1 JtiJjj VOL. 1. FEANKFORT, KENTUCKY, MARCH 9, 1854. NO. 57. DAILY COMMONWEALTH, fpiBLI!iED BV O. Hodges d? Co. STATE PRINTERS. tkkms. Tlie Daily Commonwealth , for the session, will lie $1 50. Any jwrson procuring five anl forwarding us the money, shall have a sixth copy for his IrmiMe. The Weekly Cmnmnturealth will be furnished to subscribers, during the session of the Legis- lature, for 75 cents; and for a year, including the session, for $2. Persons procuring five sub- scribers to the session weekly, or yearly week- ly, and forwarding t he money to us, shall re- ceive tiie sixth copy free of charge. C All loiters upon business should be post-Bai- to insure attention TIIE SECOND EDITION OF TIIE Code of Practice, WITH AN IMPROVED INDEX, Is now published, and for sale at this Office. O" Persons desiring single copies, by remit- ting us ONE DOLLAR, will receive a copy by return mail. Address ' A. G. HODGES fc Co.. Fraukfort, Ky. Jannary 11, 1, 1853. REVISED STATUTES OF KENTUCKY, By C. A. Wicklilie, S. Turner, ifc S.8. Nicholas, COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED BY THE LEGISLATURE! APPKOVED& ADOPTED BY TIIE LEGISLATURE; Just published, and may be obtained at THIS OFFICE, oa at WILLIAM M. TODD'S BOOKSTORE. Frankfort, Sept. 3, 1S50. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES CONVENTION, CALX ED TO MODIFY, AMEND OR THE CONSTITUTION OF KENTUCKY, (OFFICIAL REPORT,) Naiv PuV.lisiied and for Sale at the Commo- nwealth Office, at $5 per copy. Ti'.ie work coEtains 1130 pages, and is bound in the best Law Binding THOMAS P. PORTER. WILLIAM R. SMITH Porter & Smith, .Attorneys at Lnw-Versai- Ky. WILL practice in the Courts of Woodford and the counties. Business entrusted to them will receive prompt attention April 1H30 if 6. (T. "WALL. JOHV W. FINN I'LL. WALL & FINNELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COVINGTON, KENTUCKY. OFFICE, 3d STRKLT, OPPOSITE SOUTH END CITY HALL. VV. fc F. practice in the Courts of Keuton, Campbell, Grant, Koone, and Kictiolas, ami the Court of Appeals at Frankfort. May 5, IHjJ tl". John V. Applegate, Attorney and CoutiMcilor at Law, "JVIOTAKV PUBLIC, and Commissioner to take De j-- positions the Ackuowllyiuents of Deeds, , Po tMS of Attorney, Aic ,for Kentucky, Illinois iiissoin, Indiana, and New Ynrk. Otlice, Sorth Ka&t Coiner of Fourth and Walnut Scs., finciuni. Oi.rj January 11 Hewitt & Vaughan, ATTOKMiVS AT LAW . VEKSAlLLfc-S- , K.KNTNCKY. Practice Law in the ditlerent Courts held in WLL tad the adjoining counties, and will attpnd proiv.pt y to alt business confided to their care. OflVe on Alain street, in the Second story of ShelUjH's Jiew Buildings, an4 next door to the Telegraph t ia, i r3ti 930 O. II. KKTITVIM. N. HK1 DINGTON. Ketchum 8c Headington, ATTOUNEVS AT LAW, ftlce in llnrl'w Inilliii;, corner of Fourth and Hiiiiitiiuiiil Ht forts, C I N f N N AT I. Ciaciunii, March 13. John P. Haggin, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Iarrodbuvg, Kv. ILL Practice Law in Mercer and the adjoining es. narrodsbui'g, sept. Iy4!l William L. Callender, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, BKGS leave to say that he has not relinquished tre of his profession by becoming the editor of the Commjnwealih; but that he continues to attend promptly to all lenal business committed to his hant!s. In all cases in which his clients may desire it, he will have the benefit of the able assistance of Hon. Janus Harlan. Ollice with J. & W. L. Harlan, St. Clair st Frankiort. April 23, 185U 915 tl M0RE1IEAD&13I10WN PARTNERS IN THE PRACTICE OF LAW, M ill attend to all business confided to the ni in the Cour of Appeals, Federal Court, and other courts which hold thir sessions at Fraukfort, Kentucky. One or both may always he found al their office, to give counsel or transact Dusiness. Fiankfbrt, Jan 6.1ri-,- ' by T. N. Lindsey, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKFORT. KY. WILL practice Law in all the Courts held in and and t lie adjoining Counties. Hib Otlice i at his residence, near P. h widens Entrance on St Clair street. Frankfort, Feb. 2G. 1849, 751 tf. John C. Herndon, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FHA N KFONT KKNTCCKY, WILLpracticein all the Courts held in Frankfort Owen, Woodford, and ShclhyCir-cut-t Courts and pv ill attend to the collection ol'dehtr In any part of the State. Ollice on St. Clairstreet,2d tloor above the Court House. JC73 He will attend to tne preparation and prosecu- tion of the claims of soldiers to bounty laud, for proper- ty lost, and for arrears of pay. April 1,149 SiKj-- tJ BEN. SEL B Y A TT O R F. V AT LAW, FRAN KFOKT, KV., LTOFFICK AT TIIE STATE LIBRARY. TJ attend to all business confided to him in the WILL held at Fr iukforf. lie will give especial attention to the collection of debts in ant part of the State, und to the transaction ol all kinds of business confided to him at the Capital, in any of the Depart- ments. REFKRENCES: Governor L. W. Powell: Thomas S. Page, Auditor of State; R. C. Wintersmilh, Treasurer of State; E. A . McCurdy, Register of State; Cnl. S. I. VI. Major, Mitor of the Kentucky Yeoman, Pollard, frallier & Geoi e J. Rowland "I u' u n Louisville. i' Hon. W. P. Thompson, Col. W. W. Stapp, May 18, (J53 U Concentrated Extract of Aromatic Vinegar, ANEW and exceedingly pungent Aroma, very nvalid at H 11. DK. MILLS' DKUG STOKE. M. L. nALLOWKLL, J. L. II U,T.O WELL, T. W. SWENTT, JAMtS TRAQI AIR, A W. LITTLE, E. R . II I'Tf 111 N30N. REMOVAL AND CHANGE. Immense and Attractive Stock. MORRIS L. IIALLOWELL & CO., PHILADELPHIA, HAVING removed into their splendid new Ware, entrance No. 147 Market and 21 North e'ouith street, are now opening lor the Spring- Trade an assortment of SILK AND FANCY GOODS, which, for extent md variety, will surpass any stock ever offered in that market. Entering in their new store, which it O.N'E OF THE LARGEST IX AMERICA, with a business of an unusual amount already estab- lished and inten-iini- l.irjeiy to increase it, 'ispeciMly with those who BIJV FOR CASH, and believing that the f iirest syMem in jobtaniEc goods is to have cmtoum pan ts, they will be rompelted to sell at a mu-;- smaller profit than can be offered where lo ng credits are riven. Under their CAS I AND SHORT CREDIT SYSTEM, the necessiiy for cliarpm? large profits does not exist and by selling their foods at a Very ."Small Advance ou the forcisn Cost, they mean 10 make it the intkhest of every judye of goods to buy upon the following . T E It M S : Cnsli Buyers will receive a discount of SIX per cent., if the money be paid in par funds within ten days from date of bill. I tic ur re lit Money will only be taken at its market value on the day it is received. Tn Merchant l' umhiuhred tai:d:nis a credit of six iiidiiiliM will lie given ,i desired. v lien money is remitLed in advance of maturity, a discount ul the rate ol twelve per cent, per annum will bs allowed. They ask from ..ercti;uas visiting the Eastern cities, the lavor of an examination of Lheir stecV.. beiiic satis- fied that they will he convinced that it s not tneii in terest to pay I rue profits tiidt are adsol jtkly ksskn-tia- to tliose wl.o give long credits. Philadelphia, Dec. ilu. Icjii v:ini. MOP.E & GALLAGHER, Ride Iloail nnd Conies Street, PHILADELPHIA, Iron Founders and Manufacturers OK WROUGHT AND CAST TRO RAILINGS, And all kimls f OEVA tf FATAL AND AGKICULTTRA L IRON WORK,, Iron Railinps for Public and Private Grounds, Ver m.lahs, Settees, Chairs, Tables, fce. Particular attention piid to th e enclosuie of liiri al Lots. TiT Mom & GaMasher's Rook of Desizns and List of Pi ices sent to persons wishing to make a selection. ov. 7. Ir.iH E. II. TA.TLOR, JR. ULYSSES Tlf NER. WM. SIICTSE, TAYLOR, TURNE R & CO., BANKERS. WE have this day opened an Oil ice in the city of lex ington. fort lie purpose of tra ns.iding A General Banking, Exchange aad Collecting Business. We areat all times prepared to check upon the pr'inci pal cities of the United .states, ami to make collection thereon. We will allow interest on deposits, to he with- drawn at pleasure, and transact whitcver business is generally connected with private hai ik in. Approved paper can be cashed ata uy time durine hours, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. July 15, George W. Cratldock, AfTOUXE V AT LAW, Franklbrt, Kentuck?. OFFICE removed to East side of SI . dairstreeUep Telegraph Ort'ue. Will pructive law in al the courts held in Frankfort, and adjoining counties. Lec 7, ItfoO If PEYTON & THOMAS, GENERAL, PRODUCE Commission Merchants, SOUTHWEST CORNER FRONT fc WALNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. r"pHK undersigned having foimed a copartnership, . der the firm of PKY i'oN & TflO-V- l AS, respeeiluily ofter their services as CoimiiiMt'ja AecntN, lor the sale of Tobacro, II einp, Do (ton, and such oilier pro- ducts as may be consigned to them. VVe have advantages and facilities which will enable us to do lull justice to tl ose who may lavor us with their business; and will send regularly a Price Current, Eivins the state of the market, thus en; blins Producers and Dealers to decide between ihe indu cements present- ed here and elsewhere. JESSK E. PEV I'oN, Late of the Housed Wolle 6c Peyton. Dry Goods Jn.hers. thisCity. S HARVEY THOWAS. Late of the House of Thomas k Martin Conmiis- - sion Merchants, this City. Tuly l9, ie.33--7- y WILLIAM B. II OL EM AN, lfcal Estate and Genera! Agent, Odd Fellows Hall, Market Street, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY, WILL attend to the purchase and sale of Real Es and Negroes; renting Houses and collecting the rents; hiring out Negroes and ollecting the hire; negotiating loansfor money, and to the sMe of all de scriptions of property, at Auction or private Sale, ii; city or county. Sept. tii, JKil. liKFKRKv:K3. Thos. S. Pae, R.C. 