Dark Fall The Journal Companion

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Dark Fall The Journal Companion

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Page 1: Dark Fall The Journal Companion



Page 2: Dark Fall The Journal Companion

Contents: 3 Introduction by Jonathan Boakes. 4 Notes about Dark Fall. 5 Full Walkthrough to Dark Fall: Classic Edition. 67 A Guide to Ghost-hunting Goggle Views. 70 Conversations With The Dead. 72 Timothy Pike’s Hints and Tips. Puzzle: Quick links: 7 Theodolite 12 The Hotel Blotter 13 The Hotel Safe 18 The Clock Puzzle 20 The Star Sign Puzzle Box 23 Moon Phase Puzzle Box 27 Arther’s Invisible Ink 29 The Kings and Queens Puzzle Box 31 Alchemical Seer Chalice 34 The Gramophone 39 Magic Lantern 49 Dark Room Door Panel 51 Dark Room Photos 52 Computer Password 54 Trial 1 55 Trial 2 56 Trial 3 57 Piano 61 Suitcase Puzzle 63 Ouijaboard 63 Boiler/Watertank


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Introduction: Welcome to the dark, lonely world of Dowerton Station. This small train line closed many, many years ago, for reasons few can remember. No-one has shown an interest in the place, not for a very long time, until your brother arrived. He is an architect, a talented one, with great flair and imagination. He has big plans for Dowerton Station, and the small abandoned hotel, which sits alongside; quietly waiting for one last guest. All should go well, the station will buzz again with people, and the place will live once more...but it is not to be. You receive a startling phone call, from your brother, calling you to the station. He needs help. You must leave at once. Two students are carrying out a paranormal investigation at the hotel, ghost-hunters! They may have awoken something old, something dark, and long forgotten, which is now hungry for new life, new souls and old pain. Can such a force be understood? Or stopped? It is up to you. Call upon the mercy of the dead to uncover the mystery, and discover the true identity of the Dark Fall. Jonathan Boakes January 26th, 2009


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Notes: Dark Fall is a non-linear game. This means there is no strict path to follow to complete your mission. There are pointers, and clues, scattered throughout the game-world, for you to find, or pique your interest and then follow to your destiny. Use this walkthrough sparingly, to get the most from this spooky adventure, or follow it word by word if you are too afraid of the dark, or too cowardly to wander the haunted hotel on your own. Be warned though, that you will miss many individual moments, if you don’t explore in a natural or intuitive fashion. Everyone needs a poke now and then, in the right direction, but keep in mind that the game was designed to be played by bold ghost-hunters and keen detectives. Your hunches, thoughts and intuition will guide you. But, just in case....here is one possible route around the world of Dark Fall.


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“The sooner you can get here the better. This place is really beginning to freak me out. I can hear it! I can hear it. It’s right

outside the door...whispering....it’s whispering my name...it knows my NAME! I have to open the door...”

THE TUNNEL Your eyes begin to focus. You are in a tunnel. A train tunnel. How did you get here? Whose voice is that? A boy. Timothy Pike. But where is he? Why can’t you see him? He must be...he must be a GHOST! Listen to what Timothy Pike has to say. Click and read the Newspaper on the train tracks. Tim leads you out of the tunnel, to Dowerton Station. Follow Tim to the Power Bunker. He tells you the way. Pull the light switch, to the upper left. Flip the Power Switches to provide power to the station. Leave the power bunker. Explore the Public Toilets, next to the Power Bunker. Gentleman’s Toilet: Look through the hole in the cubicle wall. Make Note: LARSUS and the Symbol.


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Ladies Toilet: Notice symbols scratched on the walls. Explore the Train Platforms, there’s a large building over the tunnel. You can cross the platforms, at one end, by the bridge.

THE STATION FOYER Enter the Station Foyer, from the platform. Use the ticket machine, behind you: You’ll get some coins. [GET COINS] Find Public Phone, at the back of Ticket Hall. Pick up receiver, and click on the coins in the inventory. Wait and listen for message.... [USE COINS] Hear message from Nigel Danvers “a key, hidden in a silver teapot”. You will find it later on, in the Hotel. Enter the Ticket Office. The Ticket Office. Turn right, pick up the Train Lamp. [GET LANTERN] Read the notes from the Station Staff. Dowerton closed many years ago. Turn left and read the note from Station Master. Turn left, look at the old Dowerton to Paddington Ticket. Leave Ticket Office, and enter the waiting room. The Waiting Room

Look at phone on floor. Broken. Turn and look into the room, click on table. Read notes from Pete Crowhurst, your brother. He mentions the word ‘Kars’. Make Note: KARS Pick up PDA. Switch on with button on bottom right. Click through the PDA Icons. The ‘Page Icon’ reveals Pete’s Notes.


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Click 1 through to 8, reading Pete’s notes. Page 5 reveals that Crowhurst used a theodolite on the platform (it’s still there), and provides some cryptic coordinates. Again, Corwhurst mentions the word KARS. Make Note: 271 x 632 Click the Filing Cabinet Icon, to access Crowhurst’s Emails. Read them. Click “Quit” on the PDA to switch off the device. Leave waiting room. Walk towards stairs, to the Foot Bridge. Turn right, read note from Timothy Pike. He says he can still help us. If you get stuck, return to this spot, and he may be able to provide a hint or two. Continue across Foot Bridge. Halfway across, turn right, and look through the gap. The Station Hotel dominates the scene, and there is a Theodolite, used in construction and surveying, on the platform. Continue along footbridge, and down the stairs to the Platform. THE DOWN PLATFORM Walk along the platform, turning to check details as you go. Click on the Theodolite (orange coloured machine) PUZZLE: Theodolite Click green button to activate. Click and hold down the X and Y until the read-out shows 271 x 632 (from Crowhurt’s PDA notes), and the scene will change. A crackling image of the KARS symbol is visible.

Make Note: KARS and the symbol.


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Click power button to switch ‘off’ theodolite. Step towards the Hotel. Turn left once, to face the wooden fence. Notice a gap in the fence, and click it. THE WOOD & OLD BARN Pass through the woods; (forward, turn left, and then forward). There is a barn in the woods. Walk to the big wooden doors. Click the doors to enter. It is very dark. Use the lamp by clicking it; it is in the inventory, at top of screen. [USE LANTERN] Look around the darkened barn. There is a sports car here, and some old tools. Step towards the car, and turn around. There is a ladder, leading to an upper loft area. Go up the ladder, climb it. And turn right at the top. Look at the box, beside the plates, and pick up the screwdriver. Screwdriver has now appeared in the inventory. [GET SCREWDRIVER] Climb back down the ladder. Face the car, and step behind it. Turn left and look down, next to car door, to find a stone trap door. Click it. Enter the Cave of Song. CAVE OF SONG Proceed into the caves. Hear strange singing. Is that Celtic? Go forward, and then turn to face the strange monolith (stone tablet). Click your lantern. [USE LANTERN] It will be placed on the nearby ledge. You can now look through the holes in the monolith. There are 12 holes in all, one for each symbol, number them from top to bottom. The symbol for Larsus and Kars are on the tablet!


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Larsus is number 8. Kars in number 2. Only another 10 to find! But what are they for? Look at the figure on the statue. It also has a symbol, a circle with a cross shape. Pick up lantern, turn around, and leave the caves. Then pass through the barn. Go back through the woods. And return to the platforms. Turn left and enter The Station Hotel by clicking the door. THE STATION HOTEL: FIRST FLOOR Is the hotel still in use? It looks deserted? Perhaps the place is as derelict as the station. Inside the First Floor Hall. Turn left, look at painting plaque. Make Note: Henry V. Click the wooden door. Enter the First Floor Store Room. First Floor Storeroom. Turn left. What was that bang? Is there someone else in the hotel? There are old lamps, and a leaflet about stereoscopes. Leave the storeroom. You can either go down the long corridor, of Hotel Rooms, or look in the First Floor Bathroom. First Floor Bathroom. In the bathroom, look at the art, read the plaque.


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“Paintings of Dowerton Station are by local artist, the late Arther Johnson. They are available to purchase, please

approach Edith, Betty or George.”

Who are Edith, Betty and George? The hotel owners? Play with the sink taps (no water!). Go back to the Hotel Corridor. There are 6 rooms on this floor. 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E and 1F. Starting at this end, the rooms are as follows:

1F: A blue coloured room, with a microphone and camera! Someone is spying on the old hotel rooms. There is also a thermometer in the drawer. 1E: A dusty looking room. And a voice! Look around the room, there is no-one there! Another ghost! Who is she?! Look at the painting. It is dark. Use the lantern. [USE LANTERN] “This room is ghastly, why did I ever come here?”. Is the ghost an old resident, a guest at the hotel? Perhaps we can learn more about her elsewhere? Some sort of Guest Book or Hotel Log may prove useful. 1D: A green coloured room, with playing cards on the table. Read the note from ‘Thomas’ to ‘Betty’. It appears that Thomas and Betty are courting, and sneaking off to this hotel room to meet. It sounds as if ‘Betty’ works at the hotel, she may be part of the family who runs the place. But what happened to Betty and Thomas? Did they ever get to meet. Thomas says he would leave the note in the storeroom, but never made it! Who, or what, stopped him? 1C: A plain room, with two beds. One bed, to the right, has no mattress. There is very little in this room. Turn to face the door, and notice the spy camera above the door. The light is flashing, meaning that someone has definitely been spying on the hotel rooms. Who, and why? You may also hear noises from upstairs.


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1B: Pink room. What a horrible colour. There are paint cans, meaning that someone was redecorating rooms, before it closed down. Notice the writing on the wall. EM EVAEL ENOLA. Is that backwards? 1A: The door is ajar. The room is empty and bare. There is guttural chanting in this room. Look out of the window, the platform is visible below. Hear the whistling. Leave the hotel rooms. If leaving room 1A, click right and forward to go down to the Hotel Reception. Before leaving, notice that there are further floors to explore...later on. HOTEL RECEPTION:

Look around reception: There is an office, with a desk and safe. There are also doors to The Station Hotel Bar, the hotel toilets (male and female), big double doors to the Dining Room and a small wooden door to the Kitchen. Explore the area, in whatever order you wish. Reception Office: Read the notes left for the hotel guests and staff. The notes are wedged into the pigeon holes, by the reception desk. There is a flashing light above them. You can gather clues as to who stayed in what room:


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2E: A.Verney (clue: likes Red Wine) 2B: Miss.Fly (clue: she is not popular) 1E: Miss.Grable (clue: maybe a mysterious character) There is also a note from MF (Miss.Fly) to Miss.Grable demanding a meeting in the hotel restaurant. They have some kind of business. This must have taken place, all those years ago. Turn and stand behind the Reception Counter, and read the note to Betty, from her mother. It mentions ‘George’, and the fact that he was ‘missing’ all night. Turn right alongside the reception counter, and look at the blotter. Click and look at the business cards. Taxi and Station Hotel cards. The hotel is a ‘family run’ business. We know Betty and her mother, but are there others? PUZZLE: The Hotel Blotter Drag paper sheet onto the blotter. It drops onto the surface. Click the pen, to draw on the paper. Whose hand is doing this? How would you know what to write? Is a ghost involved? Move the paper around, until the lines match the image below. It is placed upper-middle. Once correct, you will hear a voice “paper costs money, betty, stop doodling and drawing on it”. But, what is the drawing? Make Note: The blotter pattern, and the numbers (one to seven) associated with each dot of ink. You will find this sequence useful later on. Come away from the counter, and turn to the office. There is a Safe on the floor, in full view. Look at it. There is a cruciform dial, but we do not know the sequence! Yet. Enter the office. Answer the phone, if it rings. You may gain clues this way, and hear the voices of the dead! The phone may ring at any time, so keep that in mind when exploring the hotel. In the mean time, look at the calendar: ‘Music Night’ on the 29th. Look at the desk. Notice photo of Edith and husband. Click and read the notes in the box. There is an order for the local butcher. Pigs Totters?! Urgh. This order must be from the time of ‘rationing’, after World War II. Open the desk drawer. Browse the Flood Leaflet. There is a folded note from the local policeman. He has noticed that hotel guests are using the barn to park their cars! So, we now know that the sports car was left by one of the guests. But which one? The second page of the note reveals the policeman is looking to spy on one of the guests.


