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d тірші a ses : RICHARD J = СОТТНЕП: and MORRIS stemmen Je

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Theology Library |


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RICHARD J. H. GOTTHEIL and MORRIS JASTROW Jr. Columbia University. University of Pennsylvania.

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"onn загада টায়ার aug kx E |

пону А эйе 2 š (4৮১৯৭ ж ছার 3 x

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Columbia University. University of Pennsylvania.

N’. II.


Assurbaipal, king of í Assy Iria £l. ২০,650,









sui БЇ: X: BRIGE 1903.

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Ashurbanapal, who ruled over Assyria from 668

to 626 B. C. was the fourth member of a dynasty

established by Sargon in 721 B. C. Like his father

Esarhaddon (681—668 B. C.) and his grandfather

Sennacherib, (705—681 PB. C.) a great part of his

reign was occupied with military campaigns, undertaken

chiefly to maintain the empire to which he succeeded,

rather than to enlarge it. The nations around did not

willingly submit to the Assyrian yoke imposed upon

them nor were the Assyrian rulers statesmen, who

could bring about an assimilation between conqueror

and conquered. As the wars waged by the Assyrians

were to a large extent plundering raids, simply on

an infinitely larger scale than the razzias of the Be-

douins, permanent results were achieved only by

constantly repeated assaults and even then to a limited

degree merely. The policy of Ashurbanapal, accord-

ingly, differed in no noteworthy respect from that

of his. three predecessors. The three most important

countries that engaged his attention were Egypt, Elam

and Babylonia. Continuing the efforts of his father

to obtain a controlling influence over the land of the

227809 s dil

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Nile, it seemed for a time as though he would suc-

ceed in adding this district to his domain, but the

movement ended in complete failure. Elam to the

east was a serious rival to Assyria, and the more so

as the danger was always at hand of a combination

between Elam and Babylonia against the mighty

Assyria. After a long and severe struggle, involving

a series of campaigns, Elam was reduced to a con-

dition of defencelessness if not of actual submission.

Before, however, this was accomplished, the dreaded

combination between Elam and Babylonia had taken

place, instigated by Shamashshumukin, Ashurbana-

рав own brother, who had been placed in control of

Babylonia by Ashurbanapal. himself. Shamashshum-

ukin, availing himself of the spirit of independence

which continued active in the south, plotted to make

himself king of Babylonia by espousing the cause of

the Babylonians against Assyria. In this plan he

was aided by Elam, and but for internal dissensions

that broke out there, the combination of the latter

with Babylonia might have succeeded in dealing a

severe blow at Assyrian supremacy. The withdrawal

of Elam, however, left Shamashshumukin in no condition

to withstand the onslaught of his brother who, entering

Babylon in triumph, inflicted severe punishment and

tortures upon those who had aided Shamashshumukin,

while the latter anticipated, through suicide, tho fate

that was in store for him. The campaigns against

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Egypt, Elam and Babylonia are far from exhausting

Ashurbanapal’s warlike activity, and his inscriptions

of which we have a larger number than that of any

other Assyrian ruler, abound in names of places that

he passed through in the course of his expeditions.

Apart from their value as containing the annals of

his reign, it is this rich geographical information that

` lends to Ashurabanapal’s inscriptions a special interest.

The king was also active іп. beautifying his. capital

with notable edifices. He decorated the walls in the

palace chambers with admirable sculptures, illustrative

chiefly of his campaigns, and, what is specially to his

credit, he gathered in his palaces the literary..pro-..

ductions. of the»south in copies specially made be his

scribes from the archives in the temples of Babylonia.

This royal library, unearthed at Nineveh.by LAYARD

and RASSAM in.1850— 1854, is still the chief source

for our knowledge of the remarkable literature that

developed in the south and that was thus transferred

to the north. When Ashurbanapal died, Assyria ap-

peared to be at the height of her glory, but the

constant wars, though on the one hand the source

of her strength, proved to be her ruin. Unable to

withstand the advance of barbarous hordes — inde-

finitely known as the Scythians — who advanced from

the distant north and who were aided by combinations

from the east and south, Assyria fell in 606 B. C. —

only twenty years after Ashurbanapal’s death.

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Of the numerous inscriptions that have been found

of this king in the course of excavations on the site

of Nineveh and elsewhere, the most important is the

splendidly preserved cylinder.of 10 columns found by

Honwvzp RassAM.in 1878. It was originally published

in the 5th volume of the Cuneiform Inscriptions of

Western Asia (London. 1880) Plates I—X and the

autographed text of this edition is based on the official


For an account of the inscriptions of Ashurbanapal

with bibliographical references, see BEzoLD’s Kurzge-

fasster Ueberblick über die Babylonisch-Assyrische

Literatur (Leipzig 1886) pp. 108—121; for the royal

library, BEzoLps Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets

of the Kouyunjik Collection (5 vols. London 1889—

1899); for accounts of the king’s reign (with dis-

cussions of his inscriptions) the chapters on the period

in question in the Babylonian-Assyrian Histories of

MEYER (Geschichte des Alterthums, Bd. I, 1884),

HowwEL (1885), Tiere (1886), Mirprer und DE-

LITZSCH (24 ed. 1891), WINCKLER (1892), MasPERO

(The Passing of the Empires, 1900), and ROGERS

(1900); also JENSENS’s valuable commentary in SCHRA-

DER’s Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek, Vol. IT, pp. 152—236

and the forthcoming volume of Bupez and Kine

“The Annals of the Kings of Assyria”. A collection

of the inscriptions of Ashurbanapal so far as at the

time known was published with a translation (now

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antiquated) as early as 1871 by GEORGE. SMITH

(History of Assurbanipal, London 1871) and with

additional texts in transliteration and translation by

SAMUEL ALDEN SMITH, ‘Die Keilschrifttexte Asurba-

nipals’ (3 Vols. Leipzig 1887—1889). The translations

in this latter work, however, are not at all reliable,

and are superseded by those of JENSFN in German and

by those in English by Тону M. P. SMITH in Harper's |

Assyrian and Babylonian Literature (NewYork 1901)

pp. 94—180.

The text of this edition has been autographed by

the Rev. ROBERT J. Lav of New York City to whom

thanks are due for his painstaking and skillful labors,

while Mr. S. HERBERT LANGDON of Columbia Univer-

sity has prepared the glossary. The glossary is complete

so far as the entry of the nouns, verbs and particles

occurring in the text under the proper stems are

‘concerned, but passages have only been sparingly

referred to, where the word in question is of compara-

tively rare occurrence or for some other special reason.

To have extended the glossary to a concordance of all

the forms with reference to each passage would have

meant a considerable increase of bulk with a corres-

ponding increase of cost and without a corresponding

increase in usefulness. It is the hope of the editors,

provided the success of the series warrants it, to issue

at some future date a series of concordances to the

Assyrian and Babylonian historical texts. In order to

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further save space, many of the explanations in the

glossary have been given in English only. To the

glossary there have been added by Mr. LANGDON brief

explanatory notes — likewise in English only in order

to save space — and a list of ideographs. Mr. Lanapon

will publish more extended notes on this inscription `

of Ashurbanapal in the Journal of the American

Oriental Society, Vol. 24 part 1. The numbers attached

to the signs in the autographed text refer to the list

of ideographs; the letters in the autographed text

refer to the notes. The numbers in the glossary refer

to the columns and lines of the inscription. Numbers

in brackets with the letters Del represent references

to paragraphs in DELITzscH’s Grammar — the reference

by paragraphs enabling the student to find the same

readily in either the German or the English edition

of the work.

July 1908. Morris JasTROW Jr.

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p. IX 1. 11 S. Herbert read Stephen.

E wii ан) the aulographed SÉ

৪422 ০০০৩৫ EN after NIE

ee Qu iv. FE éi yé é 9 RE ev e Ты

Gob. л, 28 un «X aei, < <

Gob mi, 44 nead ঈ be "EET for boa bar ET + 26 ед Ñ after শসা

%40 ғай WM for МЕ

95 read т for к Zä HIR

134 mead м“ ж” k=

GLU, п inant ML whew EN

М read t= fr BEE

৪৮৫ W,19 red HIM f~ AN 88 mead BT fer টা

Gol, ҮШ,9 read YN fw "PT

Gob. IY, ap read МІ жы

&¿ z, 1 mad Pai Lr Fäi

П mad HER few МЫЙ

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(1) Transliteration as in

Delitzsch’s Assyrisches Worterbuch

NSN N =m м п (O: м = y; R° = y, ©.

(2) Translation of words in

English and German; translation of phrases generally in

English only but also in German where essential to a correct

understanding of the context.

(3) Abbreviations

Br = Brünnow classified List of Ideographs

Del = Delitzsch’s Assyrian Grammar

14 = Ideograph

Imp == Imperative

Inf = Infinitive

nm pr = nomine propria

Part = Participle

Perm = Permansive

Pl = Plural

Prs = Present

Prt = Preterite

Voc = Vocabulary.

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Zu ie ict i. ik ы; m

p "met Ga |

Шаты cow py

| [ жыл be

, ma em ГЕ М


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NN "alu to live in tents, in einem Zelte wohnen. Part. 'à 1 u.

amel 'álu Tent-dweller 8124. cf. 8112,

an abu Father Vater pl. abê. ab abi Grandfather, Grossvater.

abu month of Ab, Monat Ab, fifth month, of Assyrian

year, called month of the Bow star 9°. I

AAN 1) be bright, hell sein ibbu shining, artistic hell.

2) be clean, rein sein ЇЇ 1 cleanse reinigen.

an abiktu Overthrow, Defeat, Niederlage.

abullu Great gate, grosses Tor.

38 abnu Stone, Stein pl. ab n ё. Determinative before

names of jewels and stones.

aN. ebéru cross over, überschreiten Prt. ê bir.

nibirtu Crossing, Fartherside, Uberfahrt, Jenseits.

nibartu idem 5°6,

ebüru Produce, Feldertrag 1%.

wax abSénu [Del 65°] Growth of plants, Wachstum

der Pflanzen; ab-Sin-ni-Su 1%,

POR abátu destroy, vernichten Prs. ib bat.

П l idem Prt. ubbit IV 1 escape, entfliehen Prt.


Part. munnabtu. Fugitive, Flüchtling 92° 810!,

DN agágu be angry, zürnen Prt. égug.

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mN ágü Flood, Fluth aggu raging, zürnend.

agü Crown, cresent of the moon, Krone 13,

PAN igsu evilly disposed, böse 5?! v. baränu.

IN egirrü Thought, Sinnen Pl. egirra 107 >= 675].

ugäru Field, Feld pl. 96816.

agurru Brickwork, Outerwall, Ziegelwerk, Um-

schliessung. ¿

igaru Outer wall, Wandumschliessung.

18. edu опе, einer la edu not one, Keiner.

edis alone, allein edi ipparsid 8%. edissu alone, einzig 7174, 1015.

пч. adi until, bis besides, nebst while, während.

adi mahri-ia into my presence, to me, zu mir.

bax. edélu lock, schliessen П 1 idem. Prt. 4411.

ITN adattu Settlement, Wohnsitz Pl. adnäti, People,

Volk 8%, 9110 [Del 495].

VN: edéSu be new, neu sein II 1 uddiš renew erneuern

Precative lu-ud-dis 10111,

essütu Newness, Zustand des Neuseins, ana e$8üti

anew 1114 [Del 48].

W à umma üma that, (ille, this, the same, jener,

dieser, derselbe 419,

umma as follows, folgenderweise 2%, 972,

û and, but, nevertheless, also, und, aber, trotzdem, auch.

HN, ellamu [Del 6536] before, vor ellamu-a 4177,

WR. be light, hell sein, Ajáru, month Ijjar, second month

of Assyrian year. Monat Ijjar (connected with

Heb. IN).

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эм. ezébu allow to remain, lassen. Prt. &zib ПІІ save,

retten Inf. Suzübu.

NN izzu strong, stark Pl. izzüti 753,

5m ала an animal, ein Tier.

azliS like an animal, wie ein Tier [Del 800০৩].

Ins ahu Brother, Bruder. Pl. ahé Fem. ahátu, Sister.

Pl. abati 6%.

ahu nakru a fellow enemy.

ahamiS mutually, gegenseitig 737) 8°".

ahütu Brotherliness, Friendship, Brüderschaft 3:95,


Ups, ара Side, Coast, Seite ahi tämtim, Sea-

coast, Küste 199, 9116,

ahennä (= ahu + аппй) this side, diesseits. cf. 1129 for

ourselves, unter uns [Del 78].

ТІ п. арӣ strange, fremd, mamma abû, any

stranger irgend, eim Fremder 666,

mn. aházu seize, comprehend, fassen. Prt. ébuz. III 1

Prt. usähiz cause to seize, fassen lassen cf. 7113

cause fire to seize.

1. (han Knowledge, Kenntniss 1??.

2. ihzu Covering, Überzug 21°, 623,

"D. be behind, Ainten sein. i aharrü West, Westen, mat aharré Westland 3193

[Del 6537),

ahurrü common soldier, Gemeiner Soldat [lit. one

who follows] 415,

ahardinnu a thorny shrub Stachelwein 855. Id. Gestin-

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0108) = karänu + рафги a vine with sharp pricks.

TON ёйди Fem. étittu [Del 48]. Pl. etdéti Prickly thorn, Stechdorn is itdéti 855,

"DN. eféru save, retten. In n. p. Bel-étir » Bel saves Bel rettet" 892,

N а (а-а) not, nicht. Particle of prohibition. , 52, ékallu Palace, Palast. Pl. &kalläti 5130, Id.

E-gal = bitu rabu, 72". ékurru Temple, Tempel. Id. E-kur » Mountain

house". Name of temple of Bél in Nineveh. TW “Aru aru depart, go on au expedition, weggehen,

sich auf den Weg machen. Prt. êr. Pl. m. ёгі érumma 1° perhaps for érübma v. 3N..

MN абі, 1881, 1861) âti. Accusative of anäku, me, mich [Del 550].

238 akálu eat, essen. Prt. ékul III 1 Prt, ugakil cause (dogs) to eat 475.

ukultu Food, Frass 481, DON. ekému rob, rauben estr. inf. ekim 3115, ekimmu disembodied spirit which wanders without

rest until its body is properly buried. Schatten- geist 675,

ikkimu violent, evil, grimmig [Del 6524] 495, 15৯, uknu Lapis lazuli, Zasurstein aban ukni 6%, ?N. ilu God. Gott, Pl. ilani. Determ. before names

of Gods. Fem. iltu Pl. 11841 Goddess, Göttin. ilu bani-ia my divine father.

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ilütu Divinity, Gottheit ilussun their divinity, ihre

Gottheit 1051,

NN. alu Town, Stadt. Used also of small places v. m a-

рата Vin. Pl aläni. alu Sarratigu his

royal city, sein königlicher Sitz.

Dow. old 1) be high, hoch sein. Prt. êli.

2) ascend, hinaufsteigen 12 Prt. etelli 8৯১ climb.

ПІ 1 cause to go up. Prt. uséli, 8119,

elf upper, what is above, oben befindlich Fem. elt tu

[Del 6597] 119,

eli upon, to, unto, against, over, in addition to, auf,

entgegen, über, ausser eli $a 0106 pani more

than formerly 1115) cf. 2?.

. eli$ outwardly, dusserlich ৪১০,

N. aläku go, come, gehen. Prt. illik. Prs. illak.

Part. áliku. Pl. alik ati.

âlikût idia my helpers, meine Helfer 18% 5";

I2 Prs. ittallak to go about, einhergehen. 8117.

allaku Messenger, Gesandter 197,

maliku Way, March. Gang 82, 611,

LOON 1) bind, binden. Prt. ilul, 2°, 9123,

2) hang, hängen 25, 75°,

allu Chain, Kette 2\0, is allu Basket, Korb 1092,

ullu Chain, Kette 82%, 9109,

tallultu [Del 6732] Harness 6.

II55w be strong, stark sein. ellatu Strength, Stärke,

Military forces 22),

LIT 95২ (?) ul not, nicht. Used only in declarative sentences.

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IV N be bright, hell sein IL 1 purify, waschen. Prt. SES,

ellu magnificent, prächtig.

V Han rejoice, jubeln. Inf. elilu 6102, 10%, Ululu month of Elul, Monat ЕШі, Sixth month 822,

ullü distant, entfernt. Pl. ullüti 4%, ultu ulla,

long ago, seit ferner Zeit 10".

ellamu 4127 у, ap.

Elamü [Del 65?'] Elamite, Elamit.

FPN alpu. Ox, Ochs. Pl. alpé, Horned cattle.

elippu Ship, Schif. Pl. elippati.

