8/10/2019 Darien - Episode Two Script http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/darien-episode-two-script 1/21 Time Flies Season One: Darien Episode 2 Written by Matthew Hocking

Darien - Episode Two Script

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Time Flies

Season One: Darien

Episode 2

Written by

Matthew Hocking

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Philip Rosen as Ethan Rentworth – Regular. !"" lines# all scenes$

Michael Rogel as Darien Rentworth – Regular. !%2 lines# all scenes !silent in Scene &$$

Holly Lindin as Christine – Regular. !2" lines# Scenes '# (# " ) &$

Stephen Muir as Owen – Regular. !2' lines# Scenes '# (# " ) &$

 Nic Patrella as !radley – Regular. !% lines# Scene &$

"ason R. #allace as $arrett – Regular. !' lines# Scene &$

Matthew Hocing as the %ntruder – Recurring. !" lines# Scenes * ) 2$

De&orah $atton as Eli'a&eth – Recurring. !' lines# Scene +$


Scene One – Sportshed( Present )Ethan( Darien( %ntruder*

Scene +wo – Sportshed( ,uture )%ntruder( Ethan( Darien*

Scene +hree – Outside School( ,uture )Ethan( Darien( Christine( Owen*

Scene ,our – Ca-pire )Ethan( Owen( Darien( Christine*Scene ,i/e – Ethan 0 Darien1s +ent )Darien( Ethan( Eli'a&eth*

Scene Si2 – Co-pound Outsirts )Christine( Ethan( Owen( Darien*

Scene Se/en – Co-pound Door )Owen( !radley( Christine( $arrett( Ethan )Darien silent**

+otal Lines – 345 6 7 re8used

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SE,E O,E - E.t/ O0tside School

+he last -o-ents o the pre/ious episode are replayed( &eginning with hurried ootsteps as

E+H9N turns away and runs( heading towards the sportshed. %n a short while he reaches a

sliding door( yaning it open and running inside. He shuts the door &ehind hi-.

!Do not record the 1ollowing lines/ They will be re0sed 1rom Episode 3*/$Re8:se ;;4 – E+H9N

<Sigh=... +i-e to wait % guess... huh> Hello> #ho1s there>

9 ew ootsteps.

Re8:se ;;3 – D9R%EN

Hey there( iddo.

Re8:se ;;7 – E+H9N



!4ecord lines 1rom here/$

;;4 – D9R%EN

Heh( who else> Miss -e>

;;3 – E+H9N

!in shock$

%... wha... h8how...>

;;7 – D9R%EN


#ow( how long has it &een> ?ou loo lie you1/e seen a ghost.

;;@ – E+H9N

!st0mbling o5er words$

9... a year... -ore... you... you /anished( and then you... you... now you1re here>A

;;B – D9R%EN

!serio0s# apologetic$#hat> +hat long> Oh... oh( o course( 3;43... Da-n... %( uh.... %1- sorry( Ethan. % would ha/e

gotten to you sooner i % could ha/e( &ut... % didn1t really ha/e -uch choice.

;;5 – E+H9N

!1r0strated# controlled anger$

#h...what> <sigh= % don1t understand. % don1t understandA Please( tell -e what1s going on.

;; – D9R%EN!apprehensi5e$

Er... Sorry( iddo... % now( you1re &aled. Hell( you pro&a&ly thought % was dead. %1lle2plain ust as soon as we get out o here.

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;; – E+H9N

Right. Out o here. O course... out where all those -onsters are waiting to ill us( %


;;F – D9R%EN Not e2actly. #e1ll &e going so-ewhere Guiet.... <sudden realisation= Hey( where1s the old


;4; – E+H9N!absentminded$

Huh> Oh... He( he stayed &ehind to... ight a dragon( or so-ething... he said he1d ollow


;44 – D9R%EN

<sigh= Da--it( oay. #e1ll ha/e to wait. How1/e you &een( anyway>

;43 – E+H9N


How1/e % &een> ?ou /anish or a year and a hal with no e2planation( all the students go

-issing ro- -y school( -onsters show up and start destroying e/erything and you as 

how %1/e &een>A

;47 – D9R%EN

?up. See-ed lie the riendly thing to say.

