9/22/14 1 + Stages of READing Development - Understand, Assess, and Treat Cindy A. Young M.S. CCC-SLP, NDT, CAMT Melissa A. Hannah M.A. CCC-SLP, CAMT Aspire Christian Academy (ACA) and All Children’s Therapy (ACT) Outpatient Therapy Clinic Speech-language Therapy Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Academic Therapy Evaluations Trainings Ages 4 to 12 Within normal limit IQ’s Diagnosis of Dyslexia, Language delay ADHA Apraxia Sensory Processor Disorder 1:6 teacher student ratio Highly qualified credentialed teachers Provide evidence-based multisensory programs School day holistically addresses all six domains of health and wellness

CY&MH Stages of READing Development ArkSHA 2014 Handouts/8amHannahYoun… · Stages of READing Development - Understand, Assess, and Treat ... Jamberry by Bruce Degen ! Mama, Do You

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Stages of READing Development - Understand, Assess, and Treat

Cindy A. Young M.S. CCC-SLP, NDT, CAMT Melissa A. Hannah M.A. CCC-SLP, CAMT Aspire Christian Academy (ACA) and All Children’s Therapy (ACT)


n  Outpatient Therapy Clinic

n  Speech-language Therapy

n  Occupational Therapy

n  Physical Therapy

n  Academic Therapy

n  Evaluations

n  Trainings


n  Ages 4 to 12

n  Within normal limit IQ’s

n  Diagnosis of n  Dyslexia, n  Language delay n  ADHA n  Apraxia n  Sensory Processor Disorder

n  1:6 teacher student ratio

n  Highly qualified credentialed teachers

n  Provide evidence-based multisensory programs

n  School day holistically addresses all six domains of health and wellness

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n  Know and understand Chall’s 5 stages of reading development.

n  Have the ability to assess and determine which stage your student(s) are in and why that is important.

n  Develop a treatment plan specific and individualized for each of your student’s needs.

+The Reading Wars: Phonics vs Whole Language

n  Phonics

n  Whole Language

n  A philosophy, more than a methodology

n  Balanced Literacy

n  National Reading Panel


n  “No ‘best’ method exists. Instead, what matters more than the method of teaching is the teacher, there are the center, hopping in the midst of the swirling ideologies.”

n  “Well designed materials should be tools for teachers, not a dictation of method.”

n  “Mandating programs will NEVER be as effective as good teachers in the classrooms.”

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n  “Too often the term ‘balanced’ approach is considered the compromise for the meaning vs. phonics debate. It is important to remember that a compromise between these two approaches would not result in a single, best way to teach. If either one had been close to solving all the school literacy issues, there would have been no Reading Wars. Research with new technologies will show that neither battling camp was able to provide, a synthesis of best elements of the various approaches.” (Wren, 2000)

n  What about the basal readers?


+Jeanne S. Chall, P.h.D

n  Director of the Reading Laboratory and Professor of Education at Harvard University

n  Learning to Read: The Great Debate

n  (1967) She recommended phonics, but only as a beginning method, and predicted with uncanny insight the whole language movement 30 years hence

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n  Stages of reading development resemble stages of cognitive and language development…..reading stages have a definite structure and differ from one another and follow a hierarchical progression

n  Reading is, at all stages, a form of problem solving in which readers adapt to their environment through processes of assimilation (use learned processes in reacting to a new demand) and accommodation (adapt by changing or restructuring the old to accommodate the new).

n  Individuals progress through the stages by interacting with their environment – the home, school, larger community, and culture.

n  Measures of having reached a given reading stage will add a further useful dimension to standardized norm-references testing.

n  The fact of successive stages means that readers do “different” things in relation to printed matter at each successive stages.


n  The successive stages are characterized by growth in the ability to read language that is more complex, less frequently encountered, more technical, and more abstract.

n  The reader’s response to the text also becomes more general, more inferential, more critical, and more constructive with successive stages.

n  The stages are also characterized by the extent to which prior knowledge is needed to read and understand materials.

n  At each stage, readers may persist in characteristic techniques or habits that, if continues too long, may delay or even prevent transition to the next stage.

n  Reading has affective as well as cognitive components.


n  Stage 0: Pre-reading “pseudo reading”

n  Stage 1: Initial reading and decoding

n  Stage 2: Confirmation and fluency

n  Stage 3: Reading for learning the new

n  Phase A

n  Phase B

n  Stage 4: Multiple viewpoints

n  Stage 5: Construction and reconstruction

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n  Preschool: 6 months – 6 years

n  “From birth until the beginning of formal education, children living in a literate culture with an alphabetic writing system accumulate a fund of knowledge about letters, words, and books….children grow in their control over various aspects of language.”

