. In high-vacuum columns (




    FIG. 14-57 Superimposing experimental pressure-drop data for a given packing generates a GPDC interpolationchart for this packing. (a) A random packing; chart is based on Eckerts GPDC, Fig. 14-55. (b) A structured packing;chart is based on Kister and Gills GPDC (SP), Fig. 14-56. (From Kister, H. Z., Distillation Design, copyright McGraw-Hill, 1992; used with permission.)

    Kister and Larson (in Schweitzer, Handbook of Separation Techniquesfor Chemical Engineers, 3d ed., McGraw-Hill, 1997) extendedEq. (14-156a) by expressing the packing diameter in terms of themore fundamental surface area per unit volume aP, m2/m3. For Pallrings, it can be shown that

    aP = 5.2/DP (14-157)

    and Eq. (14-156a) becomes

    HETP = 93/aP (14-158)


    FIG. 14-58 The Robbins generalized pressure-drop correlation. (From L. A.Robbins. Chem Eng. Progr., May 1991. p. 87, reprinted courtesy of the Ameri-can Institute of Chemical Engineers.)


    3.5 inch (88.9 mm)

    2 inch (50.8 mm)

    5/8 inch (15.9 mm)

    1 inch (25.4 mm)










    00.0 0.4

    0.50.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

    0.8 1.2






    , m1.6



    Fs, ft/s (lb/ft3)0.5

    Fs, m/s (kg/m3)0.5



    , in

    FIG. 14-59 HETP values for four sizes of metal pall rings, vacuum operation. Cyclohexane/n-heptane system, total reflux, 35 kPa(5.0 psia). Column diameter = 1.2 m (4.0 ft). Bed height = 3.7 m (12 ft). Distributor = tubed drip pan, 100 streams/m2. [Adapted fromShariat and Kunesh, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 34, 1273 (1995). Reproduced with permission. Copyright 1995 American ChemicalSociety.]

    Harrison and France (loc. cit.) presented the only published rule ofthumb for structured packings efficiency as a function of packingcrimp. Kister and Larson reexpressed it in terms of the surface areaper unit volume to accommodate a wider range of packing geome-tries. The final expression is

    HETP = 100CXY/ap + 0.10 (14-159)

    Specific surface areas are listed in Tables 14-13 and 14-14.The above rules of thumb apply to organic and hydrocarbon sys-

    tems, whose surface tensions are relatively low ( < 25 mN/m). Forhigher surface tensions, the liquid does not adhere well to thepacking surfaces (underwetting), causing higher HETPs. In awater-rich system ( = 70 mN/m or so) HETPs obtained from Eqs.(14-156), (14-158), and (14-159) need to be doubled. For interme-diate surface tension systems (some amines and glycols, whose sur-face tension at column conditions is 40 to 50 mN/m), HETPsobtained from Eqs. (14-156), (14-158), and (14-159) need to bemultiplied by 1.5.

    For random packings, Eqs. (14-156) and (14-158) apply for pack-ings of 25-mm diameter and larger. For smaller packings, use of theap at 25-mm often gives a slightly conservative HETP estimate. Forstructured packing, CXY in Eq. (14-159) reflects the effect ofthe inclination angle (Fig. 14-60). C = 1 for Y-type, S-type, or high-capacity packings, and CXY =1.45 for the larger (

  • these data to the good, yet imperfect, distributors used in the realworld. For poor distributors, the above rules of thumb will usuallypredict well below the HETPs measured in the field.

    Lockett (Chem. Eng. Progr., p. 60, January 1998) simplified thefundamental Bravo-Fair-Rocha correlation [Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 35,p. 1660 (1996)] to derive an alternative rule of thumb for structuredpacking efficiency. This rule of thumb predicts HETPs under perfectdistribution conditions. Lockett recommends caution when applying

    this rule of thumb for aqueous systems as it does not predict theeffects of underwetting (below).

    Service-Oriented Rules of Thumb Strigle (Packed TowerDesign and Applications, 2d ed., Gulf Publishing, Houston, Tex.,1994) proposed a multitude of rules of thumb as a function of the ser-vice, column pressure, and physical properties. These rules are basedon the extensive experience of Strigle and the Norton Company (nowmerged with Koch-Glitsch LP).


    FIG. 14-60 Effect of structured packing surface areas, loads, and inclination angle on packing efficiency. Effi-ciency expressed as number of theoretical stages per meter, the reciprocal of HETP. Sulzer data, chloroben-zeneethylbenzene, 100 mbar, at total reflux; 250-mm-diameter test column. (Reprinted courtesy of SulzerChemtech.)


    Data Interpolation Interpolation of experimental HETP data isthe most reliable means of obtaining design HETP values. This ishardly surprising in an area where our understanding of the theory isso poor that rules of thumb can do better than theoretical models. Theauthor believes that it is best to derive HETP from experimental data,and to check it against a rule of thumb.

    Eckert [Chem. Eng. Progr. 59(5), 76 (1963)], Chen (Chem. Eng.p. 40, March 5, 1984), and Vital et al. [Hydroc. Proc. 63(12), 75(1984)] tabulated experimental HETP data for various random pack-ings. Kister (Distillation Design, McGraw-Hill, 1992) extended thesetabulations and included published HETP data and a detailed proce-dure for interpolating such HETP data. A prerequisite to any interpo-lation of packing data is thorough familiarity with the factors thataffect HETP. Overlooking any of the factors listed can easily lead topoor interpolation and grossly incorrect design. In particular, it isimperative to recognize that the quality of distribution in pilot towersis generally superior to the quality of distribution in commercial tow-ers.

    Underwetting Laboratory- and pilot-scale distillation experi-ments with systems that exhibit large differences in surface tensionalong the column such as methanol-water showed a sharp drop in effi-ciency at the high-surface-tension end of the column [Ponter et al.,Trans. Instn. Chem. Engineers [London], 45, T345 (1967)]. Thereappeared to be a critical methanol composition below which perfor-mance deteriorated rapidly. The poor performance at the low-methanol-concentration end appeared independent of the type andsize of packing. Visual observations with disk columns attributed theseeffects to underwetting.

    Underwetting is a packing surface phenomenon, which breaks upliquid film. The tendency of the liquid film to break (the degree ofwetting) is expressed by the contact angle (Fig. 14-61). A contactangle of 0 indicates perfect wetting; an angle of 180 indicates nowetting. Mersmann and Deixler [Chem. Ing. Tech. 58(1), 19 (1986)]provide a preliminary chart for estimating contact angles. The contactangle depends on both the surface and the liquid and is a strong func-tion of composition. In systems with large surface tension gradients,both contact angles and minimum wetting rates may vary rapidly withchanges of composition or surface tension. Extensive studies by Pon-ter et al. [loc. cit.; also, Ponter and Au-Yeung, Chem. Ing. Tech., 56(9),701 (1984)] showed that Underwetting is most significant in aqueous-organic systems, and

    tends to occur at the high-surface-tension (aqueous) end of thecomposition range. Liquid viscosity may also have an effect.

    Underwetting may be alleviated by changing the material and sur-face roughness of the packing.

