DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo

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Page 1: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Page 2: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo



Rodolfo Dordoni

Page 3: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Ci sono progetti che nascono classici, e di solito accade quando rappresentano una rivoluzione: formale, funzionale, tecnologica, o anche solo estetica. Sono progetti che cominciano una nuova storia: poi, magari ci saranno molte imitazioni, come metafora di un pubblico che continua l’applauso all’opera prima. Di questo stiamo parlando, nel raccontare il nuovo divano DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo in quanto immagine capace di lanciare l’edizione, ancora una volta bellissima, di un catalogo: quello che stiamo sfogliando.DANDY è nato veramente libero. Slegato dai vincoli spaziali di pareti e soffitti: come una zattera sospesa sulla linea dell’orizzonte. Un progetto immaginato dal segno principesco di Rodolfo Dordoni -e che si cominci a riconoscere titoli nobiliari, anche nel mondo del design!- poi realizzato dalla tecnica sapiente di RODA: capace di tradurre in realtà tecnologica, tessuti, strutture, imbottiti, materiali, coordinati per abitare il mondo fuori e rendere queste immagini reali. Da anni, accade che RODA e Dordoni ci mostrino nuove possibilità dell’abitare: regalandoci la vertigine di quel particolare momento ‘tra’ in e out. Arredi per esterno disegnati con lo stesso linguaggio dell’interior design. DANDY il divano, se possibile, ci racconta un nuovo capitolo di questa storia: l’in è ora all’interno dell’out, in un gioco del rovescio che svela un paradosso semantico e concettuale, così come l’yin dentro lo yang, o il giorno che brucia la notte, e ancora, il mare che supera la spiaggia, e forse, il riflettere che sconfina nell’ozio. Applausi, silenzio.

Massimiliano Di Bartolomeo

Certain projects are born classics. Usually this happens when they represent a revolution - formal, functional, technological or even just aesthetical. They are projects that begin a new chapter. After, there might be many imitations - a metaphor for the continued applause of the audience at the première. This is what we are talking about when we describe RODA’s new sofa, DANDY.So how seductive can a sofa be, photographed al fresco, graciously perched on a carpet of grass or a textured path of gravel? The image is not just a striking introduction to another gorgeous edition of the RODA catalogue that we are leafing through. DANDY was born truly free. No ties to the spatial limits of walls and ceilings. Like a raft floating on the line of the horizon. This one of Rodolfo Dordoni’s signature princely projects -and yes, let us start recognizing the nobiliary titles of designers!- made with skilful care by RODA, which translates ideas into technological reality, fabrics, structures, upholstery, materials and coordinating elements so that we can enjoy the out of doors and become part of these pictures. For years it has been happening that RODA and Dordoni show us the new possibilities of living contained in the dizzying rush of that special transition between indoors and out. Outdoor furniture designed with an indoor approach. The DANDY sofa is possibly a new chapter of this story, where the interior finds itself in the exterior in an inside-out plot twist revealing semantic and conceptual paradox. Like the yin inside the yang, the day that burns the night, the sea surging beyond the shore, and perhaps also our train of thought entering the realm of idleness.Applause. Silence.

Top: PLOT D02 mole fabric

Top left: DANDY sofa in PLOT D02 mole fabric with ORSON stools and STORK side table

Bottom left: DANDY sofa, undressed, shows its 3D grey net

Page 4: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Page 5: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Brazilian Indios myth In ancient times it never rained on earth. One day, in the lagoon of the sky, a Kaxinawa Indian th-rew a golden fish to the fisher bird. The bird darted on the unexpected prey re-leasing the hole that was covered with his paws. On earth it rai-ned for the first time. Even tod ay, befo-re raining, the sky is filled with flashes: The Indian is throwing golden fi-shes. The fine driz-zle that sometimes drops, indicates that the fisher bird is ba-lancing on one leg waiting to fly.

African myth When the world was created the rain did not existed. The animals were worried and decided to pray for rain screaming to the sky. First tried the elephants with their trumpeting , then the hippos and then the lions, but the rain did not come. Then tried the giraffe and the smaller animals : fla-mingos, rabbits and mice. At last tried the frogs . All the animals begged them to scream to the sky their need for water, so frogs began to sing all together. Their cry was so loud that the sky, tired of hearing, decided to co-ver itself with clouds to reduce the sound. But it was useless : the croaking penetrated through the veil of clouds, so the sky deci-ded to drown frogs to make them stop and it rained until they were finally silent and happy. Since that day frogs believe they are the masters of the water and they live in every pond in the mud croa-king to ask for rain.

South American myth The gods Pachacamac and Viracocha decided to put a girl named Nusta on the sky and gave her a jar full of water to pour on earth every time it was needed. When the rain falls gently from the sky, without thunder or lightning, Nusta is pouring water from the jar without being disturbed. But when the weather is stormy with thunder and lightning, then the poor girl is disturbed by her brother,

a rowdy boy who likes to make people cry. Hail, snow and rain are created by the girl, because the sweetness and softness are proper to creatures like the woman, while noise, lightning and storms are the work of his brother, because the bitter-ness and tactlessness are characteristic of man.

Gilgamesh has made a long and difficult journey to learn how Utnapishtim acqui-red eternal life. In answer to his questions, Utnapishtim tells the following story. Once upon a time, the gods destroyed the ancient city of Shuruppak in a great flood. But Utnapishtim, forewarned by Ea, managed to survive by building a great ship. His immortality was a gift bestowed by the repentant gods in recognition of his ingenuity and his faithfulness in reinstituting the sacrifice. Shurippak - a city which thou knowest, (And) which on Euphrates’ banks is set. That city was ancient, (as were) the gods within it, when their heart led the great gods to produce the flood. There were Anu, their father, valiant Enlil, their counsellor, Ninurta, their herald, En-nuge, their irrigator. Ninigiku-Ea was also present with them; their words he repeats to the reed-hut (home of Utnapish-tim): ‘Reed-hut, reed-hut! Wall! Wall! Reedhut, hearken! Wall, reflect! Man of Shuruppak (Utnapishtim), son of Ubar-Tutu, Tear down (this) house, build a ship! Give up possessions, seek thou life. On the fifth day I laid her framework.