;4@ – E+H9N

!pissed# e.ploding$

Darien( you owe -e a LO+ -ore than riendlyA ?ou want to now how %1/e &een>A ShitA

+hings ha/e &een shitA #e thought you were DE9DA ?ou were ust $ONE( with no

e2planation( no reason( NO+H%N$A 9nd now you1re here( and all o this is happening and

still( NO+H%N$A ?ou ust show up with that sa-e gooy s-ile lie e/erything1s aweso-e(

 &ut you now what( &rother> E/erything is going to shitA % don1t e/en now how you1re

8standing here8( DarienA ,or uc1s sae( we ound your !OD?A

!The line is c0t o11 be1ore 6body6 is heard# b0t the actor sho0ld record the line in 10ll

and the c0to11 be applied in postprod0ction/$

9 loud e2plosion not too ar away interrupts Ethan.

;4B – E+H9N 0 D9R%EN

<Iuic gasps o shoc reacting to sudden loud noise( short and sharp.=

+he door &ursts open as %N+R:DER runs in( Guicly sla--ing it shut &ehind hi-.

;45 – %N+R:DER 

PHE#A Right then( that was close.

;4 – E+H9N

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;4 – D9R%EN


#ho are you> #hat happened to the Old Man>

;4F – %N+R:DER 

He1s a &it &usyA %n case you ha/en1t noticed( not e2actly a peaceul aternoon out there...

$ranted( doing it this way is a little less poetic than getting whised away &y #his( &ut ah

well( it1ll ha/e to do. 9re you two ready>

;3; – E+H9N

#ait( ready or what>

;34 – D9R%EN

#e are. %1/e got e/erything.

;33 – %N+R:DER 

$ood( good( no ti-e to lose then. Jnow where you1re going>

;37 8 D9R%EN

% do.

;3@ – %N+R:DER 

!rilliant. 9aand( what was the other thing...> MMA ?ou now $arrett won1t recognise you(

right> Don1t &ugger that up.

;3B – D9R%EN

% won1t( % won1tA Can1t we do this ater>A

;35 – %N+R:DER 

Sorry( he de-anded % dou&le8chec. Now tae -y hand( &oth o you.

;3 – E+H9N

Huh> #hat or> %8Hey( what1re you8> 999HA

+he %N+R:DER gra&s E+H9N1S hand roughly and suddenly +ra/els. E+H9N yells in

surprise as his entire world turns white and a loud( arring noise ills his ears. #hen the

eect su&sides( the three are in the sa-e shed... &ut co/ered in dust and co&we&s.

SE,E TWO - 7nt/ Sportshed# 23 8ears 9ater

;3 – %N+R:DER 

:gh( disgusting in here. Right( well you1re sorted. % should get &ac.

+he %N+R:DER +ra/els again( this ti-e alone. He /anishes.

;3F – E+H9N

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!blinded by light$


+he noise su&sides and D9R%EN speas up.

;7; – D9R%EN

Heh( yeah( its inda &right. ?ou learn to loo away when they do that.

;74 – E+H9N

:gh... no shit... what did he ust do to us> #ait... are we in the sa-e place>

;73 – D9R%EN

Sorta. #ell( sa-e 8place(8 yeah.

;77 – E+H9N

%t1s so dusty... <coughs= and it1s Guiet. #hat happened>

;7@ – D9R%EN

Here( %1ll show ya.

SE,E TH4EE: E.t/ School 40ins

D9R%EN opens the door and they step out into a changed world. +he school &uildings are in

ruins. Not totally destroyed( &ut there are se/eral piles o wrecage. Plantlie is o/er8grown(

-oss co/ers e/erything. +he area has &een a&andoned or twenty years.

;7B – E+H9N

+his is... i-possi&le...

;75 – D9R%EN

Loos that way( huh> !ut its as real as you and -e.

;7 – E+H9N

Can... you tell -e what1s going on( now>

;7 – D9R%EN% can tell you what % now( i that1s what you -ean. !ut that1s not as -uch as you1re

 pro&a&ly hoping or.

;7F – E+H9N

#hate/er( Darien( ust... tell -e.

;@; – D9R%EN

Oay... well your riend &ac there ust pulled us twenty years into the uture.

;@4 – E+H9N!accepting$

Oh... Huh... guess that e2plains... +H%S.

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;@3 – D9R%EN

Didn1t thin you1d &e so Guic to &elie/e -e.

;@7 – E+H9NSeen a looot o shit today( Darien. Pretty sure %1- at the 1ust roll with it1 stage.

;@@ – D9R%EN

Heh... &est stage to &e at( % say. ?ou( uh... see-ed pretty angry ust &eore( though...

