/ 観的d G胎en銃n帥鰐的鵬調 馳m80脚er A簿odの鞠b朋声解。 Preside

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〃′     ●

観的d G胎en銃n帥鰐的鵬調

馳m80脚er A簿odの鞠b朋声解。


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/Slond Green GenemI (bunc〃 qf Homeow"er Assochfjon5, mc.

COunc〃 By-L伽唯mevis;on川pdαte, & Reiss岬/ 20I5


ART看CしE l. Identification & Definition

A. 1dentification

B. Definition

ARTICしE =. Mission & Purpose

A. Mission Statement

B. Purpose ofCouncil

ARTICしE liI. Membership

A. Homeowner Associations

B. Business interests

C, Designated Deiegates

ARTICしE IV. Authorizations & ObIigations

ARTICしE V. Meetings

A. Regular Meeting Schedule

B. Specia看Meetings

C. Quorum Requirements

D. Open ToAII Unit & PropertyOwners

E. Roberts RuIesofOrder

F. Agenda

ARTICしE VI. E看ections & Terms of O冊ce

A. Officer Positions

B. Nominations

C. Other Nominations

D. Contested EIections

E. Elections

F. TermsofO冊ce

G. Homeowner Association Endo「sement

H. Officer Voting

ARTICしE V看l. Executive Board

A. Composition & Communication

B. CIosed Meetings


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CONTENTS (continued)

ARTICしE Vl=. Duties of O冊cers

A. President & Chairperson

B. Vice President &Vice Chairperson

C. Treasurer

D. Secretary

E. Di「ector

ARTICしE IX. Financiai Management

A. Annual Budget

B. Audit Committee

C. Audit Report Distribution

ARTICしE X. Privacy PoIicy

A. 1nformation From Associations

B. Safeguarded lnformation

ARTICしE X看. Committees

AR丁ICしE X=. Ameれdments To By置1aws

A. Approval of Amendments

B. Distribution ofAmendments

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IsIand Green GeneraI Counci/ Qf Homeowner Associ。tion5, Inc.


A面cle I・ ldentification & De軸ition

A. The isIand Green GeneraI CounciI of HomeownerAssociations is a voiuntary cooperative

subscribed to by Homeowner Associations located within the lsland G「een community′

at Myrtle Beach, Horry County, South Carolina, ∪・S.A"

B. The cooperative is non-gOVe「nmental′ Self-SuStaining′ nOt-for-PrOfit’eXisting for the

mutuai benefit ofthe member Homeowner Association subscribers, Who each have

sovereign authorrty provided for in Master Deeds, COVenantS, and individuai deeds of

residentia- properties, P-us representation of other commercia=nterest subscribe「s′ i.e・′

buiIders, developers, gOIf cou「se, Amenity Center and real estate rentai agency.

A申CIe ll. Mission & Purpose

A. Mission Statement: To provide forthe safety and security of lsIand Green owners′

residents and property, and address issues of a common nature forthe benefit’Welfare

and improvement ofthe lsland Green Community"

B. Purpose ofThe Council: The GeneraI Council rep「esents subscribing Island Green

Homeowner Associations, Serving in advisory, COmmunications and functional capacities

to assist the goIfcourse, bui-ders and others in meetingthe needs ofthe communityfor

security in the冊ves, WOrk and purposes. The GeneraI Counc旧s a communications Iink

fo「 these entities.

A面cle看II. Membership

A. Membership in ls看and Green Genera看Counc旧s voiuntary for ail subscribing homeowner

associations iocated at and within the lsIand G「een community complex.

B. CounciI membership is hereby extended to seIected business inte「ests who agree to

share in the expenses ofthe cooperative and have key and sign龍ant inte「ests in the

financiaI success, beau描cation, grOWth and improvement ofthe commun時

C. Members sha-l assign one deiegateto represe=tthem tothe Counc旧o castone vote on

behaIf oftheir organization. Said delegates w冊emain appointed until a repIacement is

assigned in writingto the Council.


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A面cIe IV. Autho「izations & ObligatiQ哩

Homeowne「 Associations within the Counc冊ave the option ofsuppo由ng specific

projects, aCtivities and p「oposals ofthe Council, for which said members accept the

prearranged fi=anCiaI ob=gation to share expenses.