'nitersmitb, E, A. Macurdy, A. G. Hodges, ii. Wit gate, P. Swigert. Wm Tanner. C. BUCKLES, H. L JUDGE, Or LOUISVILLE of rnANKKoaT J. C. BUCKLES & JUDGE, Commission and Forwarding . MERCHANTS, NO. 9, EAST FROST STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. O" Particular attention paid to filling orders for produce and to forwarding merchandise to and from tlie East. Dec. 31, 'b2 ly. DENTAL "SURGERY, BY E. G. IIAMBLETOX, M. D. HIS operations on the Teeth will be d :rected by a knowledge, both of Surgery and Medicine; this bei he; the only sale puide to uniform i uccess. From this he is enabled to operate with far less pain to the pa- tient, void of danger. A 11 work watran. ed ; the work- manship will show for itself. Calls will be thankfully received. Jr7r' Office, at his residence on Main street. Frankfort, May 27th, M5:i. Morton 8c Griswold, Booksellers, Stationers, Binders, and Loo t and Job Fruiter Main Street, Louisville, y. HAVK CONSTANTLY ON HAND A COMPLETE ASSORTXINTOF LAW, Medical, Theological, Classical, School and Hooks, al low prices. Paper cf every description, (jualty, ar.d price. JJf pCollee! , Schools and Private Libraries supplied at V small ad- vance on cost. H' hoUstale or rttail April 1.115 K51-b- v. Mendenhall 8c King's PATENT HAND LOOM. Frankfort, Kentnck y, 1 1. 1853.S WK. the unleTi?nel, hnve seen and examined nml Kind's Patent Hanil l.oo ni. in opera-io- in t be Kentucky Penitentiary, and thin k it superior .0 anything nf Ihe kind we have ever seen, and wonid all public attention to it. hehevins, by dems; so, that e shall benelit all who examine it lor selves. I,. W. H J VVKi.L, THOS. S. PAGK, J. K. W ATSON. Having purchased tlie risht to make and sell lor tl ic e ol franklin and Scott counties, tie above Uoo i, calculated extensively for family use,) 1 most repe invite the public generally to call and examine l le .Machine we have now in full operation at th ptis it can be seen at any time. N. CKA1G, Agent and Keeper Kentucky Penuel:r . August 12, If jj tf. JOHN RODMAN, A TT O R X E V AT LAW, (Office on St. Clair street, next, door to Alor? es Telegraph Office.) WILLpracticein all the Cour ts held in Frankf. yrt, Henry, Trii able and Owen cc Oct. 2d, lbj 3. A. JAEGER & to. AVholesale anil Retail Dealers ami Direct Importers ol l'URNt'II AM) ENC.l.ISIl China, Glass, and Earthenware, Asn, Waiters and Trays, liolirmian, English, French, and German Glassware, Cutlery, Silver-plate- Goods, Castors, Giran- doles, Lanjps, Britannia and Fancy German Baskets, Xi. 119, Fourth Street, MOZART HALL CHINA EMPORIUM. FANCY DECORATED V RICHLY GILDED Trench China. n'liKoi-R- our partner in Limogesf France) we receiv-d- e tliis morning, from tlie J I large fuctoriesof Laporte& Brothers, a thorough new and spleiitlid stock of beau-tifu- l decoraied and g'lrU-- China, of the very Litest shapes, patterns and styles. As our stock is bought dr cash, we are able to ofi'er thein at lower prices tlun any other establishment in the Western country. call hclnre purchasing else- where, as we are set line; pve.it bargains. Our stock consists in part ol Decorated, gilded and white China Dininj Sets, from $ to .; Minn a piece. Ta, Breakfast V Toilet. Sets, from ?fi lo RSOO a piece. SjU p iirs richly decorated Vases and CaiatTsvIroni $1 to ? L (I a pair. Also, fancy decorated Motto Coffees, Pitchers, Candle sticUs. Card Spittoinis. Mctio Muss and Toy Teas. JLmkets, Ci.lozne Kittlies. Powder Boxes, A.. Ac, in endles varieiy: together wuli a larse assortment t James Kd wards' Iron, totone, China, and common tarLli einwaie. Please remember the number, 1 1 Fourth Street, Mo zarl Hall China Kmporium. A. JAtiGKK, St CO. Louisville, September 9. 1P.3 t wilm. L. LAMM & CO., At the Franklin Clothing Store, IN DUDLEY'S BUILDING, corner of main and saint (.'lair streets, frajvkfort, l:f..ytucky, ARE opening one of the larped and mot complete or Krmiv .Hailu I tot hi tit; nnd l.'t'iitU'incn'.i riiriilliins (noN eveit offered intiits market. They have been made up w ith great care, loi tins market, and are of the latest style and newest pat tern. Our stock consists, in part, of Over Coats of all sixes and qualities; Frock Coats and Business Coats; Pmtts, of every variety Clot lis and Cassimers; Vests, of Satin. Silk, and Cloth rich and durable; Hnts and Caps, ol best and common qualities; Shirts, fine white and f;tncy, of a II sizes; Indian Rubber Coats. Pauls, Legina, Caps, &c, Hoys Clothing of all kind's. JTp Don't Turret. "the place! Come along. Gentlemen and Hoys, we can rig you out, from top to bottom, and th it.tou, as cheaply as at any other establishment in tlie city. Sept. 15.:t. GREAT ATTRACTION! SEW STORE IN FRANKFORT ! NOW OPEXIXG. AT "SHIELDS' SEW CASH STORE," ST. CLAIR STREET, MANSION HOUSE BUILDING, If GK AND SPLENDID STOCK OF EICH and ALA L GOODS, selected expiefely for the Frank- furt market. amongst which mav he fnund Kich G ro de Klmies and Krocade Silks; Hich Plaid and Flounce "Silks; Embroiileries, Cliemi.eUes, Sleeves; Collars, Gloves, Hosiery; Prints, Flannels, Domestics, Check's, &c. Also, a fcw very rich new style Maid Cashmeres, French FUuuels, Paris Cloaks and Mantillas, of tlie latest style. Trie ladies are respectfully solicited to cill and tiii kk w nd fkksii srot k, which will be supplied with all the latest styles and most de- sirable eJuts. Call early for choice goods and good barsHinL . SHI ELDS, Sept. 13. 1m. St. Clair street. NEW arrangement! IIAUKIXS & GREEN, MERCHANT TAILORS, I FORM fheir friends, and the pub- lic generally, thai they have com menced business in Co partnership, and trusts, by a strict, attention to the wants of customers, to merit a liberal patronage. 'J heir shop is op- posite the Mansion House, ami one kA jt I door below J AS. HA HULKS' Cloth- They have received a superior lot ol Fall und Winter Goods, pern as Cloth, CxssiMicres, Vesting, Trimmings, &c. of the most beautiful and tasionable styles; to which they invite the attention of all who wish to rig them selves out i a trnteel manner. All order will be faitlilully and promptly nttended no and executed. JAMES HAKK1XS, WILLIAM GKEEA- - Frankfort. Oct. 1, 1853 tf JAMES HARKINS, OF THE FIRM HF HARKINS & GREEN, Wilt continue liis establishment of HEADY-MAD-E CLOTHING, the old stand, and takes this opportunity of AT Itis Kindest thanks lo the citizens of Franh-lort- , and vicinity, for the very liberal patronage receiv- eil, and hopes by keeping good aiiicles, and a strict to misiuess, to continue tonieiitthe public la wor. .e is now in receipt or a larse and well selected sto! k or KEAJJV-MAD- CLOTH NG, suitable for the 'Season, of 'every variety of quality and price, to which he i ivites the atteuiioii of his ti iemis and the public they purch.ise elsewhere, believing be can oiler us youJ inducements as at any other establishment ol the ;Kiitl in tue city. mIt is no trouble to show goods; and his motto is tmhfe gj.penct is better than a slow thilling." Frankfort, October 1. 1 f53 v. JOHN A. MONROE, Attorney at Law, FK A VR FOKT, KEN fCCK V, f TTILL practioe Law in the Courts held in Frankfort V au d adjoining counties. He will, as Commission ar of Deed, take the acknowledgments of deeds, and other widin lo be used or recorded in other States; ami. as under the act ol Congress, attend tto tlie taking ot depositions, affidavits. tVc. OpFirr. Federal Court L'lerk'sOfiice, near the Bridge Frankiort, Juje6th, 13 by. Book Bindm";. C. KEENON informs hir A. and former cus tomers, that having regained his health, he has purchased back from A. G. Hodses the Bindery sold to him n Novem her Inst, and will give his tvhn!e atteutiou to Us management. He respectfully ssolu it s a continuance of tlie pationage heretofore ex lUfiu'ed to the establishment. irpCLEKKS will befurnished with RECORD IROOKS, ruled to any pattern, and of the very best of paper. ULAN K. HOOKS, of every description, manu iLatC tired at short notice, to order, on reasonableterms TIT' Hiudery at tlie old stand, over Law tOfice. Fraukfort, Julv 31, -tf JXO. M. HARLAN, Attorney at Law, FRANKFORT, KY. Office on St. Clairstreet, with J. & W. h. LTarlan RKFER TO Hon. J. J. Crittenden, Gov. L. W. Powell, FranliTort. Ky. Hon. James Harlan, Taylor . Turner & Co., Bankets. Lexington, Ky. G. H. Monsarrat A Co., Bankers, Louisville, Ky. W. Tanner, Louisville, Ky. NEW ARRANGEMENT J. N". CANNON. tV. A. GAINES. CANNON Sc GAINES, (SUCCESSORS TO BLACKWELL & CO.,) One door from the corner of M'lin and St. Cl'tir streets, DESION KKKl'INU l FRESH STOf'K OE PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Paints, Cils, Dye-Stuf- is. Hi ustn-s- , Glassware, Perfume- ry, snulis. Tobacco, and Seciirs whicli i hey will sell low for cash, or to punctual cus tome is. As one of the firm has hail eisht or ten years' experi- ence in sever;! I we i)ru j establishments, we feel safe iii assuring purchasers tlut they need not ap- prehend any danger as to the correctness and genuine ness uf every