I V i i i a Voi IV ZE3IO FOR STOYES For Wood or Coal wipi The Universal Stoves aiMajges JL Large Itivoio Jiast to HCecncl Tho Castings of this Factory aro so far away fliiporlor to oil othor makes thai COMPARISON IS FUTILE Tho Australia brought a largo invoice of assorted goods to tho Faoiflo KCa-rci-w-a- r Oo Limited Call and examine their stock or write them for anything you want It has taken sovoral yoars to Batisfy usors of WIND MILLS that thoro is nothing mado which equals the CYOLOJSf h Orders aro coming in faster than wo can fill thorn but wo aro doing tho best we can Pacific Hardware Co Li HONOLULU II I IF SUGAR FACTORS IMPORTERS OF Q ener al Merchandise AND oo miissiodst bsqhdsttss Agenff for Lloydn Canadian Australian Steamship Line British Foreign Marine Insurance Co Northern Assurance Co Fire and Life Canadian Pacific Railway Co Pioneer Lino of Packet from Liverpool Telephone 92 P O Box M5 H R McINTYKE BRO HAST CORNER FORT KING STS IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries Provisions and Feed Now and Fresh Goods received bv ovory packet from California Eastorn Btntos and European Markots Standard Grade oi Canned Vegetables Fruits and Fish Vta- - Goods delivered to nny part the City VSSl THtANn tiiatiw pnimiTn qatibwaptjom nniPiwrpcn M LANCASTER Professional Horseshoer Has Oponod His Shop tit No J2t Street T B Murrays lroini T King Horso Owners will And tln advan- - tago patronize the now shop whero tho best work Quarnntced Telephone JSTo 1S7 U B78 THOS LINDSAY Jeweler PREPARED TO Manufacture and Repair All kinds Jewolry FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY Loyo Building fort F HORN The Pioneer Bakery Uread Pies Oakos kluds fresh ovory day Fresh Oioam mado tho Boat Wood lawn Oream Flavors llie finest llomo mado ll on SOS it to lr to is IS of COT Bt tf of all Ico of In all 17 Confcctlonory i HONOLULU FEIDAY MAY 1897 W II RICKARD General Business Agent WILL ATTEND TO r of II I 7 Convoyaucing in All Its Branclioa Oolloctinrr and All Buolnoss Mattorfl of Trust All business ontrustcd to him will rccoive prompt nnd caroful uttoiitlon Ofllro Honnknn Hnmnkun Hawaii In Response To Sovoral Inquiries Vhy tho IPalama Grocery Dout Keep HORSE FEED H 0 GANNON is pleasod to slato that lie is now proparod to supply HAY and GRAIN SU And hopes liv giving lloiiost Weight at the LOWEST POSSIBLE HATES to merit a Sliaro of lubllo Patronage AU0 FAT SALMON BALM ON IIELHES TONGUE anil SOUND MAOKEREL and ltaH FEET by Kit or Single Fish GST TELEPHONE 785 Every Time i ia 337 Opposite Railway Dopot tf Subioribe fay thn Imlepentlrnl 0 SPRECKELS AUD THE TRUST Division of Big Beet Sugar Interests Tho Abrogation of tho Hawaiian Reciprocity Troaty Is Favored by Both Partios Th Gall announced yesterday tha a doal bad beon effected bo twoen Glaus Spreokels and John E Searles soeretary of the Amerioau Sugar KeGueries Company during tho lattors recent visit to this city by which tho trust would partici ¬ pate in Spreckels bent sugar inter- ests ¬ on this Coast and also assist iu promotiug other sugar enterprises Accompanying tho statement is an interview with Glaus Spreekola from which tho following extracts aro taken By thU transaction ho said tho tniBt did not as ou will per- - oiive Eocure a controlling interest in tho factory That is still in my hands so that wo will always be in a position to compote in the opon market It is understood that the trust will co operate with mo iu tho work of developing tho beet sugar industry iu this State by the erec ¬ tion of a number of factories as fast as they aro required Their estab lishment will depend of course on tho rapidity of growth of sugar beet plantations It is also their iuton tiou to dovolop this industry throughout tho United StatoH Thoro has been a great deal of talk of your boiug opposed to the renewal of tho reciprocity treaty with Hawaii by which sugar is al- lowed ¬ to come iu freo from the isl ands remarked tho interviewer 1 have largo interests in tho Ha- waiian ¬ islauds began Mr Sproc- ket ¬ I am a large owner in three sugar plantations Likowise I havo a good deal of property thoro I have a bank there and my soub Adnlph 13 aud John D aro inter- ested ¬ in the firm of W G Irwin Co I huvo heretofore romained neu- tral ¬ iu tho matter of the abrogation of the rooiprooity treaty with Ha- waii ¬ but when you ask mo tho di- rect ¬ question as to my viows ou tho subjoot I as an American citizen foel compollod to Bay that it is a ouo sldod affair In tho first yoar of tho treaty thoro woro only 10000 tons of sugar produced in the islands Last year tho product had inoreasedto 225000 tons aud this years estimate places tho orop at 235000 tons This vast iudustry has beer built up by our country iu permitting tho sugar from the islauds to come in here freo of duty The remission of duty on Hawai ¬ ian sugar amounts to date to tho enormous sum of 78000000 If tho prosent troaty as included iu tho tariff bill under consideration by tho Seuato at the preseut time remains in operation it will givo to the isl auds about 37000000 por annum as a virtual bounty on tho sugar raisodJ thoro and exported to this country and this amount will practically como out of the pockets of tho citi Rons oftthis couutry If tho troaty is continued thoy will eventually bring their nunual orop of sugar up to 8000000 tons New plantations are boiug opened up right along and with tho reciprocity troaty bb an incentive tho amount of produc- tion ¬ will iuoroasu ovory yoar Thjs will rosult in injury to tho sugar in- dustry ¬ of thin and othor States of tho Union Thero is roally nothing recipro- cal ¬ about this troaty to day It is all ouo sided The balanco of trado in favor of tho islauds amounts to about 7000000 or 58000000 por annum Tho articles imported from this country aro only such bb they cannot obtain cheapor elsewhoro Since tho advent of tho Canadiau lino thoy havo imported hay lum- ber ¬ grain potatoes aud other mer ¬ chandise formorly purchased in this country from Canada Most of thoir othor importations now come from En gland Franco and Germany as tho import duty is only ten per cont not enough to favor importa- tions from this country For these roasous I am in favor of the abrogation of tho troaty as I look first to tho protection of homo industries S F Chronicle DEAGOA BAY Arrival of a Squadron of Eight Vos dbIs Causes a Groat Sensation London April 22 A dispatch from Capo Town announces that a squadron of eight British war ships entered Delngoa bay yesterday evou iug causing great excitement but according to tho goneral opinion at Capo Town only a naval demonstra tion is intended Lisbon April 22 Tho Porlugueso Foreign Ministor Sonor do Suvorat in au interviow this afternoon in re fore nee to the appoarauco of a Brit- ish ¬ squadron of war ships in Dola goa bay says that Groat Britain had assured Portugal ol her good in- tentions ¬ CYCLISTS MItINK IT in preference to all other beers becnuso Rainier is pure because its nourishing nnd strengthening bc causo Immoderate Indulgence docs not give them a head tho next morn- ing ¬ On tap or iu bottles at tho Cri- terion ¬ IF Y0UR Horse Call on SCO or IS SIOK A K ROW AT 1 V 8 Ofllco Oltib Slablos tf IJuoinoss Oardo Dog A S HUMPHREYS Attorney-at-La- Office Kaahuiuanu Street Honolulu ANTONB ROSA Attorney-at-La- Kaahunianu Street Honolulu ALLEN 8s ROBINSON Dealebs in Lctmueh and Coal and Bdildino Materials ov All Kinds rtir HAAt- lTnvtnfriln R N BOYD SunvEYon and Real Estate Aoent Olllco Ilotliol Street over tho Now 230 Modol Rostaurant JOHN NOTT iy Plumiuno Tin Coiter and Sheet Iron Work King Street Honolulu HAWAIIAN WINE CO Frank Brown Manager 9 mid Movnlmn ro Uminltilu K T No 578 WilderB Steamship Co TIME TABLE 0 L WIGHT 1rcs B 11 ROSE Sec Capt J A KING Port Snpt Stmr KINAU CLARKE Commandor Will leave Honolulu at 10 a m touching at Lnhnina Maalnpa Hny and Makona the samo day j Mahukenn Kawalbao and Lau pabophoo tho following day arriving t Hilo tho samn afternoon LEAVED HONOLPLP ARRIVES JIONOLPLP Friday May 7 Tuesday May 18 Friday May98 Tito day luno 8 Friday Jimn in Tuesday June 29 Friday July 0 Tuesday July 20 Friday July 0 Tuesday Aug 10 Friday Aug 10 Tuerday Aug 31 Friday Sept 10 Tuesday Soit Friday Oct 1 Tuesday Oct 12 Friday Oct 22 Tuesday Nov 2 Fndxy ioy 14 Tuocly Nov 23 Friday Deo 3 tfnisdav Don 11 Thursday Duo 23 Tuosday May i My May 14 Tuesday May 25 Jridav jUBe 4 Tuesday Jnno 10 1riday Juno 25 Tuesday July 0 1riday July IB Tucedny Jnly i7 Jriday Aug 0 Tuesday Aug 17 JrWny Aug 27 Tuesday bept 7 ridav Hoptl7 Tuesday Bopt28 Friday Oct 8 Tuesday Oct 10 Iridav rintvn vvvsv Tuesday Now n Friday Nov 19 Tuesday Nnvsn Friday Deo 10 Ta stfay Deo 21 Friday Dec 31 Returning will leave Hilo at 8 oclock a m touching at Laupahoehoo Mahn Kona and Kawathao same day Makena Maalaca Bay and Lahaina the folio wine day arriving at Honolulu the afternoons of Tuesdays and Frldayu rw- - Will call at IoUoiki Puna on trips marked dsr- - No Freight will be received after b A m on day of sailing Tho popular route to tho Volcano is vl lilm A frnnil nnrrlmxt rnnl frlA Af bvw v iyb luuu iuu uuuru ins- tance ¬ HO II Till irilx ftnlrnto n lu -- It HrouB u expenses 5600 Stmr CLAUDINE CAMERON Commander Will loavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r m touch ng at Kahului Hana Hamoa and Kipahnlu Maui Returning arrives at Honolulu Sunday mornings Will call at Nuu Kaupo onco each month jCW- - No Froight will be received of tor i r m on day of sailing This Company will resorvos the nghtto mako obanges in tho time of dopartmo and arrival of its Steamers without notice and it will not bo responsible for any conse ¬ quences arising therefrom Consignees must be at the Landings to roceivo their froight this Company will not hold Itself responsible for freight after It has beon landed Live Stock received only at owners rlslr This Company willnot bo responsible lor Monoy or Valuables of passengers unless placed in the care of Pursers MXT Passengers aro requested to pdr ohaso Tickets before embarking Tfios failing to do so will be subjeot to an addl tionaloharge of twontv flve per cent OLAUS SPREOKELS WM O IBWIN Clans Spreckels Co HONOLULU San ftanchco Agents THE NEVADA DANK OF SAN FRANCISCO DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANOISCO Tho Novada Bank of Ban Francisco LONDON Tho Union Rank of Loudon Ltd NEW YORK American Exchange No tlonnl Dank OHIOACIO Merchants National Bank PARI- S- Comptolr Nationol dEscompto d Paris BERLIN Drosdner Bank HONG KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hong KongHhanghaiDankinuCorporatlon NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALI- A- Bank of Now Zealand VI01ORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North America Trnnnact a General Banking ami Krohanqe Dusiness Doporlts Received Loans made on Ap ¬ proved Hccurlty Comniorola and Travel ¬ ers Credit Issued Bills of Exenancti b jught uud sold Collodions Promptly Accounted For VBBJ tf M sf p C i i -- A

CYOLOJSf Li - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/34855/1/1897050701.pdf · VBBJ tf M sf p C i i--A. II 11 THE IHDEPHHDENT ISHUKD HJVlflKY AFTERNOON

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Voi IV

ZE3IO FOR STOYESFor Wood or Coal


The Universal Stoves aiMajgesJL Large Itivoio Jiast to HCecncl

Tho Castings of this Factory aro so far away fliiporlor to oil othor makesthai

COMPARISON IS FUTILETho Australia brought a largo invoice of assorted goods to tho

Faoiflo KCa-rci-w-a-r Oo Limited

Call and examine their stock or write them for anything you want

It has taken sovoral yoars to Batisfy usors of WIND MILLS that thoro isnothing mado which equals the

CYOLOJSf hOrders aro coming in faster than wo can fill thorn but wo aro doing tho

best we can

Pacific Hardware Co LiHONOLULU II I



Q eneral MerchandiseAND

oo miissiodst bsqhdsttssAgenff for Lloydn

Canadian Australian Steamship LineBritish Foreign Marine Insurance Co

Northern Assurance Co Fire and LifeCanadian Pacific Railway Co

Pioneer Lino of Packet from Liverpool

Telephone 92 P O Box M5



Groceries Provisions and FeedNow and Fresh Goods received bv ovory packet from California Eastorn

Btntos and European Markots

Standard Grade oi Canned Vegetables Fruits and FishVta-- Goods delivered to nny part the City VSSl