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PUZZLE: The Hotel Safe Open the desk drawer, in the hotel reception. Click the ETTO Flour leaflet. It moves. Click on the newly revealed card for the FORTIS safe. Look at the safe, from the reception counter view, and enter the sequence you found on the card. Left, Top, Middle, Bottom then Right. Click the handle. The safe opens. Take the Station Hotel Bar Key. [GET BAR KEY] In Reception, go to the door with the glass panel: The Station Hotel Bar. Use the Bar key, and enter the Hotel’s Pub! [USE BAR KEY] THE STATION HOTEL BAR:

Ghostly singing can be heard from a bygone time. Look around the pub, it is split into two halves. Things to notice: Someone was in the pub, that last April night in 1947, drinking red wine. People were playing cards. It may have been busy, that last night. Try pulling yourself a pint.


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Read the Ballad of Tom Oliver. A local folk tale? It mentions Dowerton Inne. Is that this place? Is the folk tale very local?

“He led them back to Dowerton Inn, to clap poor Tom in chains,

in the cellar there was no trace of his body or remains”

Read leaftlet about ‘Musical Memories’, on the bar. April 29th. It was held, here, in the Station Hotel Bar. When though, 1947? Have a play on the piano. You need a tune? Leave the bar, and enter reception. Go towards the end door, which must have been the original entrance. There are two padlocks on it. No escape that way! Instead, turn right and enter the Hotel Toilets. THE HOTEL TOILETS Gents: Notice a spy camera, on the basin. Switch the light off. Afraid of the dark? Ladies: Was that a figure behind the door? Look under the sink, basin, and find note from Betty to Thomas. Why did Betty leave a note in the Ladies?! He was hiding in the cubicle. She tells Thomas that she has left a room for him, upstairs (1D), and left him a pack of cards and some beer. She will join him at midnight. The boiler is not working. A clue? Keep an eye open for something strange in the mirror? Is that fog? Or smoke? Or a ghost? Leave the Hotel Toilets. Then proceed around to the reception area, go to the kitchen door. It has stained glass above the door, showing a ‘KingFisher’ bird. Click the door to open it. THE KITCHEN Look around the kitchen. There are things to notice: Picture in the complaints book, it is an image of Edith. The cookery books are old fashioned. Look at the sink. It has a dripping tap. There is still water to the hotel. Look at the preparation table. Read the notes. One is a note to Betty, from Edith, explaining a new addition to the menu. The second contains instructions for cooking the battered pigs trotters. Look at the small larder cupboard, and the OXO tins. There is a note hidden between the two: It is about sourcing local meat. On the back of the note, Betty’s Mum (Edith) instructs Betty to burn the last few pages from the complaints book. Time to check the oven!


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Go to the oven, look down. Open the two ash drawers, hidden by blackened rust. There are tiny scraps of paper. It is essential to read them, to learn which dining table is which. Useful for later on. Make Note: Table 1 is by the ‘big doors’. Table 3 has a flickering lamp. Mr. Verney usually sits on Table 4, where there is a lot of train noise from the window. Leave the kitchen, using the flower pattern doors, to enter the Dining Room. THE DINING ROOM The room is an Art Deco design. Someone at the hotel must have had some artistic flair? Perhaps the Arther Johnson character, mentioned on the plaque, near the art in the upper bathroom? Each table is different, perhaps a clue? Make Note: All 5 table designs. Basic sketch will do.


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Table 3 is obvious, as it has a label. Look underneath it. There is a lamp, which flickers when clicked. The burnt notes mentioned this lamp. Table 4 must be the one by the window. It has a menu. This must have been A.Verney’s table, according to the burnt notes. Table 1 is by the big doors, but which side? Based on the positions of 3 and 4, we can presume it is the one to the right of the doors. It has yet another spy camera on it, flashing away. Table 5 is the last table, to the left of the main doors. Leave the Dining Room, via the Kitchen and return to the Reception. You might hear some piano playing? Is someone in the Bar? A ghost? Try not to get too scared, and go towards the stained glass windows. Click right, to face two large gothic doors, made of wood. Click to open them, and enter the Station Buffet. THE BUFFET

So, the Hotel is joined to the Station by a Buffet. We can flit back and forth between the two, as travellers must have done, all those years ago. Keep your eyes open, passing through here, to see the passing ghost train. You never know when it may pass. Explore the Buffet, and notice the tall cupboards. Click the base of them, to find a small gadget. Pick it up. It appears on screen. The device is some form of detector, for tracing Electro-Magnetic energy. Some ghost-hunters believe that supernatural activity can be sensed, and tracked, using such devices. It might prove useful to keep an eye on the gauge. Leave the Buffet, by clicking on the glass doors, and return to the Station Platform. Proceed along the platform, and turn to face the hotel. You can see that the Hotel has four floors; three above the tunnel, which are rooms, and one floor at ground level (Kitchen, Reception, Buffet and Bar, with no windows in this side).


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It is time to explore the hotel further. Go back along platform, through Buffet, into Reception, and up the stairs. You are back on the First Floor of hotel rooms. We know that a Miss.Grable stayed in room 1E, but little else. Let’s look at the other floors! Go forward, and stand in front of the stairs, turn to face them, and click to go up. THE STATION HOTEL: SECOND FLOOR

Click to go forward. You are frozen by fear. The lights go out, one by one. There is something here, with you. After the event passes, it is time to explore this floor. There are 6 hotel rooms in all, and we must gain access to all of them, if we are to solve this mystery.

2A: A green room, with scissors in the wall! Scary. Look around. There is a receipt for an evening meal, as well as information about the Dining Room, and it’s opening night. Designed by the ‘late’ Arther Johnson. The restaurant is open at 6pm. The illustration is labelled Table 2. A clue! Make Note: Table 2 Design 2B: Bright red room. Lush, rich and haunted. Look at the table. Look at the two portraits. Is that who stayed here? She looks vain, and theatrical. This must be Miss.Fly, mentioned in the Hotel reception notes. Read her letter to Eleanor. “You are very nosey, arnt you, poking around in other peoples things!”. A ghost! The ghost of Miss.Fly. The note reveals that Miss..Fly was hounded from London following a bad show. She is an actress, who was laughed off the stage. Miss. Fly also mentions, in her letter, that her time in Dowerton may not be


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wasted. She has noticed something very interesting in the newspaper clippings. We must find them! Notice also that she mentions a character called ‘Crabtree’, a “very queer fellow”. Could this be George Crabtree? Owner of the hotel? What did he give Miss.Fly? Look at the clock. “What a strange clock, it has buttons on it!” PUZZLE: The Clock Puzzle Do we need to find an order, or combination? Click the buttons, most make a ‘clunk’. One button is different; it makes a ‘click’. Try that button first, then the others. Eventually, you will notice that you can make them ‘click’ one after the other. If you get a ‘clunk’ it means that you’ve lost the sequence. The aim is to click each button in the right order, getting ‘clicks’ each time. Once complete, a secret drawer opens.

Pick up the scrap of leather, or is it paper? The surface is strange. A symbol seems to glow with unnatural power. It must be another one of the 12 symbols! Unlike the previous symbols we have no word to go match it with. Perhaps we will find it later on. Make Note: Sketch Symbol.


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Explore Matilda Fly’s room. Look at the posters on the small table, this must be the show she was performing, before fleeing London; ‘The Two Faced Bride of Bodmin Moor’, “One of my best”. Look in the bedside table. Open the drawer. Read the 5 newspaper clippings. Poor Matilda did have a hard time.


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The largest of the clippings has a secondary article: “SLY FOX STRIKES AGAIN”. A female bank robber has become the darling of the newspapers. A glamorous crook, with a fast car. We know the whereabouts of a Sports Car. Could it be the same one?! Leave Matilda Fly’s Room, 2B, and return to the Second Floor Corridor. 2C: Green Room, with abstract art. EASTER EGG: This room changes, with each visit. Sometimes you will see the ‘Dark Fall’ symbol on the wall, other times you will find a battered looking trilby on the bedside table. Look in the wardrobe. What’s that on the shelf? There is a puzzle box: PUZZLE: The Star Sign Puzzle Box Does the pattern look familiar:? Think back to the Hotel Reception, and the blotting pad. We received a pattern after ‘doodling’ on it, and a number sequence. There are seven buttons in all, with each button clicked once, and once only. Use the number sequence on the puzzle box, and it opens.

There are two scarps of paper inside. Hang on, one isn’t paper at all....it is another piece of the leathery fabric, with a symbol. The note which accompanies the symbol reveals its associated word is Lussa.


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Make Note: Draw the symbol and note the word, Lussa. The rest of the note talks about the ‘symbols being scattered’. Who is the note from? George Crabtree again? He has scattered the symbols and words, in the hope that they would protect him. The author also mentions that Arther hid the others well, but they can be exposed by flame. A clue? Leave room 2C, and return to the Second Floor Corridor. 2D: It’s locked. We must find the key. The room is locked....hang on...didn’t someone mention a locked room, and a key...hidden in a silver teapot? Yes, that’s right, the voice on the Station Phone. Go listen to it again, if you need to. Otherwise, we will have to find that teapot. It must be in the hotel, somewhere....but, do peek through the keyhole...it reveals that room 2D may be inhabited by the living! There are noodle boxes, modern desk and chairs, and photos pinned to corkboards. Who are these people? Are they the Ghost-Hunters referred to by your brother...what were names again? Polly and Nigel. Ghost-hunters. 2E: A blue room, with insect art. Look straight down at the boxes on the floor. There are books in one box; one is about astronomy, and one looks like a journal, with the initials A.V. Could this be Andrew Verney’s room? The man who liked Red Wine, and ate on Table 4. Read Verney’s astronomy book ‘Sights of the Northern Hemisphere’, revised edition, 1946. A voice! “Are you interested in astronomy too?”. That must be Verney himself. He can see you! Look in the other cardboard box. A torn up note is waiting to be re-arranged. Once done, it reveals that Verney was trying to work out some sort of encryption. I = R and D = W. So, A must equal Z. The alphabet has been reversed. But, where’s the note to decrypt?


