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Page 4: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

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Page 5: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

Get the Facts on Creating a

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High Six-Figure High Six-Figure High Six-Figure High Six-Figure High Six-Figure High Six-Figure IncomeIncomeIncome from home

Personal Development Produces Life-Changing Wealth! this is an opportunity for you to achieve financial freedom, realize your dreams and make your life extraordinary.

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Page 6: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

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Page 7: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809
Page 8: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

success stories

Go wireless for the biGGest income……26Ben Sturtevant is realizing major financial success with the hottest trend in the home business industry: Wireless.

creatinG a fortune from homeis easy as $, $$, $$$………………………………24Successful entrepreneur Jhonathan Rodriguez went from “rags to riches” and counts every day of his life as an incredible blessing.

six fiGures in a week? you can earnthat and more……………………………………30Darren Salkeld has proven that anyone can earn a multiple six-figure income with a simple Internet marketing business.

manifest prosperity in your life…………34Once a minimum-wage dishwasher, muti-millionaire Randy Gage can help you create success.



third time is a charm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Shawn Noonan finally found the perfect opportunity—one that offers immediate results from its products, compensation plan and marketing system.

driven to success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46When the car industry began to head south, Scott Miller traded in his corporate job for a lucrative home business and hasn’t looked back since.

catch the wave of the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605LINX® is the cutting-edge income you’ve been looking for.


table of contents auGust/september 2009

truewealth 06

Page 9: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

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Get paid $5 to $30 for every website link you post!• No one needs to buy

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Page 10: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

True Wealth talks to hundreds of people every month who are now

living that dream and want to help you get started in your own business

so you, too, can be in charge of your personal and financial future.

Be sure to check out the success stories in this issue and learn how

ordinary people—moms, dads, students, retirees—are

creating an extraordinary life, from building

wealth to bonding with their families.

Best wishes on finding the home business

opportunity that’s right for you!

the TrueWealth team


Do you ever find yourself daydreaming about starting a

business of your own, leaving the commute, cubicle, and

boss behind? Do you think about what it would mean

to have your own business--more control over your life,

more time with your family and more money in your

bank account?

go wirelessbiggest income

Ben Sturtevant is realizing major financial success with the hottest trend in the home-business industry: WIRELESS

biggest incomebiggest income

for the

Most business professionals know it pays to get ahead of a trend. Just think of the fortunes made by those who invested in Apple and Microsoft stocks decades ago. But do you know what else it takes to make a business really lucrative? Ben Sturtevant does, and he’s got the only home-business opportunity that’s letting average people take advantage of the world’s most powerful new source of income: the wireless industry. Led by a rock-solid company with years of leadership experience, Ben’s team has taken the wireless world—including cell phone and Internet service—and put it in the hands average individuals, who earn commissions and residual income on what people are already

spending money on anyway. Best of all, the opportunity boasts all the things Ben knows are needed for a successful business: stable company leadership, a product people truly want, a lucrative compensation plan, an unbeatable system, and impeccable timing. Ben has been in the industry for 12 years, giving him the experience to recognize a realistic opportunity when it comes along. He gained success with his first business, but soon started to question the company’s leadership. “I didn’t like the unethical behaviors involved with my former company, but after that experience, I really learned what to look for in a company.” So when the Internet began to pick up speed, he knew he had to

SucceSS Story

jacqlyn mori

go wirelessgo wirelessgo wirelessgo wirelessgo wirelessbiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest income

for thefor the

Most business professionals know it pays to get ahead of a trend. Just think of the fortunes

trend. Just think of the fortunes made by those who invested in Apple and Microsoft stocks decades ago. But do you know what else it takes to make a business really lucrative? Ben Sturtevant does, and he’s got the only home-business opportunity that’s letting average people take advantage of the world’s most powerful new source

spending money on anyway. Best of all, the opportunity boasts all the things Ben knows are needed for a

things Ben knows are needed for a successful business: stable company leadership, a product people truly want, a lucrative compensation plan, an unbeatable system, and impeccable timing. Ben has been in the industry for 12 years, giving him the experience to recognize a realistic opportunity when it comes along. He gained

biggest income

SucceSS Story

Cory Preston

If you want to manifest prosperity

in your life, the best th

ing you can do

is follow someone who has done it

already. Having a mentor or coach to

guide you is the fast

est way to move

from struggling to real

success. And

there may be no one better in the

world to help you than Randy Gage.