YON be jubilant, jubeln I11 make to rejoice Inf. ul- lusu 6170, |

ultu from, out of, von, after, when, nachdem, als. `

"DN. emédu lay upon, auflegen. Prt: &mid, put under

the yoke, unterwerfen (with niru understood)

e. g. 251.

пох amátu Word, Affair, Wort. Pl amáte. amat

Sarrüti-ia my royal mandates, meine König-

liche Befehle. x Son amélu Man, Mensch. Determ. before names of

vocations, officials etc.

DAN ummu Mother, Mutter.

ammatu a linear measure. Ein Längenmass. Hebr.

MDS ЕП, Elle.

umámu Beast, Tier.

ON ummánu [Del 657°] 1) People, Volk. 2) Army,

Heer. Pl. ummänäte used as singular (passim).

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ummänu Artisan, skilled workman, Künstler 1”.

Рох be decreased, stopped, vermindert werden. Prt. ,

imest 499,

pox. өтпей Strength, Kraft amel em ûki Soldiers,

Soldaten 1%, 8৭1, Without amel 7*5,

niméku Wisdom, Weisheit [Del 65?!].

"DN. amáru 1) see, sehen. Prt. émur [Del 102].

Perm. amir, Pl. amru. Prs. im mar. 2) behold,

ansehen. Prec. li-e-mur 10112,

tamartu Spectacle, Show, Schau, Besichtigung.

П 72১ iméru [Del 32a апа 65'?]. Ass, Esel. Determ. before

beasts of burden and domestic animals. Pl. em êr ê.

іштегі Sheep, Schaf. Sacrificial aminal e. g. 9112

IN 6numa whenever, wann.

ina in, by, in, durch ina eli to, zu.

ana against, up to, gegen, Dis.

апай Fem. annitu this, dieser, Pl. annüti, Fem.

annáti [Del 575].

33% enbu Fruit, Frucht.

MN enü bend, beugen IV 1. Prs. innini, turned aside,

umgeändert inninnü 10°.

unütu [Del 655) Implement, Gefäss.

tênû resting place, Ruheplatz, Sleeping chamber,

Schlafgemach 1051,

TN be in ruins, baufallig werden. Prt. ê nah. Руз. inn ab.

anhütu Ruin, Verfall. With Su, anhussu.

INN annu Sin, Misdeed, and then Penalty for sin,

Missetat, auch Strafe e. g. 819,

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Urs 112 implore, pray, flehen. Prt. utnen. Part. mutnennü [Del 68১7] Suppliant, Supplikant 7%,

unninu Prayer, Gebet.

eninna now, at this time jetzt, 472) furthermore,

also, auch 8০7,

anuntu Opposition, Battle, Widerstand, Қалы e. g. 952,

AN арра Nose, Face, Nase, Antlitz, appu labänu to cast oneself to the ground in prayer, sich platt

zu Boden werfen in Gebet 1031, WIN ténisétum Men, Mankind, Menschen, Menschheit

[Del 6522].

aSSatu Wife, Weib. MON asätu Pl. asäti Reins, Zügel, табак asäti, 1%.

ASU a wild animal, wildes Tier 812, "DN eséru enclose, besiege, einschliessen. Prt. êsir.

mésiru Covering, Überzug |65311. IBN upnu Hand, Fist, Hand, Faust, upna 317, DON apsu Ocean, Tiefe. "BN ірги Food, necessities of life, Lebensunterhalt. Pl.


epru, epiru Pl. epráti. Earth, Dust, Staub. Syn- onym of precious metal, als Synonym edler Me-

talle 6%, ‘WEN apSänu Yoke, Joch 277) 799 [Del 6535), VDN. өрбіп make, do, tun, machen. Prt. êpuğ.. Prs.

ippu& [Del 9075] ippu& for appus ৪7 epus- sunuti 1119 êpušuš 3'' [Del 89০০]. I2 eté-

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pus idem еберрав 4". ІЗ Prt. etenippus

exercise, ausüben 10°. III 1 Perm. š 0 pu šu Fem.

sing Sipusat 62১ be made, gemacht.

epistu Pl. epáéti cstr. ipSit Deed, Act, Tat.

ipSit limuttim. Evil deed, böse Tat; then

penalty for wickedness, Strafe, epSetu [Del

69] another Pl. construed as sing 455, This

forms a double Pl. epáété Workmanship,

Bauart 10”, Treatment, Behandlung 971,

үз isu Tree, Wood, Baum, Holz, Determ. before na-

mes of woods and wooden implements. is niru

Yoke, Joch.

YEN: uggu Sword, Schwert 955.

“ух issuru Bird, Vogel. Pl. issur& isgur Sami-e

888 8110. Determ. before and after names of birds.

Id. Hu.

орм. eklu Field, Feld. Pl. ekläti fertile lands, frucht- bare Felder 3°°,

ékir v. "pP.

"N eru Wood, Holz, erisina for erisina 1099,

N éribü swarm of grasshoppers, Heuschrecken-


DN. erébu enter, eintreten. Prt. érub. Prs. irrub.

érumma 1° y, TN, III, 1. cause to enter, ein-

treten lassen. Prt. userib. Prs. uSérab.

Inf. estr. ereb, erib.

niribu Pass, Zugang 7119) Door Tür 814.

arba’u four, vier v. ১২৯৩৭,

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MN ardu Slave, Knecht. Pl. ardáni. ardu pálihu

v. ПО.

ardütu Service, Slavery, Knechtschaft, ep êšu art-

dû ti to serve, als Sklave dienen a shave 4°,

MN protect schützen, aritu Shield, Schild Säb& is

ariti shield bearers 72.

erü Copper. Kupfer. өгіз like copper 6%,

агра Month, Monat, v. П.

TN be swift, schnell sein II 1 cause to hasten, eilends

senden. Prt. urrih 45. |

штирі swiftly, eilends 1". urhé 8১1,

urhu Way, Street, Weg. РІ.

IL be insolent, frech sein. mirihtu Insolence,

Frechheit 414,

HIMN punish, s/rafen. Prt. érih 425,

"T^ aräku be long, become tall, lang sein. Prt. órik

e. gc 1^,

arku long, lang.

TN arnu Misdeed, Missetat.

INN erinu Cedar, Cedar.

ys irsitu Earth, Erde.

ursu Ground, Boden, San urgu some kind of weed,

eine Art Unkraut 679, ç

I N curse, verfluchen. Prt. &rur. 2 fem. sing. Багат 2125,

arratu Curse, Fluch. Pl. arráti.

П 57%. burn, brennen. ariru burning, brennend 451,

win eréSu implore, bitten.

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JUN aSagu Thornbush, Stachelgewächs 3* Id. Ugir =

Sammu patru. »A plant with sharp points",

Pflanze mit scharfer Spitze.

MWN iSàtu Fire, Feuer isätu litbusat clothed in fire,

in Feuer gehüllt 9*9.

DUN ušmànu Camp, Lager 8193,

e&marü, e$marü ibbu, A bright jewel of some

kind, ein glänzender Edelstein 611,

PAWN isippütu priestly function, Priesterliche Funk-

tion 4৯০ [Del 65311,

pwr iSkatu Fetter, Fessel 2199,

I^wN show mercy, gnádig sein. aSru Temple, Heilig-

tum, i. e. place where the gods show mercy Pl.

৪8761 107%,

П WN collect, sammeln, айги Place, Ort. cstr. абат

as prep. where, in, wo, in e. g. 1119,

MWN. ešertu ten. zehn, cstr. eSerit.

aSaridu chief, Vornehmster = айти -} edu, having

. first rank’ 4!!!,

aSSuritu fem. of aššurů, Assyrian, Assyrisch 199

[Del 65?'].

aššu for the sake of, wegen 817) because, da 2112)

while, als 1099,

WYN uššu Foundation, Fundament.

iStön one, a certain one, ein, einer 8119,

ištenšu once, einmal 7°.

ištêniš together, gemeinsam.

Ištar Pl. iátaráte Goddesses, Göttinnen.

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HNN etellütu Majesty, Herrlichkeit, rubü etellütu great in majesty.

PON. etéku advance, anriicken 12 Prt. etétik. métiku Advance. Vorrücken 1°, attu Used with pronominal suffixes to form emphatic

pronouns, mit Pronominalsuffizen gebraucht, at tû ui as regards us, was uns betrifft, attüa as regards me, was mich betrifft.

itti with, against, mit, gegen. ittu Side, Seite Pl. itate [Del 69], itateSu on

all sides of it, zu allen Seiten 101,


"R-3 IL 1 Prt. uba'i seek, demand satisfaction for bro- ken faith, suchen, ahnden uba'u katuššu they exacted penalty from him, 532, of, 1193,

2N2 babu Gate, Tor. Pl. babäni. ?N.2 bélu rule, possess, beherrschen. Prt. ib 61,

bélu Lord, Master, Herr, pl bêlê. Fem, béltu pl. 06166).

bélütu Government, Act of ruling, Herrschaft. bélu Weapon, Waffe pl. bêlê.

782 báru catch, fangen. Prt. ibár. 733 bubütu Hunger, Hunger.

bülu Catte, vierfüssiges Getier. 12 baru young wild ox, junger Wildochs e. g. 90, গাও buhlalü Name of a class of priests who minis-

tered at the temples of Susa, Bezeichnung einer

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bestimmten zu Susa, fungierenden Priesterklasse 635,

буз batàlu cease, aufhören ІП 1 cause to cease. Prt,


batiltu cessation, Wegfall 2115.

bitu House, Haus. Pl. bitáti.

bit-nakkamáti 1'% у, 053.

bit-ridüti Harem, Harempalast 12) 1051,

522 baken young of camels, Kameeljunges 9%,

52 baltu Some kind of a garden plant, eine Gartenplanze.

$523 balätu live, leben. Inf. estr. balat. H 1 uballit

cause to live, leben lassen.

baltu living, lebend. Pl. m. baltüti [Del 67°].

baltütu condition of being alive, lebendiger Zustand.

With suffix, baltussu Abilüni, they brought

him alive, sie brachten ihn lebendig.

0253 [Del 117] Ш 1 tear away, cause to rebel, wegreissen,

zum Wiederstand anfachen. Prt. usbalkit IV 1

Prt. ibbalkit with sir to rise up against, sich

los reissen, e.g. 4! with eli idem e. g. 1019,

пуз banû build create, bauen, erzeugen. Prt. ib ni. РІ. ibn û fem. ibná 0101, Part. bind Father, Erzeuger.

binütu Creation, Offspring, 77728877198,

bintu Daughter, Zochter. Written bi-in-tu 279,

Pl. bináti.

ma be happy, heiter sein. Perm. Pl. bana 1071,

“02 II 1 bring news, Botschaft bringen, Prt. ubassir.

bussurtu good news, Freudenbotschaft 10% [Del 654}.

N33 be hungry, hungern. büru Hunger.

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nibrétu Starvation, Hungersnot.

baránü rebellious, empörerisch [Del 6535) 5°! Syn.

of igsu.

172 discern, durchschauen. Prt. ib ri. III 1 cause to see,

reveal, sehen lassen, offenbaren Prt. uša bri.

biru, béru Glance, Blick, ina biri among, zwischen


birtu Midst, Mitte: as prep. birit along, among,


IIMA enchain, fesseln. biritu = biri-itu Chain,

Fessel 1191 [Del 6537),

on birmu bright garment, buntes Kleid.

ma baSA have, be, haben, sein. Perm. Pl. basa. ШІ

usabSi instigate, bring about, in Zeene ‚setzen.

IV 1 ibbaši arise, become, werden.

bušû Possession, Besitz.

53 boil, kochen. Prt. 15811.

` bithallu Horseman, Reiter, amel ša bithallé cap-

tain of cavalry 655, |


223 gubbu. Pl. gubbáni. Cistern, Cisterne. |

23 барба powerful, destructive, gewaltig.

лї güdu beside, with, nebst.

772 oppose, befeinden, Prt. igir 450,

223 gammalu Camel, Kameel. Pl. ga m m a16 [Del 6524].

m) gamäru. complete, vollbringen. Prt, ig mur.

gitmuru [Del 65%), Sarrat gitmuri. Queen of

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totality, epithet of Ištar; Ištar als »Königin der


gimru Totality, All, Gesammtheit, ana pat gim-

гіба in its whole extent, in seinem ganzen Umfang

6199, gimir işê, all kinds of trees 10194,

7১8 ginf regular, customary, regelmässig.

gipäru Field, cane-brake, Feld, Gefild.

yx) gissu some kind of plant, eine Planze.

77) кйгй Enemy, Feind. Pl. gûrê.

gira Territory (?) Gegend (?) 719%,

171 girru, March, Expedition, Weg, Feldzug. Pl. gir-


“М2 gasru strong, stark.

gušûru Beam, Balken. Pl. is" gusür& 10%,

Vw gašišu Stake, Pole, Stange.


da'átu Bribe, Bribery, Bestechung e. g. 8171,

221 dabábu 1) speak, reden. Prs. idabub, Prt. id bub.

2) plan, planen.

dabábu Intrigue, Plan.

dababtu. Idem.

537 dagálu look upon, anschauen. Prs. idaggal with

pänu, face, pänu dagálu to look up into the

face of another, to be submissive to, sich unterstel-

len. Part. dágil, dägil páni-ia my subjects, meine

Untertanen. III 1 ušad gil, with p ûn u to sub-

ject one to the rule of another, untertan machen.

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T" dáku kill, tödten.

diktu Destruction, Slaughter, Vernichtung.

শীল dûrû everlasting, ewig. Fem. Pl. dáráti, used as a

noun, Eternity, Ewigkeit, parak däräti an ever-

lasting sanctuary, Ein ewiges Heiligtum 6124.

düru city wall, Stadtmauer.

rm dahdu abundant, strotzend.

p дапа judge, richten. Prt. idin. Precative lidin 10120.

dinu Judgment, Justice, Gericht, din dänu to

obtain judgment for one, jemandes Sache führen.

8.27 dikü summon, aufbieten. Prt. idki.

757 dakû throw down violently, overthrow, niederwer-

fen. Prt. idki, anhussu adki, I tore down its

ruins, ich riss seine Ruinen herunter 101,

27 daltu Doorpost, Türflügel. Pl. is dalati.

257 dalabu be oppressed, in Not sein. IL 1 oppress, Part. mudallibu 2!%,

>97 dalálu be obedient, gehorsam sein. Prs. idallal. I 2 Part. muttallu Obedience, Gehorsam, ina epés

pi muttalli, to act obediently, in Gehorsam

handeln 113,

D" dámu Blood, Blut. Pl. dám, in sense of blood

of many persons.

DO dimmu Pillar, Obelisk, Säule.

pot damáku be pure, favorable, hell sein, gnádig sein.

II 1 make favorable, günstig machen. Perm. dum- ̀

muk 1079,

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dunku Favor, friendly aid, Gunst [Del 49]. damiktu Kindness, Mercy, Gnade Simat damik-

tim, favorable destiny, günstiges Schicksal 3%.

7 H 1 udannin, strengthen, stärken; in proper

name, Samas-udannin-an-ni i. e. Šamaš has

strenghthened me, бата? hat mich gestärkt 10122,

daninu Might, Strength, Macht.

dannu strong, stark. Pl. m. dannüti, fortified (ofa

city) befestigt 2150,

dannütu Stronghold, Strength, Festung, al dan-

nüii a fortified city.

dupSikku supposed to be the hood of а slave, made

of cane-brake, Frohnkappe.

dupSarrütu art of writing, Schreibkunst 1°.

ПУЛ dagátu Enmity, Feindseligkeit. Pl. dagati 29,


53! abàlu carry, bring, place, tragen, bringen. Prt. à bj |

Prs. ubbal, with ümu, (time, zeit) to pass the

time away, die Zeit verbringen 10%, 1111 cause

one to bring, bringen lassen. uSébila 10%,

Inf. 8610 010 725, |

12 Prt. ittubil. [Del 113] Part. muttabbil,

manage, führen Fem. Prt. unütu muttabbilti

ékallatisu the household implements of his

palaces, die Geráthe seiner Paläste 617,

biltu [Del 39] Tribute, Tribut, also measure of weight. 2

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mm ааа. Agreement, Oath, Vertrag, Eid; a-di-e Sum 11801 uSaskirSunuti 122, I caused them to

take oaths in the name of the Gods, ich liess

sie Fide leisten im Namen der Götter. 75) aládu bear, produce, gebären. Part. älidu Procreator,

Father, Erzeuger, Vater, IV 1 i’alid be born,

geboren werden ] 27.

talittu [Del 65321 Birth, Geburt. DD! simtu [Del 39] Adornment, Insignia, Schmuck,

estr. simat. Pl. ৪1 00 & 01, simänu. Attire, proper equipment, Anzug.