Previous page: DANDY sofa in PLOT D02 mole fabric with ORSON stools and STORK side table

Top: detail of DANDY sofa in PLOT D02 mole fabric

Bottom: ORSON deck chair with capote and ORSON stool

Top: DANDY sofa in PANAMA X03 lime fabric

Bottom: HIVE F03 oil fabric

Epopea di Gilgamesh

rain or shine

Page 6: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Ever and ever thine own Rebecca. Everything considered, I think it is quite as well for our dear Amelia Sedley, in Russell Square, that Miss Sharp and she are parted. Rebecca is a droll funny creature, to be sure; and those descriptions of the poor lady weeping for the loss of her beauty, and the gentleman ‘with haycoloured whiskers and straw-coloured hair,’ are very smart, doubtless, and show a great knowledge of the world. That she might, when on her knees, have been thinking of something better than Miss Horrocks’s ribbons, has possibly struck both of us. But my kind reader will please to remember that this history has ‘Vanity Fair’ for a title, and that Vanity Fair is a very vain, wicked, foolish place, full of all sorts of humbugs and falsenesses and pretensions. And while the moralist, who is holding forth on the cover ( an accurate portrait of your humble servant), professes to wear neither gown nor bands, but only the very same long-eared livery in which his congregation is arrayed: yet, look you, one is bound to speak the truth as far as one knows it, whether one mounts a cap and bells or a shovel hat; and a deal of di-sagreeable matter must come out in the course of such an undertaking.As the only endowments with which Nature had gifted Lady Crawley were those of pink cheeks and a white skin, and as she had no sort of charac-ter, nor talents, nor opinions, nor occupations, nor amuse-ments, nor thatvigour of soul and ferocity of temper which often falls to the lot of enti-rely foolish women, her hold upon Sir Pitt’s affections was not very great. Her roses fa-ded out of her cheeks, and the pretty freshness left her figure after the birth of a cou-ple of children, and she beca-me a mere machine in her hu-sband’s house of no more use than the late Lady Crawley’s grand piano. Being a light-complexioned woman, she wore light clothes, as most blondes will, and appeared, in

Left page: DANDY sofa in QUILT Q01 white fabric with HARP lounge chair and ROOT side table

Bottom: QUILT Q01 white fabric


Page 7: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


was to come in for the bulk of Miss Crawley’s property. The-se money transactions—the-se speculations in life and death—these silent battles for reversionary spoil—make bro-thers very loving towards each other in Vanity Fair. I, for my part, have known a five-pound note to interpose and knock up a half century’s attachment between two brethren; and can’t but admire, as I think what a fine and durable thing Love is among worldly people.

We have talked of shift, self, and poverty, as those dismal instructors under whom poor

Miss Becky Sharp got her education. Now, love was Miss Amelia Sedley’s last tutoress, and it was amazing what progress our young lady made under that popular teacher. In the course of fifteen or eighteen months’ daily and constant attention to this eminent finishing governess, what a deal of secrets Amelia learned, which Miss Wirt and the black-eyed young ladies over the way, which old Miss Pinkerton of Chiswick herself, had no cognizance of! As, in-deed, how should any of those prim and reputable virgins? With Misses P. and W. the tender passion is out of the question: I would not dare to breathe such an idea regarding them. Miss Maria Osborne, it is true, was ‘attached’ to Mr. Frederick Augustus Bullock, of the firm of Hulker, Bullock & Bullock; but hers was a most respectable attachment, and she would have taken Bullock Senior just the same, her mind being fixed—as that of a well-bred young woman should be—upon a house in Park Lane, a

country house at Wimbledon, a handsome chariot, and two prodigious tall horses and footmen, and a fourth of the annual profits of the eminent firm of Hulker & Bullock, all of which ad-vantages were represented in the person of Frederick Augustus.

preference, in draggled seagreen, or slatternly sky-blue. She worked that wor-sted day and night, or other pieces like it. She had counterpanes in the course of a few years to all the beds in Crawley. She had a small flower-garden, for which she had rather an affection; but beyond this no other like or disliking. When her husband was rude to her she was apathetic: whenever he struck her she cried. She had not character enough to take to drinking, and moaned about, slipshod and in curlpapers all day. O Vanity Fair—Vanity Fair! This might have been, but for you, a cheery lass—Peter Butt and Rose a happy man and wife, in a snug farm, with a hearty family; and an honest portion of pleasures, cares, hopes and struggles—but a title and a coach and four are toys more precious than happiness in Vanity Fair: and if Harry the Eighth or Bluebeard were alive

now, and wanted a tenth wife, do you suppose he could not get the prettiest girl that shall be presented this season? Vani-ty Fair—Vanity Fair! Here was a man, who could not spell, and did not care to read—who had the habits and the cunning of a boor: whose aim in life was pettifogging: who never had a taste, or emotion, or enjoy-ment, but what was sordid and

foul; and yet he had rank, and honours, and power, somehow: and was a di-gnitary of the land, and a pillar of the state. He was high sheriff, and rode in a golden coach. Great ministers and statesmen courted him; and in Vanity Fair he had a higher place than the most brilliant genius or spotless virtue.

So that the Baronet and his brother had every reason which two brothers possibly can have for being by the ears. Sir Pitt had had the better of Bute in innumerable family transactions. Young Pitt not only did not hunt, but set up a meeting house under his uncle’s very nose. Rawdon, it was known,

Vanity Fair by William M. Thackeray

Top: PLOT D04 fuchsia fabric

Bottom: DANDY sofa in PLOT D04 fuchsia fabric

Top: detail of DANDY sofa in QUILT Q01 white fabric

Bottom right: BERENICE lounge chair with BERNARDO side table

Bottom left: DANDY back cushion in QUILT Q01 white fabric

Page 8: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo
Page 9: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


The story says that Ariadne, having consulted the architect Daedalus (the same that constructed a dancing floor for her at Knossos), helped Theseus to find his way out from the Labyrinth, where he was supposed to be destroyed by the Minotaur, as had been all young men and women that until then had been yearly sent, as a tri-bute, from Athens to Crete. Theseus was among those who were sent from Athens as the third tribute to the Minotaur, and some have said that he offered himself voluntarily to be a part of this group. In any case, when Theseus arrived, Ariadne fell in love with him and offered him help if he would agree to marry her and take her with him to Athens. Theseus, whose life was in danger, agreed on oath to do so, and Ariadne obtained from Daedalus, the constructor of the Labyrinth, the necessary instructions for finding the way out. At Daedalus’ suggestion, she gave Theseus a ball of thread, which he fastened to the door when he went in, so that, after killing the Minotaur, he could make his way out by gathering the thread. This is how Theseus saved his own life and the lives of the young men and girls that had been offered to the Minotaur. When he came out of the Labyrinth, he sailed with them and Ariadne from Crete and came to the island of Naxos, which is one of the Cyclades, and in order to prevent the Cretan fleet to pursue them, he staved