Randy is one of the most

successful people you’ll ever meet,

but his life wasn’t always easy. Randy

had a troubled childhood with drugs

and alcohol, and was arrested for

armed robbery by the time he was

15. He was thrown out of school

and worked as a minimum-wage

dishwasher to survive.

Yet he worked his way up the

ladder, toiling until he became a

manager. From there, he made the leap

to opening his own restaurant. But the

combination of his negative beliefs,

lack of capital, and inexperien


doomed him to fail again.

Things came to a head when

the IRS seized his business and

auctioned it off for unpaid taxes. Left

with no car, no job, and no money,

Randy felt things couldn’t get worse.

But things can always get worse…

And they did. Over the next year,

Randy saw his health deteriorate, his

relationships crumble, and his self-

esteem evaporate. When he could

no longer borrow any more money,

he resorted to selling his furniture.

While it was th

e darkest time in

his life, it actually becam

e a pivotal

turning point. Randy began studying

the universal laws and principles

of prosperity, and they becam

e the

pathway that eventually led him to

success. He went from $55,000 in

debt to becoming a multi-millionaire,

began to attract positive rela


and got healthy again. It was a

startling transformation that led

to the

next step in his evolution: becoming a

prosperity coach for others.

Today Randy travels the world,

helping people manifest prosperity in

their own lives. He’s authored seven

books on success, crea

ted numerous

audio and video resources, and become

one of the most sought-after speakers

at conventions and conferen


His new role as success

coach is

the one Randy relishes the most.

“Nothing is more rewarding than

helping people shatter limiting beliefs

and step into the greatn

ess they are

capable of,” he says. “I

have the best

job in the whole world!” TW

For More InForMatIon

>For more information on randy’s

prosperity blog, books, and speeches,

go to www.randyGage.com or call

us at: 1.800.946.7804 (toll-free) or

316.942.1111 (international).

Manifest ProsPerity in Your Life

Photography B

y: renie s


Once a minimum-wage dishwasher, multi-millionaire Randy Gage can help you create success.

to recognize a realistic opportunity when it comes along. He gained success with his first business, but soon started to question the company’s leadership. “I didn’t like the unethical behaviors involved with my former company, but after that experience, I really learned

to recognize a realistic opportunity when it comes along. He gained success with his first business, but soon started to question the company’s leadership. “I didn’t like the unethical behaviors involved with my former company, but after that experience, I really learned

in your life, the best th

ing you can do

is follow someone who has done it

already. Having a mentor or coach to

guide you is the fast

est way to move

from struggling to real

success. And

there may be no one better in the

world to help you than Randy Gage.

Randy is one of the most

successful people you’ll ever meet,

but his life wasn’t always easy. Randy

had a troubled childhood with drugs

and alcohol, and was arrested for

armed robbery by the time he was

15. He was thrown out of school

and worked as a minimum-wage

dishwasher to survive.

Yet he worked his way up the

ladder, toiling until he became a

manager. From there, he made the leap

to opening his own restaurant. But the

combination of his negative beliefs,

lack of capital, and inexperien


doomed him to fail again.

Things came to a head when

the IRS seized his business and

auctioned it off for unpaid taxes. Left

with no car, no job, and no money,

Randy felt things couldn’t get worse.

But things can always get worse…

And they did. Over the next year,

Randy saw his health deteriorate, his

relationships crumble, and his self-

esteem evaporate. When he could

no longer borrow any more money,

his life, it actually becam

e a pivotal

turning point. Randy began studying

the universal laws and principles

of prosperity, and they becam

e the

pathway that eventually led him to

success. He went from $55,000 in

debt to becoming a multi-millionaire,

began to attract positive rela


and got healthy again. It was a

startling transformation that led

to the

next step in his evolution: becoming a

prosperity coach for others.