    In systems susceptible to underwetting, column efficiency cansometimes (but not always) be improved by the addition of smallamounts of surfactants.Effect of Lambda Most packed-column efficiency testing has

    been at total reflux. Some tests for both random and structured pack-ings [Billet, Packed Towers Analysis and Design, Ruhr University,Bochum, Germany, 1989; Meier, Hunkeler, and Stocker, IChemESymp. Ser. 56, 3.3/1 (1979); Eckert and Walter, Hydroc. Proc. 43(2),107 (1964)] suggest that efficiencies at finite reflux are similar to thoseat total reflux when lambda ( = mGM/LM, which is the ratio of theslope of the equilibrium curve to the slope of the operating line)ranges between 0.5 and 2.0. This range is typical for most distillationsystems.

    Koshy and Rukovena [Hydroc. Proc., 65(5), 64 (1986)], experi-menting with methanol-water and water-DMF using #25 IMTP pack-

    ing in a pilot-scale column, observed a sharp efficiency drop when thegroup was greater than 2 or lower than 0.5. The efficiency loss esca-lated as deviated more from this range. Koshy and Rukovena recog-nized that surface tension gradients and underwetting may haveinfluenced some of their findings, but argue that the lambda effect isthe major cause for the efficiency differences observed in their tests.High-relative-volatility systems are those most likely to be affected by, because at low volatility, ranges from 0.5 to 2. Strigle (loc. cit.)quantified the lambda effect on HETP using the following equation:

    Actual HETP/standard HETP = 1 + 0.278[ABS(ln )3] (14-160)

    For 0.5 < < 2, Eq. (14-160) gives a ratio of less than 1.1; that is, it hasa little influence on HETP.

    Pressure Generally, pressure has little effect on HETP of bothrandom and structured packing, at least above 100 mbar abs. At deepvacuum (15 to 20 bar), structured packing efficiencydiminishes as pressure is raised (Fitz, Shariat, and Spiegel, Paper pre-sented at the AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, Tex., March1995). Zuiderweg and Nutter [IChemE Symp. 128, A481 (1992)]report the same phenomenon, but to a much smaller extent, also inrandom packings. They explain the efficiency reduction at higherpressure by vapor backmixing. Nooijen et al. [IChemE Symp. Ser.142, 885 (1997)] concur, bringing a supporting case study in whichhigh-pressure distillation efficiency improved by splitting a packed bed.

    With structured packings (only) FRIs high-pressure (10 to 30 bar;flow parameters >0.25) distillation tests measured maxima, termedhumps in the HETP vs. load plot, typically at 65 to 90 percent of flood[Fitz, Shariat, and Kunesh, IChemE Symp. Ser. 142, 829 (1997); Caiet al., Trans IChemE 81, Part A, p. 85 (2003)]. These humps (Fig. 14-62)were not observed with lower pressure distillation (flow parameters

  • 11 of Kisters Distillation Design (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992)leads to a similar conclusion for structured packings. For water-richsystems, packing HETPs tend to be much higher than for nonaqueoussystems due to their high lambda or surface underwetting, as dis-cussed above. High hydrogen concentrations (>30 percent or so in thegas) have also led to low packing efficiencies (Kister et al., Proc. 4thEthylene Producers Conference, AIChE, New Orleans, La., p. 283,1992), possibly due to the fast-moving hydrogen molecule draggingheavier molecules with it as it diffuses from a liquid film into thevapor.

    Errors in VLE These affect packing HETP in the same way asthey affect tray efficiency. The discussions and derivation earlier inthis subsection apply equally to tray and packed towers.

    Comparison of Various Packing Efficiencies for Absorptionand Stripping In past editions of this handbook, extensive data onabsorption/stripping systems were given. Emphasis was given to thefollowing systems:

    Ammonia-air-water Liquid and gas phases contributing; chemical reaction contributing

    Air-water Gas phase controllingSulfur dioxide-air-water Liquid and gas phase controllingCarbon dioxide-air-water Liquid phase controlling

    The reader may refer to the data in the 5th edition. For the currentwork, emphasis will be given to one absorption system, carbon diox-ide-air-caustic.

    Carbon Dioxide-Air-Caustic System The vendors of packingshave adopted this system as a standard for comparing the perfor-mance of different packing types and sizes for absorption/stripping.For tests, air containing 1.0 mol % CO2 is passed countercurrently toa circulating stream of sodium hydroxide solution. The initial concen-tration of NaOH in water is 1.0 N (4.0 wt %), and as the circulatingNaOH is converted to sodium carbonate it is necessary to make amass-transfer correction because of reduced mass-transfer rate in theliquid phase. The procedure has been described by Eckert et al. [Ind.Eng. Chem., 59(2), 41 (1967); Chem. Eng. Progr., 54(1), 790 (1958)].An overall coefficient is measured using gas-phase (CO2) concentra-tions:

    KOGae =


    The coefficients are usually corrected to a hydroxide conversion of 25percent at 24C. For other conversions, Fig. 14-14 may be used.Reported values of KOGa for representative random packings are givenin Table 14-15. The effect of liquid rate on the coefficient is shown inFig. 14-63.

    While the carbon dioxide/caustic test method has become accepted,one should use the results with caution. The chemical reaction masks

    moles CO2 absorbedtime-bed volume-partial pressure CO2 driving force

    the effect of physical absorption, and the relative values in the tablemay not hold for other cases, where much of the resistance to masstransfer is in the gas phase. Background on this combination of physi-cal and chemical absorption may be found earlier in the present sec-tion, under Absorption with Chemical Reaction.


    TABLE 14-15 Overall Coefficients for Representative Packings

    CO2-air-caustic system

    Nominal size, Overall coefficient KOGa,mm kgmoles/(hrm3atm)

    Ceramic raschig rings 25 37.050 26.1

    Ceramic Intalox saddles 25 45.150 30.1

    Metal pall rings 25 49.650 34.9

    Metal Intalox saddles (IMTP) 25 54.850 39.1

    NOTE: Basis for reported values: CO2 concentration in inlet gas, 1.0 vol %; 1NNaOH solution in water, 25 percent NaOH conversion; temperature = 24C;atmospheric pressure: gas rate = 1.264 kg/(sm2); liquid rate = 6.78 kg/(sm2).

    SOURCE: Strigle, R. L., Packed Tower Design and Applications, 2d ed., GulfPubl. Co., Houston, 1994.












    500 1000100 2000 5000

    Liquid rate, lbm/(hrft )






    ft3 ,


    sgnirllap''1 sgnirgihcsar''1












    500 1000 2000 5000


    a, lb



    r, ft

    3 , a


    sgnirllap''2 sgnirgihcsar''2

    Liquid rate, lbm/(hrft )




    FIG. 14-63 Overall mass transfer coefficients for carbon dioxide absorbedfrom air by 1N caustic solution. (a) 1-in Pall rings and Raschig rings. (b) 2-in Pallrings and Raschig rings. Air rate = 0.61 kg/sm2 (450 lb/hrft2). To convert fromlb/hrft2 to kg/sm2, multiply by 0.00136. To convert from lb-moles/hrft3 atm tokg-moles/sm3 atm, multiply by 0.0045. [Eckert et al., Chem. Eng. Progr., 54(1),70 (1958).]


    Summary In the preloading regime, packing size, type, and dis-tribution affect HETP. With aqueous-organic systems, HETP may besensitive to underwetting and composition. A lambda value( = mGM/LM) outside the range of 0.5 to 2.0 causes HETP to rise, andso does a high hydrogen concentration. HETP of structured packingsmay also be affected by pressure (at high pressure), and vapor and liq-uid loads.


    Modeling and Prediction Maldistribution may drasticallyreduce packing efficiency. HETP may increase by a factor as high as 2or 3 due to maldistribution. Shariat and Kunesh [Ind. Eng. Chem.Res., 34(4), 1273 (1995)] provide a good demonstration.