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Look around Verney’s Room. Click on the artwork. Verney knows ‘Edith’, the Hotel’s Landlady. Look in the wardrobe. Study the Star Sign Map. Look at paper note, turn it over, and read. Verney provides a simple number sequence. That can’t be an actual code? 1 to 7. Too simple, but it could provide a clue. Later on. Look at the bedside cabinet. Open the drawers. Read ‘Mapping an Alternate Sky’ in the second to bottom drawer. Lots of codes! Hmm, each one made up of 7 numbers. Read Verney’s notes. He also talks about Crabtree poking a note under his door, and a piece of “old skin”. He has also seen a new constellation! Exciting. But which one?! Look at Verney’s Puzzle Box. Seven buttons. We do not know the code. Yet. Study the coded note. It is a simple code. A = Z. The note reads;

“Andrew, Guard the skin with your life! I know I sound like a madman. Edith is feeling inclined to phone the police... you must trust

me. There is a great evil with us, here in the Hotel. My research is going well. I just need time. Your trusting friend,

G.C. P.s. Do not open your door, this night, to anyone....”

Crabtree knows about a ‘great evil’, and is warning people to stay in their rooms. He has handed out the 12 symbols, on pieces of skin, in the hope that it would save them.


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But, it doesn’t seem to have worked. They all disappeared that night, April the 29th, 1947. Perhaps Verney can provide more clues as to what happened... Leave Verney’s room. And proceed to the end of the hotel corridor. Turn left, there is a telescope by the window. Look at it. Study the constellations, until you hear Verney say “Brighter than the rest, I don’t recognise it at all”. Note that constellation. Make Note: Sketch the constellation. Return to Verney’s room, 2E. Let’s open that box! PUZZLE: Moon Phase Puzzle Box There are several clues, which need to be gathered to open this box. You have already seen many of them; The star chart, the astronomy notebook, the note in the wardrobe and the view through the telescope. Verney has seen a new constellation in the sky. Note is down, and look for it on the star chart. It looks like ‘RAKA’. Find Raka in the notebook, bedside cabinet, and note it’s code. 12/534/76. Based on the note, in the wardrobe, the buttons on Verney’s puzzle box are numbered left to right. Enter the code accordingly, pressing button 1, then 2, then 5, then 3, then 4, then 7 and finally 6. Voila! Access to Verney’s hidden symbol and note. If the box seems reluctant to open, try the buttons again.

They are very close together, so it is all too easy to click the wrong one. Verney must have had very delicate fingers...like a clockmaker. No wonder he made puzzle boxes for a living. Pick up the skin from the box. Study it. Verney is all too aware what the material is.


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Make Note: Raka and sketch the symbol. Leave room 2E, and return to the Second Floor Corridor. 2F: The window is open, to the elements. The room is derelict and messy. Turn to the left. There is a chest of drawers, and a hole in the floor. What’s that on the floor? The green light. Take a closer look. Click to look at the chest of drawers. They are all empty. Look at the gadget, on the floor. It’s a camera. Press the green button. Scroll through the photos using the ‘up’ and ‘down’ buttons. Do you recognise any of the locations? The place looks familiar. Most of the photos show images of the hotel? But who took them, and why? Some of the locations are unfamiliar. An ancient looking doorway, with symbols, and an underground area, or cellar? Perhaps the hotel has a hidden floor, somewhere underneath? Also, what’s that photo? It looks like a figure, or statue? It seems there is still plenty of places to discover. Leave the camera, and continue exploring. Look around the room, take a glance at the art, and then exit to the corridor. Turn right to face the portrait, hanging on the wall. Is that an ancient royal? Turn left, and click the door to enter the bathroom. Second Floor Bathroom.


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Someone has left the toilet set up, how rude! Take a look at the cupboard beneath the sink, or basin. There is a decorative box. Look closer at it. Open it. Just soap, hang on...what’s that in the lid. Click the grey area hidden in the lid of the box, and find half a photo. It has been ripped in half. But why? “Sandstone” and “Wood” are written on the photo, and two matching symbols are carved from different substances, which we can presume are Sandstone and Wood. Note their positions. Make Note: Make a note of the two shapes, in conjunction to the markings on the table. There is a double ring drawn around a bowl. Be specific. Leave the decorative box, and try the sink taps, or faucets. No water! Turn right, to face the bath and boiler. Look closer at the boiler. Click the metal grate. There is something inside. A note to Miss.Fly. “...perhaps it is skin...it is quite disgusting, so I have placed it somewhere suitable, it is rather beneath me, literally. Destroy

this note, or else! GG”

Who is GG? Miss.Grable, from room 1E? Yes. It must be! What was her business with Matilda Fly, the terrible actress? Fly had mentioned in her letter (check her room if you’ve forgotten, 2B) that she had seen something of interest, in one of the newspapers...something about a bank robber...the Sly Fox?! Good heavens, is Miss.Grable the Sly Fox?! No wonder Miss.Fly decided to stick around. She is blackmailing the Sly Fox, right here in the hotel. Perhaps we can find more evidence? Leave the bathroom. Turn left, and enter the storeroom. Second Floor Storeroom. Look around the store. Looks as if there are spare stools for the Station Hotel Bar. There is nothing in the broken wardrobe. What’s that in the corner? A one-armed bandit? Click to look at the dysfunctional machine. “Out of Order, Farthing Stuck”. Pull the handle anyway! You never know. Hmm, nothing. Or, perhaps you’ll get a motto, phrase or quote as a reward. The front of the machine is decorated with three crowns....but, that’s another game.

“We think caged birds can sing, when indeed they cry”


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I think we are finished in the store, so let’s return to the corridor. Walk back along the corridor to the staircase, on the left, and proceed upwards to the third, and final floor of hotel rooms. THE STATION HOTEL: THIRD FLOOR

A blue corridor, with three doors. More hotel rooms? Let’s find out. Click forward, and turn to the left. Room A? Click the door. Arther’s Artist Studio. This is no hotel room, it looks more like an artists studio. Could this be the studio used by Arther Johnson, the hotel’s resident artist...or, I should say deceased artist. The A, on the door, stood for Arther! Not a room. Turn left. Yes, the image says “Arther, 39”. The artist’s name, and the year he worked. Arther appears to have painted abstracts, and loose portraits. Quite fashionable in the late 30’s. Let’s take a closer look at his work. Turn back to the easel, and click the large portrait. This must have been what Arther was working on, just before his death. Click the photo, to see Arther’s subject. Leave the easal, and look at the canvases on the floor. Move the one of the left to one side. The face seems to glow, or burn. Is the man screaming? Someone in torment? Leave the portraits, and look at the shelf, under the window. There’s a note in the books. Click it. Make Note: Design for table 4. Sketch it.


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Come away from the shelf. Turn into the room. More portraits. Click to look at the large canvas. It seems to glow. Look at the table, there are more photographs. Move the canvas to one side, to reveal a piece of paper. [GET PAPER] Leave the table, and turn right to face the door. Lovely pre-Raphaelite design. Notice the cooking hob, or gas stove. Look at it. Try turning it on. Nothing! There is no gas. Leave the stove, and click to the right of the small cupboard. Turn the small gas tap. You can also look in the cupboard. Look at Arther’s Magic Ink. Hmmm. Also, read the note on the second shelf. It’s in code! It looks like the same cipher as before. No wonder, it is also from George Crabtree. The owner of the hotel...

“Arther, I think it would be wise to write our records and drawings using your invisible ink. I do not want the others to

know of our plans, just yet....Yours, George.” Invisible ink? We read, in one of George’s notes, that “Arther hid the others well, exposed by flame”. They must be nearby. As for a flame, that handy gas stove will be perfect. PUZZLE: Arther’s Invisible Ink Look back at the stove. Turn the gas knob on the left, then click the ignition button. Voila! There is a good flame. But, what has been written with invisible ink, and onto what? [USE PAPER]


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Fours names. Four words. We can now match Miss.Fly’s symbol to a word. Make Note: Morcana, and match it to the symbol in her room.

Make Note: Betty must have Tyma, Gloria Grable has Frenic and Edith has Ixiam. Turn the gas off. No need to blow up the hotel. Just yet. Leave Arther’s Studio. Go through the unmarked door, oppostite. GEORGE CRABTREE BEDROOM A lovely, green room. Very Victorian. Click to look at the books. On the left, is a History of Alchemy, by Frederick Zeus. On the right is a book called Pagan Powers and Earth Forces, by Sybilla el Fortuna. Let’s browse the books....

“Water, Chalk, Bronze, Wood, Sandstone and Mercury” From Pagan Powers & Earth Forces

“It is believed by many that some trails and ancient

combinations, that were thought long since forgotten, and being resurrected. As recently as 1912, a self proclaimed

alchemist published documents which illustrated how he had successfully created a ‘seer chalice’ or ‘Pool of Sight’.”


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History of Alchemy Leave the books. Turn into the room, and notice the table on the bottom left. Look at the small table. There is a bowl of water, and four matching symbols, of different materials. Perhaps the elements are alchemical, like the book said. We have also seen half of a photograph (Decorative box, in the second floor bathroom) which captured this scene. Look closer at the table. Pick up and move the symbols...but where to put them? Based on the ripped photo, we can presume that the large brown shape is ‘wood’, and the light brown shape is sandstone (not the smallest symbol). Let’s place them where they were, in that photo. Nothing! We must find out where to put the other two shapes. Come away from the table. Look at the bedposts. They look like acorns. Click to look at the front, right, bedpost. It can come off. There is a note inside.

“I should be happy that I now have all twelve, lyrical names and symbols. I must get the order right.”

So, there are twelve symbols, and twelve lyrics. We have seen all the symbols, in the Cave of Song, and have an order, but we do not have all the words, or know which symbol goes with which word, or lyric. George had all 12, and scattered them throughout the hotel, into hidden places, giving many to the guests. Leave the bed, and look at the bedside cupboard. There are books on the top, including the ghost story, A Warning to the Curious. Hmm, could be as good read. What’s this, there is a letter inside.

“...earth stones...Celtic tradition...entrapment...”

Leave the letter, and look at the lower part of the cupboard. There is another one of Andrew Verney’s Puzzle boxes. Kings and Queens? PUZZLE: The Kings and Queens Puzzle Box There are three royal portraits. Henry the VIII, Henry I and Elizabeth II. You can find clues to their identities throughout the hotel, including some you may not have found at this point. Most obvious are the actual portraits that hang in the halls, and hotel rooms. The aim is to change the number under each portrait. Henry should be 8, Henry should be 5 and Elizabeth should be 1. Anyone not familiar with the famous royals, need not fret, there are clues to the numbers needed in various places, but for now, take a look inside the box.


