Daily Current Affair Capsule 9 th July 2019

Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

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Page 1: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Daily Current Affair Capsule

9th July 2019

Page 2: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

According to Union Budget,

Fiscal deficit in FY 19 stood at

________ of the GDP.





कें द्रीय बजट के अनुसार, वित्त

िर्ष 19 में राजकोर्ीय घाटा

जीडीपी के ________ पर

अनुमावनत है






Page 3: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● According to Union Budget, Fiscal deficit in FY 19 stood at 3.3% of

the GDP.

● कें द्रीय बजट के अनुसार, वित्त िर्ष 19 में राजकोर्ीय घाटा जीडीपी का 3.3%


Page 4: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Recently, Prosecco hills

have been added to the


Heritage list. They are

located in which of the

following country?





हाल ही में, प्रोसेको पहाव़ियोों

को यूनेस्को की विश्व विरासत

सूची में जो़िा गया है। िे

वनम्नवलखित में से वकस देश में

खथित हैं?





Page 5: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● Italy's Prosecco hills have been added to the World

Heritage list by the UN cultural organisation.

● The region became Italy's 55th World Heritage site.

● इटली के प्रोसेको पहाव़ियोों को सोंयुक्त राष्ट्र साोंस्कि वतक सोंगठन द्वारा

विश्व विरासत सूची में जो़िा गया है।

● यह के्षत्र इटली का 55 िाों विश्व धरोहर थिल बन गया है।

Page 6: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Recently, India

successfully tests vertical

steep dive version of

which of the following






हाल ही में, भारत ने

वनम्नवलखित में से वकस

वमसाइल के िटीकल डीप

डाईि सोंस्करण का

सफलतापूिषक परीक्षण

वकया है?

A.अवि -3




Page 7: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● India has successfully tested the vertical steep dive version

of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the

dynamics of conventional warfare.

● Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost three times the

speed of sound at Mach 2.8, is the heaviest weapon to be

deployed on the Su-30 fighters.

● भारत ने ब्रह्मोस सुपरसोवनक कू्रज वमसाइल के िटीकल डीप डाईि

सोंस्करण का सफलतापूिषक परीक्षण वकया है जो पारोंपररक युद्ध की

गवतशीलता को बदल देगा।

● ब्रह्मोस वमसाइल, जो 2.8 मैक पर ध्ववन की गवत से लगभग तीन गुना

अवधक है, Su-30 जेट पर तैनात होने िाला सबसे भारी हवियार है।

Page 8: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Which of the following

state will develop 316

hundred tourist spots

under Axom Darshan?




D.Tamil Nadu

वनम्नवलखित में से कौन सा

राज्य एक्सोम दशषन के तहत

316 सौ पयषटक थिलोों का

विकास करेगा?





Page 9: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● Assam government has taken a step to develop

316 tourists spot in the state.

● Rs 150 crore rupees will be spent to develop these

locations under Axom Darshan.

● असम सरकार ने राज्य में 316 पयषटक थिलोों को विकवसत

करने के वलए एक कदम उठाया है।

● एक्सोम दशषन के तहत इन थिानोों को विकवसत करने के वलए

150 करो़ि रुपये िचष वकए जाएों गे।

Page 10: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Who among the following has

clinched gold in Kutno

Athletics Meet in Poland?

A.Swapna Barman

B.Sudha Singh

C.Hima Das

D.P. T. Usha

पोलैंड में कुट्नो एिलेवटक्समीट में वनम्नवलखित में सेवकसने स्वणष पदक प्राप्तवकया है?

A.स्वप्न बमषनB.सुधा वसोंहC.हीमा दासD.पी टी उर्ा

Page 11: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● Indian sprinter Hima Das won her second international gold in

women's 200m with a top finish at the Kutno Athletics Meet in


● भारतीय खरोंटर हीमा दास ने पोलैंड में कुटनो एिलेवटक्स मीट में मवहलाओों

की 200 मीटर स्पधाष में अपना दूसरा अोंतरराष्ट्र ीय स्वणष जीता।

Page 12: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Which of the following

country has won FIFA

Women's World Cup?

A.United States




वनम्नवलखित में से वकस देश ने

फीफा मवहला विश्व कप जीता है?

A.संयुक्त राज्य अमेररका




Page 13: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● The United States won its record fourth Women’s

World Cup title defeating the Netherlands 2-0.

● It took place between 7 June and 7 July 2019 in the

nine cities of France.