    Early models [Mullins, Ind. Chem. Mfr., 33, 408 (1957); Manningand Cannon, Ind. Eng. Chem. 49(3), 347 (1957)] expressed the effectof liquid maldistribution on packing efficiency in terms of a simplechanneling model. A portion of the liquid bypasses the bed, undergo-ing negligible mass transfer, and then rejoins and contaminates therest of the liquid. Huber et al. [Chem. Ing. Tech. 39, 797 (1967);Chem. Eng. Sci. 21, 819 (1966)] and Zuiderweg et al. [IChemE Symp.Ser. 104, A217 (1987)] replaced the simple bypassing by variations inthe local L/V ratios. The overirrigated parts have a high L/V ratio, theunderirrigated parts a low L/V ratio. Regions with low L/V ratios expe-rience pinching, and, therefore, produce poor separation.

    Huber et al. (loc. cit.) and Yuan and Spiegel [Chem. Ing. Tech. 54,774 (1982)] added lateral mixing to the model. Lateral deflection ofliquid by the packing particles tends to homogenize the liquid, thuscounteracting the channeling and pinching effect.

    A third factor is the nonuniformity of the flow profile through thepacking. This nonuniformity was observed as far back as 1935 [Baker,Chilton, and Vernon, Trans. Instn. Chem. Engrs. 31, 296 (1935)] andwas first modeled by Cihla and Schmidt [Coll. Czech. Chem. Com-mun., 22, 896 (1957)]. Hoek (Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Delft,The Netherlands, 1983) combined all three factors into a singlemodel, leading to the zone-stage model below.

    The Zone-Stage Model Zuiderweg et al. [IChemE Symp. Ser.104, A217, A233 (1987)] extended Hoeks work combining the effectsof local L/V ratio, lateral mixing, and flow profile into a model describ-ing the effect of liquid maldistribution on packing efficiency. Thiswork was performed at Fractionation Research Inc. (FRI) and at TheUniversity of Delft in The Netherlands. The model postulates that, inthe absence of maldistribution, there is a basic (or true or inher-ent) HETP which is a function of the packing and the system only.This HETP can be inferred from data for small towers, in which lat-eral mixing is strong enough to offset any pinching. For a given initialliquid distribution, the model uses a diffusion-type equation to char-acterize the splitting and recombining of liquid streams in the hori-zontal and vertical directions. The mass transfer is then calculated byintegrating the liquid flow distribution at each elevation and the basicHETP. Kunesh et al. successfully applied the model to predict mea-sured effects of maldistribution on packing efficiency. However, thismodel is difficult to use and has not gained industrywide acceptance.

    Empirical Prediction Moore and Rukovena [Chemical Plantsand Processing (European edition), p. 11, August 1987] proposed theempirical correlation in Fig. 14-64 for efficiency loss due to liquidmaldistribution in packed towers containing Pall rings or MetalIntalox packing. This correlation was shown to work well for severalcase studies (Fig. 14-64), is simple to use, and is valuable, at least as apreliminary guide.

    To quantify the quality of liquid irrigation, the correlation uses thedistribution quality rating index. Typical indexes are 10 to 70 percentfor most standard commercial distributors, 75 to 90 percent for inter-mediate-quality distributors, and over 90 percent for high-performancedistributors. Moore and Rukovena present a method for calculating adistribution-quality rating index from distributor geometry. Theirmethod is described in detail in their paper as well as in Kisters book(Distillation Operation, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990).

    Maximum Liquid Maldistribution Fraction fmax. To character-ize the sensitivity of packed beds to maldistribution, Lockett and



    FIG. 14-64 Effect of irrigation quality on packing efficiency. (a) Case historiesdemonstrating efficiency enhancement with higher distribution quality rating. (b)Correlation of the effect of irrigation quality on packing efficiency. (From F. Mooreand F. Rukovena, Chemical Plants and Processing, Europe edition, Aug. 1987;reprinted courtesy of Chemical Plants and Processing.)

    Billingham (Trans. IChemE. 80, Part A, p. 373, May 2002; Trans.IChemE. 81, Part A, p. 134, January 2003) modeled maldistribution astwo parallel columns, one receiving more liquid (1 + f )L, the otherreceiving less (1 f )L. The vapor was assumed equally split (Fig. 14-65)

  • without lateral mixing. Because of the different L/V ratios, the overallseparation is less than is obtained at uniform distribution. A typicalcalculated result (Fig. 14-66) shows the effective number of stagesfrom the combined two-column system decreasing as the maldistribu-tion fraction f increases. Figure 14-66a shows that the decrease is min-imal in short beds (e.g., 10 theoretical stages) or when themaldistribution fraction is small. Figure 14-66a shows that there is alimiting fraction fmax which characterizes the maximum maldistribu-tion that still permits achieving the required separation. Physically, fmaxrepresents the maldistribution fraction at which one of the two paral-lel columns in the model becomes pinched. Figure 14-66b highlightsthe steep drop in packing efficiency upon the onset of this pinch.Billingham and Lockett derived the following equation for fmax in abinary system:

    fmax = + (14-162)This equation can be used to calculate fmax directly without the need

    for a parallel column model. Billingham and Lockett show that thevarious terms in Eq. (14-162) can be readily calculated from the out-put of a steady-state computer simulation. Multicomponent systemsare represented as binary mixtures, either by lumping componentstogether to form a binary mixture of pseudolight and pseudoheavycomponents, or by normalizing the mole fractions of the two key com-ponents. Once fmax is calculated, Billingham and Lockett propose thefollowing guidelines: fmax


    the pinching effect. The effects of maldistribution on efficiency aretherefore most severe in large-diameter columns and small-diameterpackings.

    A good design practice is to seek a packing size that gives a DT/Dpbetween 10 and 40. This is often impractical, and higher ratios arecommon. When DT/Dp exceeds 100, avoiding efficiency loss due tomaldistribution is difficult. Either ratios exceeding 100 should beavoided, or a special allowance should be made for loss of efficiencydue to maldistribution.

    3. Wall flow effects become large when DT/Dp falls below about 10.Packing diameter should be selected such that DT/Dp exceeds 10.

    4. Columns containing less than five theoretical stages per bed arerelatively insensitive to liquid maldistribution. With 10 or more stagesper bed, efficiency can be extremely sensitive to maldistribution(Strigle, Packed Tower Design and Applications, 2d ed., Gulf Publish-ing, Houston, Tex., 1994) (Fig. 14-66). Beds consisting of small pack-ings or structured packings, which develop more theoretical stagesper bed, are therefore more sensitive to maldistribution than equal-depth beds of larger packings. This is clearly demonstrated by FRIsexperiments [Shariat and Kunesh, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 34(4), 1273(1995)]. Lockett and Billingham (Trans. IChemE, vol. 81, Part A, p.131, January 2003) concur with these comments when their procedure(above) indicates high sensitivity to maldistribution, but allow a highernumber of stages per bed when the sensitivity is low.

    5. Maldistribution tends to be a greater problem at low liquid flowrates than at high liquid flow rates [Zuiderweg, Hoek, and Lahm, I.ChemE Symp. Ser. 104, A217 (1987)]. The tendency to pinch and tospread unevenly is generally higher at the lower liquid flow rates.

