Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1861-04-26 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024738/1861-04-26/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Bi;IU'KH STKEKT, lIAI.TIMi'BE?" IrurA n ... Chrsai. loflainniHtory

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a*THE PAILT fISPATCII I- served to *ab-»c7J»r» at aix *>n a <*rA*iits cgsra ran *-«?«.p%> sale lo the Carrier weekly. Price for mailing,as a year. cr ft SOfor six months, in advance.M THE »EMi-WEEKLY DISPATCH ta IMUod

ae.rv Tnaadav and Friday at fl. In advenes.awTH» WEEKLY I'iAl ATi H la Uaaed every

rri 5y.... atailod to eabeertber* at *i peraaaaa.

SPECIAL NOTICES.?afKncearaae"* SOUTHERN MAKOFACTD^an.r> so, »«d .sfoclully If you see ebtaia as deal-

rob.e Ooods. w.tboat paying say more forth.*last theiraetoal worth.? CIBSIIAW

WOOLU COHFAIT.o» tat. ettr,Orgst lied last year, sad ta erd.r to sake itchK,M an w«eld *>M compete with, bnt would r*.*?? » 1 ->»hsr a<m:hero reaasf.ttnrea by furslsb-? t f atd mv!o« ef 3en«s that b.vs aev.rhere' or.he*n mad* in Virginia,th.y fli led tbotrElls rh. machinery of tb*be«t tad finest qaslt-.T Tevare n>w wan ti fact aring FINK CASBI-

-\u25a0fas? and CLOTHS cf every ranstv, from Fins\\u25a0-rgtr> * Kerne and M*«tl«o Woot.'snd solicitUt*Att.atlot "' tee trade in the South t.> theirGooAt AH Wh>i hsve «een their ARMY CLOTHS,dtssofactareiat fsfw] «xpr«M<#ly for the VirginiaMillion Instftnte, pronounce tb<m at least equal,[j r ..,: si |>#nt>r ia quality, tvth"»e they had Veen: \u25a0 ..i rterstolote, »nd unite *? cheap.

fbe V rg'.uia »<ate and Central Agricultural80---«ieU««.at 'h « ir Fair held In thle city. In October;,.:, swuJed ti> ihls Company a GOLD MEDALfor Ibeirexhibition of Woolen Ooods, which tn-\u25a0JsdedsoaM beautiful 611 AWLS, BLANKET.*. Ac

Parch*«»r« may rely apo. every piece of Good*manufactured by va being what it if represented,ani mder u'i esrciira«tauce« will this Company bereduced to work aboddy\a their Goods, nor willthey card any cotton with Ibetr wool.LEWI* D. CRENSHAW, Preo't.BA*rii 1' Mites.ll, 1Joss H. Mohtaocb, uirsstor*.p W Habwood,

Ac Agents for tbs sals of tbe Goodsmanufactur-ed by tbeCR&NSHAW WOOLM COMPANY,ofRtcnneen, \ a, we h«v» now »a hand about Jo,-too yard* of Fine, Plato and Fancy Single andDoable Milled CASSIMKKE* aud (LOT 11a. be?idea a lot o! FUNS KLA.NKi, f> and GKNTLK-Man . SHAWLS?aad are manufacturingat therate or »,e yarJ» psr week; all of which we of-fer to tha trade at Mr prices and on liberal terms,with entire confidence thatthe enterprisewill re-

««!\u25bc? a liberal lopport.CRENSHAW a CO., Agents.

f» WUdta Richmoßd. V.ear Old O.minlen In.nrnnce I ompanr.

'".'-,.-. in, 41 Main #t,, vn&m at. CAartsiHotel.CASH CAPITAL .""". 5300.000aCTHOftIKD CAPITAL 400,000


!s ?ddlii'-.o to tbe ordinary mod. ef ln<!nranc.,thia Companyleasee PERPETUAL POLICIES, onBa'idmge, on the paymentof buibt AMoat, PBB-siras. Ptopertv is thenceforth permanently in-inred. By tbi» ;'? o a saving 1* effected, ana ther'»k acd i'nconveuieuoe of rsnewaU are avoided.Tbe policy can be canceled at any time by thebolder, the premium beingreturned, loss ten perteat.

lfCiuti prowptlf ad/ut'fd and paid.Ap; i'.ea'.ions for insurance will receive prompt

BttoaUaa, Dia.uToas:(Jab. Wnrtham, John 11. Greanor,J-bn Geo. b. Palmer,Sam'l M Price, Wa. 8. T?!plett,B. F Ladd, B. C. Tardy,Joan Stewart Walker, Wm. Cnrrle,Lctber K. >p->Riaa, Jsa. R. < riu«haw,PeierC Warwick, John U. Williams,Ja>. H gent. M*rk Downey,h\u25a0!.'.«- P. Rdmond, Thos. Jones,J«a M Talbot. Bdwin A Smith,Untfu b. liaveanort, Ro. A. Paine,Geo. W. 80. P. Wi, Haws,J\u25a0>». Brnaaici, Wm P Raijland,Wm. Brent, Henry C. Cabeil,Ro. H. Manry, Geo. W. Roystar.

ibAAC OAVBSPORT. Ja.. Pras't.Caxs. g. Wostuah, See'ry. de 31?ta

\u25a04T .s»i»iiai >ou. i- awg.'iO.'Wifl WdRTU OF



In tho generalfinancial derange- .Boat throughout lUe ci iiuiry,wehave Juterr>iin«dtv «cii off our mtmnor and <i»*i-irable stock of I1» X V «i (1 (J 11 S, 1at a (iP.EAT SACRIFICE, toclose business as soon *A* po«sil'l«. I

We .id"..r thi* day, every article at PRIME 1< >-r, fr.uu a }>,iper ot Needles up to the RICHKbT ibII.KS hrouubt to this ci>untry. .IuH'H'S&VKEPI>iO GOOPh, our stock is very ,iargs and compi#t«, conaistidK of?Table I>A»U>K. l

Line. SHEETING, IP.iUow-Ca>e LiNKNS, ITt)WEv!s, liOCiiABACK, &c.,40 it;.eu4ii aas jrtwnto; >tf.EGANT DSBBB HiLKS, ritJ ill the latet-t style* of Kr«uch i>ad Knirltsh iVAURI 0 H . ;

for Lsdie*' and t'lilldren's Dr?>*sea for EprinK, ,Wluicr and bummer. l

EMBROIDERIES, thosiery, gloybb.hdkfs.,

bUAWLb, CLOAKS aud MANTLES, \bUIRTI.NOS and SHEETINGS, sFLANNELS and BLANKETb, of every deacrip- atlon.IKIMI LINENS and DIAPERS.BOMBASINES aud BLA< k ALPACAS. sLarge i<:ork of vondi f >r bEKYaNTS' Summerasd Winter Clothing. p

aff" Purchasers are iuv'.tnd to call and see for ttnaiaselvee. a. k. Parker \ CO.,141 Msin «>tr«ef, Square.If. B ?All persona to Us, will please t

cull urd »ett> their accouuts without delay, aslodmc. indulgence will not be given. 4A. K. P. a CO. T?flleulth. Healih- f'

HKTTER THAN GOLD! \u25a0Mart leorrats, PancarTßasa, No. «io t

Bi;IU'KH STKEKT, lIAI.TIMi'BE?" IrurA n(Am netasa."?Thi. Isdv suffered lor years withChrsai. loflainniHtory fchetip.i&tii-in iv it» moHt amalignantform. She fir*t contracted the disease kwl.ea tWS year» old. by lunLK vaerinated withcv.trr f.-ow a child that" had the white awelling.Fr m;li \u25a0. time to womanhood ht<r sufferluifewere a«i:r*ini?«h« nerer had relit-f from pam until n

by HAMPTON'S TINCTTRE. c[An Extract from the tetter.] h? ; often wish my pareuts had kuown of this hi<Mn«iiv Ftien 1 was a child, at. I believe I should

b»T<> l«-u --..-: tbe excruciatin«{ pain i hare_

benii «üb'» cted to, an well as the deiormityor body J,I m«! cairy to Ills jtrave.aud M pareuts would .sothav. li»-en under such heavy expeuse. from "d<ict. re' b;li» and iv me. an they did, to bith»> eolebvatog tartan ia England in search of aiheai'ti. 1 winh all th* afflicted world could see Wlo« »M hiMr 1 have derived from thin Ri- t:r« * Hamftoa'.. 1 try to wake all ac- c,4t>ainl«u vtu \\t ~,,!,,.* w,tii' wi-ou. i in S

''Ueatieaea, I an a tbon»and times obliHed tound youare at liberty to u«e my name and At(sue to all.