ND ПІІ glorify, Prt. ußäpä, verherrlichen.

NY ай go forth, ausgehen. Prt. üsi, multahtu ul

2-51, no rebel got away, kein Abtrünniger entging 4%, TIL 1 Prt. uSéga, cause to be brought forth,


situ [Del 39] going forth, product, dus Honore sit libbisu his own child, sein eignes Kind 95,

sit Sam$i Sunrise, Sonnenaufgang, ina abulli

sit Šamši at the east gate, am Ostthor 019৩, mûşû Exit, way of escape, Ausgangsort.

"jp! akäru be dear, teuer sein. Prt. &kir. III 1 make

a commodity high priced, scarce, kostbar machen.

Pri. ušàkir 9°, |

akru Fem. akartu costly, wertvoll.

m aru bring, lead, bringen. Prt. ara.

П агра Month, Monat estr. arah.

T" arkü later, second, später, arkitu Fem; Pl. Fem.

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arkätu Future, Zukunft, ana arkät ûmê in

future days 10193.

arki Prep. behind, after, hinter, arki abamis

after each other, in succession, hinter einander. 1015,

arkánu thereafter, nachmals [Del 80 c].

p" urkitu Grass, Gras. Id. Sim; combined with A, water (mà) to form ideograph for water carrier.

ef. 95° ie, Sim with infixed А = (with determ.

amélu) »man who waters plants", Wasser-


21 абара sit, dwell, sitzen, wohnen. Prt. 88110, Prs.

uSSab. Perm. 9810) at-tu-ni a-Sa-ba-ni

mi-i-nu 1122 as to us, how can we dwell? Was

uns anbetrifft, wie können wir wohnen. IIT 1 usé8ib

eause to sit, locate soldiers in.a place, Truppen

niederlassen 19,

Subtu [Del 39] Dwelling place, Wohnsitz, Subat

ilani rabüti abodes of the great gods, Woha-

sitze der grossen Götter 8115,

müSabu [Del 6531] Dwelling, Wohnung, mü ša b

bélati-8u his royal dwelling place, sein kónigli-

cher Wohnsitz.

mûšabů Adj. formed from müSab [Del 65°], mu-

Sa-bu-u, bélüti one who dwells in imperial

power Herrschersitz, 9°°.

i Suttu [Del 39] Dream, Traum. Pl. Sunäti and

Sunätu, |

"W^ sink down, niedersinken, ІП 1 Prt. uSéSir cast

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onesself down, sich niederwerfen [cf. III 1 of NI3 us-ba-'i to plunge forward] 4%.

"D surpass, überschüssig sein. II 1 increase, steigern. Prt. uttir Pres uttar, with eli Sap an greater

than before, über das frühere Mass hinausgehen. ПІ 1 idem uSätir, with êli $a mahri e.g. 2°,

or with éli $a e. g. 219 — more than, mehr als.


3N? zibu issur zibu, Bird of prey, Raubvogel. Pl. zi-i-bi issur 415,

ІМ П 1 adorn, schmücken. Prt. uza’in.

№27 zibu Pl. zibé, Offering, Opfer. 221 carry, tragen. Prs. izabbil 10%, Part. zábilu

10%, ПІІ with kudurru to put one in bondage,

Jemandem Frohndienst auflegen. Prt. uSazbil


N divide, teilen. Prt. izüz; mata ahennä nizüz le& us divide the land among us, Lasst uns das

Land unter uns verteilen 1129, IL 1 scatter, in

Menge verteilen. Prt. атай? 79, 947, "mt zabalü a metallic plating, ein metallener Überzug,

pitik zabalé ibbi 24, resplendent plating of fine workmanship..

zahalü adj. shining, glánzend. I 701 zakáru name, call, nennen, rufen. Prt. izkur.

zikru Speech, Rede, zikir &аріё-іа speech of my lips, mention, Kundmachung 2%,

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II 12î zikru manly, brave, männlich: аз noun, man,

mann, zikru u zinni$ male and female,

männlich und weiblich 2*9. Fem. zikirtu [Del

65*] Wife, Weib. Pl. zikréti.

mor zamû Ill Prt. uzamma, deprive one of some-

thing, berauben (double accusative). 6191.

ПЛ zinü rage, zürnen.

тіпй enraged, erzürnt. 4%.

I |t zanánu care for, fördern. Inf. estr. zanin,

II o zanánu rain, regnen. Prs. izannun.

zunnu Rain, Regen. Id. Mu-An i. e. water of heaven,

Wasser des Himmels.

3 zinnistu Woman, Weib. Determ. before names of

women and female class names. Sal zikréti Wives

4%, zinniáat ékalli, Queen, Königin 5°,

Written also zin niš male and female zikru

u zinnis 2%.

zinni$ v. zinnistu.

17 ziknu Beard, Bart.

POT zakápu plant, pflanzen. Prt. izkup.

pp zakiku Stormwind, Wind.

. "pt такага tower up, ragen. П 1 uzakkiru šal-

hûšu, he made its walls high, er machte seine

Mauer hoch 4130,

zikkurratn, Тетрейитт. pyramidal shaped tower

of Babylonian and Elamitie temples 6?'.

টাটা zaktu sharp, scharf 99%,

&. produce, zeugen.

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zéru line of descent, family, seed, Samen, Geschlecht, 10112,

TTT zarätu Tent, Zeit. Panoply with an inscription 10198,


man haba Vessel, Gefäss. Pl. habé 959. nan habátu plunder, plündern. Prt. ihbut.

I2 ihtabbata idem. 851,

I3 used as I2 with hubtu.

Prs. ihtanabbatu hubut mat Elamti they plunder Elam, sie plündern Elam 5%,

hubtu Plunder, Beute, cstr. hubut [Del 655] used by metonmy for captives, Gefangene 111%,

hégallu Fullness, Overflow, Überfluss. nm badd be glad, rejoice, fröhlich sein.

hidätu Joy, Freude, Pl. hidäti 105, hadiS [Del 80 b] joyfully, freudig.

ТП mahäzu [Del 65১1] City, Stadt; used of large places. Pl. maházé (i). Cf. mn.

nn hétu hittu cornice of a door, Lintel, Sims 10192, hazinu «mé! hazänu, State official of some kind,

Vorsteher. Pl. hazänäti 2108, 694, NOM hatü sin, sündigen. Prt. ihti. With ina adi to

sin against by breaking oaths e. g. 1119, hititu. Pl. hitati Sin, Sünde. multahtu III 2 Part. Rebel, Abtrünniger. 492,

HD hattu Sceptre, Stab, Insignia of authority, D'Y! рафи see, learn, sehen, lernen. Prt, ihit.

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wn birtu estr. hirat, Spouse, Gemahlin.

(т hilänu entrance hall of a palace, Vorhalle bit

Тапа 10197,

লগা haläpu I? cover, anlegen. Prt. uballip.

to conceal oneself, sich verbergen 893,

tahlupu, tahlubu [Del 65526] Тор, Ueberkleidung

10%, dk | yon halsu: Citadel, Veste. Pl. halsé.

pon haláku be destroyed, vertilgt werden. IL 1 Prt. u hal-

lik, destroy utterly, vertilgen.

von hantu swift, eilend [Del 49a].

hamát Help, Unterstützung 175,

won han&u fifth, fünfter [Del 49a].

227 hanábu be luxuriant, üppig. Ш 1 Prs. usahnab,

cause to be fruitful, luxuriant, Zppig machen 1%.

ооп hasásu. Prt. ihsus to think, ponder, denken.

Part. básisu e. g. 8%.

nbn hipü break, destroy, zerbrechen. Prt. ib pi.

23" harábu be desolate, verwüstet sein. III 1 make

desolate, verwüsten. Prt. uSabrib.

Dn HII destroy utterly, vertilgen. Prt. usharmit.


harránu Way, Weg, used often with III 2 of WwW

in sense of making a direct and quick march

e. g. 225,

yn huräsu. Gold, Gold.

harru. Pl. harré, Ring, Ring 392,

won hursu Hill, Mountain, Berg. Pl. hursäni.

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ron hasáhu to long for, verlangen. Prt. iháuh.

husáhu Hunger, Hunger.

nnn tahtü [Del 65322] acc. ta hté for tahta, Over- throw, Niederlage 193,

inn hatanu Son-in-law, Schwiegersohn.

INN hutna Knife, Messer.


DR. têmu Will, Understanding, Wille, Verstand ténSu ১০ [Del 49a].

১২3১ tabtu Salt, Salz.

Nad fabáhu slay in battle, schlachten II 1. e.g. 8%,

20 tabu be good, gut, fromm sein.

Ира Goodness, Wohltat, tib libbi, Repentance,


tabu good, gut.

tàbiš with good will, kindly, freundlich.

tübtu. Pl. tubbáti Friendliness, words of good will,

Freundlichkeit 399,

tabtu Kindness, Wohltat.



টা" idu Hand, side of the body, Hand, Seite. Pl. ida (originally dual). [Del 67*] 9% and idáti.

УТ know, wissen. Prt. idi. Perm. idi 2123,

D" amu Day, Tag. Pl. ûmê, ina ûme ‘Suma at

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that time, Time, working hours, zu der Zeit,

Zeit, Dienstzeit. 121 immu right side, rechte Seite, Rechts.

ру suck, saugen. Prt. énik. IIT 1 muSönikäti Part.

Fem. Pl. Mothers that give suck 9%,

кт miränu [Del 0555] (perhaps best referred to this

stem). Fear, Furcht, Ummanaldas mi-ra-nu-

us-Suin-na-bit. Ummanaldas fled in fear

U. floh aus Furcht 8112,

IN increase, mehren. Prt. &rib, irib grow up, auf-


mw have, be, haben, sein. Prt. i8i. Prs. isi, 1881.

WA grow upright, thrive, gerade, recht sein. Prt. i8ir.

III 2 to make a direct march, geraden Weges

ziehen lassen. Prt. uSteSSir. Perm. Sutésur,

brought about successfully, gelingen lassen 15°.

iSaru Fem. išartu and iBirtu, straight, gerade 6120,

méSaru Justice, Gerechtigkeit 39৭,


D35 kabásu 1) tread, treten. Prt. ik bus. Prs. ikab-

bas. 2) subdue, unterwerfen.

kibsu Tread, Tritt, estr. kibis 6!0!,

“зз kibratu Region, Gebiet. Pl. kibrati 105,

гоо kabittu Mood, Disposition, Gemit.

kabtu heavy, mighty, schwer, mächtig. Fem. ka-

bittu 24,

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kigallu v. under 72. large place, grosse Fläche.

kidmuru better Gitmuri v. sub m.

772 kadirtu mighty, mächtig.

kudurru syn. of dú pšikku (q. ") hood of slave,


22 hold, halten IL1 Pari, mukil amel mukil Su-

Parl, Name of some kind of officer = holder of

the masak Pa, (perhaps = aßäti cf. DN) Chariot

driver, Wagenlenker 697) cf. 134,

DO kamu, Place, Stelle. Prep. kûm in place of, 8%,

D капи I[1 establish, fix, festigen. Prt. ukin.

kinu. kénu, faithful, treu. Fem. kittu. 3%,

kajan with certainty, steady, beständig.

kittu = kintu [Del 49%], Truth, এ

Wahrheit 899,

m kizü Attendant, Begleiter 739,

ОПО kihullü weeping, weinen, айат kihullé, a

place of weeping 715,

0 ki when, als, wie. Prep. like, gleich, ki-i pi-i in

accordance with, gemdss ৪, b. 1049,

kiam thus, so.

kigallu Sumerian loan word (or ideographie —'

= ašru-rû bû. large place, grosse Fläche 8121,

DO kima like, as, wie, gleichwie.

DD kimáü for the sake of, instead of, wegen [Del 80 e].

WD kën Plant, Fruit tree Pflanze 951,

222 kakkabu [Del 61] Star, Stern. kakkab kašti

Bowstar, Bogenstern, name of the star Sirius 919, РА

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522 kikittu religious ceremony, Ceremonie. amel ki-

kittü priest of Elamitie mysteries 6°°, 72,

122 kakku Weapon, Waffe. Pl. kakké.

752 kalü cause to end. cease, ein Ende machen, auf-

hóren. Prt. iklà.

kalü Totality, All, Gesammtheit, kaliSunu all of


kalämu all, all. Adv. entirely, altogether, ganz.

752 kalbu cstr. kalab. Pl. kalbé, Dog, Hund.

192 kalakku Cellar, Keller 1093,

92 ШІ Prt. uSaklil, complete, fertig machen.

kullatu Entirety, Ganzhe*’

255 П 1 cause to see, sehen lassen. Prt. ukallim.

Inf. estr. kullum 8*.

kultaráti Tents, Zelte, >it şêri kul-ta-ra-a-ti

mü-Sa-bi-Su-nu tents their dwellings, Zelte

ihre Wohnungen 1'?!. Determ. bit şêri — » house

of the field" [Del 51].

поо kama bind, binden.

kimu Fem. kimtu Family, Familie.

I 323 П 1 cause to be plentiful, strotzen machen.

Perm. kummur 151,

П 952 kamáru devastate, niederstrecken. Inf. 5118,

Кашагбӛапа askun, I wrought their destruc-

tion, Ich bewirkte thre Niederlage.

735 П 1 take charge of, in Obhut nehmen.

taknü careful preparation, sorgsame Zubereitung 3°°,

perhaps better to be connected with von

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733 kunukku some kind of a building stone, ein Bau- steinart,

М2 bow down, become obedient, sich beugen, sich

unterwerfen. Prt. iknu&. Perm. kaniš 2%: ШІ

subdue, unterwerfen. Prt. u$akni&.

kan$u subservient, unterwürfg. Pl m. 85080 81 9120.

kansiS obediently, unterwürfig [Del 80 b] 10%,

поо kussü Throne, Tron.

kaskal-git A linear measure, a distance of about

8 miles, covered by an army in two hours march:

Distanz von ungefähr 8 Englische тейеп von

einer Armee in etwa zwei Stunden zurückgelegt,

cf. 9'? ASurb’s army make six Kaskal-git

in a night i. е. 12 hours 5123; Kaskal =

harränu and Git —arku i. e. »long way:”

"langer Weg’ Followed always by kakkaru,

(ground, Boden) as a post-determinative.

kislimu month of Kislev, Monat Kislev, Ninth month.

DDD kasásu crush, zermalmen. Prt. iksus.

поо kispu celebration for the dead, Totenfeier 413; 67°,

kaspu Silver, Silber. Id. Ku- Ud = ellu bright and

parzillu metal, »the bright metal", ‘helles Metal’.

725 kapádu plan, planen. Prt. ikpud, libbasu-

nuti ikpud limuttu their heart plotted evil,

ihr Herz sann auf Böses 1120) cf. 8'?, 111

to lead one into evil, jemanden verführen, ana

with person and acc. of crime. ušak pid u 45*

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ро карри Fountain, Sprudel 931,

272 kirbu, kirib Middle, Mitte. Used as preposition

kirib, in the midst of 8192) adi kirib 2'* у,

kaSädu. Катара bless, be well disposed to,

segnen. Imptv. kurub, kurbanni bless me,

segne mich 2105,

I T2 cause to be distressed, endanger, in Not brin-

gen. ПІ Idem. ukarri. Prt. 255,

II 72 fetch, holen 12 bring together, herbeibringen.

Prt. iktir 4°.

kirû Orchard, Baumgarten. Pl. kirati Id. is» Sar.

In the id. for »gardener" Nu- is Sar = zika-

ru-kirà »man of the garden”, Mann des

Gartens 951,

072 karmu pile of debris, Schutthaufen.

175 karánu Wine, Wein.

kurunnu Sesame wine, Sesamwein 1093 [Del 6533),

CO karásu lock a door, Tür verriegeln: kurussu

leather thong, Lederband 445,

772 kirru Lamb, Lamm.

I 1972 karaSu Body, Stomach, Leib e. g. 9০7,

П ৮75 karaSu Camp, Lager e. g. 7°.

7002 kisadu Neck, Hals e.g. 7*'.

W Кабайп subdue, conquer, siegen, unterwerfen. Prt. 1800. Ішріу. kusud 299, Inf. 5%, come upon,

erreichen, ik-su-us-su-nu-ti 1192, Part. käsid,

kakké Ašur käsidüti the conquering arms

of Абаг 8°,

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nw» kiStu Forest, Wald. Pl. kisätu.