n  “much growth in reading takes place at home during the preschool years”.

n  “Essential prereading experiences required for optimal transition into beginning reading


n  Television

n  Computers

n  Cell Phones

n  Movies

n  IPad

n  Busy life styles

n  Too much noise with NO quiet time for reading


n  Nursery rhymes

n  Simple stories with pictures

n  Short poems

n  Experience stories

n  Books that have repeat phrases

n  Books that are predictable

n  Books that have a rhythmical/rhyming pattern

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n  Choose an age appropriate book

n  Hold the child and the book so that it is easy for the child to see and touch.

n  Read with emotion in your voice

n  Read daily so books become a natural part of the day and associated with fun


n  Read a book over and over and over

n  When reading to two and up point to words as you read

n  Talk about the pictures using noun + verb

n  Condense longer books into shorter versions

n  Encourage young children to turn the page and point to the pictures

n  Have a conversation about the book to see if they understood what you read about


n  Eric Carle

n  Bill Martin

n  Dr. Seuss

n  Joy Cowley

n  Sandra Boynton

n  Audry Wood

n  Mem Fox

n  Laura Joffe Numeroff

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n  Cooing

n  Babbling

n  Sound play

n  Listening to books

n  For the first few months the infant is picking up on the rhythm of language rather than the content

n  Finger plays

n  Games (peek a boo)

n  Songs and music (Teensy Weensy Spider)

n  Toys – playing with toys builds cognition


n  Listens and reacts to voices when being read to as well as to music and other sounds

n  Enjoys the beat and tone of voice while listening to stories

n  Responds to words, rhymes and songs by cooing, gurgling and smiling


n  Bright and colorful but not too busy

n  Pictures of objects in their world

n  Black and White books

n  Real Pictures/photos of other babies

n  Touch and feel books

n  Cloth/washable books

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n  Board books

n  Brown Bear Brown Bear – Bill Martin

n  Mr. Brown Can Moo – Dr. Seuss

n  Mother Goose

n  Goodnight Moon - Margaret Wise Brown

n  Going To Bed Book – Sandra Boynton

n  Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes – Annie Kubler

n  Look, Look – Peter Linenthal

n  Lamaze Cloth Books – Tomy

n  Fuzzy Bee and Friends – Roger Priddy

n  Where is Baby’s Belly Button – Karen Katz


n  Says 3 to 5 words

n  Uses 10 -15 words begins to combine words

n  Follows directions and routines

n  Uses object and action words

n  Plays appropriately with objects

n  Identifies 5 or more objects

n  Identifies 5 or more pictures

n  Identifies 4 body parts

n  Imitates many words


n  Puts books in his or her mouth

n  Reaches for books and pats pictures

n  Plays with sounds and babbles

n  Waves arms and kicks feet to show excitement

n  Enjoys reading with a favorite person

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n  Board books n  Point to pictures and name nouns

n  Books with actions n  Point to pictures and name verbs

n  Good-night books

n  Books about routines

n  Few words on each page

n  Flap books with nice big pictures


n  Brown Bear Brown Bear– Bill Martin

n  Animals on the Farm by Feodor Rojankovsky

n  Black on White by Tana Hoban

n  Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton

n  Goodnight Moon by Margret Wise Brown

n  How Baby Grows by Stella Blackstone

n  My First Baby Games by Jane Manning

n  Peek-a-Boo! by Janet and Allen Ahlberg

n  The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Fisher Wright


n  Refers to self by using name

n  Sings phrases of songs

n  Combines 3 or 4 words spontaneously

n  Gives first and last name

n  Uses different word combinations

n  Understands prepositions in, on, off, out

n  Recognizes action in pictures

n  Uses plurals

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n  Books that tell simple stories

n  Rhyming words and predictability

n  Books they can begin to memorize

n  Show the cover of the book and title

n  Read author and illustrator

n  Model pointing to pictures and identifying them


n  I Love Colors by Margaret Miller

n  Jamberry by Bruce Degen

n  Mama, Do You Love Me? by Barbara Joose

n  Moon Bear by Frank Asch

n  Pat the Bunny by Dorothy Kunhardt

n  Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats

n  Show Me! by Tom Tracy

n  Time for Bed by Mem Fox

n  Where’s Spot? by Eric Hill


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n  Asks many why, what, when and where questions