Today Randy travels the world,

helping people manifest prosperity in

their own lives. He’s authored seven

books on success, crea

ted numerous

audio and video resources, and become

one of the most sought-after speakers

at conventions and conferen


When it comes to “rags to riches” stories, Jhonathan

Rodriguez, known as J-Rod, has one that’s difficult to

top. Now a successful entrepreneur creating a fortune

from home, J-Rod counts every day of his life as an

incredible blessing. He and his wife, Elenny, and their

young son, enjoy a life that is rich in both money and

time, something J-Rod feared would never happen.Before his success, he and

Elenny had lived in Venezuela

where he owned a telemarketing

firm. They were abducted and held

against their will for four days by

armed thugs who were after their

money. The Rodriguezes were

lucky to escape with their lives,

but they feared retribution by the

kidnappers, and were forced to flee the country, leaving

their home, families, and hard-earned fortune behind.

J-Rod had to make money quickly, but he didn’t

have the capital to start a business.

He shares how he beat the odds to become financially

free and reveals how he is helping others how to create

success stories of their own.True Wealth: How did you rebuild a fortune so quickly when you

were completely broke and trying to start your life over?

J-Rod: I did some research and the proof was there:

the only way to quickly build a life from nothing was

network marketing. But the only tools I had were my

credit cards and a laptop. I nearly maxed out all of my credit cards by trying

out a few companies, but soon came to realize there

was a huge problem with how their systems worked.

They were supposed to make it simple for anyone to

make money— I was making money, but my teammates

weren’t. So I thought, ‘There’s got to be another way

that I could make this work for everybody.’ I knew I

had to create a system around these companies.

Photography B

y: Kevin Jam

esday Photography

Creating a Fortune from Home is as$, $$, $$$



SucceSS Story

Bridey orth

Publisher Cutting EdgE MEdia, inC.

Editor-in-Chief BridEy Orth

Editorial Contributors

JaCqlyn MOri, Brian BianCa

Copywriter MElaniE hEss

Lead Designer Paula EiChElBErgEr

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Circulation 200,000 dirECt MailEd COPiEs

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want to advertise your opportunity in True Wealth®? call 1.866.235.4770 for details.True Wealth® magazine is published on a bi-monthly basis by Cutting Edge Media, Inc. All material within is copyright protected by the publisher. All submissions are handled with care, however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any unsolicited materials. Although all advertisers in this publication are believed to be honest and truthful, the publisher accepts no liability for the conduct of our advertisers or any losses incurred in dealings with them. The publisher recommends consulting legal council before entering into any business relationship. Please notify the publisher if any misconduct is detected.

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Cutting Edge Media Publications

truewealth 08

Page 11: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

truewealth 9

Page 12: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

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Page 16: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

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Page 17: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809


Page 18: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

truewealth 16

go wirelessbiggest income

ben sturtevant is realizing major financial success with the hottest trend in the home-business industry: WIRELESS

biggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomebiggest incomefor the

Most business professionals

know it pays to get ahead of a

trend. Just think of the fortunes

made by those who invested in

Apple and Microsoft stocks decades

ago. But do you know what else it

takes to make a business really

lucrative? Ben Sturtevant does, and

he’s got the only home-business

opportunity that’s letting average

people take advantage of the

world’s most powerful new source

of income: the wireless industry.

Led by a rock-solid company

with years of leadership experience,

Ben’s team has taken the wireless

world—including cell phone and

Internet service—and put it in the

hands average individuals, who

earn commissions and residual

income on what people are already

spending money on anyway. Best of

all, the opportunity boasts all the

things Ben knows are needed for a

successful business: stable company

leadership, a product people truly

want, a lucrative compensation

plan, an unbeatable system, and

impeccable timing.

Ben has been in the industry for

12 years, giving him the experience

to recognize a realistic opportunity

when it comes along. He gained

success with his first business,

but soon started to question the

company’s leadership. “I didn’t like

the unethical behaviors involved

with my former company, but after

that experience, I really learned

what to look for in a company.”