● सोंयुक्त राज्य अमेररका ने अपना ररकॉडष चौिा मवहला विश्व कप

खिताब जीता वजसमें उसने नीदरलैंड को 2-0 से हराया।

● यह फ्ाोंस के नौ शहरोों में 7 जून और 7 जुलाई 2019 के बीच


Page 14: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

India gets its new UNESCO

world heritage site as


A. Pink City Jaipur

B. Wular Lake

C. Tehri Dam

D. Neermahal

भारत को ________ के रूप में

अपना नया यूनेस्को विश्व धरोहर थिल

वमला है।

A. प ंक पसटी जय ुर

B. िुलर झील

C. वटहरी बाोंध


Page 15: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● The Walled City of Jaipur, known for its iconic architectural

legacy and vibrant culture, on made its entry into the

UNESCO World Heritage Site list.

● With this, India now has 38 World Heritage Sites, that

include 30 cultural properties, 7 natural properties and one

mixed site.

● भारत को गुलाबी शहर जयपुर के रूप में अपना 38 िाों यूनेस्को विश्व

धरोहर थिल वमला है।

● इसके साि, भारत में अब 38 विश्व धरोहर थिल हैं, वजसमें 30 साोंस्कि वतक

सोंपवत्त, 7 प्राकि वतक गुण और एक वमवित साइट शावमल हैं।

Page 16: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Who among the following

won men’s single title at

Canada Open


A.Li Shi Feng

B.Ajay Jayaram

C.Di Zijian

D.Parupalli Kashyap

वनम्नवलखित में से वकसने कनाडा

ओपन बैडवमोंटन में पुरुर्ोों का

एकल खिताब जीता?

A.ली पि फें ग

B.अजय जयराम

C.दी वजवजयान

D.परुपल्ली कश्यप

Page 17: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● Li Shi Feng has won the men’s singles title of Canada

Open Badminton.

● He defeated India’s Parupalli Kashyap in the title clash.

● ली वश फें ग ने कनाडा ओपन बैडवमोंटन के पुरुर् एकल का खिताब

जीत वलया है।

● उन्ोोंने खिताबी मुकाबले में भारत के पारुपल्ली कश्यप को हराया।

Page 18: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Which of the following city will

host the International Army

Scout Masters Competition?





वनम्नवलखित में से कौन सा शहर

अोंतराषष्ट्र ीय सेना स्काउट मास्टसष

प्रवतयोवगता की मेजबानी






Page 19: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● The fifth edition of International Army Scout Masters Competition is

being held at Jaisalmer Military Station under the aegis of Southern

Command of Indian Army.

● It is the first time that India has got an opportunity to host and

participate in this prestigious event.

● इोंटरनेशनल आमी स्काउट मास्टसष प्रवतयोवगता का पाोंचिाों सोंस्करण भारतीय सेना

की दवक्षणी कमान के तत्वािधान में जैसलमेर सैन्य से्टशन में आयोवजत वकया जा

रहा है।

● यह पहली बार है वक भारत को इस प्रवतवित कायषक्रम की मेजबानी और भाग लेने

का मौका वमला है।

Page 20: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Who among the following

has been nominated as

president of European

Central Bank?

A.Thomas Linard

B.Gita Gopinath

C.Luis Caputo

D.Christine Lagarde

वनम्नवलखित में से वकसे

यूरोपीय सेंटर ल बैंक के अध्यक्ष

के रूप में नावमत वकया गया


A.िॉमस वलनाडष

B.गीता गोपीनाि

C.लुइस कैपुटो

D.पिस्टीन लेगार्ड

Page 21: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● International Monetary Fund Managing Director

Christine Lagarde was nominated as the president of

the European Central Bank.

● वक्रस्टीन लेगाडष को यूरोपीय सेंटर ल बैंक के अध्यक्ष के रूप में

नावमत वकया गया

Page 22: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

Recently, Joao Gilberto

died. He was a famous




C.Movie director

D.Football player

हाल ही में, जोआओ वगल्बटो

की मितु्य हो गई। िह एक

प्रवसद्ध ______ िे।



C.वफल्म वनदेशक

D.फुटबाल खिलाडी


Page 23: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost

● Joao Gilberto, a Brazilian singer, guitarist and songwriter


● He was considered one of the fathers of the bossa nova

genre that gained global popularity in the 1960s and

became an iconic sound of the South American nation.

● जोआओ वगल्बटो, एक ब्राजीवलयाई गायक, वगटारिादक और गीतकार

की मितु्य हो गई।

● उन्ें बोसा नोिा शैली के वपता में से एक माना जाता िा वजसने 1960 के

दशक में िैवश्वक लोकवप्रयता हावसल की और दवक्षण अमेररकी राष्ट्र की

एक प्रवतवित ध्ववन बन गई।

Page 24: Daily Current Affair Capsule 9th July 2019 · of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile that changes the dynamics of conventional warfare. Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost