Danielle Braswell MAT 3010: History of Mathematics July 27, 2005

Danielle Braswellmathsci2.appstate.edu/~sjg/class/melt/danielle.doc  · Web viewDanielle Braswell. MAT 3010: History of Mathematics. July 27, 2005

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Page 1: Danielle Braswellmathsci2.appstate.edu/~sjg/class/melt/danielle.doc  · Web viewDanielle Braswell. MAT 3010: History of Mathematics. July 27, 2005

Danielle BraswellMAT 3010: History of Mathematics

July 27, 2005

Page 2: Danielle Braswellmathsci2.appstate.edu/~sjg/class/melt/danielle.doc  · Web viewDanielle Braswell. MAT 3010: History of Mathematics. July 27, 2005

Like new forms of life, new branches of mathematics and science don't appear from nowhere. The ideas of fractal geometry can be traced to the late nineteenth century, when mathematicians created shapes -- sets of points -- that seemed to have no counterpart in nature. By a wonderful irony, the "abstract" mathematics descended from that work has now turned out to be more appropriate than any other for describing many natural shapes and processes. Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised. The Greek geometers worked out the mathematics of the conic sections for its formal beauty; it was two thousand years before Copernicus and Brahe, Kepler and Newton overcame the preconception that all heavenly motions must be circular, and found the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola in the paths of planets, comets, and projectiles. In the 17th century Newton and Leibniz created calculus, with its techniques for "differentiating" or finding the derivative of functions -- in geometric terms, finding the tangent of a curve at any given point. True, some functions were discontinuous, with no tangent at a gap or an isolated point. Some had singularities: abrupt changes in direction at which the idea of a tangent becomes meaningless. But these were seen as exceptional, and attention was focused on the "well- behaved" functions that worked well in modeling nature. Beginning in the early 1870s, though, a 50-year crisis transformed mathematical thinking. Weierstrass described a function that was continuous but nondifferentiable -- no tangent could be described at any point. Cantor showed how a simple, repeated procedure could turn a line into a dust of scattered points, and Peano generated a convoluted curve that eventually touches every point on a plane. These shapes seemed to fall "between" the usual categories of one-dimensional lines, two- dimensional planes and three-dimensional volumes. Most still saw them as "pathological" cases, but here and there they began to find applications. In other areas of mathematics, too, strange shapes began to crop up. Poincare attempted to analyze the stability of the solar system in the 1880s and found that the many-body dynamical problem resisted traditional methods. Instead, he developed a qualitative approach, a "state space" in which each point represented a different planetary orbit, and studied what we would now call the topology -- the "connectedness" -- of whole families of orbits. This approach revealed that while many initial motions quickly settled into the familiar curves, there were also strange, "chaotic" orbits that never became periodic and predictable. Other investigators trying to understand fluctuating, "noisy" phenomena -- the flooding of the Nile, price series in economics, the jiggling of molecules in Brownian motion in fluids -- found that traditional