THtANn tiiatiw pnimiTn qatibwaptjom nniPiwrpcn


Professional Horseshoer

Has Oponod His Shop tit No J2tStreet T B Murrays lroini



Horso Owners will And tln advan- -

tago patronize the now shopwhero tho best work


Telephone JSTo1S7 U




Manufacture and RepairAll kinds Jewolry


Loyo Building fort


The Pioneer BakeryUread Pies Oakos kluds fresh

ovory day

Fresh Oioam mado tho Boat Woodlawn Oream Flavors

llie finest llomo mado



it to lrto




COT Bt tf

of all

Ico ofIn all






General Business Agent




II I 7

Convoyaucing in All Its Branclioa

Oolloctinrr and All Buolnoss

Mattorfl of Trust

All business ontrustcd to him will rccoiveprompt nnd caroful uttoiitlon

Ofllro Honnknn Hnmnkun Hawaii

In ResponseTo Sovoral Inquiries Vhy tho

IPalama GroceryDout Keep HORSE FEED

H 0 GANNON is pleasod to slato that lieis now proparod to supply

HAY and GRAIN SUAnd hopes liv giving lloiiost Weight at the

LOWEST POSSIBLE HATES tomerit a Sliaro of lubllo



and ltaH FEET by Kit or Single Fish

GST TELEPHONE 785 Every Time i ia337 Opposite Railway Dopot tf

Subioribe fay thn Imlepentlrnl 0



Division of Big Beet Sugar


Tho Abrogation of tho HawaiianReciprocity Troaty Is Favored

by Both Partios

Th Gall announced yesterdaytha a doal bad beon effected botwoen Glaus Spreokels and John ESearles soeretary of the AmerioauSugar KeGueries Company duringtho lattors recent visit to this cityby which tho trust would partici ¬

pate in Spreckels bent sugar inter-ests


on this Coast and also assist iupromotiug other sugar enterprisesAccompanying tho statement is aninterview with Glaus Spreekola fromwhich tho following extracts arotaken

By thU transaction ho saidtho tniBt did not as ou will per- -

oiive Eocure a controlling interestin tho factory That is still in myhands so that wo will always be ina position to compote in the oponmarket It is understood that thetrust will co operate with mo iu thowork of developing tho beet sugarindustry iu this State by the erec ¬

tion of a number of factories as fastas they aro required Their establishment will depend of course ontho rapidity of growth of sugar beetplantations It is also their iutontiou to dovolop this industrythroughout tho United StatoH

Thoro has been a great deal oftalk of your boiug opposed to therenewal of tho reciprocity treatywith Hawaii by which sugar is al-


to come iu freo from the islands remarked tho interviewer

1 have largo interests in tho Ha-waiian


islauds began Mr Sproc-ket


I am a large owner in threesugar plantations Likowise I havoa good deal of property thoro Ihave a bank there and my soubAdnlph 13 aud John D aro inter-ested


in the firm of W G IrwinCo

I huvo heretofore romained neu-


iu tho matter of the abrogationof the rooiprooity treaty with Ha-waii


but when you ask mo tho di-


question as to my viows ou thosubjoot I as an American citizenfoel compollod to Bay that it is aouo sldod affair

In tho first yoar of tho treatythoro woro only 10000 tons of sugarproduced in the islands Last yeartho product had inoreasedto 225000tons aud this years estimate placestho orop at 235000 tons This vastiudustry has beer built up by ourcountry iu permitting tho sugarfrom the islauds to come in herefreo of duty

The remission of duty on Hawai ¬

ian sugar amounts to date to thoenormous sum of 78000000 If thoprosent troaty as included iu thotariff bill under consideration by thoSeuato at the preseut time remainsin operation it will givo to the islauds about 37000000 por annum asa virtual bounty on tho sugar raisodJthoro and exported to this countryand this amount will practicallycomo out of the pockets of tho citiRons oftthis couutry If tho troatyis continued thoy will eventuallybring their nunual orop of sugar upto 8000000 tons New plantationsare boiug opened up right alongand with tho reciprocity troaty bb

an incentive tho amount of produc-tion


will iuoroasu ovory yoar Thjs

will rosult in injury to tho sugar in-


of thin and othor States oftho Union

Thero is roally nothing recipro-cal


about this troaty to day It isall ouo sided The balanco of tradoin favor of tho islauds amounts toabout 7000000 or 58000000 porannum Tho articles imported fromthis country aro only such bb theycannot obtain cheapor elsewhoroSince tho advent of tho Canadiaulino thoy havo imported hay lum-


grain potatoes aud other mer ¬

chandise formorly purchased in thiscountry from Canada Most ofthoir othor importations now comefrom En gland Franco and Germanyas tho import duty is only ten percont not enough to favor importa-tions from this country

For these roasous I am in favorof the abrogation of tho troaty as Ilook first to tho protection of homoindustries S F Chronicle


Arrival of a Squadron of Eight VosdbIs Causes a Groat Sensation

London April 22 A dispatchfrom Capo Town announces that asquadron of eight British war shipsentered Delngoa bay yesterday evouiug causing great excitement butaccording to tho goneral opinion atCapo Town only a naval demonstration is intended

Lisbon April 22 Tho PorluguesoForeign Ministor Sonor do Suvoratin au interviow this afternoon in refore nee to the appoarauco of a Brit-ish


squadron of war ships in Dolagoa bay says that Groat Britain hadassured Portugal ol her good in-


CYCLISTS MItINK ITin preference to all other beers

becnuso Rainier is pure because itsnourishing nnd strengthening bccauso Immoderate Indulgence docsnot give them a head tho next morn-ing


On tap or iu bottles at tho Cri-



HorseCall onSCO


A K ROW AT 1 V 8Ofllco Oltib Slablos tf

IJuoinoss Oardo




Office Kaahuiuanu StreetHonolulu



Kaahunianu Street Honolulu


Dealebs in Lctmueh and Coal andBdildino Materials ov

All Kinds

rtir HAAt- lTnvtnfriln


SunvEYon and Real Estate Aoent

Olllco Ilotliol Street over tho Now230 Modol Rostaurant



Plumiuno Tin Coiter and SheetIron Work

King Street Honolulu


Frank Brown Manager

9 mid Movnlmn ro Uminltilu K T

No 578

WilderB Steamship Co


0 L WIGHT 1rcs B 11 ROSE SecCapt J A KING Port Snpt

Stmr KINAUCLARKE Commandor

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a m touching atLnhnina Maalnpa Hny and Makona thesamo day j Mahukenn Kawalbao and Laupabophoo tho following day arriving tHilo tho samn afternoon


Friday May 7Tuesday May 18Friday May98Tito day luno 8

Friday Jimn inTuesday June 29Friday July 0

Tuesday July 20Friday July 0

Tuesday Aug 10Friday Aug 10Tuerday Aug 31

Friday Sept 10Tuesday SoitFriday Oct 1

Tuesday Oct 12Friday Oct 22Tuesday Nov 2Fndxy ioy 14

Tuocly Nov 23Friday Deo 3tfnisdav Don 11

Thursday Duo 23

Tuosday May iMy May 14Tuesday May 25Jridav jUBe 4Tuesday Jnno 101riday Juno 25Tuesday July 01riday July IBTucedny Jnly i7Jriday Aug 0Tuesday Aug 17JrWny Aug 27Tuesday bept 7

ridav Hoptl7Tuesday Bopt28Friday Oct 8Tuesday Oct 10Iridav rintvnvvvsvTuesday Now nFriday Nov 19Tuesday NnvsnFriday Deo 10Ta stfay Deo 21Friday Dec 31

Returning will leave Hilo at 8 oclocka m touching at Laupahoehoo MahnKona and Kawathao same day MakenaMaalaca Bay and Lahaina the folio wineday arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tuesdays and Frldayu

rw- - Will call at IoUoiki Puna on tripsmarked

dsr-- No Freight will be received after bA m on day of sailing

Tho popular route to tho Volcano is vllilm A frnnil nnrrlmxt rnnl frlA Afbvw v iyb luuu iuu uuuru ins-tance ¬HO II Till irilx ftnlrnto n lu -- ItHrouB uexpenses 5600


Will loavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r mtouch ng at Kahului Hana Hamoa andKipahnlu Maui Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings

Will call at Nuu Kaupo onco eachmonth

jCW- - No Froight will be received of tor ir m on day of sailing

This Company will resorvos the nghttomako obanges in tho time of dopartmo andarrival of its Steamers without notice andit will not bo responsible for any conse ¬quences arising therefrom

Consignees must be at the Landings toroceivo their froight this Company willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterIt has beon landed

Live Stock received only at owners rlslrThis Company willnot bo responsible lorMonoy or Valuables of passengers unless

placed in the care of PursersMXT Passengers aro requested to pdr

ohaso Tickets before embarking Tfiosfailing to do so will be subjeot to an addltionaloharge of twontv flve per cent


Clans Spreckels Co




SAN FRANOISCO Tho Novada Bank ofBan Francisco

LONDON Tho Union Rank of LoudonLtd

NEW YORK American Exchange Notlonnl Dank

OHIOACIO Merchants National BankPARI- S- Comptolr Nationol dEscompto d


KongHhanghaiDankinuCorporatlonNEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALI- A-

Bank of Now ZealandVI01ORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank

of British North America

Trnnnact a General Banking ami KrohanqeDusiness

Doporlts Received Loans made on Ap ¬

proved Hccurlty Comniorola and Travel ¬

ers Credit Issued Bills of Exenanctib jught uud sold

Collodions Promptly Accounted ForVBBJ tf











i -- nritn Hnll Konitv ttrHt

flr Teikphoni 811 j3P J TEBrA Proprlotor und Tub

lishrUDMUND NOltltlE Krtitor

W HOHAOW WBIGHV AssistantEditor

KosMliw In Honolulu



Hatch to Dole Sond muzzles

for your apopials Talk too muoli

ThuratoD sifjned articles with JohnD ten rounds fight without muzzleRato uionoy to ivinnar sldn betoyolorama against treaty Senate is

reforoo Hastings and Morgan bot-


holders What shall I do

Potteu to Hatch No ono hereall loft town Stay with winningtide We always do


Now tho Anuoxatiou Club and itssupporters are shouting because of

tho appoiutmont of Mr HaroldSowall to tho position of UnitedStates Minister to Hawaii It is

still true that drowuiug men dutchat straws Tho appoiutmaut ofMr Sowall has no more significancein its boaring upon tho policy ofannexation by tho United Statesthan tho appointment of Mr Blountwould have upon tho policy of res-


of tho Monarchy by thoGovernment of tho Uuited States

A gravo and rovorend Senator ofthe United States has admitted thatto abrogate tho treaty of reciprocitywith Hawaii and continue to holdPearl Harbor would place tho Unit-


States in such a position thatthoy could not look any other na-


in the face without blushingHow much loss then can tho UuitedStates annex Hawaii aftor having byforce of arms doposed the Queenand overthrown the Monarchy ofHawaii

The Independent welcomes MrSowall as the Minister of tho UnitedStatos to Hawaii for we reoall hisloyalty to tho oppressed people ofSamoa and believo that Hawaiiausmay trust his sympathies


Rumors are current that affect therighteousness of tho decision of thoSuprome Court in tho matter of theostato of John Ii This limn thoSupremo Court consisted of Aeso- -

ciato Justice Whiting and MessrsW R Castle and Paul Noumaunmombors of tho bar who wero call-


in becauso tho Chief Justice andAssooiato Justice Froar wero dis-


Tho Advertiser stated n

few days sinco that tho decision hadbeeu filed with tho Clerk of thoCourt and afterwards stated thattho decision had been rocallod bytho Court in order to correct clericalerrors

Now it transpires that onn of thocounsel in tho case in reading thodecision filed found that tho reason ¬

ing contaiuod in it rovorsod a de ¬

cision of Associate Justice Whitingfiled less thau six months sincoThis discovory was communicatedto Associato Justico Froar heuco thewithdrawal of tho decision for rooasting Rumor says that tho con-


readied will bo tho same asin tho deoisiou originally filed buttho reasoning leading to the con-


will be eliminated

It is generally believed that thodooision is one of puro policy be-


of tho magnitude of tho inter-ests


involved and tho prominnnco ofpersons interested Tho Hnwaiianswho know of tho will of John Iiand who aro competeut to judge of

JbiZOL mfJmfi

its meauing are freely spying thatthe intentions of the vononbloeslator are beiug thwarted

Thinking t aro wondoring howI ho nxt heiii h of Judges will bocompound 1 h Bench is certainly

ni uncertain quantity


If thero is any question as towhere Mrs Domiuh will sit at theGrant memorial function it is onethat ought to bo readily solved Shebolougj among tho ex a chiefamong whom is her groat and goodfriend Groror Cleveland The spectaolo of theso two old cronies sun ¬

ning themselves on n back numberedbench would bo good for soro eye

S F Chwniclc

Au extract from the letter of acorrespondent iu Washington reads

While the administration cannotrecognize Her Majesty as long asthoro is a Legation of Hawaii iu thiscity yot the sympathetic fooling forher is so strong that she is quiejustified iu her beliof that thero is

a most hopful ray of sunlight stillbeaming on tho futur 1 aud thut nooub eau tell whou or how day willbreak a buttor day thau over forHawaii und her peojilo This correspondent is not an annexationist

Iu tho proposed agreement between Mr Fitzgeralds plantersand Ewa Plantation Company we

notice tho following provision Thoadjustment of tho several propor-tions


of tho Iliiuters shall be madeby themselve subject to au appealbv ouv Planter dissatisfied therewith to the Employer aud aftor ahonrms th decision of suoh Em ¬

ployer shall be final aud binding onall parties Great Scoltl Has eventho Ewa Llautatiou Company lostfaith iu our olliciul disnonsors of lawaud justice as meted out iu Hawaiiuei

The Independents latest informalHon is to tho effect that tho troatyof reciprocity will not bo abrogatedthat the Senators who desiro abro-


will yield this point to thoseSenators who believe that PearlHarbor cauuot bo held after abro-


of the troaty but that thoadvantages accruing to Hawaii un ¬

der the tortus of tho trenty will bo

so limited as to make the advant ¬

ages more tiuly reciprocal as be ¬

tween tho two countries Thoro arostill Homo feW persons who believothat Pearl Harbor may bo of someuse to a maritime Power The ten-


with which tho supposod ad ¬

vantages of tho retention of PearlHarbor are held to hardly justiflostho hopes of annexationists for ob-