" 1r?»!u yonrs In gratitude," Mast A. ScorißLD, y<"No. «30 West Baltimore utroet." isRhssMStlra, Coaah. Dvspepnia, Debility, bcru- yifala Kyen, Pain in the Side, Back, 4c, are cured iv

TlifaUN AND CHILDREN.-ThisTINCTDRB JJ» id found a great uedicins for all tholr dia- .''\u25a0h.?. -fH+U acd n*l rampuieta, ana re«« tuany of the ''\u25a0\u25a0at ptiw.nnl of eaten of the pi

kb < w j.,ott«e» of oar owncitizens. or80'id t>y Kt'HCRLL. LAUD a CO., Richmond; e«fey Da COOKI, Fr<sderick«liurk; ;by all the Drug- ,h«>:- in P«t«r»burK; by MoRI'IMRR a MOW- ,'.BKaY, Baltimore ; and by wraggrsUaad Shop- .k«e(>«r« erarywbore. fl per bottle ; six bottles, ,*»' _aj i-d*cwt»_ >n

?TA Physiological View or Marriage- Ue< 'jjUUlnit; nearly *)0 pages, and ISO line plate* Vecfcrsvisga of tbs aaateaiy ef the »f xual <>r- I 1,.toss i» a <;f tijaiiaand duioaio ; ts Lib a tr«a- i n[i\U <in k»lf ebu.s, ''li" dep^drabVe'tofcwpJoni-ea °,spun the mind aud body, with the author> plan j'af u-fatmeot-tho only taliou.*! aud succosetul | jjjbode of core, c* »bown oy tha report of ca»e" i io

Jreated. A trnthful advusr to the maiiit-J and tott \u25a0\u25a0*> couteiiiplating marriage, who eulortaiu jsja.ubtiiof thuir pbyeical conditl in. Bout, froe of [bolOktage, toany addre**, on receipt of 2i conu in ; ~,.?i'-e?, or sestagostaaißo, byaddre*sinK, i_

Jet4-do>wtm Ua LA CROIX. Albany,JTY_?

n|T Livereeol and London fire and Life cfcIN SU R A I C I COMPANY, nt

(BsrAStiaa.b lsM.) thCABBCAP'L ANDRfcSEKVEDFOND....§»,\u2666*#.»«» *"ISVtbTKD IN THE UNITED STATES... MO.cooI'i.'LY REVENUE 7.500 t,n# Stockholders personally responsible for allHl* .evavom.aU of iho Cw«ip»iif, ! oj

laanovneo if e.wtoasi: g^*.>,"},,;<. wa, Chairman ? 'raiaei. Cov-ransTT, Esq., Deputy Chairoaaa.Bs.iar iJaisslLL, S*q. ?»I U ¥? Consul. \u25a0l Pi*Wrl ij4l»-LAgl>, !*«. tu*'»* liAartToa, Jr., asg. \.,» ' »»>it«i"l,t»'l vidLraan I'si.t., Cm. Jleaidont Serrotary.A>afALaudbHoiiFpoLiCi£SUsno4oßam. ~!leriu«M other firm-class Companies.All iUB.*k promptlyadjusted acd paid wlthoat *"isf»r»ut. vithe homo ofiloe. of

CHAS g. WORTHAM, Agent, anOSes Old Duuiluioa lasursnro Compaay, ,'?*»-u a»Maioatroet. ,*

?f" Bukrr'a Pretanesa ) uu a ' *'*B7Sr7yif'-i.f ,°' *?*? «AMan« PMKIfICB ; ffi*!.*?* fronJ'Cugistitarloti, want of ArpTtJlo ! **ihAtf.RfS Blffßttb u.yoV fail ? tl *

? ; r*^ « l uW hli **'1 laeaneaUsdaVt bo«J-Jo*.* BAKES"h B?TfgRS will lafigoaate yoar »*?i*?m' *unu> 'll « <lrow»y god »o your plTVow, re- *°*/\u25a0(,i. >'J"r,'| a«'ber». give you an exuberancepf ??Pint*, that will m».ko the labor, of tbo day «« i j"V.* C"" 1111"'- Yogetabio ia their properties, and IV.'-* ""?» aklK. they areadapted tyl.«fUte ! **tw all riUea*a» of the ?touiacb sou bowels, and act i .uufuC "lwlnc rap;ditr uaou tbe blood aud liver. ,

?r S'i.h » J Math. 11 Sntheill 1a., i l^/T' <JOLD AND HHfyWiK BATHS. I hodJ*, bo -lad aaily, from « o'clock A. M. until le P. «h\u25a0 ."tbe Americao MairCuUiag.Mb.ving,Sbaio- jof&?> »X aLd BathlnK b'a.ooii, nnder tbo American 011

,Ho;«i entraae. on llth slfeet. U j £i'P*<***vT«s».-.4 beautlfui "collection has iti\Jj jlUl ????» 'oeelvad at the A,rti»U' huopiy Sioro . *' . ALB LYWftJEIf. act*r 4 Dttd.r IpoUvood Hotel > »w«

VOL. XIX.---NO. 96.


We have the moat cheering accounts from Ievery section of the State, with the eacepttonof the Northwest, and it I. confidently be,lleved that the disaffection there 1. confinedtoa comparatively .malt district. The proper Iauthorities are donbtlei. fully advised of anytraitorous movement in that quarter, which iKbe contemplatedor in progress.

r correspondence i. becoming so heavythat we are under the necessity of omitting|many letter, sent for publication, and ot '?tnking out everything except actual news jfrom others.

A Lexington correspondent writes, April '33d, as follows:The war feverhas not abated Inonrcounty.A well-uniformed Infantry company, (Capt.Updike,; calling themselves the Rockbridge(treys, are vow all ready for marchingorder..At present they are quartered at the Virginia jMilitary Institute, in room ef the Corp. of

Cadets now in your city. The instructionthis company will receive from the Cadetswho are retained at the Institute us a guard'.<> the arms, Ac, will be of essential ssrviceshould they be called into the "tented Held."An Artillery company wa* organized here '?to-day. Lieut. McCauslaud, one of tbe As-sistant Professors at the Military institute,was elected Captain, aud Col. McLaughlin,J. B. Brockeubrough, Jr., and W. T. Poague,Lieutenants. Other companies are beinglormed : one at Natural Bridge ; one in theKerr. Creek region; one at Goshen Be-pot; one at Fairfield, and one at Brown.-burg. The service, of all these compa-nies will be ottered to our worthy Gov-ernor (of whom we are justly proud,) so soonas they can be uniformed uud suppliedwitharms. Theladieiof our town are workingnightand day on coat., pauts, flannel shirts,and other articles necessaryto the full equip-ment of these companies. Large and mostliberal private subscription, have been madeby our citizen, for providing all needed Bap-pile.. A "Home Guard," consisting ot sixtyof our townsmen over 45years of age, wasreadily formed on Saturday last, and organ-ized with Col. J. M. Raff as Captainliy order of the Governor, ten thousand

muskets from the Institute armory have beenforwarded in 100 wagons to the railroad atStaunton, from there to b»sent with dispatchto Richmond?the object being by this move-ment to have the flint locks on these musketschanged to percussion. Seven thousandpoundsof powder have been removed fromthe Institute magazine, by orderof Gen. Har-per*and expressed by wagon to Winchester.This draft leaves near MyWO arms, and 18,(>00poundsof powder, together with other muni-tions of war, for further demands.

Icorrespondent at Buchanan, Botetourtity, writes :unor havingreached u< that Abraham thetad called upon the different States forps, and knowingthat the object could bemig less than a war upon the secededfa, our volunteer corps was summonedther, and immediate preparations were

made to march at a moment's notice to thescene of action. A warlike spirit prevails inour midst, and the company (MountainRifles;has received a large addition to its ranks ?

Patriotic speeches were made by Col. JohnT. Anderson, Green James, Esq., Rev. Mr.Hart, Rev. Mr. MeGuire, and the Rey. Mr.Corrin ; also, by Henry Johnson, Esq., andothers. A proposition w.is then made thatfunds be raised tor the purpose of providingfor the families of the volunteers who were togo to the fleld of battle. No soldier wa. ex-pected to contribute. Th" list was immedi-ately headed by aMr. G??, ofPennsylvania,with the handsome sum of one thousand dol-lars : and iv tbn course of half aii hour about12,101] were raised, with the pledges of manycitizens that bread and meat should comewhile they had a morsel to divide. And, tocap the climax, Dr. Nich. Burks, Surgeou ofthe regiment, told the Secretary to put downall he was worth, which is, perhaps, *15,0i»ior 116,000. A resolution was then adopted in-viting the volunteers to meet here aild drill,until called into service ; ujion which resolu-tion, the proprietors of the two Hotels heretendered the volunteer, the hospitalities oftheir Hotels. Immense enthusiasm prevailedthroughoutthe meeting.

While the above-mentioned subscriptionwas beingtaken, aslave named Wilson Princestepped v p and gavea golddollar to the cause,and desired to go with the company.

A respected correspondent at Abingdonsends encouraging account of thespirit pervading the Southwest. Some por-tion pf the intelligence which lie communi-cates havingbeen anticipated, we copy onlythe following :

The people of this county are fully awaketo the dangers which environ our belovedCommonwealth, and are now almost a unitfor secession. Five volunteer companies arenow being organized ; and we feel confidentthat Washington will furnish five hundredmen under the first requisition.