in the bottoms of the ships. But some have said that there was a naval battle in the Cretan harbor as Theseus was sailing out, in which a general of Minos, Taurus, lost his life. It is also told that General Taurus was conquered by Theseus in wrestling during certain funeral games held by King Minos. The Cretans, in-cluding the king, were particularly pleased to see their own general defeated in the games. Apparently, he was a hateful personage, being accused besides of having intimacy with Queen Pasiphae. It is told that Ariadne saw Theseus for the first time during these games. Still others affirm that Theseus came to Crete

from Arianna & Theseus myth

Top left: HARP lounge chair with stool

Top right: HIVE F04 fuchsia fabric

Bottom: DANDY sofa in HIVE F04 fuchsia fabric with ROOT side table

Previous page: DANDY sofa in HIVE F04 fuchsia fabric with ROOT side table

Top: DANDY sofa in PIXEL E01 sand fabric with STORK side table

Bottom: PIXEL E01 sand fabric


with a fleet in order to punish Deucalion, who had succeeded his father Minos on the throne of Crete, after the king died in Sicily looking for the fugitive Daedalus. As they say, Daedalus came to Athens, and when this was known, Deucalion de-manded Daedalus delivered to him, or else he would kill the Athenian hostages. Theseus answered with courtesy, but he secretly built a fleet, receiving help from King Pittheus of Troezen. When it was ready he set sail, taking with him Daedalus and some Cretan exiles as gui-des. While doing all this, Theseus kept the friendly atmos-phere, so that when the Cretans saw the fleet approaching they did not suspect it to be hostile, and that is why Theseus easily made himself master of the harbor. Having disembarked his troops, he came to Cnossus and took it by surprise, killing Deucalion and his body guard at the gate of the Labyrinth. According to the tale of the thread and also in accordance with Theseus’ oath, Ariadne and Theseus should have sailed to Athens. But that never happened, probably because Theseus could not suffer to marry her who had betrayed her country. Such deeds are rarely rewarded: When Scylla, for

the sake of her passion for the besieger Minos, betra-yed both father and city, he, on becoming the master of Megara, tied her by the feet to the stern of a ship and drowned her. And Amphi-tryon killed Comaetho, who having fallen in love with him, betrayed his father and the kingdom of Taphos to him. Also Pisidice, princess of Methymna in the island of Lesbos, fell in love with Achilles when he was besie-ging the city, and she promi-sed to put the town into his possession if he would take her to wife.

Page 10: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Above: HAMPER J02 mole fabric

Page right: DANDY sofa in HAMPER J02 mole fabric with STORK side table


Page 11: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Top: detail of DANDY sofa in HAMPER J02 mole fabric

Bottom: ROOT side table

Top right: DANDY back cushions in HIVE F04 fuchsia fabric; DECO cushions in PIXEL E04 fuchsia and PLOT D04 fuchsia fabrics

Center: BERENICE lounge chair

Bottom: DANDY sofa in PIXEL 04 fuchsia fabric

Page 12: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo
Page 13: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer a d i p i s c i n g elit.

Previous page: DANDY sofa in PANAMA X03 lime fabric with HARP lounge chairs and SPOOL coffee table

Top: PANAMA X03 lime fabric

Bottom: DANDY sofa in PANAMA X03 lime fabric with NETWORK lounge chairs and SPOOL coffee table

Top: DANDY sofa in PLOT D02 mole fabric

Center: NETWORK lounge chair with ROOT side tables

Bottom: QUILT Q02 mole fabric

Ernani music: G. Verdilibretto: F.M. Piave


Page 14: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo

Dragonfly (suborder Anisoptera), also called darner, devil’s arrow, or devil’s darning need-le, any of a group of aerial, predatory insects most commonly found near freshwater habi-tats throughout most of the world. Damsel-flies (suborder Zygoptera) are sometimes also called dragonflies in that both are odonates (order Odonata). The 2,500 dragonfly species (Anisoptera) are characterized by long bodies with two narrow pairs of intricately veined,membranous wings that, while generally tran-sparent, may have coloured markings. Unlike damselflies, the front and rear wing pairs are shaped differently. In addition, dragonflies rest with their wings spread horizontally, rather than held vertically against each other (with the exception of one very small family, Epiophle-biidae). Dragonflies have a more powerful bu-ild and are generally much stronger fliers than damselflies. Dragonflies have huge, bulging eyes that occupy most of the head, giving some a field of vision approaching 360 degrees. The winged adults are diversely coloured in a variety of shades ranging from me-tallic to pastel. Compared with other insects, they are large, with some having wingspans of up to 16 cm (about 6 inches). Even the smallest species are about 20 mm (0.8 inch) across. As well as being extremely agile fliers, they are also among the fastest insects. Dragonfly wing muscles must be warm to fun-ction optimally, and so, if cool, the insect often engages in wing-whirring and basking in the sun to generate heat before taking flight. The dragonfly’s speed and agility contribute to its being one of the most effective aerial predators.

Small flying insects are the usual fare, but some dragonflies regularly con-sume prey that is 60 per-cent of their own weight. Young dragonflies, called larvae or sometimes nym-phs or naiads, are aquatic and are as dedicated pre-dators under water as the adults are in the air. The functionally wingless lar-vae are usually mottled or dull in colour, matching

Top: PANAMA X04 pink fabric

Bottom: NAP rocking chair

Page right: DANDY sofa in PANAMA X04 pink fabric



Page 15: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


sperm is transfer-red. Before and after mating, dra-gonflies often fly in tandem, with the male towing the fe-male in flight using claspers at the tip of his abdomen to grip the back of her head. Pairs of some species may remain in tandem while the female lays her eggs. Many dragonfly families have descriptive common names associated with their scientific na-mes. Examples include the hawkers (Aeshnidae), petaltails (Petaluridae), and clubtails (Gomphidae). Numerous other names related to neither taxonomy nor fact have traditionally been applied to dragonflies, such as horse stinger. Dragonflies have also been known as “snake doctors” in the American South,

owing to the superstition that they nurse ill snakesback to health. The term devil’s darning ne-edle is derived from a superstition that dra-gonflies may sew up the eyes, ears, or mouth of a sleeping child, especially one who has misbehaved. In reality, dragonflies present no danger to humans.Dragonflies in culture - In Europe, dragon-flies have often been seen as sinister. Some English vernacular names, such as “devil’s darning needle” and “ear cutter”, link them with evil or injury.A Romanian folk tale says that the dragonfly was once a horse posses-

sed by the devil.[citation needed] Swedish folklore holds that the devil uses dragonflies to weigh people’s souls. The Norwegian name for dragonflies is Øyenstikker (“eye-poker”), and in Portugal they are sometimes called tira-ol-hos (“eye-snatcher”). name gwas-y-neidr, “adder’s servant”.