A面cle V. Meetings

A. Ascheduie ofregular meetingswi= be determined bythe Councii and announced

ten days or more in advance in an effort to accomplish fu= pa面cipation bythe

member o「ganizations. Pu輔c notice of reguIar meetings shaIl be provided and


B. Specia- meetings ofthe Council may be ca=ed by any Council O冊cer′ With e什orts

being made to contact a= member homeowner associations to acquire fu=

participation. Reasonable notice wiI看be posted.

C. A quorum is required forthe -egitimate conduet of Councii business consisting of

51% of the cur「ent subscribing membe「 homeowner associations′ 「ePreSented in

PerSOn Or by wr柾en proxY.

D. ReguIar and specia- meetings are open to訓residentsoflsland Green′ howeveronIy

authorized delegates participate i= VOting on behalf ofthe association they

represent, One VOte Per aSSOCiation. At the discretion ofthe Chairpe「son′ unit

owne「s w川be invited to comment, aSk questions and join in discussions.

E. Conductofmeetings w… be accordingto ROBERTS RUしE OF ORDER′ and presided

over bythe P「esident or designated O航er, Subject to approval ofthe delegates.

F. An agenda for meetings shaIl be set bythe Chairperson′ uSing optionaI eIements:

1. Openingand introductions

2. CaIitoOrder

3. Certification ofa quorum

4. Minutes ofprevious meeting

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Security and Incidents reports

7. Committee reports

8. Oldbusiness

9. NewBusiness

lO. Questions

ll. Future Meeting Dates

12. Adjoumment


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ArticIe VI・ Elections & Te「ms of O情ce

A. At the discretion ofCounciI members, O冊cer positions shail be:

1. Presidentand Chairman

2. Vice President &Vice Chairman

3. Secretary

4. Treasurer

5. Director

B. A Nominating Committee composed ofthree volunteers wi= propose candidates for

o冊cer vacancies as they occur and at the start of each fiscaI (Caiendar) year.

C. Add油Onal candidates may be presented by a minimum offive CounciI members′ in

writing, PreSented at least one week prior to the eIection.

D. ln the event ofa contested election, itw紺be decided at an open Council meeting"

E. Homeowne「 association delegates w川elect O冊cers via a simple majority as

vacancies occur and/or at or before the start ofeach fiscaI (Calenda「) year.

F. Office「s serve for a one yea「 term starting atthe beginning of each year′ may

succeed themseIves with no term limits, and se「ve unt出eplaced by eIection.

G. Any unitownermay be nominated′ eIected and serve as an O靴erwith the

endorsement oftheir homeowner association, and may serve in addition to the

appointed homeowner association deIegate.

H. Eiected O冊cers have a sing-evote, One eaCh′ While serving as a Council Officer.

Article Vi〇・ Executive Boa「d

A. The Executive Board is composed of訓Council Officers and meets on an irreguiar

scheduie as ca=ed to address immediate issues. These meetings may be via

conference caIIs, Or electronic means and a= O靴ers should be notified and inciuded

to the extent possibie in the eve=t Of short notice necessity.

B, Executive Board meetings are ciosed to the pubIic and not pubIicized in advance.

V書○○. Duties of Officers

A・ President & Chairpe臆rSQ±: Preside over meetings′ SerVe aS eX-0冊cio member of aII

committees except Nominating, rePreSent and lead the Counc旧n exemplary fashion

as spokesperson and community leader.

B. Vice President &Vice Chairperson: Substitute fo「 absent P「esident & Chairperson

and accept specia- assignments on behalf ofthe Councii Officers and members.

C. Treasurer: Responsible forthe financial conduct ofthe Counc生render bi=s′ COIIect

income, maintain records, 「eCOnCile bank statements′ Pay eXPenSeS′ PrePare and


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present reports to the Counc出epresenting current financial conditions. The

Treasurer w川assist and pIay a key roIe in budget preparations.

D. Secretary: Prepare and present meeting minutes; maintain records of homeowner

association o冊cers, deIegates and prope申′ managerS巨eIephone numbers and E-

mail addresses声ummarize incidents reports for presentation声eCeive and respond

to communications; Obtain forms, PaSSeS and papers for secu「ity program.