;@B – E+H9N

% was. % was scared( and conused( and pissed o.

;@5 – D9R%EN

...9nd now>

;@ – E+H9N

Still conused. 9 little scared... &ut the yelling helped. 9nyway. +i-e tra/el. Do go on.

;@ – D9R%EN

:hh( oay. #ell... as you saw( on Dece-&er 34st( 3;43( a &unch o -onsters appeared out o 

nowhere and( to put it &luntly( uced shit up.

;@F – E+H9N

?up( got that.

;B; – D9R%EN

Right. Still not sure where they ca-e ro-( &ut s-art -oney says they appeared out o 

nowhere the sa-e way our riend ro- &eore does.

;B4 – E+H9N

+hrough ti-e.

;B3 – D9R%EN

?ou got it.

;B7 – E+H9N!bo0t to say 6at yo0r 10neral# b0t decides against it/ He doesn6t 0nderstand m0ch# b0t

he 1ig0res Darien sho0ldn6t be told he was 1o0nd dead/$

#hat1s that guy1s na-e( &y the way> He showed up at your une8uh( he showed up once

 &eore to -e a ew -onths ago. !y accident( % thin. % wrote it o as a daydrea-.

;B@ – D9R%EN

+he cra'y id> !eats -e( % ne/er saw hi- &eore ust then. 9nyway... #orld destroyed(

ci/ili'ation &eaten within an inch o its lie( apocalypse( you get the idea. !uuut... not a lot

o dead people. Not a lot o people at all( actually.

;BB – E+H9N

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Huh... all the -issing students...

;B5 – D9R%EN

E2actly. Not ust your school( either. E/erywhere. People /anishing( ":S+ &eore the

-onsters chec in. How do you igure>

;B – E+H9N

+i-e tra/el.

;B – D9R%EN

+hat1d &e -y guess.

;BF – E+H9N

So they1re... here> +he whole world( sent into the uture to sa/e the- ro- the attac>

;5; – D9R%EN

:hhhh.... no. See( they1re not here. Not -any people here at all( actually. +here are

sur/i/ors( sure( re-nants o the people who D%DN1+ /anish &eore the attac( &ut... all those

-issing people> +hey1re ust gone.

;54 – E+H9N

So... lost in ti-e>

;53 – D9R%EN

?ou got it.

;57 – E+H9N

So why are we here( and not lost lie the rest> 9nd where were you all this ti-e> 9nd... who

9RE these people> Mr. #his( the weird id.. what do they want ro- us>

;5@ – D9R%EN

#ell... ugh( its a long story. 9nd right now we aren1t in the &est position or a long story.

;5B – E+H9N

Da--it( DarienA

;55 – D9R%EN

%1- sorryA Loo( we1/e got to thin a&out the short ter-( here. #e1re stuc in a post8

apocalyptic world with nothing &ut -ay&e 7 days worth o ood in -y pac. Don1cha thin 

we should &e concerned a&out this>

;5 – E+H9N

Oh... Oh yeah... :h-... what1re we... going... to do>

;5 – D9R%EN

Heh( rela2. #e1ll &e ine. #e1re headed towards ci/ili'ation( actually.

;5F – E+H9N

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Ci/ili'ation> !ut you ust said...

;; – D9R%EN

% now( % now. !ut lie % said( not e/ery&ody disappeared. %n the cities( sure( &ut the

countryside was a &it dierent. Monsters were ewer( and while a lot o people went away(in so-e towns no&ody /anished. 9ctually( only one town that % now o. !ut that1s where

we1re headed.

;4 – E+H9N

Oay... do you... uh... now which way to go>

;3 – D9R%EN

?eah( yeah( o course( its u-... that directionA % thin... yeah( that wayA #e1ll &e ine( should

get there in... 3 days> May&e 7>

;7 – E+H9N

3 days. Right. 9nd uh( what supplies do we ha/e( e2actly>

;@ – D9R%EN

#8well( uh... ood... and uh... -y sword... ooh( you1/e got one tooA #ho ga/e you that>

;B – E+H9N

My teacher( he igured %1d need it( &ut that1s not the point – Darien( are you saying we ha/e a

7 day ourney ahead o us( #9LJ%N$( with no ca-ping eGuip-ent( no irst aid( and


;5 – D9R%EN

:hh... well... inda... Loo( its NO+ that &ad. +he Old Man M:S+ ha/e nown what he

was doing( this was all he ga/e -eA 9nd &esides( there aren1t NE9RL? as -any -onsters

around as there used to &e. Most disappeared as soon as they ca-e twenty years ago.