the sediments or water plants among which they live. They have bulging eyes somewhat similar to the adults, but pos-sess a formidable anatomical structure not present in the adult. Called the “mask,” it is a fusion of the larva’s third pair of mouthparts. Dispro-portionately large, the mask folds beneath both the head and thorax when it is not in use. At the end of the mask is a set of fanglike pincers used to seize prey such as worms, crustaceans, tadpoles, and small fish. Different species of dragonfly larvae can be described as sprawlers, bur-rowers, hiders, or claspers. Their shape, metabolism, and respiration differ concordan-tly with the microhabitat they occupy. Larvae crawl from eggs laid in or near water. Some species lay their eggs inside plant tissue, others at-tach their eggs to substrates at or above the water’s surface, and some may drop or wash their eggs from their abdo-men onto water. Larvae ab-sorb oxygen from the water using gills inside the rectum. The abdomen draws water in and pumps it out again throu-gh the anus. Water can be forcibly expelled in this way, resulting in jet propul-sion as a means of escape.Solid waste is also expelled in this manner. As the larva grows, it molts, its future wings first becoming apparent about halfway through the larva’s deve-lopment. These wing sheaths then enlarge rapidly with each successive molt. Eventually, the larva crawls out of the water (often at night) and molts one last time, emerging as an adult and leaving behind a cast skin (exuvia).The male and female contort themselves into the “wheel” position before

Top: LAWRENCE lounge chair with stool

Center: detail of DANDY back cushion in DEW T36 mole and DECO cushion in PLOT D02 mole fabrics

Bottom: DANDY sofa in DEW T36 mole fabric

Top: PLOT D02 mole fabric

Bottom: STORK side table


Page 16: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Millions of square miles of it; numberless wind-whipped tsunamis of grass, a thou-sand sun-lulled caribbeans of grass, a hun-dred rippling oceans, every ripple a gleam of scarlet or amber, emerald or turquoise, multicolored as rainbows, the colors shivering over the prairies in stripes and blotches, the grasses -- some high, some low, some feathered, some straight -- making their own geography as they grow. There are grass hills where the great plumes tower in masses the height of ten tall men; grass valleys where the turf is like moss, soft under the feet, where maidens pillow their heads thinking of their lovers, where husban-ds lie down and think of their mistresses; grass groves where old men and women sit quiet at the end of the day, dreaming of things that might have been, perhaps once were. Commoners all, of course. No aristocrat would sit in the wild grass to dream. Aristocrats have gardens for that, if they dream at all.Grass. Ruby ridges, blood-colored highlands, wine-shaded glades. Sapphire seas of grass with dark islands of grass bearing great plumy green trees which are grass again. Interminable meadows of silver hay where the great grazing beasts move in slanting lines like mowing machines, leaving the stubble behind them to spring up again in trackless wildernesses of rippling argent. Orange highlands burning against the sunsets. Apricot ranges glowing in the dawns. Seed plu-mes sparkling like sequin stars. Blossom heads like the fragile lace old women take out of trunks to show their granddaughters. “There are grass hills where the great plumes tower in masses the height of ten gall men; grass valleys

where the turf is like moss, soft under the feet, where maidens pil-low their heads thinking of their lovers, where husbands lie down and think of their mistresses; grass groves where old men and women sit quiet at the end of the day, dreaming of things that might have been, perhaps once were. Commoners all, of course. No ari-stocrat would sit in the wild grass to dream. Aristocrats have gardens for that, if they dream at all”

“She was still thinking of viruses, considering what a thinking virus might do, one whom God did not observe or command but merely allowed to do what it was created for”. “Any do-gooder can save one life or a dozen by spending x dollars, but that doesn’t demonstrate anything unless you’ve got x dollars multi-plied by the total number of lives that need saving. Stopping poverty one victim

at a time is like mowing a lawn one blade at a time. The problem grows faster than the cure can be applied, the only people who profit are the agencies who claim to be cutting grass while they’re actually ap-plying fertilizer.”Millions of square miles of it; number-less wind-whipped tsunamis of grass, a thousand sun-lulled caribbeans of grass, a hundred rippling oceans, every ripple a gleam of scarlet or amber, emerald or turquoise, multico-lored as rainbows, the colors shivering over the prairies in

Top: SHORE S28 nut fabric

Bottom: ORSON director lounge chair

Top: DANDY sofa in SHORE S28 nut with ORSON director lounge chairs and STORK side table

Bottom: ORSON stool


Page 17: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


stripes and blotches, the grasses -- some high, some low, some feathered, some straight -- making their own geography as they grow. There are grass hills whe-re the great plumes tower in masses the height of ten tall men; grass valleys where the turf is like moss, soft under the feet, where maidens pillow their heads thinking of their lovers, where husbands lie down and think of their mistresses; grass groves where old men and women sit quiet at the end of the day, dreaming of things that might have been, perhaps once were. Commoners all, of course. No aristocrat would sit in the wild grass to dream. Aristocrats have gardens for that, if they dream at all.Grass. Ruby ridges, blood-colored highlands, wine-shaded glades. Sapphire seas of grass with dark islands of grass bearing great plumy green trees which are grass again. Interminable meadows of silver hay where the great grazing beasts move in slanting lines like mowing machines, leaving the stubble behind them to spring up again in trackless wildernesses of rippling argent. Orange highlan-ds burning against the sunsets. Apricot ranges glowing in the dawns. Seed plumes sparkling like sequin stars. Blossom he-ads like the fragile lace old women take out of trunks to show their granddaughters. “There are grass hills whe-re the great plumes tower in masses the height of ten gall men; grass valleys where the turf is like moss, soft under the feet, where maidens pillow

their heads thinking of their lovers, where husbands lie down and think of their mistresses; grass groves where old men and women sit quiet at the end of the day, drea-ming of things that might have been, perhaps once were. Commoners all, of course. No aristocrat would sit in the wild grass to dream. Aristocrats have gardens for that, if they dream at all” “She was still thinking of viruses, considering what a thinking virus might do, one whom God did not observe or command but merely allowed to do what it was created for”. “Any do-gooder can save one life or a dozen by spending x dollars, but that doesn’t demonstrate anything unless you’ve got x dollars multiplied by the total number of lives that need saving.