75 Perm. milik la kuSir a plan which was not

helpful, a hostile scheme feindlicher Plan 1121,

WY) kiSSatu Totality, Gesammtheit 1.

702 КЇЙ some kind of cloth, Kleidungsstof. РІ.

kité 210,

опо katámu cover, surpass, conquer, bedecken, über-

wältigen. Prt. iktum 185,

"n2 kitru Alliance, Vertrag 1121,


xd là not, nicht. general negative, used with adjec-

tives to form phrases, la kanSu, unsubdued,

la kinu, unfaithful,

la hasis t&bti, not thinking of good la násir

mamit eläni 8°, not keeping the oath of the

. gods.

la salülu restlessness 675.

89 lû Ox, Ochs, Used as determ.

1 nw? ltu Strength, Kraft Pl. 1itati [Del 69৭] 10%, I nN5 fill with debris, beschmutzen.

а-а Pl. m. lu-"àti, defiled, filled up with rubbish,

beschmutzt, 451.

1225 libbu Heart, seat of the emotions, Herz, adi

libbi ûme anni to this very day, bis zu

diesen Tag. 6°.

ina libbi in, in the midst, darin, in, ultu

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libbi üme ša from the very day when, von dem

Tage an 2193,

225 libbatu Rage, Fury, Zorn 726,

|29 labánu place something flat, platt hinwerfen. With

appu to east oneself to the earth in prayer, sich

platt zu Boden werfen, Prt. ilbin: albin appi

I cast myself down 10?! у, POR.

libittu [Del 490) lowest part of a foundation,

Grundfeste. Pl. libnäti. libnassu ukin 10%.

IC Jabánu make brick tiles, Ziegel streichen. Part. läbinu: lábin libnáte, brickmaker 10%.

libittu unburnt brick, ungebrannter Ziegelstein. РІ.

libnäti 10%,

729 labáru become old, alt werden. 1১18, ilabir.

labári$ in condition of old age, alt sein. 105%,

wa> labá$u be clothed, bekleidet sein. Il 1 clothe, be-

kleiden (acc, of person and thing). Prt. ulabbis

29, 12 Perm. Ištar 1886) litbußat. Ištar

who clothes herself with fire 999,

lubultu clothes, Kleidung 6'% [Del 51].

Y là Precative particle with present and imperfect,

Wunschpartikel [Del 93] standing alone e.g. lu-u

ebiru 870 or contracted e.g. li-e-mur 10102,

15 speak scoffingly, lose Reden führen. Prt. ilzin 45,

n^ lahû Cheek, Kinnbacken 9191,

"9 Ири Offspring, Deseendant, Abkömmling, liplipi

[109] 73] Idem. T 79 Шага some kind of a tree whose wood has a

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sweet odor, eine Baumart mit wohlriechendém

Holze 10%.

5 lulü expensive decoration, verschwenderische Pracht 10104,

109 lamádu learn by experience, in Erfahrung bringen.

Prt. ilmad 1%.

> lamü surround, umgeben. Prt. ilme 9%. III1

cause to surround, umgeben lassen 9124,

limmu Eponym year, Archontat 10122,

limétu surrounding territory, Umkreis.

122 limná bad, evil, bos, schlecht. Fem. limnitu 8",

limuttu [Del 495] Evil, Enmity, ScAlechtigkeit, Feind- seligkeit 1120 By metonomy, the result of evil,

Misfortune, Unglück 2124.

005 lamassu (syn of 8609) protecting deity, Schutz-

gott 6%,

арап Prep. [ОҒ 355] before, vor ll", 7p? lapátu turn, overturn, wenden; raze, demolish,

` umstürzen. ПІ 1 Idem. Prt. uSalpit 69,

np» liptu Work, Destruction, Werk, Verheerung, lipit

Ira, The plague of Ira 8179, 3154,

қар? likü take away, wegnehmen. Prt. ilki 243, 41

accepi, receive, annehmen.

Dp» laktu the opened hand, finger, die geöffnete

Hand, Finger 213 2%, |


D ma enclitic adverb and emphatic particle e. g.

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Satirma verily it is written also ist es geschrie-

ben 3?', ina ümeSu-ma at that very time

zu der Zeit 6119,

ma enclitic conjunction, and, und. Used only to

connect clauses.

ma-a Adv. thus, folgenderweise 9122,

"ND be much, many, viel sein. Perm. ma-'-id,

ma du 6%,

ma-’-adu much, numerous, viel. Fem. ma'attu, 7115,

ma'-assu [Del 43 end and 48] 2°.

ma’adiS very, very much, very many, sehr, sehr

viel 1059.

IND métu enlarged, ausgebreitet 915,

"MD тати send, schicken П 1 Idem. Prt. u- ma'ir.

tamartu [Del 6252] Gift, Geschenksendung.

78.2 шаги Son, Sohn, шаг mari, Grandson, Enkel,

már Sarrütia, time of my being heir apparent.

Pl. mûrê mat Assur, Assyrians, Assyrer 224,

Fem. mártu Daughter, Tochter.

702 magáru be favorable, obedient, günstig sein, ge-

horsam, zugethan.

I 2 help, helfen. Prs. imdagar, [Del 48 end]

nindaggara [Del 49] ahamis, let us help

each other, lasst uns einander helfen 1125,

magiru, magru favorable günstig.

mü Water, Wasser. Pl. m&, used of large quan-

tities 809 931,

Dm mütu Death, Tod.

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mitütu [Del 655) State of being dead, Zustand des Totseins 456, 746

"TD mëhü Rainstorm, Regensturm. mahhütu Frenzy, Ekstase, mahhütas like one in

frenzy, wie von Sinnen 154 nn» muhhu Head, Scheitel, ina m uhhi. Prep. upon,

over, auf, über.

I ym mahägu kill, erschlagen 12 fight, kämpfen. Inf. mithusu. Part. mun dahsu [Del 48 end and 49] Soldier, Krieger. Pl. mu ndahsé 5110,

II yma pour over übergiessen. Prt. 1. s. amhas 10%. "TD maharu 1) stand opposite to, meet, gegenübertreten,

also, pray, бейеп 2117, Prt. imhur; 2) receive, emp- fangen 2০1. 1 2 Idem. Adj mitháru, mitha- riš in accord with, übereinstimmend amel mun- dahiru [Del 48 end and 49] Ally, Helfer; 3) buy, trade, kaufen, handeln I 8, imdanaharu [Del 84 end] 952, idem.

mahrü first, ancient, erster, früherer Fem. mahritu. mahru Front, Vorderseite. світ, m ahar before, vor,

ina mahri to, unto, nach 8%, adi mahri, against, gegen 8', ina mahar, into Gs presence of, an- gesichts 5100,

mihirtu opposite, Gegenüber. cstr. mihrit, [Del 72] over against, before 511 in conjunction with, zu- sammen mit 751. van of an army 999,

tamharu Battle, Kampf 10%. mahiru Price, place of trading, Preis, Handels-

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platz, bab mahiri, trading gate, Handelstor


очо maialu Bed, Bett 107°

122 makküru private property, Eigentum, пат kuru

[Del 65°! end].

mala as many as, so viel als 1119,

N22 malû be full, fill, voll sein, füllen. Prt. imla.

Perm, mali, (trans.) 492, Inf. malû Fulness 729,

II 1 fill, anfüllen. Prt. umalli 94, With каби, to

induct into office, in ein Amt einführen, 1%, 37%,

II 2 fill up entirely, ап/ еп. Prt. umtallu 9*5,

ПІН Idem. uámalli 107.

malû [Del 68১7] full, voll. Fem. malitu 247, 5*!.

milu High water, Hochwasser.

tamlü Terrace, Terrasse. Mound on which a building

is reared 1077.

592 maláku advise, rule, beraten. Prt. imlik.

maliku, malku Prince, First.

milku Counsel, Rath.

multahtu v. дип [Del 51°].

melammu Pl. melammé Glitter, Gianz, of weapons

and then, by metonomy, shining weapons, glänzende

Waffen 185, 950,

mamitu (from MƏN (?) Ban, Curse, Oath, Bann,

Fluch, Schwur 1'*, 8°",

mamma — man ma [Del 60] whosoever, wer auch

immer, шіп та whatsoever, was auch immer.

NID mani count, entrust, zählen, anvertrauen. Prt. im n u

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tamnüsu »she entrusted him” 81, With ana account, impute to, zurechnen 431, 6০4.

minu, ménu Number, Zahl, 1а minu beyond reckon-

ing, Unzahl. Id. Ta-a-an, abbrv. A-an; used

as determ, after numbers. e. g. Baan 1070,

minü how? wie? [Del 78 middle] who, what? wer, was? [Del 59].

102 musarü Tablet, Votive tablet, Schrifttafel, Votiv- tafel 10111,

742 megu Sir megu, Cheek, Kinnbacken 9196,

792 misru Boundary, Gebiet.

про makátu plunge headlong, stürzen. Prt. im kut

41, 22, Ш 1 put to utter rout, slay, mieder- werfen. Prt. usamkit,

miktu Abyss, Abgrund 3125, 451-58, Y be steep, unzugänglich sein, m ar ş u steep, steil.

770 maráru be bitter, bitter sein Ш 1 cause to em-

bitter, erbittert machen. Prt. uSamrir 2%, 350,

৮১ maruStu Misfortune, Unheil 7123, 72 mašâdu press, trample down, (of a flock of ani-

mals) niederdrücken П 1 bear prolifically, fruchtbar. 72 ma&ü forget, vergessen. Prt. im ši. П nwo mü$u Night, Nacht. Fem. mu&itu 913, 102 ma$ku Skin, Haut. Determ. before articles of

leather; csir. maSak mašak asäti (or 8৪63) 154 v, ПОМ.

bwo ma&álu be alike, gleich sein, miSlu Half, Hälfte, 18691) miála = 1'/, 9%,

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ma&áru [Del 6531] 430 lw. Ww mašâru cut, schneiden. Part. mäsiru, mäseru

sharp, scharf 9195,

I 2 mangle, mangen, indassaru 38.

2) JI 1 leave, abandon, lassen, verlassen.

по mátu Land, Land. Pl mätäti, Determ. before

names of countries. |

ın» mati [Del 78 middle] when? wann? matéma

whenever, wann nur immer. With la, never, niemals.


N: пайи lift up, praise, erheben, 12 extol, verherr-

lichen. Prt. itta’id 1°, 1051.

ná'idu exhalted, erhaben (Part. of nadu) 9%,

tanittu [Del 6537] Glory, Might, Erhabenheit.

N) lie down, sich niederliegen.

П 2 Perm. lay oneself down, sich hinlegen. Prt.

atal (= untul = uttul).

III" Prt. обої] lay, legen 740.

NN.) néru, пага smite, schlagen. Prt. inir, Prs. inär.

nirtu Slaughter, Mord 3*'.

78.2 näru River, Fluss. Id. M à, water and sign for

“enclosure” with inserted sign Hal = gararu

run swiftly i.e. »water running within banks".

| H N nüru Light, Licht.

ND) nabû call, name, rufen, nennen. Prs. inam bi

[Del 495], Perm. nabu 9119, 2) bubble up, ker-


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nibu Number, Zahl.

nibittu naming, act of calling, Name 1%, 213,

namba’u Spring, Quell. Pl. namba’é 9? [Del

318 end].

525 nabálu destroy, zerstören. Prt. ibbul. 2) glow,


параи Dryland, Mainland, Festland 19%,

nablu Flame, Flamme.

022 nabásu dyed wool, gefärbte Wolle.

03১ nubittu Holiday, Feiertag 911.

22 nagágu cry out, schreien. ningu, Stringmusic Saitenspiel, bl. ningütu 10%,

nm naga city commons, District, Bezirk.

Nidaba Corn, (originally, name of corn goddess)

Korn (eigentlich Korngöttin) napa’ ilu Nidaba

the corn flourished, das Korn gedieh 1*5.

mm nadü throw, overthrow, werfen. Prt. iddi, with suffix, iddigu. Perm. nadi be situated, befindlich

fem. s. nadäta 9110 I2 place, legen. IV 1 be

thrown, geworfen werden. Prec. linadi = lin- nadi 2116

172 nadánu give, geben. Prt. iddin. Prs. inam din. nidnu Building materials, Baumaterialen 950. nudunnü [Del 6522] Dowry, Mitgift 2°°. mandattu Offering, Tribute, Abgabe.

m nadáru rage, wüthen. n adr u fierce, terrible, grim- mig. Pl. nadrüti. ilu nadrüti, Fierce looking images of gods 6%,

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rm nähu be at rest, appeased, ruhen. П 1 appease, put

to rest, beruhigen. Prt. l.s. unihhu, 4".

> nünu Fish, Fisch. Pl. nà në.

m nazázu place, stellen. Intrans. stand, stehen. Prt.

iziz. ІП 1 cause to stand, stehen lassen. Prt.

uSazziz, uS&ziz, u$ziz [Del 37 end] ulziz.

[Del. 53°] Inf. Süzuz, then treated as a II 1 verb

as tho’ from MW, uSuzzü, remain, bleiben 3%.

manzazu Place, Ort.

manzaltu Idem [Del 513) 2%,

wm) nahaSu abound, strotzen, nuhsu, Abundance,

Überfluss. 59) natálu behold, anschauen. Prs. inattal.

т) niru Yoke, Joch. eet, nir is niru, always in

sense of authority, Autorität.

52) naklu well made, artistic, kunstvoll 124,

nikiltu cunning, Arglist ina Sipir nikilti, with

a treacherous embassy 355.

D2) heap up, häufen. II 1 Perm. nukkum, be heaped

up, aufgehäuft 5134.

nakamtu Heap, Treasure, Haufen, Schatz. Pl. na-

kamáti 4%, bit nakamäti, the treasury,

Schatzhaus 5192,

оо) nakásu cut off, abschneiden. Prt. ik kis 879, Prs.

inakkis 419,

niksu Decapitation, Kópfung.

nukkusu dismembered, abgehauen [Del 65?* end] 47%,

A23 H 1 hurl, stossen. Prs. unakkap 97,

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722 nakáru oppose, wiederstehen. Prt. ikkir 419° III 1 cause to rise in rebellion, zur Empérung anreizen uSamkir = uSakkir [Del 52] 819, 7102. Inf. Sumkuru 75°,

nakru hostile, feimd. Pl. m. nakrati, Enemy, Feind.

nakiru Enemy, Feind. Pl. nakirê. ПЭ) be afraid, sich fürchten. Prt. ik kut 731,

nakuttu [Del 6523] Alarm, Angst 721. W) namárü be bright, hell sein.

namru bright, hell.

namriru Brightness, Glanz. Pl. namriré 1%, namurtu Idem сзїт. namurrat 753,

w 12 Prt. ittumus break camp, aufbrechen 8100 912,

Nisaba better Nidaba q. v. ПО: nasáhu tear out, ausreissen. Prt. issuh. ПІ

Idem 6%, IV 1 be driven out, i-na-sih = in- nasih 1122,

nasah 1024, Inf. cstr. of nasáhu, to slay sacrificial animals, opfern.

PD) nasáku adorn, prächtig herrichten. nisiktu Bril- liancy. Pracht 939, 612.

WB) napasu thrive, mehren. Perm. napa’ 145, 2) breathe freely, frei aufatmen.

napistu Life, Soul, Lebensodem. cstr. na psat. [Del 72]. Pl. napéáti, Sakanu napistu, ৮ perish, umkommen 450,

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792 nasáru protect, beschützen. Prt. issur.

nasir Inf. estr. 17° III 1. Prt. uSansir cause

to guard, bewachen lassen 8'?, 9111,

mäsartu [= massartu] [Del 49>] (пата, Wache

65°, Military guard, Militärwache 9%, Fortified

places, Befestigungen 111,

273 nakábu spring forth from the deep, aus der Tiefe

hervorbrechen. nakbu Depths of the sea. Meeres-

tiefe 1*5.

702 protector, chief bewahren nakidu = rê’ û, Ruler,

Regent. mé balat napisti (m) Sunu akkad,

their living water I put under guard, thr Lebens-

wasser bewachte ich 9”.

np) nakü pour out, offer, ausgiessen. Prt. ikki 10197

Prec. lik ki 10'?, Inf. nak mé, Water libation,

Wasseropfer 6*9.

nikü [Del 65?' end] Sacrificial lamb, Opferlam.

Pl. nikê 10106,

702 nakáru tear down, zerstören, aksud abbul ak-

kur 2151 and passim in historical inscriptions.