Abingdonwill be nearly depopulated,so fara. young men are concerned. There will norbe more than half a dozen left! All callingsseem tobe enlisting in the goodcause of resist-ance. There are professional men, printers,mechanics, clerks, and men ofnocalliugat all,enrollingthemselves. What ourgirls?and wehave a large number of them?are to do forbeaux while the boysare gone, 1 do not see.

Our citizens of means are contributingliber-ally to the ontfit ofourvolunteers; and yester-day the County Court appropriated tkOOf lorthe same purpose, the money for the countybonds being immediately furnished. Horsesare being liberally supplied to such of theMounted Hifles as have none. In short, inspite of the large "Xuion" vote given by ourcpr.nty ;n the CouvuuUi.il election, our peoplea:e nowall right.

The following is an extract from a letterdated Ruther (Hen, Caroline co., April 23d :The Caroline Greys drilled at this placeyesterday, and are drillingagain to-day. Itis a company of finelyformed and well-drilledyoung men, aud destined, when brought intoactual service, to make its mark high and toachieve brightuud lasting honors. The Cap-tain, R. O. Peatross, is a youup: man, tnt oftrcecoi rare, ajid undersunqs his:duSy"weli.llh.de* such a commander the Greys all feelproud to march, andnot oneman will waveror flinch from his duty. They display aneagerness for fight that I hail scarcely giventhem credit for possessing, high as my opinionhas been, and still is, of their bravery. Theirdrillingwas witnessed by many of the citizensin this vicinity, and some dozen ormore en-rolled their names, determined to do or die indefence of our family altars. The honorofVirginia can 1-e confidently entrusted go gach imen,aa <omuu*o ibis (vjmpaiiy. ' Aup'ut \2\o'Uucg M. it proposed fo opeq a sub-scription list for lh« 'purpose uf furnishingthe tonipanywith a lighter and easier coat,lor summer use , and 1 was a little surprisedto see With what alacrity the spectators re-sponded. Nearly every man present gavesomething, and many gave-large sums. Thecompany will be ready in a few days and sub-ject to theorders of the Governor.I have witnessed eaoiteinents of a politicalcharacter and thought them iutense; butnever have seen auvthing to compare withthe present, aud the whole of this excitementi* Joyous.

A aimilar feeling of enthusiasmthe Northern Neyl: tf aa wiH bJ seenby th« following extract oi a.letter<rora'Lan-caster county: ?\u25a0"'"'

U a company meeting of the LancasterGrays, Wm. Uetaenc-n;fiantatV,:i iJag b, ,heVuthewi Pcmicderator, 2$ feet Yung and 12*fejrf wide, was raised 2:5 feet high- fceV.ralpatriotic. Southern ensnclte. were drtrverndaud yuvUerou. *bo«U ol congratulation ut'

After drill, &c, theGray, assembled in bu-siness meeting,Capt. Henderson iv the chairaud W. Henry Lee, Secretary , and onMAUoaof Kiiia Edmonds, the following preamt>l><aud resolution, passed uuajiitnously :

Having heard, wilh unfeigned deligh» of ihjvictory obl.ined by tho forre* if tfco Oyapidamt*Ms'ei »t ('U*»««q»" n t'f«.'ti.e troops of the Peg.ers! Gersnr&.ni, ani believing it to be the pur-niioS of 'the Federal Uov«rnui.eJ to reau,ce theSoatb.fD M<ifes to .Bisection Tlw.-f >\j,

FirAvpl, That W« t^Ho** ul*r baartfelt sympathytv tha OmifudVttttit>utw», sod wiwimoutiy pi«4 K'.our lives, our fcrtuati*, an 1 our.acred honor, 1«the maintenance of the rigid* ?>< lir/ini* sua lasSouth.

sosTH caauitXA.A Raleigh correspondent, writing on the

Hin of April, givej v. the following informa-tion from th*» Old North Slate; i

Ourpeyp}* aw» wide awafce, an«l W» ai« re-nobly" to ihecallmadu forwlnnmere

te defend the rights ot tbe Soutb,! "The tallies, evw foremost In good work.,

held a meeting iv tunbasement or the BaptistChurch yesterday tnorniug,for the purposeof making np the necessary clothing k c < 'I,rbhr vdtipitfi>v uqinMajuea. There wafa gen-eral outpouring of\h» ladles 1ox thecity,andthey win pVoVlde out ybinnteer. with every-thing iieciwUrylortheircomforta#d weffafe.Tn« following companies are preparing foractive service: tVfcllu riyiug VWfcry,about 7& men. They ha ye elected Lieut. 0.

DAILYB Ranutar. late of 8. A., Captain.-The r.aleigh Riflemen, about M men Ourworthy Mayor, Wm. H. Harrison, Esq.. hasbeen electedlCaptain of tbU Company. TheOak City Guard., Capt. W. H. High, aboutSMSkarcts^ comp,u,lM wm *..h'Laddlt,Oß » **rge number of theri-T* °K ,r - ***" of \u25a0«?, 3 head, of-^hS',,h*TV ,>r« w,t>*i a "Home Guard,"who will perform patrol duty, and will beready for active service whn'nmO*. *??[\u2666owner Bragg has command of this com-pany.nr^hlT10? .E,lto ha* cal,ed an « tr& »«»Blonv.. Tft",Ati! *2 \u25a0*?* the flr.t day ofMay Although ia feeble health, he hae, «ofar ,aoataliMd himself nobly in the presentemu ISo man ha. a stronger hold upon theaffections of the people of North Carolina atthis time than John W. Ellis. The CouncilOf State met here to-day, at the call of thetJovernor. Thoy have resolved to establish amilitaryencampmenthere without delay,(orthe purpose of drilling the volunteers. TheGovernor is receiving offers of volunteers.fronJ. »" parts of the State. A flag of theconfederate States now waves overour StateCapitol. Messrs. Syme k Hall raised oneover the "Register" office, with Jlftten stars,amid great enthusiasm.

AdjutantGeneral Hoke, of North Carolina.[ ha. issued an order, nnder the Governors di-rection, for the enrollment ofco.oonvolunteers.i The "fiery cross" ofresistar.ee is Hashing allover the State. With regard to the seizure of

I the Fayette Arsenal by 2,200 North Carolinatroops, theState Journalaays:

The United States officer in command ofI some sixty troops, seeing the demonstration,at on.* surrendered. He was permitted tosalute his flag, which was at once hauledi down and the flag of the South was immedi-atelyrun upand sainted by the State troops.No injury was found to have been done to theproperty. The number orarm. thus securedI. e.t<mated at 47,000?50,r>00 men can be armedin various ways from the Arsenal. Severalpieces ofartillery are amongst the arm.. Be-sides these arm. the arsenal contains a com-plete.et of the most approved machinery formaking arms, and we leara that men will beat onceput to work to rifle the mueket. foundthere.

The Wilmington Hearld, of Wednesday,says :we learn that a majority of the Ju*tt . a ofthe county assembled at the Court-House yes-terday afternoon and determined to appropri-ate $20,000 for the public defence. We alsolearn that the Hanks of this place hive de-termined to loan itOO.eoft to the t Join mission -ersof the town ot Wilmington, to be t'sed forthe same purpose, and that the Commission-ers have accepted the proposition. There is arumor m town that one of the up trains onthe Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, con-taining troops for Virginia,incrossing abridgenear Wilson, produced such an effect that thee-igineer and passengers were induced tomakean examination, when it was discovered thatsomecold blooded scoundrel had sawed oneof the timbers of the trestle-work nearly or en-tirely through,and that it was barely sus-tained by the iron bolts on each side. Trackswere discoveredat ihespot.and dogs being pro-cured they were traced toa house in the neigh-borhood, and a man (the report (ay.)beingfound guilty,was hanged last night.

MARVI.ANI>.Some items of news, necessarily excluded

yesterday, still possess interest. The follow-ingparagraphs are from the Baltimore Ameri- Ican ofTuesday :It wasextensively rnmorpd yesterday even-ing that Col. John H. Magrnder, for sometime past stationed at Washington, had re-signed his commission in the United StatesArmy and gone into the service of Virginia,taking with him his entire battery of FlyingArtillery. Thisrumor, despite rttrrlrtnwl Iillprobability, was fully believed by many,though by the majority it was regarded as"too good to be true." ,We learn from personal friends of Lieuten-ant Colonel Steuart, whose left ankle wasbadlyfractured on Sunday by the accidentaldischargeuf a musket at the armory of theLaw (Jreys, that his condition has much im-proved, though he yet suffers great p;tin. Itis ieared thatamputation will be necessary.