So when the Internet began to

pick up speed, he knew he had to

success story jacqlyn mori

Page 19: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

Free GiFt For

SubScriberS:claim Your Free Maximum Profits

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Page 20: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

truewealth 18

Go wireless for the biGGest income continued

get on board. “When I got wind

of the wireless industry, I knew I

wanted to be a part of it. Wireless

technology is the hottest industry

out there,” he explains. “There are

over 270 million wireless users,

and that’s just in America. We are

the only company that has our own

wireless product, and it’s backed by

the nation’s largest, most reliable

wireless network.”

More importantly, the services

Ben and his team provide are

already being used by millions of

people. “Everyone in the country is

already using a cell phone; they’re

already using the Internet,” he says.

“What attracted me to the wireless

industry is that you don’t have to

sell people on it. You don’t have to

convince them they need it, and

you don’t have to teach them how

to use it. It’s the easiest conversation

you’ll ever have.”

As for the compensation plan,

Ben’s team enjoys huge upfront

cash bonuses, luxury car bonuses,

travel expense accounts, and a

true residual commission every

time a customer pays a bill. The

company’s proven system is also

backed by an income guarantee

that’s hard to find anywhere else.

“I am totally financially free,” Ben

explains. “I added up all of my

bills, and that was my goal. Today,

just my residual income covers all

of my bills. I haven’t made less

than $30,000 a month in three or

four years.”

But don’t expect to find this

kind of opportunity elsewhere,

Ben stresses. “We’re the first and

only company in the U.S. to offer

people an opportunity to earn a

residual income on wireless,” he

says. “It’s a $150-billion industry,

and the only people who have been

profiting from it are the big wireless

companies. Now that’s changed.

We’re the only home business that’s

capitalizing on the opportunity with

wireless. There’s no competition.”

“This is something I believe

anyone could succeed in,” he

continues. “My business has

allowed my family to do things we

never would have been able to do

before—financial investments, real

estate investments—and my wife

and I are only 30 years old. Now

our focus is to try to help other

people achieve the same thing.

Hundreds of billions of dollars

are already being spent on these

services. You might as well be

getting paid for it. There’s a kind of

no-brainer brilliance to it.” TW

for More inforMation>join the wireless revolution today by calling 866 .224 .4921 or visiting www.99WirelessBiz.net to learn

more about ben’s opportunity .

LUXURY CAR BONUS: Just one of the perks Ben enjoys with this business.

Page 21: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

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Page 22: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809
Page 23: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809



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Page 25: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809
Page 26: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

When it comes to “rags to riches” stories, Jhonathan

Rodriguez, known as J-Rod, has one that’s difficult to

top. Now a successful entrepreneur creating a fortune

from home, J-Rod counts every day of his life as an

incredible blessing. He and his wife, Elenny, and their

young son, enjoy a life that is rich in both money and

time, something J-Rod feared would never happen.

Before his success, he and

Elenny had lived in Venezuela

where he owned a telemarketing

firm. They were abducted and held

against their will for four days by

armed thugs who were after their

money. The Rodriguezes were

lucky to escape with their lives,

but they feared retribution by the

kidnappers, and were forced to flee the country, leaving

their home, families, and hard-earned fortune behind.

J-Rod had to make money quickly, but he didn’t

have the capital to start a business.

He shares how he beat the odds to become financially

free and reveals how he is helping others how to create

success stories of their own.

True Wealth: How did you rebuild a fortune so quickly when you

were completely broke and trying to start your life over?

J-Rod: I did some research and the proof was there:

the only way to quickly build a life from nothing was

network marketing. But the only tools I had were my

credit cards and a laptop.

I nearly maxed out all of my credit cards by trying

out a few companies, but soon came to realize there

was a huge problem with how their systems worked.