E. Director: Attend regu-ar and speciaI meetings′ Serve On Executive Boa「d′ aCCePt and

perferm special assignments from the CounciI′ rePreSent and support the Counc旧o

outside agencies as required′ and serve as Iiaison with member subscribing

homeowner associations.

看X. FinanciaI Management

A. The CounciI Executive Board wi= prepare an annuai budget fo「 presentation

to the Counc= delegates at the start ofthe fiscal (CaIendar) year or before, tO

be discussed and voted on for adoption. This w帖ncIude p「ojected fees and

duesto be co=ected in the period ahead.

B. The Council w紺appoint a comm柾ee ofat leastthree membe「sto serve as

an lnte「nai Audit Comm匝ee to meet with the Treasurerto reviewfinancial

records and reports. The Audit report may be either a summary revleW Or

compIete comp「ehensive audit′ depending upon the detaiI warranted・ At

the discretion ofthe Councii, an independent external audit may be

commissioned to a person or師m ce面fied forthis purpose・

C. The Annual Audit Report wi= be provided to the HomeownerAssociation

subsc「ibers, aIong with auditor recommendations and analvsis.

X. Privacv Policv

A. Homeowner Associations w紺provide to the Council the names ofthei「 O冊cers′

Deiegates, and Property Managers, With te-ephone numbers′ addresses and E-mail addresses

forthe exclusive use ofthe Counc旧n communications and conduct of Council business oniy・

B. The p「ivate information fumished to the Council wi= remain safeguarded from

exp-oitation by preventing sharing′ COmmerCial uses and unauthorized distribution′ both

internal and exte「nal.


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Xl. Committees

CounciI comm匝ees wi= be fo「med from time to time to deal with specific needs. The number

of comm匝ee members may vary, depending upon the compIexity ofthe projects undertaken・

VoIunteers are soIicited to serve on comm匝ees, Subject to appointment by the Executive

Board and notified by the President or Chairperson' Examples ofcomm柾ees which are

seiected from time to time, but not limited to this list, are:

A. Securitv Commi龍ee

B. Communications Committee

C. Web Site Committee

D. Audit Committee

E. Budget Committee

F.しegisIative Committee

G, Maintenance Comm匝ee

H. 1Others)

劃し. Amendments To By-1尋迎宣

A. Subsequent to approval and implementation ofthese Bv-laws′ amendments′

additions, SuPPiements and revisions may be made by a 2/3 majority vote ofthe

CounciI member subsc「ibers at a regula「 meeting ofthe CounciI・ Copies ofthese

changes, OnCe aPPrOVed′ Wi= be provided in writing to each association and

Subscribing business interest"

B. Proposed amendments′ additions′ SuPPlements and revisions must be presented

and discussed prior to a vote. Representatives/deIegates wi= be po=ed to ascertain

passage, With vote resuIts recorded in meeting minutes.

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Approvai of By-1aws Update & Re-iss旦旦

7Trese By-Io均加whg been vofed on ond approved by o 2β mq細面Iy〆Counc〃 members, Ore

hereby ;mpIemenfed ond re-応sued加o eJjfect this _ d。y q/

Representing: Fairway V冊age

R印resenting: Fairwoodしakes

Representing: Fairwood Lakes i=・

尺epresenting: Green Springs Patio Homes

Representing: G「een Springs Property Owners

Representing: GreenTreeV=la l.

Represanting: Green TreeVil看a I上

Represen亡ing: GreenTreeV冊a帖

Representing: GreenTreeV紺a IV"

R印resenting: lsland Green East

Representing: lsland Green Resorts

R。presenting: island Green Resorts I-D

Repre5enting: Island Green South

解presenting: Ta= Oaks Court

Representing: TreeTop Court l.

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T「ee Top Cour=I・

TreeTop Court I=.

TreeTop Court iV"

TreeTop Court V.

T「ee Top Oaks

Tree Top Golf V掴as

Tree Top South

Dogwood Estates

Oak Estates

isIand Green Amenity Center

lsiand Green Goif Cou「se