; – E+H9N


; – D9R%EN

?eah( oay( so there1s a ew( &ut...

;F – E+H9N

:$$$HA DarienA #e1re going to die. +hat1s ust... it( there1s no other way. #e1re going to


;; – D9R%EN

#e are NO+ going to die. +hey planned e/erything. % -ean hell( they sent us to the

sportshed &ecause they new it was still intact in this ti-e. +here1s NO #9? the old -an

would ha/e sent us o without...u-...do you hear that>

9 low growl and &eastial ootsteps as a snarling( Guadrupedal &east approaches.

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;4 – E+H9N

:hh.... yeah... D8Darien... MONS+ERA

+he &east growls threateningly as D9R%EN whips around( drawing his sword and charging

at the creature.

;3 – D9R%EN

<$runts o e2ertion or the ight. ?elling as he runs at the &east( a Guic noise as he darts to

the side and a grunt as he slices the &east1s head.=

D9R%EN -aes short wor o the &east( dodging and &eheading the creature with a single


;7 – D9R%EN

PhewA Right. See( nothin1 to worry a&outA %t1s deadA

;@ – E+H9N


<E2hale= #hat... is that thing> Loos lie an... o/er8grown wol>

;B – D9R%EN

!east. +hat1s what they call 1e-( at least. Don1t really ha/e a proper na-e or 1e-. +oo &ig to

 &e a wol( so( &east. 9pocalypse sur/i/ors ain1t e2actly creati/e.

E+H9N approaches D9R%EN and the dead &east.

;5 – E+H9N

Huh. #ell( it... didn1t e2actly ight &ac.

; – D9R%EN

1Course not. #ounded already. Loo at its leg. Couldn1t charge worth a da-n.

; – E+H9N

OhA ...!ut that1s an arrowA

;F – D9R%ENCross&ow &olt( actually. So-eone1s in the area. H--( % wonder...

;F; – E+H9N

Should... we &e worried>

;F4 – D9R%EN

9&out people> No( no( o course not. Hell( we1re pro&a&ly -eant to -eet up with the-. $ot

sent to this speciic ti-e or a reason( ater all... &ut we -ight wanna start worrying a&out

this guy( here.

;F3 – E+H9N

Loos pretty dead to -e.

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;F7 – D9R%EN

Sure( this one is. !ut without the &ad leg( a &east can charge pretty da-n ast. 9nd usually

they show up with a ew riends... #e should -o/e.

;F@ – E+H9N

$ood point. Oay( where to>

%n the distance( another &east spots the- and &egins charging towards the-.

;FB – D9R%EN

Out o the open. Let1s head towards8<gasp= SH%+A Ethan( MOKEA

;F5 – E+H9N

Huh> 99HA

+he &east is closing in on the- and &oth &rothers ha/e now noticed. +hey run in opposite

directions( out o the path o the &east1s charge. %t turns( growling and heading straight or 


;F – D9R%EN


;F – E+H9N

!1alling o5er$

9999HA OooA

E+H9N stu-&les( alling to the ground. D9R%EN &egins running towards hi-.

;FF – D9R%EN


4;; – E+H9N


+he &east closes in( E+H9N cowers on the ground. 9 cross&ow &olt sewers the &east1snec with perect accuracy. +he creature howls( crashing to the ground -id8charge. %t is

dead. D9R%EN reaches his &rother.

4;4 – D9R%EN

EthanA ?ou alright( iddo>

4;3 – E+H9N!gasping 1or breath$

:gh... yeah... %... ugh...

9 /oice calls out.

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My pleasure. $lad to see your a-ily1s &ac together( Darien. ,ind your parents( as well>

44B – D9R%EN

:hh... y8yeah( &ut... we lost the- not too long ago...

445 – CHR%S+%NE

Oh.... Oh( %1- so sorry... you two -ust &e de/estated...

44 – D9R%EN

#e get &y. One day at a ti-e( as always...

44 – CHR%S+%NE

9s do we all. +hough gi/en how easily that &east caught you... %1- not sure you two are in

the position to &e getting &y on your own...

44F – O#EN


ChristineA +here you areA

O#EN ogs towards CHR%S+%NE and the others.

43; – CHR%S+%NE

OwenA Loo who % ran into.

434 – D9R%EN

$ood to see you again.