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Look inside the box. It is the other half of the photograph, showing our other two elements; chalk and bronze. Make Note: Positions of chalk and bronze on the table, based on the ring. Read the note from George, scribbled on the paper. “Damn, one of the lyrics has been lost! It knows what I plan. I am NOT giving up. I will see the missing lyric. I must work on.

The runes need casting.”

So, George Crabtree used the Seer Chalice (the bowl of water and the elements) to see the missing lyric and its corresponding symbol. We could try the same. Return to the pool on the table.


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PUZZLE: Alchemical Seer Chalice The aim is to position the elements (chalk, bronze, wood and sandstone) to match their positions as seen in the ripped photo. Why, oh why, did George have to rip it up?! No bother, note down the positions, based upon the white ring, which circles the bowl, and match the scene. Sandstone is by the upper, left corner. Bronze is on the lower, right corner. Wood is halfway up the ring, on the right. Finally, Chalk is in the middle bottom. You may need to perform some fine adjustments, but you WILL get there eventually. The pool will activate. Be quick to note down the symbol and lyric that appears. Make Note: Olkas and the symbol.


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I think we are finished in George’s Bedroom. We have learnt a great deal. Return to the Third Floor Corridor, by exiting through the door. Turn right, and open the door, the corridor continues. Go forth. There are four doors, 2 to each side. Lets go into the first room on the left. The Living Room. The room almost looks lived in. Do the ghosts maintain their world, thorough spirit? Look at the table. There are books. One is about the Civil War. Another is about the ‘Ghosts, Myths and Legends of the South West”. Hmm, could be useful. Give it a browse. The first story concerns a famous disappearance. A civil war soldier vanished without trace....

“...Tom and Will were able to sneak into the cellars at the Inne at Dowerton...he was never seen again...two centuries

later Gabriel Crabtree had plans to rebuild the Inne, for passing travellers on route to London...”

Ghosts, Myths and Legends of the South West

We are wandering around the Station Hotel, mentioned in the book! So, an Inne used to stand on this site, with extensive cellars. They were large enough for deserters from the Civil War to hide in. We have not found any cellars, just yet, but should keep it in mind, when we return to the ground floor. Read the other stories, for more clues. “Guardian spirits protected the ancient earthworks that can be

found across the South West”

Is that what we are dealing with? An ancient guardian? What is it guarding, and what did it do to the hotel guests and staff, that dark night back in 1947? Leave the books, for now, and look at the rest of the living room, to your right. Look at the small table, next to the sofa. There is a newspaper clipping. Read it.


The story refers to Timothy Pike, the ghost from the train tunnel Bless him. What happened to the poor boy? “He may be trapped, or lost somewhere”. The police never did find Timothy. His ghost has wandered the tunnel and train station ever since. Tragic. Perhaps we can help him to move on...let’s keep going. Leave the newspaper, and look at the radio. Play with the knobs. You can change channels, to various stations, and leave it to play while you explore. Some stations sound old fashioned, while others sound like local Pirates! This old radio is a marvel indeed. Leave the Living Room, and return to the hall.


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Go straight across, and enter the room. Betty Penfold’s Bedroom. A lively, purple room. A clock ticks away, to itself, somewhere nearby. We feel as if we know Betty already; we know so much about her. She was courting ‘Thomas’ back in 1947, and planning secret trysts in the hotel rooms. She was also responsible for the Musical Memories nights, hosted by the hotel. This would explain the art displayed in this room. It is sheet music. Her mother, Edith, lives in the hotel, and runs the kitchen, bar and general upkeep. What more can we learn about Betty? Let’s find out. Turn right, and look at the music. ‘O’Happy Day and Memories of Scunthorpe’. Now look at the clock. Wind the key, on the clock. The chimes seem broken; age is finally taking its toll on the old antique. Open the drawer. There are scraps of sheet music. Perhaps Betty was simplifying larger compositions? Look around the room, step further into the room. There are more framed sheets of music, and a dressing table. Look at the dressing table. Is that a metronome, for keeping time? Click the metronome. A ghostly letter appears! Read it, before is vanishes forever.

“Dearest Thomas, I’ve been practising that horrible song...my Mam is listening to that blasted old song, on her gramophone, over and over again, at least she hasn’t got it

as loud as it was...”

Hmm, practising a song? But which one? Let’s look around. Come away from the dressing table, and look at the trumpet, on the floor. What’s that on the pipes? Move the trumpet (thrice) to get a better look. Click the paper. Musical notes? Make Note: Sketch the tune, based on the 5 notes that need practise. Cripes, I haven’t played anything before, in my life, so we’d better find someway of deciphering the tune. Or, if you are a secret maestro, you could go give the tune a whirl, on the pub piano. For now, you had better stick with me...there’s more to find, before descending back to the Hotel Reception. Let’s leave Betty’s Room, and return to the corridor. Turn right, and go forward. Oh look, there’s Henry the VIII staring back at us. A clue for the puzzlebox, in case we hadn’t solved it. Turn left, and go into Edith’s Bedroom. Edith Penfold’s Bedroom. A pink coloured room with...cripes!....look at the spikes on that bed! You’d better not trip over in here. Look at the dressing table. A ladies room.....most likely to be Edith Pendfold. Look at the cameo; a pretty piece of jewellery. Open the jewellery box. A tune plays. There are earrings, a lipstick and....a note! Read it.


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Betty is telling her mum to remove the clock from room 2B. We’ve already found that clock, and opened it. Miss.Fly obviously did the same, as she hid her piece of vellum (skin) inside it. Leave the Jewellery box. Open the drawer, hidden in the shadow of the dressing table. Click the black and red book. “Wise Eating in Wartime”. This must be where Edith found many of her ‘unusual’ recipes. There was a war on, you know. Leave the book. No, WAIT! What’s that under the book. There’s a note. It’s from the local doctor. He was worried about the state of George’s mental health, and was shocked at the lack of care shown by the Crabtree family. Now leave, and return to the drawer. Click the purple ‘Photo Album’. There are photos of Edith...and Frank? Who is Frank? Edith’s husband we guess. Perhaps Edith was a widow, in 1947? Betty in her new ‘work attire’. I wonder who stole that photo, and who has it now? I think Betty removed the photo, and gave it to Thomas. Also, what’s this... “They played ‘our tune’ in the Castle Hotel. It was lovely. So,

Frank went and bought a copy. I’ve still got it too” What’s the tune? They heard it on holiday, in Hastings, 1940. Their “last holiday together”. That must be a clue! Look around the room. There are photos on the wall; Edith and Frank, enjoying that last holiday in Hastings. Click the top photo....a voice echoes out from the image...Edith has something to tell you....

“Are you the one carrying on George’s work? It knows what you are doing...my symbol is hidden in my room, you’ll find

it...if you have a song in your heart...there are twelve symbols....all the guests had one, I had one, Betty had one....be


So, we are unwittingly continuing the work of George Crabtree. He was trying to put something right, using the symbols and the lyrics. What had gone wrong? What was he trying to stop? Leave the photos, and turn into the room. There is a wardrobe and a gramophone. Look at the gramophone. Wind the crank. Flip the small switch. Now click the record to place the record arm at various points on the vinyl. There are 7 tracks in all. All are ‘stuck’ by a scratch in the vinyl. Hmm, but which one of the tunes would Edith consider ‘Our Tune’, as mentioned in the Photo Album. PUZZLE: The Gramophone Look in the photo album, and make a note about ‘Our Tune’, heard in Hastings, while on holiday. Look in top of wardrobe. Click the record sleeve. “A Little Light Music”, flip the sleeve over. There is a track listing. We must be listening to side A, tracks 1 through to 7 on Edith’s gramophone. Look, track 2 is called ‘On Hastings Pier’. That must be it. Go set the gramophone to track two. Wind the crank, and flip the small switch if needed. Hmm, nothing. Hang on, what was Betty saying in that letter to Thomas. She said “my Mam is listening to that blasted old song, on her gramophone, over and over again, at least she hasn’t got it as loud as it was...”. Crank up the


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volume! Still nothing. Where are you Edith?! Look around the room. A photo falls from the wall....let’s take a look...click the photo frame...the back comes off. Click the note and skin inside. There is a symbol! We know from Arther’s secret note (invisible ink, in his studio), that Edith had ‘Ixiam’. Make Note: Ixiam and sketch the symbol.

Read the note, from George to Edith. Ixiam. George and Arther released some terrible evil, which stalks those who dwell within the hotel. He is worried that all will be attacked by the darkness, and insists that everyone stay in their hotel rooms...but, we know, that nothing could help them. George must have failed. Will we do the same? We can now leave Edith’s room, but do read the newspaper clipping about the Musical Memories Night, and then open the door. Go across the hall to George’s Study. George Crabtree’s Study

The door is locked. Hmm, what to do. There is a ‘use’ icon, on the door, and a ‘look down’. Let’s look down.


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[USE PAPER] The paper slides under the door. There is a ‘use icon’ on the lock. [USE SCREWDRIVER] You hear a key fall to the floor. Pull the paper back towards you. [GET GEORGE CRABTREE STUDY KEY] We now have George’s key. He must have locked himself in? Is he still in there? [USE GEORGE CRABTREE STUDY KEY] A green room, with a floral border, books and photographic art. Let’s have a look around. Explore the room. Turn around on the spot. Proceed into the room, past the desk, towards the stereoscope. Look closer at the device. Flip the small round switch. The light come son inside the machine. There are four canisters, to the right of the stereoscope. Let’s have a look at them. Film Canisters for Stereoscope: One: First from front: Click it, and then click the crank handle. Look through the eyepiece. “Trial 2” “Elements” Fire, lightning, clouds and waves. Two: Second from front: “A study of local trees” Three: Third from front: “A possible haunting” A cellar, or basement, room with orbs flitting about the space. Four: Fourth from front: “A possible haunting” A bathroom, the one from the Second Floor, with orbs flitting about the room. Make Note: The order of the elements in Trial 2. What have we learnt from the films? There is definitely a cellar, or basement, and that George was conducting, or experiencing some sort of ‘Trials’. Come away from the stereoscope, and look at the photos of the trees. Did George develop and print these photos himself. Perhaps there is a dark room hidden away somewhere? Look at the magic lantern, on the tabletop. It is an old Victorian invention, for viewing photographic slides. Return to the other side of the room. Look at George’s desk. Look at the photos on the wall. They are of a young man, in uniform, and a group of servicemen. You can look at a closer view of the servicemen. Who is this character? Look at the other photo. It turns to reveal a note. Read it.