Top: DANDY sofa in PLOT D03 oil fabric

Bottom left: PLOT D03 oil and HIVE F03 oil fabrics

Bottom right: HARP lounge chair

Top: SHORE S28 nut fabric

Side: DANDY sofa in SHORE S28 nut with STORK side table

Grass, Sheri S. Tepper

Page 18: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


Page 19: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo

Tennis, original name lawn tennis, game in which two opposing players (singles) or pairs of players (doubles) use tautly strung rackets to hit a ball of specified size, weight, and bounce over a net on a rectangular court. Points are awarded to a player or team whenever the opponent fails to correctly return the ball within the prescribed dimensions of the court. Organized tennis is

played according to rules sanctioned by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the world governing body of the sport. Tennis originally was known as lawn tennis, and formally still is in Britain, because it was played on grass courts by Victorian gentlemen and ladies. It is now played on a variety of surfaces. The ori-gins of the game can be traced to a 12th–13th-century French handball game called jeu de paume (“game of the palm”), from which was derived a complex indoor racke-tand-ball game: real tennis. This ancient game is still played to a limited degree and is usually called real tennis in Britain, court tennis in the United States, and royal tennis in Australia. The modern game of tennis is played by millions in clubs and on public courts. Its period of most rapid growth as both a participant and a spectator sport began in the late 1960s, when the major championships were opened to professionals as well as amateurs, and continued in the 1970s, when television broadcasts

of the expan-ding professional tournament circu-its and the rise of some notable pla-yers and rivalries broadened the ap-peal of the game. A number of ma-jor innovations in fashion and equi-pment fueled and fed the boom. The addition of colour and style to tennis wear (once restric-ted to white) crea-ted an entirely new subdivision of lei-sure clothing.Tennis balls, which historically had been white, now came in several

hues, with yellow the colour of choice. Racket frames, which had been of a standard size and shape and constructed primarily of laminated wood, were suddenly manufactured in a wide choice of sizes, shapes, and materials, the most significant milestones being the introduction of metal frames begin-ning in 1967 and the oversized head in 1976. While tennis can be enjoyed by players of practically any level of skill, top competition is a demanding test of both shot making and stamina, rich in stylistic and strategic variety. From its origins as a garden-party game for ladies in whalebone corsets and starched petticoats and men in long white flannels, it has evolved into a physical chess match in which players attack and defend, exploiting an-gles and technical weaknesses with strokes of wide-ly diverse pace and spin. Tourna-ments offer tens of millions of dollars in prize money annually.

Top: DANDY sofa in PLOT D02 mole fabric with STORK side table

Bottom: PIXEL E03 oil fabric

Previous page: DANDY sofas in PLOT D01 sand and in PLOT D02 mole fabrics, with STORK side tables

Top: NETWORK lounge chair

Center left: detail of DANDY sofa in PLOT D01 sand fabric

Center right: PIXEL E03 oil fabric

Bottom: DANDY sofas in PIXEL E03 oil and HIVE F03 oil fabrics



Page 20: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


PANAMA X01 pearl

PIXEL E01 sand

HAMPER J01 sand

PLOT D01 sand

HIVE F01 ivory

PANAMA X03 lime

PIXEL E03 oil

QUILT Q01 white

PLOT D03 oil

HIVE F03 oil

PANAMA X02 steel

PIXEL E02 peanut

HAMPER J02 mole

PLOT D02 mole

HIVE F02 peanut

PANAMA X04 pink

PIXEL E04 fuchsia

QUILT Q02 mole

PLOT D04 fuchsia

HIVE F04 fuchsia

DANDY EXCLUSIVE OUTDOOR FABRICS for sofas and decorative cushions

CAT. 1 / HD1only for DANDY collection

CAT. 2 / HD2only for DANDY collection

CAT. 3 / HD3only for DANDY collection


Page 21: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


STAVE V31 whiteDEW T31 white

PEONY Y13 peony

WEAVE W21 white

PINSTRIPE P13 sandPEACH N21 white

SHORE S21 white

STAVE V37 gunDEW T36 mole

WEAVE W23 sand

DEW T36 mole DEW T56 carob WEAVE W36 tan

REGIMENTAL R23 sandPEACH N27 steel

SHORE S25 steel

DEW T46 cocoa

DEW T31 white

Tape xx Tape xx

08 blueTAPE

43 pistache19 orange

Tape xxTape xx Tape xx Tape xx

DEW T37 gun WEAVE W26 mole

PEACH N37 graphite

SHORE S28 nut

STAVE V36 moleDEW T27 steel

WEAVE W22 ivory

PINSTRIPE P16 cocoaPEACH N24 bluish

SHORE S23 sand

DEW T37 gun

WEAVE W25 tobacco

REGIMENTAL R26 bluePEACH N23 tobacco

SHORE S26 stone

DEW T56 carob

DEW T27 steel DEW T46 cocoa WEAVE W27 graphite

CAT. 2 / HD2CAT. 1 / HD1

CAT. 2

CAT. 2 / HD2

OUTDOOR FABRICS for decorative cushions onlyOUTDOOR FABRICS

scale 1 : 2,5

scale 1 : 17

Page 22: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


wet dry

Il divano imbottito rappresenta da sempre un esempio di eccellenza italiana. RODA rivoluziona il concetto di divano introducendo DANDY, il primo divano imbottito con tecnologia “total outdoor”. La resistenza di un imbottito agli agenti atmosferici è spesso inversamente proporzionale sia alla comodità, sia all’estetica. RODA supera questa difficoltà utilizzando un’ imbottitura formata da tre differenti tipi di poliuretani che, racchiusi in una rete 3D, generano un “cuscino d’aria”. L’imbottitura è fissata ad una leggera struttura di alluminio attraverso cinghie elastiche in materiale sintetico. La struttura, rivestita da una vernice in poliestere, e le minuterie, in acciaio inox 304, garantiscono tenuta e inattaccabilità.Ogni dettaglio è stato studiato per offrire, oltre alle massime prestazioni, anche un design di altissimo livello. Le fodere di DANDY possono essere confezionate sia con i nuovi esclusivi tessuti “DANDY exclusive outdoor collection”, sia con gli altri tessuti outdoor. Le fodere, removibili, di DANDY sono fissate all’imbottitura attraverso strisce di velcro, totalmente nascoste.

RODA révolutionne le concept de canapé avec l’introduction de DANDY, le premier canapé rembourré avec une technologie «total outdoor».La résistance du rembourrage aux intempéries est souvent inversement proportionnelle soit su confort soit à l’esthétique. RODA surmonte cette difficulté en utilisant un rembourrage formé de trois différents genres de polyuréthannes qui, enfermés dans un filet 3D, génèrent un «coussin d’air ». Le rembourrage est fixé à une légère structure en aluminium grâce aux sangles élastique fabriqués en matière synthétique. La structure est recouverte d’une peinture en polyester, et les matériels en acier inoxydable 304 assurent l’étanchéité et l’inattaquabilité. Chaque détail a été étudié pour offrir, les meilleures performance et confort, ainsi que un design de haut niveau. Les housses DANDY peuvent être faites soit avec les nouveaux tissus exclusifs « DANDY exclusive outdoor collection», soit avec les autres tissus d’extérieur. Les housses amovibles de DANDY sont fixés au rembourrage par des bandes de Velcro, qui sont totalement cachés.