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models could not match the data. They had to introduce apparently arbitrary scaling features, with spikes in the data becoming rarer as they grew larger, but never disappearing entirely. For many years these developments seemed unrelated, but there were tantalizing hints of a common thread. Like the pure mathematicians' curves and the chaotic orbital motions, the graphs of irregular time series often had the property of self-similarity: a magnified small section looked very similar to a large one over a wide range of scales. While many pure and applied mathematicians advanced these trends, it is Benoit Mandelbrot above all who saw what they had in common and pulled the threads together into the new discipline. He was born in Warsaw in 1924, and moved to France in 1935. In a time when French mathematical training was strongly analytic, he visualized problems whenever possible, so that he could attack them in geometric terms. He attended the Ecole Polytechnique, then Caltech, where he encountered the tangled motions of fluid turbulence. In 1958 he joined IBM, where he began a mathematical analysis of electronic "noise" -- and began to perceive a structure in it, a hierarchy of fluctuations of all sizes, that could not be explained by existing statistical methods. Through the years that followed, one seemingly unrelated problem after another was drawn into the growing body of ideas he would come to call fractal geometry. As computers gained more graphic capabilities, the skills of his mind's eye were reinforced by visualization on display screens and plotters. Again and again, fractal models produced results -- series of flood heights, or cotton prices -- that experts said looked like "the real thing." Visualization was extended to the physical world as well. In a provocative essay titled "How Long Is the Coast of Britain?" Mandelbrot noted that the answer depends on the scale at which one measures: it grows longer and longer as one takes into account every bay and inlet, every stone, every grain of sand. And he codified the "self-similarity" characteristic of many fractal shapes -- the reappearance of geometrically similar features at all scales. First in isolated papers and lectures, then in two editions of his seminal book, he argued that many of science's traditional mathematical models are ill-suited to natural forms and processes: in fact, that many of the "pathological" shapes mathematicians had discovered generations before are useful approximations of tree bark and lung tissue, clouds and galaxies. Mandelbrot was named an IBM Fellow in 1974, and continues to work at the IBM Watson Research Center. He has also been a visiting professor and guest lecturer at many universities.

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 Author: Danielle Braswell Based on lesson by: Katherine Crowe Date Created: 7/27/2005 4:05:00 PM EDT Fractal Geometry



Objective(s):Students will be able to:

1. Apply spatial reasoning to create transformations

2. Use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations

3. Identify the planar geometric figure that is the result of a given rigid transformation

4. Model a single transformation on a coordinate grid.

Purpose:Though based on abstract mathematics, fractals have practical applications in computer graphics, digital imaging, and modeling complex natural structures. By exploring fractals, we are able to understand how they relate to very interesting topics including computer graphics and imaging, which are closely connected to graphic arts, animation, and computer or video game development.

Prerequisite Skills:Prior to this lesson, students should be able to:

1. Solve grade-level appropriate mathematics problems and utilize concepts.

2. Use grade-level appropriate mathematical vocabulary.

3. Use Microsoft Office tools, including Internet Explorer, Word, and Encarta.

4. Understand basic principles of geometry.

Grade Level:8

Materials:1. Computer with LCD projector or overhead projector

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2. 1 computer per student with Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, and Encarta Deluxe

3. Triangle Grid Paper

4. Fractal Geometry PowerPoint Presentation or slides as overhead transparencies

5. Sierpinski's Triangle Investigation attachment (1 per student)

6. Fractal Investigation attachment (1 per student)

Attachments: 1.  Triangle Grid Paper 2.  Fractals Discovery Activity

This activity requires Internet Explorer and Microsoft Encarta Deluxe. 3.  Sierpinski's Triangle Investigation Activity

This activity requires Triangle Grid Paper for each student to manipulate.  4.  Fractal Geometry PowerPoint Lesson

Use a computer with an LCD projector to show this presentation, or print the presentation using a color printer and overhead transparencies.

Anticipatory Set:1. Using an LCD projector connected to a computer, beam the first slide in the attached PowerPoint presentation "Fractal Geometry" onto the screen. If an LCD projector is not available, use a color printer and print the slides onto overhead transparencies. Project the first slide.

2. Instruct students to review the image being projected and answer the following questions in writing:

When you look at this picture, what do you see? Do you notice any patterns?Describe your thoughts in writing.

3. Allow students to share their comments and questions about the image. Praise student responses.

4. Tell students, Today we are going to be discussing a topic called Fractal Geometry. Fractal geometry is different from other kinds of geometry we have studied. Fractals are used in computer graphics, digital imaging, and to model complex nature structures. By exploring fractals, we are able to understand how they relate to very interesting topics including computer graphics and imaging, which are closely connected to graphic arts, animation, and computer or video game development. This type of mathematics is still developing in our lifetimes--that is very unusual, because more mathematics was explored thousands of years ago.

Input:Begin this lesson with a lecture/discussion about the nature and science of fractals. Use the attached PowerPoint presentation to focus the discussion around major facts and discoveries.