    6. A packed column has reasonable tolerance for a uniform orsmooth variation in liquid distribution and for a variation that is totallyrandom (small-scale maldistribution). The impact of discontinuities orzonal flow (large-scale maldistribution) is much more severe [Zuider-weg et al., loc. cit.; Kunesh, Chem. Eng., p. 101, Dec. 7, 1987; Kunesh,Lahm, and Yanagi, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 26(9), 1845 (1987)]. This isso because the local pinching of small-scale maldistribution is evenedout by the lateral mixing, and therefore causes few ill effects. In con-trast, the lateral mixing either is powerless to rectify a large-scalemaldistribution or takes considerable bed length to do so (meanwhile,efficiency is lost).

    Figure 14-67 shows HETPs measured in tests that simulate varioustypes of maldistribution in FRIs 1.2-m column containing a 3.6-m bedof 1-in Pall rings. The y axis is the ratio of measured HETP in themaldistribution tests to the HETP obtained with an excellent distrib-utor. Analogous measurements with structured packing were reportedby Fitz, King, and Kunesh [Trans. IChemE 77, Part A, p. 482 (1999)].Generally, the response of the structured packings resembled that ofthe Pall rings, except as noted below.

    Figure 14-67a shows virtually no loss of efficiency when a distribu-tor uniformly tilts, such that the ratio of highest to lowest flow is 1.25(i.e., a 1.25 tilt). In contrast, an 11 percent chordal blank of a leveldistributor causes packing HETP to rise by 50 percent.

    Figure 14-67b compares continuous tilts with ratios of highest tolowest flow of 1.25 and 1.5 to a situation where one-half of the distrib-utor passes 25 percent more liquid than the other half. The latter(zonal) situation causes a much greater rise in HETP than a uni-form maldistribution with twice as much variation from maximum tominimum.

    Figure 14-67c shows results of tests in which flows from individualdistributor drip points were varied in a gaussian pattern (maxi-mum/mean = 2). When the pattern was randomly assigned, there wasno efficiency loss. When the variations above the mean were assignedto a high zone, and those below the mean to a low zone, HETProse by about 20 percent. With structured packing, both random andzonal maldistribution caused about the same loss of efficiency at thesame degree of maldistribution.

    7. A packed bed appears to have a natural distribution, which isan inherent and stable property of the packings. An initial distributionwhich is better than natural will rapidly degrade to it, and one that isworse will finally achieve it, but sometimes at a slow rate. If the rate isextremely slow, recovery from a maldistributed pattern may not beobserved in practice (Zuiderweg et al., loc. cit.). Even though the




    FIG. 14-67 Comparing the effects of small-scale and large-scale maldistri-bution on packing HETP. (a) Comparing the effect of a simulated continuoustilt (max/min flow ratio = 1.25) with the simulated effect of blanking a chordalarea equal to 11 percent of the tower area. (b) Comparing the effects of simu-lated continuous tilts (max/min flow ratios of 1.25 and 1.5) with the effects of asituation where one-half of the distributor passes 25 percent more liquid to theother half. (c) Comparing the effects of random maldistribution with those ofzonal maldistribution. (Reprinted with permission from J. G. Kunesh, L. Lahm,and T. Yahagi, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 26, p. 1845; copyright 1987, AmericanChemical Society.)

  • volumetric distribution improves along the bed, the concentrationprofile could have already been damaged, and pinching occurs(Bonilla, Chem. Eng. Prog., p. 47, March 1993).

    8. Liquid maldistribution lowers packing turndown. The 2-in Pallrings curve in Fig. 14-59 shows HETP rise upon reaching the distrib-utor turndown limit.

    9. The major source of gas maldistribution is undersized gas inletand reboiler return nozzles, leading to the entry of high-velocity gasjets into the tower. These jets persist through low-pressure-dropdevices such as packings. Installing gas distributors and improving gasdistributor designs, even inlet baffles, have alleviated many of theseproblems. Vapor distribution is most troublesome in large-diametercolumns. Strigle (Packed Tower Design and Applications, 2d ed., GulfPublishing, Houston, Tex., 1994) recommends considering a gas dis-tributing device whenever the gas nozzle F-factor (FN = uNG0.5)exceeds 27 m/s (kg/m3)0.5, or the kinetic energy of the inlet gas exceeds8 times the pressure drop through the first foot of packing, or thepressure drop through the bed is less than 0.65 mbar/m. Gas maldis-tribution is best tackled at the source by paying attention to the gasinlet arrangements.

    10. A poor initial liquid maldistribution may cause gas maldistribu-tion in the loading region, i.e., at high gas rates [Stoter, Olujic, and deGraauw, IChemE Symp. Ser. 128, A201 (1992); Kouri and Sohlo,IChemE Symp. Ser. 104, B193 (1987)]. At worst, initial liquid maldis-tribution may induce local flooding, which would channel the gas. Thesegregation tends to persist down the bed. Outside the loading region,the influence of the liquid flow on gas maldistribution is small or neg-ligible. Similarly, in high-gas-velocity situations, the liquid distributionpattern in the bottom structured packing layers is significantly influ-enced by a strongly maldistributed inlet gas flow [Olujic et al., Chem.Eng. and Processing, 43, 465 (2004)]. Duss [IChemE Symp. Ser. 152,418 (2006)] suggests that high liquid loads such as those experiencedin high-pressure distillation also increase the susceptibility to gasmaldistribution.

    11. The effect of gas maldistribution on packing performance isriddled with unexplained mysteries. FRIs (Cai, Paper presented atthe AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, Nev., 2001) commercial-scaletests show little effect of gas maldistribution on both random andstructured packing efficiencies. Cai et al. (Trans IChemE 81, Part A,p. 85, 2003) distillation tests in a 1.2-m-diameter tower showed thatblocking the central 50 percent or the chordal 30 percent of the towercross-sectional area beneath a 1.7-m-tall bed of 250 m2/m3 structuredpacking had no effect on packing efficiency, pressure drop, or capac-ity. The blocking did not permit gas passage but allowed collection ofthe descending liquid. Simulator tests with similar blocking with pack-ing heights ranging from 0.8 to 2.4 m (Olujic et al., Chemical Engi-neering and Processing, 43, p. 465, 2004; Distillation 2003: TopicalConference Proceedings, AIChE Spring National Meeting, NewOrleans, La., AIChE, p. 567, 2003) differed, showing that a 50 percentchordal blank raised pressure drop, gave a poorer gas pattern, andprematurely loaded the packing. They explain the difference by theability of liquid to drain undisturbed from the gas in the blocked seg-ment in the FRI tests. Olujic et al. found that while gas maldistribu-tion generated by collectors and by central blockage of 50 percent ofthe cross-sectional areas was smoothed after two to three layers ofstructured packing, a chordal blockage of 30 to 50 percent of cross-sectional area generated maldistribution that penetrated deeply intothe bed.