“There is word going round that tomorrow night is the ‘big move’....So, looks like this is it. Just want to get things over

and done with. You must not think too much while I am away,


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you have enough problems as it is, I will be back to help you defeat our miscreation, Arther”

Arther went off to war, and never came back. He was not able to help George defeat their ‘miscreation’, whatever it may be. Poor Arther. Perhaps he knew, when he wrote that letter, that he probably wouldn’t be coming back. There were many ‘one way missions’ during that terrible war. Let’s leave the note. Looking back at the desk, you can browse the books. Dark, depressing and esoteric texts. What has George got mixed up in? Back at the desk, look down to poke through George’s correspondence. Look at the notes by the blue book. It seems George was suspicious of Gloria Grable, like Miss.Fly. George mentions her car....yes, we saw her car, in the barn...out there in the woods. Let’s take a look at the newspaper clipping in the top right, of the desk...

“Police Officers yesterday had to admit defeat, after it was

revealed that the notorious ‘lady’ Bank Robber, ‘Sly Fox’ has evaded capture once again. No-one else was seen with her, which destroyed the theory that she always worked with a

getaway driver”.

SO, Gloria Grable IS the Sly Fox. She was here, in the hotel, that last night in Dowerton. She too must have fallen victim to the evil, which stalked the hotel’s corridors and rooms. Read the letter from Edith to George. It seems that Edith was the one to suspect Gloria’s true identity. Read George’s ‘mad’ note, by the ink well. He is beginning to panic. Open the desk drawer. Good heavens! Naughty George. Look past the ancient pornography, to find a letter from the Dorsetshire Archaeology Society. “I believe there may be a tunnel network under your hotel, or

possibly an ancient site...this could be one of the most important excavations this century....”

There is interest in the tunnels, and caves, under the hotel. We have found one such cave, under the barn, but are there others? George obviously didn’t want the archaeologists poking around, as he knew, all too well, that something terrible dwelt in those dark passages. Leave the drawer, and those photos! Open George’s all-important Journal. “A most extraordinary discovery...Arther and I were pottering about in the cellar, wondering if we could find Tom Oliver’s final resting place....we found no sign of Tom, but instead,

found an antechamber...I have the most overwhelming feeling


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of unease this day....there is something about the chamber which scares me to my soul...”

George Crabtree

George and Arther discovered a secret chamber in the hotel cellar, or basement. They released a terrible power, when they opened the final seal. They felt the evil pass through into the hotel. What could they do?

“It is here. Here with us in the hotel. I have experienced the most bizarre and unnatural visions. The dead are here, all

around us.” George Crabtree

Arther and George studied the secret chambers, in a desperate bid to control the power they had released. Research trips, and further excavation revealed some clues...

“Arther’s Discovery. A piece of vellum. Animal Skin. It is illustrated with symbols. They share a power with the symbols

of the chamber. There are twelve symbols in all.” George Crabtree

Arther went away, to war. Never to return. George battled on, alone, losing his mental stability in the process. People thought him mad. He alone knew the secret of the Dark Fall, and how the twelve symbols and lyrics could put all right again.

“I have learnt of the Trails. There are three. A test of my

worth. Why did the old ones not pass on their gifts...were they guardians? Keeping the Dark Fall in its prison.”

George Crabtree

George failed. He must have done, or otherwise we would not be here, this cold night, looking for our brother. We must finish George’s work. Find the chamber. Finish the trails, three in all. And use the power of the twelve symbols and lyrics. Make Note: Three Trials. 1:Colours. 2:Sounds of the Earth. 3:? Make Note: George’s sketch of the bedspread, or bed cover.


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George was all set, that night on April 29th, to finish the Dark Fall for good. But something went wrong. Leave the desk, and turn around. Look at the table. Three items. A plan, a photo and a Slide Index. Look at the photo. We have seen that icon before. Look at the plan. It shows the monolith from the Cave of Song. There is a number sequence. 12 in all. We should have the symbols from the monolith, and the order, from our time on the Cave of Song. (If not, pop back to the woods, through the barn, down the tunnel, use the lamp, and make note of the order). PUZZLE: Magic Lantern Look at the Slide Index. Strange names. Leave the table view, and click the red leather box. There are 5 slides within. Switch ‘on’ the Magic Lantern projector. Click each slide, working from top left, to bottom right. 1: Top-Left: Pitch Two men erecting a tent. 4: Middle-Left: Operate A miners tent. 5: Top-Right: Mortym A marquee, with cryptic figure in foreground. 6: Middle-Right: Capalite A hunters tent.


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8: Bottom-Right: Crimious Woodcutters Shed. Look closer at the figure in the Mortym slide, number 5. There’s a symbol!! Make Note: Mortym and sketch the symbol.

Leave the Magic Lantern. Move away, and turn to face the door. There is a waste paper bin, on the floor. Click it. The bin is full of paper. Have a good root around in there. You will find a torn note. Piece it back together and read it.


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I think we have found all we can, in George’s Study. Leave the room. Turn right, then go forward to the end of the hall. Turn left to face the Third Floor Bathroom Door. Click it to enter. THIRD FLOOR BATHROOM A bright, modern bathroom, in a deco style. Look around the bathroom. Open the cupboard and open the doors. Cosmetics are inside. Play with the shaving mirror. Not much to do in here, are we missing something...let’s move on. Leave the Third Floor Bathroom. Turn left, and open the door to the Third, and final, Store Room. THIRD FLOOR STOREROOM A ladder! Let’s not rush up there....you never know what’s waiting... Instead, look around the Storeroom. There are boxes of soap and shampoo. You may notice, hidden away in the back, the all-important SILVER TEAPOT! This was mentioned, by Nigel Danvers, all that time ago, on the Station Phone. He said he hid something inside it, but what was it...and what did it do. Let’s see what is hidden inside....


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The Key! The key in the silver teapot. Excellent. It must open the only locked door in the hotel....2D, on the second floor. Let’s go there right away. We will finally be able to find out who Nigel Danvers is, and what he was doing in the hotel. Leave the storeroom, go back along the corridor, through the door, and down the stairs. Turn right, and go along the corridor till you get to room 2D. Click the key in the inventory. The door will unlock.... ROOM 2D: THE GHOST-HUNTERS HQ This is the Head Quarters of Nigel Danvers and Polly White, Ghost-Hunters from Weymouth University. They are conducting a study of the paranormal phenomena at Dowerton Station and the hotel. Look at the corkboard directly in front of you. There is a map and takeaway food leaflets, for the Dowerton area. Look closer at the map. Notice the proximity of Dowerton village to the station, and Crabtree Manor, the seat of the Crabtree family. Come away from the map. Look at the photos. Polly White and Nigel Danvers are caught on webcam images. We have seen many cameras around the hotel and station. Read the note from Pete Crowhurst, your brother, which mentions that he is working late all week, and not to be alarmed by any strange noises. So, your brother knew the ghost-hunters! A connection. Look at the three takeaway leaflets; Chinese, Indian and Pizza. All local. Leave the corkboard, and look at the items on the table. Pick up the Dictaphone. Click on the button, on the top right of the Dictaphone. Listen to the message.


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“Something terrible is happening in this hotel. We discovered something, using the thermoscanner. I’ve written the settings

in a safe place....upstairs bathroom, find them!”

Thermoscanner? Some sort of probe, or X-Ray camera? We should find it, and those settings that Polly mentions. But, for now... Turn right, notice the famous poster. Turn and face into the room. Lots of hi-tech equipment. Great! Let’s get stuck in. Move towards the monitors. Turn right. Another corkboard. Look at the items. Read the notes; A list of ‘Missing Persons’, with lots of familiar names. Second note lists where all the cameras are located. Notice that Cam 10 is the ‘thermoscanner’ mentioned by Polly White, and it is in the elusive cellar. We must find it. Notice on Cam list the mention that the password for PC Terminal 2 is the “only thing I like on that menu”. Which menu? Read the email from the students tutor, Henry, about their investigation. They are studying an ‘Alternate Sciences’ degree. Read the small newspaper cutting...

“Local Students, Polly White & Nigel Danvers, are setting themselves the task of proving the existence of ghosts.”

Look at the photographs; Larsus was photographed, from the Station Toilets. The students have also photographed areas of the hotel, and captured strange phenomena. Turn back to the monitors. Click the monitor screen on the left, this is PC Terminal 1. Scroll down the icons on the left of the PC screen, and notice that there are several computer programs to play with. Here’s a guide to each program: Journal Entries: Polly’s journal, covering the setting up of their experiment up to the moment before something ‘terrible happened’, and both she and Nigel Danvers disappeared. Reading Polly’s journal is a good idea. It is packed full of useful info, and details what paranormal activity was witnessed, and where. Polly mentions that they discovered the cellar, and Nigel set up the ThermoCam (Thermoscanner mentioned before on the Dictaphone). It sounds, from the journal entries, that both Polly and Nigel have been in many of the rooms you have discovered, and noticed similar spooky phenomena.... “Another knock at the door. Nigel is here, so I know for sure it is not him. It’s whispering again. Whispering my name. This is

too much. I am going to open the door...”

Finally, in the Journal Entry titled ‘Progress’, Polly mentions they are heading for the cellar....and returns in a panic. She is being hunted through the hotel, by the darkness. She must have found the same antechamber as George Crabtree...what on earth dwells in that dark, unknown place? The journal ends.


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Sound Recordings: Sound 1: Cellar / Night Click Noisegate. Is that a voice? Click Freq -. It is a voice. The voice of the dead. Someone is bleeding to death. The sound was recording in the cellar. Who is this voice? Is it Tom Oliver, the character from the Ballad in the Bar, and the Myths book in the living room? Must be! A ghost from over 350 years ago, still haunting the cellar as if he were still there...dying slowly. Sound 2: Kitchen / Night Click Noisegate. Some kind of chanting? The words sound a little like the words, or lyrics, we have been collecting from around the hotel. Sound 3: Loft / midday So, there is an attic, or loft, as well as a cellar. Somewhere else to explore! Click Freq +. Is that an EVP? A voice saying “Leave me...”? Click Reverse. Another voice. “it knows you, can see you, run, run, RUN!”. Image Cleaner: Click the small ‘thumbnail’ images, to get larger versions. Drag the orange coloured rectangle to look around the screen to see details, and paranormal phenomena. Notice that the image of the King is labelled Henry the 8th, just in case you were still stuck with the Kings and Queens Puzzle Box from George’s room. Also notice, there are images of Nigel Danvers in the Hotel Reception, and images of the elusive cellar. Music: Listen to some tunes compiled by Nigel and Polly. They seem to like techno quite a lot. Modern young things! Case 0014 Personals: This is the database of missing characters, compiled by Polly White. It is easy to visualise and make notes about the missing people, using this source. Open 0014: Callum, Thomas: Boyfriend to Betty. Was hiding in hotel on April 29th. Crabtree, George: Owned the station, blamed for disappearances. (Notice mention of Dark Room). Fly, Matilda: Stage and screen actress, based in hotel room 2B. Grable, Gloria: Mysterious character in room 1E. Possible acquaintance of Miss.Fly. She arrived in a distinctive American Sports Car, which was never found. Penfold, Betty: Daughter of Edith, the Hotel Manager. Girlfriend to Thomas Callum. Worked as maid in the hotel.