433 – O#EN

Darien>A Heh( well % suppose % shouldn1t &e surprised. ,ighter lie you( pro&a&ly ne/er 

gonna die. Le--e guess – too o in the night so you wouldn1t ha/e to say good&ye to us(


437 – D9R%EN

$uilty as charged( %1- araid. % had to ind -y a-ily( and %1d trou&led you two enough


43@ – CHR%S+%NE

#e would1/e helped you search( idiot.

43B – D9R%EN

?eah( well( % didn1t want that. Does it -atter> #e1re all here now. Owen( this is -y &rother 

Ethan. He1s( uh... the only one let.

435 – O#EN

Sorry to hear that. Still( though – this ti-e you1re not out looing or any&ody... So %1- not

going to tae no or an answer. #orld lie this is no place or people to go it alone. % youtwo want to eep on &reathing( you1ll oin up with us and ollow us &ac to the Co-pound.

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43 – E+H9N

#ait( co-pound>

43 – D9R%EN

?eah( you re-e-&er( don1cha Ethan> +he town % -entioned( that1s sur/i/ed all this ti-e> %tswhere these guys are ro-.

43F – CHR%S+%NE

+he Co-pound1s a sae place. #e loo ater each other there.

47; – E+H9N

% it1s so sae... why are you people out here>

474 – O#EN

#hy do you thin( id> +o hunt. !easts -ay &e tough( &ut they sure do eed ya. #e head

out( groups o iteen to twenty( eep on goin1 til we ind a pac. Scatter the-... then clean

1e- up.

473 – E+H9N

%sn1t that dangerous> +hat one there nearly illed -eA

477 – CHR%S+%NE

 Not i you now what you1re doing.

47@ – D9R%EN

?ou saw Christine shoot. +hin these guys ha/e anything to worry a&out>

47B – E+H9N

Heh( guess not... So... you1re going to tae us &ac to your Co-pound>

475 – O#EN

+hat we are. ,or now though( its getting late. Let1s tae care o these carcasses( regroup with

the others and see a&out -aing ca-p.

SE,E FO;4: E.t/ ro0nd amp1ire# at night

+he ca-pire cracles and cricets chirp. Mild con/ersation is heard as roughly twenty

teenagers occupy the ca-p with E+H9N( D9R%EN( CHR%S+%NE and O#EN( the our o

who- sit around the ire.

47 – E+H9N

E/eryone here is -y age... well( e2cept you guys.

47 – O#EN

O course. +his is a training trip( ust as -uch as it1s a hunting trip.

47F – E+H9N


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4B3 – D9R%EN

% understand. Not so trusting o outsiders>

4B7 – O#EN

+o say the least. Lie % said( the people o our Co-pound -ean e/erything to $arrett. Hewon1t turn you away( &ut he -ight not &e riendly at irst.

4B@ – D9R%EN

%t1s alright. %1d &e concerned i he wasn't cautious.

4BB – O#EN

$ood( good. ...<yawn=... +ired. #e should pro&a&ly get these ids to &ed( huh>

4B5 – CHR%S+%NE

$ood idea... <Loudly( to teens= 9lright e/eryone( you did great todayA #e1/e got a long

 ourney ho-e ahead o us though( so let1s pac it up and get so-e sleepA Re&ecca(

Eli'a&eth( you ha/e irst watchA

Mur-urs and rustling as the crowd around &egin to pac up and retreat into their tents.

4B – O#EN

?ou two ha/e the tent on the ar side( o/er there. ?ou1re lucy we paced a spare... how D%D

you sur/i/e without one>

4B – D9R%EN

Huh> Oh( uh... we had one( ust... got ruined not too long ago. Since then( &een sleepin1


4BF – O#EN

!slightly sceptical$

Right... well( anyway( you1re co/ered now.

45; – D9R%EN

+hans so -uch. ?ou1/e really sa/ed us( you now>

454 – O#EN,air1s air.

453 – D9R%EN

Heh( % suppose. $oodnight.

457 – O#EN

Sleep soundly.

+he ire is e2tinguished. E/ery&ody( including E+H9N and D9R%EN( retreats to their tents.

SE,E F7<E: 7nt/ ETH, ) D47E,6s Tent

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45@ – D9R%EN


 Not a &ad place to sleep( huh> +old ya the Old Man new what he was doing. +hey1ll tae

us right to where we need to go.