article sdd by us. A share ol the public patronage is respectfully soli licited. f73 Prescriptions accurately compounded at al! hours, with despatch. Franktoi t, Nov. 4. le'j3 2m. DR. J. M. MILLS, Physician and Apothecary, AT THK SIGV OF THE BLUE MORTAR, MAIN STREET, jKKPS ennstantly on hand a large and superior as-I- soitment cf DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, PAIXTS. OILS, AND DYE-STUFF- JTTAU articles obsoutely warrented to be pure. Special attention given to presciiptions. June '24. THE EXCITEMENT HAS NOT YET REACHED ITS HEIGHT AT SONNABERG'S. has iust arrived from the East and Cincinnati HE wiih SJO,000 worth of Cloth- ing, which he promises to stll upon better terms than can be IoiiikI in any other establishment in the city. LET EVERY 150 V, THEN, KEMEMKEK, that 1 am now receiving and ready to sell, at prices to suiL the most liiliiiimis, the most extensive lot of Fall and Winter Clothing upon record. My stock consists ol every thing in the sentlemens' furnishing line. It bag been selected by me, and especially lor this maiket. have on hand, and will always Keep a complete as- sortment of COATS, PANTS. VESTS. OVERCOATS, SHIKTS, DRAWERS, HATS, CAPS, $c ; l'tic her Willi evei article usuaally Kept in a Clothing M"ie. Gentlemen desiring to replenish their Clothing woulii Ar. Tvrll i.. i,.p ... u ;i a nl tlu'l' rl. .In hetlel" than at any olliel eslablishinent in the citv. A. SO.N.NAliERG. Frankfort, Sept. 1G, lMItf BOOT AND SHOE MA NUFACTORY, ST. CLAIR STRKET, FRANKFORT, KY. W. W. FOLLIS fflfi Respectfih,i,y informs the ladies and J tf gentlemen thut he lus commenced busi-- " 4 ness in the room formerly occ upied by Dr. Mum bt.ll, as a ding store, where he wiil manufacture all kinds oi ladies' and gentlemen's ltOOTfn nd SlIOKn all of which are composed or the finest material and workmanship All orders filled with neatness and dis patch. He hopes, by unremitting attention to business, to receive a liberal shre of public patronage. W. W. FOLLIS. St. Clair Street. July 5. 1853 tf. CRAIK & KNIGHT, DEALER IX ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE, Opposite the New Weiwiger House, IHain st.t FRANK FORT, KY. WE would respectfully' inform our friends and the public genera My that we ha ve no w unhand a stipe-rio- r quality oflialiitn ami Atuericnii llnrhk, and heins practical workmen, we are confident that we can furnish to older JHOM'.M i:TS, TO.IHS and II KS in better styles and cheaper than has ever been purchased in tiiis town before. Those wishing tocrect beautiful and lasting mementoes to the memory ol their deceased friends would do well lo call and exam- ine our woik before purchasing elsewhere. August U, l'yi 3m CRAIK & KNIGHT. NEW All RANGE MEN T. I. P. BLACKWELL, HAVING purchased the entire stockol R, V. continue the DRY GOODS BUSINESS at the old stand, on the corner ol Main and St. Clair streets, where he will be happy to see all the regular pat- rons ol the house, ud as many new ones as my lavor him with a call. To the regular customers of tlie house, will oflerspecial inducements to continue their patron- age. I. i BLACKWELL. Fraukfort, Nov. 2, Ki3. NOTICE. sold fny stock of Goods to T. P HAVING I take pleasure in recommending' him as every way worthy of a liberal patrunase. ami hope that all those who have honored me witn their custom w ill do him likewise. R. W BLACKBURN Frankiort. Nov. 2, 18.3. NEW GOODS. SECOND IMPORTATION. BAKER & RUN YAN, HAVE just received a full stock of FALL AND ( lS, consisting of Ladies Style Dress Goods, Plain and Figured Velvet, Lacing Flan nels, Cloaking, Cloths, Cassimers. Cassinetis, Vestings, Prints, Brown and tiie itched .Muslins, with a large va- riety of Trimmings; Gimps, Braids, Fringes, Velvets, &C. &c. Also, a large supply of Itoot iiml siioe; in line, they have the largest and most complete assort- ment in Fraukfort, which they are offering, and intend to sell at the iowest prices. Come one, come all. October yi). tl ELIJAH NOBLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND GENERAL Commission Merchant. OFFICE NKAIILV OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, LU L'lS FIL L K, KEXTVQK Y, PROPOSES to pmxhiise and sell Ke.i Estate, Negroes, other articles of prodiue. Notice to nil whom it may concern. address this card with the hope that it may meet the eye oi some ut those w ho knew me in tlie following counties: Frank- lin, Woodford, Fayette, .Madison. Scott, Bourbon, Clarke, .Mason, Bullitt, Fleming, Nelson, and Grayson. Gksti.emkn: I have many Irlendsund acquaintances in Louisville who want, from time to time, to purchase good servants tor their own use, and being advised ihatniany persons are unwilling and conscientiously indisposed to selling their servants, to be taken out ol the State, 1 take this method of informing them that 1 can, generally, procure good homes and lull prices lor desirable servants. Letters addressed to me. post paid, will be promptly attended to. The following description of servants is necessary: Health, qualifications, temper, ose, height, weigiit, and color, ELIJAH NOBLE, Commission Merchant, and Real EsUle Agent. Louisville, Ky. Sept. 21, Sundries. 4 BOXES Raisins; ti hall boxes Raisins; 10 quarter boxes Raisins: bbl. soft shell Almonds; fiaii Dates; 1 case Prune; Zaute Currants; Lemons; Citron; Pea Nuts: Euslish WalnJts; Cocoa Nuts; 1 tierce Kice; assorted Spices all fresh lor sale by Dec. 31 E. L. SAMUEL. Dried Eeef, Cheese, &c. CASK Superior Dried Bee I": cask Ushers Locky Mauntain Hams: 20 boxes Western Kcsen e Cheese: 5 boxes English Dairy Cheese; just received andfor ile bv E. L. SAMUEL Clover and Timothy Seed. A SUPPLY will be kept throughout the season. Farmers can be supplied with these and oilier Seeds at moderate rates. E. L. SAMUEL. Nails. 50 REC assorted sizes; 10 kegs Fencing Nails; 5 ke?s Finishing Nails for sale by MjrCh 30 E L. SAMUEL Legislative Guide, CONTAINING all the rules Tor conducting business bodies. Jefferson's Manual, Copi- ous Notes, &c-- t occ. Fur sale at Jau. 10. EVANS & GO'S. REMOVAL. Grcat Attraction ! ! K. F. JOI(s(i HAS removed hisstock of DKYGOODS to the room the Post Otlice, St. Clan street, where he is now receiving and opening one of the richest and most elegant assortments of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS KVKB OFKICRED IN THIS MARKET. He would be extrcmclv happy to see his old friends and tlie public generally, anil will assure them that as good bakoai.ns can be hnd of him as nny house in the West. f Frankfort, Sept. IG, NEW FIR M. J. fc B. C. BAKER fc REUBEN" RUNYAN 11 AVE formed m co partnership, under the title ol Bakkr i3 KuNYis, for the purposed transacting general FANCY & STAPLE DRY fJOODS BUSINESS, nt the old stand of Baker & Anderson, on St. Clair stieet, Frankfoit, Ky., where they expect to keep a lull stock of Goods, at the lowest hey most cor dnlly invite their former customers and the public gen ai ally to them a call. April C, 152( LADIES' DRESS FURS DODD &CO., HATTERS, No. 144 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. IT7"K 0pen nur pur Rooms this morning, fOct. 25th) prepaied to exhibit a larger slock ol l ames t ui s of very choice qualities, titan we have ever before offer ed, embracing' Kussian. Hudson Bay, and Canada Sa bles. Stone Maten. Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, Lynx, and all the lower grades of Furs, made up in the latest styles Some very handsome Robes and Foot Mutls for carriages. Also. Ladies' and Misses Blnck and Drab Beaver and Felt Bonnets; verv handsome Beaver Flats, for Misses Ridine Hats. Gloves, and W hips; Boys' Hats and Caps. , rP t ur Rooms on second floor. ' WM. DODD & CO.. Main, 3 dooisbelow Fourth street. Nov 18. i!m GAS FIXTURES. TT'ENNARD & CO., Lexington, Ky.. beg leave to in XV form the citizens of Frankiort. Out they have nn hand a large stock ol GAS Fl A I UR ES. including 0. o, j and 3 light, chandeliers, 2 and liaht Pendents, :t fold, 4 fold and single Bracks, Drop Lights, Ac all manu factured hv .Messrs. Cornetius, Laker & Co., Hhiladel- phia, and will be sold as low as they cr.n be had West ot Philadelphia, and put up, ii desired, in the best man ner. We would also be pleased to RUN PIPE in stores, d wellinizs or public houses, on the bct possible terms, having superior workmen now in the business lor us in Lexington. We ask a call. KENNARD & CO. Always on hand, a brse stock of CAKPEHN'G; C'KTAIN GOODS. PAPEK HANGINGS, and PIANO FO KTES tor s;t le on rensonahlc terms. K. & CO. Le.vinston, January 4, tl. Barber Shop, Eath House, &c. Henry Samuel, On East Side St. Clair St., opposite the Mansion House HAVING recently refitted his establishment in o lo any in the city, and as he has tit ted up good Gas Liri!s,he is prepared at all times to attend to all that may give him a call. He continues to keep for sale Perfumery, Brushes, Gloves, Cra- vats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &c.,S;c. HIS SEW BATH HOUSE, which was fitted up last summer, in style inferior to none in the city, is open from .Monday to Sunday morn- ing, where all can obtain any kind of Bath at the short est notice. He has, also, tlie best kind ol washer-w- men, and any one wanting clothes WASHED OU SCOURED, can have it done in superior order and without delay. By careful attention to business, he hopes to merit a continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally be- stowed