Czech jimi carter

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  • 1. The holder of Nobel peace prizeJimmy Carter

2. Biography He was born on 1st October 1924 in Georgia He is still alive and now he is 88 years old He was gifted student and he loved reading He was studying United States Naval Academy In 1946 he got married with Rosalynn Smiththeyand they have four children 3. Career He work on nuclear submarines for many years he resigned his commission he started running the familybusiness. In 1971 he became a governorof Georgia and he held this postfor one term until 1975 4. President of the USA In January 1976 he defeated Gerald Ford and hebecame a president of the USA He reformed the government and he protectedenvironment. He returned the Panama Canal Zone to Panama. He also had to deal with many problems. In 1981 he was defeated by Ronald Regan. 5. Nobel peace prize He got the Nobel peace prize in 2002 Carter tried to help with the problembetween Israel and Palestine He also tried to reach an agreement withthe USSR about nuclear weapons He helped Egypt and Israel sign the peace treaty,and they have not gone to war since this time. 6. Thank you for your attention.