Sacred Heart CATHOLIC PARISH Equipo Pastoral/Pastoral Team: Parochial Administrator: Rev. Juan Arciniegas Phone: (630) 898-4165 Fax: (630) 898-3940 E-mail: [email protected] Horario de Oficina/Office Hours Lunes-Viernes/Mon-Fri 9:00 am- 5:00 pm Mayra Vizcarra - Diana Cortes L Secretaria/Secretary Maria Macho Finanzas/Bookkeeper MISAS/MASSES Vigilia del Domingo/ Sunday Vigil 6:00 pm (Español) Domingo/Sunday 8:00 am (Español) 9:30 am (English) 11:30 am (Español) 1:00 pm (Español) 6:00 pm (Español) Entre Semana/Weekdays 8:00 am (English) Miercoles & Viernes 6:30 pm (Español) RECONCILIACIÓN/RECONCILIATION Viernes/Friday: 5:00pm6:00pm Sábados/Saturdays: 5:00pm- 5:45pm St. Vincent de Paul: 630-851-2913 Church: 125 N. State Street • Aurora, IL 60505 DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 2020 1st Sunday of Advent

D 1st Sunday of Advent Sacred Heart

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Page 1: D 1st Sunday of Advent Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart C A T H O L I C P A R I S H

Equipo Pastoral/Pastoral Team:

Parochial Administrator:

Rev. Juan Arciniegas

Phone: (630) 898-4165

Fax: (630) 898-3940

E-mail: [email protected]

Horario de Oficina/Office Hours


9:00 am- 5:00 pm

Mayra Vizcarra - Diana Cortes

L Secretaria/Secretary

Maria Macho



Vigilia del Domingo/

Sunday Vigil

6:00 pm (Español)


8:00 am (Español)

9:30 am (English)

11:30 am (Español)

1:00 pm (Español)

6:00 pm (Español)

Entre Semana/Weekdays

8:00 am (English)

Miercoles & Viernes

6:30 pm (Español)



5:00pm– 6:00pm


5:00pm- 5:45pm

St. Vincent de Paul: 630-851-2913

Church: 125 N. State Street • Aurora, IL 60505

DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 2020 1st Sunday of Advent

Page 2: D 1st Sunday of Advent Sacred Heart

2 Sacred Heart Church, Aurora IL

Mass Intentions Sunday/Domingo, 11/29/2020 8:00 am Maria, Fam. Favela Vizcarra

9:30 am

11:30 am

1:00 pm

6:00 pm

Monday/Lunes, 11/30, St. Andrew

8:00 am Mica, Jacinto

Tuesday/Martes, 12/01/2020

8:00 am IEusevia, Bernardino

Wednesday/Miércoles, 12/02/2020

8:00 am Eduardo, Lourdes

6:30 pm

Thursday/Jueves, 12/03, St. Francis Xavier

8:00 am Macaria, Fam. Piña Gutierrez

Friday/Viernes, 12/04, St. John Damascene

8:00 am Efrain, Elvera

6:30 pm

Saturday/Sábado, 12/05/2020

8:00 am Amaira, Ailin

6:00 pm

Sunday/Domingo, 12/06/2020

8:00 am Carmen, Anais

9:30 am

11:30 am

1:00 pm

6:00 pm

Readings for the week of November 29, 2020

Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7/Ps 80:2-3,

15-16, 18-19 [4]/1 Cor 1:3-9/Mk 13:33-37

Monday: Rom 10:9-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11

[10]/Mt 4:18-22

Tuesday: Is 11:1-10/ Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 [cf.

7]/Lk 10:21-24

Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [6cd]/

Mt 15:29-37

Thursday: Is 26:1-6/Ps 118:1 and 8-9, 19-21, 25-

27a [26a]/Mt 7:21, 24-27

Friday: Is 29:17-24/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [1a]/Mt 9:27-31

Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26/Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6

[cf. Is 30:18d]/Mt 9:35—10:1, 5a, 6-8

Next Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11/Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14

[8]/2 Pt 3:8-14/Mk 1:1-8

Noviembre: Mes de los Fieles Difuntos /

November: Month of the Faithful Departed

Oremos Por: / Let us Pray for:

†Jr. Martinez †Maximiliano Solis †Isabel Valdez

†Juan Gabriel †Fam. Solis Villanueva †Enrique Orozco

†Rocio Durcal †Fam. Jaime Cardona †Rosalia Manzo

†Jeny Rivera †Juan Moreno †Emiliano Nunez

†Gabriel Estrada †Jesus Jimenez †Guadalupe Orozco

†Lalo Zuniga †Fam. Martinez Sanchez †Enedina Orozco

†Maria Arellano †Reymunda Mexia †Pedro Orozco

†Isidra Arellano †Teodoro Hernandez †Elbira Contreras

†Jesus Ramos †Cesilio Alcantara †Francisca Sanchez

†Piedad Arellano †Trinidad †Alberto Gomez

†Beto Villa †Gloria Barajas †Mirna Gomez

†Mariana Levy †Jesus Barajas †Juan Marquez

†Eduardo Palomo †Savinija Alcantar †Jose Tochimani

†Cristian †Maria Guerrero †Victorio Pimentel

†Jelmo Barboza †Lupe Barajas †Nelcida Collcun

†Luz Campos Casas †Marco Ortiz †Gloria Jimenez

†Carlos Rocha †Fortino Ortiz †Inocensio Pimentel

†Carlos Rocha Jr. †Leon Ortiz †Elva Pimentel

†Isabel Rocha †Eleasar Ortiz †Humberto Navarro

†Miguel Guerrero †Patricio Ortiz †Elvira Navarro

†Marcelino Gro. †Maria Ortiz †Ester Velazquez

†Manuela †Fernando Ortiz †Gabriel Navarro

†Padre Jovany †Guadalupe Sandoval †Gonzalo Navarro

†Padre Manuel Gomez †Pedro Sandoval †Alfredo Navarro

†Martin Leon †Jesus Prieto †Maclovio Navarro

†Silvia leon †Mersedes Sandoval †Jesus Barajas

†Paquita †Lucia Sandoval †Juan Orozco

†Maria Cabada †Luz Prieto †Salud Morones

†Socorro Cabada †Teresa Sandoval Esquivel †Leonardo Calderon

†Edubije Vizcarra †Modesto Sandoval Esquivel †Esperanza Juarez

†Alfredo Cazares †Valentin Flores †Librado Monarrez

†Rosa Carillo †Maria Mojica †Martha Anaya

†Vernardino Carillo †Petra Flores †Jilberto Navar

†Maria del Refujio Espiosa †Selerino Lopez †Maria Chaides

†Gonzalo Hernandez †Alejandro †Rodolfo Garcia

†Martin Hernandez †Manuel Garcia †Carmen Terrazas

†Dolores Morales †Rafaela Garcia †Aurelio Garcia

†Alfredo Gonzalez †Raul Garcia †Herlinda Herrera

†Tomasa Pule †Refugio Villa †Siriaco Terrazas

†Jesus Jose Diaz †Guadalupe Mazias †Candelario Santillanes

†Luis Urbina †Luis Urbina †Victoria Garcia

†Agustina Terrazaz †Agustina Terrazas †Santiago Rios

†Carmen Urbine †Carmen Urbina †Guadalupe Rios

†Cuca Diaz †Cecundino Carrera †Felipa Diaz

†Baudelio Ramirez †Petra Rodriguez †Gerardo Lopez

†Macario Alfaro Arias †Rita Carrera †Seledonia Chaidez

†Fam. Munguia †Aurelio Contreras †Sacramento Perez

†Maria Sanchez †Maximino Ayala †Esperanza Cruz

†Ofelia Sanches †Anthony Marin †Grasiano Cruz

†Jose Luis Flores Navarrete †Israel Marin †Oliba Castro

†Silvia Veronica Leon †Francisco Cazares †Ladislado Perez

†Fam. Sanches †Raul Cazares †Bruna Basques

†Jessica Martinez Acosta †Alfredo Cazares †Agripina Cruz

†Jose Acosta †Rosa Carillo Es. †Florensia Alanis

†Rogelio Esquivel †Venardin Carillo †Fam. Perez Basques

†Josefina †Maria del R. Espinosa †Fam. Cruz

†Rafael †Viktoria Cazares †Rafaela Velasquez

†Maria de Jesus Sanches †Maribel Cazares †Eraclio Mata

†Ladislao Dominguez †Luis Uribe †Acension Quinonez

†Jesus Sanchez †Matias Cazares †Andres Mata

†Maria Contreras †Oscar Palomino †Juaquin Nevarez

†Felipe Dominguez †Alfonso Espinoso †Chely Lopez

†Antonio Dominguez †Melquiades Luna †Elodia Alvarado

†Miguel Dominguez †Paula Santillan †Conchita Santamaria

†Catalina Vazquez †Adalberto Luna †Juan Alvarado

†Andrea Cruz †Francisco Basquez †Maria de Jesus Alvarado

†Agustin Cruz †Julia Becerra †Chuy Aguirre

†Jose Luis Cruz †Alvino Marit †Dionicia Aguirre

†Juana Cruz †Martha Becerra †Geronimo Aguirre

†Mercedes Cruz †Gloria Ramirez †Lalo Aguirre

†Refugia Cruz †Eloisa Ramirez †Juanito Aguirre

†Roberto Cruz †Alvaro Sanchez †Ubaldo Aguirre

†Enrique Cruz †Rosa Nieves †Juanito Flores

†Jose Duran †Amador Rubio †Sergio Gutierrez

†J. Guadalupe Solis †Simeon Munoz †Miguel Gutierrez

†Moises Solis †Elvira Aguilar †Salvador Vilchiz

†Benjamin Solis †Olivia Munoz †Pedro Tinajero

†Isidro Solis †Irais Munoz †Luis Navarro

Page 3: D 1st Sunday of Advent Sacred Heart



29 de noviembre de 2020

1er Domingo de Adviento

¡Adviento es estar preparados! Hoy damos comienzo a un nue-

vo año litúrgico. Cabe, pues, decir a todos ustedes, ¡Feliz Año

Nuevo! Si, ojalá sea nuevo en nuestra forma de vivir y de espe-