If Hawaii loses tho reciprocitytroaty tho country can thank thepresent govornmeut for what willprove little less than a nationalcalamity The indiscretion aud lackof tact of tho mon selected to reprojUit Hawaii and more especiallythe people directly interested in thotroaty or iu anuoxatiou aro simplymarvellous The bombast of MrThurston when ho threatens thoUuited Stales with bringing hisHawaiian goods to somo othormarket if not purchasod by theAmerican Govern mon t is simplydisgUBtiug aud covers him aud Ha-


with ridicule and coutomptOne of Mr Doles Cabinot Ministerstold tho writer a fow weeks ago that

wo have given the Statos until theend of this year to make up theirmind to annex us or not If thoydont we will open negotiationselsewhore It is that kind of talkwhich creates enemios in Washing-ton


Instead of knocking humblyat tho door of tho groat Republicand bogging for admission sayingyour will bo dono the represent ¬

atives of Mr Doles funny bantamrepublic crow lustily a loug chal ¬

lenge to tho big game rooster to comoalong and bo dictated to If ourstatesman savo tho mark I couldsee themselves as others see themthoy would adopt n different toneaud apply every posslblo remedy inan effort to rtduco their ewollodheads

Board of Health

Vresidout W 0 Smith presidedat yesterdays meeting Tho Boarddesired to have trees planted onMolokal for tho sake of improvingconditions and providing firowoodThe only Meyer objected thoro wasplenty of fuel if a road to cost about

G00 was built into ono of tho val-


Ho founded his objections On

tho vory valid ones that thoro wasno time to do tho work and notonough rain when it was dono

Favorable reports haviug been rocoived from Dr Eldrodgo iu regardto sanitary affairs iu Japan it wasthought that thoro was no uecossityto coutiuuo tho 11 days quarantinein Japanese ports but tho mattorwas left to Dr Eldredges discretion

M Voissiou tho French Commis-


was thauked for samples of a

bark which has already been testedsatisfactorily at the Settlement andat Kakaako The Pilot at Mahukonawas appointed Health Agnul to oxamino vessels onteriug that port

rAnother Youngster Qono

Ono by ono tho woll aud favorableknown residents of this city whorouord in th ptit liiv von goldenencomiums from both friend andfoe alike one by ono they leavethese beautiful isles of tho coa forfresh scone and pasture nev

Among tho many who loft yo3torday by tho out goiug Stmr Monowaifor Sydney noue has a record thatsurpassed or even equalled that ofa well dresied lively and handfomaIsloud youth full of animal spiritswhose graceful nods to the manyIndies on the dock showed that hohad hosts of acquaintances audfriends amongst the gentler sex audwhose handkorchiofs wavod farewellas he was lost to view over the sidePoor youth he loaves a countrywhere his jouthful ambition seemsto lack appreciation and goes forthto battlo with others iu the raco oflife To tho success now aad in thoheats to come dear Sslvtor maythy record nevor be less

Mens Suits ready to wear at 125tho suit at Kerrs

No 1 Price 5

15 yards 30 Inch Brown Cotton15 yards 80 Inch White Cotton30 yards American PrintId yards Dimity10 yards Printed Duck

No 2 Price 5


Orlckot To morrow

Wickots will bo pitched at thorocroation grouudf Mukiki at 2

oclock to morrow afternoou fortho Crickot Match between thoU S S Philadelphia team and thatfrom tho Houolulu Cricket ClubTho following players havo beenselected

Philadelphia Reeso CaptainSmith Wardoll Ludgato WilsouPierpoint Richard HowlanMcLaughlin Siuolair and Waters

Honolulu H Horbort CaptainDr Murray Olive Davies A St MMackintosh Gilbort W LishmauHatfidd Jordan Hewitt OattonH Viucont and V Thompsou

Tho umpire it is hoped will boMessrs Scrimfjeour aud Simpson

o m

Board of Education

Prof Alexander presided overyesterdays meeting Deputy In-


General Scott reportedsatisfactory progross with tho Palama Primary School and also thatit was absolutely nocossury to placnblinds iu tho window of MissCoursons School and until theycould bo procured it was decided toclose up tho nchod

James R Holt Jr accepted thopositiou of School Agent at Waianae

Miss Hattio Coan was grantedpermission to go to tho Coast fortreatment of horoyes


The best qualitj Ginghnms arogoing 18 yards for 100 at N SSachs


Holders of Water Irlvllrgcs or thosepaying water rutos nro hereby notifled thattho hours for irrigation purposes aro from

1 to 8 oclock a m und from 1 to 0 oclockp M ANDUTCW MIOWN

Bupt Honolulu Water WorksApproved

1 A KingMinister of Interior

Honolulu H I April 0 1897 551 tf

frm omm8 frmom

20 yards White Cotton12 yards Flannolette20 yalds Indigo and White Print- -

18 yards Ono Ench Silk Ribbon12 dozen Whito Pearl Buttons1 dozen Whito Towels2J 12 Edging 12 Insertions

Timely Topics

Honolulu May 6 1897


the inoro rapidly spin round thowhcols of Time tho logic isthoroforo thut if you want togot tho pith out of enjoymentyou must go it whilo youroyoung That is whore wo canhelp you for our cycles for youngand old youths and maidensgirls and boys will outspocd thocycles of grandfather TimoFor cxnmplo

Wo havo just a few of thosocolobrntcd TRIBUNES with tholatest improvements loft ovorfrom tho Australias importationThoy aro beautiful in Maroonor black with gold trimmingsThey aro dandys daisies andinvariably up to date Thenwo also havo all grades andclasses of whools and tit allpricos tho best tho market enngivo Take for instanco THESTOltMEll you can havo thisat 75 and you will bo wellpleased with it aftor your in-


It has all tho most re ¬

cent improvomonts Thon thorois tho COLUMBUS anotherbeauty in Olivo Green and Goldwith Woodon Handles with CorkGrasps This goes for 75 alsoAnother wheel that is voryhighly spokon of tho UnitedStates is tho B II SPECIALwhich we can lot you havo for

G0 Wo also havo ono or twoof tho famous ZIMMIES thatyou may liko Wo havo a fowSECOND HAND WHEELS ofdilloront makes thut you cantako at reduced prices Our sup-plies


include wheels for ladiesand juvenilos repniring kits nndall tho sundries required andwe soil for cash or on tho instal ¬

ment plan

Tna Hawaiian Hardware Co li307 FoitT Street

For Five DollarsWE WILL SEND YOU any of the following




Parcel No 3 Price 5

15 yards White Dress GoodsId yards Figured Dimity2 1 yards Valenciennes Lace13 yards Superior Whito Cotton 30 Inch1G yards Gingham

Parcel No 4 Price 5 gj

3 yards Unbleached Table DamaskA dozen Linen Table Nnpkins10 yards Diaper10 yards Victoria Lawn15 yards Canton Flannel12 yards Whito Dimity 30 Inches Wide100 best quality Needles and I pieces tape

CASH must accompany all Mail Orderswmwmwwemmo


Wheeler and Wilson and Domestic Sewing Machines

3Lj 33 IHCIElJIEIR- - Queen St Honolulu





Who ia llie Honolulu wonder 1

Mons Hals at 25 ami 535 uonts onohat Kurr

Company Atho 15th inst

ulixitu a captain on

Bluo Sorgo Suits woll mado for 7

at KurrsOhnral Soeiotys popular coticort

ou Tuo3i1ay ovoniug

All Silk Nookties mado up and totio 2 for 26c at Korrs

Tho Y H I will hold its socialduring tho third weolc of tho pres ¬

ent month

The approach to St Louis Oollogohas been much itnproyod by thowidtuiug of tho road

W P Morrow charged with grossohoat was acquitted by a juryOruighton for clufaudant

0 K Hydo was arrested thismorning on a charge of assault andbittory on Quo Itoeuitz

Tho Kamohamoha defeatod thorhiladwlphias yesterday at baseballby a close score of G to 5

The Oilizmis Guard last eveningdeuided to participate iu tho Decor-ation


Day sorvict3 if invited

The ship Suseqiwhanua Sewollmaster which came into port yosorday will load sugar for New York

K BMToUi W W Dimoudsold one laro refrigorator withplate glass front to day to ouo of ourHalcnrins

Busiuets in the 1olico Court isvery slack at preseut owing to thelogal talent being engaged iu theCircuit Court

Tho Hritish Commissioner and representatives of Prance and theUnited States formally visited theNaniwa this forenoon and weresaluted

The G A It have appointed McCatidlo V O 12atoult J Greeneand Rev M Monroe as a com ¬

mittee to arrauge matters for Decor-ation



At tho regular monthly meetingof tho Y II t hold last ovoniugMr W J Coolho was expelled forinfringement of one of its mostvital rules

Tho Battalion tunroli out aroundtown last ovoniug quito onlivonodup our village Somo foolish pooplotook it as an annexation rojoioiugand others a a desire to overauoour Asiatic residents but it was eudorsable nevertheless

tLjyh 4 i- -

Boforo you run off to Baseball orCriekot td inoirow diuo at JuanCamauchos off roast spring lambIgenuiuo aud mint sauce audminced chicken on toaBt Soup per ¬

fection Look out for Sundays billIt will bo a treat

Tho S 1 Chronicle says Europois not tho only place which has causeto dread the effects of tho now warThere is a droadful approheusinn iuthis country that it may cause Sena-tor


Morgan to unlimber somo of hisroservo vocabulary

C W Maofarlauo yesterday shippod Salvator to Australia in thoMonowai This is tho first Hawai ¬

ian bred stallion ever exported fromtha couutry We hope Salvatorwill urovo n eain to Uia new ownorsaud a credit to his native countryand his brooder

J O Carter Jr has received aletter from Harry Musgrovo man ¬

ager of the Australia team of ballplayers announcing their intendedtloparturo for llouolulu May 18thMr Musgrovo states that tho teamwill remain hero about uino da3sduring which they would like to

play ball P G 1

Sharkoy Will Defeat Manor

There can be no doubt snyo

prominent sportsmau that Sharkoywill defeat Maher when they meetat tho oud of this mouth If thisprophecy comes out corroot thoSailors victory can bo attributed tothe fact that ho rubs his innerman down with tho fine brand of

O P S whiskey now imported heroby J H Lovejoy Co and coola nil

which whole-


¬on pure Seattle beerbovoragos aro uow being served

at the Anchor Saloon

Victorias Birthday

Tim Onnnna birthdav is to bocolobratod Wednesday May 20thon whioh day tho Priuco of Wales

n linn wlKh Lord Salisbury whois to entertain tho ombassadorB andforeign Ministers Full dress ban ¬

quets will bo given by tho Miuiatorstho groat ollicors of tho royal house ¬

hold and by tho Duohoss of Buoclouoh Lady Salisbury is to havoa birthday rscopUnn at tho Ioreigu Otliue which will bo attendedby all of the royal family who arethou iu England S F Chronicle


Declines to Discuss Political


Julius Palmer Nnrrntos a Fow Factsand Then VonturoB Into tho

Boalms of Prophecy ThoPeoplo Will Bo OonBultod

Satlsfled With Min-



Ed Tun Independent

Just throe months agoarrivod iu Washington

our partytlinn its

beautiful parks wore brown and bareits pavements ofton covered withsnow and its treos showed no loavestho last montiouod peculiarity neverceased to excite the attention ofIler Majoslj accustomed as she hadbeen since childhood to a landscapeof perpetual verdure But werethese tho firat da3 of our residencohere tho change from Honoluluoould not havo bpou dotected byface of tho nature Tho days arobrght sunny of an tvnn warmtemperature tho smoothly pavedstieeta aro lined with avenues ofwaving green for tho trees have putforth their frosh leaves whilo thonarks rosomblo more clonoly thegardens iu Hawaii because fragrantwith flowers or gay with tho blossomsof tho shrubbery

If tho Quoou of the laud oflloworj was made happy hero bytho warm aympathy and constantattentions of tho people during thechills of winter it is reasonable toconclude that sho io far moro contoutod uow than over beforo withhor surrouudiugs She has but oneanswor to visitors whou they iuquiroconcerning her stay namely thather life iu Washington makes thiscity tho most attractive place shehas over visited in hor life excoptingperhaps tho English capita Lon-


and that as long as she findstho American seat of government inall respects so agreeable she has nointeutiou of moving

Although no contrast isevonnadoby nor Majesty yet it would bostrange if those of hor party did notnow and then consider tho differouco betweou the slate in which shoouco visitod this city and tho re ¬

tired life of the present da3 or tocarry the comparison across thewater is it not true that tho snniolady uow comes and goes iu thosehalls to whom when last abroad aseat was assigned at a dinner givenby tho Empress Quean Victoria botwoon a son of the British sovereign and tho present Emporor ofGermany

Whatever may bo said by theiguorant llippaut political writersthe historic position and the present dignity of the Queen of thoHawaiian pooplo is daily recognizedby tho vory best peoplo sociallypolitically or religiously of Wash-


Any ovoning after dinnorHor Majesty willingly recoivosoallere and on Thursday afternoonswithout rmrtW of ounuuncomout orinvitations sho is at homo to thosewho wish to call It is impossiblefor hor to roturn calls to ono tenthpart of those who invito hor bo wo

have only tried to do this to thosoconnected with the government butovon thon our visiting list is alwaysin arrears This week Thursdayfor example two senators aud threorepresentatives families with friendsintroduced by thorn wero callersand wo had not yot roturuod allthoso mado last woek As an Amer ¬

ican I am proud of tho uiaunora auddoforouao to otiquotto obsorved byall visitors and wero Liliuoknlani iu

her own palace at Iolani she coulduot havo received moro oonetaut andunswerving deference to her royalbirth and commanding position

For example last ovoning HerMajesty was invited to a socialgathoring at tho house of tho pastorof ouo of tho loading churches

1 f TJ VFMjJ fT rt r f s IM

whom sho was mado tho guest ofhonor conducted by tho lady prccidont of tho missionary society to asofn opei dally rcsorved for hor andwheu the entertainment was finishedtho company woto ono by ouo pre ¬

sented iu dun form Hor Majesty re ¬

maining seated but saying a fewkind words to each Carriages werosent by tho church to conduct herthere aud roturn Tho attentionwas absolutely spontaneous thechurch was of the Mothodist de-

nomination ono of tho two whichcontouded for llu honor of Presi ¬

dent McKinloys attendance Shohas uovor sought tho society oPanypeoplo iu tho city but hers is dailycourted by others Tho prosidontof tho society told mo last oveuingas we left that sho dared not repeatthe many flattering remarks whichhad reached her oars during thetinio we had had beeu in hor parlorsso charmed wero tho wlmlunnmrtinvwith tho prosouce of tho HawaiiauQueou

On Monday tho 26th Hor Majestygoes to Now York for a low daysnot only to witness tho ceremoniesat the tomb of General Grant butalso to get a glimpso of hor Bostonfriends who will doubtless meether there No sooner was this kuownthat I had to assure the represent ¬

atives of the press that there wasuot the slightest official siguificaucoiu her visit but ovon now there is asuspicion abroad that Her Majestywill be given somo rank aud placein the celebration No soonor wastho appointment of Mr HaroldSewall as Hawaiian Minister reportod than a representative of the pressarrived with a commission to getthe Queens opinion of tho selootionIu thi he was disappointed anddid not oven seo Hor Majesty asshe has invariably declined tp ex-


any political opiuions Thereporter was obliged to be contentwith my own remark that so far asI could see it was a good appoint-ment


Mr Sewall having an excel ¬

lent kuowlcdgo of affairs in thePacific and further having mot HerMajesty iu a Bocial way on his visitto Honolulu OQlco is too oftonmere political reward iu this case itwould appear that fitness has beenconsidered As to annexation theReciprocity treaty aud other mattore LI or Majesty maintains thosame dignified eilouce but tho faotthat nu expression of hor views isconstantly sought shows that to thopublic sho is tho representative ofHawaii however much that titlomay bo coveted by tho uumorouscommissioners arriving horcievcry one

of whom has left Washington withoutthe least oicial recognition

It may bo pleasant for tho presentgovernment to reward its aorvantaby giving them a vacation at thopublic expense but with the singloexception that Mr W O Smith hada staud up prosoutaliou to ProsidontMoKinley from Mr Hatch thoymight just as well havo been sun ¬

ning themselves in the Nuuauuvalley as lounging about Washington hotels Nothing whatever hasbeen douo in regard to reviving thedead issue of annexation but thetariff complications aro responsiblefor au oarly abrogation of thoReciprocity Treaty with uono sopoor as to do it reverence Promi ¬

nent men toll mo that without nuargument soveu touths of Congressaro iu favor of no moro enrichmentof alien sugar planters at Americanexpense

Thoro is an ovidout feeling thatthe question of right aud wrongtowards Hawaiis native people isnot dead but sloeping By whatomorgoncy it will ho awakened cannot bo now predicted Tho wiseststudent cannot tell you when tholake of Kilauea will renew its foun-


of fire so it is not possible formo to prophecy tho moment whouyou may receivo the welcotno nowsfor whioh you havo so long andpatiently waited that thoro is a lightiu tho East But it is far bottor un ¬

derstood now thau it was threoyours ago that tho Hawaiiau pooploaro deprived of representation oithoriu their own govorumout or at for-


capitals Let this gicat audincontestable fact be kept beforotho uatiou by whom Liliuokalaul



Established 1869 Capital JSlflOOfiObInsurance effected ou Buildings Goods Ships and Morohandiso

Insurance Company of North AmericaOf Philadelphia Ia

Founded 1793 Cash Capital 3000000Oldest Firo Insurance Company in tho United StatesLosses paid since organization over - - - 90000000

gJBF For lowest rates apply to3HE XjC3S3IElJ

General Agont for tho Hawaiian Islands

was doprivod of ancestral rightsand hereditary incomo then anyfuture relations Lotweon Honoluluas a national centro aud Washing-ton


as representing tho couutrywhich prides itself ou its souso ofjustice may possibly bo conditionalon the restoration of the voters of Hawail of the right to select their ownJOrtllf iy CfuflI lfVfrHI kUVIflu UvIuq L

exact words in which our Prosidontofficially declarod that tho questionis not settled yet and it never will bountil it is settled with duo regard tojustice and equity

Julius A PalmerWashington April 23d 1897

Monoy to Complete Pearl HarborWashington April 20 Souator

Morgan to day offered an amondmont to tho sundry civil appropria ¬

tion bill appropriating S50000 Iocomplete the improvement of PearlHarbor Hawaii

Shirts and Collars in all qualiliocan bo had at bottom notch pricesat Kerrs






At 8 oclockltosorved Scats to any part of tho House

23 Cents Gallery 10 CVnts Bos Tlan nowopen at Wull Nionals Co

070 td


Pn trisallci Pull Irt llirtJ Iiu VliJOUirj inn iu uiiu

gunwales with delicacies for tho

Honolulu public arriving with-



a week speaks woll for tho

tosto of tho pooplo Wo havo

filled in on our lines of dried

fruit so that wo havo tho most

comploto stock to bo found in


Epicuroan brands of fruits

vegetables and lobstors just at

hand nono bottor anywhoro Wo

hnvo also a full lino of broakfast

cereals California cooking but

ter and roll butter as woll as

host quality island buitor Wo

havo also a full stock of English

and Fronoh goods rocoived by

tho Paul Isonborg

Petit Pois in largo nntl small

tins dolicato of flavor Sultana

Kaisins Currants Mushrooms

Arrowroot Oxford Sausagos

Cambridge Sausages The world

owes its happiness in a groat

oxtont to thoso colobratod brands

of goods

Tolophono your ordor and itMill bo promptly and carefully



1T V fTTT15


SUBSOHIBEKS AltE RESPECTFULLYall subarlptlons aro pay-


ttrlctly In advance by the monthquarter or yenrV J TKBTA

Do You Like FishLobsters Iltd Jacket

Underwoods 2a2 doz in ensoShrimps Uanbnrs 1 lb can fKrabbcn

smallShrimp and TomatoesDeviled Crabs 2 lb tins

it i i itAnchovy Bloater it Shrimp 1aalo fancy

potsAunliovy lloater it Shrimp Paste small

potsThon Marino Tojss square tins

with Pickles Pimento andTrnnios

Appotit Slidsmall keg

Bombay DuckAuchovlo in salt

oilYarmoth Bloaters Htissinn CaviarFish OhowdorClam Ohowdor Clnm BouillonFimlon HaddocksHorrings Fresh Tomato Sauce

MustardTomatoSousedKlppdrod8mokcdHolland IcnitineWhite Baited

Mackerel In OU Salt KitsSardines f varieties iSalmon In AVood and Tin 0 Varieties

To Serve Bomiiay Duck Servolurry and Blco on a separate dlBh

mo Domuay iJuoK on athnrniihlv then crumband ricn By hentinc tho

broiler andLavbeat

It over the enrrvBombay Dock ft

becomes brittle and crumbs easily


Telephono 210 Frco dollvory twice dally


A Good ThingWhon you seo ityou over looked into aStovo

Tho utmost caro isby tho manufacturers



takonof tho

Jowol Stoves and rangesthoy havonot overlooked asinglo dotail in the rnakoup of thoir goods

Evorything is on scientificprinciples and made with aviow to bring tho best cookingresults at tho least oxpondituro of fuol

A Jewel SavesYou tho cost of it in a yearThat is an itora for your con- -

sidoration unloss you havomonoy to burn instead ofwood Wo guarantee ovorystovo that loavos tho storo ifit is not as wo roprosont ityou got your monoy backThat shows tho confidonco wohavo in tho Jowol No othordealer Avould think of doingthis it wouldnt bo safe

Tho Jowol is sold only byus and on oasy paymonts

Not All Gashroquirod whon you buy fromus Como and see for yoursovos




JUST ARRIVKDA new lot of thcFlnost

Musical lnstrumenthAutohnrpo Guitars Violins Etc

Alio a now Invoice of tho Colnbrnwl

Wesiemieyer PianosSpecially manufactured for tho troplcor

cllmnte second to none


On tlio Hawaiian Islands during tho lustyenrs



General Merchandise

Also ho choicest Kuropoon and A inert- -

Beers Ale Wines LiquorsAT MOST REA80HAMfi PRICES


Corner King A lit thol Streets

Id Via 1w vviLIMITED

Win U Itwln President ifc MnnagcrClans Bprockcls VIce PresIilontW M dllTard Secretary Treasurerrhco C lortcr Auditor


Commission AgentsAOISNTS OP THE

Oceanic Steamship CoiupyOf Ran Frnnolwo OrI

321 St 323 KIiir Btreet

The Lending

Carnage and

Wagon ManufacturerAlt MAfEBIALS ON HAND

Will furnish everything outsldo Btcarubouts and bollors

Horse Shoeing a Specialty


TELBrnoNB G07 1 0 Uox 821


Carriage Manufactory128 180 Fort Street

Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER

Blacksmitliing in all Its Brandies

Orders from the other Islands In BuildingTrimming Painting Etc Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHT ProprietorSuccessor to Q West

Metropolitan Meat Go


Q J Waileb - - Manager

Wholesale andKetnll


Navy Contrnotms

THE ARLINGTONA jrawilly Hotel


Per Day 200Per WeeV 1200


Tlie Best of Attondnnco the Best SituationP I iU Vr p tllr II v

Oceanic Steamship Go

lliiiilNliaii lift service

Fur San FranciscuThu Now and Tine Al Steel Steamship

MARIPOSAOf the Oceanlo Slcnnishlp Company willho due at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

Ami will lonvn fnr tho above DOrt withMalls and Passengers on or about thatdate

For Sydney AucklandTho Now and FIno Al Steel 8teamship


nr nhnnt


IMIeiy tilAnd will have prompt despatch with Mallsand P is nngf rs for iiih abovo ports

The ttnilcrlgneil nro now preparedto Issue

ThAityli tickets to All Points In the

United Suites

fts For further particulars regardingFreight and 1nnsaRO apply to

Yfa 0 IRWIN CO LdOnpral Acenta

Oceanic Steamship Co



fc S AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu

from S FLeavo Honolulu

for 8 F

April 27 May5May 25 Juno 2June 22 i June 30July 20 July 2Augl7 Aug 23Sept H Sopi22Oct 12 OrtlM -

NovO Nov 7Doo7 DoolB

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydnoy for

for Bjdnoy San Francisco

lrritf Jfoiwlulu Leme HonoluluMoan- - May I 1807 MnrlposuMin 27 f7Alameda June 3 07 Mo ma June 21 07M riposa July 1 17 AianiciiaJuly2li7Moana July fll 1807 Miulpoau Aug 10 Mi7

Alameda Aug 21 07 iwoana Sep 10 07Mariposa Sept 207 I AUineda Oct 11 17Moana Oct 21 1W Mariposa Nov 11 t7Alameda Nov 18 07 Mount Dc 0 1897



Revised and Printed in


Being an Accurate and Concise

Aosount of tho

Overthrow e Monarchy

g8 To bo had only at the Pub ¬

lishers Office 327 King Stroot



Not Ilondy to Oomo to Hawaii-Ab-roiitl- oti

of tho Trunty Potttlonrj

Washington April 23 Tbo rovocation of th order Hint AdmiralBenrdalco bo relioved of tho com ¬

mand of the Pacific otnlion byAdmiral Miller at once and theissuance of a now ono providingtbat Benrdsleo day at Honoluluuutil July was taken by Ihe annex ¬

ationists to day to moan that thopolicy of tho Administration as to itscoureo thoro would bo thou maturedand Jiv now commandant would re-



instruction before leavingTho fact is Millor requested thochange aB ho wishos to stay two

mouths horo He has had appointed as his staff secretary LioutouantPhilip Andrews of Columbia Thetrausfor of the olBeor will mado atonce

itoprosentatl ve Barlow of t he Sixthdistrict has presouted to tho Housetho largest petition on tho Hawai ¬

ian reciprocity treaty yet developedIt is from the farmors of San LuisObispo oounty asking tho abroga ¬

tion of the convention All thomonibors of the Homo have lettersand telegrams taking sideH on thotreaty those against being prin-


from the country districtsand thoso favoring from tho moronutile bodies of San Francisco

Senator Perkins today had astrong telegram from tho San Fraucisio Chamber of Commerce domantling that he support the treatyIt took the ground that control oftho islands must not pass to n foreignpower in the intorest of the safotyof tho Western Coast aud that tradeof San Francisco would suffer ifthere should bo a change of re-

lations Among other telegramstaking similar ground was one fromLouis Sloss

Perkins says his inroHtigationslohd to the belief that tho free entryofHawaiiau sugar is practically abounty of 30 a ton which as sugaris produced by peon aud contractlabor is really the amount of thocost of production which givos thoproducers too great au advantageover California beet sugar producers

Whilo tho Senate Finance Committoe has informally consideredtho sugar schedule nothing definitewill bo douo uutill the lattor part ofnext week S F Chronicle


It Favors British and DiscriminatesAgainot Amorican Goods

Ottawa April 23 Tho now tariffannounced by the Government willhit tho United States pretty hardIn that regard it is popular herebut doubly so on account of thoproferonco it makes in favor ofBritish goods Thoso preferentialtortus for Great Britain aud othercountries disposed to rocoivo Cana-


products at fiivornble tates thoFinance Minister explained in Par-


would be in tho form of re-


from tho general list ofone eighth for tho first year andafter that period thoy would be onoqimter of tho rnto in tho gonoraltariff Those jeductions would applyto all schedules except thoso itnimposing duties intended for revenueon such articles as wines tobaccocigars and cigarettes

Leprosy in ItUBsla

Tho results of Professor Kochsstudy of luprosy in Est Prussialast year have just boon publishedin Berlin Ho is of tho opinion thattho cases ho saw there wero not con ¬

nected liko thoso in Norway Swe-


Finland etc with tho loprosyof tho middle ages but had prob-


boeu introduced since 1870

through tho closo intercourse be ¬

tween East Prussia and tho RussianBaltic provinces Twonty aoven oasesrevealed themselves before Soptouiber 18 nud of thoso sovontoonended fatallr Infection Dr Kochsays Beems to bo caused mostly byloiv living or overcrowding in smallhouses nud to some oxtont also bythe wearing of infeotod clothos Hefouud no ovidonca of hereditarytransmissirn The duration of thodiseaso generally wno from five toteu years


Mens ready mado pants nt fl perpair at Terrs

Sachs is Rollins 25 yards ofBrown Cotton for 100

Swell Shirt Waist very latest inLeather Bflts and tho new KidGloves can bo found at N SSachs

Flannelottos 1G yards for 100Night Gowns for 50 cents andLadies Chemises 8 for 100 at N SSachs

H Carl ono of tho most exportbarbers in Honolulu is now to bofound at tho tonsorial parlors of MA Peixoto at tho Uuion Art GalleryLane

Tho only place in town to gotgenuine Cambridge Pork Sausagesis nt Jos Tinkers City Moat MarketNuuanit street opposite ChaplainLano Telephone 289

Historical Truths may bo hadat 827 King streot if applied forearly Although tho edition wasconsidered largo enough for all de¬

mands tho books nro already be ¬

coming rathor scarce

Statistically inclined tourist tonative What is tho death ratehere Native same as it is every ¬

where olso ono death for every in-


Jim Dodds EnterpriseBoik at tho Pantheon is a better lifeproorvativo for the rate is two for aquarter

At tho Royal Saloon there is nconstaut rush for tho celebratedbeor which George Hiwkins taps

Bob French tho nestor of Hono ¬

lulus mixologists is now in thoRoyal Saloon where ho greets hishosts of friends with his affablesmile of welcome

Ned Doyle at tho Cosmopolitan isrecommending tho celebrated Putnams Blackberry Brandy a tonicwhich Ib unrivalled assisted by JimThompou formerly of tho S SAustralia nil excellent half andhall is served to the thirstycustomers of tho Cosmopolitan

Ono ounce of prevention is betterthan ton ouuees of cure Tho Empiro boasts of infallible remediesagainst tho varioloid Wieland beeron draft boats vaccination andDoctor Charlie Andrew presidpsovortho finest stock of remedies thatcan bo found in town All for modi- -

oinal purposes and cash

Thoro is on exhibition at the Paeifio Saloon au excellent picture ofMr Murderer Butler with his auto-graph


signature It is worth look-ing


at tho features of the monstorand at the same time wash down nnatural shiver with a glass of Buffalobeor served at the right temperaturoby the modest young mon who holdup the corner

From onsks rotund tho raollowbrowOf Pabst springs perfect to tho

lightFor nature sure and science true

Conspiro to brow it rightThe Royal aud Pacific too

Supply this porfect gemTho Cosmopolitan is not behind

With checks which change withthem


OUBSORIBBRS ARE NOTIFIED13 that Subscriptions to The Inde ¬

pendent are payable in advance attho rate of 50 conts a month or 6 ayear

Tho papors of thoso in arrear willbo stopped unless payment ispromptly mado

No former subscriber dosirous ofronewing will bo sorved uuloes ar ¬

rearages nro paidThe Independent n conductod on

tho cash aud onntraot priciplo inpayments and roceipts and is nowso firmly established on a payingbasis Hint it declines absolutely toservo subscribers who do not payIf you want Tan Independent youmust buy it

Hawaiian GrownOysters

Tho obovo dulicaoj jn now boprocured in such quantities as re-


upon leaving ordors with

H E Mclntvre k BroL

807 tf


ON AND AFTEIt APItIL 1st BUSCooper and Itaymond will occupy the

afllcos of Dr lloUrmv on Hotel StreetOlllco Hours from 830to 10 am 1X0 to3 and 7 to ti v M Telephone No 101

618 lm

j VAtifriii wijrrihfliTthdiMtoritf - - jaM lPif-- f- n nftiUluttiiimWftftt rmtnttiii11tkWxaMUuk

Burbank PotatoesAT THE



Cornor Punchbowl and Bcrctanla Streot


Brace Wariug ST Co

Real Estate Dealers603 Fort St near King




IMV Parties wishing to dispose of thulrPrnnnrllnq iirp Invito ti mil An n

Merclmnts Exchange

S I SHAW Proprietor

Cornel King uiw Nntmnu Streets

Choice MqwsAND

Ftim Steers I


Empire SaloonCorn or Nuuanu and Hotel Bts

Oiunus W Andrews - - Manager


Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP

Rainier in Bottles

Handmade Sour Issh1A BfECIALTY

Established 1883

CITY MEAT MARKETNuuanu St opposite Chaplain Lano

J TINKER Practical Butcfin


Reef Mutton Lamb and VealIn tho market

Home fed Pork and PoultryThe Celebrated

OAMBRIDca Hl S ATJSAOE3for breakfast

535 TKLKPHONE 280 flni

New Market Restaurant108 MorchantBtreot near Alnkea

JUAN OAMANOHO PropHis tahlo excols any In Honolulu

Caters for Balls DinnersWoddliius and PIoiuo Purties

Colleo Hot Bolls and Breakfast 5 till 10A m Dinner 11 a m till 2 p m Bupper1 p m till 8 r m

Extra Tender Refrigerator Beefsteaks to


TUltKKY DINNKlt ON SUNDAYSSend In Orders for Homo iuado Bread

Cnkos anil Pastry the day boforo6 m



JOHN PHILLIPSHas romovd his Plumbing Bnslnesb irom

KIiir street to tho promises on

Hotel- ---Street

Fnrmnrly occupied by WnvnWrlnf

- -- rinriiiiiiitiiit iniiiirtniii









Voi IV

ZE3IO FOR STOYESFor Wood or Coal


The Universal Stoves aiMajgesJL Large Itivoio Jiast to HCecncl

Tho Castings of this Factory aro so far away fliiporlor to oil othor makesthai

COMPARISON IS FUTILETho Australia brought a largo invoice of assorted goods to tho

Faoiflo KCa-rci-w-a-r Oo Limited

Call and examine their stock or write them for anything you want

It has taken sovoral yoars to Batisfy usors of WIND MILLS that thoro isnothing mado which equals the

CYOLOJSf hOrders aro coming in faster than wo can fill thorn but wo aro doing tho

best we can

Pacific Hardware Co LiHONOLULU II I



Q eneral MerchandiseAND

oo miissiodst bsqhdsttssAgenff for Lloydn

Canadian Australian Steamship LineBritish Foreign Marine Insurance Co

Northern Assurance Co Fire and LifeCanadian Pacific Railway Co

Pioneer Lino of Packet from Liverpool

Telephone 92 P O Box M5



Groceries Provisions and FeedNow and Fresh Goods received bv ovory packet from California Eastorn

Btntos and European Markots

Standard Grade oi Canned Vegetables Fruits and FishVta-- Goods delivered to nny part the City VSSl

THtANn tiiatiw pnimiTn qatibwaptjom nniPiwrpcn


Professional Horseshoer

Has Oponod His Shop tit No J2tStreet T B Murrays lroini



Horso Owners will And tln advan- -

tago patronize the now shopwhero tho best work


Telephone JSTo1S7 U




Manufacture and RepairAll kinds Jewolry


Loyo Building fort


The Pioneer BakeryUread Pies Oakos kluds fresh

ovory day

Fresh Oioam mado tho Boat Woodlawn Oream Flavors

llie finest llomo mado



it to lrto




COT Bt tf

of all

Ico ofIn all






General Business Agent




II I 7

Convoyaucing in All Its Branclioa

Oolloctinrr and All Buolnoss

Mattorfl of Trust

All business ontrustcd to him will rccoiveprompt nnd caroful uttoiitlon

Ofllro Honnknn Hnmnkun Hawaii

In ResponseTo Sovoral Inquiries Vhy tho

IPalama GroceryDout Keep HORSE FEED

H 0 GANNON is pleasod to slato that lieis now proparod to supply

HAY and GRAIN SUAnd hopes liv giving lloiiost Weight at the

LOWEST POSSIBLE HATES tomerit a Sliaro of lubllo



and ltaH FEET by Kit or Single Fish

GST TELEPHONE 785 Every Time i ia337 Opposite Railway Dopot tf

Subioribe fay thn Imlepentlrnl 0



Division of Big Beet Sugar


Tho Abrogation of tho HawaiianReciprocity Troaty Is Favored

by Both Partios

Th Gall announced yesterdaytha a doal bad beon effected botwoen Glaus Spreokels and John ESearles soeretary of the AmerioauSugar KeGueries Company duringtho lattors recent visit to this cityby which tho trust would partici ¬

pate in Spreckels bent sugar inter-ests


on this Coast and also assist iupromotiug other sugar enterprisesAccompanying tho statement is aninterview with Glaus Spreekola fromwhich tho following extracts arotaken

By thU transaction ho saidtho tniBt did not as ou will per- -

oiive Eocure a controlling interestin tho factory That is still in myhands so that wo will always be ina position to compote in the oponmarket It is understood that thetrust will co operate with mo iu thowork of developing tho beet sugarindustry iu this State by the erec ¬

tion of a number of factories as fastas they aro required Their establishment will depend of course ontho rapidity of growth of sugar beetplantations It is also their iutontiou to dovolop this industrythroughout tho United StatoH

Thoro has been a great deal oftalk of your boiug opposed to therenewal of tho reciprocity treatywith Hawaii by which sugar is al-


to come iu freo from the islands remarked tho interviewer

1 have largo interests in tho Ha-waiian


islauds began Mr Sproc-ket


I am a large owner in threesugar plantations Likowise I havoa good deal of property thoro Ihave a bank there and my soubAdnlph 13 aud John D aro inter-ested


in the firm of W G IrwinCo

I huvo heretofore romained neu-


iu tho matter of the abrogationof the rooiprooity treaty with Ha-waii


but when you ask mo tho di-


question as to my viows ou thosubjoot I as an American citizenfoel compollod to Bay that it is aouo sldod affair

In tho first yoar of tho treatythoro woro only 10000 tons of sugarproduced in the islands Last yeartho product had inoreasedto 225000tons aud this years estimate placestho orop at 235000 tons This vastiudustry has beer built up by ourcountry iu permitting tho sugarfrom the islauds to come in herefreo of duty

The remission of duty on Hawai ¬

ian sugar amounts to date to thoenormous sum of 78000000 If thoprosent troaty as included iu thotariff bill under consideration by thoSeuato at the preseut time remainsin operation it will givo to the islauds about 37000000 por annum asa virtual bounty on tho sugar raisodJthoro and exported to this countryand this amount will practicallycomo out of the pockets of tho citiRons oftthis couutry If tho troatyis continued thoy will eventuallybring their nunual orop of sugar upto 8000000 tons New plantationsare boiug opened up right alongand with tho reciprocity troaty bb

an incentive tho amount of produc-tion


will iuoroasu ovory yoar Thjs

will rosult in injury to tho sugar in-


of thin and othor States oftho Union

Thero is roally nothing recipro-cal


about this troaty to day It isall ouo sided The balanco of tradoin favor of tho islauds amounts toabout 7000000 or 58000000 porannum Tho articles imported fromthis country aro only such bb theycannot obtain cheapor elsewhoroSince tho advent of tho Canadiaulino thoy havo imported hay lum-


grain potatoes aud other mer ¬

chandise formorly purchased in thiscountry from Canada Most ofthoir othor importations now comefrom En gland Franco and Germanyas tho import duty is only ten percont not enough to favor importa-tions from this country

For these roasous I am in favorof the abrogation of tho troaty as Ilook first to tho protection of homoindustries S F Chronicle


Arrival of a Squadron of Eight VosdbIs Causes a Groat Sensation

London April 22 A dispatchfrom Capo Town announces that asquadron of eight British war shipsentered Delngoa bay yesterday evouiug causing great excitement butaccording to tho goneral opinion atCapo Town only a naval demonstration is intended

Lisbon April 22 Tho PorluguesoForeign Ministor Sonor do Suvoratin au interviow this afternoon in refore nee to the appoarauco of a Brit-ish


squadron of war ships in Dolagoa bay says that Groat Britain hadassured Portugal ol her good in-


CYCLISTS MItINK ITin preference to all other beers

becnuso Rainier is pure because itsnourishing nnd strengthening bccauso Immoderate Indulgence docsnot give them a head tho next morn-ing


On tap or iu bottles at tho Cri-



HorseCall onSCO


A K ROW AT 1 V 8Ofllco Oltib Slablos tf

IJuoinoss Oardo




Office Kaahuiuanu StreetHonolulu



Kaahunianu Street Honolulu


Dealebs in Lctmueh and Coal andBdildino Materials ov

All Kinds

rtir HAAt- lTnvtnfriln


SunvEYon and Real Estate Aoent

Olllco Ilotliol Street over tho Now230 Modol Rostaurant



Plumiuno Tin Coiter and SheetIron Work

King Street Honolulu


Frank Brown Manager

9 mid Movnlmn ro Uminltilu K T

No 578

WilderB Steamship Co


0 L WIGHT 1rcs B 11 ROSE SecCapt J A KING Port Snpt

Stmr KINAUCLARKE Commandor

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a m touching atLnhnina Maalnpa Hny and Makona thesamo day j Mahukenn Kawalbao and Laupabophoo tho following day arriving tHilo tho samn afternoon


