Dana’s Day at the Doctors Office By: Siearra Tyson & Morgan Jordan

Dana's Day at the Doctor Office

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About a lil girl wanting to know about Cells

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Dana’s Day at the Doctors Office

By: Siearra Tyson & Morgan Jordan

Dana’s Day at The Doctors Office

• 1: Title and Authors• 2: Index• 3 Glossary


• Transcription- It is the process of transcribing or making a copy of genetic information stored in a DNA strand into a complementary strand of RNA (messenger RNA or mRNA) with the aid of RNA Polymerases.

• Translation- the process of forming a protein molecule at a ribosomal site of protein synthesis from information contained in messenger RNA compare TRANSCRIPTION


Proteins-Is numerous naturally occurring extremely complex substances (as an enzyme or antibody) that consist of amino acid residues joined by peptide bonds, contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, usually sulfur, and occasionally other elements (as phosphorus or iron), that are essential constituents of all living cells

One day, a little girl named Dana went with her mom to a doctors office called Celltram to get a check up.

While they were waiting in the waiting room, Dana started thinking about how her cells work.

When her name was called to go to the back, she was so excited because she would get to ask her doctor, Dr. Nussbaum, about how her DNA functioned.

Dr. Nussbaum walked into the room and greeted her. She exclaimed, “I have a question for you Doctor!” Dr. Nussbaum replied, “I’m thrilled to hear them!” Dana asked, “How does my DNA work?” Not only was Dr. Nussbaum thrilled, but he was shocked she asked such a knowledgeable question.

Dr. Nussbaum responded;“Dana, that is a good question! DNA is interesting stuff; it makes you ,you and make you perfectly unique! DNA is held safe within the nucleus, but doesn’t exactly “work”, as you suggested. Proteins do! But don’t get me wrong, DNA plays an essential role nonetheless. DNA is the first step in the processes known transcription and translation. Proteins are the result.”


DNA“Like I have said Dana, your DNA doesn’t exactly work, but your DNA does have letters that matches up then unzip.” “For example Dana, your DNA would be like this”:

UnzipWhile the DNA is unzipping, there will be a RNA backbone Dana. The RNA will be matched like this to the right side of the DNA:

Dana DNAA = TT = AT = AG = CG = CA = TT = AA = TA = TC = GT = AG = C

unzipG =- CA = TU = AA = TA = T”

After Mr. Nussbaum answered that question for Dana, she had more questions for him about how the DNA worked. Danas next question was, “What comes after the Transcription?” Mr. Nussbaum knew she was very interested in DNA and proceeded to tell her about it.

Therefore Mr.Nassbaum explain to Dana that “after the DNA unzips, it will turn into mRNA which leaves the nuclear envelope, into the Translation.” Dana asked Mr. Nussbaum, “What is Translation?” Mr. Nussbaum proceeded to explain.

“Well Dana the translation read the mRNA to build proteins.

Inside the Translation you will have a ribosome on the outside around the wall and a tRNA in the inside that’s look like a clover.”

“The tRNA is the like the energy that give off to other clovers to produce more energy.” Dana interrupts Mr.Nassbaum asking him “does the proteins ever stop working?” Mr.Nassbaum reply “No it does not!” “you need proteins to keep you moving and alive”. After Dana asked that question, Mr. Nassbaum thought about Dana check up.

The fact that Mr.Nassbaum was happy that Dana was asking a lot of question he had other kids to glance at before he got off. For that reason he had to wrap up there interesting conversation and finish it next week . When Dana left the Doctor office she was in high spirits that she learned a lot about

The DNA transcription translation and Proteins. While walking away from the doctor building, Dana was telling her mother what she learned in the doctor office .