on him. Oct 4 1840 87l)-- tf EXPERIMENT BATHING. THE undcrsiened. in order to bring the luxury ol within the means of all. has concluded to adopt the fallowing rates- JO Cent lor ihe Aetunl 'Change.' f J Out when Change it tiiven. tia Cents Credit. HENRY SAMUEL. N. B. Gents can at all times have their boots and shoes blacked in the most BitiLAiANT manner. tl. S Mav 11 CLOTH IN G FOE TIIK THE FALLOT 185 3. ol rLOTIIIMJ are informed that PURCHASERS the LAUIiKST ASSORT- MENT oi C EOT1UN4; (at wholesale only) suitable lor tbe Country Trade, to be found in the States. JUr'We d business on tbe One Price System. Orders promptly tilled. An examination of our stock is solicited. II.WPORI) & BROTHER, 29, Vnr'.i Row, (opposite the Astor House,1) N. Y. N. B. We are the largest manufacturers ol OILED CLOTHING in the country. RCUliER CEOTlIlNOat tbe low- est market rates. August 9, 1833 Smw iew Cabinet Warcrnoiii anil Manufactory J. D. RAKE ESPECTFCLLY informs his fnendsthat he is now I") located in the new Shop, on Main Stieet, nearly op- posite the residence of Dr. AJacurdy, where he will be glad to see his old. customers, and others who may want Cabinet Work. Connected with his shop he has opened a Furniture Wareroom, and intends to keep a good Stock vi Furniture on hand, to which he respect lully invites the attention of all wishing to purchase. COFilNS Made to order at all times night or d ay promptly. He has a neat H EA RSE, with which he will attend calls, at any time, night or dy, in thecity or country. .June gfi. 184'J 87 2 tf IRON BEDSTEADS. COMSTOCK, BROMLEY & CO., MANUFACTURERS. Sales Room No. 1)5 Leonard St., Sew York, OND POOlt WEST OF BROADWAY. C10M MON and folding, plain and ornamental of all kinds. Hotel, huspital. prison, family, servant's, and children's Bedsit-ail- always on hand. Also, a general assortment of lion Furniture. Sprtns Beds. Hair and other Maitrasses. 1 lies:; BeUsseatls are superior to all others in point ol cleanliness, neatness and economy. They are always lice from vei nun, and are exceedingly durable, portable and convenient. Orders to any extent may he addressed to COMSTOCK., UKOMLEV & CO , No. 9j Leonard street. New York. JYp Agents wanted for the sale ol the above. De- scriptive Cii Hilars sent wherever requested. Nov. 10, 185:i tttbm Fire and Marine Insurance. Iindnon River Iiisurnnce Company, ot Water-tbrtl- , New York CAPITAL -- I'ASII CAPITAL undersigned having been appointed Agent ofthe THE Company, is prepared to insure all propeity, such as is usually insured in thecity ol Frankfort and viciniiy, and upon siiipmeuts of Merchandize and Pro duce, upon as lair terms as any other responsible office All Wrst" liberally a Jjusied and promptly paid. Jfoiiice near the Couri House. SUisiaciory relerences will be given upon P.pplication, as to the solvency of this Company. J C. HEKNDON. Feb. 20,152 t. Agent Truits, Nuts, &c. t) BARRELS Fresh sweet Oranges; il " Lemons; 4 caes " Prunes in jars and fancy boxes, 50 boxes i and Fresh Kaisons; 2 casks antes Currants; () boxes Citron; bbls Dried Peaches; ti bushels Dried Apples; 2U drums Fresh Figs; 2 (rails Dates; 5 bbls Fresh Pecans; ti bbls Almonds; bushels Chesnuts: J bbl English W alnuts; 4 bbls Filberts; 2 bbls Cieam Nuts for ale by Dec. 7. CRAY & TODD. Delicious Jellies, &c. Jell v. Currant Jelly. Grape lly, Presei ved IEMON Pears. Apricots, Apples. fac; Raspncrry and Blackberry Jam; Biaailied Pears, Peaches and Plums; Preserved Ginger, in Jars; alsov Preserved Dried ifineer. and ClwT-Ciio- anuiresn i omatoes at Nov. 2. GRAY- - & TODD'S.U PEOTECTION (Fire, Marine and Inland) INSURANCE COMPANYi OF HARTFORD, CONN. INCORPORATED 1 825; rpms Office has now transacted business for mor than a quart of a. ukntcry, during which p nod u has taken more than One Hundred Thousand Risks! And insurer! real and personal propeety aeainst loss by Fire and Waier. to tlie value of TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS OF DOT iT iAHS, IX THE WE.STKltN COUNTRY. Several Thousand Losses have been incurred upon the above risks, all of which have been adjusted at. the GENERAL AGENCY OFFICE, AT CINCINNATI, And paid with the utmost promptitude, according to the conditions ofthe policy, its may be seen by the re ceipts of the several claimants on iile. The undersigned has been furnished with blank poli- cies, signed by the otticeis of the Company; also, with1 blank renewal receipts, tor continuing policies already issued , and is duly authorized a nd prepared, as Agent of said Company, to make insurance for any period uf time, not less than one month nor greater than seven ye;ns, upon buildings or their contents, occupied as lvt Hi !!:, rtortH, Warehouse, ( iirrhes, Ho- - trl. lijinks, Court IIoiikcm, t'olltges, A;r,, JLro-- , and their contents, against LOSS Oil DAMAGE BY FIRE. A lso. on Dry Goons. Gno kries, .M a ?i rf a i;t c r kd Goods, Proiutk, Hocskiiold Ft'H niti'k k. LiVk Stoc k, and eve-r- oiiier descripticjn of Merchandize and Personal Proper tv. shi; ped or to be shipped per good Vessels or Steamboats on most of ' he navigable waters, against the Hazards of Inland Transportation AMD PERILS' OF TIIE SEAS. For fur ther information respecting rates of premium etc., applyto the undersigned H. WING ATE, Agent For Frankfort and Franklin County Pec. '2. 1."3 1m. " LIFE INSUHANCE. It is no more the moral duty of man to provide tho daily bread for his tamiiy while lie lives, thai it is to provide against their beins loll penniless in the event of his death, Kdin. Journal on Lije Insurance, THE ADVANTAGES OF LlFF INSURANCE, AS EXHIBITED BY THE MUTUAL LIFE l.SI It.lME C 0)1 PAX Y. OF NEW YORK. Trinity It mid mi:, 111 Broadway. KKT ACCUMULATED CASH FUK1, $2,000,000! n HAVE T0U INSURANCE ON YOUR LIFE," For tlie benefit of a surviving family relatives, or friends'? Are tliey fully protected by insur- ance on your life, from Ihe many evils tliat may arise from your unexpected death, at a vwoment of embarrassment, perhaps of utter insoWeuey? H. B. FAKKAK, Agent. YC? Office on St. Clair Street, at the ollice ot ihe Commonwealth. Frankiort, August 5, lr'j3. UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF MAINE. PRTNCIPAt DIRECTOR'S OFFICE IN BOSTON, MASS. E1ih;i It. Pratt, Pres.; Mntttiew lobh, V- Prc Capital and accumulated Assrts uj the Company Capital.- - - - $ lUO.UbU 00 yr'-ri- Premium notes, se- - 0. ''rV; cured by pledgor VRriSr policy, eacli case, 1G7,050 85- - Mortsa,?e bonds and stocks purchased by the Hoard of Finance, .... 5UM4 40 Cash on hand, 2i.3D3 Amount in hand of agents, secured by bonds,) - ... 14,958 24 Furniture, as per inventory, - 40 S 357.33 fc3 H. B. FARRAK. Arent. Office on St. Clair fetveet, at the oliice of tha Cummon wealth. Franklurt. 1853. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, As A ut nt of tins old and safe rvx Compi.ny, I am prepared to issue at rates ui accord.n te ' VtsC?1 with other good olfices, and re- spect fully solicit patronage. 'I he Hertford Fire Insuiance Company was chartered in iHll), has been duin a succesiul hnsi ness fur over lorty yeai s, has an unimpaired cash capital of S 15(1. DUO and is in all respects one o! the best institutions in ev bii'iUnd. ' H. B. FAKKAK, Agent f (iffice on Si. Clair Street, at the office ol the Commonwealth. FranUlurt. Feb 6,1&3. lues or t ii. lNr ncc on Slaves, whethei empluyed on land or steamboat in one ol the saiest and best in the country. Rate fa vorable. Apply to H B. FAKKAK. Jisrent. T f Office on St. Clair Street, at the office ofthe- Commonwealth. Frankiort, Feb. 1G, 1850. CALIF0RNIANS, LOOK HERE!' Tiik undersigned will receiv proposals for trie Insuraice o, one ofthe best Insuranrp- Companies in the country, on la. vorable terms. H. B. FAKKAK. Agent. TTT Ollice on St. Clair Street, at the office of Frankfort, Feb. 1G. 1P53. , THE KENTUCKY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY:. rilHIS established Company, by prudent management1 J. and the punctual discharge ot its obligations, has secured puhlic couliileuce ami built up a lare and business, confined for the most part lo the Western and States Of all the numerg ous iiie lnsuraucs Companies, none is mure desei vin-o- f public confics w;e. As a i entirel) responsihle West- ern Institution, it has especial chums to the patronage oT the Western people. Cii'Cinnati Investigator, H. W 1NG A Tfc is Asrer.l for the aboe named Company,, and will accommoilatc our citizens with whatever thy i oy desire in the way of Lile Insurance, October 7 JHd'J lm LIFE INSURANCE. MUTUAL BENEFIT. Ohio Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati,. Ohio. CAPITAL STOCK $1UO,000' JIl.I. PAID I.Y JIXD SECURED. THEuncleisianea having been appointed Agent for . Is prepared, ui leteive proposi. lions lor Insurance at his ollice in this city. Pamph- lets containing the rates of premium, and full inlonna twin in relation to Li:e Insurance, are fnrniilied free of . j. c. HKK.MJOxN Llrs. bNKKD iv Kodman. Acent Medical Examiners. Feb 20. H5 tf FAIRBANKS PLATFORMS SCALES. Long known Steerehj tested Always right The at- - knoicledgtd Standard. Ai;ENTs. Fail bank's & Co., Kcv Tl" 8!) Water St. X. Y.: K. W. Room, Co., and Traber & Aubery, Cincin- nati. Kailroad, Hay, Coali and Farmer'. - SA-3- try, at shoi t notice. - Frankfort. Oct. 5 -- 3mw: Teas-- . Teas I! HOUPEKEEPEKS wishinethe sry best teas would the slock of ..J uly 20, 1S53. . L. SAMUEL.