    12. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been demonstratedeffective for analyzing the effects of gas inlet geometry on gas maldis-tribution in packed beds. Using CFD, Wehrli et al. (Trans. IChemE81, Part A, p. 116, January 2003) found that a very simple device suchas the V-baffle (Fig. 14-70) gives much better distribution than a barenozzle, while a more sophisticated vane device such as a Schoepen-toeter (Fig. 14-71c) is even better. Implications of the gas inlet geom-etry to gas distribution in refinery vacuum towers was studied byVaidyanathan et al. (Distillation 2001, Topical Conference Proceed-ings, AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, Tex., p. 287, April2226, 2001); Paladino et al. (Distillation 2003: Topical ConferenceProceedings, AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, La.,p. 241, 2003); Torres et al. (ibid., p. 284); Waintraub et al. (Distillation

    2005: Topical Conference Proceedings, AIChE Spring NationalMeeting, Atlanta, Ga., p. 79, 2005); and Wehrli et al. (IChemE Symp.Ser 152, London, 2006). Vaidyanathan et al. and Torres et al. exam-ined the effect of the geometry of a chimney tray (e.g., Fig. 14-72)above the inlet on gas distribution and liquid entrainment. Paladinoet al. demonstrated that the presence of liquid in the feed affects thegas velocity profile, and must be accounted for in modeling. Paladinoet al. and Waintraub et al. used their two-fluid model to study thevelocity distributions and entrainment generated by different designsof vapor horns (e.g., Fig. 14-71). Wehrli et al. produced pilot-scaledata simulating a vacuum tower inlet, which can be used in CFDmodel validation. Ali et al. (Trans. IChemE, vol. 81, Part A, p. 108,January 2003) found that the gas velocity profile obtained using acommercial CFD package compared well to those measured in a 1.4-m simulator equipped with structured packing together with com-mercial distributors and collectors. Their CFD model effectivelypointed them to a collector design that minimizes gas maldistribution.


    Diameter For random packings there are many reports [Billet,Distillation Engineering, Chem Publishing Co., New York, 1979;Chen, Chem. Eng., p. 40, March 5, 1984; Zuiderweg, Hoek, andLahm, IChemE. Symp. Ser. 104, A217 (1987)] of an increase inHETP with column diameter. Billet and Mackowiaks (Billet, PackedColumn Analysis and Design, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany,1989) scale-up chart for Pall rings implies that efficiency decreases ascolumn diameter increases.

    Practically all sources explain the increase of HETP with columndiameter in terms of enhanced maldistribution or issues with thescale-up procedure. Lab-scale and pilot columns seldom operate atcolumn-to-packing diameter ratios (DT/Dp) larger than 20; underthese conditions, lateral mixing effectively offsets loss of efficiencydue to maldistribution pinch. In contrast, industrial-scale columnsusually operate at DT/Dp ratios of 30 to 100; under these conditions,lateral mixing is far less effective for offsetting maldistribution pinch.

    To increase DT/Dp, it may appear attractive to perform the bench-scaletests using a smaller packing size than will be used in the prototype.Deibele, Goedecke, and Schoenmaker [IChemE Symp. Ser. 142, 1021(1997)], Goedecke and Alig (Paper presented at the AIChE SpringNational Meeting, Atlanta, Ga., April 1994), and Gann et al. [Chem. Ing.Tech., 64(1), 6 (1992)] studied the feasibility of scaling up from 50- to 75-mm-diameter packed columns directly to industrial columns. Deibeleet al. and Gann et al. provide an extensive list of factors that can affectthis scale-up, including test mixture, packing pretreatment, columnstructure, packing installation, snug fit at the wall, column insulation andheat losses, vacuum tightness, measurement and control, liquid distribu-tion, reflux subcooling, prewetting, sampling, analysis, adjusting thenumber of stages to avoid pinches and analysis issues, evaluation proce-dure, and more. Data from laboratory columns can be particularly sensi-tive to some of these factors. Goedecke and Alig show that for wire-meshstructured packing, bench-scale efficiency tends to be better than large-column efficiency, while for corrugated-sheets structured packing, theconverse occurs, possibly due to excessive wall flow. For some packings,variation of efficiency with loads at bench scale completely differs fromits variation in larger columns. For one structured packing, Kuhni Rom-bopak 9M, there was little load effect and there was good consistencybetween data obtained from different sourcesat least for one test mix-ture. Deibele et al. present an excellent set of practical guidelines toimprove scale-up reliability. So, it appears that great caution is requiredfor packing data scale-up from bench-scale columns.

    Height Experimental data for random packings show that HETPslightly increases with bed depth [Billet, Distillation Engineering,Chemical Publishing Co., New York, 1979; Packed Tower Analysisand Design, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, 1989; Eckert andWalter, Hydrocarbon Processing, 43(2), 107 (1964)].

    For structured packing, some tests with Mellapak 250Y [Meier,Hunkeler, and Stcker, IChemE Symp. Ser. 56, p. 3, 3/1 (1979)]showed no effect of bed height on packing efficiency, while others(Cai et al., Trans IChemE, vol. 81, Part A, p. 89, January 2003) didshow a significant effect.



    The effect of bed depth on packing HETP is attributed to liquidmaldistribution. Zuiderweg et al. [IChemE. Symp. Ser. 104, A217(1987)] suggest that the uneven irrigation generates an uneven con-centration profile and localized pinching near the bottom of the beds.The tests by Martin, Bravo, and Fair (Paper presented at the NationalAIChE Meeting, New Orleans, La., 1988) confirm that the problemarea is near the bottom. According to the zone-stage and Lockett andBillingham models (above), as well as the empirical correlation byMoore and Rukovena (Fig. 14-64), the more stages per bed, thegreater is the rise in HETP with bed depth. The presence and extentof maldistribution play an important role in determining the bed-depth effect.

    As the bed depth increases, end effects (i.e., mass transfer in theregion of liquid introduction and in the region where liquid drips fromthe packing supports) become less important. Such end effects tend tolower the HETP observed in short columns, such as pilot-plantcolumns.

    In summary, bed depth may significantly influence HETP. Thisadds uncertainty to scale-up. Shallow test beds should be avoided.Most investigators use beds at least 1.5 m tall, and often more than 3 mtall. The FRI sampling technique (below) can detect maldistributionalong the bed height.

    Loadings For many random and corrugated-sheet structuredpackings, HETP is independent of vapor and liquid loadings (Figs.14-59 and 14-60). For wire-mesh and some corrugated-sheet struc-tured packings, HETP changes with gas and liquid loads.

    Wu and Chen [IChemE Symp. Ser. 104, B225 (1987)] recommendpilot testing over the entire range between the expected minimumand maximum operating rates, and taking the highest measuredHETP as the basis for scale-up. The author concurs. With structuredpackings, the load effect may be due to liquid rather than gas loads,and the pilot tests should cover the range of liquid loads (i.e., m/sbased on column cross section) that is expected in the prototype.

    Wetting For operation at low liquid loads, the onset of minimumwetting can adversely affect scale-up, particularly with random pack-ings and aqueous systems. Scale-up reliability at low liquid loads canbe improved by pilot-testing at the composition range expected in theprototype, and by using identical packing materials and surface treat-ment in the pilot tests and in the prototype.

    Underwetting At the aqueous end of aqueous-organic columns,underwetting is important. Rapid changes of concentration profilesand physical properties in organic-water separations complicate scale-up [Eiden and Kaiser, IChemE Symp. Ser. 142, 757 (1997)]. Near theonset of underwetting, HETP becomes strongly dependent on com-position, packing material and surface roughness, and the presence ofsurfactants. Scale-up reliability can be enhanced by pilot-testing at thecomposition range expected in the prototype, and by using identicalpacking material and surface treatment in the pilot tests and in theprototype.

    Preflooding For one structured packing test with an aqueoussystem, Billet (Packed Column Analysis and Design, Ruhr Univer-sity, Bochum, Germany, 1989) measured higher efficiency for a pre-flooded bed compared with a non-preflooded bed. Presumably, thepreflooding improved either wetting or distribution. Billet recom-mends preflooding the packing, both in the prototype and in the pilotcolumn, to ensure maximum efficiency.

    Sampling Fractionation Research Inc. (FRI) developed a sam-pling technique that eliminates the influence of end effects anddetects a maldistributed composition profile. This technique [Silveyand Keller, IChemE Symp. Ser. 32, p. 4:18 (1969)] samples the bed atfrequent intervals, typically every 0.6 m or so. HETP is determinedfrom a plot of these interbed samples rather than from the top andbottom compositions.

    It is imperative that the interbed samplers catch representativesamples, which are an average through the bed cross section. Cautionis required when the liquid is highly aerated and turbulent (e.g., above1300 kPa psia or above 1 m/min). The author highly recommends theFRI sampling technique for all other conditions.

    Aging Billet (loc. cit.) showed that for some plastic packings inaqueous systems, the efficiency after one weeks operation was almostdouble the efficiency of new packings. Little further change was

    observed after one week. Billet explains the phenomenon byimproved wetting. He recommends that data for plastic packingsshould only be used for scale-up after being in operation for an ade-quately long period.


    Liquid Distributors A liquid distributor (or redistributor)should be used in any location in a packed column where an externalliquid stream is introduced. Liquid redistributors are also usedbetween packed beds to avoid excessive bed lengths that may impairpacking efficiency or mechanical strength. It is best to have the pack-ing supplier also supply the distributor, with the user critically review-ing the design. The user must provide the supplier with conciseinformation about the plugging, corrosive, and foaming tendencies ofthe service as well as the range of liquid flow rates that it needs to han-dle and the physical properties of the liquid.

    Olsson (Chem. Eng. Progr., p. 57, October 1999) discussed the keyfor successful distributor design and operation. He states that it is crit-ical to correctly evaluate the fouling potential of the service and designfor it (e.g., preventing small holes, filtering the feed, etc.); to avoid gasentry into liquid distributors (e.g., no flashing feed into a liquid dis-tributor); to systematically check the irrigation pattern using a methodsuch as the circle analysis of Moore and Rukovena [Chem. Plants andProcess (European ed.), p. 11, August 1987; described in detail inKisters Distillation Operation, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990]; towater-test any liquid distributor (major suppliers have dedicated teststands that are available for those purposes at cost); to ensure correctentry of a feed into a liquid distributor; and to thoroughly inspect adistributor. Kister [Trans. IChemE. vol. 81, Part A, p. 5 (January2003)] found that between 80 and 90 percent of the distributor fail-ures reported in the literature in the last 50 years could have been pre-vented if users and suppliers had followed Olssons measures.

    A minimum of 40 irrigation points per square meter has been rec-ommended, with 60 to 100 per square meter being ideal [Strigle,Packed Tower Design and Applications, 2d ed., Gulf Publishing,Houston, Tex., 1994; Kister, Distillation Operation, McGraw-Hill,New York, 1990; Norton Company (now Koch-Glitsch LP), PackedColumn Internals, Bulletin TA-80R, 1974]. Commercial-scale testswith both random and structured packings showed no improvementin packing efficiency by increasing the irrigation point density above40 per square meter [Fitz, King, and Kunesh, Trans. IChemE 77, PartA, p. 482 (1999)]. So going to larger numbers of irrigation points persquare meter provides little improvement while leading to smallerholes which increases the plugging tendency. In orifice-type distribu-tors, which are the most common type, the head-flow relationship isgiven by the orifice equation

    Q = 3.96 104 KDnDd2h h0.5 (14-163)

    where Q is the liquid flow rate, m3/h; KD is the orifice discharge coef-ficient, with a recommended value of 0.707 (Chen, Chem. Eng., p. 40,March 5, 1984); nD is the number of holes; dh is the hole diameter,mm; and h is the liquid head, mm. Equation (14-163) shows that at agiven Q, increasing n leads to either smaller d or smaller h.

    Figures 14-68 and 14-69 show common distributor types used fordistillation and absorption. An excellent detailed discussion of thetypes of distributors and their pros and cons was given by Bonilla(Chem. Eng. Progr., p. 47, March 1993). The perforated pipe (or lad-der pipe) distributor (Fig. 14-68a) has holes on the underside of thepipes. It is inexpensive, provides a large open area for vapor flow, anddoes not rely on gravity. On the debit side, it is typically designed forhigh velocity heads, 500 to 1000 mm of water, which is 5 to 10 timesmore than gravity distributors, requiring [per Eq. (14-163)] eitherfewer irrigation points or the use of plugging-prone smaller holes. Thehigh hole velocities make it prone to corrosion and erosion. These dis-advantages make it relatively unpopular. A gravity variation of this dis-tributor uses a liquid drum above the distributor that gravity-feeds it.

    Spray distributors (Fig. 14-68b) are pipe headers with spray nozzlesfitted on the underside. The spray nozzles are typically wide-angle(often 120) full-cone. Spray distributors are unpopular in distillationbut are common in heat transfer, washing and scrubbing services

  • (especially in refinery towers), and in small-diameter towers where asingle spray nozzle can be used. They are inexpensive and offer a largeopen area for vapor flow and a robustness for handling of fouling flu-ids when correctly designed, and the sprays themselves contribute tomass and heat transfer. On the debit side, the spray cones often gen-erate regions of over- and underirrigation, the sprays may not behomogeneous, the spray nozzles are prone to corrosion, erosion, anddamage. With highly subcooled liquids, the spray angle may collapsewhen pushed at high pressure drops (above 100 to 150 kPa) (Frac-tionation Research Inc., A Spray Collapse Study, motion picture919, Stillwater, Okla., 1985). The design and spray pattern are highlyempirical. Sprays also generate significant entrainment to the sectionabove [Trompiz and Fair, Ind. Eng. Chem, Res., 39(6), 1797 (2000)].

    Orifice pan distributors (Fig. 14-69a) and orifice tunnel distributors(Fig. 14-69b) have floor holes for liquid flow and circular (Fig. 14-69a)or rectangular (Fig. 14-69b) risers for vapor passages. When they areused as redistributors, a hat is installed above each riser to prevent liq-uid from the bed above from dripping into the risers. Unlike the ladderpipe and spray distributors that operate by pressure drop, orifice dis-tributors operate by gravity, and therefore use a much smaller liquidhead, typically 100 to 150 mm at maximum rates. Using Eq. (14-163),the lower head translates to either more distributions points (nD), whichhelps irrigation quality, or larger hole diameters, which resists plugging.However, the low liquid velocities, large residence times, and open pans(or troughs) make them more prone to plugging than the pressure dis-tributors. A good hole pattern and avoidance of oversized risers areessential. Orifice distributors are self-collecting, a unique advantage forredistributors. Orifice distributors are one of the most popular typesand are favored whenever the liquid loads are high enough to affordhole diameters large enough to resist plugging (>12 mm).

    Orifice trough (or orifice channel) distributors (Fig. 14-69cf) aresome of the most popular types. The trough construction does awaywith the multitude of joints in the orifice pans, making them far moreleak-resistant, a major advantage in large towers and low-liquid-rateapplications. Liquid from a central parting box (Fig. 14-69c, e) or mid-dle channel (Fig. 14-69d) is metered into each trough. The troughscan have floor holes, but elevating the holes above the floor(Fig. 14-69cg) is preferred as it enhances plugging resistance. Tubes(Fig. 14-69c, d, f) or baffles (Fig. 14-69e) direct the liquid issuing fromthe elevated holes downward onto the packings. Orifice trough dis-tributors are not self-collecting. When used for redistribution, theyrequire a liquid collector to be installed above them.