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Penfold, Edith: Landlady, Manager and Host at the Hotel. Verney, Andrew: Writer, astrologer based in room 2E. Made an annual visit to the hotel, in either April or October. MetrolSat: A live weather update. Click Sat image 1, 2 and 3 to see weather patterns over the UK. Browse Websites: Click the links on the top bar, to view the following websites: Learn Piano: A guide to learning piano for dummies, which will help the less musically inclined solve the musical puzzle in the Station Hotel Bar (using musical notes gathered from Betty’s trumpet clue).

Ghosthunters.netz: Large website, packed full of info about ghosts and Polly and Nigel’s investigation. Click through the buttons to read and see more. Frequently Asked Questions: A good list of different ghostly phenomena. Click through the descriptions to learn more about ‘residual, anniversary, intelligent, poltergeist and energy orbs’ phenomena.


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In Focus: An article by Polly White. Read her Ouijaboard Tips, they may prove useful. “What is your name, How old are you, Where are you, Are you alone”. Listen to the radio interview. Polly talks about her experiment at Dowerton. Television: Some useful mentions of paranormally themed TV shows. Sponsors: Need a torch or flashlight, trust in Glowday! I hope Polly had one. 20th Century Mysteries: A preview website with an interesting (and revealing) article about famous disappearances. Matilda Fly is on here! Read that article, and browse the others. EASTER EGG: When looking at 20th Century Mysteries, notice a fourth link has appeared on the ‘Recent’ list. Click it, to use The Seeker website. “Cross my site with webhits and learn thy past, Mortals!”. It’s daft, but it is fun. Polly had an eclectic taste in websites. HADDEN: Peripheral Help: This technology manufacturer seems to design and create advanced electronics for the military, archaeology and the home. Click the two links, top left, to view the data entries. We already have a piece of the Hadden kit, in the form of the Elecmag Tracker (the green gadget which shows unusual electro-magnetic energy readings, spirit power, basically). But, where can we get hold of some of the RADIVISION Goggles? They sound very useful. They are able to view energy waves invisible to the naked eye, and even sense energy from hundreds of years ago! To see into the past. Exit the programs. Leave the PC Terminal, by clicking the ‘Omega’ symbol in the top left of main screen (after exiting the programs). Turn left, to face the Hadden Industries boxes, piled up by the wall. Note the missing pictures, on the wall. Click the boxes. Pick up and flip the delivery note. The equipment was delivered and ‘signed for’ by Nigel Danvers. Important: Don’t miss the other rollover, behind the boxes. Click to zoom in on that area. There is a pair of the Radivision Goggles discarded, or mislaid, in the corner. Grab the Goggles, and they will appear in inventory. They can be used in various places throughout the hotel, to ‘see’ and ‘hear’ into the past. See ‘A Guide to Ghost-Hunting Goggle Views’. You can start your ghost-hunting, right now, by leaving the boxes, and turning around, to face into the room. “Here...”. Was that a voice? Try using the goggles.


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Another version of the room is visible beneath the ‘here and now’. A ghost version of the room. Are we seeing into the past? The Hadden tech notes said the goggles were sensitive to past actions, and radiation. Is this how the room, 2D, once looked?! Pictures have re-appeared on the walls, a rocking chair stands in the middle of the room...and, there is writing on the wall...

“The innocents mean well. Useless pieces. Useless Pawns. With Electric Gifts. They think they know. Useless pieces,

thrown away”

Is a game taking place? The scrawled writing refers to pawns? A deadly game of chess perhaps? Someone is definitely trying to tell us something, from beyond the grave. Crabtree? What was it he found in the cellar, or basement. We must find out. Perhaps these new Radivision Goggles will help. Leave the students room, and descend to the hotel reception. There was a photo of Nigel Danvers, in reception, on PC Terminal 1. Polly’s Journal mentions that he spent a lot of time in the cellar. There must be an entrance to the cellar nearby. In the hotel reception, stand on the rug, in front of the desk, and face the staircase. Is that a small door? Click it.


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We are now in the basement of the hotel. Spooky. Have a good look around, and see what you find. Make sure you notice the strange gadget in the back section, it looks like a lamp. It appears to be pointing at a wall of sheet metal. The gadget beeps away to itself in the gloom. There’s also another camera. At the other end of the cellar there is a plain, metal door. Locked! Turn around... “Here”... [USE GOGGLES] Orbs seem to float past. There’s a voice, and a request to “SAY” things... Try typing “who are you” into the box and click the SAY button. “I be Tom Oliver”...we’ve found the ghost from the ballad. Try typing “are you a ghost” into the box and click the SAY button. “If thou know best you better leave this place” Try typing “are you dead” into the box and click the SAY button. “Well I was shot, wasn’t I...” Try some other questions on Will...he may have clues. Later, take a look at the ‘Conversations with the Dead’ chapter of the walkthrough, for a full list of possible questions, to get the most information from Tom. Turn away, Tom’s ghost will leave. So, Tom Oliver was in this cellar, all those years ago...and he disappeared. The entrance to the antechamber, found by Arther and George, cannot be far away. Perhaps we can get this door open. Turn to face the corner, alongside the grey door, and brick wall and walk forwards...turn around. There is a panel of buttons on the post, with the grey door visible beyond. PUZZLE: Dark Room Door Panel We’ve had lots of clues for this one. Look at the symbols on the buttons. Do they look familiar? They should...they are the same as the patterns found on the Dining Room tables. If in doubt, go back to that room, above you, and take a look. But, there are only 5 dining tables, and there are 6 buttons here. One must be a dud. It is the last one, that looks like a plain cross. Arther Johnson designed the dining tables, so must have designed this panel switch too. The dining tables were numbered...presumably, we should press the buttons in the right order, from 1 to 5.


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Numbering the buttons from top to bottom as 1 through to 6, press them in this order: 3, 2, 5, 1 and 4. You will hear the door unlock, let’s go take a look. THE DARK ROOM

This must be the dark room. The place is lit red, and ready for printing photos. Is someone still using it? Look at the cupboard, directly in front of you. Take the item. [GET METAL CRANK]


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Turn to face into the room, and step forward. Look at the photos on the table, and read the note.

“George was quite a talented snapper of paranormal phenomena”

It appears Nigel Danvers has beaten us to it! He has been printing some of George Crabtree’s old photos. You can understand why George was so worried about what he had released, as the place seems alive with ghostly activity. Look at all the photos. The station footbridge image is very creepy. Could that be little Timothy Pike? Look at the photographic chemicals. They look too old to use. Look at the other end of the table. There are modern chemicals, and a receipt. There’s also some new photographic paper.... Let’s print some photos: PUZZLE: Dark Room Photos Press the small buttons on the control (lower left of screen). Dark now. Click the enlarger head, (top left of screen). Click a negative, (bottom left of screen). Push negative into enlarger. Click the photographic paper. Press the big button on the control. The enlarger switches on. Then off. Click the paper. Wait for a few moments...oh, it’s over developed! Try the paper again, switch on the enlarger. Wait till light goes off. Then click paper. Count to 2 seconds, (wait for cursor to appear), then click the photo. Ta da! The print is in the ‘Stop’ liquid. Leave for a moment, and lift the photo out. What’s that?! A chair? A flying chair?! Scary. Switch the light back on, and leave the Dark Room by clicking the handle. We cannot find the secret antechamber, found by Arther and George in 1947, and Polly and Nigel in 2003. Hmm, back to the Ghost-Hunters HQ in Room 2D. There must be something we missed, on their computers. Return to Room 2D. [USE KEY] Time to look at PC Terminal 2. Turn around and look at the monitor on the right. Click the screen. “Please enter your password”. Blast! We don’t know it. But, what did the notes on the corkboard say.... “the password is the only thing I like on that menu”. Check the takeaway menus...too many options on there! Note the telephone numbers. Takeaway Menus: Carolina Pizza: 01622 048152 Shimla Indian Cuisine: 01622 743852 Dragon Inn Chinese Food: 01622 643853 Let’s find another clue. Go back to the monitor desk, and click the area to the left of monitor 1. There’s a pizza box there....a clue? Maybe. Wait, there’d a mobile phone (cell phone). Click it. Enter the takeaway phone numbers....


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Carolina: “If you don’t speak I can’t take your order....” Shimla Indian Cuisine: “We want our money you know....you loser” PUZZLE: Computer Password Pick up the mobile phone. Enter the phone number for Dragon Inn Chinese: “This is an automated service....you have a standard order. Would you like to order it? Press star, twice, now”. On the phone, hit the star, asterix, button twice. Lower left of keypad. “Your usual order is number is number 15. You have now ordered number 15”. But, what is number 15 exactly? Check the takeaway leaflets...Dragon Inn, number 15 is....Chicky Chow. Return to PC Terminal 2, and enter “Chicky Chow” in the password box. The machine boots up. “Launching program”. We have access to the cams! Time to spy on the hotel and station. Click through the thumbnails, along the top of the screen, to view the different camera views. Revisitig the cam views may result in activity, if you miss it the first time. Keep flicking between the different cams. Cam 1: Platform 1: A view of the train platform, looking towards the buffet and hotel. Cam 2: Station Foyer: The ticket office. Keep an eye open for orbs! Cam 3: Reception Gents Toilet. Cam 4: Public Bar: A view of the Station Hotel Bar. Cam 5: Dining Room: Looking towards the window. Watch for darkness. Cam 6: Room 1C: An empty hotel room...watch for changes. Cam 7: Room 1F: A cam with a microphone...listen for activity and evps. Cam 8: Dead. Cam 9: Room 2D. This room! The room is very active. Cam 10: Cellar: ThermoCam or ThermoScanner. Cam 10 has other settings. Try adjusting them. The view from the camera seems to change slightly. It is as if the cam were seeing layers of depth invisible to the naked eye, like an X-Ray. Didn’t Polly say something about ThermoScanner settings, on her Dictaphone message? “I’ve written the settings in a safe place....upstairs bathroom, find them...”. Ok, off we go. Go to the Third Floor Bathroom. (Out of the students room, up the stairs, to the end of the corridor and turn left. Open the door). In the Third Floor Bathroom, turn around to face the shaving mirror. Click it till it shows the lamp reflected in the mirror. Then, turn to face the bath. What’s that on the wall? Take a closer look. Make Note: 00:20 and 00:90 then below, 00:5 and 00:40. Go back to the student’s room, 2D, and enter the numbers on the Cam 10 settings. Be careful to put the right settings in the right box. 00:20 in the top left, 00:90 in the top right, 00:5 on the bottom left and 00:40 on the bottom right. Something appears in the view. A doorway? Is it the secret antechamber?! Let’s go find out. Return to the cellar. THE CELLAR


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Go back to the thermoscanner, in the back corner of the room. That is the view we saw on Cam 10. Click the metal sheets. Wow. There’s a void behind there....are you ready to go in? Deep breath....

It is dark. Use the lamp. [USE LAMP] What’s that on the wall. 1318. And a socket hole. Look closer. There is whispering. We must be close. The Dark Fall itself may dwell on the other side of this wall. Let’s try that strange crank we found in the Dark Room. [USE METAL CRANK] The crank slides into place, then click it. The passage opens. This must be what George and Arther discovered! Climb through the tiny tunnel....