95 narátu П 1 hinder, erschweren. Part. munirritu

35°, Used as auxiliary of a verb in perm. (tran-

sitive) 617,

772 naráru help.

nararütu [Del 65?*] Help, Hilfe 1°.

nisi Existence, Existenz. cstr. niš, particle of swea-

ring, Schwurpartikel, (like, Sum) 835, cf. also в. PD.

NY) nasa bear, lift, tragen. Prt. 1551. Prec. lisSüni

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3 pl. for passive 2'", Perm. fem. s. nasäta 9%,

assi kätia, 1951 lifted my hand, ich erhob meine

Hand. ШІ 1 Prt. ušašši cause to carry, zu tragen

veranlassen 1092.

ni$u lifting up, Erhebung, nis kati, Prayer, Ge-

bet 9193.

NW) nišu People, Volk. Pl. nisé.

пізйіп Family, Hausgenossenschaft 129 v. sallatu (12D).

pv naSiku kiss, küssen. П 1 Idem, used with 86] u

foot to denote submission.

IY) naSru Eagle, Adler. Pl. naire,

Sma lie, liegen. Prt. ša ina mubhi u&ibu ittilu,

[Del 49>] 6?9, wherein he was wont to sit and

lie down, wo er zu sitzen und sich hinzulegen ge-

wohnt war.


N.2D sibu seventh, 86684974110 adi sibiSu, at seven

different times, siebenmal 619,

Si-Gar »to establish abundance" Feast day of Gula,

Fest der Gula.

wip seššu [Del 48] sixth, sechster,

ою Simánu Month of Sivan, Monat Siwan. 34 month

8%, On m pronounced as v, cf. Del 44.

mo ваки be narrow, eng sein. П 1 reduce to straits,

bedrücken. Prt. usik 255, i

süku Street, Strasse. Pl. sükäni and sûk ê.

TMD rebel, abfallen. Prt. fem. s. tasihu 819,

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sihu Rebellion, Aufstand 3°.

sahmastu Uprising, Empörung 1011.

"По sahäpu overthrow, niederwerfen. Prt. ishup.

I “ПО suhiru sucking animal. Tierjunges 995,

11 ^D saháru turn oneself, sich wenden. sihirtu.

1) Outer wall, Ringmauer 9'?*, 2) Totality, Ge-

samtheit, ana sihirtisa, in its whole extent, in

seinem ganzen Umfang, 8%, 1075,

mo sittu, situ the other; der andere 497, Pl. sittû ti,

the others 2194 79, 835, 936

sittu Remainder, Rest. 492, Pl. sitati.

boD sukallu Guardian, Messenger, Aufseher, Bote 9%.

md throw, throw off reject, werfen, verwerfen. Prt.

isli, 1810. 2115 (=is-li-u), islà 7% (= isli-a)

[Del 88а].

salatu Relatives, Verwandtschaft 199.

sullu Part of the street used for trafic, Strasse.

Pl. sullé 48", 290 sillatu Insolence of speech, Vermessenheit 499.

050 salimu Treaty, Bündniss 1173,

sulumma [Del 6522] Confederation, Bundgenossen-

schaft 1124,

120 samna eight, acht.

Sin-ma-gir amel Sin-magir, Official, Beamter 7**. p20 sanáku 1) press, bedrängen. 2) be submissive, unter-

würfig sein. Perm. sanik la sanku 9117. IV 1 be

made submissive, unterwürfig machen. Prt. issan-

kamma 8%,

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masnaktu Press of a throng, Gedrdnge 814, 9110,

sunku Hunger, Hunger.

sisi Horse, Pferd. Pl. sîsê.

DD sipittu [Del 48] Sadness, Trauer 715,

NBD П 1 implore one, jemanden anflehen. Inf. suppü

4", Prt. usappi 4°,

155 sapánu subdue, überwältigen. Prt. ispun 2120, 6100,

2) slay, erschlagen 473,

DD saparu Net, Netz 4*!,

siparru Bronze, Bronze 10199,

700 speak, sprechen. ІП 1 with ada, cause to take

| oath’, schwören lassen. Prt. uSaskir with nis 122, 845,

D surdü Bird of prey, Raubvogel 1015,

"D surráti Uprisings, Empörungen. Pl. used as sing rum 791,

1210 be regular, regelmässig sein. sattukku [Del 6523),

Pl. sattuké, Regular temple offerings, regelmäs-

sige Tempelabgaben 4%, 4199, v, m.

B. =D pagru Body, Corpse, Leib. estr. pagar. Pl. pa-

gré amel pagru 777,

175 padanu Road, Weg, urhu padänu, way of march,

Marschweg 17%,

рй Mouth, Tongue, Word utterance, Mund, Aus-

spruch pi muttalli 113 у. 57, pû Sakänu,

make an alliance, Bündniss schliessen 8190) ana

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i8ten pi utirru, he united them into an agree-

ment, er vereinigte sie in einem Bündniss 49, ki pi

according to entsprechend 1087, piSunu, their

tongues 499,

VƏ be hidden. puzru Secrecy, Heimlichkeit. Pl. pu z-

räti 6%,

pazru secret, geheim, pl. pazräti 6°.

772 pihü tax.

pahátu Satrapy, Verwaltungsbezirk, bêl pahäti,

Satrap, Statthalter. Pl. bêl pahaté 9117.

rm pahäru assemble, sich sammeln. П 1 Prt upahhir

cause to assemble 18, 223, |

puhru Assembly, Versammlung. cstr. puhur.

napharu Totality. Gesamtheit. cstr. naphar,

napharSun all of them 9195) naphar mäti-

ia 9**, [Del 65%! end].

pätu Territory, Gebiet, Used in phrase, ana pät,

gimrisa in its whole extent, in seinem ganzen

Umfang 4' et passim.

"bb patäru split, spalten. П 1 open, öffnen. Prt upat-

tir [45 )

patru Sword, Dolch, patar Sibbi, Girdle sword,

Gürteldolch 739, |

palü period of rule, Regierungszeit 151,

Пор palähu fear, fürchten. Prt. iplah 7১5, Part. pälihu.

palihéu, his worshipper, sein Anbeter, 4%. РІ,

pälihüti 6". 12 Prt. iptallah 2/9, 6%.

palhiS with reverence, ehrfürchtig, palhiS kansis,

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with reverence and submission, ehrfürchtig und

untertan 10%,

puluhtu Fear, Furcht 4120) 8°,

092 palásu IV 1 see, sehen. Prt. 1 s. appalis 2%,

wD palá$u bore through, durchbohren. Prt. 1 s.

aplus 9106,

7১2 Dänn Face, Antlitz. cstr. pan, before, vor, ina

pan, against, gegen 2122. v. 531. 2) former time,

frühere Zeit 1!!5,

DDD pasásu blot out, tigen. Part. päsisu hitäte,

forgiving sins, Sünden vergebend 4*5.

709 pakädu manage, appoint one to a position. Auf-

steht über etwas führen. Prt. ipkid. П 1 Idem,

Prt. upakid 1% (= upakkid),

pikittu Official post. Aufsichtsbehörde 1112.

МӘ cut off, abschneiden. Prt. ipru' 4135, 111 slay,

erschlagen. Prt. uparri' 9*5,

parab Fraction °/,, Bruch ?|,, parab ammatu

3|, of а cubit, 147,

parganis as in а desolate place, wie in der Wüste 6199,

mb расӣ Mule, Maultier. Pl. parê. Í parzillu Iron, Eisen.

ІТ treat with violence, Gewalt verüben. ІП 1 inflict

. anything upon one with violence, Gewalt antun.

Prt. usaprik 2122,

II Те block, versperren. Perm. parik, stand as a

bulwark, als Riegel vorlag 4125। рат Кш, П 1 Perm.

purruk, block up, versperren 4587,

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"235 IV [Del 1170], cease, aufhören. Inf. naparkä,

la naparka, unceasing, unaufhörlich 4109,

parraku room in a temple set apart for the abode

of a deity, Holy of holies, Góttergemach 124, 6124, 456,

20725 purimu wild ass, Wildesel. Pl. purî mê.

DD parásu divide, decide, scheiden, entscheiden. Prt.

iprusa ahütu, he severed (our) friendship, er

trennte die Freundschaft 9195, Inf. ana paras

ramänisunu, to separate themselves. 2) restrain,

zurückhalten 799, Perm, mim ma parsu, whatever

things are considered ৪75, П 1 portion out, ver-

theilen. Prt. uparris 9%,

purussü Decision, Entscheidung.

piristu Idem, aSar piristi, place of decision,

Orakelort 5129,

YD lie, deceive, lügen. Prt. iprus 888,

pargu Decree, Gesetz. Pl. parsé. cf. $arrat рагѕё,

Queen of decrees — a title of Ištar 109?

piršu dirty water, Kotwasser 9°".

Wop [Del 117%) IV 1 escape, entfliehen. Prt. ippar-

sid Am, 7120 1012, Inf. la naparsudi 4°, not

to be escaped. IV 3 flee, абаг ittanaprassidu,

whither he fled, wohin er floh 1015.

mb parütu Alabaster, Alabaster aban parüti 6%,

Mw paSähu be appeased, sich beruhigen. III | appease,

besänftigen. Prt. usapsih 0150,

WE paSäru give money, pay, Geld weggeben, bezahlen.

Prt. ipsur 615,

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passiru [Del 6525] Dish, Table set for the banquet,

Schüssel, Tafel 3%.

WWE pašâšu annoint, salben. Prt. ipšuš. Prec. lip-

šuš 10115, IV 1 annoint oneself, sich salben. Prt. bl. ippašů (= ippašišů) 6.

xDD pittu, ina pitti, straightway, suddenly, plötz-

lich... 9%",

N.DD pith open, confess, Öffnen, bekennen. Prt. ipti

iptä 917,

nnb patahu pierce, durchbohren, Il 2 stab, erstechen.

Prt. uptattehu аһашіё, they stabbed each

other, sie erstachen einander 731,

ppp patáku make, machen. Prt. ip tik.

pitku finished piece of work, fertiges Werk. estr.

pitik, pitiktu idem 1077. 2) Building construc-

tion, Bauwerk.


INS sénu Sheep, Schafe.

৯২২3 be high, hoch sein.

Séru Back, Rücken. estr. sir, against, among, upon,

gegen, unter.

Siru high, strong, hoch, stark. Fem. sirtu. Pl. m.

sirüti; fem. siräti,

II N8 throw down, niederwerfen.

seru Plain, Valley, Ebene 1112) 8133,

I жау säbu Soldier, Krieger. Pl. şû bê, şûbê tah ãzi,

Fighting men, Kämpfer.

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II N28 sabitu Deer, Gazelle. Pl. sabäti.

333 sumbu [Del 52] Cart, Lastwagen. Pl. şum bê.

Гох sabätu seize, capture, nehmen. Prt. isbat. With

8épu (foot), as sign of submission, isbat Söpä-ia,

he grasped my feet, er umfasste meine Füsse.

Impt. sabat 298. Inf. cstr. sabat (ie, NDN.

H 1 Prt. ugabbit. Idem. ІП 1 Prt. uSagbit-

sunuti I caused them to take, ich liess sie

nehmen 174,

sibtu Grasping, das Erfassen, sibit kati, property,

Eigentum 9105,

“ПУ gihru young, small, klein, jung. Pl. sihrüti.

I пох saltu Enmity, Feindseligkeit, bêl galti-ia, my

enemy, mein Feind 155,

selütu Idem 8173,

II rg П 1 implore, anflehen. Prt. ugalli.

I 55x salälu lie down to rest, sich zur Ruhe legen, la

salälu, Unrest, Rastlosigkeit 615,

II 55v shade, protect, beschatten, beschützen.

sillu Protection, Schirm, is sillu, Canopy, Balda-

chin is ба gilli 494 Idem.

sulülu [Del 65!?] Shadow, Protection, Schatten 893,


galalu [Del 6517) Shield, Schirm 10%, - 053 salmu Picture, Statue, Bildniss. estr. salam. РІ.


мох summa Thirst, Durst.

PEN sippatu Fruit tree, Obstbaum. Pl. sippa+ti 150,


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үз sissu Wooden fetter, Holzfessel 2199,

rns sarähu cry out, schreien. IV 1 aroused by anxiety,

durch Sorge aufgeregt. Prt. issaruh kabitti,

my soul was distarbed 154.

sirihtu cry of woe, Weheruf 531,

FN dye färben. Prt. isrup 94,

I mg багага cast a lustre, glänzen.

sariru Brass, Erz [Del 65!5] 611) 623,

II 775 oppress. sirritu Pain, Peinigung.

sutanımu Builder, Baumeister 95০,

p. Мор kibü speak, sprechen. Prt. ikbi, ikbà iäti,

[Del 109] he told me, er sagte mir 257 takbu-u

3°. 2) command, befehlen 3°".

kibitu. Word, Command, Rede, Befehl. ০৪৮৮, ki bit.

10° v. MN.

Зор kablu Middle, Mitte. Ostr. kabal, ina kabal, in the midst of, ina kabal tamti, in the

midst of the sea, mitten im Meere (said of islands)

1°, Fem. kabaltu 9* idem. 2) Battle, Kampf,

kabalsu, his battle line, seine Schlachtlinig 222 kabal

kakké, conflict of arms, Wafenkampf 1°,

"ap kibiru Burial, Begräbniss 735,

n каби Hand, Hand, Dual kûtê [Del 67*]. 2) Strength,

Kraft. With mala v. ND. ina kati, often used

in sense of ethical dative, ul usi ina káti-ia,

none escaped me, keiner entkam 4°, imnü ka-

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%йа they accounted themselves mine, sie rechneten

sich als zu mir gehörig 455.

"Тр Кари entrust, anvertrauen. kipu Prefect, hoher Be-

amter. Pl. kipäni 1°. Written 5! (var) and 6%,

amel Rab-kasti “chief of the bow" — а mili-

tary officer.

৮৮০ käSu grant, schenken. Prt. 1515, akissu 215. Impt.

used in, n. p. Bel-kisa “Bel bestow”.

kalkaltu Hunger, Hunger 8°".

Пор burn, verbrennen. Prt. ikmu 2!?!,

nop kimahhu Sarcophagus, Sarg. Pl. kimahhé 67%,

3p kinnu Family, Familie 3'°, 698, 2) Nest 8110,

"bp kapáru II 1 demolish, vernichten. Prt. ukappir 679,

I^sp kasäru bind, plan, binden, planen. Prt. ikgur, 180

gather together 9!??, 815, Perm. kasir 3°! kasir

nirtu, he planned murder, er plante einen Mord.

H 1 plan, planen. Perm. anuntu kusgur 9°,

he plans opposition. 11 2 collect. uktassar 57%,

variant uktatasar.

kisru Possession, Besitz 7°, 791.

П “yp rage, grollen. Perm. kagir 4°°.

"pp kakkadu Head, Kopf.

"pp kakkaru Ground, Erdboden.

ap kirib v. 9

27) karábu draw near, sich nähern, bêlê karû bi,

weapons of warfare, Waffen 6". -

takribtu [Del 652%) Hymn of supplication, Buss-

psalm 45°,

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тр kardu brave, strong, tapfer, stark. Fem. karittu [Del 48 und 68] 979 951,

kurädu. Idem. [Del 6513] Pl. kuradé, Warriors,

Krieger 5199,

kurdu Power, Macht 435,

177 karnu Horn, corner of a building, Horn, Ecke.

Pl. karnäti 629, 91,

kaStu Bow, Bogen is kaStu.

nn? to come to an end, ein Ende nehmen, ЇЇ 1 bring

to an end, beenden. Prt. ukatta 3126, |


381 be wide, weit sein. rébitu. Pl. rébati, wide, open

spaces in a city, weite offene Plätze Am. DN." re pasture, weiden 12 ldem. Prt. irte'u 89,

ré'à Shepherd, Hirt.

ré'ütu Government, Herrschaft 7195, ` DN: тати lore, have mercy upon, leben, schonen. Prt.

iräm. Prs. iräm.

rému Mercy, Erbarmen.

rimtu Darling, Liebling. Fem. part. of 0৯০7 Bélit rimtu Bel 9% «Bölit loved one of Bêl”. Per- haps, however, fem. of rému Wildox: “Wild cow of Bel” cf. 979 Ištar hurled my foes with her horns".

narämu [Del 31a] Love, Liebe 8°. narämtu Beloved, Liebling 1027.

П DN. rimu Wildox, Wildochs. Pl. rimäni.

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rimtu Wildcow, Wildkuh v. ON. I.

PN: roku far off, distant (both of time and space),

fern (in Bezug auf Zeit- und Raum- Distanz) 2°°,

ultu ûmê rüküti, from distant days 6'". Fem.

rüktu 7120, Pl. rükéti, distant places.