    Turndown of orifice distributors is constrained to about 2 : 1 by Eq.(14-163). For example, a 100-mm liquid head at the design drops to25 mm when the liquid rate is halved. Lower heads give poor irriga-tion and high sensitivity to levelness. Turndown is often enhanced byusing two rows of side tubes (in the Fig. 14-69c type) or of side holes(in the Fig. 14-69d or e types). Perforated drip tubes (as in Fig. 14-69d) are popular in either orifice trough or orifice pan distributors.The lower, smaller hole is active at low liquid rates, with the largerupper hole becoming active at higher liquid rates. Use of perforateddrip tubes is not recommended when the vapor dew point is muchhigher than the liquid bubble point, because liquid may boil in thetubes, causing dryout underneath [Kister, Stupin, and OudeLenferink, IChemE. Symp. Ser. 152, p. 409, London (2006)].

    A popular type of the orifice trough distributor is the splash plate dis-tributor (Fig. 14-69e). The splash plates spread the issuing liquid overtheir lengths, making it possible to reduce the number of irrigationpoints. This is a special advantage with small liquid rates, as fewer irri-gation points (at a given head) translate to larger, more fouling-resistant




    FIG. 14-68 Pressure liquid distributors. (a) Ladder pipe. (b) Spray. (Courtesy of Koch-Glitsch LP.)


    hole diameters [Eq. (14-163)]. Lack of the drip tubes eliminates thepossible in-tube boiling issue (above).

    Multistage orifice trough distributors (Fig. 14-69f) also attempt toprovide good irrigation at low liquid rates without resorting to plug-ging-prone small holes. The primary stage uses fewer irrigation points.Liquid from the primary stage is further split at the secondary stage.The secondary stage is of small size, so leveling and small flow varia-tions are not of great concern. The secondary stage may use the sameor a different liquid splitting principle as the primary stage. Evenshort layers of structured packings have been used as a secondary dis-tribution stage.

    Notched trough distributors (Fig. 14-69g) consist of paralleltroughs with side V notches. This distributor obeys the triangularnotch equation instead of the orifice equation, which makes theflow proportional to h2.5 [instead of h0.5 in Eq. (14-163)]. This highpower renders the distributor highly sensitive to out-of-levelness and

    hydraulic gradients and makes it difficult to incorporate a large num-ber of distribution points. Since the liquid issues sideways, it is diffi-cult to predict where the liquid will hit the packings. Baffles aresometimes used to direct the liquid downward. Overall, the quality ofdistribution is inferior to that of orifice distributors, making notched-trough distributors unpopular. Their strength is their insensitivity tofouling and corrosive environments and their ability to handle highliquid rates at good turndown.

    With any trough distributor, and especially those with V notches,excessive hydraulic gradients must be avoided. This is often achievedby using more parting boxes.

    The hydraulic gradient is highest where the liquid enters thetroughs, approaching zero at the end of the trough. The hydraulic gra-dient (between entry point and trough end) can be calculated from[Moore and Rukovena, Chemical Plants and Processing (Europeaned.), p. 11, August 1987]

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    FIG. 14-69 Gravity liquid distributors. (a) Orifice pan. (b) Orifice tunnel. (c) Orifice tube, using external drip tubes. (d) Orifice trough, using internal drip tubes.(e) Splash plate orifice trough. (f) Two-stage orifice trough. (g) Notched trough. (Parts ac, g, courtesy of Koch-Glitsch LP; parts df, courtesy of Sulzer Chemtech.)

  • hhg = 51vH2 (14-164)

    where hhg is the hydraulic gradient head, mm, and vH is the horizontalvelocity in the troughs, m/s.

    Flashing Feed and Vapor Distributors When the feed or refluxis a flashing feed, the vapor must be separated out of the liquid beforethe liquid enters a liquid distributor. At low velocities (only), this can beachieved by a bare nozzle (Fig. 14-70a). A V baffle (Fig. 14-70b) issometimes installed as a primitive flashing feed or vapor distributor.

    For better vapor-liquid separation and distribution, with smaller-diameter towers (


    (Fluiddynamik von Kolonnen mit Modernen Fllkrpern undPackungen fr Gas/Flssigkeitssysteme, Otto Salle Verlag, Frank-furt am Main, and Verlag Sauerlnder, Aarau, 1991), and by Mers-mann and Deixler [Chem. Ing. Tech. 58(1), 19 (1986)] apply tosecond- and third-generation random packings as well as to somestructured packings.

    Stichlmair and Fair (Distillation Principles and Practice, Wiley-VCH, New York, 1998) show that liquid holdup is primarily a func-tion of the liquid Froude number, specific surface area of thepacking, and physical properties. They recommend the correction byEngel, Stichlmair, and Geipel [Ind. Eng. Chem. Symp. Ser. 142, 939(1997)].

    hLo = 0.93 1/6




    where hLo = liquid holdup, fractionalUL = liquid superficial velocity, m/sap = packing specific surface area, m2/m3g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s

    L = liquid viscosity, kg/(ms) = surface tension, mN/m

    The Engel, Stichlmair, and Geipel correlation applies only in thepreloading regime. The packing geometry is represented in the





    (a) (b)



    FIG. 14-70 Flashing feed and vapor distributors. (a) Bare nozzle. (b) Rounded V baffle. (c) Peripheral flash boxthe box extends right aroundthe tower wall, with the collected liquid descending via downpipes to a liquid distributor below. (d) Gallery distributorthe feed enters thegallery area (upper plate). (Parts ac, courtesy of Sulzer Chemtech; part d, courtesy of Koch-Glitsch LP.)

  • 14-78




    FIG. 14-71 High-velocity flashing feed and vapor distributors. (a) Vapor horn. (b) Radial vanedistributor. (c) Schoepentoeter. (Parts a, b, courtesy of Koch-Glitsch LP; part c, courtesy ofSulzer Chemtech.)

  • correlation solely by the readily available specific surface area(Tables 14-13 and 14-14).

    Minimum Wetting Rate The minimum wetting rate (MWR) isthe lower stability limit of packings. Below this liquid load the liquidfilm on the packing surfaces breaks up and dewetting occurs. The areaavailable for mass transfer diminishes, and efficiency drops.

    Schmidt [IChemE Symp. Ser. 56, 3.1/1 (1979)] described theMWR in terms of a force balance at a dry patch along the path of afalling liquid film. While the gravity and viscous forces resist dewet-ting, the surface tension and vapor shear forces tend to dewet thefalling film. The MWR therefore rises with an increase in surface ten-sion and liquid density, and with a decrease in liquid viscosity. Largepacking sizes and poor surface wetting characteristics also contributeto higher MWR.

    Schmidt presented a fundamental correlation to predict minimumwetting for Raschig and Pall rings. More popular have been theGlitsch rules of thumb [Table 14-16; Glitsch, Inc. (now Koch Glitsch),Bulletin 345, Dallas, Tex., 1986] for CMR random packings withpacking surface areas around 200 m2/m3. To extend these rules toother random packings, Kister (Distillation Design, McGraw-Hill,New York, 1992) applied Schmidts model to give

    QMW (QMW from Table 14-16) (200/ap)0.5 (14-166)

    The Glitsch brochure did not state the surface tension bases of Table14-16. The author believes that they conservatively apply to organic andhydrocarbon systems ( 150 m2/m3

    Minimum wetting rate,Material m3/(m2h)

    Unglazed ceramic (chemical stoneware) 0.5Oxidized metal (carbon steel, copper) 0.7Surface-treated metal (etched stainless steel) 1.0Glazed ceramic 2.0Glass 2.5Bright metal (stainless steel, tantalum, other alloys) 3.0PVC-CPVC 3.5Polypropylene 4.0Fluoropolymers (PTFE type) 5.0


  • component was soluble in both liquid phases, and HETP was about 50percent above normal. Harrison argued that a second liquid phaseleads to lower efficiency only when it impairs diffusion of the keyspecies. On this basis, Harrison expects efficiency loss also when aninert liquid or vapor represents a large fraction of the liquid or vaporphase. Meier et al. recommend obtaining efficiencies by scaling uplaboratory-scale data using a similar type of packing.

    Both Harrison and Meier et al. emphasize adequately distributingeach liquid phase to the packing. Harrison noted that a well-designedladder pipe distributor can maintain high velocities and low residencetimes that provide good mixing. With trough distributors that separatethe phases and then distribute each to the packing, a light-to-heavyphase maldistribution may occur, especially when the phase ratio andseparation vary. Meier et al. noted the existence of a cloudy two-liquid

    layer between the clear light and heavy liquid and recommend anadditional middle distribution point for this layer. They also noticedthat phase separation unevenness can have a large influence on thephase ratio irrigated to the packing.

    High Viscosity and Surface Tension Bravo (Paper presentedat the AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, Tex., 1995) studieda system that had 425-cP viscosity, 350 mN/m surface tension, and ahigh foaming tendency. He found that efficiencies were liquid-phase-controlled and could be estimated from theoretical HTU models.Capacity was less than predicted by conventional methods which donot account for the high viscosity. Design equations for orifice distrib-utors extended well to the system once the orifice coefficient was cal-culated as a function of the low Reynolds number and the surfacetension head was taken into account.




    Most separations can be performed either with trays or with packings.The factors below represent economic pros and cons that favor eachand may be overridden. For instance, column complexity is a factorfavoring trays, but gas plant demethanizers that often use one or moreinterreboilers are traditionally packed.

    Factors Favoring PackingsVacuum systems. Packing pressure drop is much lower than that of

    trays because the packing open area approaches the tower cross-sectional area, while the trays open area is only 8 to 15 percent ofthe tower cross-sectional area. Also, the tray liquid head, whichincurs substantial pressure drop (typically about 50 mm of theliquid per tray), is absent in packing. Typically, tray pressure dropis of the order of 10 mbar per theoretical stage, compared to 3 to4 mbar per theoretical stage with random packings and aboutone-half of that with structured packings.

    Consider a vacuum column with 10 theoretical stages, operating at70-mbar top pressure. The bottom pressure will be 170 mbar withtrays, but only 90 to 110 mbar with packings. The packed tower willhave a much better relative volatility in the lower parts, thus reduc-ing reflux and reboil requirements and bottom temperature. Thesetranslate to less product degradation, greater capacity, and smallerenergy consumption, giving packings a major advantage.

    Lower-pressure-drop applications. When the gas is moved by a fanthrough the tower, or when the tower is in the suction of a com-pressor, the smaller packing pressure drop is often a controllingconsideration. This is particularly true for towers operating close toatmospheric pressure. Here excessive pressure drop in the towerincreases the size of the fan or compressor (new plant), bottlenecksthem (existing plant), and largely increases power consumption.Due to the compression ratio, pressure drop at the compressor dis-charge is far less important and seldom a controlling consideration.

    Revamps. The pressure drop advantage is invaluable in vacuum col-umn revamps, can be translated to a capacity gain, an energygain, a separation improvement, or various combinations of thesebenefits. Likewise, for towers in the suction of compressors,replacing trays by packings reduces the compression ratio andhelps debottleneck the compressor.

    Packings also offer an easy tradeoff between capacity and sep-aration. In the loaded sections of the tower, larger packings canovercome capacity bottlenecks at the expense of loss in separa-tion. The separation loss can often be regained by retrofittingwith smaller packings in sections of the tower that are not highlyloaded. In tray towers, changing tray spacing gives similar results,but is more difficult to do.

    Foaming (and emulsion). The low gas and liquid velocities in pack-ing suppress foam formation. The large open area of the largerrandom packing promotes foam dispersal. Both attributes make

    random packing excellent for handling foams. In many casesrecurrent foaming was alleviated by replacing trays by randompacking, especially when tray downcomers were poorly designed.

    Switching from trays to structured packing can aggravate foam-ing. While the low gas and liquid velocities help, the solid wallsrestrict lateral movement of foams and give support to the foams.

    Small-diameter columns. Columns with diameter less than 1 m(3 ft) are difficult to access from inside to install and maintain thetrays. Cartridge trays or an oversized diameter are often used.Either option is expensive. Cartridge trays also run into problemswith sealing to the tower wall and matching tower to tray hard-ware [Sands, Chem. Eng., p. 86 (April 2006)]. Packing is normallya cheaper and more desirable alternative.

    Corrosive systems. The practical range of packing materials iswider. Ceramic and plastic packings are cheap and effective.Trays can be manufactured in nonmetals, but packing is usually acheaper and more desirable alternative.

    Low liquid holdup. Packings have lower liquid holdup than dotrays. This is often advantageous for reducing polymerization,degradation, or the inventory of hazardous materials.

    Batch distillation. Because of the smaller liquid holdup of packing, ahigher percentage of the liquid can be recovered as top product.

    Factors Favoring TraysSolids. Trays handle solids much more easily than packing. Both gas

    and liquid velocities on trays are often an order of magnitudehigher than through packing, providing a sweeping action thatkeeps tray openings clear. Solids tend to accumulate in packingvoids. There are fewer locations on trays where solids can bedeposited. Plugging in liquid distributors has been a common trou-ble spot. Cleaning trays is much easier than cleaning packings.

    Not all trays are fouling-resistant. Floats on moving valve traystend to stick to deposits on the tray deck. Fouling-resistant trayshave large sieve holes or large fixed valves, and these should beused when plugging and fouling are the primary considerations.

    There is much that can be done to alleviate plugging with ran-dom packing. Large, open packing with minimal pockets offersgood plugging resistance. Distributors that resist plugging havelarge holes (> 13-mm diameter). Such large holes are readilyapplied with high liquid flow rates, but often not practical forsmall liquid flow rates.

    Maldistribution. The sensitivity of packing to liquid and gas maldis-tribution has been a common cause of failures in packed towers.Maldistribution issues are most severe in large-diameter towers,long beds, small liquid flow rates, and smaller packing. Structuredpacking is generally more prone to maldistribution than randompacking. While good distributor design, water testing, and inspec-tion can eliminate most maldistribution issues, it only takes a fewsmall details that fall through the cracks to turn success into fail-ure. Due to maldistribution, there are far more failures experienced


    with packing than in trays, and it takes more trials to get it rightthan with trays. This makes trays more robust.

    Complex towers. Interreboilers, intercondensers, cooling coils, andside drawoffs are more easily incorporated in trays than in packedtowers. In packed towers, every complexity requires additionaldistribution and/or liquid collection equipment.

    Feed composition variation. One way of allowing for design uncer-tainties and feedstock variation is by installing alternate feedpoints. In packed towers, every alternate feed point requiresexpensive distribution equipment.

    Performance prediction. Due to their sensitivity to maldistributionthere