“Oh Nigel, what have you done, God, what have WE done”

What is this place?! Whose whispers are those? Turn around on the spot, and witness the strange patterns appearing on the walls. What kind of power is this?! Move further into the tunnels. A mysterious barrier blocks your way. This must be one of the ‘Trials’ mentioned by George Crabtree in his journal. Thinking back, you should remember that he referred to Trial 1 as ‘Colours’, and mentioned getting Edith to make up a special bed cover, so that facts that “cannot be hidden can be recorded”. We must find that bed cover, it holds the clue to getting past this trail: Trial 1. How to escape the chamber? Turn to face the massive stone door, and click the counterweight. Phew, the door opens...just enough to climb through. Now to find that clue. Let’s try some of the hotel rooms...


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Go to room 1A. Edith made a bed cover for this room. Looking around the room, you will hear a voice say “here”. [USE GOGGLES] Study the old version of the room, and zoom in on the bed. The bed cover features the ‘Dark Fall’ symbol. Make Note: The colour sequence from the bed cover. Return to the cellar, and pass though the stone door into the antechamber and tunnels. Let’s face the first trial...

PUZZLE: Trial 1 Using the colour code from the bed cover, click the colours in the right order. Part of the clue was found in George’s Journal. The bed cover is divided into 4 sections, each with a distinctive colour. They are numbered in the journal, 1 to 4. The order is: Green. Blue. Purple. Red. With a screech, the barrier disappears. We can progress forward. Step ahead. Look around on the spot. There are more glowing symbols. Face the tunnel, and click forward. Another barrier. This must be Trial 2.


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PUZZLE: Trial 2 There are four glowing crosses. Click them to hear sounds. But what are they? The sea? The wind? Thunder? Yes. That’s it. George’s stereoscope film, in his study, had a film called Trial 2: Elements. Do you remember the sequence? If not, refer to your notes, or pop back to his study, and re-watch the film. The film shows, in this order: Fire, Lightning, Clouds and some waves. So, click the sound buttons in the right order, to make that sequence in sound. The sounds are: Crackling fire, top cross. Thunder clap, left. Howling wind, right cross. Crashing waves, bottom cross. With a screech, the barrier disappears. We can progress forward. Step ahead. Look around on the spot. There are more glowing symbols. There is a book, on the floor...by a tablet. Let’s have a look... It is George’s second journal, a shorter one, and his trusty lamp. Is this as far as he got? Let’s find out. Click the book.

“Like those who have passed before me, I go forth and read the lyrics. I can end this now. No more shall suffer. The

feeding is over...” George Crabtree


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SO, George DID get this far, and he had ALL 12 lyrics. How many do we have? Is it enough? Face the tunnel, and click forward. Another barrier. Perhaps the glowing symbols hold the clue to this barrier, as George never mentioned it. Look to the left, a glowing mural can be seen. Click the pulsing icon. A sequence will play, orchestrated with wind noises, or bottle sounds. PUZZLE: Trial 3 Look to the left of this barrier, a glowing mural can be seen. Click the pulsing icon. A sequence will play, orchestrated with wind noises, or bottle sounds. Make Note: The order of the sounds. Turn back to the barrier. Click the symbols to hear the sounds. Each one is different. There must be an order. Let’s describe the sounds: 1: Top: Long, high pitched screech. Single. 2: Centre: Short low breath. 3: Bottom right: Puff puff sound. 2 breathes. 4: Bottom middle: Low pitch to high pitch screech. Two notes. 5: Bottom left: Long, low puff. Increasing in force.

Turn back to the mural, let’s hear that tune once more. It is clearly the same sounds, played as a sequence. The sequence is: 1,4, 3, 2, 5. It might take a few goes, with this one. The ancients made strange music, and sounds, so they are less familiar to our ears. The first two notes are easy, as they are the two screeches. The lower tones are harder, but I’m sure you’ll get there.


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The barrier has gone! The third and final barrier has disappeared. We can move forward and enter the Dark Fall chamber. Let us find our destiny....Step toward the doorway. What is that beyond? Some sort of well? What are those shards that issue forth? Step into the chamber.... THE DARK FALL CHAMBER A hideous, gothic room, decorated with rib cages, faces and limbs. It is hellish. The open well seems to ooze evil itself. Look around you, turning on the spot, to take in the place, in all its terrible glory. Look at the statues, or fountains. What is that ‘stuff’ spewing from their mouths.... “help us, please, help us...”. Quickly, pull yourself away, before the darkness consumes you. Look back towards the well. We have an opportunity to call out the lyrics we have so far...let us try one... Type in “Larsus” (the first lyric you found). The word is whispered by some unnatural voice, as the symbol appears before you. You must enter the lyrics, all twelve of them, in the right order....but, we do not have them all. Damnation! Leave the chamber, before the Dark Fall realises your mistake. Quick! The darkness follows you down the chamber, whispering at your heels...leave the chamber, by clicking the counterweight. Phew. You are safe for now. Let’s find those missing lyrics. Return to the hotel, and go through the station bar. THE STATION BAR: SECOND TIME [USE STATION BAR KEY] Go forward into the bar, and turn left. There is a table with a red wine bottle. You will hear a voice whisper “here...”. [USE GOGGLES] It is the voice of Andrew Verney. His ghost is still waiting for George to arrive. We are hearing what was said on the night of the Musical Memories. The night the Dark Fall escaped from the chamber. Go through to the piano, in the back part of the bar. “Here....” [USE GOGGLES] “One of many. One too many”. Also, a word, a lyric, is scrawled on the wall. Make Note: Tyma Turn and look at the piano. PUZZLE: Piano Betty was practising Knees up Mother Brown (an old tune) for the Musical Memories night. Let’s play that tune on the piano. Use Lorraine’s Musical Tutorials (from Polly’s websites) for a piano key layout, if you are unfamiliar with the keyboard. Otherwise, let’s play that tune.... G,G,A,B,C


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The back of the piano slides away, to reveal a scrap of paper. Betty hid her lyric here, on the night of the Musical Memories. She must have been in a hurry. So, now we have the symbol for Tyma.

Make Note: Tyma and sketch the symbol. Leave the bar, and enter reception. If the phone rigs, answer it! We are getting so close to solving this mystery, once and for all. Otherwise, head to the dining room. We have read many clues that suggest Gloria Grable and Matilda Fly met each other, that last night. Perhaps we can find a clue to Gloria’s lyric there. THE DINING ROOM: SECOND TIME Turn to face the window. Go forward, and turn right to face table 4. “Here...” [USE GOGGLES] Two voices! It is Gloria Grable (on the left) and Matilda Fly (on the right). Matilda was blackmailing Gloria. She knew she was the Sly Fox. We can only wonder if Gloria paid her off, or do we? Perhaps Gloria’s room has a clue. Let’s go to room 1E. We know, from our previous visit, that someone haunts that room.


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ROOM 1E (Gloria Grable) Once inside, Gloria’s ghost may ask who you are. Or just laugh... Turn left. Trust me. “Here...” [USE GOGGLES] There is writing, scrawled on the walls.... “thieving”, “buroed”, “hidden”. Turn right twice, to face in to the room. “Here....” [USE GOGGLES] Orbs float from the floor. A ghost is present. Is it Gloria? You can converse with her, using the ‘say’ option. Try typing “who are you” into the box and click the SAY button. She answers “who are YOU! Mores the point”. How rude! This MUST be the ghost of Gloria Grable. Try typing “are you a bank robber” into the box and click the SAY button. “Are you a member of the police force? You behave like one...” Try typing “are you the sly fox” into the box and click the SAY button. “So, you think you know who I am, you won’t prove anything.” Try typing “are you dead” into the box and click the SAY button. “Have you seen my car...I loved my car....” Try some other questions on Gloria...she may have clues. Later, take a look at the ‘Conversations with the Dead’ chapter of the walkthrough, for a full list of possible questions, to get the most information from Gloria. Look closer at the floorboards, where the orbs are forming. Click the loose board, and a secret chamber is revealed. “So, you’ve found my little secret...” Look inside. Money! Lots of money! The fruits of Gloria’s career, it seems. What’s that with the money? Click the letter...it is a letter from George. Read it. So, George did give Gloria a lyric and symbol. Note the word. Make Note: Frenic Leave the note. Click the skin.


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Make Note: Sketch the symbol, note it is Frenic. Leave the secret stash, goodbye Gloria. Leave her room. Re-cap: How many lyrics and symbols do we have? We must be nearly there! We have 10 lyrics so far. They are: Larsus: from the station toilet, drawn on wall. Lussa: from the Star Sign Puzzle Box (Room 2C). Tyma: Betty’s lyric, from the Piano Puzzle. Mortym: George’s Lyric, from the Magic Lantern Puzzle in his study. Olkas: From the Alchemical Seer Chalice Puzzle. Raka: From Andrew Verney’s Moon Phase Puzzle Box. Ixiam: Behind Edith photo, after Gramophone Puzzle. Kars: From Pete Crowhurt’s Theodolite Puzzle, on the platform. Morcana: Matilda Fly’s Clock Puzzle. Frenic: In Gloria Grable’s room. Use goggles to find secret stash. We are missing two lyrics?! Where could they be? Let’s have a think. Is there anywhere that we have missed? Somewhere we have overlooked. Search high and low. High? What about the attic, mentioned by Polly White. A strange voice was recorded there.... “no eyes, blind eyes...knows you, can see you, run, run, run!”. We did see a ladder, in the Third Floor Store Room. Let’s go there. There is a ladder, in front of you, after entering. Climb it. We are in the attic. THE ATTIC


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The Attic. There is a boiler, to the right, and further attic areas to the left. Turn left, and proceed into the attic. Turn right, and move towards the suitcase on the boards. Turn right, and look down. Try opening the old suitcase. It is locked. We could pick the lock. [USE SCREWDRIVER] PUZZLE: Suitcase Puzzle The screwdriver is wedged inside the lock. Time to pick the lock. There are several positions for the screwdriver. The correct sequence is: Left, Right, Left, Right, Down. The suitcase springs open! Click to look at the books. War of the Worlds by H.G.Wells. What’s that inside it? Click the note poking out of the book, to the right. A note from George.

“Who are you anyway? I leave you notes, clues and guidance... and I do not even know your name. It is obvious I

will fail, otherwise, I would not need you. Please help me.” George Crabtree

Who is this letter for? It appears that George is speaking to us, via this letter, several decades before we were due to arrive. How sad. That means that George knew that he would not succeed, all those years ago. It is up to us now. Read on.

“The ancients, who understood the nature of this beast, only succeeded in trapping it. Here.”

George Crabtree Sadly, George was all too right. He was never missed by his family, and we have been lured here, this night, by the loss of a loved one. Where is Pete? Is he still alive? If not, do I need to release his soul, as George described? Perhaps there is a further clue? Click the note. Another lyric, and symbol!