I materiali all’avanguardia utilizzati per le imbottiture di DANDY sono resistenti agli agenti atmosferici e garantiscono la compatibilità con l’acqua, per cui la loro struttura chimica non viene alterata. Anche la struttura leggera in alluminio non risente dell’effetto corrosivo degli agenti atmosferici.

The advanced materials used for the padding of DANDY are weather resistant and ensure the compatibility with the water, therefore their chemical structure is not altered. Even the lightweight aluminum structure cannot be affected by the corrosive effect of weathering.

Les matériaux de pointe utilisés pour le rembourrage de DANDY sont résistant aux intempéries et ils assurent la compatibilité avec l’eau, de sorte que leur structure chimique n’est pas modifié.Même la structure légère en aluminium ne peut pas être affectée par l’action corrosive de l’intempéries.

Die innovativen Materialien der Polsterung des DANDY sind wetterbeständig und wasserresistent, so dass ihre chemische Struktur sich nicht verändert.Auch die leichte Aluminiumstruktur leidet nicht unter ätzenden Wettereinflüssen.

RODA con DANDY affina il concetto di alta traspirabilità, già introdotto con le imbottiture idro-drenanti dei cuscini, impiegando poliuretani a cellula aperta, reti 3d e passamanerie filtranti. In questo modo l’imbottito respira.I tempi di asciugatura del divano DANDY dipendono dal tipo di tessuto selezionato tra quelli disponibili nell’offerta RODA.

RODA with DANDY refines the concept of high breathability, already introduced with the hydro-draining cushions, using open-cell polyurethanes, 3d nets and filtering profiles.In this way, the padding breathes. In DANDY sofa the drying times are also related to the type of fabric selected in RODA offer.

RODA avec DANDY affine le concept de haute respirabilité, déjà mis en place avec le rembourrage des coussins hydro-drainant, en utilisant les polyuréthannes à cellules ouvertes, des filets 3d et profils de filtrage. De cette façon, le rembourrage respire.Les temps de séchage du canapé DANDY sont également liées au type de tissu sélectionné dans le catalogue RODA.

Mit DANDY verfeinert RODA den Begriff des Drainagesystems, dass schon bei den Drainagekissen angewendet wurde. Verwendet werden Drainagepolyurethane, 3D Netze und einer durchlässigen Litze. Das garantiert eine atmungsaktive Polsterung. Die Trockenzeiten des DANDY sind von den Stoffen unseres Kataloges abhängig.

Struttura interna schienale / bracciolo DANDYInternal structure of backrest / armrest DANDYStructure intérieure du dossier / accoudoir DANDYInnere Struktur von DANDY Rücklehne / Armlehne

Rete divano DANDYNet of DANDY sofaFilet du canapé DANDYNetz des DANDY Sofas

The upholstered sofa is an example of Italian excellence. RODA revolutionizes the concept of sofa introducing DANDY, the first “total outdoors” upholstered sofa. The performance of an outdoor sofa is often inversely proportional both to comfort and to aesthetics. RODA overcomes this difficulty by using three different types of polyurethanes which, enclosed in a 3D net, generate an “air cushion”. The padding is fixed to the light structure by elastic belts made of synthetic material. The structure, made entirely of aluminum and 304 stainless steel small parts and coated with a polyester paint, ensures strength and durability. In DANDY every detail was studied to offer the best performance and comfort along with a unique design aesthetics. The covers can be made both with the new exclusive fabrics specifically introduced for DANDY and with all the outdoor fabrics already present in our range. The removable DANDY fabric covers are fixed to the structure through totally hidden straps of Velcro.

Schon immer waren gepolsterte Sofas ein Beispiel italienischer Exzellenz.RODA erneuert den Begriff vom Sofa mit der Einführung des ersten ‘total outdoor’ gepolsterten Sofas. Die Haltbarkeit einer Polsterung gegen Wettereinflüsse steht meistens im Widerspruch zu Bequemlichkeit und Schönheit. RODA löst diese Schwierigkeit dank der Verwendung von 3 unterschiedlichen Polyurethanen, die vereint in einem 3D Netz ein „Luftkissen“ bilden. Die Polsterung wird von widerstandsfähigen Elastikgurten an einer leichten Struktur befestigt. Diese Struktur besteht aus Aluminium und Edelstahl 304 Kleinteilen und ist mit einem Polyesterlack überzogen, um Haltbarkeit zu gewährleisten.Jedes DANDY Detail bietet höchste Leistung und Komfort zusammen mit einem top Design.Die Überzüge können sowohl mit den neuen Exklusivstoffen für DANDY als auch mit den Outdoor-Stoffen unseres Kataloges. Die abziehbare DANDY Überzüge werden mit unsichtbaren Klettstreifen an der Struktur befestigt.

technical information

Page 23: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36 cm) DANDY 003 module (150x130 h36 cm)

DANDY 002 module (150x75 h36 cm)

001 module 003 module

002 module

001 module + 004 backrest + 008 armrest 003 module + 005 backrest + 008 armrest

002 module + 005 backrest + (2x) 008 armrestDANDY 004 backrest

DANDY 007 backrest

DANDY 001 module

001 module + 005 backrest 003 module + 006 backrest + 008 armrest

002 module + 007 backrest + 008 armrest

001 module + 004 backrest 003 module + 005 backrest

002 module + 005 backrest

001 module + 004 backrest + (2x) 008 armrest 003 module + 005 backrest + (2x) 008 armrest

002 module + 007 backrest DANDY 005 backrest

DANDY 008 armrest

DANDY 002 module

001 module + 005 backrest + 008 armrest 003 module + 006 backrest + 008 armrest

002 module + 007 backrest + 008 armrest

001 module + 004 backrest + 008 armrest 003 module + 005 backrest + 008 armrest

002 module + 005 backrest + 008 armrest 002 module + 005 backrest + 008 armrest

001 module + 005 backrest 003 module + 006 backrest

002 module + 007 backrest DANDY 006 backrest

DANDY 003 module

001 module + 005 backrest + 008 armrest 003 module + 006 backrest + (2x) 008 armrest

002 module + 007 backrest

75 c




36 c




225 cm (88 5/8)





150 cm (59)

36 c




36 c




75 c




150 cm (59)



247 cm (97 1/4)

97 c




36 c




60 c




44 c




44 c




36 c




60 c








150 cm (59)

172 cm (67 3/4)

97 c




172 cm (67 3/4)

36 c




44 c




60 c




97 c




36 c




60 c




150 cm (59)

225 cm (88 5/8)





75 cm (29 1/2)

172 cm (67 3/4)

36 c




60 c




44 c




97 c




75 cm (29 1/2)

36 c




60 c




150 cm (59)

97 c




36 c




60 c




225 cm (88 5/8)





36 c




150 cm (59)

60 c




97 c




150 cm (59)

36 c




60 c




269 cm (105 7/8)

97 c




44 c




60 c




44 c




36 c




60 c








194 cm (76 3/8)

97 c




194 cm (76 3/8)

44 c




60 c




44 c




97 c




36 c




60 c




247 cm (97 1/4)

150 cm (59)





75 cm (29 1/2)

172 cm (67 3/4)

36 c




60 c




44 c




97 c




75 cm (29 1/2)

172 cm (67 3/4)

36 c




44 c




60 c




97 c




44 c




60 c




36 c




247 cm (97 1/4)





44 c




36 c




60 c




150 cm (59)

172 cm (67 3/4)

97 c




172 cm (67 3/4)

44 c




36 c




60 c




97 c




60 c




36 c



1/8 )

150 cm (59)

225 cm (88 5/8)





172 cm (67 3/4)

36 c




60 c




97 c




150 cm (59)

75 cm (29 1/2)

36 c




60 c




44 c




97 c




36 c




60 c




150 cm (59)

247 cm (97 1/4)





75 cm (29 1/2)

172 cm (67 3/4)

36 c




44 c




60 c




97 c




75 cm (29 1/2)

172 cm (67 3/4)

36 c




44 c




60 c




150 cm (59)

36 c




60 c




75 c





75 225(88 5/8)(29 1/2)

(14 1/8)


60(23 5/8)

(51 1/4)(8 5/8)


7522(8 5/8)

(23 5/8)

(29 1/2)



(14 1/8)

(29 1/2) (59)


22 225

(23 5/8)

(8 5/8) (88 1/2)




(14 1/8)

(51 1/4)




(23 5/8)

(59)(8 5/8)


75 22(8 5/8)

(29 1/2)

(17 3/8)

technical drawings

Page 24: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36 cm)

DANDY 002 module (150x75 h36 cm)

DANDY 003 module (150x130 h36 cm)

1 2

3 4

modularity options

Page 25: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo




QUILT Q01 whitecat. HD3


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

DEW T31 whiten°1 60x60 cm / cat. 1

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 1

HARP 368 lounge chair


DEW T31 whitecat. 1

PANAMA X02 steelcat. HD1


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

DEW T36 molen°1 50x50 cm / cat. 1

HARP 368 lounge chair

seat + back

DEW T36 molecat. 1

DEW T27 steeln°1 50x50 cm / cat. 1


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD3 DND001-Q01 1

DANDY 004 backrest (225x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD3 DND004-Q01 1

DANDY 008 armrest (75x22 cm h44 cm) / cat. HD3 DND008-Q01 2

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD3 CB-DND060-Q01 3

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 1 CD-DEC606-T31 1

cushion DECO 505 / cat. 1 CD-DEC505-T31 1

HARP 368 lounge chair / milk-sand cords HRP368-02-02 1

cushion HARP 368 seat / cat. 1 CS-HRP368-T31 1

HARP 311 stool / milk-sand cords HRP311-02-02 1

ROOT 045 side table / teak- hpl top ROT045-01-21 1


DANDY 002 module (150x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD1 DND002-X02 2

DANDY 004 backrest (225x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD1 DND004-X02 1

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD1 CB-DND060-X02 2

cushion DECO 505 / cat. 2 CD-DEC505-T36CD-DEC505-T27


HARP 368 lounge chair / smoke-grey cords HPR368-01-01 1

cushion HARP 368 seat + back / cat. 1 CS-HRP368-T36CB-HRP368-T36


ROOT 046 side table / teak-hpl top ROT046-01-21 1



PANAMA X04 pinkcat. HD1


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

HIVE F04 fuchsian°1 60x60 cm / cat. 2

PLOT D04 fuchsian°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2

HAMPER J02 molecat. HD3


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

QUILT Q02 molen°1 60x60 cm / cat. 3

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 3

HAMPER J02 molen°1 50x50 cm / cat. 3


DANDY 003 module (150x130 h36 cm) / cat. HD3 DND003-J02 1

DANDY 006 backrest (130x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD3 DND006-J02 1

DANDY 008 armrest (75x22 cm h44 cm) / cat. HD3 DND008-J02 1

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD3 CB-DND060-J02 1

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 3 CD-DEC606-Q02 1

cushion DECO 505 / cat. 3 CD-DEC505-Q02CD-DEC505-J02


STORK 001 side table / teak-hpl top STK001-01-21 1


DANDY 002 module (150x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD1 DND002-X04 1

DANDY 005 backrest (150x22 h44 cm) / cat. HD1 DND005-X04 1

DANDY 008 armrest (75x22 cm h44 cm) / cat. HD1 DND008-X04 2

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD1 CB-DND060-X04 2

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 2 CD-DEC606-F04 1

cushion DECO 505 / cat. 2 CD-DEC505-D04 1

suggested compositions

Page 26: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo




HIVE F04 fuchsiacat. HD2


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

PLOT D04 fuchsian°1 60x60 cm / cat. 2

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2

PIXEL E04 fuchsian°1 60x60 cm / cat. 2

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2

SHORE S26 stonecat. HD1


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

SHORE S26 stonen°1 60x60 cm / cat. 1

SHORE S25 steeln°1 60x60 cm / cat. 1

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 1

HARP 368 lounge chair

seat + back

SHORE S25 steelcat. 1



PLOT D02 molecat. HD2


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

DEW T36 molen°1 60x60 cm / cat. 1

WEAVE W23 sandn°1 60x60 cm / cat. 2

HAMPER J02 molen°1 50x50 cm / cat. 3

SHORE S28 nutcat. HD1


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

DEW T46 cocoan°1 60x60 cm / cat. 1

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 1


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND001-F04 1

DANDY 002 module (150x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND002-F04 1

DANDY 003 module (150x130 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND003-F04 1

DANDY 005 backrest (150x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD2 DND005-F04 1

DANDY 006 backrest (130x22 h60cm) / cat. HD2 DND006-F04 1

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD2 CB-DND060-F04 4

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 2 CD-DEC606-D04 CD-DEC606-E04


cushion DECO 505 / cat. 2 CD-DEC505-D04 CD-DEC505-E04


ROOT 046 side table / teak-hpl top ROT046-01-21 1


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD1 DND001-S26 1

DANDY 002 module (150x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD1 DND002-S26 1