n  Knows opposites

n  Understands quantity concepts (one, some, rest, all)

n  Makes inferences from pictures

n  Identifies categories of objects in pictures

n  Understands picture analogies

n  Answers questions logically

n  Tell how an object is used and when described


n  Knows that it is print (letters and words) that is read in stories

n  Pays attention to distinct and similar sounds in language

n  Has favorite books and likes to hear them read often

n  Pretends to read and write

n  Play with language and makes up silly sounds and words

n  Participates by turning pages and saying words in familiar stories

n  Shows understanding through comments and questions


n  Choose books that tell simple stories

n  Have books with rhyming words and predictability

n  Select books they can begin to memorize

n  Talk about the characters and what they are doing.

n  Nudge comprehension skills by asking simple who, what, when, where, why, and how questions.

n  Emphasize the meaning of the story.

n  This is a good age to use books about numbers, colors, geometric shapes and classifications.

n  Poems and rhymes train your child to hear the difference between the 42 sounds used in the English language.

n  Experts report that children who come to school having memorized 4-6 nursery rhymes are better readers by third grade

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n  Go places together and talk about your experiences.

n  Use books with predictable patterns and repeated phrases that the child can “read” with you.

n  Chant rhymes together, emphasizing pattern, rhythm and rhyme.

n  Enjoy counting books, alphabet books and books about colors and shapes.

n  Name the parts of a book – such as cover, title, author, pages, top and bottom.


n  Jamberry by Bruce Degen

n  The Dinosaur Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta

n  The Three Bears by Paul Galdone

n  Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert

n  The Random House Book of Poetry for Children by Jack Prelutsky

n  Ducks on a Bike by David Shannon

n  It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw

n  The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter

n  Sylvester And The Magic Pebble by William Strig

n  Lyle, Lyle Crocodile by Bernard Waber

n  Mouse Paint by Ellen Soll Walsh


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n  Likes being read to and knows about books.

n  Knows some alphabet sounds.

n  Recognizes sounds that are the same and sounds that are different.

n  Recognizes some printed letters and numbers.

n  Understands there are three parts in a story-beginning, middle, end.

n  Listens, follows directions, and can focus on a specific task.

n  Takes turns speaking in a conversation.

n  Often has some books memorized.

n  Can recognize rhyming words.


n  Four-year-olds are building their knowledge of written language.

n  They want to know what words in their environment say, and can recognize many letters.

n  By the end of this year, many children understand that letters represent the sounds in spoken words and may associate some letters with their sounds.

n  Most children also are capable of writing some legible letters, and know that writing goes from left-to-right and top to bottom.

n  Should have increased phonological awareness


n  Books for children 4 years old

n  Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? by Nancy White Carlstrom

n  Friends by Helme Heine

n  The Owl and the Pussycat by Jan Brett

n  Counting in the Garden by Kim Parker

n  Cookie’s Week by Cindy Ward

n  The Cat on the Mat by Brian Wildsmith

n  Color Zoo by Lois Ehlert

n  If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Joffe Numeroff

n  Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

n  Bug Safari by Bob Barner

n  Jump, Frog, Jump! by Robert Kalan

n  Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes

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n  Asks meanings of words

n  Understands quantity concepts to five and half/whole

n  Understands time sequence concepts first and last

n  Formulates meaningful, grammatically correct questions

n  Describes similarities

n  Names items that fit into categories

n  Competes similes


n  Five-year-olds begin to extend their oral language skills to reading and writing.

n  They know their uppercase and most lowercase letters and understand that letters represent specific sounds in spoken words.

n  This knowledge helps them to sound out words in print and write out words based on their sounds.

n  They also can discuss stories and are able to tell their own tales.

n  Use Natural Environment n  Talk about things you see driving down the road or at the places you go n  Reference a familiar book during play and action n  Help your child “explore his/her environment” n  Encourage drawing and scribbling n  Put a label to their art work - illustrating is early written expression

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n  The Knight and The Dragon – Tomie dePaola

n  National Geographic Little Kids Fist Big Book of Why – Amy Shields

n  Knock Knock Who’s There: My First Book of Knock Knock Jokes – Tad Hills

n  The Best Book of Bugs – Claire Liewellyn

n  My Book About Me – Dr. Seuss

n  What’s Out There – Lynn Wilson

n  Bob Books, Set 1 – Bobby Lynn Maslen

n  Magic Tree House Boxed Sets – Mary Pope Osborne

n  Charlotte’s Web – E.B. White


+Phonological Processing: Phonological Awareness

n  Phonological Awareness – awareness of and access to the sound structure or phonology of one’s language

n  Spoken words of a language consist of a string of phonemes (speech sounds that signal differences in meaning) cat – bat

n  Development of PA proceeds from larger units to smaller units

n  Rhyming words

n  Divide or segment sentences into words

n  Words into syllables

n  Words into onset and rime

n  One-syllable words into phonemes

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n  Ages 6-7 Grades 1-2

n  “The essential aspect is learning the arbitrary set of letters and associating these with the corresponding parts of spoken words.”