৮১২7 ré$u [Del 9227] Head, Beginning, Haupt, Anfang,

ultu ré8i, at first, zuerst 9? amel rêšu, chief

officer, hoher Beamter 659, Prince, Prinz 7%.

réStü former, früher. Pl. réstati 41%, 2) first, erst,

mar ré$tu, first-born, Erstgeborener 871,

réStu best part, Bestes Pl. réséti 71

VN." exult, jauchzen. r&sätu plural form used as sing.

[Del 82৫7]. Gladness, Fröhlichkeit 1055,

N.25 arba'u four, fourth, vier, viertel. Fem. irbitti,

kibrat irbittim, four regions, vier Weltteile.


737 rabû be large, grow to maturity, gross sein, auf-

wachsen. Prt. irbi.

rabü great, gross. Fem. rabitu. Pl. m. rabäti.

Fem. rabäti.

rubü powerful, influential, erhaben. Pl. m. rub&

4", Id. Nun 3%,

tarbitu [Del 65324] Offspring, Spross, tarbit Si-

sara, product of Mt. Sisara 107,

үз? rabásu dwell, lagern. ПІ 1 cause any thing to

dwell in a place, lagern lassen. Prt. usarbis 010,

037 ragámu call, rufen. rigmu clamor of voices, Ge-

schrei 6191.

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I mm impregnate, befruchten. ridütu Breeding, Zeu-

gung, bit ridüti, Harem, Haremspalast 12, mar

ridütiéu, his own son, sein eigner Sohn 3!*.

II om go, gehen. Prt. irdi. III 1 cause to flow. Prt.

usardi 3%,

III mm drive, rule, Aerrschen. Prt. gimir malké

irda, all kings ruled, alle Könige regierten 129,

IV mm attach, hinzufügen. II 1 Idem. Prt. uraddi.

ym be helpful, hülfreich sein. régu Helper, Helfer. РІ.

régüti, rösütia, my helpers. Pl. also rêşê 834.

resütu Help, Hülfe alak rösütisu, coming to his

help, thm zu Hilfe kommend 4°.

ym rahásu trust, vertrauen. Prt. irhus, with eli (of

thing upon which one trusts), mit eli (der Sache). 5192,

rm leave over, übrig lassen. rihtu, Remnant, Rest 491.

227 rakábu ride, reiten.

rakbu mounted messenger, Bote amel rak bu moun-

ted man, Reiter 1179,

rukübu [Del 6517) act of riding, Fahren 1%, 21%,

narkabtu [Del 652! and 174] Chariot, Streitwagen 4%,

757 markitu Refuge, Zuflucht, bit markiti 1017,

027 rakásu bind, binden. П 1 fasten, befestigen. Prt.

urakkis 211, 1116, 2) surround, umschliessen, with

eli of thing surrounded and ace. of thing thrown

around 252) 10190,

rikistu civil law, gesetzliche Ordnung. Pl. riksati 1116,

markasu Band, Band 1%,

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v2" rukü$u Possession, Besitz 9°°.

727 ramü throw, werfen ПІ 1 cause to inhabit. Double

acc. of person and thing, doppelter Acc. (a) der

Person und (b) der Sache 6124.

শা১ ramáku pour out libations, Trankspenden ausgiessen.

Prt. irmuk 6?!

rámánu reflexive and emphatic personal pronoun

(ipse, ramänsu himself, sich selbst [Del 55c].

207 rasábu destroy, kill, zerschlagen, erschlagen. Inf.

rasib 7%. IL 1 Idem. Prt. urassib 47, 511,

won rapäSu be wide П 1 make wide, erweitern. Prt.

urappis 10°. Inf. ruppus 1075,

rapSu wide, weit.

FST rasápu build, aufbauen. Prt. irsip 10%,

NW russia brilliant, prachtvoll.

37 be terrible, schrecklich sein, та $ubbatu, Terror,

Schrecklichkeit 229 (with obj. genitive).

mw have, haben. Prt. ir8i: often with rêmu, rêmu

arši I had mercy, Gnade zeigen. ІП 1 with ba-

tiltu, cause to cease, aufhören lassen. Prt. usarsi 2112,

NM fasten, befestigen. IL 1 Idem. Prt. uratti 1019,

707 tartahu [Del 6532] Spear, Speer 9°,


ša 1) Relative pronoun, who, wer. 2) Rel. Adv. as,

when, because, als, weil 77°, 251, In this sense evi-

dently abbrev. of aSSu q. v. 2%, 8%, 3) Sign of the

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genitive when suffixes or words intervene between

construct noun and its genitive [Del 123, 2].

Seu Grain, Getreide Se-am in nom. case 145.

Suätu that one, jener. Demons. pron. 31 mas. not

used as suffix. Written also Sa-a-tu. Pl. Suä-

tünu [Del 57].

Sattu Duration, Dauer, ina баб 10081 during the

night, während der Nacht 5%, 3119,

"au 888] ask, fragen. Prt. 188]. With $ulmu, to

send greeting, beglückwünschen, 219! 45, ana Sa’al

Sulme-ia to bring me greeting, mich zu begrüssen.

ІЗ Prt. istan’alu they asked, sie fragten 9°.

"NU Séra Flesh, limb of the body, Fleisch, Körperteil

Pl. sêrê.

N-W Séru Morning, Morgen 1011,

DNV run away, entrinnen. Prt. m. pl. išêtûni 4%.

N.2V be satisfied, satt sein П 1 satisfy, sdttigen. Prt.

usSabba 99,

ni$bü Enough, Sättigung 8119,

53 Sibbu Girdle, Gürtel Vi.

BIW slay, erschlagen Sibtu, Slaughter, Gemetzel 4°, 9120

Subultu Ear of corn, Aehre 141,

Daw Sabásu be angry, rage, zürnen, wüten. Prt. iš bus.

3. fem. s. tašbušu (var. su) 6108,

Sabsu angered, erzürnt. Fem. pl. Sabsäti 455.

I 922 Sabra Magician, Magier amel Sabra 8115,

П 720 Il 1 break, zerbrechen. Prt. ušab bir 5110,

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720) Sigaru cage for animals, Tierkäfig 9111,

"TW draw, ziehen Inf. Sadädu isu $a Sadädi, Royal

chariot, Galawagen 4%, 6%. Prt. i$dudu ina

sapli-ia they drew away under me, sie zogen

[an demselben] unter mir 10%.

mw Sadi Mountain, Berg, Determ. before names of

mountains. Pl. $adé, also Sadäni.

nw Sadáhu march in procession, feierlich einherschrei-

ten. $ad&hu Procession, day of procession, Pro-

zession 895,

Su-Ud-Sak Pl. amel Sud-Saké, high official, hoher Beamter 17 2/5,

Su Fem. $a. 1) Nominal and verbal suffix of 33 sing.

[Del 56] 2) Demonstrative pron. šû this one, dieser

[Del 57]. Fem. si 6120. Pl. m. Sanu. Fem, Sina.

NW fy, fliegen. Prs. iša’, 15а7 888, Tw) Sédu Bull image, Stiergott. — protecting the city

and temple gates.

vow Situ bear, ziehen. Prt. 150+. With niru to bear

the yoke, das Joch tragen 788, 2125,

mw) Sépu Foot, Fuss. Dual $épà [Del 67*].

NY go about, intrude, einherziehen, eindringen. П 1 Idem.

Prs. usar 6%,

табага Wheel, Rad. 4%.

nw situ. estr. sit. Particle indicating genitive or con-

struct relation, Genitivpartikel. ilani 84% Sami-e

irgitim, gods of heaven and earth. 2) Preposi-

tion, because of, wegen 53°, concerning, bezüglich 719,

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270) Sizbu Milk, Milch 9°.

mw барӣ Pig, Schwein. Pl. $ahé.

ОПУ Sahatu pull off, abziehen. Prt. i$hut 105,

"OV Satáru write, schreiben. Prt. istur. Perm. $atir 900, 10114,

Sitru Writing, Schrift. estr. Sitir 10117,

Ow simu fix, festsetzen. Prt. išîm, išimuš [Del 39]

3% Prs. isammu 9%, $a iSimu-inni, with

which they established me, wodurch sie mich ein-

setzten 1044,

Simtu Decree, Fate, Bestimmung. сзіт. Simat.

DW Sakänu do, make, twn, machen. Prt. iškun, ša a$kunu whom I appointed 235, Prs. i$akkan

Inf. 99৮৮, Sakan. Perm. Sakin, be in a certain

condition, mala ittiSunu $Saknü as many

as stood with them, so viele mit ihnen standen

21. With pänu to direct one's attention, Acht

haben auf etwas 33 [2. Prt. iStakan to esta-

blish, place, feststellen. III 1. Prt. ušaškin, cause

to до 9°. IV 1. Prec. 1155а Кіп cause to be made,

machen lassen 1°, Prt, iššakin be brought

about, entstehen 95%, With napi&tu v. sub WB).

Siknu Creation, Geschópf. cstr. Sikin käti-ia 3120 4104,

Saknu Governor, Statthalter. Pl, amel $aknüti 656,

Sukuttu [Del 495] general designation for anything

well made, Fabricat.

Sikittu Construction, Bau 10%, 107°,

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maSkanu dwelling place, Wohnstätte.

қасу) Sal throw, werfen 134,

75 Salhü Onter wall, äussere Mauer.

Dw Salátu acquire, possess, besitzen 19 Idem. Perm.

fem. Sitlutat 917,

Salti$ as a conqueror, gebieterisch.

5W tear out, ausreissen. Prt. i$luk Am.

?»U Salalu plunder, plündern. Part. i$lul, carry away

as plunder, als Raub wegtragen З“.

Sallatu Booty, Captives, Beute, Kriegsgefangene.

Sallati$ as booty, als Beute, With mana, to hold

as booty e. g. 6°

I Go Salämu be whole, sound, wohlbehalten sein. Prt.

iSlim. Ill preserve, complete, bewahren, voll-

führen. Part. muSallimu 107,

Sulmu Welfare, Wohlbefinden. With $a'alu q. v.

šalmu Idem. 491, Peace, Friede. 519,

SalmiS successfully, wohlbehalten. ë

Sullummá [Del 6538] Prosperity, Gedeihen 5*!.

II Go Salamtu Corpse, Leichnam.

pow I11 open the veins, aufschlitzen. Prt. uSallik 9%,

“bw Sallaru Wall, Wand 1084.

wow SalaSu. Fem. $alaltu [Del 75] three, drei. 8৪18 u

[Del 76] third, ein dritter 2%.

amel Saläu-kidsati. Captain of three companies,

Feldherr von drei Abteilungen 6*5.

QU šumu Name. cstr. Sum. Particle of swearing,

Schwurpartikel Sum iläni, by the gods 121.

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NDW бетй hear, hören. Prt. iSma, 18000 = iš-

me-u 251,

Séma favorable, günstig 1091.

mow Samü Heaven, Himmel.

noU Samähu fruitful, üppig wachsen II 1 Idem. Perm. fem. pl. Summuha 150,

DAY Sammu Plant, Pflanze. Determ. before names of

plants, бапта urgu 6*9, (оу Samnu Oil, Ol 1012,

IW rage, wüten ІП 1 Inf. estr. Su$mur kakké Ašur,

the fierceness of the Assyrian arms, die Wut der

assyrischen Waffen 7",

Samru wild, turbulent, wild 595,

10 Sattu Year, Jahr. Pl. Sanäti.

Sattisamma [Del 80 8] yearly, jährlich 914,

MW repeat, wiederholen I 2 keep on repeating. Prt.

isteni II 1 inform. melden. Prt. u$anna 1%,

219%, 2) change, ändern. Prt. u$annima 89 v, DND.

San another, ein anderer, Sanumma [Del 79a] any other, irgend ein anderer 1190, 2) second, zwei- ter 299,

Sanamma [Del 79a] again, wieder 4129,

Saniánu, a second time, zum zweiten Mal 5%, 418,

Sanitu. Id. Su, Time, Mal. 78" seven times, siebenmal.

XV Sangen Priest, Priester. Pl. $angé 64,

now Sisitu Sound, Geschrei 6'"?,

MDW scatter, ausbreiten II 1 Idem. Prt. uSappih 6%,

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"eu Sapálu be low, niedrig sein. $a plà what is beneath,

unten befindlich. Fem. Saplitu [Del 65?'] tam-

tim Saplit “The Lower Sea” 119,

| Saplu Ground, Boden. cstr. $apal, beneath, unter

ina Sapli-ia under me, unter mir 1090,

Suplu Depth, Tiefe. ০৪৮৮, Supul 57,

Saplänu [Del 65?5] inwardly, innerlich 951,

"DW Sapáru send, schicken. Prt. ispur I3 Idem. Prt.

istanappara 2111,

Sipru Commission, Message, Sendung, Botschaft. mar

Sipri Messenger, Bote 227,

naspartu [Del 631] Command, Befehl 51,

NPY Sakü be high, hoch sein. П 1 make high, erhöhen. Prt. uSakki 109%,

Saka high, hoch.

22৮ Sakalu weigh, wiegen. Siklu Shekel, Schekel. оро Sakummatu [Del 6523] Sorrow, Woe, Leid 3°.

wpw Sakkastu [Del 654] Massacre, Gemetzel 493,

mw баға II 1 dedicate, weihen. Prt. uSarri 10107,

mw be mighty, riesig sein. 12 Part. multarhu [Del

51°] the audacious one, der Kühne 3°". ТЇ] make

very large, riesig machen. Prt. u$arrih 10%.

taSrihtu very large number, gewaltige Menge 10196,

pw Saráku grart, allot, schenken. Prs. 8174 iSarrak

ww Sarru King, König. сөй. баг. Fem. Sarratu,

Queen, Kónigin.

Sarrütu Royal power, Königsherrschaft [Del 6525),

Susinak ilu Suginak. Chief god of Elam, Haupt-

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gottheit von Elam, identified with Ninib. 6°,

mow šatů drink, trinken. Prt. i$ti. I2 Idem. Prt.

ištati. Prs. iStatti 957,

mastitu, [Del 65312] Drinking water, Getränk 8194,

nv maStaku living room, Wohnraum. 1072,

mastaktu Weight, Gewicht 242,


охл támtu Sea, Meer. Once ti-amat 25, Genitive

always tamtim.

МП go forth, ausrücken. Prt. itbi.

tebü Enemy, Feind Pl. sme! tébé 3%,

tibû Onslaught, sudden advance, Ansturm 33“, 8”.

tibütu Attack, Angriff 1".

2n tabáku pour out, ausgiessen. Prt. itbuk.

tibku a linear measure, ein Längenmass 1079,

"m täru return, sich wenden. Prt. itür. H 1 cause to

return, restore, wieder herstellen. Prt. utir. HI1

Idem. Prt. uSatir 2°, '®,

taiärtu Return, Rückkehr 95, 5%,

tahäzu Battle, Schlacht amel taházi Soldier, Soldat,

kakké tahäzi, Weapons of warfare, Kriegswajfen

ате! sábé tahäzisu, his soldiers, seine Soldaten


bon takálu be strong, trust, stark sein, vertrauen. Prt.

itkil with ana 87, II 1 strengthen, stárken.

Prt. utakkilanni (who) strengthened me 8°”,

Page 81: d тірші a ses - archive.org


IV 1 trust oneself to, sich verlassen. Prt. ittakil 151, диз,

tiklu Helper, Helfer Pl. tiklé 1°.

tukultu Strength, Help, Stärke, Hülfe mahaz

tukulti, Fortress, Festung 3', 5*, 99, Pl, mahaz


tuklütu Concubinage, Concubinat. Id. šal Si-Dub (u-ti) 957, 66, 322,

ron tilu Hill of ruins, Trümmerhügel, Til-Tuppu

“Hill of Тара” 5%,

Tik-En-na = me! Rêšu-elû [?]). A state official

at Sapibél in Gambula, ein Beamter zu Sapibél

in Gambula 8%,

nbn tamû speak, sprechen. Prt. itmu. Prs. itamu.

non'tamáhu seize, fassen. Prt. itmuh. П 1 seize,

bind, fassen, binden. Prt. utam mih.

"nn tamirtu fertile land around a city, Meadow,

fruchtbare Umgebung einer Stadt, Wiese 3*'.

mn tirhatu Dowry, Mitgift 201,

y^n stretch out, ausstrecken. Prt. itrus. ІП 1 cause

to be reared, aufbauen lassen. Prt. usatris.

tarsu Direction, Richtung, ina targi 1) towards, nach.