1. Show Slide 2. Tell students, The image we just discussed was called a fractal. Fractals are geometric forms like circles, triangles, and rectangles, but they are more complex.

2. Ask students, What differences did you notice between the fractal image and a triangle or circle? (Students should raise hands and wait to be called upon. Praise comments.)

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3. Tell students, That's right, the fractal image does not have clearly defined right angles or line segments. The fractal is much more complicated than a triangle or circle, but we can still explore its properties. (Check for understanding)

4. Show Slide 3. Tell students, Most math we study in school is old knowledge. For example, the geometry we study about circles, squares, and triangles was organized around 300 B.C. by a man named Euclid. (Check for understanding)

5. Ask students, Can you think of any reasons why mathematicians have been studying circles and triangles for thousands of years, but just recently began studying fractals? (Students should raise hands and wait to be called upon. Praise comments.)

6. Tell students, Common shapes like triangles are easier to study and develop formulas to explain. Fractals are much different and many fractal formulas require computers to solve. (Check for understanding)

7. Tell students, Much of fractal geometry is very new. Research on fractals is being carried out right now by mathematicians. You could be go on analyze fractals. Have you ever thought about a career as a mathematician? (Students should raise hands and wait to be called upon. Praise comments.)

8. Show Slide 5. Ask students, when you look at things that exist in nature, such as trees, rivers, and coastlines, do you see common geometric shapes, such as squares or triangles? (Students should raise hands and wait to be called upon. Praise comments.)

9. Tell students, Most shapes that we find in nature do not feature right angles. Many objects in nature aren't formed of squares or triangles, but of more complicated geometric figures. Many natural objects - ferns, coastlines, etc. - are shaped like fractals. (Check for understanding)

10. Show Slide 6. Ask students to carefully review the images of the stream and trees, and the fractal. Ask students to define any similarities they see in the images. (Students should raise hands and wait to be called upon. Praise comments.)

12. Show Slide 7. Ask students to study the image of Norway's coastline and identify any fractal-like shapes. (Students should raise hands and wait to be called upon. Praise comments.)

13. Show Slide 8. Ask students to study the images of ferns and identify any fractal-like shapes. (Students should raise hands and wait to be called upon. Praise comments.)

14. Show Slide 9. Tell students, Fractals are geometric shapes that are complex and detailed in structure at every level of magnification.

15. Show Slide 10. Tell students, Fractals exhibit the following characteristics:

A. Self-similarity - Each small part of a fractal is a reduced replica of the whole. (Check for understanding)

B. Fractional dimension - The dimension of a fractal must be used as an exponent when measuring its size. (Check for understanding)

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C. Formation by iteration - Fractals can be formed by applying a single operation that increases complexity (such as bisecting a line) over and over again. (Check for understanding)

Modeling:16. Show Slide 11. Tell students, You can also think of self-similarity as copies. Each of the small trapezoids is a copy of the larger.

17. Refer to the shapes at the bottom of the slide. Ask students, How are examples of self-similarity? (Students should raise their hands and wait to be called on. Praise responses.)

18. Show Slide 12. Ask students to try the problem on the screen. After students evaluate the question, use the pointer or overhead marker to indicate each location of self-similarity on the blue shape. Praise student responses.

19. Show Slide 13. Ask students to try the problems and Think-Pair-Share with another student at their table. Allow students to share responses. Use the white board or overhead to model question responses. Praise student comments.

20. Show Slide 14. Tell students, We usually think about shapes as 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, or 3-dimension. (Review dimensional descriptions with students.)

21. Show Slide 15. Indicate the point, line, plane, and space. Ask students to explain the differences between the fractals they have viewed and these shapes. Praise comments.

22. Show Slide 16. Discuss the changing dimensions of the shapes, as well as the self-similarity that is evident in the evolving shapes. Ask students to spend 2-3 minutes developing an algorithm or equation to describe fractal dimension. Allow students to share responses, record algorithms on the board. Praise student efforts.