Daily commonwealth (Frankfort, Ky.). (Frankfort, KY) 1854-03-09 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bnz80kv96/data/0133.pdf · 2012. 6. 13. · 1 JtiJjj VOL. 1. FEANKFORT, KENTUCKY, MARCH 9,

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Page 1: Daily commonwealth (Frankfort, Ky.). (Frankfort, KY) 1854-03-09 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bnz80kv96/data/0133.pdf · 2012. 6. 13. · 1 JtiJjj VOL. 1. FEANKFORT, KENTUCKY, MARCH 9,

1 JtiJjjVOL. 1. FEANKFORT, KENTUCKY, MARCH 9, 1854. NO. 57.



tkkms.Tlie Daily Commonwealth , for the session, will

lie $1 50. Any jwrson procuring fiveanl forwarding us the money, shall

have a sixth copy for his IrmiMe.The Weekly Cmnmnturealth will be furnished

to subscribers, during the session of the Legis-lature, for 75 cents; and for a year, includingthe session, for $2. Persons procuring five sub-

scribers to the session weekly, or yearly week-ly, and forwarding t he money to us, shall re-

ceive tiie sixth copy free of charge.

C All loiters upon business should be post-Bai-

to insure attention



Is now published, and for sale at this Office.

O" Persons desiring single copies, by remit-ting us ONE DOLLAR, will receive a copy byreturn mail. Address '

A. G. HODGES fc Co..Fraukfort, Ky.

Jannary 11, 1, 1853.


By C. A. Wicklilie, S. Turner, ifc S.8. Nicholas,COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED BY THE LEGISLATURE!

APPKOVED& ADOPTED BY TIIE LEGISLATURE;Just published, and may be obtained at


Frankfort, Sept. 3, 1S50.




Naiv PuV.lisiied and for Sale at the Commo-nwealth Office, at $5 per copy.

Ti'.ie work coEtains 1130 pages, and is boundin the best Law Binding


Porter & Smith,.Attorneys at Lnw-Versai- Ky.

WILL practice in the Courts of Woodford and thecounties. Business entrusted to them

will receive prompt attention April 1H30 if




VV. fc F. practice in the Courts of Keuton, Campbell,Grant, Koone, and Kictiolas, ami the Court of Appealsat Frankfort. May 5, IHjJ tl".

John V. Applegate,Attorney and CoutiMcilor at Law,

"JVIOTAKV PUBLIC, and Commissioner to take Dej-- positions the Ackuowllyiuents of Deeds, ,

Po tMS of Attorney, Aic ,for Kentucky, Illinoisiiissoin, Indiana, and New Ynrk.

Otlice, Sorth Ka&t Coiner of Fourth and Walnut Scs.,finciuni. Oi.rj January 11

Hewitt & Vaughan,ATTOKMiVS AT LAW .

VEKSAlLLfc-S- , K.KNTNCKY.Practice Law in the ditlerent Courts held inWLL tad the adjoining counties, and will

attpnd proiv.pt y to alt business confided to their care.OflVe on Alain street, in the Second story of ShelUjH'sJiew Buildings, an4 next door to the Telegraph t

ia, i r3ti 930


Ketchum 8c Headington,ATTOUNEVS AT LAW,

ftlce in llnrl'w Inilliii;, corner of Fourth andHiiiiitiiuiiil Ht forts,

C I N f N N AT I.Ciaciunii, March 13.


Iarrodbuvg, Kv.ILL Practice Law in Mercer and the adjoining

es. narrodsbui'g, sept. Iy4!l


BKGS leave to say that he has not relinquished treof his profession by becoming the editor of

the Commjnwealih; but that he continues to attendpromptly to all lenal business committed to his hant!s.In all cases in which his clients may desire it, he willhave the benefit of the able assistance of Hon. JanusHarlan. Ollice with J. & W. L. Harlan, St. Clair stFrankiort. April 23, 185U 915 tl


PRACTICE OF LAW,M ill attend to all business confided to the ni in the Courof Appeals, Federal Court, and other courts which holdthir sessions at Fraukfort, Kentucky. One or bothmay always he found al their office, to give counsel ortransact Dusiness. Fiankfbrt, Jan 6.1ri-,- ' by


WILL practice Law in all the Courts held inand and t lie adjoining Counties. Hib Otlice

i at his residence, near P. h widens Entrance on StClair street.

Frankfort, Feb. 2G. 1849, 751 tf.


WILLpracticein all the Courts held in FrankfortOwen, Woodford, and ShclhyCir-cut-t

Courts and pv ill attend to the collection ol'dehtrIn any part of the State. Ollice on St. Clairstreet,2dtloor above the Court House.

JC73 He will attend to tne preparation and prosecu-tion of the claims of soldiers to bounty laud, for proper-ty lost, and for arrears of pay.

April 1,149 SiKj-- tJ



LTOFFICK AT TIIE STATE LIBRARY. TJattend to all business confided to him in theWILL held at Fr iukforf. lie will give especial

attention to the collection of debts in ant part of theState, und to the transaction ol all kinds of businessconfided to him at the Capital, in any of the Depart-ments.

REFKRENCES:Governor L. W. Powell:Thomas S. Page, Auditor of State;R. C. Wintersmilh, Treasurer of State;E. A . McCurdy, Register of State;Cnl. S. I. VI. Major, Mitor of the Kentucky Yeoman,Pollard, frallier &Geoi e J. Rowland "Iu' u n Louisville.

i'Hon. W. P. Thompson,Col. W. W. Stapp,May 18, (J53 U

Concentrated Extract of AromaticVinegar,

ANEW and exceedingly pungent Aroma, verynvalid at





Immense and Attractive Stock.MORRIS L. IIALLOWELL & CO.,

PHILADELPHIA,HAVING removed into their splendid new Ware,

entrance No. 147 Market and 21 Northe'ouith street, are now opening lor the Spring- Trade anassortment of

SILK AND FANCY GOODS,which, for extent md variety, will surpass any stockever offered in that market. Entering in their newstore, which it

O.N'E OF THE LARGEST IX AMERICA,with a business of an unusual amount already estab-lished and inten-iini- l.irjeiy to increase it, 'ispeciMlywith those who BIJV FOR CASH, and believing thatthe f iirest syMem in jobtaniEc goods is to have cmtoumpan ts, they will be rompelted to sell at a mu-;- smallerprofit than can be offered where lo ng creditsare riven.

Under their CAS I AND SHORT CREDIT SYSTEM,the necessiiy for cliarpm? large profits does not existand by selling their foods at a

Very ."Small Advance ou the forcisn Cost,they mean 10 make it the intkhest of every judye ofgoods to buy upon the following .

T E It M S :

Cnsli Buyers will receive a discount of SIX percent., if the money be paid in par funds within ten daysfrom date of bill.

I tic ur re lit Money will only be taken at its marketvalue on the day it is received.

Tn Merchant l' umhiuhred tai:d:nis a creditof six iiidiiiliM will lie given ,i desired. v lien moneyis remitLed in advance of maturity, a discount ul therate ol twelve per cent, per annum will bs allowed.

They ask from ..ercti;uas visiting the Eastern cities,the lavor of an examination of Lheir stecV.. beiiic satis-fied that they will he convinced that it s not tneii interest to pay I rue profits tiidt are adsol jtkly ksskn-tia-

to tliose wl.o give long credits.Philadelphia, Dec. ilu. Icjii v:ini.

MOP.E & GALLAGHER,Ride Iloail nnd Conies Street,

PHILADELPHIA,Iron Founders and Manufacturers



OEVA tf FATAL AND AGKICULTTRA L IRON WORK,,Iron Railinps for Public and Private Grounds,

Ver m.lahs, Settees, Chairs, Tables, fce.

Particular attention piid to th e enclosuie of liirial Lots.

TiT Mom & GaMasher's Rook of Desizns and List ofPi ices sent to persons wishing to make a selection.

ov. 7. Ir.iH



WE have this day opened an Oil ice in the city of lexington. fort lie purpose of tra ns.iding

A General Banking, Exchange aadCollecting Business.

We areat all times prepared to check upon the pr'incipal cities of the United .states, ami to make collectionthereon. We will allow interest on deposits, to he with-drawn at pleasure, and transact whitcver business isgenerally connected with private hai ik in.