Friday May 7Tuesday May 18Friday May98Tito day luno 8

Friday Jimn inTuesday June 29Friday July 0

Tuesday July 20Friday July 0

Tuesday Aug 10Friday Aug 10Tuerday Aug 31

Friday Sept 10Tuesday SoitFriday Oct 1

Tuesday Oct 12Friday Oct 22Tuesday Nov 2Fndxy ioy 14

Tuocly Nov 23Friday Deo 3tfnisdav Don 11

Thursday Duo 23

Tuosday May iMy May 14Tuesday May 25Jridav jUBe 4Tuesday Jnno 101riday Juno 25Tuesday July 01riday July IBTucedny Jnly i7Jriday Aug 0Tuesday Aug 17JrWny Aug 27Tuesday bept 7

ridav Hoptl7Tuesday Bopt28Friday Oct 8Tuesday Oct 10Iridav rintvnvvvsvTuesday Now nFriday Nov 19Tuesday NnvsnFriday Deo 10Ta stfay Deo 21Friday Dec 31

Returning will leave Hilo at 8 oclocka m touching at Laupahoehoo MahnKona and Kawathao same day MakenaMaalaca Bay and Lahaina the folio wineday arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tuesdays and Frldayu

rw- - Will call at IoUoiki Puna on tripsmarked

dsr-- No Freight will be received after bA m on day of sailing

Tho popular route to tho Volcano is vllilm A frnnil nnrrlmxt rnnl frlA Afbvw v iyb luuu iuu uuuru ins-tance ¬HO II Till irilx ftnlrnto n lu -- ItHrouB uexpenses 5600


Will loavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r mtouch ng at Kahului Hana Hamoa andKipahnlu Maui Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings

Will call at Nuu Kaupo onco eachmonth

jCW- - No Froight will be received of tor ir m on day of sailing

This Company will resorvos the nghttomako obanges in tho time of dopartmo andarrival of its Steamers without notice andit will not bo responsible for any conse ¬quences arising therefrom

Consignees must be at the Landings toroceivo their froight this Company willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterIt has beon landed

Live Stock received only at owners rlslrThis Company willnot bo responsible lorMonoy or Valuables of passengers unless

placed in the care of PursersMXT Passengers aro requested to pdr

ohaso Tickets before embarking Tfiosfailing to do so will be subjeot to an addltionaloharge of twontv flve per cent


Clans Spreckels Co




SAN FRANOISCO Tho Novada Bank ofBan Francisco

LONDON Tho Union Rank of LoudonLtd

NEW YORK American Exchange Notlonnl Dank

OHIOACIO Merchants National BankPARI- S- Comptolr Nationol dEscompto d


KongHhanghaiDankinuCorporatlonNEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALI- A-

Bank of Now ZealandVI01ORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank

of British North America

Trnnnact a General Banking ami KrohanqeDusiness

Doporlts Received Loans made on Ap ¬

proved Hccurlty Comniorola and Travel ¬

ers Credit Issued Bills of Exenanctib jught uud sold

Collodions Promptly Accounted ForVBBJ tf











i -- nritn Hnll Konitv ttrHt

flr Teikphoni 811 j3P J TEBrA Proprlotor und Tub

lishrUDMUND NOltltlE Krtitor

W HOHAOW WBIGHV AssistantEditor

KosMliw In Honolulu



Hatch to Dole Sond muzzles

for your apopials Talk too muoli

ThuratoD sifjned articles with JohnD ten rounds fight without muzzleRato uionoy to ivinnar sldn betoyolorama against treaty Senate is

reforoo Hastings and Morgan bot-


holders What shall I do

Potteu to Hatch No ono hereall loft town Stay with winningtide We always do


Now tho Anuoxatiou Club and itssupporters are shouting because of

tho appoiutmont of Mr HaroldSowall to tho position of UnitedStates Minister to Hawaii It is

still true that drowuiug men dutchat straws Tho appoiutmaut ofMr Sowall has no more significancein its boaring upon tho policy ofannexation by tho United Statesthan tho appointment of Mr Blountwould have upon tho policy of res-


of tho Monarchy by thoGovernment of tho Uuited States

A gravo and rovorend Senator ofthe United States has admitted thatto abrogate tho treaty of reciprocitywith Hawaii and continue to holdPearl Harbor would place tho Unit-


States in such a position thatthoy could not look any other na-


in the face without blushingHow much loss then can tho UuitedStates annex Hawaii aftor having byforce of arms doposed the Queenand overthrown the Monarchy ofHawaii

The Independent welcomes MrSowall as the Minister of tho UnitedStatos to Hawaii for we reoall hisloyalty to tho oppressed people ofSamoa and believo that Hawaiiausmay trust his sympathies


Rumors are current that affect therighteousness of tho decision of thoSuprome Court in tho matter of theostato of John Ii This limn thoSupremo Court consisted of Aeso- -

ciato Justice Whiting and MessrsW R Castle and Paul Noumaunmombors of tho bar who wero call-


in becauso tho Chief Justice andAssooiato Justice Froar wero dis-


Tho Advertiser stated n

few days sinco that tho decision hadbeeu filed with tho Clerk of thoCourt and afterwards stated thattho decision had been rocallod bytho Court in order to correct clericalerrors

Now it transpires that onn of thocounsel in tho case in reading thodecision filed found that tho reason ¬

ing contaiuod in it rovorsod a de ¬

cision of Associate Justice Whitingfiled less thau six months sincoThis discovory was communicatedto Associato Justico Froar heuco thewithdrawal of tho decision for rooasting Rumor says that tho con-


readied will bo tho same asin tho deoisiou originally filed buttho reasoning leading to the con-


will be eliminated

It is generally believed that thodooision is one of puro policy be-


of tho magnitude of tho inter-ests


involved and tho prominnnco ofpersons interested Tho Hnwaiianswho know of tho will of John Iiand who aro competeut to judge of

JbiZOL mfJmfi

its meauing are freely spying thatthe intentions of the vononbloeslator are beiug thwarted

Thinking t aro wondoring howI ho nxt heiii h of Judges will bocompound 1 h Bench is certainly

ni uncertain quantity


If thero is any question as towhere Mrs Domiuh will sit at theGrant memorial function it is onethat ought to bo readily solved Shebolougj among tho ex a chiefamong whom is her groat and goodfriend Groror Cleveland The spectaolo of theso two old cronies sun ¬

ning themselves on n back numberedbench would bo good for soro eye

S F Chwniclc

Au extract from the letter of acorrespondent iu Washington reads

While the administration cannotrecognize Her Majesty as long asthoro is a Legation of Hawaii iu thiscity yot the sympathetic fooling forher is so strong that she is quiejustified iu her beliof that thero is

a most hopful ray of sunlight stillbeaming on tho futur 1 aud thut nooub eau tell whou or how day willbreak a buttor day thau over forHawaii und her peojilo This correspondent is not an annexationist

Iu tho proposed agreement between Mr Fitzgeralds plantersand Ewa Plantation Company we

notice tho following provision Thoadjustment of tho several propor-tions


of tho Iliiuters shall be madeby themselve subject to au appealbv ouv Planter dissatisfied therewith to the Employer aud aftor ahonrms th decision of suoh Em ¬

ployer shall be final aud binding onall parties Great Scoltl Has eventho Ewa Llautatiou Company lostfaith iu our olliciul disnonsors of lawaud justice as meted out iu Hawaiiuei

The Independents latest informalHon is to tho effect that tho troatyof reciprocity will not bo abrogatedthat the Senators who desiro abro-


will yield this point to thoseSenators who believe that PearlHarbor cauuot bo held after abro-


of the troaty but that thoadvantages accruing to Hawaii un ¬

der the tortus of tho trenty will bo

so limited as to make the advant ¬

ages more tiuly reciprocal as be ¬

tween tho two countries Thoro arostill Homo feW persons who believothat Pearl Harbor may bo of someuse to a maritime Power The ten-


with which tho supposod ad ¬

vantages of tho retention of PearlHarbor are held to hardly justiflostho hopes of annexationists for ob-



If Hawaii loses tho reciprocitytroaty tho country can thank thepresent govornmeut for what willprove little less than a nationalcalamity The indiscretion aud lackof tact of tho mon selected to reprojUit Hawaii and more especiallythe people directly interested in thotroaty or iu anuoxatiou aro simplymarvellous The bombast of MrThurston when ho threatens thoUuited Stales with bringing hisHawaiian goods to somo othormarket if not purchasod by theAmerican Govern mon t is simplydisgUBtiug aud covers him aud Ha-


with ridicule and coutomptOne of Mr Doles Cabinot Ministerstold tho writer a fow weeks ago that

wo have given the Statos until theend of this year to make up theirmind to annex us or not If thoydont we will open negotiationselsewhore It is that kind of talkwhich creates enemios in Washing-ton


Instead of knocking humblyat tho door of tho groat Republicand bogging for admission sayingyour will bo dono the represent ¬

atives of Mr Doles funny bantamrepublic crow lustily a loug chal ¬

lenge to tho big game rooster to comoalong and bo dictated to If ourstatesman savo tho mark I couldsee themselves as others see themthoy would adopt n different toneaud apply every posslblo remedy inan effort to rtduco their ewollodheads

Board of Health

Vresidout W 0 Smith presidedat yesterdays meeting Tho Boarddesired to have trees planted onMolokal for tho sake of improvingconditions and providing firowoodThe only Meyer objected thoro wasplenty of fuel if a road to cost about

G00 was built into ono of tho val-


Ho founded his objections On

tho vory valid ones that thoro wasno time to do tho work and notonough rain when it was dono

Favorable reports haviug been rocoived from Dr Eldrodgo iu regardto sanitary affairs iu Japan it wasthought that thoro was no uecossityto coutiuuo tho 11 days quarantinein Japanese ports but tho mattorwas left to Dr Eldredges discretion

M Voissiou tho French Commis-


was thauked for samples of a

bark which has already been testedsatisfactorily at the Settlement andat Kakaako The Pilot at Mahukonawas appointed Health Agnul to oxamino vessels onteriug that port

rAnother Youngster Qono

Ono by ono tho woll aud favorableknown residents of this city whorouord in th ptit liiv von goldenencomiums from both friend andfoe alike one by ono they leavethese beautiful isles of tho coa forfresh scone and pasture nev

Among tho many who loft yo3torday by tho out goiug Stmr Monowaifor Sydney noue has a record thatsurpassed or even equalled that ofa well dresied lively and handfomaIsloud youth full of animal spiritswhose graceful nods to the manyIndies on the dock showed that hohad hosts of acquaintances audfriends amongst the gentler sex audwhose handkorchiofs wavod farewellas he was lost to view over the sidePoor youth he loaves a countrywhere his jouthful ambition seemsto lack appreciation and goes forthto battlo with others iu the raco oflife To tho success now aad in thoheats to come dear Sslvtor maythy record nevor be less

Mens Suits ready to wear at 125tho suit at Kerrs

No 1 Price 5

15 yards 30 Inch Brown Cotton15 yards 80 Inch White Cotton30 yards American PrintId yards Dimity10 yards Printed Duck

No 2 Price 5


Orlckot To morrow

Wickots will bo pitched at thorocroation grouudf Mukiki at 2

oclock to morrow afternoou fortho Crickot Match between thoU S S Philadelphia team and thatfrom tho Houolulu Cricket ClubTho following players havo beenselected

Philadelphia Reeso CaptainSmith Wardoll Ludgato WilsouPierpoint Richard HowlanMcLaughlin Siuolair and Waters

Honolulu H Horbort CaptainDr Murray Olive Davies A St MMackintosh Gilbort W LishmauHatfidd Jordan Hewitt OattonH Viucont and V Thompsou

Tho umpire it is hoped will boMessrs Scrimfjeour aud Simpson

o m

Board of Education

Prof Alexander presided overyesterdays meeting Deputy In-


General Scott reportedsatisfactory progross with tho Palama Primary School and also thatit was absolutely nocossury to placnblinds iu tho window of MissCoursons School and until theycould bo procured it was decided toclose up tho nchod

James R Holt Jr accepted thopositiou of School Agent at Waianae

Miss Hattio Coan was grantedpermission to go to tho Coast fortreatment of horoyes


The best qualitj Ginghnms arogoing 18 yards for 100 at N SSachs


Holders of Water Irlvllrgcs or thosepaying water rutos nro hereby notifled thattho hours for irrigation purposes aro from

1 to 8 oclock a m und from 1 to 0 oclockp M ANDUTCW MIOWN

Bupt Honolulu Water WorksApproved

1 A KingMinister of Interior

Honolulu H I April 0 1897 551 tf

frm omm8 frmom

20 yards White Cotton12 yards Flannolette20 yalds Indigo and White Print- -

18 yards Ono Ench Silk Ribbon12 dozen Whito Pearl Buttons1 dozen Whito Towels2J 12 Edging 12 Insertions

Timely Topics

Honolulu May 6 1897


the inoro rapidly spin round thowhcols of Time tho logic isthoroforo thut if you want togot tho pith out of enjoymentyou must go it whilo youroyoung That is whore wo canhelp you for our cycles for youngand old youths and maidensgirls and boys will outspocd thocycles of grandfather TimoFor cxnmplo

Wo havo just a few of thosocolobrntcd TRIBUNES with tholatest improvements loft ovorfrom tho Australias importationThoy aro beautiful in Maroonor black with gold trimmingsThey aro dandys daisies andinvariably up to date Thenwo also havo all grades andclasses of whools and tit allpricos tho best tho market enngivo Take for instanco THESTOltMEll you can havo thisat 75 and you will bo wellpleased with it aftor your in-


It has all tho most re ¬

cent improvomonts Thon thorois tho COLUMBUS anotherbeauty in Olivo Green and Goldwith Woodon Handles with CorkGrasps This goes for 75 alsoAnother wheel that is voryhighly spokon of tho UnitedStates is tho B II SPECIALwhich we can lot you havo for