45B – E+H9N

!similarly =0iet$

% guess so... ?ou still ha/en1t told -e -uch a&out what1s going on. How do you now these


455 – D9R%EN

Owen and Christine> Ran into 1e- the last ti-e % was in this ti-e period. "ust the two o 

the- that ti-e( they were doing recon o the -onster population in the area. ,ound 1e-

ighting a ew orcs( helped 1e- out. Had to co-e up with a story( so( % said %1d gotten

separated ro- -y parents and &rother. $ood thing % said that( too... you it right into place.

45 – E+H9N

Parents... <gasp= Mo-A %1d orgotten a&out Mo-A +he -onstersA

45 – D9R%EN

Rela2( she1s ine.

45F – E+H9N

How do you now that>A Ha/e you seen her>A

4; – D9R%EN

 Nope. !ut thin a&out it. Most people in your school /anished &eore the attac. She

 pro&a&ly went too...

44 – E+H9N

!ut... you don1t now 8where8 they went... how can you &e sure she1s oay>

43 – D9R%EN

"ust got a hunch. !esides( ti-e tra/el. #ho1s to say we won1t one day 'oo- &ac and sa/e


47 – E+H9N

#ait... you can do that>

4@ – D9R%EN

...#ell no( not yet( &ut... doesn1t -ean % ne/er will. +hey use o&ects to tra/el( ater all...

May&e %1ll get one.

4B – E+H9N

O&ects> <sigh= "ust... ust tell -e the da-n story( Darien. +ell -e what happened to you(right ro- the start.

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+he tent rustles as Eli'a&eth poes her head in( staring at the-.

45 – EL%9!E+H


98are you two oay in there> % heard /oices( th8thought -ay&e so-ething was wrong>

4 – D9R%EN

 No no( we1re oay. Sorry to worry you. ?ou1re one o the ids on watch( yeah>

4 – EL%9!E+H

:h( y8yeah... -y na-e1s Eli'a&eth.

4F – D9R%EN

Darien. Nice to -eet you. +his is -y &rother( Ethan.

4; – EL%9!E+H

Oh... N8nice to -eet you too... :h... %8% should get &ac to eeping watch.

44 – D9R%EN

9lright( tae care out there.

EL%9!E+H ducs out o the tent.

43 – D9R%EN

!back to low 5ol0me$

See> +oo dangerous to tell you e/erything here. +ight8nit group( so-eone1s &ound to

o/erhear. Loo( ust... wait until we get to the Co-pound. +here1s sure to &e so-ewhere

 pri/ate there. %1ll tell you the whole story. % now its a couple days away( &ut... any sooner 

won1t &e sae.

47 – E+H9N

:gh... alright( alright...

4@ – D9R%EN

Sorry( iddo. 9nyway( let1s get so-e sleep.

4B – E+H9N

?eah... goodnight.

45 – D9R%EN

 Night( iddo.

SE,E S7>: E.t/ ompo0nd O0tskirts

,ootsteps pound the ground as the group wal towards the Co-pound. 9 ew days ha/e

 passed( and all are weary and in need o a proper rest. +hey start taling as they wal.

4 – CHR%S+%NE

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+here it is( Ethan. +here1s our Co-pound.

4 – E+H9N

#ow... how did you &uild that>

+he Co-pound is large( the si'e o a s-all town( surrounded &y a -assi/e( ortiied wall.

+he sight is i-posing.

4F – O#EN

+he wall> #e1/e had twenty years to touch it up. !uilt it with what we had. %t eeps things

out -ost o the ti-e( and what does get through( we1re prepared or.

4F; – D9R%EN

Daaa-n... you ols don1t -ess around.

4F4 – O#EN

<Chucles= No we do not. !ut sur/i/ing sure ain1t un and ga-es. Oay( getting close now.

Should we say so-ething to the-( honey>

4F3 – CHR%S+%NE

Sure. <Loudly= 9lright e/ery&ody( let1s hold up or a secondA

+he chatter dies down and e/ery&ody co-es to a halt.

4F7 – CHR%S+%NE

OayA +hese last ew days ha/e &een totally une/entulA 9ter a successul hunt( we1/e

-anaged to a/oid any surprises on the trip ho-eA +his is 8not8 so-ething you should co-e

to e2pect. % anything( this is liely to &e the luciest ield trip you1ll e/er taeA

4F@ – O#EN

!east pacs( Orc Patrols... e/erywhere you turn out here( so-ething1s waiting or youA Now

% don1t now what -anner o di/ine pro/idence ept us away ro- danger this ti-e( &ut lie

Christine said – don1t let it gi/e you a alse sense o security. Ne2t ti-e you1re out( &e

 prepared or anything( and % -ean 8anything8. +en ti-es outta nine( the right -indset is what

separates the li/ing ro- the dead.