2) since, seit der Zeit 8%”,

NWN 69১৪ ninth, neunter 7%,

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uh Lm

meh qudd. | озге hued

E 7 d п А 098 некий яа қас А2

мш ESP

2% Í w Š "É «+ ы ағат ЕМ * n

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REISEN a < "LA х= পা HEU E SST om om e a HINE. = HEAL CU "TUE" en উন бағын Dee


107 লা পীর CL م‎ ST চল ща RES EC Be OESCH «MEL জী кз 0—1 শা 1


হকি a] — s 4 "iA FASS FH ROE Ge BEA WA, FERRE — 1) উনি,

FH REAL tm ae A ned ik ae E SELTEN,

MY чыкк ден IN CR A n

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— а



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ñ দানব টায়, SR Ec X টি 80 сым SET RSI MERE БИ HEP БСТ» Д হয, "ы RAN "ES, ME These Rb Pos been ক

বলা শালা ees ACME ST AF I তলার নার tA ক EL kq লাস.

e 6 TB NE up SS (RE, ELSEN Pte саси > EO ¥. ч Net — HI H মাইনাস RE AX AV FAX ей ST br rt:

МЕГЕ Mae OR SER E4 লাফ SITE Keel খা E o SEIS শা NEST লাফ СУ] SERERE

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| > wes ME та 1 АЙЛА 28 জা

RS SAR езд — “Q CR

স্ব m 4&— l| жан. н. Se «c ESTER He] P Ai RE RAR хин, н,

3 = E y 7 AH ГЕ R >

বদ ee AB Ev EST TIES উতর Pe ER МЫ SRS КП? STS TS INT Pat লাউ H

Page 88: d тірші a ses - archive.org


ФЕ “লা ee গল ч HF k уйй үне শাহ EAE HE I z এন শাক

3. (SSO ASIN PST IGE ЕГЕТЕ SE ক ক < তক kh Hem En W Ff

এলাচ একা ধক নাঞ e Is TASTE লিল „KRISE Jus ee. <9 EET লি Û A, FF EH

TEST A TF Y ОН IL «Яо m CRS < সা মাখ ID Er "ОН ভৰ সুখ F AA Bl SNA একলা N ESERIES СЫЗ dE ise ër

«ER REST ж ^ <— ы SR লা oi

Leg SET ATS AE не ৮৮ Endet 1 TR বালা NE IE: EHE КЕЙ [ক্র REHETI SS TS <a ER IH ET

OORT FA E প্রকে

Page 89: d тірші a ses - archive.org

WS TWA] EE Tee Mose RRS RT FE Fo RTI HE Ê ê BE d se RR দক Дарыны Walz EEK" iim Gi H


ыл езү ч

ең амы বসল < rn Dr қы লাল EAS E E লাল "ধা Ss X eS] MEN 00

EEL, [EE | ep Ы ко IT «c A6 ЕШ যা e Tl Д) км, 19 ier) FE Т W rr ees КЕ T TH tele: A7 A Y "ক EL EE S সখ] aem Due к Тәң dem HER 8

Ts ee SEE TR hehe T পন ATE ET EI А ТАЕ IS FE] A, eiet m AR kim MHI Dt мәй যি টু FRA pete Sees ER THE TET e TT 0 T FT ШЙ EE dp FE A E শা We LEX 45 H

Y W "The ne এত আধ w] а ET a

Жең আট A a 46 WAN MEL bäi ВЕД Фа STS Т ТЕБ eed LT LLLA

Те TER কন EPC ма ET At ee Pr REY Ese

тм Ф ҚЫ TTR ETH дее ка = 6

ML ey < APES T АЕ Rob Pene ЕУ Ae AN m

vd éi eT LEF REL TET HER ФЕ SEE rer? wl A нет a ЕГ 46 M 9 Срат ба С MET]

ঠা ATL 80,032 "EST elit ne KR Te পলা ET EXT Ae ETE T eon 1 পাব,


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SONI (де SIT MER x A COSTE ERIT HR. নং STE কলা Tate « FA gH E — Чие টং ед мах RE Ree a

41 56 Se ct چل‎ NAHM Be oe s+] SIT

RMA FAT কসম HER SAFE Pa SIL — т Sat [লা ST ES Sa HE rere mane

oe, | HA মায় RS дә eS — HER „эр, Ex Te SIR SILA а ¿Ta рее pe 4#

«Ч SSR < BERN ‚ N qes +] be be শক ETT টিকা EST Bir Te TIE ESL THEA Sd TRENT Be ESET SST EDS লৰ শক লছ শব শৰ ETE ARN

Sie Ia 6-1 4 WAPOA hen TR et (39 STF REEL FR ча BET S T 44 পা কিং E

МЕГЕН সাক পা

মু BROS] sar বক BEES IG ¥, Sl Er TA মাল মম ¥ Ce ST ыы yepi SK 4 এৰা

Eze 4-4] EL H aane SEIHIET--HYAW1 ই নব roe IM Ie Br

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bäi St, SAS «Сен SLANE CERO hx eee e SEI „етш рї HOD e নার শব SINE বর өз কা eru

rn "oq саа EH খল

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— 10 —

MED ধা < 2€ ET = EY 4 » Ы শাসক EK এয SFT юз ыр en EOF YS d+ সত এ ЕП = শাব “TSS өү эрч әры — SEX 040-94 ফী পক ইল্লা Pp So শব кю WEA У Ы ray



ise ec বলি BESTEN লা, me

ШЕ LI লি ANM Tau << UL, [TS SOUR A Ба тр EE SS ы

Т EIT Base] W S LES বং она МЫН т» eT CSA TEE SIT


TAT ЫБ A Mitt RITE EL ¥ AF না SRA. E ү Se FR tah

5 СО

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——ff —

РАБ Bee THE শম ফ EDE ¿em s 1 Lr Ы et ISTE Te পা HEE Te পু ৮৫ a REA KF «чат কুক See ыы el EE Кис ыис I AE শা Fi eoe RTT c EST ee চুলটা Tos উরুর শপ TATA

Ré We u каеры” Y- Eb S қайыр শম УТ Lit CER SUC ACT | НД, BF বা EET — EX wey he iH O EHRE N TET

শলা LR ধা PH সম AFF AT 5 IF TEY р Ы কটি ক প্র EHF ER < TE ICT MEET PEF EH জব AF কল С কণ Geet + |

ESI HET লা 26[

8910—40 GT Hae ere বায়ান AS.

TA a de R বসত RA EST ১148 TA E TA BW < eL 4

ক. [РП The Be 4 4-5 а-а Асын X...

4 AL vii +—Ҹ 2, < 14% а AR Je -a

90 | ы ku BEST ы-и E Eat Kerg, 3.

—‎ ET fi ho Yاه م دلا `op. [STENTS ৮ Tk AEE it E SS



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JH HR ̂ eL NEE жый nay? REN STK মরা E әд юс N সক

„TE, | BEE বাসন নিক ае TAA isa পর Ди আশ, о ESE A HET ক AER Se ee MERET, HT ME 0 di véi

H Al SIT s BEST বি oreet TDI E ен mei е EXT pe ER HD Tenth

SHE De REX পক লি স্তর শব, «BET BENE শম | Pde লা এক TH. ЕШ SC Gran?

BL তবলা Ee TUT “উল আজ লা a 03:36 AT FIRS EA DR Б ABE КӘ 4 MER লা লা <= e

bai =k X SIT Ms ফলত ы |, SIE Set к শা সাদি গা

EST EE মনা পু টি < eS |5, ЕҢ kat ff 1৮ TR ER

no > кеё IEF X TEA pE Ы AH, AEN HRA pel — ET ëtt

БЕ BF GHI ক ыры Se EN ei, [ORS Fe LY BREF জনও



—% HI EI TY BL FR — „ме এ টা ES নু

Soy SS জলা লব, éi একস. BT Ë еы qI BEES ফাক кү рх ЖЕРЕ, E H Feet Lt b YE Ba E Gey SS RIE 26—65. CRIS IAI STS me RITE 4 3 (১4 on 5908-4

725) > TT У E А Т MER SE ST” vg! IMST BIT ытыы REN e STER М,

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— eg Ga BK KT SE Vë OS Exe perd te о меце e

E ০ ARIE ° EXE =i

= ৮৬4৮৭ 8 IER ক্যা, дй না MET hee Ее AeA 1

পলা bai eT EY ৫

ТЕТЕ «MVE GE IM Bh ve EST к arm, AMUSE е аа [re

¥ XN শখ HET $ Af MEE

KPT KT m JET 2. "সা SEY CEE GE < Аааа Ts rhe o Hs Een

Es |) ESS SOS SI eH REA ATI KAL | SAT, — Sores SNM EGY TARA. «A শব ET E S оф te m STE ТАЛЫП |,

এটার Go pl қа АЫ A. এ ET FE UL n SR EL ST S AF SITE Aix c m << 46 A& HR 49 |» SH SR 44 X 79 "San 1 XP c HE, ২ uaa aU Te HE Leer

সাৰ HE HS е: SH дЫ |е

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SKIREISEN 9 RATT শা =| мены ыр

T HY EM ST eqs BER EX CI OF Ы BEI সী К Әл RAN HA REK X — (E লা FA AEF লা RMS UE < শৰৰ

এব লু শম EE EF চলা EBK TSF ese ET TEE ы

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Exe CO CAI EXE TRE ক nu a SL RF, mete SIN Ч e এ ү EISEN YHP REESE А зар Fort SLIM AC EX ET БИ 4 ТУЫ осы] WTO পাল af bet 9 E

Rh Troon د‎ SC ка REI, ud “| me үү ES abel ТЕА “а” * [Es সব ыҚ Ы ыры ha সা ың мақ eA tw

"ТЕН ERE ধা ES Eee TLE won উস ERE Soop ET শালা, 4

ফলক Б Tot u RT বম সম EN EST বম drai REN EG লা MEST E

85| en St সিল Fri

Page 98: d тірші a ses - archive.org


ei e শল оле এব HIT SLA H মনা < Ben алын Buceo AR те"

| = кті ge Ht Em EI J FF

мех | pr RTE sc ER SEF A < TE লা

110| сш pa s EL UU Ал E

(EMH < FHF ¥ A BS җөе or HAN,

as. |S JE TAF FAT T দাও gd ei < ^6 OT E шй АТ EST MET

ЕТЕНЕ (qe AT লি V «TELAM |

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720) 4%-ЫТК male elis LE ren চলনা,

213. mu met.

14 EST AER পাল EE অসি qM বন "- দা Tea das bs Let ЫЕ RI SE MEY] Tes

атры CT Re ET RT CRIT tte Ar E at না! ET ee HER SEIT PT Tent RMS CH К} ক শব МИК STI BEI STENT CHT KH

wo) = ET AR AT tH ЕН MST RTT নাউ HI T ATL Pec ED мей Ah bb চং শান EH W EXE oe PATTY FH লালা ЫН

ME STEEL, উল en SE TTY Le ও লাস У sa PESE GEE আচল পা, ою ST de Ve м ME

{লা E HET мені YT HM «ASIA de ¥ TIG NC E | er

[লা < শব চমতা লা, < < < 48 ла, E STAR Am МДҮ ফু বম E ATE ETE КҮП বা MET ET RE, EI উফ MENTA ы A ED мі Hi ==)

Page 100: d тірші a ses - archive.org


ae ENDS EX <F ¥ GEF,

“ধলা ES EL < Ы w BE শালি BTS TEE NET E

AR HW EI Ee DSF নাএলম BE ETE বশ্য ES ers, FE TEN হর TT চা EE AY en ET

বা A জলা НЫҢ ың р де A e зы ম চো ant Sek শা = ME Qu а সহা ATT Мены am

жа, | IT BK TS SS UE нн E 4< FN N

,‎ [STE ESTE Sy N YXےکA. | sets BEF Bir dal OBS কু EN

ur W ы FMT

B— MEY নান em <

. এ, SITS SS Sees Oe ET F ET > Т FET eee ET Tee I Tee KEE

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P. “OT IS eT ED বহু оар E এব

Eu | LATI T শা жн £ EH লাফ স্টল উল Sg RF HT oF HT HIE Af

“ЩЩ ENTE at аланнар!

өтті... de

488 ENT ACT YS CCS ভ্রমর স্তর REND & =? I. SEN Ta Een জত Ne কাশী

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т | ET ase е Ae কল Sen TEE ТТ АНУ! "ES ESTE ক AT IF SI SCI E Дан | ee ST ERNST М = w= І ЕЖ

m0) শা EBERT বি St HI E HDD epee HEN ti PEI Fak 1

ERY টক টা EE 91-9 F লৰ 4 A dH 4&4« 4^ o АП FR & ыра < শৰক JST, TES ace aL Ei EE CY.

asl MD SW Ae কব RAR লা кй= î E লা জা

ST FY শান এ EF um и < 4-4 TEY Ta লা күүс টক লাহ KT HON MSY Sy WX লং শা EXC লাল লালসা

Е el শী 4641 SU

SF Am চুল বাঁ MEX MI শব EX শা än Ar সি শত 1 লাক pus 2 Min diet ds

করে RAR. ER 20 4 U


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=; їн 5 SE

ES এ QE N A Pe এস < শৰৎ ыл т Fey A җа JA

চল "লীনা Sag ku শী ker: OI › سک‎ ың Ts SS e لک‎ > শাল MT маж AA ১৬৮৮৭ АЫ < m

ЫЧ Еч DS শা শালা ক

Page 106: d тірші a ses - archive.org

as EST 31 Yee— ۷ cd OS ^E EMI EP wx] ৮১

EE ї "E W — % L4 dH 0 TAF SOS FN eS A TE সা, REL শা Бек

BES ER OM wel ney ঘ ৮৯৮ ^ SIE

mq শব SI T ығы CHA KI Bache, ЛЕ «1 1 81-44864 FH и Yee ETE

A Sk

54145 FF STEH

Page 107: d тірші a ses - archive.org


ЕНЕ аа

১৮54 St FHA KEK Mak ES, 19520 ж

[кый W W opt мы « e FE MoT H etd IW ক {4 শা саны <p STE 4 F সাদি E E ЫБ а HE AF লা Sr” 8 < 4৮5 RM tT Re t "EST CE 9. 4 ৮ ধা Reo— HP পিক Lë.

EX Ye —T 7 ааа = ৯% IY Yoo RSET Fo

Ен екет 0—4 ër E ANE EO e 145 কী eT кА লা, FEX Ma БЫ, Кет көт eS

IT বউ শাম Бо TES NTT жом "বশ? = NERY Fe সত Pl Б W — к ৮৮ aue 00—46 «IE dH Чү AR H FA ор FF ыш ыша MICH "ES EST ФЕ Fek АТ И SETTE,


„їймєк W = oe Ме SUI

টি Ay You ET Î Moe HE SNL. Ee RTT কর দু EMEC লালা ын < кү FEE Ы AI {ки «< BE বল ইল, BY ERT Ян 4K кет BER STB

мү টা ER 5-0 Ti ETI EDO HE HET

দন য় উল পলা RAR লাশ Н ঝর H u MER er H тып ақауы «стн фы BRE, SE WD Et WE reb «Fat

EI vr BECK аң ৮৮ AM |

SKI HR ক উল লা 980-061 Mee ee SH,

SIR লাল Let "МТ PORT ১৭4৮ আলা ৮৮১১2 BEM EL, 10—464 ERT | NB

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wu, | SE MET ri СЕР SY — EE FEF

MEM set be HF Ta IT YES IAS Уд vi T ABE ae TL 8 —

Yt ML Бк BOF мын 4 এ E AR

oo] ың AL 4 Gi AEN ы МӘ Salani IETF "প্র

ve lët HF RMIT Reece 1 Ф Bd Ж. oF EL M „38 Н Мы

Sac Va: A a مم‎ PPS wo Se be бс TT er

টস 45 শলা 1

Page 109: d тірші a ses - archive.org

жатық. ewe

Kä, << EX кк? b.