23. Show Slide 17. Tell students that fractals follow an algorithm of Doubling Similarity, indicated by n=2^d. (Check for understanding)

24. Show Slide 18. Tell students, Iteration is a process of repeating something over and over. Has anyone ever had a CD they really liked? Maybe you played it a lot? After a while, that CD probably got scratched. When you listened to it, some parts would repeat over and over because the disk was scratched. Iteration is similar to that--the process just repeats, or copies, itself over and over.

25. Ask students to explain the iterative process occurring within the Cantor Dust Fractal. Praise student remarks.

Check for Understanding:26. Show Slide 19. Ask students to take out a piece of notebook paper and divide it into 3 columns. Tell students to label the first column "Things that I Know," the second column "Things that I am Wondering About," and the third column "Things I have learned." Tell students to write as much information as they can in the "Know" column, based upon today's learning to this point. (All of this information is also presented in a table on Slide 19)

27. Next, they should list any questions they still have or things they would like to

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find out in the "Wondering" column. Tell students they will fill in the "Learned" column after their investigation. Ask students to leave their KWLs on their desks. Walk around the classroom while students are working on their investigations to gather CFU/Assessment information.

28. Use specific content-based understanding question as written in lesson material to check for understanding.

Guided Practice:28. Divide students into pairs or trios to complete their computer-based investigation of fractals.

29. Distribute Fractal Discovery Activity to students.

30. Instruct students to move to computers/lab, turn machines on, go to Microsoft Encarta. Direct teams to follow the instructions on the assignment sheet.

31. Students will use Microsoft Encarta and Internet Explorer to gather more information about fractals and observe fractal microscopes. Walk around the classroom to verify that all students have been able to access the online material and answer questions. Briefly evaluate student KWL charts while students are engaged in their Discovery activities.

Closure:1. At the end of the class period, instruct students to close the computer programs they are running and return to their seats.

2. Ask students to reflect upon the learning gathered from their Discovery activity and complete the "Learned" column of their KWL chart.

3. Encourage students to list additional questions or wonderings they have developed about fractals in their "W" column.

Independent Practice:1. Following the Fractal Discovery Activity, students will work in pairs/trios to complete the Sierpinski's Triange activity. This activity will be homework.

Enrichment:1. For students exhibiting mastery of today's lesson, instruct them to work collaboratively (teams of 2-3) to investigate the attached problem.

Attachments: 1.  Sierpinski Enrichment Project


USA- NCTM (Nat. Council of Teachers of Mathematics): Principles & Standards for School Mathematics

• Area : Standards• Level : Grades 6–8

• Topic : Geometry

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• Instructional program descriptor : Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems

 Expectation : use visual tools such as networks to represent and solve problems; Expectation : recognize and apply geometric ideas and relationships in areas outside the

mathematics classroom, such as art, science, and everyday life.• Topic : Representation

 Instructional program descriptor : create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas;

 Instructional program descriptor : use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena.

NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study• Subject : Mathematics

• Grade/Topic : Grade 8• Competency Goal 3: The learner will understand and use properties and relationships in geometry.

 Objective 3.01:  Represent problem situations with geometric models.

Assessment/Rubrics:1. Informal Assessment:A. Observation of Anticipatory Set and Modeling questions.

B. Discussion Responses

C. KWL charts

D. Guided Practice work

2. Formal Assessment:A. Fractal Discovery Activity--completed assignment

B. Sierpinski's Triangle Activity--completed assignment




http://file.taskstream.com/file/bpvw18U221jbdHx0dlgdMxaphabMcaflscW5kqmkdYmx34ldMnia0qbRumlpycNu631edOk329xcFdc187cWi8yg0cDw1238bLoqbrsdAv3qbycY7l9kybRwl5jgdZxx4twbZeeqoddUm5grycXfl1m0Cikmg3W5ndi/Sierpinski Enrichment Activity.doc