G0 Wo also havo ono or twoof tho famous ZIMMIES thatyou may liko Wo havo a fowSECOND HAND WHEELS ofdilloront makes thut you cantako at reduced prices Our sup-plies


include wheels for ladiesand juvenilos repniring kits nndall tho sundries required andwe soil for cash or on tho instal ¬

ment plan

Tna Hawaiian Hardware Co li307 FoitT Street

For Five DollarsWE WILL SEND YOU any of the following




Parcel No 3 Price 5

15 yards White Dress GoodsId yards Figured Dimity2 1 yards Valenciennes Lace13 yards Superior Whito Cotton 30 Inch1G yards Gingham

Parcel No 4 Price 5 gj

3 yards Unbleached Table DamaskA dozen Linen Table Nnpkins10 yards Diaper10 yards Victoria Lawn15 yards Canton Flannel12 yards Whito Dimity 30 Inches Wide100 best quality Needles and I pieces tape

CASH must accompany all Mail Orderswmwmwwemmo


Wheeler and Wilson and Domestic Sewing Machines

3Lj 33 IHCIElJIEIR- - Queen St Honolulu





Who ia llie Honolulu wonder 1

Mons Hals at 25 ami 535 uonts onohat Kurr

Company Atho 15th inst

ulixitu a captain on

Bluo Sorgo Suits woll mado for 7

at KurrsOhnral Soeiotys popular coticort

ou Tuo3i1ay ovoniug

All Silk Nookties mado up and totio 2 for 26c at Korrs

Tho Y H I will hold its socialduring tho third weolc of tho pres ¬

ent month

The approach to St Louis Oollogohas been much itnproyod by thowidtuiug of tho road

W P Morrow charged with grossohoat was acquitted by a juryOruighton for clufaudant

0 K Hydo was arrested thismorning on a charge of assault andbittory on Quo Itoeuitz

Tho Kamohamoha defeatod thorhiladwlphias yesterday at baseballby a close score of G to 5

The Oilizmis Guard last eveningdeuided to participate iu tho Decor-ation


Day sorvict3 if invited

The ship Suseqiwhanua Sewollmaster which came into port yosorday will load sugar for New York

K BMToUi W W Dimoudsold one laro refrigorator withplate glass front to day to ouo of ourHalcnrins

Busiuets in the 1olico Court isvery slack at preseut owing to thelogal talent being engaged iu theCircuit Court

Tho Hritish Commissioner and representatives of Prance and theUnited States formally visited theNaniwa this forenoon and weresaluted

The G A It have appointed McCatidlo V O 12atoult J Greeneand Rev M Monroe as a com ¬

mittee to arrauge matters for Decor-ation



At tho regular monthly meetingof tho Y II t hold last ovoniugMr W J Coolho was expelled forinfringement of one of its mostvital rules

Tho Battalion tunroli out aroundtown last ovoniug quito onlivonodup our village Somo foolish pooplotook it as an annexation rojoioiugand others a a desire to overauoour Asiatic residents but it was eudorsable nevertheless

tLjyh 4 i- -

Boforo you run off to Baseball orCriekot td inoirow diuo at JuanCamauchos off roast spring lambIgenuiuo aud mint sauce audminced chicken on toaBt Soup per ¬

fection Look out for Sundays billIt will bo a treat

Tho S 1 Chronicle says Europois not tho only place which has causeto dread the effects of tho now warThere is a droadful approheusinn iuthis country that it may cause Sena-tor


Morgan to unlimber somo of hisroservo vocabulary

C W Maofarlauo yesterday shippod Salvator to Australia in thoMonowai This is tho first Hawai ¬

ian bred stallion ever exported fromtha couutry We hope Salvatorwill urovo n eain to Uia new ownorsaud a credit to his native countryand his brooder

J O Carter Jr has received aletter from Harry Musgrovo man ¬

ager of the Australia team of ballplayers announcing their intendedtloparturo for llouolulu May 18thMr Musgrovo states that tho teamwill remain hero about uino da3sduring which they would like to

play ball P G 1

Sharkoy Will Defeat Manor

There can be no doubt snyo

prominent sportsmau that Sharkoywill defeat Maher when they meetat tho oud of this mouth If thisprophecy comes out corroot thoSailors victory can bo attributed tothe fact that ho rubs his innerman down with tho fine brand of

O P S whiskey now imported heroby J H Lovejoy Co and coola nil

which whole-


¬on pure Seattle beerbovoragos aro uow being served

at the Anchor Saloon

Victorias Birthday

Tim Onnnna birthdav is to bocolobratod Wednesday May 20thon whioh day tho Priuco of Wales

n linn wlKh Lord Salisbury whois to entertain tho ombassadorB andforeign Ministers Full dress ban ¬

quets will bo given by tho Miuiatorstho groat ollicors of tho royal house ¬

hold and by tho Duohoss of Buoclouoh Lady Salisbury is to havoa birthday rscopUnn at tho Ioreigu Otliue which will bo attendedby all of the royal family who arethou iu England S F Chronicle


Declines to Discuss Political


Julius Palmer Nnrrntos a Fow Factsand Then VonturoB Into tho

Boalms of Prophecy ThoPeoplo Will Bo OonBultod

Satlsfled With Min-



Ed Tun Independent

Just throe months agoarrivod iu Washington

our partytlinn its

beautiful parks wore brown and bareits pavements ofton covered withsnow and its treos showed no loavestho last montiouod peculiarity neverceased to excite the attention ofIler Majoslj accustomed as she hadbeen since childhood to a landscapeof perpetual verdure But werethese tho firat da3 of our residencohere tho change from Honoluluoould not havo bpou dotected byface of tho nature Tho days arobrght sunny of an tvnn warmtemperature tho smoothly pavedstieeta aro lined with avenues ofwaving green for tho trees have putforth their frosh leaves whilo thonarks rosomblo more clonoly thegardens iu Hawaii because fragrantwith flowers or gay with tho blossomsof tho shrubbery

If tho Quoou of the laud oflloworj was made happy hero bytho warm aympathy and constantattentions of tho people during thechills of winter it is reasonable toconclude that sho io far moro contoutod uow than over beforo withhor surrouudiugs She has but oneanswor to visitors whou they iuquiroconcerning her stay namely thather life iu Washington makes thiscity tho most attractive place shehas over visited in hor life excoptingperhaps tho English capita Lon-


and that as long as she findstho American seat of government inall respects so agreeable she has nointeutiou of moving

Although no contrast isevonnadoby nor Majesty yet it would bostrange if those of hor party did notnow and then consider tho differouco betweou the slate in which shoouco visitod this city and tho re ¬

tired life of the present da3 or tocarry the comparison across thewater is it not true that tho snniolady uow comes and goes iu thosehalls to whom when last abroad aseat was assigned at a dinner givenby tho Empress Quean Victoria botwoon a son of the British sovereign and tho present Emporor ofGermany

Whatever may bo said by theiguorant llippaut political writersthe historic position and the present dignity of the Queen of thoHawaiian pooplo is daily recognizedby tho vory best peoplo sociallypolitically or religiously of Wash-


Any ovoning after dinnorHor Majesty willingly recoivosoallere and on Thursday afternoonswithout rmrtW of ounuuncomout orinvitations sho is at homo to thosewho wish to call It is impossiblefor hor to roturn calls to ono tenthpart of those who invito hor bo wo

have only tried to do this to thosoconnected with the government butovon thon our visiting list is alwaysin arrears This week Thursdayfor example two senators aud threorepresentatives families with friendsintroduced by thorn wero callersand wo had not yot roturuod allthoso mado last woek As an Amer ¬

ican I am proud of tho uiaunora auddoforouao to otiquotto obsorved byall visitors and wero Liliuoknlani iu

her own palace at Iolani she coulduot havo received moro oonetaut andunswerving deference to her royalbirth and commanding position

For example last ovoning HerMajesty was invited to a socialgathoring at tho house of tho pastorof ouo of tho loading churches

1 f TJ VFMjJ fT rt r f s IM

whom sho was mado tho guest ofhonor conducted by tho lady prccidont of tho missionary society to asofn opei dally rcsorved for hor andwheu the entertainment was finishedtho company woto ono by ouo pre ¬

sented iu dun form Hor Majesty re ¬

maining seated but saying a fewkind words to each Carriages werosent by tho church to conduct herthere aud roturn Tho attentionwas absolutely spontaneous thechurch was of the Mothodist de-

nomination ono of tho two whichcontouded for llu honor of Presi ¬

dent McKinloys attendance Shohas uovor sought tho society oPanypeoplo iu tho city but hers is dailycourted by others Tho prosidontof tho society told mo last oveuingas we left that sho dared not repeatthe many flattering remarks whichhad reached her oars during thetinio we had had beeu in hor parlorsso charmed wero tho wlmlunnmrtinvwith tho prosouce of tho HawaiiauQueou

On Monday tho 26th Hor Majestygoes to Now York for a low daysnot only to witness tho ceremoniesat the tomb of General Grant butalso to get a glimpso of hor Bostonfriends who will doubtless meether there No sooner was this kuownthat I had to assure the represent ¬

atives of the press that there wasuot the slightest official siguificaucoiu her visit but ovon now there is asuspicion abroad that Her Majestywill be given somo rank aud placein the celebration No soonor wastho appointment of Mr HaroldSewall as Hawaiian Minister reportod than a representative of the pressarrived with a commission to getthe Queens opinion of tho selootionIu thi he was disappointed anddid not oven seo Hor Majesty asshe has invariably declined tp ex-


any political opiuions Thereporter was obliged to be contentwith my own remark that so far asI could see it was a good appoint-ment


Mr Sewall having an excel ¬

lent kuowlcdgo of affairs in thePacific and further having mot HerMajesty iu a Bocial way on his visitto Honolulu OQlco is too oftonmere political reward iu this case itwould appear that fitness has beenconsidered As to annexation theReciprocity treaty aud other mattore LI or Majesty maintains thosame dignified eilouce but tho faotthat nu expression of hor views isconstantly sought shows that to thopublic sho is tho representative ofHawaii however much that titlomay bo coveted by tho uumorouscommissioners arriving horcievcry one

of whom has left Washington withoutthe least oicial recognition

It may bo pleasant for tho presentgovernment to reward its aorvantaby giving them a vacation at thopublic expense but with the singloexception that Mr W O Smith hada staud up prosoutaliou to ProsidontMoKinley from Mr Hatch thoymight just as well havo been sun ¬

ning themselves in the Nuuauuvalley as lounging about Washington hotels Nothing whatever hasbeen douo in regard to reviving thedead issue of annexation but thetariff complications aro responsiblefor au oarly abrogation of thoReciprocity Treaty with uono sopoor as to do it reverence Promi ¬

nent men toll mo that without nuargument soveu touths of Congressaro iu favor of no moro enrichmentof alien sugar planters at Americanexpense

Thoro is an ovidout feeling thatthe question of right aud wrongtowards Hawaiis native people isnot dead but sloeping By whatomorgoncy it will ho awakened cannot bo now predicted Tho wiseststudent cannot tell you when tholake of Kilauea will renew its foun-


of fire so it is not possible formo to prophecy tho moment whouyou may receivo the welcotno nowsfor whioh you havo so long andpatiently waited that thoro is a lightiu tho East But it is far bottor un ¬

derstood now thau it was threoyours ago that tho Hawaiiau pooploaro deprived of representation oithoriu their own govorumout or at for-


capitals Let this gicat audincontestable fact be kept beforotho uatiou by whom Liliuokalaul



Established 1869 Capital JSlflOOfiObInsurance effected ou Buildings Goods Ships and Morohandiso

Insurance Company of North AmericaOf Philadelphia Ia

Founded 1793 Cash Capital 3000000Oldest Firo Insurance Company in tho United StatesLosses paid since organization over - - - 90000000

gJBF For lowest rates apply to3HE XjC3S3IElJ

General Agont for tho Hawaiian Islands

was doprivod of ancestral rightsand hereditary incomo then anyfuture relations Lotweon Honoluluas a national centro aud Washing-ton


as representing tho couutrywhich prides itself ou its souso ofjustice may possibly bo conditionalon the restoration of the voters of Hawail of the right to select their ownJOrtllf iy CfuflI lfVfrHI kUVIflu UvIuq L

exact words in which our Prosidontofficially declarod that tho questionis not settled yet and it never will bountil it is settled with duo regard tojustice and equity

Julius A PalmerWashington April 23d 1897

Monoy to Complete Pearl HarborWashington April 20 Souator

Morgan to day offered an amondmont to tho sundry civil appropria ¬

tion bill appropriating S50000 Iocomplete the improvement of PearlHarbor Hawaii

Shirts and Collars in all qualiliocan bo had at bottom notch pricesat Kerrs






At 8 oclockltosorved Scats to any part of tho House

23 Cents Gallery 10 CVnts Bos Tlan nowopen at Wull Nionals Co

070 td


Pn trisallci Pull Irt llirtJ Iiu VliJOUirj inn iu uiiu

gunwales with delicacies for tho

Honolulu public arriving with-



a week speaks woll for tho

tosto of tho pooplo Wo havo

filled in on our lines of dried

fruit so that wo havo tho most

comploto stock to bo found in


Epicuroan brands of fruits

vegetables and lobstors just at

hand nono bottor anywhoro Wo

hnvo also a full lino of broakfast

cereals California cooking but

ter and roll butter as woll as

host quality island buitor Wo

havo also a full stock of English

and Fronoh goods rocoived by

tho Paul Isonborg

Petit Pois in largo nntl small

tins dolicato of flavor Sultana

Kaisins Currants Mushrooms

Arrowroot Oxford Sausagos

Cambridge Sausages The world

owes its happiness in a groat

oxtont to thoso colobratod brands

of goods

Tolophono your ordor and itMill bo promptly and carefully



1T V fTTT15


SUBSOHIBEKS AltE RESPECTFULLYall subarlptlons aro pay-


ttrlctly In advance by the monthquarter or yenrV J TKBTA

Do You Like FishLobsters Iltd Jacket

Underwoods 2a2 doz in ensoShrimps Uanbnrs 1 lb can fKrabbcn

smallShrimp and TomatoesDeviled Crabs 2 lb tins

it i i itAnchovy Bloater it Shrimp 1aalo fancy

potsAunliovy lloater it Shrimp Paste small

potsThon Marino Tojss square tins

with Pickles Pimento andTrnnios

Appotit Slidsmall keg

Bombay DuckAuchovlo in salt

oilYarmoth Bloaters Htissinn CaviarFish OhowdorClam Ohowdor Clnm BouillonFimlon HaddocksHorrings Fresh Tomato Sauce