rar. Todo ha cambiado en este 2020. Nada es igual en la fami-

lia y en la sociedad. Ahora debemos cuidarnos más, y estar

listos para tanto cambio lleva tiempo, pero es bueno prevenir

para no enfermarnos. El virus tomó a muchos desprevenidos,

su sufrimiento y muerte ayudó a otros a prepararse, a poner

cuidado. Usar la mascarilla, lavarse las manos, tomar precau-

ciones de distancia es vivir este Adviento vigilando y mante-

niendo la esperanza.

Damos comienzo al Evangelio de Marcos, comienza el ciclo

―B‖. Nos habla de un hombre que se va al extranjero y deja

instrucciones y diferentes responsabilidades a sus sirvientes.

Marcos, en este ciclo y Mateo, en el año que termina, hablan

de velar porque no se sabe cuándo llegará el momento. Sin

embargo, Marcos sitúa el retorno del Señor durante la noche.

Recordemos que parte de la audiencia de Marcos eran los ro-

manos. Por eso menciona cuatro vigilias---al atardecer, a media

noche, al canto del gallo, o de madrugada. Esto quiere decir,

estar despiertos siempre sin bajar la guardia, velando. Velar,

quiere decir estar despierto mientras otros duermen. Ojalá, que

al encender la corona de Adviento en la parroquia y en casa,

nos esforcemos por tener presente el deseo de que brille la luz

del Señor y nos salve. Que crezca en nosotros la actitud de

vigilancia por el hermano y hermana que sufre. ¿Qué haré en

este Adviento para estar atento a lo que Dios me pide?



November 29, 2020

1st Sunday of Advent

You are at the eye doctor and it’s time for the peripheral vision test. You

know the one. It’s where you put your head up to a contraption and have to

click a switch every time you see a squiggly line. If you don’t concentrate

and maintain optimal focus, you will miss them and skew the outcome of the

test. You can easily find yourself with a diagnosis that really isn’t accurate!

Concentration and focus are key to succeeding with this evaluation. They are

also key to developing a healthy, vibrant spiritual life. If we do not bring our

full consciousness to the task, concentrate with all our might, be watchful

and vigilant, we are not going to see God’s loving presence flashing before

our eyes!

That’s why we need Advent. Let’s face it. We can easily get distracted, fo-

cus on nonessential and superficial things and lose touch with what really

matters. Our attentions wander. We daydream and even become a bit over-

whelmed and tired. All of the stresses and demands of life consume us and

we find ourselves constantly trying to play catch up rather than relishing the

moment of the now. “Now” moments are so fleeting. They flash before us

like those squiggly lines on a screen. Present moments go as quickly as they

come but it is important to discover them and rest in them as often as we

can. Though gone in a flash, these now moments of encounter with God

teach powerful lessons and offer a grounding in truth that can be found no-

where else. It’s the grace of Advent to become watchful and attentive be-

cause we are never sure when God will surprise us.

God loves surprises and love thrives on them! God’s now moments of sur-

prises come as tender instants of intimate connection where I find profound

peace, experience joy, and rest in love. These are Advent times reflective of

the now moments when Christ first was born, when God surprises us during

every time we care to watch and when the great surprise of Christ’s second

coming dawns upon us all. But, to discover the grandeur and experience the

awe of these now times, we have to be ready. We have to want to be there.

We have to believe. And, we have to have the desire to soak in as much as

we can in the time we have before us.

3 Sacred Heart Church, Aurora IL

Sunday Collection/

Colecta del Domingo:

11-22-2020: N/A

Goal/Meta: $5,000.00

Over/Sobro: N/A

____________________________________ Familias que tendrán La Virgen en su Hogar:

Nov. 29– Conchita Aguirre

Nov. 30– Yolanda

Dec. 01– Gloria Orrala

Dec. 02– Gloria Orrala

Dec. 03– Gloria Orrala

Dec. 04– Rosabel Nevarez

Dec. 05– Ismael Martinez

Page 4: D 1st Sunday of Advent Sacred Heart

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