He1s right. Still( we1d lie to congratulate you all on a successul tripA ?ou1/e done well( all

o you( and we won1t soon orget itA Now let1s go ho-e.

Cheering and sounds o cele&ration ro- the teens. #hen the cheers die down( waling

starts up again and the ootsteps slowly ade.

SE,E SE<E,: E.t/ Door to ompo0nd

9 loud clanging as O#EN loudly nocs upon the -assi/e Co-pound Door.

4F5 – O#EN

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4F – !R9DLE?

!sho0ting# 1rom within$


+he -assi/e door shits and the party are a&le to enter the Co-pound. +he door closes.

!R9DLE? Guicly notices the una-iliar aces.

4F – !R9DLE?

#ait a second( who the 8uc8 are these two>


#e ound the- out in the ield. +hey were a a-ily( &ut these two are all that1s let. +hey

need us( !rad.

3;; – !R9DLE?

9re you ucing idding -e> #hat the ,:CJ( Owen>A ?ou now the rules( you declare

this shit &eore we open the doorA

3;4 – O#EN

Oh stow it( !radley( they1re har-lessA +his here1s Darien. Christine and % ha/e -et hi-

 &eore( he sa/ed us ro- a couple Orcs a while &ac. He1s e2actly the ind o -an we want


3;3 – !R9DLE?

% he can ight( he1s a ucing threatA :gh... we1ll see what $arrett has to say a&out this.

JidsA DisperseA $et so-e rest. CarlaA ,etch $arrettA

+he teens scatter( lea/ing only E+H9N( D9R%EN( CHR%S+%NE( O#EN and !R9DLE?.

3;7 – !R9DLE?

<Sigh=( alright... seriously( Owen( what the uc were you thining ust co-ing in here with

outsiders> 9RMED outsiders> +hat1s an ORC S#ORD( or uc1s saeA 9nd you1re not


3;@ – CHR%S+%NE

!rad( shut the uc upA #e +OLD ?O:( Darien sa/ed us ro- orcs when we ME+ H%M.

+hat sword> He too that ro- one o the-.

3;B – O#EN

)Cal-( rational*

!radley( you now -e. % wouldn1t ust let in so-e&ody % thought was dangerous. +his guy1s

good( and his &rother here1s ust a id. +here1s not a chance in hell % was going to lea/e


3;5 – !R9DLE?

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?eah> He1s good> #ell % hope or your sae you1re ucing right( &ecause i he turns out to

 &e dirty( you can &et your ass % won1t hesitate to drop !O+H o you.

3; – CHR%S+%NE

!R9DLE?A +hat is O:+ o ucing line( and you now itA Don1t you D9RE threaten -yhus&and lie thatA

3; – O#EN

Christine( its alright...

3;F – !R9DLE?

Oh yeah> #ell %1- so ucing sorry or caring a&out the saety o -y own ucing peopleA

%1- not going to screw around when % see a security ris( and i that -eans threatening your 

asshole o a hus&and( tough shitA

34; – CHR%S+%NE

?ou call hi- an asshole>A % you don1t shut your -outh( you &astard( %1ll8

344 – $9RRE++


Silence alls as $9RRE++ announces his presence. 9 ew -o-ents pass.

343 – $9RRE++


Pathetic. !oth o youA ?ou call yoursel/es -y lieutenants> % you plan to act lie children(

you1re -ore than welco-e to oin the pre8schoolersA

347 – CHR%S+%NE

%1- sorry( sir...

34@ – !R9DLE?

#on1t happen again( sir...

34B – $9RRE++

Sorry> !ullshitA Sorry &ecause you were caught. !etter to say 1?es( $arrett( that #9Schildish o -eA %1ll &e -ore adult in the utureA1 !ullshit is the tool o the storyteller( NO+

the soldier. % % hear this happening again( you1ll &oth answer or it. Now( % was told o 

outsiders> +hese two( % presu-e> H--... what1s the -atter with you( &oy> #hy are you

staring so> #ell>A 9n answer( &oyA

345 – E+H9N

%... i8its... ?... you.... you1re.... Mr. #hisA