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Make Note: Oliviak, and sketch the symbol. That’s the 11th. One more to go. But where is it? Let’s look around the attic, or loft... Leave the suitcase. Turn around, and go towards the darkened end of the loft. Turn left. An orb springs from nowhere, and lights a candle. What’s that on the table? Is it a Ouijaboard? Look closer.


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Puzzle: Ouijaboard Click the planchette. (The wooden slider). The planchette moves, and the ‘SAY’ option appears. Try typing “who are you” into the box and click the SAY button. “T.h.o.m.a...s”. Who was Thomas? Betty’s boyfriend, he disappeared on the night of April 29th, along with the others. Perhaps he can help us... Try typing “are you dead” into the box and click the SAY button. “Yes....” Try typing “dark fall” into the box and click the SAY button. “D.a.r.k.n.e.s.s....” Try typing “betty” into the box and click the SAY button. Nothing. That’s strange...did he not care for her at all? Try typing “what can I do” into the box and click the SAY button. “y.o.u.....m.u.s.t.....d.o.....t.h.e.....t.r.i.a.l.s.......” Yes. We have been putting it off too long. It is time to end this, once and for all. The Dark Fall will never feed again! Let’s find that last lyric. Go to the boiler, or water tank, in the attic. It is by the ladder. Find your way to the back of the boiler. PUZZLE: Boiler/Watertank Look at the view port, on the lower right of screen. It is dark inside the boiler. There is no flame. Come away. Click the green valve. It turns. Gas flows through the pipe once more. Look back at the view port. The flame is alight. We have warmth. Leave the back of the boiler, and go to the dials, on the front, by the ladder. There are three valves.


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The hotel has three floors of rooms. So, there are three bathrooms. Did someone complain about cold water, at some point? Yes. Betty mentioned it in her letter to Thomas, hidden in the ladies loo: “The boiler is not working, but we can get hot water on that floor”. So, the heating was out of order, but the bathroom does have hot water. Thomas was staying on the First Floor. Room 1D. Let’s activate that floor, using these valves. Number the valves 1 to 3 from left to right. Click the first valve. The dial moves into the red zone. Then, click the white lever, to the left. The water flows to that level. Go to the First Floor Bathroom. First Floor Bathroom. Look closer at the sink, or basin. Click the tap/faucet on the left. Nothing. Click the other tap/faucet. On the right. Rumbling can be heard...here comes...the water! Hissss, it is steamy. What’s that on the mirror?! The last lyric! Yes! We have them all.

Make Note: Malus, and sketch the symbol. You can re-click the tap/faucet if you miss it. Planning the attack:


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We now have all 12 symbols, and lyrics. George constantly said that he needed to know the order...the correct order...to defeat his nemesis. The order is obvious, if you look at the clues. There is a monolith in the Cave of Song, which provides the order...use George’s guide to the monolith if you have to (in his study). Look through the holes, in the monolith, to number the symbols from 1 to 12.

Then, associate each symbol with the correct lyric. For example: The top symbol, the first, looks at the symbol for Lussa. That means, Lussa is the first lyric. The second symbol, is Kars. So, Kars is the second lyric, and so forth. With this knowledge you are ready to face the Dark Fall..... THE DARK FALL CHAMBER: SECOND TIME Progress through the Trial corridor, after passing through the basement. There is no need to complete them, once again. We have proven our worth, to the ancients. If they persist, re-read the notes above. Otherwise, let us pass through into the Chamber, one last time. The Dark Fall whispers to you. The bright green poison flows from the well. Use the ‘SAY’ command to call out the lyrics. Type them into the box, and then click ‘SAY’: Lussa, Kars, Oliviak, Frenic, Morcana, Tyma, Malus, Larsus, Olkas, Mortym, Ixiam and finally, Raka.


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Once complete, you will hear the souls of those consumed by the Dark Fall being released. You’ve done it! You’ve saved their souls. Little Timothy Pike stops, for a moment, before moving on...he wants to thank you... “You did it! You stopped the Dark Fall spreading, it is trapped

again. Where it belongs...” But, what about Pete...and those who were not due to die in their time...like Nigel and Polly. We can’t abandon them. I’m sure that Nigel has other adventures to go on...

“Things don’t have to turn out as they did ...you’ll find out what I mean, soon...”

Defeating the Dark Fall has seen it banished back to where it belongs...back through history, to the time of The Ancients. They can deal with it this time, and get it right. With no Dark Fall to stalk the corridors and rooms of the hotel, all paranormal phenomena stops. It never happened. The ghosts disappear from photos. Missing children are found. George never released the evil...and all can continue, as it should have. Your brother is free to change Dowerton, for the better. He promises to buy us a drink, or two, as he has been neglecting us...no kidding, brother! You have no idea the lengths we’ve been to, to get your attention. Goodnight gamers. Jonathan Author: Dark Fall


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A GUIDE TO GHOST-HUNTING GOGGLE VIEWS What secrets are hidden around the hotel & Station? Once you have the goggles, try using them at these locations. Listen for the all-important ‘Here...” voice to know when to click the Goggle Icon in the inventory. Students Room: when standing in front of the PC Terminals, and facing into the room. Result: You will see the room as it once was. The poster disappears, and furnishings appear. Room 1E: After entering, turn to face the blank wall to the left. Also, use goggles when facing into the room, to talk with Gloria. You will be able to read the wall scrawl, with clues to Gloria Grable. The room view allows you to talk with Gloria. The Station Footbridge: Stand in the middle of the footbridge, across the tracks and turn to face the wall with the gap. Scrawled writing appears, “One, by one, by one, all gone! Dark now, in mind, no eyes, blind eyes. See you. Can see only you”. The hotel windows are blood red. The Waiting Room: Turn to face the metal doors, and window. Use the goggles, and you will get a scrawled message: “Map man thinks he can change things...”

Hotel Reception: Stand at the end of the hotel desk, and turn to face the wall. Use the goggles. “Ignore the telephone, it is trying to distract you...”


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Gents Toilets, Hotel: Look at the toilet bowl, and use the goggles: See the toilet as it once was, and read the message on the wall: “Set in stone, stone medusa”. Station Hotel Bar: Look at the second cubicle, or booth, and use the goggles: You will hear Andrew Verney’s voice, and hear what he was up to that last night. Station Hotel Bar: Look at the wall with the Ballad of Tom Oliver. Use goggles. There is a scrawled massage: “Tick tock, one of many, one to many...” Dining Room: Look at table 4, and use the goggles, to the right of the window. Use goggles. Hear the conversation between Gloria Grable and Matilda Fly. The Cellar: Turn away from the grey door, and use gioggles. The ghost of Tom Oliver arrives. You can talk with him. See Conversations with the Dead for all question options. Room 1A: Look into the room, and use goggles. See the room as it once was, and get the clue on the bed cover. Room 1C: Face into the room, and use the goggles. The room changes to show how it once appeared; Carpet, bedclothes and paintings.

Ghost-hunter’s HQ, Room 2D: Stand by the PC terminals, turn around, and face back into the room. Use the goggles, and see the room as it once was; art, rocking chair and scrawled text “Useless pawns....”.


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Edith’s Photo’s: Look at the photos, in the photo album, in Edith’s Room. Use the goggles. The images change to show terrible versions of reality, “nothing and everything”. Edith’s Bedroom: Face the wall, to the right of the door, and use the goggles: “And when two lovers woo, they still say I love you...”.


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CONVERSATIONS WITH THE DEAD. What secrets are hidden around the hotel & Station? Talking with the dead can be a confusing and disorientating business, and not all ghost-hunters are likely to get the same results. Use this guide to get the most information from your subject, in ‘Conversations with the Dead’. Tom Oliver: Tom was a soldier, during the English Civil War on 1642-51. He lost faith in the fight, and to return home. He deserted the army, and fled across country with his mate, Will. As they neared home, Tom was shot. Bleeding badly, Will dragged Tom into the basement of a nearby farm, later to become the Inn at Dowerton. Will left Tom to get help, but chose to betray his friend. When Will returned with Cromwell’s troops, neither Tom nor his body could be found. The Dark Fall had taken him. Try asking Tom these questions, when you find him: Who are you? Are you hurt? Did you leave the war? Are you alone? Are you here in the cellar? or Are you here in the basement? What is the Dark Fall? Are you dead? What time are you from? What is the date? Answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to Tom’s questions. Gloria Grable: Gloria is a mysterious character. She appears to have used a false name when booking into the Station Hotel. Why would she do that? Well, your skills as a detective may have revealed Gloria’s ‘real’ identity. She is the Sly Fox, a cunning and glamorous bank robber from the 1940’s. She is secretive, and devious, so ask your questions wisely. Try asking Gloria these questions: Who are you? Is that your car in the barn? Do you have a sports car? Boo. How old are you? Are you a ghost? What is the Dark Fall? Are you the Sly Fox? Did you rob a bank? Answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to Gloria’s questions. Thomas Callum, The Ouijaboard: Thomas was Betty’s beau; he was a sweet lad, a bit dim, but nice enough. He shouldn’t have been in the hotel, that last night in April, 1947. Perhaps that is why Thomas does not haunt any particular room...and chooses to converse via the Ouijaboard. Or, did Thomas flee upstairs, and into the loft, only to find himself trapped...and become yet another victim of the Dark Fall? try asking Thomas these questions:


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Are you watching me? Who are you? Are you friendly? Is there a way out? Are you trapped? Are you Thomas? What is your name? Did you stay at the hotel? Did you live in the hotel? Can we talk to you again? Did you die here? Can you help us? Are you dead? Are you in heaven? Are you in hell? Did you know Betty? Are you Verney? Who killed you? What should I do? What can I do? Are you Betty’s boyfriend? Will I win the lottery? Are you in pain? Are they your playing cards? Go away. What can I do? or What shall I do? Are you a ghost? Do you know me? How old are you? What do you want?


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TIMOTHY PIKE’S HINTS & TIPS: Tim’s complete set of clues, from Dark Fall. I believe many gamers never needed to hear the extra clues, provided by Timothy Pike, when wandering the world of Dark Fall. Some probably forgot about Tim’s offer, almost as soon as he’d mentioned it. But, there are those who don’t believe Tim had any clues to offer! I can assure those gamers that Tim did, indeed, have help, should you need it. While playing Dark Fall, you can receive Tim’s help, about most puzzles, by returning to the wooden footbridge, in the station, just by the spot where you find his note. As a test, load up Dark Fall...go look at the theodolite, on the platform (the orange coloured machine, used in surveys) and then return to the spot on the footbridge. Face the note, and Tim will give you a clue: “That’s your brothers, that weird machine. You can look through his stuff, for a clue, in the Waiting Room”. So, if you follow Tim’s hint, you’ll go to the Waiting Room and find the PDA. The device has the coordinates you need, for the theodolite. Many other puzzles can be solved in a similar way. But, to save you walking back and forth, here are ALL of Tim’s hints, along with the ‘image’ he would have shown you. Thanks Tim!! Click an image to ‘hear’ what Tim had to say...


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