n  “The qualitative change that occurs at the end of this stage is the insight gained about the nature of the spelling system of the particular alphabetic language used.”


n  Sight-method emphasis: changes in oral reading errors that coincided with increasing the ability to read

n  Phase 1: word-substitution errors – semantically and syntactically adequate

n  Phase 2:an increase in nonresponding and by more errors that had a graphic resemblance to the printed word with some loss of semantic acceptability

**Children move through these phases in the same order.

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n “It was only when the children appeared to let go of the ‘meaning’ substitutions and worked instead on what the word looked and sounded like that they made substantial progress.”



n  Ages 7-8 Grades 2-3

n  This stage consolidates what was learned in stage 1

n  It is NOT reading for gaining new information, but for confirming what is already known to the reader.

n  Content is familiar so the child can focus on the printed word n  For Dyslexics this often allows them to rely on vocabulary skills

instead of decoding skills

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n  Ages 7-8 Grades 2-3

n  What most children learn at this stage is to use their decoding knowledge, the redundancies of the language, and the redundancies of the stories read.

n  “By grade 3, if a pupil scores significantly below the norms on achievement tests and does not receive special help, he or she will continue to experience failure throughout the school years.

n  The main point at which most begin to fail.



n  9 – 13 years old 4th-8th grade

n  Relating print to ideas as opposed to relating print to speech

n  By the end of stage 3 the efficiency of reading may equal and begin to surpass that of other means of gaining new information, particularly listening.

n  Characterized by the growing importance of word meanings and prior knowledge.

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n  9 – 13 years old 4th-8th grade

n  Learn a process of how to find information in a paragraph, chapter, or book and how to find it efficiently

n  Changes in school curriculum

n  Content subjects were not included until children had mastered enough of the literacy skills to deal with the books used to teach them about times and places and ideas removed from their direct experiences.

n  Learning how to learn from reading but essentially from only one point of view.


n  This stage is for learning facts, concepts, and how to do things

n  2 phases within stage 3

n  Phase A: grades 4-6 – reading about conventional knowledge of the world

n  Phase B: grades 7-8 – brings readers closer to reading on a general adult level

n  Movement between stages

n  The grow in their ability to analyze what they read and to react critically to the different viewpoints


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n  Ages 14 – 18 High School

n  Essential characteristic is being able to deal with more than one point of view.

n  Involve an ability to deal with layer of facts and concepts added on to those acquired earlier

n  Acquired through formal education – the assignments in the various school text books etc



n  Age 18 and above College

n  The most mature stage

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+What is Dyslexia?

n  A specific learning disability that is neurological in origin

n  Result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is characterized by difficulties with n  Accurate and fluent word recognition

n  Poor spelling and decoding ability

n  Secondary problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience which can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge n  Adopted by the IDA Board of Directors, Nov. 12, 2002. This Definition is also

used by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).

+ASHA & Dyslexia: Language-Based Learning Disability

n  Language-based learning disabilities are problems with age-appropriate reading, spelling, and/or writing.

n  This disorder is not about how smart a person is.

n  The child with dyslexia has trouble almost exclusively with the written (or printed) word.

n  The child who has dyslexia as part of a larger language learning disability has trouble with both the spoken and the written word.

+What is Dyslexia?

n  A specific learning disability that is neurological in origin

n  Result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is characterized by difficulties with n  Accurate and fluent word recognition

n  Poor spelling and decoding ability

n  Secondary problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience which can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge n  Adopted by the IDA Board of Directors, Nov. 12, 2002. This Definition is also

used by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).

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+ASHA & Dyslexia: Language-Based Learning Disability

n  Language-based learning disabilities are problems with age-appropriate reading, spelling, and/or writing.

n  This disorder is not about how smart a person is.

n  The child with dyslexia has trouble almost exclusively with the written (or printed) word.

n  The child who has dyslexia as part of a larger language learning disability has trouble with both the spoken and the written word.


Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to man kind, which are delivered down from

generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those

who are yet unborn.