Approved paper can be cashed ata uy time durinehours, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. July 15,

George W. Cratldock,AfTOUXE V AT LAW,

Franklbrt, Kentuck?.OFFICE removed to East side of SI . dairstreeUep

Telegraph Ort'ue. Will pructive law in althe courts held in Frankfort, and adjoining counties.

Lec 7, ItfoO If



PHILADELPHIA.r"pHK undersigned having foimed a copartnership, .

der the firm of PKY i'oN & TflO-V- l AS, respeeiluilyofter their services as CoimiiiMt'ja AecntN, lor thesale of Tobacro, II einp, Do (ton, and such oilier pro-ducts as may be consigned to them.

VVe have advantages and facilities which will enableus to do lull justice to tl ose who may lavor us withtheir business; and will send regularly a Price Current,Eivins the state of the market, thus en; blins Producersand Dealers to decide between ihe indu cements present-ed here and elsewhere. JESSK E. PEV I'oN,Late of the Housed Wolle 6c Peyton. Dry Goods

Jn.hers. thisCity.S HARVEY THOWAS.

Late of the House of Thomas k Martin Conmiis- -

sion Merchants, this City.Tuly l9, ie.33--7- y

WILLIAM B. II OL EM AN,lfcal Estate and Genera! Agent,

Odd Fellows Hall, Market Street,FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY,

WILL attend to the purchase and sale of Real Esand Negroes; renting Houses and collecting

the rents; hiring out Negroes and ollecting the hire;negotiating loansfor money, and to the sMe of all descriptions of property, at Auction or private Sale, ii;city or county. Sept. tii, JKil.

liKFKRKv:K3. Thos. S. Pae, R.C. 'nitersmitb, E,A. Macurdy, A. G. Hodges, ii. Wit gate, P. Swigert.Wm Tanner.C. BUCKLES, H. L JUDGE,


J. C. BUCKLES & JUDGE,Commission and Forwarding


CINCINNATI, OHIO.O" Particular attention paid to filling orders

for produce and to forwarding merchandise toand from tlie East. Dec. 31, 'b2 ly.


HIS operations on the Teeth will be d :rected by aknowledge, both of Surgery and Medicine;

this bei he; the only sale puide to uniform i uccess. Fromthis he is enabled to operate with far less pain to the pa-tient, void of danger. A 11 work watran. ed ; the work-manship will show for itself. Calls will be thankfullyreceived.

Jr7r' Office, at his residence on Main street.Frankfort, May 27th, M5:i.

Morton 8c Griswold,Booksellers, Stationers, Binders, and Loo t and Job


LAW, Medical, Theological, Classical, School andHooks, al low prices. Paper cf

every description, (jualty, ar.d price. JJf pCollee! ,Schools and Private Libraries supplied at V small ad-

vance on cost. H' hoUstale or rttailApril 1.115 K51-b- v.

Mendenhall 8c King'sPATENT HAND LOOM.

Frankfort, Kentnck y,1 1. 1853.S

WK. the unleTi?nel, hnve seen and examinednml Kind's Patent Hanil l.oo ni. in opera-io-

in t be Kentucky Penitentiary, and thin k it superior.0 anything nf Ihe kind we have ever seen, and wonidall public attention to it. hehevins, by dems; so, thate shall benelit all who examine it lor selves.


Having purchased tlie risht to make and sell lor tl ice ol franklin and Scott counties, tie above Uoo i,calculated extensively for family use,) 1 most repe

invite the public generally to call and examine l le.Machine we have now in full operation at th ptis

it can be seen at any time. N. CKA1G,Agent and Keeper Kentucky Penuel:r .

August 12, If jj tf.


(Office on St. Clair street, next, door to Alor? esTelegraph Office.)

WILLpracticein all the Cour ts held in Frankf. yrt,Henry, Trii able and Owen cc

Oct. 2d, lbj 3.

A. JAEGER & to.AVholesale anil Retail Dealers ami Direct Importers ol

l'URNt'II AM) ENC.l.ISIlChina, Glass, and Earthenware,

Asn, Waiters and Trays, liolirmian, English,French, and German Glassware, Cutlery,

Silver-plate- Goods, Castors, Giran-doles, Lanjps, Britannia and

Fancy German Baskets,Xi. 119, Fourth Street,



n'liKoi-R- our partner inLimogesf France) we receiv-d- e

tliis morning, from tlieJ I large fuctoriesof Laporte&Brothers, a thorough new

and spleiitlid stock of beau-tifu- l

decoraied and g'lrU--

China, of the very Litestshapes, patterns and styles.As our stock is bought drcash, we are able to ofi'erthein at lower prices tlunany other establishment inthe Western country.call hclnre purchasing else-where, as we are set line;

pve.it bargains. Our stockconsists in part ol

Decorated, gilded and white China Dininj Sets, from $to .; Minn a piece.

Ta, Breakfast V Toilet. Sets, from ?fi lo RSOO a piece.SjU p iirs richly decorated Vases and CaiatTsvIroni $1 to

? L (I a pair.Also, fancy decorated Motto Coffees, Pitchers, Candle

sticUs. Card Spittoinis. Mctio Muss and ToyTeas. JLmkets, Ci.lozne Kittlies. Powder Boxes, A.. Ac,in endles varieiy: together wuli a larse assortment t

James Kd wards' Iron, totone, China, and common tarLlieinwaie.

Please remember the number, 1 1 Fourth Street, Mo

zarl Hall China Kmporium. A. JAtiGKK, St CO.Louisville, September 9. 1P.3 t wilm.

L. LAMM & CO.,At the Franklin Clothing Store,

IN DUDLEY'S BUILDING,corner of main and saint (.'lair streets,

frajvkfort, l:f..ytucky,ARE opening one of the larped and mot complete

or Krmiv .Hailu I tot hi tit; nndl.'t'iitU'incn'.i riiriilliins (noN eveit offered intiitsmarket. They have been made up w ith great care, loitins market, and are of the latest style and newest pattern.

Our stock consists, in part, ofOver Coats of all sixes and qualities;Frock Coats and Business Coats;Pmtts, of every variety Clot lis and Cassimers;Vests, of Satin. Silk, and Cloth rich and durable;Hnts and Caps, ol best and common qualities;Shirts, fine white and f;tncy, of a II sizes;Indian Rubber Coats. Pauls, Legina, Caps, &c,Hoys Clothing of all kind's.

JTp Don't Turret. "the place! Come along. Gentlemenand Hoys, we can rig you out, from top to bottom, andth it.tou, as cheaply as at any other establishment intlie city. Sept. 15.:t.





furt market. amongst which mav he fnundKich G ro de Klmies and Krocade Silks;Hich Plaid and Flounce "Silks;Embroiileries, Cliemi.eUes, Sleeves;Collars, Gloves, Hosiery;Prints, Flannels, Domestics, Check's, &c.

Also, a fcw very rich new style Maid Cashmeres,French FUuuels, Paris Cloaks and Mantillas, of tlielatest style.

Trie ladies are respectfully solicited to cill andtiii kk w nd fkksii srot k, which will besupplied with all the latest styles and most de-

sirable eJuts. Call early for choice goods and goodbarsHinL . SHI ELDS,

Sept. 13. 1m. St. Clair street.

NEW arrangement!IIAUKIXS & GREEN,

MERCHANT TAILORS,I FORM fheir friends, and the pub-

lic generally, thai they have commenced business in Co partnership,and trusts, by a strict, attention tothe wants of customers, to merit a

liberal patronage. 'J heir shop is op-

posite the Mansion House, ami onekA jt I door below J AS. HA HULKS' Cloth-

They have received a superior lot ol

Fall und Winter Goods,pern as

Cloth, CxssiMicres, Vesting, Trimmings, &c.of the most beautiful and tasionable styles; to whichthey invite the attention of all who wish to rig themselves out i a trnteel manner.

All order will be faitlilully and promptly nttendedno and executed. JAMES HAKK1XS,


Frankfort. Oct. 1, 1853 tf


HARKINS & GREEN,Wilt continue liis establishment of

HEADY-MAD-E CLOTHING,the old stand, and takes this opportunity ofAT Itis Kindest thanks lo the citizens of Franh-lort- ,

and vicinity, for the very liberal patronage receiv-eil, and hopes by keeping good aiiicles, and a strict

to misiuess, to continue tonieiitthe public lawor.

.e is now in receipt or a larse and well selectedsto! k or KEAJJV-MAD- CLOTH NG, suitable for the

'Season, of 'every variety of quality and price, to whichhe i ivites the atteuiioii of his ti iemis and the public

they purch.ise elsewhere, believing be can oiler usyouJ inducements as at any other establishment ol the;Kiitl in tue city.

mIt is no trouble to show goods; and his motto istmhfe gj.penct is better than a slow thilling."

Frankfort, October 1. 1 f53 v.

JOHN A. MONROE,Attorney at Law,

FK A VR FOKT, KEN fCCK V,f TTILL practioe Law in the Courts held in Frankfort

V au d adjoining counties. He will, as Commissionar of Deed, take the acknowledgments of deeds, andother widin lo be used or recorded in other States;ami. as under the act ol Congress, attendtto tlie taking ot depositions, affidavits. tVc.

OpFirr. Federal Court L'lerk'sOfiice, near the BridgeFrankiort, Juje6th, 13 by.

Book Bindm";.C. KEENON informs hirA. and former cus

tomers, that having regainedhis health, he has purchasedback from A. G. Hodses theBindery sold to him n Novemher Inst, and will give his

tvhn!e atteutiou to Us management. He respectfullyssolu it s a continuance of tlie pationage heretofore exlUfiu'ed to the establishment.

irpCLEKKS will befurnished with RECORDIROOKS, ruled to any pattern, and of the very best

of paper.ULAN K. HOOKS, of every description, manu

iLatC tired at short notice, to order, on reasonabletermsTIT' Hiudery at tlie old stand, over Law

tOfice. Fraukfort, Julv 31, -tf

JXO. M. HARLAN,Attorney at Law,

FRANKFORT, KY.Office on St. Clairstreet, with J. & W. h. LTarlan

RKFER TOHon. J. J. Crittenden,Gov. L. W. Powell, FranliTort. Ky.Hon. James Harlan,Taylor . Turner & Co., Bankets. Lexington, Ky.G. H. Monsarrat A Co., Bankers, Louisville, Ky.W. Tanner, Louisville, Ky.




