Dark Side of Our Society

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  • 7/30/2019 Dark Side of Our Society


    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    Dark Side of Our Society: Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    Subject: Composition and communication skills

    (eng 102)


    Golam Rabbani (Shihab)

    Department of English

    East West University


    Name: Tanjila A. Flora

    ID: 2008-3-10-166


    Date of submission

    21 December, 2009


  • 7/30/2019 Dark Side of Our Society


    Gender Discrimination at Workplace



    Content Page No.

    Acknowledgement 03Abstract 04Outline 05Introduction 07Gender Discrimination at Workplace 08Wage Discrimination at Workplace by gender 10Sexual harassment at workplace 12Ways of Preventing Gender Discrimination 13

    Conclusion 15

    Reference 17



  • 7/30/2019 Dark Side of Our Society


    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    First of all, I am really thankful to the Almighty who gives me the opportunity to prepare this

    term paper. Then I would like to thank my honorable course instructor Golam Rabbani who

    helped me a lot to develop my English writing skills and basically this term paper is the

    reflection of that. Finally, my thanks go to all my friends, family members specially my

    brother who inspired me a lot to prepare this term paper.


    The main reason for which I prepare this term paper is to show gender discrimination at the


  • 7/30/2019 Dark Side of Our Society


    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    work place as a dark side of our society. As we are in 21 st century, it is quite unbelievable

    that we are still thousand of miles away from proper development. A society can not be

    enlightened when a major portion like women is in darkness. Gender discrimination in

    workplace has become terrible in Bangladesh now-a-days where women are working like

    men but get fewer wages. My concentration will be on this part of our society through this

    term paper.

    Outline :



  • 7/30/2019 Dark Side of Our Society


    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    B. Gender discrimination at workplace

    Overview of gender discrimination at workplace

    Refuses to hire woman who have children

    Female employees asked to resign for marriage

    Qualified females denied certain jobs for lack of opportunity

    Refuses to hire train, pregnant or married women

    Also refuses to hire women of childbearing age

    C. Wage discrimination at workplace by gender

    Cheaper female labours

    Hypothetical example of wage discrimination at RMGsector

    21% advantages for male employers

    higher posts are reserved for male

    D. Sexual harassments at workplace

    Unwanted jokes and unwelcome comments

    Offensive words on clothing

    Touching, grabbing or any other bodily contact

    Repeated requests for dates and unwanted flirting

    Posting emails or pictures of sexual related nature

    Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures or posters

    Playing sexually suggestive music

    E. Ways of preventing gender discrimination


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    Cultural empowerment

    Social empowerment

    Economic empowerment

    Political empowerment

    Educational empowerment

    Impose strict laws

    F. Conclusion



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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    The conspiracy against women can possibly be traced back to the biblical version of

    original sin story in which Eve leads Adam astray by making him eat from the forbidden

    apple. Thus the role of women has been set from ancient times, women must be kept under a

    leash, like a wild animal, she must be tamed and molded so that she can be useful and

    productive. Things have been changing for women from the ancient times. As science and

    technology have brought significant changes among societies, women have come out from

    their homes to prove their worth in this world. In addition, modern civilization cant properly

    be continued without the help of women. Men now need womens assistance not only for

    household chores but also for office works. Women have earned their credentials from men

    by their intelligence, integrity and honesty. Despite, being able to contribute in social and

    economical development, women are still victims of gender discrimination which prevails in

    home, workplace and other areas where a little amount of womens presence exist. The

    biggest weapon to keep the women in check is by claiming the limits and boundaries that

    circumscribe womens lives as those dictated by the practiced religion. Gender discrimination

    appears in many forms. At workplaces, the clearest example of gender discrimination lies in

    the wage gap existing between male and female employees. Women are also not getting

    equal right in adoption and implementation of economic policy, ownership, control of


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    resources, inheritance rights, and mobility in the public and market share and direct election

    in the reserved seats of women. These practices need to be urgently stopped and by instituting

    new laws and adopting new policies.

    Gender Discrimination at Workplace:

    Gender is the mutual relationship between men and women developed through social

    factors, and which is changeable in course of their social interactions. The study of social

    division of labor throws a searching light on the discrimination of women. Men and women

    perform different types of tasks and have different jobs within the family, in household

    production and in the marketplace. (Ahmed, F. Gender division of labor Bangladesh context

    retrieved from http://www.adhunika.org/issues/gen_Div.html )

    In an age where we talk about equal rights for men and women, there are still examples of

    people being discriminated because of their gender. People should realize that gender


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    discrimination at workplace is a serious form of employment discrimination. Gender

    discrimination refers to the beliefs and attitudes in relation to the gender of a person . It can be

    the men, women and also transgender individuals in the society, who face gender

    discrimination. Gender discrimination is considered as a serious form of prejudice and is

    illegal in certain circumstances in most of the countries around the world. In Bangladesh

    gender discrimination at workplace is illegal but most of the women suffer from this. These

    are some common scenario of gender discrimination at work place in Bangladesh.

    o The employer refuses to hire women who have children, while hiring men with


    o Female employees are often asked to resign when they get married, but there is no

    similar requirement for males.

    o Qualified female employees are denied certain jobs without a reasonable opportunity


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    to demonstrate their ability to perform those jobs, which are labeled as mens


    o The employer refuses to hire, train, assign jobs, or promote pregnant or married

    women, or women of childbearing age, on the basis of gender.

    Wage Discrimination at Workplace by gender :

    Labor in Bangladesh is cheap. Female labor is even cheaper. The number of women

    workers is greater in the garments industries . Let us test the above context through a case

    study. Newage Group is a leading exporter of RMG from Bangladesh that employ over 4000

    people, 70% of whom are females. Given below is a table that shows the employment in their

    three production facilities broken down into groups of various skills. The last column of the

    table shows the discrimination index of average wages of the various groups of employees as

    compared with their male counterparts.


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    Employment Group Gender Discrimination indexMale Female Male Female

    Supervisors 183 10 100 79Sewing Dept 308 1370 100 97Finishing Dept 241 205 100 88Cutting Dept 174 23 100 89QC Dept 174 53 100 95Helpers 152 1087 100 100


    A look at the above table reveals that the male employees generally have wage advantage

    over the females. With some exception the discrimination is more prominent in the

    employees of higher skill level and reduces as the skill level reduces. Helpers of both genders

    who are at the bottom of the skill ladder enjoy same level of wages whereas male supervisors

    possessing high levels of technical and managerial skills enjoy a 21% wage advantage over

    their female counterparts.

    Sexual harassments at workplace :

    Sexual harassment occurs when one employee makes continued, unwelcome sexual

    advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature,


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    to another employee, against hisor her wishes. sexual harassment occurs, "when submission

    to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual'semployment,

    unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating,

    hostile or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of situations.

    These are examples of sexual harassment, not intended to be all inclusive.

    Unwanted jokes, gestures, offensive words on clothing, and unwelcome comments

    and repartee.

    Touching and any other bodily contact such as scratching or patting a coworker's

    back, grabbing an employee around the waiste, or interfering with an employee's

    ability to move.

    Repeated requests for dates that are turned down or unwanted flirting.

    Transmitting or posting emails or pictures of a sexual or other harassment-related


    Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or posters.

    Playing sexually suggestive music.


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    Ways of Preventing Gender Discrimination:

    There are a few policies which can ensure women to work at workplaces without being

    plagued by gender discrimination. These policies can be instituted and implemented by the

    government and society. These are as followed:

    Cultural empowerment: To make enable young women and girls to make their own

    choices with regard to traditional beliefs and cultural practices.

    Social empowerment: To provides the skills and opportunities for women and girls to

    organize and use their collective power to advocate for justice, fairness and equity on

    behalf of themselves and others.

    Economic empowerment: It will give them the ability to generate income, own and

    control assets, access and use Credit. They will realize greater choices in jobs and

    occupations and demand access to essential services for themselves, their families and

    their communities.


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    Political empowerment: It will enable women and girls to successfully influence

    decision-makers, including men, through their advocacy of fairer, appropriate allocation

    of resources.

    Educational empowerment: It will provide numerous tangible benefits for the girls and

    women themselves and their families, which will be passed onto future generations.

    Introducing more restrict laws: It will help women to protect their right properly on

    their workplace.


    In the study, we have vividly seen the formidable scenario of gender discrimination.


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    Women have been neglected since the very inception of our society. They have been

    deprived from the facilities that are enjoyed by men. At workplace, though they work with

    same expertise and same concentration as men, they are ill paid. Self respect does not

    necessarily depend on the monetary value only, but it also depends on the admiration of the

    work someone does. Women are not only ill paid but also are reprimanded for their works

    where they should have been admired for their works. This scenario hinders the self respect

    of the women. As a result, they lack in confidence and positive attitudes. Another thing is,

    women are often harassed by their colleagues at their workplaces. These harassments are of

    different kinds and manners. They are harassed sexually, mentally and in other unknown

    ways. So, it is apparently seen that, workplace for women in our society is not a utopia. But it

    does not necessarily mean that we are dreaming of a utopian workplace for women. We just

    dream of a workplace that is free from discrimination, male domination, where womens

    good works will be fairly admired, where they will find an amicable working environment.


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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace

    This is our dream and the dream that is seen by all the entire women workers. If we can

    ensure the above told environment for women, we can surely be the epitome of a country that

    maintains women- friendly workplace.





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    Gender Discrimination at Workplace


    IN BANGLADESH. Retrieved from http://www.intracen.org/execforum/ef2006/ Gender -


    Manohar , U. (2008, October 24). Gender Discrimination at Workplace Retrieved from


    Ahmed, F. Gender division of labor Bangladesh context retrieved from


