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By Demi Bromfield


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Tom van heel takes a successful image of a girls lips and

changes the colours image to two bright colors, using pink

and yellow, Tom van heel doesn't stress over body parts he's

pictures are quite positive in the bright colour he uses. I like

the way he delegated each section to a different shade of

bright colours. Although he left extra space the image itself

makes up for it. The close up of the lips optimizes the true

nature of the photo.

The main way this photography inspires my work is I

believe I can change and apply a different taste to the lips,

by recreating this image I think I can include props or even

words to be fitted on and manipulate the way it looks to

match my pictures taken. I also intend to try to create a

strong characteristic image so that my main focal point is

the lips and it try's to send a message of some sort

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The first time I saw this photography from Alix malka I

was pleased visually for a number of reasons. I will start

by expressing my great admiration of the wave of hair

being fluctuated in this image as a wave of strides. The

way in which Alix takes full advantage of the space given

is something I wish to inspire towards. she not only uses

a main vocal point but she uses various strengths and

tones to make the face of the girl stand out indorsing

two strong colours within. I particularly like the hand

being included but its not fully included and it acts as a

gesture towards the image making it more appealing.

I am inspired by this particular piece because I believe I can apply my own photos to mirror the

gestures and the hair texture, Alix uses all the space given and I believe I have the imagination to

see that happen, I would like to achieve a constant rush of the hair if possible to one way but if

not its not a setback, the make up will be bold and colorful but mimicking this piece I will only

do the eyes and mouth.

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Miles Aldridge creates a piece visual of the eye,

firstly using only one subject matter – the eye, which

in this case is beautiful to begin with. When using

this eye there can hardly be room for soft range

colours. Miles uses blue texture to ‘calm’ the mood

to fill in every sort of detail, he uses no background

fill colour but still manages to use full use of space.

There is no strong point but that doesn't mean it is

not simple and effective. The most striking aspect of

this photograph is how detailed he was able to work

around the eye to make it look dynamic and visually


I am galvanized by the strong solid tones within

the eye and the eyelashes. With one consistent

draft of colour I may opt to bring in my own

taste and a different colour to the pupil. I also

may try to combinate different symbols within

the eye to see if it can work and create more


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Looking at this piece from Sebastian, I think

for and image such as this to work; there

needs to be more towards the image

because the background seems to be quite

blunt and not merely effective. I don’t think

Sebastian used he's full potential effectively

to the success of the image. He doesn't

really adventure in the colours being used he

just uses one colour blue and use different

shades of it which to me isn't different in

any particular way. In all honesty I cant say I was inspired by this piece i

felt there wasn’t enough given to award

experimentation but nonetheless it doesn't mean I cant

achieve using parts of these photos to my advantage

like the shaded blue areas I can manipulate the way its

structured and use different variations on other parts


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Donna tropes projection of the face symbolizes a close up

view of her neck and upper head, Tropes doesn't use the

typical Photoshop or computerized features for her

photography she successfully uses simplicity to create a

image within a image with the targets most scoring in black

bold in the middle, shows she believes all points don’t cost

the same, this photo could have been used in a number of

ways as advertising or even a book cover. What strikes me

about this projection is that the 3 circles keep the viewers

attention on the image. Therefore Donna’s ideas are simple

subject manner but beautiful in the same way.

I am impressed by this piece so much that I can think of a

idea to match the simplicity repeating the same image over

an image but still to be able to make it look as one it

doesn't have to be a face figure maybe I can use a different

body part with the same traditional method of

photography to achieve success not necessary using

Photoshop but intervening if needed to change contrasts.

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This image from Eolo is a still senseless image with no colours of

emotion. I don’t think this image has particularly a big impact to me

I feel as if it creates to much of a neutral atmosphere with lots of

negative and empty space. Given the fact that the image has no

angles to it, it remains a authentic image. On the contrary I do think

this images plain and unsuccessful and looking at it first time I'm

not really inspired but do think Eolo can make changes.

Although this photo may not give away so much, the bright stoned

colour white cant be manipulated too much but not saying the

space around it cant therefore I think that I will consider maybe

altering the background with hands or lips or props or dripping

effects within the space given editing the white to create a total new


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When I first saw this piece from Jamie nelson, I immediately thought

of two things, firstly the strong facial image of the girl which creates a

strong element of boldness and the message being trying to prevail its

not that she is looking directly at the camera she is focusing on

something else but still catches the eye of the viewer. Secondly not to

disarray the girls face but to add depth and colour and make it more

dynamic Jamie Nelsons use of primary colours show within the scene

making it pleasing to my eye.

The main way that this image is inspiring my own photographs is I

believe I can choreograph a like for like image relating to this girl. I

definitely want to manipulate the posture of the girl and try new

positions to ensure all aspects of this photo are explored. I will

attempt to use Photoshop with highlights and darkening certain

images with this I believe I can achieve working towards a new

technique in my photography portfolio

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Lado Alexi doesn't give much away in her photography piece

here but nevertheless it doesn't shadow away the fact that with

little a lot can be done. The pale white background is so smooth

and softened its as if it is not ment to get dirt or in this case

paint on but taking the risk she does, by involving the pant she

adds a different texture on top of the lips not to leave the

photography dull but surprisingly not all the lip is covered there

is still a shade of pale white throughout the process keeping a

clean delicate consistency

I am willing to explore what range of techniques Lado

brings, I like the idea of being modern and everything clean

but with a hint of smudge or some sort of colour but even

within that the extra layer will be clean itself to relate to the


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With this image I believe Straulino worked a good bit of magic and

although someone looking at it first time they may think it’s a mess I

feel it worked to the advantage. The clear unfluctuating colour of a

light shade of brown. Straulino then uses well a flourishing use of

positive colours blue, green, pink these three colours are decisive in

the image for it to work as well as it is. The ability to drizzle, splash

and damp sections of the upper body doesn't torture the skin but adds

balance to the structure declaring it to me blossoming

I do like the use of aluminous colours being used in the photograph

that complement the idea of using the technique of paint or vibrant

colours being flickered onto a object or person with organization but

room for the unexpected maybe with these I can alter the colours

and the background just to try a new style but keep the same theme,

over time developing this I may included prints of hands or possible

add props wherever possible to maximise the full potential of this

photography technique.

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I believe this image is a successful because the way it takes

sense of a strong women figure, the use of the hair and

depth of the colour flows in a downward band, also the fact

that the smokes coming out of the mouth personifies a

variation which I believe I could maybe us to direct the

smoke in a way differently. I do think the bold colours work

well with no negative dark colours make the pictures stand


The major way in that this image is inspiring to me is the

smoke coming out from the lips, if possible I may want to

manipulate the way in which the smoke is formed maybe

changing the contrast of it or the amount but not making it

so much that it becomes as if it looks as if she's on fire, I do

think I will use the hair complexion to make a link between

the smoke and the colour of the hair just to keep simplicity

to achieve further development.

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All things considered, I would use my 3rd photography as my preferred

choice to associate with the slave magazine. I believe that it incorporates

the right amount of visual ingenuity to interest the viewer to take an

insight of the issue raised. Relating to ‘make-up’