One door from the corner of M'lin and St. Cl'tir streets,DESION KKKl'INU l FRESH STOf'K OE

PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES,Chemicals, Paints, Cils,

Dye-Stuf- is. Hi ustn-s- , Glassware, Perfume-ry, snulis. Tobacco, and Seciirs

whicli i hey will sell low for cash, or to punctual custome is.

As one of the firm has hail eisht or ten years' experi-ence in sever;! I we i)ru j establishments, wefeel safe iii assuring purchasers tlut they need not ap-

prehend any danger as to the correctness and genuineness uf every article sdd by us.

A share ol the public patronage is respectfully solilicited.

f73 Prescriptions accurately compounded at al!hours, with despatch.

Franktoi t, Nov. 4. le'j3 2m.

DR. J. M. MILLS,Physician and Apothecary,


jKKPS ennstantly on hand a large and superior as-I-



JTTAU articles obsoutely warrented to be pure.Special attention given to presciiptions. June '24.


SONNABERG'S.has iust arrived from the East and CincinnatiHEwiih SJO,000 worth of Cloth-

ing, which he promises to stll upon better terms thancan be IoiiikI in any other establishment in the city.


am now receiving and ready to sell, at prices to suiL themost liiliiiimis, the most extensive lot of

Fall and Winter Clothingupon record. My stock consists ol every thing in thesentlemens' furnishing line. It bag been selected

by me, and especially lor this maiket.have on hand, and will always Keep a complete as-


SHIKTS, DRAWERS, HATS, CAPS, $c ;l'tic her Willi evei article usuaally Kept in a ClothingM"ie.

Gentlemen desiring to replenish their Clothing wouliiAr. Tvrll i.. i,.p ... u ;i a nl tlu'l' rl. .Inhetlel" than at any olliel eslablishinent in the citv.

A. SO.N.NAliERG.Frankfort, Sept. 1G, lMItf



fflfi Respectfih,i,y informs the ladies and Jtf gentlemen thut he lus commenced busi-- "

4 ness in the room formerly occ upied by Dr. Mumbt.ll, as a ding store, where he wiil manufacture allkinds oi ladies' and gentlemen's ltOOTfn nd SlIOKn

all of which are composed or the finest material andworkmanship All orders filled with neatness and dispatch. He hopes, by unremitting attention to business,to receive a liberal shre of public patronage.

W. W. FOLLIS. St. Clair Street.July 5. 1853 tf.


ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE,Opposite the New Weiwiger House, IHain st.t


WE would respectfully' inform our friends and thepublic genera My that we ha ve no w unhand a stipe-rio- r

quality oflialiitn ami Atuericnii llnrhk, andheins practical workmen, we are confident that we canfurnish to older JHOM'.M i:TS, TO.IHS andII KS in better styles and cheaper than hasever been purchased in tiiis town before. Those wishingtocrect beautiful and lasting mementoes to the memoryol their deceased friends would do well lo call and exam-ine our woik before purchasing elsewhere.

August U, l'yi 3m CRAIK & KNIGHT.


I. P. BLACKWELL,HAVING purchased the entire stockol R, V.


at the old stand, on the corner ol Main and St. Clairstreets, where he will be happy to see all the regular pat-rons ol the house, ud as many new ones as my lavorhim with a call. To the regular customers of tlie house,

will oflerspecial inducements to continue their patron-age. I. i BLACKWELL.

Fraukfort, Nov. 2, Ki3.

NOTICE.sold fny stock of Goods to T. PHAVING I take pleasure in recommending' him as

every way worthy of a liberal patrunase. ami hope thatall those who have honored me witn their custom w illdo him likewise. R. W BLACKBURN

Frankiort. Nov. 2, 18.3.


BAKER & RUNYAN,HAVE just received a full stock of FALL AND

( lS, consisting of Ladies StyleDress Goods, Plain and Figured Velvet, Lacing Flannels, Cloaking, Cloths, Cassimers. Cassinetis, Vestings,Prints, Brown and tiie itched .Muslins, with a large va-

riety of Trimmings; Gimps, Braids, Fringes, Velvets,&C. &c. Also, a large supply of Itoot iiml siioe;in line, they have the largest and most complete assort-ment in Fraukfort, which they are offering, and intendto sell at the iowest prices. Come one, come all.

October yi). tl




PROPOSES to pmxhiise and sell Ke.i Estate, Negroes,other articles of prodiue.

Notice to nil whom it may concern. addressthis card with the hope that it may meet the eye oi someut those w ho knew me in tlie following counties: Frank-lin, Woodford, Fayette, .Madison. Scott, Bourbon,Clarke, .Mason, Bullitt, Fleming, Nelson, and Grayson.

Gksti.emkn: I have many Irlendsund acquaintancesin Louisville who want, from time to time, to purchasegood servants tor their own use, and being advisedihatniany persons are unwilling and conscientiouslyindisposed to selling their servants, to be taken out olthe State, 1 take this method of informing them that 1

can, generally, procure good homes and lull prices lordesirable servants.

Letters addressed to me. post paid, will be promptlyattended to. The following description of servantsis necessary: Health, qualifications, temper, ose, height,weigiit, and color, ELIJAH NOBLE,

Commission Merchant, and Real EsUle Agent.Louisville, Ky.

Sept. 21,

Sundries.4 BOXES Raisins; ti hall boxes Raisins; 10 quarter

boxes Raisins: bbl. soft shell Almonds; fiaiiDates; 1 case Prune; Zaute Currants; Lemons; Citron;Pea Nuts: Euslish WalnJts; Cocoa Nuts; 1 tierce Kice;assorted Spices all fresh lor sale by

Dec. 31 E. L. SAMUEL.

Dried Eeef, Cheese, &c.CASK Superior Dried Bee I":

cask Ushers Locky Mauntain Hams:20 boxes Western Kcsen e Cheese:5 boxes English Dairy Cheese; just received andfor

ile bv E. L. SAMUEL

Clover and Timothy Seed.A SUPPLY will be kept throughout the season.

Farmers can be supplied with these and oilier Seedsat moderate rates. E. L. SAMUEL.

Nails.50 REC assorted sizes; 10 kegs Fencing Nails; 5

ke?s Finishing Nails for sale byMjrCh 30 E L. SAMUEL

Legislative Guide,CONTAINING all the rules Tor conducting business

bodies. Jefferson's Manual, Copi-ous Notes, &c-- t occ. Fur sale at

Jau. 10. EVANS & GO'S.

REMOVAL.Grcat Attraction ! !

K. F. JOI(s(iHAS removed hisstock of DKYGOODS to the room

the Post Otlice, St. Clan street, where heis now receiving and opening one of the richest andmost elegant assortments of


He would be extrcmclv happy to see his old friendsand tlie public generally, anil will assure them that asgood bakoai.ns can be hnd of him as nny house in theWest. f Frankfort, Sept. IG,


11 AVE formed m co partnership, under the title olBakkr i3 KuNYis, for the purposed transacting

generalFANCY & STAPLE DRY fJOODS BUSINESS,nt the old stand of Baker & Anderson, on St. Clairstieet, Frankfoit, Ky., where they expect to keep a lullstock of Goods, at the lowest hey most cordnlly invite their former customers and the public genai ally to them a call. April C, 152(


No. 144 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.IT7"K 0pen nur pur Rooms this morning, fOct. 25th)

prepaied to exhibit a larger slock ol l ames t ui sof very choice qualities, titan we have ever before offered, embracing' Kussian. Hudson Bay, and Canada Sables. Stone Maten. Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, Lynx, andall the lower grades of Furs, made up in the lateststyles Some very handsome Robes and Foot Mutls forcarriages.

Also. Ladies' and Misses Blnck and Drab Beaver andFelt Bonnets; verv handsome Beaver Flats, for MissesRidine Hats. Gloves, and W hips; Boys' Hats and Caps.

, rP t ur Rooms on second floor.' WM. DODD & CO..Main, 3 dooisbelow Fourth street.

Nov 18. i!m

GAS FIXTURES.TT'ENNARD & CO., Lexington, Ky.. beg leave to inXV form the citizens of Frankiort. Out they have nnhand a large stock ol GAS Fl A I U R ES. including 0. o,j and 3 light, chandeliers, 2 and liaht Pendents, :t fold,4 fold and single Bracks, Drop Lights, Ac all manufactured hv .Messrs. Cornetius, Laker & Co., Hhiladel-phia, and will be sold as low as they cr.n be had Westot Philadelphia, and put up, ii desired, in the best manner.

We would also be pleased to RUN PIPE in stores,d wellinizs or public houses, on the bct possible terms,having superior workmen now in the businesslor us in Lexington. We ask a call.

KENNARD & CO.Always on hand, a brse stock of CAKPEHN'G;

C'KTAIN GOODS. PAPEK HANGINGS, and PIANOFO KTES tor s;t le on rensonahlc terms. K. & CO.

Le.vinston, January 4, tl.

Barber Shop, Eath House, &c.

Henry Samuel,On East Side St. Clair St., opposite the Mansion House

HAVING recently refitted his establishment in o

lo any in the city, and as he has titted up good Gas Liri!s,he is prepared at all times toattend to all that may give him a call. He continuesto keep for sale Perfumery, Brushes, Gloves, Cra-vats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &c.,S;c.