Yesterday morning between 2<m and 300 ofour most respectable colored residents made atenderof their services to the cityauthorities.The Mayor thanked them for their offer, andinformed them that their service, will becalled for if they can be made m any wayavailable.Brigadier Qen. Egerton has received by let-ters and personal applications,offers of regu-lar militaryorganizations from almost every

county in the State?the companies beingfullyuniformed and equipped, and ready for ser-vice.At the works ot the Messrs. Winans theirentire force is engaged in the makingof pikes,and in casting balls of every description, forcannon, the steam gun, rifles, muskets, &c,which they are turningoutveryrapidly.The number of volunteers already enlistedfor the defence of thecity could notbe esti-mated, but knowing ones at the quarters ofthe MilitaryBoard place it as high as 15,(KH.i,and state that the work ofenrollment contin-ues with an activity which will place at thedisposal of the military chiefs in a few days

an effective forceof 10,000 men, the great ma-jority of whom comprises a. good fightingmaterials hs any commander could desire. Aconsiderable proportion of the volunteersaresaid to be from thecounties, from which scoresare hourlyarriving in squad, or as individ-uals. The majority of this uniformed volun-teer force are armed with Hall's patent car-bine, aneasily loaded andrapid firing weapon,better adapted to the use of inexperiencedmarksmen, perhaps, than theMinnie musket.Inmilitary circles the chief topics of dis-cussion are the rumored movements of theConfederate forces upon Washington ; andtheexpected aid from Virginia for the defenceof Baltimore. It was exteiisivelv rumoredthat not less than 3,000 Virginia"troops arebeing concentrated at a point within strikingdistance from Baltimore,and Mat upon thefirst intimation ofa Wish for their presencethey would pour into thecity, with the delayof but a few hours at least.

The military chiefs are believed to be labor-ing with much energy and determination inthe arrangement and maturing of plans forthe repulse of the Northern troops from Mary-land. Intimation was this morning thrown Iout that the important work of fortifying the Iheights surrounding the city is to be con- Imenced forthwith, and would i& prosecuted Iwith every means »-, their disposal. Expe-rienced engineers aresaid to be now engaged Iin selecting and surveying the most eligibledefensive poiuts. **'

The rumor which was mosteagerly repeatedthis forenoon, and which occasioned un-bounded satisfaction, was, in effect, that Jeff.Bavie was rapidly advancing northward, atthe head of lw.ooo troops, aud might bo ex-pected at Richmond, or its vicinity, 3 toe Icourseof a few days. The auvauxaj'guard ofthu forr-e- WapiWMlLtjW South'Carolinian.""*!!£ * " sl*'t* *" th -'8 connection, to Ireach Norfolk in a day ur two at farthest ?

the rumor was based upon a private letterfrom well-informed Southern sources, re-ceived, It is said, bya merchant of thiscitv.The necessity of some such aid from "theSouth toenable us, successfully,to maiutamthe pooition assumed by the authorities, isgenerally admitted, ami until the actual oc-currence of the crisis, all eyes will be turnedhopefully and anxiousiy la the direction fromwheuce the reiuforceuient. are expected tocome.It ia confidently asserted that a requUit'o \u25a0. .for aid has already beeu made V ifKiXlil j

and North Carolina ? y the prop?»r authorities,,and fte 0113111 cf the 'abatement is invested Iwith <kn air.ol' mystery- which lends to the irumor much of theauthority and dignity pi a"State secret." " ... \u25a0 . ? \u25a0

Another \&\A* nujiplvv* auus and annnj- !nitron das'b^e.ufobtained,but from w*nnt uuar-\eV \ye were unable lo learn. Oart. andorayswere actively engaged ail this forenoonIn

sltutui.d U<IU in large quantitiesfrom (ht> ohot towerand other points.

A number of Merrill's patent rifle., a de-structive and much admired weapon, werethis moruing received from he m«touf*to-c-ries of Men ill it Thomas, by ti>» C jtyauthori-ties tor wuviu "'*y were expresslylactur»ti. ''?,

Rrrrsv Toj pattarftw which left this placeon Wfa»iesdt»y,ithe 17th instant, for Harper'st'BrrVi have returned home. The battalionconsist* of the Mouucello Guards, CaptainMallory; the Albemarle Rifles, Capt. Bake;Vfee t»außot Liberty, Captain Tosh; and theSouthern Guard, Capt. Huiter, ot the Uni-

These gallant men were welcomed by theCornet Band anda vast concourse Ofcitizen*,the ladle, waving their handkerchiefs andthe throng cheering. All the companie. re-turnedwith new Minniemuskets, captureda;Harper', ferry. ?'<We J«»m that these cornuauia* will remainat home onhr flve day., when theyViß again imarcw iv ttnfve-on acme other field of action. 'Eachand «very one 01 them 1.eager to meettoeeweioie. of his Stateaadthe South.? <%itr \tvttttvillt J*Jfer»tjttian. ...Fai.*» ?Va* report pubiieUed in ISa%.'rday'» Intelligencer that Qfov. Letcher ;

hid ordered'the Cdstoiu-House to be 6eia»4wai a wholesale falMhood, gotten UP for t»w»yu'rpoaet. ;t wa. Iv keeping lVa ivuon

hard M*at thi* waa not the caee-thaj weretraaled with courtesy, and left only whenagreeable W theiuaelve..? Whttliny U*i»n, I



Oaoi'* ib GaoauiA ?4 letter from Oconee,Q.,, saya : "Crops are promising?graincrop excellent, and com aud cotton standwell. 1 have never known .0 much cornPlanted so generally. Planter, have put cornin their best lauds. We are preparing tv feedtKe army.


[BPBriAt, coHaasro.Dßjicß or thb dispatch.]m Pbtsbsbcbw, April 24, 1861.Our city, which has bean comparatively

quiet for a coupleofday., was enlivened to-day by tbe arrival ot the South Carolinatroops on their way North. They marchedthrough the principal street* leadingfrom oneIdepot to the other, halting at the Boiling-'brook Hotel, On their arrival at the depotthey were publicly welcomed by W. T». jJoyne., Esq , in a patriotic address, to Which IGen. Honhnm. theComraander.madna spirit-ed response. The greatest enthusiasm pre- ivailedduring their transit through the city ?Flogs Innumerable were .n.pendedacross thestreet, and flying from the principal build-ings, and ladies from the windows wavedtheir kerchief, and lent their approvingsmiles. The regiment number, about «oomen. Their exposureto the sun for severalmonth,while in camp at home had bronzedtheir faces, aud they were covered with thedust of the railro-ul: but tney were afine look-ing body of soldiers, particularly the Rifle-men, a large number of whom are men ofwealth and position. They have the martialstep and physical development indicatingtheir abilityto perform soldiers' duty.

Thefourth company of volunteers whichhave been formed within a fewdays?the Mc-Kae Rifle Guards, Capt. James S. Gilliam,was organized last night,and Capt. G. wentover to Ri.hmond this afternoon to report toGov. Letcher.Apo.se ofmen hive been stationed at CityPoint for severaldays, toact as a riverpolicefor intercepting vessels laden nfyh provisionsthat may be iv the act of leayiu* o»r waters.A. many as four o* Aye weWtnkeffin' possesslou, havingcargoes oi wheat and flour, oneof them containing nearly l.flim bushels.Our citizen, were aroused this morning athalf-past two o'clock, by the alarm of firewhich was caused by the burning of a fewwooden buildiugs on Harrison street, nearlyappoßite ournew Market. The fire is .aid tohave been kindled by the incendiary's torchThe buildings were not of themselve. veryvaluable, but the surroundingproperty, com-posed partly of the extensive buildingsknown as Oak. Warehouse, and severaltianusome brick tenement., would have in-volved a great loss, had they been consumed,rhey were somewhat, but not materially,in-ureu. The loss on the frame building, thatwere destroyed amounts to some four or fivelundred dollars, onlypartially insured.Many of our volunteers now la Norfolkire members of the different fire companieslere, and their absence is seriously felt iv caseifflre. I understand, however, that many;entlemen have volunteered to supply their)laces.

A slightfhwilder storm, accompanied by aopious shower ofrain, visited our city thisitternomi, which proved very acceptable intscooling influence upon the air.Moji Contra.


Siffolk, Va., April 24, MR.Everything Ismovinghere. Volunteercom-panies spring iuto existence .-is if by magic ?The "Marion Rangers," Cap.. E. O. White-head, (graduate of V. M. I.;) the "SuffolkCavalry,' Capt. Lee; "Chuckatnck Guards "Capt. Phillips, (V. M. I g "Nanaemond Ar-tillery," Capt. Ames, and a Light Infantrycompany. Capt. J. K. Kilhy, M. D., ln theLower I'arish, have all suddenlysprung intobeing,and are intenselye;.ger lor the fray ?