T e Hoe oat gray 1, লও IT


Adv —— E ER жы 49

Т ре পা দুটা OTA < MESH ED HAT vex Tidi WX Rep маны £ লৰ

eil ATE up ধার EX же жм AT 4 খ dep HU Me kO" E MET KT Фї p< EH Yee EFT pen EE EST MET AT TAT МЕ IS 4L Tm, ঈদ SEXT KE CES Ы ыт ER ug "I ah ER

| е бї ан

i A IG

Ran 5 "লা লা লা F W TW "লা ЫТ TOE শলা XN Te চি BITTE শলা eder ep ef Ay HT শা EEL লা MTT ta RT En

gy | RIT s Eg MT Ye T RU | қ, MT খা চা W ATCT TTT F


MEN 20 8 -H er HN Be EF বাব مج‎ টক ны

“BEL এলো, লিগ, HE TI শালার

Í = 2 а É =



| g 4 Е

= bi^ TL i = T E 4 gd É Т, 4 Т ж EI M ১ Hä লা м4 Д শষ up শাব 4-4 u Д চিপ cmm

শর চুল | রা, এ ৮ Ch Мы жағ YW EI লী RL

Eis 1,

Page 110: d тірші a ses - archive.org

4.83 | EST I HE MSV et TS SE



) বর SF POS et. MESS IN TS কু

Te 4M et RH A3 Hit S H GN ы ISI S SYR HEN

Ip কিনব «ығ, LE OTT OTA E о এবং АЕ RST SIC К « ESTE EEL SST DEN লা , 41

TMi শাক bat এ < FER AT HL শাল কল ঘা লাল জা I

ia চলা ST RASS "শী STARTER ATR HH 1—

u [ОТКА I— MEX = ә SO ү тс бе РЕП শলা KT = MAD мш кй

AM € লক GAME Mey |

Page 111: d тірші a ses - archive.org

RT ү পাব ET HET FAI Ead 4674. s EST Se — — H E T

টা Be р AT aL eme EAH RETEST W. FH | e

১3 AEE «HLS TL.“ Бр TH WR এশ ANT আব, Field, EX EM,

Ë rm iY N T Aa Р T£ Y АС

H <— nma শা EE her Е Жи к W "লা THM কলাৰ মল সূৰ А EY EAE к Kä Bae ңа খালু KEN зк Ry äi ¥ У

“AML ST TEA E E са |

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C -

el f EL بکس‎ «T +¥ eG ТУ Ed x. << A pay қы К 04


EST STATES Ы Т9 қарты ЫҢ P BER তক উহা BK 1 KK: BT MET টাক, EL, উল Be ыыт FF |, 4 চলা oc EX TES 2৮৮ SEO ET ইল ab I AEE ET ey


Б е-е Ent eat MENTO Ex 4 ET PREL БӘТ +4 Ty Hw Меи MY স্তর মি ৰি 4 40

sl si << & ECH. г yo Er њи" < UN |

= “се d €


EXE АА кыйк ке Y—J3— TT | ee А FF KR FENN শা SR +K

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o зы TEETH I ыо те кр Tas

“ESTES ৯ em E

AT = ۴ ۴K ۴ + ‎ < লিখা ERT 18 ECH ssی


SH TSK ৮ BE GR SE Xi 8. 91 ক ST eX চলা মি мн чиет,

ЫҢ টা EY AH mI < SIR MET D Pete FH Le ae

থর দশ লাল КАЙ EST JS

sa ët Ri SWS e ক EMT শব RTT ST FE ST HF ET dB Фп HT FF OH ৮৮ SEES | қоңы STEM La ED наса <

BEE 4৫4 ET Mm poe е SEA A

S AT HER М4 Б ei 0—1 | „2—61, s E ৮ o АП 4 ы II T Sç মালা a

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TE এ শী | Ez

MEET ফা ër 98 THA OFF HL etg ae? £T কলার St TE ST, শালৰ শা Ет STH, HAT HE I Spt HEY SKE ч К Fait << ени পরত X. EET Rap һү BERI ক Däi жө qu

25 Is HX লাক "EST MST দল IRL Te HER aor n TOT METH EUS s eT А сасады লালা

1 Е دج‎ S< পলা REX চু Ai.


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30) SNR The | Käre қыр PEY R EET এশৰ I<

THe HEF TO OK — Š Whe oT "Ë si

Tes oH de bel dey SE ERSTE | m FEET CST RETIN He Д ESTE. vun жақ E M HI

দল SH Ae উপ AA ed সা bL hE Ste te eT Po FEE TERIS "দলা পত্র Pä o era фа

[Es жне OE eck:

Sy + ৯৮ RED "Ta Д SEN BIS FHT EQ উনি “শল [ক AE SITE STENT Senec Me A ইল্লা A HE স্পা SAFES SI ылғы HI Ғ-Ң £৮ পা It ER МІ pg nee In

oo [>= বাপ্পী IT বং RR — TE EEF ET ১ HIT শ্ব A TORE ক শাঁ AT

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SELON MAY eres raw СЕП ыз এল "এ-ও শাল লা ১৮ লাব শক ESI BES T 98


y p W শান = EXT লা 8. Aen SMS OY нен MST ee HELA |, Кө পিন A amt де TF ën MH, ECT EX EET TY ATHE RE Au EST he ET REH EEA


MT pains HE erm np MEST


EST শান লালা MY ШЕ = | кт WW শা IHR H SEI | om CEM NITE AS ACE HERPES T TE TE চা লাব ЫД

air 4—4] BT TEL Pee FA umm

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ыو | مک آس 4 ‏

CR ER লা vs ні লাল REM Н‏

EK эт 46‏


br ST ER не কৰম аас. ал EST Pe КАП » qe AT FA TTT

` শি н-к Д BS TST HET EAT ө 46 |ы শলা ct I< পল aE EK N Hai

BROT শৰ লাং AAR Ше ক, AY ৮3৮৫ I লাল

‚ 18] SAT ai ER eK Inc সুখ শ্ৰম HR л E

сы АК AE е

Page 119: d тірші a ses - archive.org

"e v

KIN ফ লালা কল

= T f ка k= 1 pm পণ в тш MER গল rd Fei 1 EE Re ভাট চা SLATE BES IPF | eet,

3C শান Ss TEATS |

HE ৮4 ST HET 1 Je BH লা HS ne Lange? E Y বালু MIT AULEM t = ү HT

ITE ЕШ 80—484 1 TW wey رر‎ SA টা BF wT |< E BRE EH Яы-н ы

এশৰ TUM 4٩7 ST দুখ ST БЕТ ۴۹ et AR 1 et éise দাস TS

Page 120: d тірші a ses - archive.org

ar) RS HEF THT TST HERT | THEE শাইখ HES শি юк Ы টা লা টক FEET HMH HIC GF ৮৫

Se )

pet z] EI নাইলন E উট, পলা HET লা এধা গজ শশী,

ET Тр Онор OE НЕҢ t= SCH Ыр 40—81 Hä ৮৮ লালা উর, I

E.M "শাল Kat লে кй, লা 1-4 দন

T মার FA СН উইক GER OH ver টিটি CTY d] жыр E উলকি Бе AF লাকা ҰЯ

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anaےس ‏

«(Дй SL তল

„a 7| BEI বর লা uq Hear ST REBT anch И ЧЫ) শা al

TA WC NE sr |›— RE ETT e তি 8 I іс Шыныны

ট RI ve

хт E Ee Ell

SAT lee elen

Page 122: d тірші a ses - archive.org

— f) —

SEL. টি |

ই প্রা Tt Ta ee বং এ এপ Wed PEE He HEP шеш TRIE

„rem SS EST ERS SMO FA A6 Pee HE Ia খলা E ЕН

по FF +H و وو‎ FA A= HF ЫЕ АПА 8৯৮ Ei


HETHETIHESE ৮ ELT HR o STE এল ЖЕ 555 T BI Ors MRE paid эе HERE FAT = TT SEE St Fo po EX oR ৮ EN ER hr 44 AL

АЫ El NST FS IL BST AT x কলত += ST

iE Per The] Чї "Er pc ERAT 44 4৫ Ee Ze

Page 123: d тірші a ses - archive.org


Lib Z eor

1 ima), тайт Вам ШЕ -iddena). | 4. FF quang ete

$ LÉI 4420 ged Ze 0024-42, 987, | 36 FHF 4060.

зн ০৮4৫4, жта4 ае (н a f n y „ ar rt кї পপ

APT 444৫5 ` ay rt H 4৭৪ ee medic, pale 227 5? ET аф.

ь. "ST 7০7৮ : Yo, u amada VT Š

Г аба) HL ne Ee ০6424, 4абе

e HI dame , FÄER dami = 6. Ұлы wo Eu ТЕП Ва. .

Dos slw, dku- о Eu, ян, HE PHAN И che

е. ETE <€ Zx. EIN agit .

Mn 0 < Bel. 45. নক tage:

uxo FT = Mob. чв. "ETT Jahre ,

PENES. Le A qn XT andi, ০০৫০-০০-০০ neis s .

we MX 45 BEL. ағ. нң аба.

Ж. ДЕП м тт. ME 446 ৮৫৮৮4 Kader pj. = SE < Had. রি... ৬০

mo. четрекле. |+. A ONIE) = am. е. ММ <& ЖУ do Si 4 wa. 73. H e бата (Samad -дит- mhin), э, THK агаб family.

go.» 4 MERE E Niet, ry VER dako .

+ Samal umi e REED бш. ERO» А EG. se. Ч ৮০৫ OT NP, a ss aos «ШТ “Ж Реда. 6. o» naba, ак I E Maduka т Ve: makne, ahus NNE 26 L. 6% St Mum

7 „> © <ë Sitar e 046 MAD мш.

28. n এফ Eu RE itara. (২7২ dam, pagre,

3.5 X палам. El 25. < табал.

30. ЕНІ <= s. Lon ەچ‎ 285 я

31. € © ai weng. es. "Kk "NH Halil , baliw

a = 6. 2 “Jj. вв. oF ০৮৮৫০, %

эз. U «<= Bel, ey + = gabila ,

de. ү Жол PEE TIS Z.

Page 124: d тірші a ses - archive.org

22 ur

и. TAI duttu NTT - %. e dl жағам. =

у. е Amas.

ур. TAF 6.

ys "To очар.

m THM (RT) аме. yr. শী жаба.

мв. HTT El H rubu tt 33,

ae "X Ka.

we У 6 TY LAE у. УД "ET hagina. во. "Xp টা ৮৮০4৮7217৩2

an Xx (7৮417) salt (XTV, en. SI 83. М ЫНЫ 7৮444,

ot EMA 4446; майи .

৮৮,৮84 AAT E ада) Gutha 86. EA লয় hilt VT ;

ә? ‘লা аттик.

৪8. Мү QF ДА елд.

#9. МВ fiw, nesile. о. BEME “е Ae, а. AEBS 4৮৫৫০ se arta! ws.

45; НЕҢ 2, ийе. on BI HH uhren «бала ap B ом cot бу-‹Х

96 HPT 444442 Z.

1% HT nee 98. Ka Ada ғ наз = 444444.

1071 KEITH "T там, dilem. after mrt

мог. МЕЕ

ui HE ham а. aftu numrat,


ma ata (Nabu- na- at)

103, RFH {улту

104 = শা uber)

юе ҖЕ quer P EW marw, aj.

weet dona, পলি, 107. FX abu’

108. wali Ta, la.

109. VE AANA, Jarra =u 48.

110. লনা এ

"t. [= madar:

112. 25) 46 = Gar ч. Wo.

113, Me Af — রো v Veo.

и 4 Taraqu

nd. А de. gegen, againd; `

piru, hoch, mean

Aru) tir aed

116. FA еке.

ny. EAL 420

ug. EXE Matic

т” Д ФА. Pind 120, SE meu

ас, BARRY OAT A ц./... EHI Дала ]

u3 и MAR jv

(QU a Toe D

f. е її ad,

126. N ০৮৫০, arkit” Z arka n

17. HK PES

145. М Audi, 2%“ 6% ды. = 149. EX Yoru’

ue “ЧП vine 108.

131 ES "লা dengen

182. =

133. жя is

194. u Hoe ее url.

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735 Fei SOL жы 7


73). mtl дарил 70% ০০০৫৮৮৮০০৮৫,

138. ЕЕ damnu -

137, FE "T arga

“140. FEAL Zaa

147. BR аф ау.

195. " < аже RN

49. FRIST же 4“, ne Ta

44. Ё Aue, далей aa dicen Zeien

named of words and werden role ril ,

би MIR FE pain

46. RR Het dalta

107 Fe! -

я. ч GEI ада 744০

ма. MD ou Mons ESI ST УУ УУНУ

£90." EXE ATT <= ad gu 154. » жық «кеу,

aen. » «X zu blur.

o. et ды bait uro N = kakku. е. B < markabtw 7, JES адам enn.

168. এ dm ০৫৮০০,

19. n nr < Has.

too. RR ০৮৮৫০. 261. SL Aang :

44. ЕТЕ madi ০42০০,

163. HIR алва. 164. SM ` 4% “е u FF 86-০4-৮5০৫ e. mat-

166, ú сың А-а. =













198. %--



EMER alw. 4% Kur, ikama.

" ж igarra.

mid Еж

RTE Eech cardi.

লীলা saluku.

ES ০৮৫৫০. ЖО amel PAK

wk pi eene "Biel DA. Yo, «CC PT аңы 2" wp. um

পপর em ০০৫2 OU = hal Д, ॥ EA TL AY и TREN NA Vo. „ Б е“ 11৮4 еді

- rite tm VNPT . “НЕҢ el 2 mx.

> QR “me E

" FH tm] ZZ, „ЖЕЕ sei eet, Wr eee ও Hu -ai =

“=e 3 hijal veo, nndn dalle. H RI dd nbn ғ.

ION Төн 47৮4

RAST SS ০৬০, БИ << БЕЙ ada Ут” иа

EM BF reuta. kablu

bai 9]Ы Uruk, Crech Lad, л20-5 u ana e. қз

Page 126: d тірші a ses - archive.org

Hl —

19% SIN agw:

19. = Lilla, Aantal. 147.83 Ada, Аай.

200. AACHEN, ০৫৮৮৮ 207.










417. "



. Ruf:











й 225°



и Aad.


419 «йа (02-42). í BIETER

TH F SA fan.

S E WH Wm * AZ, 8 sabu, FAR sabe.

п ¿manda n n Aumenta.

৫৮৯4 ৮64০০, ham ine. 724.

SAR. алаи yn aa, ma did Z.









. 247.


< elu , 10.

AER 46. . < Arn ; үсте 742.

‚ ‹ Apu; A Goa:

. SESH > dre pad dus tl v AN

<- 2 rd a par.

‚ শী এ

2 Xp EE оой

< 1000. abet.


AH (ж) Lane, 4৮৭ QE PL! ০০4৫৫, 460 la লু Atty} «2 as clé onm

GJ Cer: names ороми € fa

N Ssi] aol

49 Sry kurasa made «фо

ki + gat = hei = —

do nae, өс) ira did Lad. eeu i. Cert ту in a

avide golan camp. |

T maitaha. «T 78.

«x lh.

Si. EEN 4 Ала কপির E е a US mumiral 14,

246 2 жалма.

‚Ж erred SÉ

<<< D ^ 90.

<<< v+ | perita,

Т datum, before "44. mame

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— HF —

2561 pilin, mumeral 7. 157 arw.

rss VH 14 V mida. 239 A BI еу

360. Y- 700

201. P plural “৮

262. H LG Z. 263. EL Ammon. dolor.

ram eof brats of barder, eet elo...

267. JD এব ৮ 165. ІНІ Ct niku.

266. EL Apr.

267. й Sanit’.

Aer TEN e 2.

267. Y— innis, Ста dolan

E < orm AMT,

Am RA | demi eto. iw. Y- {НЧЫ Жота .

274. rH akalı ; mamas nienma,.

27. YN адай.

E = un Jr hill tbr and T. 21. T< 80

277. ТЇ dank, 2. - aye. একা parab.

279. TELS (BS) ০০৫৮০০৮৫০৫০ 1 WE elt

28০. TH 8 ed, ` zer ЇЙ mrw, apelul. ı

zez ¥ ১৫০৮ 2

283. тет abbreviated, la-a ént

v. no. 700.

284. Brit, Д

е HE 1৮672.

26. WW тебе

zy. ТЇ EA алас 299. শা ৩৫০, ihlu.

189. FFA BH FE A.S/.L/B.KU MAL... Vee.

so WP méme y detur en mames of rivers V. Uo. -

291. " SE “шд, D

we, 0 গ্ৰ EH NIH = ৮৫৮০2 i ap ғала.

Mm minw.

294. Тї Лайли `

295. ШИ 4৮66০

296. ¥ arta a.

197. F 25 198. F КЇЙ makkirw, ror atn. £%. OX Ace.

гоо. F ^e (Fi) <“ Ze зот. N hanius, 8.

гоз. Ж dei, YU).

95০3. ¥ AI КЫЛК

304. TU EY OA

enata: Ue 300 should be puil атау

жюз 77%.

Me 212 4 2; পর্ণ Z 6 ae. 67.


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"h a "A iris E ЖЫЙ, ЧАМ


e E shi ach SS NUT — ' a E ng

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