http://file.taskstream.com/file/blij18Umc1jbdHx0dlgdMxaphabMj41kscWsljmycY3li4M63yqddRrc5judN7bsjndOowgiobFg61vecWtswbcdDsao7ccL2l35fdAejeqmdY8ivg2cR6h0q0Zocms4Zuff38Uv/Fractal Geometry.ppt

http://file.taskstream.com/file/bo7luwU2f1jbdHx0dlgdMxaphabMm4yhscWsljmycY9cb4ldMg522ldRb4dn2cNg8yg0cOw1238bFoqbrsdWv3qbycD7l9kybLwl5jgdAxx4twbYeeqoddRm5grycZfl1m0Zikmg3U5ndi/Fractals Discovery.doc

http://file.taskstream.com/file/bgy385Up80jbdHx0dlgdMxaphabMqhdiscW5qbt6cYkjwm2cMudkhgdRl6fy5bN8kfu7cO60q67cFi9t47cWidurycDowgiobLg61vecAtswbcdYsao7ccR2l35fdZejeqmdZ8ivg2cU6h0q0Xocms4Cuff38Wv/Math Questions On Sierpinski.doc

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Fractals Discovery ActivitySoftware: Microsoft Encarta 98/99 Encyclopedia Deluxe, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 WHAT TO DO:Team up with a classmate, then:

1. Open Encarta Encyclopedia and click Encyclopedia Articles in the opening screen. Click Find in the menu bar to open the Pinpointer. Type Fractal in the search box to locate the Fractal article in the title list, then click on it to go to the Fractal article. Read the text and explore the interactive exercises and the snowflake example.

2. When you're done, check your understanding by defining "fractal" for your partner in your own words. Discuss self-similarity and infinite complexity as they relate to fractals. Describe your thoughts here.









3. List at least 3 examples of natural structures that can be modeled with fractal geometry.




4. Follow links from the Encarta Encyclopedia article or the list below (using Internet Explorer) to explore fractal sites on the Web.

FRACTAL WEB SITES TO CHECK OUT 1. http://www.shodor.org/master/fractal/

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2. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/julia/explorer.html 3. http://fas.sfu.ca/cs/research/projects/FractalCal/cal.html 4. http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/ 5. http://life.csu.edu.au/complex/tutorials/tutorial3.html

5. For a "hands on" demonstration, try the interactive demo in the Encarta Encyclopedia article. Or visit the fractal microscope (http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Edu/Fractal/Fractal_Home.html ) or animated fractals ( http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/) Web sites. Notice how detail emerges at each level of magnification.

Describe the Fractal Web Sites that you visited and the information you learned.



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Sierpinski's TriangleWHAT TO DO: You don't need a supercomputer to make a fractal - just triangle grid paper and pencil. We're going to make a famous fractal called the Sierpinski Triangle in several increasingly complex versions, or iterations, to illustrate how a fractal can be represented at various levels of complexity.

Step One

Draw an equilateral triangle with sides of 2 triangle lengths each. Connect the midpoints of each side.

How many equilateral triangles do you now have?

Shade out the triangle in the center. Think of this as cutting a hole in the triangle.

Step Two

Draw another equilateral triangle with sides of 4 triangle lengths each. Connect the midpoints of the sides and shade the triangle in the center as before.

Notice the three small triangles that also need to be shaded out in each of the three triangles on each corner - three more holes

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Step Three

Draw an equilateral triangle with sides of 8 triangle lengths each. Follow the same procedure as before, making sure to follow the shading pattern. You will have 1 large, 3 medium, and 9 small triangles shaded.

Step Four

How about doing this one on a poster board? Follow the above pattern and complete the Sierpinski Triangle. Use your artistic creativity and shade the triangles in interesting color patterns. Does your figure look like this one? Then you are correct!

Reflection Questions1. Look at triangle you made in Step One. What fraction of the triangle did you NOT shade?