MustardTomatoSousedKlppdrod8mokcdHolland IcnitineWhite Baited

Mackerel In OU Salt KitsSardines f varieties iSalmon In AVood and Tin 0 Varieties

To Serve Bomiiay Duck Servolurry and Blco on a separate dlBh

mo Domuay iJuoK on athnrniihlv then crumband ricn By hentinc tho

broiler andLavbeat

It over the enrrvBombay Dock ft

becomes brittle and crumbs easily


Telephono 210 Frco dollvory twice dally


A Good ThingWhon you seo ityou over looked into aStovo

Tho utmost caro isby tho manufacturers



takonof tho

Jowol Stoves and rangesthoy havonot overlooked asinglo dotail in the rnakoup of thoir goods

Evorything is on scientificprinciples and made with aviow to bring tho best cookingresults at tho least oxpondituro of fuol

A Jewel SavesYou tho cost of it in a yearThat is an itora for your con- -

sidoration unloss you havomonoy to burn instead ofwood Wo guarantee ovorystovo that loavos tho storo ifit is not as wo roprosont ityou got your monoy backThat shows tho confidonco wohavo in tho Jowol No othordealer Avould think of doingthis it wouldnt bo safe

Tho Jowol is sold only byus and on oasy paymonts

Not All Gashroquirod whon you buy fromus Como and see for yoursovos




JUST ARRIVKDA new lot of thcFlnost

Musical lnstrumenthAutohnrpo Guitars Violins Etc

Alio a now Invoice of tho Colnbrnwl

Wesiemieyer PianosSpecially manufactured for tho troplcor

cllmnte second to none


On tlio Hawaiian Islands during tho lustyenrs



General Merchandise

Also ho choicest Kuropoon and A inert- -

Beers Ale Wines LiquorsAT MOST REA80HAMfi PRICES


Corner King A lit thol Streets

Id Via 1w vviLIMITED

Win U Itwln President ifc MnnagcrClans Bprockcls VIce PresIilontW M dllTard Secretary Treasurerrhco C lortcr Auditor


Commission AgentsAOISNTS OP THE

Oceanic Steamship CoiupyOf Ran Frnnolwo OrI

321 St 323 KIiir Btreet

The Lending

Carnage and

Wagon ManufacturerAlt MAfEBIALS ON HAND

Will furnish everything outsldo Btcarubouts and bollors

Horse Shoeing a Specialty


TELBrnoNB G07 1 0 Uox 821


Carriage Manufactory128 180 Fort Street

Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER

Blacksmitliing in all Its Brandies

Orders from the other Islands In BuildingTrimming Painting Etc Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHT ProprietorSuccessor to Q West

Metropolitan Meat Go


Q J Waileb - - Manager

Wholesale andKetnll


Navy Contrnotms

THE ARLINGTONA jrawilly Hotel


Per Day 200Per WeeV 1200


Tlie Best of Attondnnco the Best SituationP I iU Vr p tllr II v

Oceanic Steamship Go

lliiiilNliaii lift service

Fur San FranciscuThu Now and Tine Al Steel Steamship

MARIPOSAOf the Oceanlo Slcnnishlp Company willho due at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

Ami will lonvn fnr tho above DOrt withMalls and Passengers on or about thatdate

For Sydney AucklandTho Now and FIno Al Steel 8teamship


nr nhnnt


IMIeiy tilAnd will have prompt despatch with Mallsand P is nngf rs for iiih abovo ports

The ttnilcrlgneil nro now preparedto Issue

ThAityli tickets to All Points In the

United Suites

fts For further particulars regardingFreight and 1nnsaRO apply to

Yfa 0 IRWIN CO LdOnpral Acenta

Oceanic Steamship Co



fc S AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu

from S FLeavo Honolulu

for 8 F

April 27 May5May 25 Juno 2June 22 i June 30July 20 July 2Augl7 Aug 23Sept H Sopi22Oct 12 OrtlM -

NovO Nov 7Doo7 DoolB

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydnoy for

for Bjdnoy San Francisco

lrritf Jfoiwlulu Leme HonoluluMoan- - May I 1807 MnrlposuMin 27 f7Alameda June 3 07 Mo ma June 21 07M riposa July 1 17 AianiciiaJuly2li7Moana July fll 1807 Miulpoau Aug 10 Mi7

Alameda Aug 21 07 iwoana Sep 10 07Mariposa Sept 207 I AUineda Oct 11 17Moana Oct 21 1W Mariposa Nov 11 t7Alameda Nov 18 07 Mount Dc 0 1897



Revised and Printed in


Being an Accurate and Concise

Aosount of tho

Overthrow e Monarchy

g8 To bo had only at the Pub ¬

lishers Office 327 King Stroot



Not Ilondy to Oomo to Hawaii-Ab-roiitl- oti

of tho Trunty Potttlonrj

Washington April 23 Tbo rovocation of th order Hint AdmiralBenrdalco bo relioved of tho com ¬

mand of the Pacific otnlion byAdmiral Miller at once and theissuance of a now ono providingtbat Benrdsleo day at Honoluluuutil July was taken by Ihe annex ¬

ationists to day to moan that thopolicy of tho Administration as to itscoureo thoro would bo thou maturedand Jiv now commandant would re-



instruction before leavingTho fact is Millor requested thochange aB ho wishos to stay two

mouths horo He has had appointed as his staff secretary LioutouantPhilip Andrews of Columbia Thetrausfor of the olBeor will mado atonce

itoprosentatl ve Barlow of t he Sixthdistrict has presouted to tho Housetho largest petition on tho Hawai ¬

ian reciprocity treaty yet developedIt is from the farmors of San LuisObispo oounty asking tho abroga ¬

tion of the convention All thomonibors of the Homo have lettersand telegrams taking sideH on thotreaty those against being prin-


from the country districtsand thoso favoring from tho moronutile bodies of San Francisco

Senator Perkins today had astrong telegram from tho San Fraucisio Chamber of Commerce domantling that he support the treatyIt took the ground that control oftho islands must not pass to n foreignpower in the intorest of the safotyof tho Western Coast aud that tradeof San Francisco would suffer ifthere should bo a change of re-

lations Among other telegramstaking similar ground was one fromLouis Sloss

Perkins says his inroHtigationslohd to the belief that tho free entryofHawaiiau sugar is practically abounty of 30 a ton which as sugaris produced by peon aud contractlabor is really the amount of thocost of production which givos thoproducers too great au advantageover California beet sugar producers

Whilo tho Senate Finance Committoe has informally consideredtho sugar schedule nothing definitewill bo douo uutill the lattor part ofnext week S F Chronicle


It Favors British and DiscriminatesAgainot Amorican Goods

Ottawa April 23 Tho now tariffannounced by the Government willhit tho United States pretty hardIn that regard it is popular herebut doubly so on account of thoproferonco it makes in favor ofBritish goods Thoso preferentialtortus for Great Britain aud othercountries disposed to rocoivo Cana-


products at fiivornble tates thoFinance Minister explained in Par-


would be in tho form of re-


from tho general list ofone eighth for tho first year andafter that period thoy would be onoqimter of tho rnto in tho gonoraltariff Those jeductions would applyto all schedules except thoso itnimposing duties intended for revenueon such articles as wines tobaccocigars and cigarettes

Leprosy in ItUBsla

Tho results of Professor Kochsstudy of luprosy in Est Prussialast year have just boon publishedin Berlin Ho is of tho opinion thattho cases ho saw there wero not con ¬

nected liko thoso in Norway Swe-


Finland etc with tho loprosyof tho middle ages but had prob-


boeu introduced since 1870

through tho closo intercourse be ¬

tween East Prussia and tho RussianBaltic provinces Twonty aoven oasesrevealed themselves before Soptouiber 18 nud of thoso sovontoonended fatallr Infection Dr Kochsays Beems to bo caused mostly byloiv living or overcrowding in smallhouses nud to some oxtont also bythe wearing of infeotod clothos Hefouud no ovidonca of hereditarytransmissirn The duration of thodiseaso generally wno from five toteu years


Mens ready mado pants nt fl perpair at Terrs

Sachs is Rollins 25 yards ofBrown Cotton for 100

Swell Shirt Waist very latest inLeather Bflts and tho new KidGloves can bo found at N SSachs

Flannelottos 1G yards for 100Night Gowns for 50 cents andLadies Chemises 8 for 100 at N SSachs

H Carl ono of tho most exportbarbers in Honolulu is now to bofound at tho tonsorial parlors of MA Peixoto at tho Uuion Art GalleryLane

Tho only place in town to gotgenuine Cambridge Pork Sausagesis nt Jos Tinkers City Moat MarketNuuanit street opposite ChaplainLano Telephone 289

Historical Truths may bo hadat 827 King streot if applied forearly Although tho edition wasconsidered largo enough for all de¬

mands tho books nro already be ¬

coming rathor scarce

Statistically inclined tourist tonative What is tho death ratehere Native same as it is every ¬

where olso ono death for every in-


Jim Dodds EnterpriseBoik at tho Pantheon is a better lifeproorvativo for the rate is two for aquarter

At tho Royal Saloon there is nconstaut rush for tho celebratedbeor which George Hiwkins taps

Bob French tho nestor of Hono ¬

lulus mixologists is now in thoRoyal Saloon where ho greets hishosts of friends with his affablesmile of welcome

Ned Doyle at tho Cosmopolitan isrecommending tho celebrated Putnams Blackberry Brandy a tonicwhich Ib unrivalled assisted by JimThompou formerly of tho S SAustralia nil excellent half andhall is served to the thirstycustomers of tho Cosmopolitan

Ono ounce of prevention is betterthan ton ouuees of cure Tho Empiro boasts of infallible remediesagainst tho varioloid Wieland beeron draft boats vaccination andDoctor Charlie Andrew presidpsovortho finest stock of remedies thatcan bo found in town All for modi- -

oinal purposes and cash

Thoro is on exhibition at the Paeifio Saloon au excellent picture ofMr Murderer Butler with his auto-graph


signature It is worth look-ing


at tho features of the monstorand at the same time wash down nnatural shiver with a glass of Buffalobeor served at the right temperaturoby the modest young mon who holdup the corner

From onsks rotund tho raollowbrowOf Pabst springs perfect to tho

lightFor nature sure and science true

Conspiro to brow it rightThe Royal aud Pacific too

Supply this porfect gemTho Cosmopolitan is not behind

With checks which change withthem


OUBSORIBBRS ARE NOTIFIED13 that Subscriptions to The Inde ¬

pendent are payable in advance attho rate of 50 conts a month or 6 ayear

Tho papors of thoso in arrear willbo stopped unless payment ispromptly mado

No former subscriber dosirous ofronewing will bo sorved uuloes ar ¬

rearages nro paidThe Independent n conductod on

tho cash aud onntraot priciplo inpayments and roceipts and is nowso firmly established on a payingbasis Hint it declines absolutely toservo subscribers who do not payIf you want Tan Independent youmust buy it

Hawaiian GrownOysters

Tho obovo dulicaoj jn now boprocured in such quantities as re-


upon leaving ordors with

H E Mclntvre k BroL

807 tf


ON AND AFTEIt APItIL 1st BUSCooper and Itaymond will occupy the

afllcos of Dr lloUrmv on Hotel StreetOlllco Hours from 830to 10 am 1X0 to3 and 7 to ti v M Telephone No 101

618 lm

j VAtifriii wijrrihfliTthdiMtoritf - - jaM lPif-- f- n nftiUluttiiimWftftt rmtnttiii11tkWxaMUuk

Burbank PotatoesAT THE



Cornor Punchbowl and Bcrctanla Streot


Brace Wariug ST Co

Real Estate Dealers603 Fort St near King




IMV Parties wishing to dispose of thulrPrnnnrllnq iirp Invito ti mil An n

Merclmnts Exchange

S I SHAW Proprietor

Cornel King uiw Nntmnu Streets

Choice MqwsAND

Ftim Steers I


Empire SaloonCorn or Nuuanu and Hotel Bts

Oiunus W Andrews - - Manager


Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP

Rainier in Bottles

Handmade Sour Issh1A BfECIALTY

Established 1883

CITY MEAT MARKETNuuanu St opposite Chaplain Lano

J TINKER Practical Butcfin


Reef Mutton Lamb and VealIn tho market

Home fed Pork and PoultryThe Celebrated

OAMBRIDca Hl S ATJSAOE3for breakfast

535 TKLKPHONE 280 flni

New Market Restaurant108 MorchantBtreot near Alnkea

JUAN OAMANOHO PropHis tahlo excols any In Honolulu

Caters for Balls DinnersWoddliius and PIoiuo Purties

Colleo Hot Bolls and Breakfast 5 till 10A m Dinner 11 a m till 2 p m Bupper1 p m till 8 r m

Extra Tender Refrigerator Beefsteaks to


TUltKKY DINNKlt ON SUNDAYSSend In Orders for Homo iuado Bread

Cnkos anil Pastry the day boforo6 m



JOHN PHILLIPSHas romovd his Plumbing Bnslnesb irom

KIiir street to tho promises on

Hotel- ---Street

Fnrmnrly occupied by WnvnWrlnf

- -- rinriiiiiiitiiit iniiiirtniii