DANDY 004 backrest (225x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD1 DND004-S26 1

DANDY 005 backrest (150x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD1 DND005-S26 1

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD1 CB-DND060-S26 2

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 1 CD-DEC606-S26 CD-DEC606-S25


cushion DECO 505 / cat. 1 CD-DEC505-S25 1

HARP 368 lounge chair / smoke-grey cords HRP368-01-01 2

cushion HARP 368 seat + back / cat. 1 CS-HRP368-S25CB-HRP368-S25


SPOOL 006 coffee table / smoke-cardoso stone top SPL006-01-06 1


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND001-D02 1

DANDY 002 module (150x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND002-D02 1

DANDY 004 backrest (225x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD2 DND004-D02 1

DANDY 005 backrest (150x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD2 DND005-D02 1

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD2 CB-DND060-D02 3

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 1 CD-DEC606-T36 1

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 2 CD-DEC606-W23 1

cushion DECO 505 / cat. 3 CD-DEC505-J02 1

ORSON 003 stool / teak-grey net ORS003-01-01 2

STORK 001 side table / teak-hpl top STK001-01-21 1


DANDY 002 module (150x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD1 DND002-S28 1

DANDY 003 module (150x130 h36 cm) / cat. HD1 DND003-S28 1

DANDY 005 backrest (150x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD1 DND005-S28 2

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD1 CB-DND060-S28 3

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 1 CD-DEC606-T46 1

cushion DECO 505 / cat. 1 CD-DEC505-T46 1

ORSON 002 director lounge chair / teak-grey net ORS002-01-01 2

STORK 001 side table / teak-hpl top STK001-01-21 1

Page 27: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo




PIXEL E04 fuchsiacat. HD2


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

HIVE F04 fuchsian°2 60x60 cm / cat. 2

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2

PLOT D04 fuchsian°1 60x60 cm / cat. 2

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2

PLOT D03 oilcat. HD2


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

HIVE F03 oiln°2 60x60 cm / cat. 2

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2

NETWORK 168 lounge chair


DEW T36 molecat. 1

PLOT D03 oiln°1 60x60 cm / cat. 2

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2



PANAMA X03 limecat. HD1


DANDY sofa

fabric covers deco

HIVE F03 oiln°2 60x60 cm / cat. 2

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2

PLOT D03 oiln°1 60x60 cm / cat. 2

n°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2

HARP 368 lounge chair


WEAVE W23 sandcat. 2

PLOT D01 sandcat. HD2


DANDY sofa

fabric covers

PIXEL E02 peanutn°1 60x60 cm / cat. 2


PLOT D02 molecat. HD2

PLOT D01 sandn°1 50x50 cm / cat. 2


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND001-E04 1

DANDY 003 module (150x130 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND003-E04 1

DANDY 004 backrest (225x22 h60cm) / cat. HD2 DND004-E04 1

DANDY 005 backrest (150x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD2 DND005-E04 1

DANDY 008 armrest (75x22 cm h44 cm) / cat. HD2 DND008-E04 2

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD2 CB-DND060-E04 3

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 2 CD-DEC606-F04 CD-DEC606-F04 CD-DEC606-D04


cushion DECO 505 / cat. 2 CD-DEC505-F04 CD-DEC505-D04


BERENICE 370 lounge chair / smoke-grey belts BRN370-01-01 2

SPOOL 006 coffee table / smoke-farsena stone top SPL006-01-03 1


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND001-D03 1

DANDY 003 module (150x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND003-D03 2

DANDY 004 backrest (225x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD2 DND004-D03 1

DANDY 005 backrest (150x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD2 DND005-D03 2

DANDY 007 backrest (75x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD2 DND007-D03 1

DANDY 008 armrest (75x22 h44 cm) / cat. HD2 DND008-D03 1

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD2 CB-DND060-D03 4

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 2 CD-DEC606-F03 CD-DEC606-F03 CD-DEC606-D03


cushion DECO 505 / cat. 2 CD-DEC505-F03 CD-DEC505-D03


NETWORK 168 lounge chair /teak-grey belts NTW168-01-01 2

cushion NETWORK 168 seat / cat. 1 CS-NTW168-T36 2

NETWORK 028 coffee table NTW028-01 1


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36cm) / cat. HD1 DND001-X03 2

DANDY 004 backrest (225x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD1 DND004-X03 2

DANDY 008 armrest (75x22 h44 cm) / cat. HD1 DND008-X03 1

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm/ cat. HD1 CB-DND060-X03 2

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 2 CD-DEC606-F03 CD-DEC606-F03 CD-DEC606-D03


cushion DECO 505 / cat. 2 CD-DEC505-F03 CD-DEC505-D03


SPOOL 006 coffee table / smoke-farsena stone top SPL006-01-03 1

HARP 368 lounge chair / smoke-grey cords HRP368-01-01 2

cushion HARP 368 seat / cat. 2 CS-HRP368-W23 2


DANDY 001 module (225x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND001-D01 1

DANDY 002 module (150x75 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND002-D02 1

DANDY 003 module (150x130 h36 cm) / cat. HD2 DND003-D02 1

DANDY 004 backrest (225x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD2 DND004-D01 1

DANDY 005 backrest (150x22 h60 cm) / cat. HD2 DND005-D02 1

DANDY 008 armrest (75x22 cm h44 cm) / cat. HD2 DND008-D01 2

cushion DANDY back 60x48 cm / cat. HD2 CB-DND060-D01 5

cushion DECO 606 / cat. 2 CD-DEC606-E02 1

cushion DECO 505 / cat. 2 CD-DEC505-D01 1

STORK 001 side table / teak-hpl top STK001-01-21 2

Page 28: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo

Art DirectionRodolfo Dordoni

with Gordon Guillaumier

Gabriella Zecca

Graphic projectGB Studio

Photos Andrea FerrariAndrea Basile


Gabriella Zecca

Text Massimiliano di Bartolomeo


Print Litografia Valli

Color separationFotolito Varese

Thanks to

Arte Lampadari _ Badia a Settimo (FI)Bitossi Home - Gruppo Colorobbia _ Montelupo Fiorentino (FI)

Gabel industria tessile Spa _ Rovellasca (CO)Stema Vivai _ Mariano Comense (CO)

Finito di stampare a dicembre 2013Printed in December 2013

Page 29: DANDY - domo.com.au · DANDY di RODA. Allora, quanto può essere seducente un divano fotografato en plein air, adagiato su un tappeto erboso, o su una texture di ghiaia? E non solo