2. What fraction of the triangle in Step Two is NOT shaded?


3. What fraction did you NOT shade in the Step Three triangle?


4. Do you see a pattern here? Use the pattern to predict the fraction of the triangle you would NOT shade in the Step Four Triangle. Confirm your prediction and explain.




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5. CHALLENGE: Develop a formula so that you could calculate the fraction of the area which is NOT shaded for any step.






6. Write the fractions in the above questions in order from least to greatest. Write a statement about how their order connects to the shading out process.







7. Find another interesting pattern in the fractal called the Sierpinski Triangle. Write a paragraph descibing this pattern.










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Enrichment Activity

Using the Drawing Tools available in Microsoft Word, try to develop this version of the Sierpinski Triangle. Create an equation to explain the changes in the fractal. Explain the work you did (including any trial and error) with at least 1 type-written paragraph.

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Fractal Geometry

When you look at this picture, what do you see? Do you notice any patterns?Describe your thoughts in writing.

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Fractal GeometryThe picture you just saw was a fractal.

Fractals are geometric shapes, just like circles, rectangles, and triangles.

Fractals have special geometric properties that circles, rectangles, and triangles do NOT have.


Fractal GeometryMost of the math we learn about is old: it was developed thousands of years ago.

Most geometry (circles, triangles, etc) was developed and organized around 300 B.C. by a philosopher and mathematician named Euclid.

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Fractal GeometryFractal geometry is NOT old math!

Fractals are being researched right now by mathematicians and engineers all over the world.

Fractal geometry is used to solve very complex problems, but it is not too difficult for us to explore.


Fractal GeometryHave you ever noticed that objects in nature, such as mountain ranges, trees, and coastlines, are not formed by squares or triangles?

Most elements are nature have complex geometrical forms, such as fractals.

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Fractal Geometry

Fractal technology is related to structures found in nature, such as tree branching and river distribution systems.


Fractal GeometryThis is an image of Norway from space. Notice any fractals here?

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Fractal GeometryThese are images of ferns. Do you notice any fractals?


Fractal GeometryFractals are complex geometric shapes that have detailed structures at every level of magnification.

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Fractal GeometryFractals have the following characteristics: Self-Similarity: Each small part of the

fractal is a reduced replica of the whole Fractional dimension: The dimension of a

fractal must be used as an exponent when measuring its size.

Formation by iteration: A single operation is performed repeatedly to produce the replicas.


Fractal GeometrySelf-Similarity: You can also think of self-similarity as copies. Each of the small trapezoids is a copy of the larger. How are examples of self-similarity?

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Fractal Geometry Self-Similarity Try it! If the red image is the original figure, how many similar copies of it are contained in the blue figure?


Fractal GeometryTry It! 2: Are squares self-similar? (Can you form bigger squares out of smaller ones?) Draw examples to justify your answer. Try It! 3: Are circles similar? Are they self-similar?(Can you form larger circles out of smaller ones? Draw examples to justify your answer.

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Fractal GeometryThink about these levels of dimension: A point has no dimensions - no length, no

width, no height. A line has one dimension - length. It has no

width and no height, but infinite length. A plane has two dimensions - length and

width, no depth. Space, a huge empty box, has three

dimensions, length, width, and depth, extending to infinity in all three directions.


Fractal GeometryConsider these geometric dimensions:

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Fractal GeometryLook at these examples of fractal dimension. How do the dimensions change?


Fractal GeometryFractals can have fractional (or fractal) dimension. A fractal might have dimension of 1.6 or 2.4.

Figure Dimension No. of CopiesLine Segment 1 2 = 21

Square 2 4 = 22

Cube 3 8 = 23

Doubling Similarity d n = 2d

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Fractal GeometryFormed by Iteration: This process replicates an operation over and over until a complex shape is formed. This is the Cantor Dust fractal. How does this fractal exhibit iteration?


Fractal GeometryThings I

Have Learned

Things I am Wondering


Things I Know