HIS SEW BATH HOUSE,which was fitted up last summer, in style inferior tonone in the city, is open from .Monday to Sunday morn-ing, where all can obtain any kind of Bath at the shortest notice. He has, also, tlie best kind ol washer-w-

men, and any one wanting clothesWASHED OU SCOURED,

can have it done in superior order and without delay.By careful attention to business, he hopes to merit a

continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally be-

stowed on him. Oct 4 1840 87l)--tf

EXPERIMENT BATHING.THE undcrsiened. in order to bring the luxury ol

within the means of all. has concluded toadopt the fallowing rates-

JO Cent lor ihe Aetunl 'Change.' fJ Out when Change it tiiven.tia Cents Credit.

HENRY SAMUEL.N. B. Gents can at all times have their boots and shoes

blacked in the most BitiLAiANT manner. tl. SMav 11



MENT oi C EOT1UN4; (at wholesale only) suitablelor tbe Country Trade, to be found in the States.

JUr'We d business on tbe

One Price System.Orders promptly tilled. An examination of our stock is

solicited.II.WPORI) & BROTHER,

29, Vnr'.i Row, (opposite the Astor House,1) N. Y.N. B. We are the largest manufacturers ol

OILED CLOTHINGin the country. RCUliER CEOTlIlNOat tbe low-est market rates. August 9, 1833 Smw

iew Cabinet Warcrnoiii anil ManufactoryJ. D. RAKE

ESPECTFCLLY informs his fnendsthat he is nowI") located in the new Shop, on Main Stieet, nearly op-

posite the residence of Dr. AJacurdy, where he will beglad to see his old. customers, and others who maywant Cabinet Work. Connected with his shop he hasopened a Furniture Wareroom, and intends to keep agood Stock vi Furniture on hand, to which he respectlully invites the attention of all wishing to purchase.

COFilNSMade to order at all times night or d ay promptly. Hehas a neat H EA RSE, with which he will attend calls, atany time, night or dy, in thecity or country..June gfi. 184'J 87 2 tf


MANUFACTURERS.Sales Room No. 1)5 Leonard St., Sew York,


C10M MON and folding, plain and ornamentalof all kinds. Hotel, huspital. prison,

family, servant's, and children's Bedsit-ail- always onhand. Also, a general assortment of lion Furniture.Sprtns Beds. Hair and other Maitrasses.

1 lies:; BeUsseatls are superior to all others in point olcleanliness, neatness and economy. They are alwayslice from vei nun, and are exceedingly durable, portableand convenient. Orders to any extent may he addressedto COMSTOCK., UKOMLEV & CO ,

No. 9j Leonard street. New York.JYp Agents wanted for the sale ol the above. De-

scriptive Cii Hilars sent wherever requested.Nov. 10, 185:i tttbm

Fire and Marine Insurance.Iindnon River Iiisurnnce Company, ot Water-tbrtl- ,

New York


undersigned having been appointed Agent oftheTHE Company, is prepared to insure all propeity,such as is usually insured in thecity ol Frankfort andviciniiy, and upon siiipmeuts of Merchandize and Produce, upon as lair terms as any other responsible officeAll Wrst" liberally a Jjusied and promptly paid.

Jfoiiice near the Couri House.SUisiaciory relerences will be given upon P.pplication,

as to the solvency of this Company.J C. HEKNDON.

Feb. 20,152 t. Agent

Truits, Nuts, &c.t) BARRELS Fresh sweet Oranges;

il " Lemons;4 caes " Prunes in jars and fancy boxes,

50 boxes i and Fresh Kaisons;2 casks antes Currants;() boxes Citron;

bbls Dried Peaches;ti bushels Dried Apples;

2U drums Fresh Figs;2 (rails Dates;5 bbls Fresh Pecans;ti bbls Almonds;

bushels Chesnuts:J bbl English W alnuts;4 bbls Filberts;2 bbls Cieam Nuts for ale by

Dec. 7. CRAY & TODD.

Delicious Jellies, &c.Jell v. Currant Jelly. Grape lly, Presei vedIEMON Pears. Apricots, Apples. fac; Raspncrry

and Blackberry Jam; Biaailied Pears, Peaches andPlums; Preserved Ginger, in Jars; alsov Preserved Driedifineer. and ClwT-Ciio- anuiresn i omatoes at

Nov. 2. GRAY-- & TODD'S.U

PEOTECTION(Fire, Marine and Inland)



rpms Office has now transacted business for morthan a quart of a. ukntcry, during which p

nod u has taken more than

One Hundred Thousand Risks!And insurer! real and personal propeety aeainst loss by

Fire and Waier. to tlie value of


Several Thousand Losses have been incurredupon the above risks, all of which have

been adjusted at. theGENERAL AGENCY OFFICE,

AT CINCINNATI,And paid with the utmost promptitude, according tothe conditions ofthe policy, its may be seen by the receipts of the several claimants on iile.

The undersigned has been furnished with blank poli-cies, signed by the otticeis of the Company; also, with1blank renewal receipts, tor continuing policies alreadyissued , and is duly authorized a nd prepared, as Agent ofsaid Company, to make insurance for any period uftime, not less than one month nor greater than sevenye;ns, upon buildings or their contents, occupied aslvt Hi !!:, rtortH, Warehouse, ( iirrhes, Ho--trl. lijinks, Court IIoiikcm, t'olltges, A;r,, JLro-- ,

and their contents, againstLOSS Oil DAMAGE BY FIRE.

A lso. on Dry Goons. Gno kries, .M a ?i r f a i;t c r k d Goods,Proiutk, Hocskiiold Ft'H niti'k k. LiVk Stoc k, and eve-r-

oiiier descripticjn of Merchandize and PersonalProper tv. shi; ped or to be shipped per good Vessels orSteamboats on most of ' he navigable waters, against the

Hazards of Inland TransportationAMD

PERILS' OF TIIE SEAS.For fur ther information respecting rates of premium

etc., applyto the undersignedH. WING ATE, Agent

For Frankfort and Franklin CountyPec. '2. 1."3 1m.


It is no more the moral duty of man to provide thodaily bread for his tamiiy while lie lives, thai it is toprovide against their beins loll penniless in the event ofhis death, Kdin. Journal on Lije Insurance,



OF NEW YORK.Trinity It mid mi:, 111 Broadway.


$2,000,000! nHAVE T0U INSURANCE ON YOUR LIFE,"For tlie benefit of a surviving family relatives,or friends'? Are tliey fully protected by insur-ance on your life, from Ihe many evils tliat mayarise from your unexpected death, at a vwomentof embarrassment, perhaps of utter insoWeuey?

H. B. FAKKAK, Agent.YC? Office on St. Clair Street, at the ollice ot ihe

Commonwealth.Frankiort, August 5, lr'j3.



E1ih;i It. Pratt, Pres.; Mntttiew lobh, V- PrcCapital and accumulated Assrts uj the Company

Capital.- - - - $ lUO.UbU 00yr'-ri- Premium notes, se- -0. ''rV; cured by pledgorVRriSr policy, eacli case, 1G7,050 85- -

Mortsa,?e bonds and stocks purchased bythe Hoard of Finance, .... 5UM4 40

Cash on hand, 2i.3D3Amount in hand of agents, secured by

bonds,) - ... 14,958 24Furniture, as per inventory, - 40

S 357.33 fc3H. B. FARRAK. Arent.

Office on St. Clair fetveet, at the oliice of thaCummon wealth.

Franklurt. 1853.


As A ut nt of tins old and safervx Compi.ny, I am prepared to issueat rates ui accord.n te '

VtsC?1 with other good olfices, and re-

spect fully solicit patronage.'I he Hertford Fire Insuiance Company was chartered

in iHll), has been duin a succesiul hnsi ness fur overlorty yeai s, has an unimpaired cash capital of S 15(1. DUO

and is in all respects one o! the best institutions in evbii'iUnd. ' H. B. FAKKAK, Agent

f (iffice on Si. Clair Street, at the office ol theCommonwealth.

FranUlurt. Feb 6,1&3.

lues or t ii.lNr ncc on Slaves, whethei

empluyed on land or steamboatin one ol the saiest and best

in the country. Rate favorable. Apply to H B. FAKKAK. Jisrent.

T f Office on St. Clair Street, at the office ofthe-Commonwealth.

Frankiort, Feb. 1G, 1850.

CALIF0RNIANS, LOOK HERE!'Tiik undersigned will receiv

proposals for trie Insuraice o,one ofthe best Insuranrp-

Companies in the country, on la.vorable terms. H. B. FAKKAK. Agent.

TTT Ollice on St. Clair Street, at the office of

Frankfort, Feb. 1G. 1P53. ,


LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY:.rilHIS established Company, by prudent management1J. and the punctual discharge ot its obligations, hassecured puhlic couliileuce ami built up a lare and

business, confined for the most part lo theWestern and States Of all the numergous iiie lnsuraucs Companies, none is mure desei vin-o- f

public confics w;e. As a i entirel) responsihle West-ern Institution, it has especial chums to the patronage oTthe Western people. Cii'Cinnati Investigator,

H. W 1NG A Tfc is Asrer.l for the aboe named Company,,and will accommoilatc our citizens with whatever thyi o y desire in the way of Lile Insurance,

October 7 JHd'J lm


Ohio Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati,.Ohio.


THEuncleisianea having been appointed Agent for. Is prepared, ui leteive proposi.

lions lor Insurance at his ollice in this city. Pamph-lets containing the rates of premium, and full inlonnatwin in relation to Li:e Insurance, are fnrniilied free of

. j. c. HKK.MJOxNLlrs. bNKKD iv Kodman. AcentMedical Examiners. Feb 20. H5 tf


Long known Steerehj tested Always right The at- -knoicledgtd Standard.

Ai;ENTs. Fail bank's & Co., KcvTl" 8!) Water St. X. Y.: K. W. Room,

Co., and Traber & Aubery, Cincin-nati.

Kailroad, Hay, Coali and Farmer'.

- SA-3- try, at shoi t notice.- Frankfort. Oct. 5 --3mw:

Teas-- . Teas I!HOUPEKEEPEKS wishinethe sry best teas would

the slock of..J uly 20, 1S53. . L. SAMUEL.