Beside* these, the ranks of the "Suffolk Con-tinentals,"' and those of the "Home Guard "have been largely increased.Fortifications are being thrown up at TownPoint, Kleak House Point, and Barretts.Neck, for the deleuce of the mouth of theNansemond river and Chuckatuck creek, anda plentyot thebest guns cau be had from theWary-Yard to make them more than efficientWe are glad to hear that the Convention hasvacated all the old military commissions-He want men in command with spirit, andtuittd tv thr raa.rfM.ay.Capt. JohnCohoon, long the presidingMag-istrate ol our County Court, but of latebeing infirm from old age, was conveyed fromhis residence yesterday to east the first spadeofdirt at Town Point. The Captain has here-tofore been a strong Union man, but is per-fectly indignant at the course ol the YankeeAdministration. Hundreds of negroes are em-ployedon our fortifications, in charge of thebest military engineers. Lieut. Rich, late inchargeof the Pennsylvania, but who escapedlrom that ship to the ranks of the SouthernVrmy, has been appointed by Gen. Gwgrun incommand of Town Point.Everybody was elated to see Gen. Gvvynnon Sunday last. He is very generallyknownhereabouts, and has two sons residing in thecounty. War stock went up live hundred percent, at the sight of him.Hundreds of troops from Petersburg, Rich-mond, South Carolina and Georgia, are easilypassing overourrailroads to whereit is hopedwill be the seat of war, viz: Norfolk and1 ortsmoiuh. Our citizens are feeding andwatering them profusely as they pan*. Onyesterday morning everybody's breakfastwent smoking hot down to the cars for theUeorgia troops, who arrived at that hour.Ihey were all line fellows, and seemed verygrateful. Rut Petersburg bears the palm forthe finestbody of troops that has passed here.Our ladies are hard at work, all of themnight and day, on shirts and lint. Hundredshave ottered their services as nurses for thecamp or the hospital, and are eaeer to showtheir thorough devotion to ourglorions causeWho can doubt that God will favor what an-gelsapprove ?We have two Abolitionists in our jail-onearrested for obstructing the Seaboard Rail-road, on 1riday last, and who plays crazy ;the other, for tamperingwith slaves.. wS**5thfU lie*roe. from around Hamptonand Old Point have been pressed into FortMonroe at thepistol's mou th..Large bodies c.( jolaiers'left there in steam-en; las: night. They are doubtless called toWashington.Hon. H Blair Grigsby made a stirring ad-dress at the cars to-day as he parsed.duns are daily passingfrom the Navy-Yard

iii to the interior. E <4o

[i ORKKSPO.VDKX'K Of TUi, *»\u25a0\u25a0»*> IMSPATCn.]

Seward'sLetter to Gov. Hick*.The following ia tnereply of Lincoln's Sec-retary of State to Gov. Hicks* propositionthatLordLyon, be requested tonet as madia-tor between thecontending parties :

lUpabtmrktOf Statb, April 22, 1861.Hit SxcelUney Taoa. H. Hicks,Oottrnor o/ Maryland:

Sia : I have had the honor to receive yourcommunication of this morning, in which youinform me that yon havefelttt to beyonrdntyto advise the President of the United Statesto order elsewhere th» troops then off An-napolis, and also that no more may be sentthrough Maryland; and that yon have fur-ther suggested that Lord Xyons be requestedto act as mediatorbetween tbe contendingpar-ties in ourcountry to prevent the effusion ofblood.

The President directs me to acknowledgetne receipt ot that communication, and to as-sure you that he has weighed the counselswhich it contains with the respect which hehabitually cherishes for the ChiefMagistratesof the severalStates, and especially for your-self. He regrets, as deeply a* any magistrateorcitizen of the country can, that demonstra-tions against the safety of the UnitedState*with veryextensivepreparations for theeffu-sion of blood, have made it his duty to callout the force to which you alludeThe force now soughtto be brought throughMaryland is intended for nothing but th- u>-lonce of this Capital. The Presideut ha. ne-cessarily conilded the choice of thenationalhighway which that force shall take m com-ing to this city to the Lieutenant Generalcommanding the Army of the United Stateswho, like his onlypredecessor, is not less dis-tinguishedfor his humanity than for his loy-alty, patriotism, and distinguished publicservice. *The President instructs me to add that thenational highway thus .elected by the Lieu-tenant General ha. been cboien by him, uponcon.oltation with prominent magistrates andcitizens of Maryland, as the one which, whilea route ia absolutely necessary, is farthest re-moved from the populouscities of the Stateand with theexpectation that it would there-lore be the least objectionable one.The President cannot but remember thatthere ha. been a time in the hi.torv of ourcountry when a General of the AmericanL nlon, with force, designed for the defence ofits Capital, wa.not unwelcome anywhere inthe State of Maryland, and certainly not atAnnapolis, then, as now, the Capital of thatpatriotic State, and then, also, one of theCapitals of the Union.If eighty year, could have obliterated allthe other noble sentiment, of that age inMaryland, the President would be hopefu',nevertheless, that there is one that would for-ever remain there and everywhere. Thatsentiment is that no domestic contentionwhatever that may arise among the partiesat thisKepublic, ought in any case to be re-lerred to any foreign arbitrament, least of allto the arbitrament of an European mon-irchy.I have the honor, to be, with distinguishedconsideration, your Excellency's most obe-lient servent, William H. Sewakd.

Wealth of Western Virginia.The following letter is from a gentleman of

sagacity and observation, to a member of tha| Virginia Convention:Hear Sir :?I returned a few days ago froma trip to Western Virginia, and from my. last as well asprevious observations, am per-, fectly delighted with that section of the coun-try, and regret that its intrinsic value hasbeeu so much overlooked in the past legisla-tion of our Stale. From acareiu! aud minuteexamination, 1 am satisfied that wehave therean inexhaustible mine of wealth.Leaving the timber out of the question alarge quantity of which is now beingshippedto Europe, its mineral resources are unlimit-ed, and are naturally located under the mostfavorable auspices. All that is requisite fortheir development is energy and enterprise.Uere you to give them yorpersonal attention,the question wonld immediately present it-self, why have theyremained so long con-cealed ? *In Wood, Ritchie, Harrison, Taylor, Pres-ton and other counties that might be enu-merated, there are inexhaustible bodies of

iron ore and coal laying almost contiguousbut for the want of the necessary means oftransportation, they are compartively use-less.Iron could be manufactured as cheap, if notcheaper, ia many of our western counties,than in any other section of the United StatesSuch, at present, is the want of facilities torbungingit into market, that it is impossibleto compete with establishments more favora-bly located in this particular. The develop-ment of this alone would contribute to thewealth and prosperityof the State. It wouldgive employment to labor and greatlyenhancethe value of property.The oil, which hasrecently been discoveredhas already contributed its share, and muchmore may be anticipated. Lands which twoyearsago would scarcely command two dol-lars per acre, have since been sold for thatmany thousands.The manufacturing ol oil from caunelcoalisat present eliciting much attention in some ofthe counties of Western Virginia. This branchOf industrymust prove a source of profit tothose engaged iii it, and will be instrumentalin bringinginto our State a large amountofcapital,and in retaining here much that hasheretofore been sent tofoieign markets lor thepurchase of illuminatingfluids. |a some sec-tions ot the Slate we have extensive fieldsofcannel coal, which, for quality, cannotbe sur-passed in the world, lt is only equalledbythe bog-head coal of ScuMaud, vyhich, has al-ways been considered the bestknown. I haverecently examined the two and am antiefiedthat we have coalricher in illuminating prop-erties, and which will produce a lighterandbetter oil than any heretofore brought intouse.In my recent trip I visited a small estab-lishment lately erected at a cost not exceediuirten thousand dollars, at which they are uru-ducing from fifteen hundred to two thousandgallons ofoil per week. One ton ofVafir coalyields lrom thirty to thir:y-tive gallonsofoillheir coal cost bu,t ;U cents per ton deliv-ered at the After extracting the oilPj[ vise the residuum orcoke for fuel, so thattheir coal answers two purposes. The vi'made at this establishment loose, but from"ten to fifteen per cent, ivrefining, while muchof the oil from other canoe! coal looses iroinforty to sixty per cent. This i, atwav, t?-case when the cannel coal l 9 blended wTth hebituminous. "\u25a0»«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 meememBy at. eatenatou; Ojf machinery at thepointreferred, to sjx\ftpnaaad galtouaoould be pro-

The present proprietors are work-ing it oil a salo and economical basis, and seemto wtuned with their present prospect andP'oUts. At this point sixty thousand dollarsmightbe judiciously and advantageously ex-pended. I have visited severalcoal-oil estab-lishments in this aud other States, but haveseen none so favorably located as the one justreferred to. The coal Is abundant, qualitygood, easily rained, and the market easy of ac-cess. Labor is cheap, aud hiring very cheaplt is supposed by some that the discovery ofthe petrolumorrock coal will cause a. iuejma,-sionof the manufacturingof ol' ? ?, u coal Thisisaneroneous impression. from thetact that the m»c u>v» areex.irsideretl IdenticalSuch ia ;.u, tfte" fact?they differmaterially in..lein-mvsmuvmtelements. Theoil pawnednacab never be so rcliued as to make ? good iHu-miliating fluid, bull,dealing Uhecouie thelnbncatiugoil ot tfe« v «to,try. Its applicationto mftcl.uiury *$ take the place of other oils,fcßflWMl X*t be U*od on steam vessels as aioel,for generating steam, instead of coal -the two oil. can neverbe brought into cotnpe- 'mum. >or illuminating purposes we mustdeta-ndon that producedfroia ihecanuel coal-which is now being generally introduced, >and v certainly destined to supercede uliother burning iluids, ouaccount of lie lirhLcheapness and safety. ??' \u25a0-*\u25a0However, as you m-> M» be ftr inter-estedl particuig-lj, .., c§al, of coal oil, en'ou-hJSc Sffif?'* l 'Xl WUhiugyou a?paedy, eaf* and happy return home, I r«-a»tr., very truly youri, ft, a HAkrfi',i«6uro. -f\PJ"U 10th, IS4I.

Pobtsmouth, April 24, 1861.We have been busily engaged since Sundaymorning preparing batteries at the Hospitaland Craney Island. The former is nearlycompleted. Several Dahlgren guns are al-ready mounted. Tbe old ship United Staiejwas towed down to the buoy oft* the ofthe Western Uranch, foul bjeeu Droughtback tor the RnjrPAtta»aa I'learn, of pottingguns on hoaxd ot her: Everything is movingfo;ward With celerity, and very soon ourstateot defence will bo quite complete. Now wehave no fear, of a successful attack?indeed,it may be well supposed that, for the present!nothingof the kind is designed.

Yesterday three flue volunteer companiesfrom Georgia arrived here. They are a noblelookingset of men. Seme intercourse I havehad with a good number of them has im-pressed me with their high-toned aud gentle-manlycharacter In one of thecompanies isageuHeman sixty five yearsof age. He is,/high social position, aud in all that pertainnto him there is furnished anillustrator.; ?v»j,«power of those influence" \ i-uih prevailamong our peonle (0, rtii ward euohenento the f"o£t .aofc vo :niet tke- despised foe.?,\he t aptaih Of oneot the companies is a Bap-, n>tminister of some distinction, em,'r,Ae4forf hi. piety, which is in true v*»nvi..tenoy wi'taI this devotien ?« taA ta'hee or'truth audin, \,fc*6n byis, now engagedThe BKltfir.ore boat which arrived ihi.morning me' i» *he Bay live large steamer,heavily loaded with iroop», supposed to be ontfteiv way tv Washington. As the Geo. Pea-body ]«u.ed Old Point this morning to yourcity, she was called to by a heavy fire acrossher bows. The sound of the gum «'as heardhere, aud it was supposed the boat d""hero had been h»>'"i Hnd was fafeeatrtad <K-»tfCom'-jj ap. Very soou ',L* ?tippc-aliion b%-came a positive a«urmaUuif, and a hot' excite-me-;t was diffusing itself when the boat ar-I rived. %.et ou* people,far and wide, beware v».' JheKshiUg everysvyposi'ioneverytiunor-uillnitf nAWChiei v done by thiscourse., ' Siuoe Gen. Gwynnhas become commanderof the force, here matters move on systemati-cally, and every nssurauce is heldby us. HeIs the mau abovealmost every other man, towhom the respect, yea,theaffectionateregard,of this people gushes forth. For many yearshe was resident among us, and we know hu.i

M .. Pbisck £n*Aßo.? If all our volunteer com-paniesarecalled into the field,Prince Edwardwill haveon dutymore than three-fourth, ofher enrolled soldiers, and should they no. \ t#enough,we have more of tbe "aawa son'ready to respond to tuuutrjre,call.?Jrarmville Jw.irnji

The Priuce Edward compaoied which ar-rived yi lUcbmoud yesterday,are a. Que .peel*men. of volunteer soldiers a. we have yetseeii.

*s<ji,».« Soctmbsx Patbiots.?The N*w Or-leans Delta say. :We heard ofan instance of patriotic liberal-ity on thepari of one of our merchants yes-terday, which deserve, special mention J*rW. A. Violett, one of our lai ?e.t wholesalegrocers, hearing that tU? gallantandaealousCapt. L. Lay b»d vaised a volunteer com-pany ofen* hunafddraeii?who weresupplied\yivh an the eVrtiipThettts of soldiers' and niiywanted uniforms -sent an order- to theuan-tain, on a clothing e--tabh.hir.oui, to nave toewhole company uniformed at hut (Mr. Vio-lett'.) expense.The toliwwmg Utter, wRh the Governor*

patriotic response, appear* iv the No»hviUeAmerlcaa:MSA, «*. t"3,**HX,¥«< X^X IW». 1WI-"/» iht, tu-.ellemef Uhah U HiKKi*,

?Giixiaur <g bbW iiaoj"Sia I hold myself is readings* t? hutior yourdraft ou uio for thouaanda «.i Juilar*. to aid y»ulv placing Tooaeaavo IB saUte ol .1. lance"1 duttDt nd taatikor* a.o aiaity other, Quitoa. able, sad mure patriotic thaa uiv.eif, whowit.coao to the rescue of oarstate ia iia Mritoa. tZ3aitioa. "* r*-"l am, most respectfully, your wVlaorv4*. *Ituonly when w* eeadof auch inatoßeen

«* genaex.-.ttjr aud patrmuaaa that wo *~%?»\hv pAM,4easorßof wealth their power to do

DISPATCH.- ;T^a»at r _aau"?Jobs-. W


TEKMft Or AOVKRTIMSK4 C1 oqoare, » day ». A* I 1?eeare, ? dsy. ft ?l-.d0... idrtys.... 0.75Jj...d0... ?dare II1...d0... ? days.... lee} 1...d0...1*day* *.*?1...d0... .day..... i.«|i. do..- Irooßth... lel

Larftr eoVii timmmlt *» emmet 0 tfeittem.M~ Advertisement* publishedaatll forbid, willbe ohargodM oto. per square ofbiobt Lisas foe the«r»t laasrtlon. and Useoufor sash ontlaaanee.LOCAL MATTERS.

on "/ *"i>i*t«y .-There is noa- Ssw!n. £*??%*? ihe dwntly disposed?!\u25a0.!!!\u25a0? > Metropofis at this

of anorganised abolition mob. whose pav for?r.?.Ti C!« gteg "S ln "act r »"0 to the"< ? !^7,tJ !? th* Sonth - *»>r peculiar in.titntion,ur ?.?.£?'*? W^°, m*? «t. perpetuation" It ? notsurprising, therefore, thatnumber,oftv IWK °C *."? Blat«' "35m in Washing--2 ton, hare feltcalled upon, byfeelings of self.n- Tr'^'.i0 qa!J theP,ace ,ince thß InauguraJ- tlon of the policy of "Abr iham the first."_" l To .uch length. I. tbe coercive policycarrieda. thA,t,n<Lou* ls "a,e who wiU not con.ent tor £ l<>ld ""tolsinil to the behe.t. of the Baboonf- President and his chosen agents. Test oathsUl are as common as blackberries, and he whorefuse, to .wallow them i. in peril ofhis liteP" Clerk, of Departments are drilled ln theuse of the musket instead of the pen. Speak--18 ing ofoaths, we have seen a copy of the one"* administered to the Treasury clerks at8 Washington, shewn ns by a citizen of Rap-J- pahannock who held .uch a position, and|c who had to "stampede,' on indignantly? refusing to swear allegiance. It read, as fol-s' lows :'ii t. t,

?*\u25a0*?\u25a0«? Dbpartbkst, April n, Mas,'» l. A-B.at the present line In the fJoitel butesserv.ce a» a Clerk, do solemnly awear that 1 willh support, protect and defend the Constitution and.. UovermneDt ot the failed Matesagainst all ouo-?- m !?."?. whether domestic or fiTei«n, and that 1il WL'.- ear."I"6 faith ail<l leyalt* to the same a* e«-tabiuhed by the Constitution and laws; andtl £"j .r, ,th!ltldY| b.ui with a full deteruiiuatH.u» ana ;.led«B. wi.hvut any mental reservation or' *v**','m-tu P»rt«rm In good faith all the dutiea'" Z-Jj j*** be i«»s'» liy r-qoired of me: *o help\u25a0? me Uod. *,c Cor.vTY ov Wasbinotoh. >-Ui»trict or I olumbia 5f° wit--6 jilW,0fr^ to ,^"l.,,nbw!r» betl bsfu'« t»o, tbia 2!at- d»7 of April, 1»61. Cu.,{J.r.)n .. . . ?? ?? ?

d decisionsofthe Supreme <k>nrt nfAppe.ali_

? > irgiuiai Tennesseeß. R. Co. ».. TaliaferroArgued by Tucker andPatton, MosbyA Speed.'. tS. Hi?- lRUKnt«r for the plain tiff., and. Jonn O.L Goggln and Jame. Garland for th.defendant. Judgmentof the Circuit CourtofI Bedfordcounty affirmed,r ? W^ite,7- Wnite and others. Argued by R.n i" L,aniel for the appellant, and Barton A,( Herndon for the appellee.. Decree, of then Circuit Court of Spotsylvania and Carolinet counties reversed.1 «^ he ,F\rme ?' Bank of V lrginia r*. Kent,c Co- Ar»ued by Mosby A Speed andWm Green for the plaintiffs, and John 0 L, GJKgin and Thoma. J. Klrkpatrick for then defendants. Judgment of the Circuit Court» ol ,ky" c"t'Urg altirmed.- .^t' n

AUls.?- and others. Argued by

t Arthur A. Morson and O: R. SIu.ghie.-for then appellant and Peachy R. Grattan tor the ap-s peiiees. Decree of the CircuitCourt of Bed-. lord countyreversed.1 M

VV?st.r *' I''er and others. Argued by" r ltJ !a .,,'u,rt, * Roberts for the plaintiff, andKead A Marr for the defendants. Judg--1 "«

U , the Court of Halifax couutyafurmed. \u25a0City of Richmond cd. Taylorand others ?Argued by R. T Daniel for'theappellant,andJohni Robertson for the Deeawa ot

f SStnSd ° f the Vity° { **^toto»---» Sll,L,b 8. V'x'or *\u25a0"? and others. Ar-gued by Andrew Johnston and ConwavRob-inson tor the plaintiff, and Peachy R. Graitani and August & Randolph for the defendants -' Judgment of the Circuit Court of Louisacoit.i'y affirmed.

Smith sExor r*. Couch and others, (secondi case | Argued by Andrew Johnston andConway Robinson tor the plaintiff,and Reachvi R. Grattan and August fc Randolph for thel defendants. Judgment of the Circuit Courtof Louisa affirmed.1 *'<"\u25a0""**»'"* "/ \u25a0*» Volunteer Company ?The feeling of the people, the bone ana sinew. n shown in nothingmore plainly than in the? eagerness with which they rush to the stand-ard oY their State, to uphold her rights in, tins contest. They offer up themselves, andif need be, will shed their blood a. anearnestof their devotion. As a proof of this asser-tion, we chronicle the fact that a second com-pany of Richmond Grays have been raisedhere, to the number of TO men, in \u25a0-'* hours ?If this is not responding with alacrity to the 'call of duty, we lonfess au ignorance of the? meaning of the word. The following officershave been chosen: Captain, Wm. Ira Smith 'lir&t Lieutenant, John H. Greanor; Second 'Lieutenant, Richard N. Crawford; ThudLieutenant, James T. V.uis-han. Wm. Qma-nor, Esq., gave |500 towards equipping and 'uniforming the company, who will soon re-port for active serv ice. Mr. Greanor is a na- *tiveofBaltimore, and one of the 'Srfjhl D*. ';'u? derlV cf lhat cit y a« Inst the British In1«14. tor c. long series ot years an honoredresident of this vicinity, he could not forbearto lend material aid in the cause of the South ,

now, feeling assured that the services in lSrtl ;though different from that of 'by gone years"m kind, was the same in quality, aud wouldoperate to drive the vandal* from ourcountry. JTh' Palmetto XcgL,Hc,«.?e ,«.?\ 8 some error* >crept into our enumeration of the names *of the officers of the First Regiment ofSouth Carolina \olunteers, who-* arrivalwas noticed on yesterday, we re-pu»ili 6h the I

K»mr'ni« rrect!d 'n,o l.d:iy" X*-*"*? the De- |Kalb Rifles and RichardsonGuard*, number- Iing B6 men, arrived h«/v, and 4S more wereexpected list night. There areaboutsix huu-dred Carolina troops here now. The follow-

,tag.is a list of the officers of the R.gfment 'llrigadier-tJeneral?M. L. Bonham 'o2T^Ssaif- c -00'- a A'Mooie- 'General'sStan-Col W. C. Moragne. Col. (A. P. Aldr.ch Col. R. U. Boylstou* Col. J (N. LiaiooDib Col J. W. Sl.upSttn,Maj s!Swn ."w "m^:11 Ki', SPftrr Maj.Sam 1W .Melton, Col. 4 M. V. Gaston, Sur- ]c?Lth

r U '' ft ,°; Wegiment~Cc.l. Maxcv,

'frp ».*vj»-t-OoJ. D. H. Hamilton, '\lr ,TU\^dJt" FerK uson, quartermaster ,JMcGowan, Commissary Kennedy.

\u25a0 .4rrir«/ of Af7Hfdr*._Thß folla.U-volun- \teer companies arriverl )n R-ohiaond vester '1:,,: :C-ii.'' R « ?.e,K''bl,,f' Montgomery county,R. C. Trtjig, II men ; Company "A-:iittsylvaii*a v-ttttnty lolst Regiment, Capt. IWm. H Werth. 84 men: Pulaski GuardCapt. Jas. A Walker, M men Prosoect (SHry*?* sdward5dwardco,,nty. ?»« rapt.." ~ i U' and * armville Guards, Capt R 1A. Booker,»6 men. All of the abovecompaniesPresented uumistakabieevidonceofbeiiigcom-posedof the right material. The Farmville |Guards would do honor to a bigger place than vthe one they hail from. i«an j

««nrtoe Clrevti Ceart.-The Spring term of ithis Court. Judge Gregory presiding, commenced yesterday ,n an upper room of theState Court-House, the Court room below be-ing in useas anoffice by the InspectorGoueral ,No business worthyof notice vVaa uaaaacu-d .A grand jurybeing sworn iv, vxa¥ iined wit- 'iiesses and returned ladictuienta against Wm *T. Melton Ivandolph ifeuuett tor man- ,siiuUrt «i (kilUuga negro,) and against Jos. Jiseruard ;or the uiurder of Johu 0.-car Tav-lor. me trialof the implicated parties will $be commenced vu « ».hort time. al'nju*tdiary*.-Frank Johnston aud A A "Ram* were summoned before the Recorder Cye»terdav, for threatening <Jeo. E. Canto"lt "ihat the parties, who are member* °of volunteer companies and men withstrtmasouthern proclivities, becomiag lw,th the fact that Castor votell for theBlack Republcan President. waueaT oil himat a store where he wa. en ptoved7 on SS istreet, and Wm that bis presence n 1

tots commuinyr was. not desirable -mdKdviJd ,Jjyj W&: The comprint' waT dff j

-V»wai/«i.ou* tWaißßilettfteaa'.?The Mayor t>of this city, who justaboutvow has his hands [full, taoonatanUy receiving communication, oto which the writers forget to append their bnamea. The Mayor, as peopleonght to know rcannot pay aiteatiou to miormaii. nor .ueres- 1tioiis couveyed to him In »ucu a way IfLo. tip.e haveanything to say concerning ii,* pub-lic weal, it is an ea»y matter toa^^udTarea! \u25a0 bname, or do evenbetter.see -,hv person- fa** y? i aKnocked o-, Vts £52.? Aj officer at puUce .yesterday an IndivWatil named LUapcis, Iraukiin lyingin an open boat below \the hipLock in th* lluck, with an exton.iveexcavation in his fofeaiad, &hova the UR ere '«He wa. Insensible, and covered wi»b aore It 'was not Boowa by what meansMl|£nmiiln. 5ted i*r» Apermit was obiainiuT.? a ','toe unfortunate man wascarried to thePoo. l'Houae in a wagon, w"rwt " vtocardir's Caski* f

im tI"ZmS:."'f'"KLi "''; Jtttiffls.VaS'.'ttsa ssassconduct. «»uUu« aa tofumro *

Serennde and «p««<*e«.?Ye*terdfty. bs>twe«o 11 and 12 o'clock, two floe corapanlet" from Southwestern Virginia-the Wythe\u25a0 Grays and Smyth Bines?marched to the Ex-\u25a0 change Hotel, attended by the Armory Band-.\u25a0 and serenaded Got. Floyd, who was eojoornl; lugat that place. Mr. Floyd acknowledged" the compliment In a patriotic speech. After' *.!?? in waponaa to a call from the throngf «"? bad. »»eembled. speeches were made byMajors Boyl.ton and Simpson, of the South. n» forces, Gon Thoma*J. Orson,of N.

Xl and 5*r«»*oi Uook. of tbe Wythevill*- .1 J"' Th" \u25a0leeches were full of patrioticsentiment, and were calculated to inspire the? oreasts and nerve tbe arms of the br.iVe sol-\u25a0 h,*,[* WnohMrd 'hem. Gen Green «M he? H= ?.mT l° off'r 3t>-000 m"" f«»"» North Caro-

" tt!?:h?HlJr*Tm*,ir'***>»****** provisioned,for the defenre of the South.

! ~ MV r', »fih> ttty.t Strive?At a.\u25a0 ,WK

orokV?': >^,rOVW?!, °< <»* ?' Tredegar

? Whea th« ;*^\u25a0 w2?VS £"**' S l>«rbyshire Captain-Urn. H. Leach, Ist Lieut ; John HI vl,"'I Oompany H_RO aj Arth r.ntiln-' r Se;oudrLiit,antU,ti ****I Second L?; u

tin«n l» ~!tttCn "Bl' A,«" »5»Vi, second Lieutenant. »nerry,

*»JMla» fWf Cajrftof Sottate w .*crowd*! ye.terday evening with lad\£ *;$teirs ,TTvI,,u* ,to" eT "\u25a0 ,,ou * ot Evolun-teers. The Parmviim Guardauuearea «\u25a0 ~.scene ofaction, and attractedffiauet .as d,d the Home. Juard ofcorps of mountain boy., who know how to toal the motion, with ease and dignitywill make tos cbi££

Artillery tympany Or »>«*<"« r.l Tk-

fesx Si&&SZSrcgKof iion-commissione,! omcor. ThisfSL°. n>"ha. been fully eq.?pp.d ftnd V.T/oeSS'IZ(trey, at a cost of $2,000, by a wealtawTu.lof Richmond. 7 wealthy citizen

A'"!f~ er,/,',fr" l "fleer JUtlpUd?*, Ed.mond T R .Myers, a laUr. ofWim.<md itna man of enviable ucuuhements :v* a. tvi engmeer recently R.iucipal Assistant tg££rot the Washington Anneducl a ml\u25a0\u25a0 ~,taut work. SaTreslgned ills I,*! nfa'K"t..ri.ed home, be.ng Hliabl? ,{, " £»£»-and his pestiferous crew. \u25a0\u25a0awwuj

fn,*p,-for f?earraf.--w'e t7a~v7"ne2lerted tome.it.on heretofore. In onr notice o?ea»rM»rvS":^llr appointment of Mr John tIMldmi of Augiuui county, as luauect.rGeneral of the troops now being maJStWdln-to the service of the State. Mr Baldwin .iaZn^re0tlh" Staw now m Be£billing mcrmm.-Thtvolunteersnow en-camped at the 1-air Ground, needing loaajWc-£~nf ftL?2 of w;ir' "re receiving" it at thehands of the Lexington Cadet., who are thl'r3. y

i.pfs,,*' i-,a,"J I,rove eacellentdTlfliha.-ters. It is mk! that the volunteer* show anastonishing aptitude in profiting by theirteaching. " } *

k2?Li!&!. r ""'?»-??" more of the D«Ivalb Rifles (South Carolina troop.) arrivedirSthMP

y/Vt,U"K MA « re!U Towd coll*c.e,tat the Petersburg Depot looking out for theSST £m "'T 9 lHn<'' 2W mo« °««?»"'?'' (»

OBpectedX *Dt alr^dy her"> ar« d *, 'y

a?.* dgddn.-The twnoompanlmofinfantrrfrom Amelia county recently rejected for ??thavingthe req..i>ite number of men, havingbeen home, easily obtained the small additionrequired, and are n« w hack again, resolved tonaveone chance for a " pop at the enemy.",/',un\ /'T *'"'"* VunUm* -l wo ten-iihhl.olumbia'ls will be 4ent down this morniiirto aid In the defence "of our North Carolinairien.H We haveplentyof hig gnne, and tospare as yet, and abundant facilities for mak.ing them, if we did not..tfWion. .Wißraßtoßß -Merchnntsanti 0in Jerterson Wand, (all below r.tu street 1would do weU to read and att.-.d » not^w

SStiZXSFSI H,u* " h* l »"kt,meto,**"TB* Bow « oine °"

if** dr.«»._A wa*

from th« Mayor of Memphis, u»ouirtmcwhether any of the cannon at the Heltonri A*senal conld be obtained for nse iv stateinto Hrrvir, -the Howitzer Com-pany paraded yesterday tothe number of **)lenoughto make three companie.,, and we,»mustered inn,service.

REsia»ATiojiß.-Tlhe~7esTgn7tUous at Wash-ingtonwithin afew days past are gui o nu-merous. Among the army officer» are the fol-lowing!Gen. Joseph E. Johnson, Quarterma.ter-General; Col. Ro. E Lee, Ist Cavalry; HrevetCol. Charles A. May; Capt. W {/ Cabellassistant Q.aartermastnr; Lt. J D Hood "d!\ tvivlrv; Lieut G. R. Casey,Id CavalryjLt.t* L. Lomax. Ist Cavalry; Hrevet Lieut ColJohn B. Magruder, Ist Artillery; Lt. G 11Anderson, 2d Dragoons; Capt. E E. McLatn

Assistant tiuartermaster; Lieut. J. Marma-duke, Till Infantry; Cast. Sam Jones, lag Ar-tillery; Hvt. Lient. Col. John 11 Winder 3JArtillery; Lient. W P Smith TopographicalEngineers; Lieut. John S. Saunders, Oid-uauce Department; Asst. Surgeon Charles ltSmith.Thefollowing are among thereaignatiens iv

the InteriorDepartment on Monday :Qttutu Jiureau.?W. U. Gullick N C »Chief Cieik. (salary |2,0()0 per annum,)?-Hamilton. Ky ;W. W McCrsery, Va ? T PTorbert, D. C. T C Hancock. N U :'JohnWest, Va ; Jno. M. Covle, D. C; P. U. HaleNew Mexico; boater, Va i R. S. Law-rence X. C -?- k, Va., Major Saw-yer, \a; A. Raker, New Mexicd; W. Plaher-tv, D. C. i***** Oflet.-.U. R. IleU, N. C; Benjami..Dorsey, Md.; B. F. Strother. (firstciaeaAl 2>i>clerks;) aud M. Sands Page, Md., resumedyesterday. **tQSto.?E. P. Higginaon, Va.; WltWilson, Minn ; J. H. Clark, Ky.; Xl H »iar-ouck, Ohio, (second-class, t>l,*ou ciork.i re-signed ye»terd..y.

Pesaten Barrau n. Woolford, Ml : WO. Slade, Va : B. Tr'rere, 1» C; <Jol l|in'»- ,lord, Va.; W. H. Woodlov, Va.: J m.es IMorruVd*' WW SlWry ' * ' J? ;

lit tnetJvneral Post-fittice Department DrHumw, of Va., 3d da*s; J. L. Laaeaatey, I)o, 4ih uUaaclerk, and W. A. Nona* N U4 i1"** cl*»*, have resigned. Dr. Saonuis'i'ol Md., has been removed.Robert Cawthorn, of Va, SJ cl\s» clerk InHi. sum Auditor's uni c, bts resigned.

Tbb Potomac?The Waaanngicn star, otTuesday evening, say.:A gentleman who caaan pnsaencer m theJames Jerome from. Philadelphia, thatreach-ed the Washington Navy Yam Yesterday intonus us, toat alter that vessel' wasbrouct. <to by * urt washingtoo ou law etealnstbatonlast he came huh,, tvoi tt»m ta»TTi4nAMtvof the Port, <uid saw men busilyeitWeTvesterday morning erecting a battery on tho M,rylivud shun, opposite the w bit* HoeaWinej went workingunder the proiectuuul ntroop of burse. fvw«wbioi »t-Th.fe". S ; ? ,*aroer» AnacoaUaand PoeaiiOh-taa, the latter a vesselof some lm» ton- <«v"**>*\u25a0» *? W"*"Utton nHfjißsZ**? *?*»»» aullcieut to keep ikw at v araAwe . tthe Potomac wpeu against any f.iroe tW canPO»»lhly be brought to clue* It, foYsoms timeto come, we imagine.

J*n,lTA* T *** Kkaio.ATiene.----1 he \\ ashmgtouSUr deprecates the vvuieeol"tbe distinguishedofficersof the army andnavyin resigning; because ".till entertaining tttolively uope that the difficulties nt the) Uweowill be sottled without aw»*ivo»col»»»«oa witharms, though uuder the hnpreasaw that theirfailure to remain true to their ttac at thistime 1. likely greatly to encourage those to.wage vigorous war who are .tnnasr to ao#»-aoUdate ihostout* by making War oat the Gov-ernment ol the United State*. Mmiire*July rapidly approachee, when the whoi.v.uhject uiaitar U, heexpress nciiou ol; tawPreauleui, to be remitted to arbitrament, ttlf-ferent from that eg tboTword:"

? - * ?i ' ». .. \u25a0 *<*Col. MaaacD.a.?Ta* Naltouai AaaaUlgeanntrtint. Motives the resignation of tadsgaßeatat-ttcer:

vo««.m u> >£ mSml,'" .SWiniC

..*HH l P -4.11 U» poata createdby the ex-h^»!L?V** UwT wUWa «»? Mayor's gut,**>*bee* I*.towed on applicant, thoretor-twaou. uoi awareif the factare wLv.tentlydOHfiUngeinployme.it through the in-terventtonofthe "HendoC Police."

fVood Hoy', Iter*..? ouaaia\nAa* wentmu.iered Into theaervioea* thelltatarasterd"yX

Tu* »-««*"»Wl» would?acn. porhap. twom. Ov. eorpaWill hav.w»ou revelvod up to this ume, **?»?*»\u25a0*»»

fjirinnoit. p.spatti

litlmuiu- fijjpatfh.

|Hic|mini. pjefpairii.