They were supposed to make it simple for anyone to

make money— I was making money, but my teammates

weren’t. So I thought, ‘There’s got to be another way

that I could make this work for everybody.’ I knew I

had to create a system around these companies.

photography b

y: kevin jam

esday photography

Creating a Fortune from

Home is as

$, $$, $$$



success story bridey orth

truewealth 24

Page 27: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809
Page 28: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

truewealth 26

TW: How has your money-making system

helped others duplicate your success?

J-Rod: I developed the 100K Income

System—it’s highly automated, and

the simplicity of it is attracting so

many people who have never had

success in network marketing

before. I’m never going to tell

somebody to buy leads, make

a list of friends and family, or

spend long hours in front of a

computer. Anything that is too

time-consuming, I’m not going to

tell you to do it.

This system is plug-and-play…

it makes it easy for anyone with the

desire to succeed to start generating

an income. I have people on my

team from 21 to 80 years old and

when they start seeing results, to

me, that’s more rewarding than

more money in my bank account.

TW: Besides earning $10,000 or more

each week, how has the 100K Income

System changed your life?

J-Rod: Ultimately that income gives

me time freedom: I am able to spend

so much time with Elenny and our

son, Aaron, and enjoy a normal life.

We like to stay home, but we also

go out to dinner a lot, go to nice

restaurants, and we love going to

the beach and scuba diving.

I know money is not everything.

I had it once, and I lost it. When we

were kidnapped, those four days felt

like a lifetime. Every day I get to spend

with my family, I know I’m blessed.

TW: Who can benefit from the 100K

Income System?

J-Rod: It’s duplicatable, so anyone

can follow it, but the people who

really do well with this are the ones

with a commitment and desire to

succeed. A lot of people are looking

for a lottery ticket or a quick fix.

Unfortunately, that’s not how life

works. Success takes effort; success

takes passion and the right mindset.

I created an easy system that saves

you time, money, and headaches, and

gets you to your financial goals much

faster than anything else IF you are

serious about changing your future.

Those are the people I’d love to talk

to--I’m looking for direct partners to

share my system with, so that they can

achieve their goals and dreams. TW

for More inforMation>j-rod is looking for new, dedicated business partners to share his success

with the 100k income system . visit www .100kincomesystem .com to

learn more .

creatinG a fortune from home is easy as $, $$, $$$ continued

photography b

y: kevin jam

esday photography

Technology is always changing, which is why I took what was successful about the

100K System and improved upon it. I’ve already received a ton of great feedback

from people who’ve made money using it in days.

HIgHlIgHTS of THe upgRaded 100K SySTem:

• completely turn-key

• industry-leading conversion rates

• time tested and always improving

• plug-n-play advertising mediums

• ability to piggyback on top-earners’ advertising campaigns

• sales professionals who follow up and close prospects automatically

J-Rod rebuilt his fortune from scratch with this simple yet effective online system.

Page 29: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809


Page 30: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

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Page 31: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

truewealth 29

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truewealth 30

success story brian bianca

Darren Salkeld isn’t your typical

network marketing veteran. Growing

up in a small Canadian farming

community, he began trudging to the

local factory in high school, putting in

long days and longer weeks in hopes

of carving out a manageable lifestyle.

A decade later, Darren is finally

living a life most people only dream

about. He has a brand new home in an

exclusive community, and five-figure

paydays are common. But he didn’t

achieve all of this by working a factory

job. Today, Darren operates a turn-key

Internet business that gives ordinary

people a way to find success.

“I fine-tuned my own proven

process so that people can plug in and

profit quickly,” he explains. “It’s really

easy to make money—we take care of

everything. The system quickly and

simply puts money in your pocket.”

Darren’s financial situation wasn’t

always so rosy. He tells a story

common to millions of Americans

these days—during company layoffs,

he was lucky enough to keep his job,

but was forced to accept a pay cut

and take on added responsibilities.

With more than $50,000 in debt,

Darren needed another solution. After

attending a conference in California,

he returned home and decided to start

his own business online. Before long,

his online wholesale distribution

business brought in $2,500 a week;

within 12 months, that number was

$20,000. Network marketing was the

natural next step, so Darren started a

business to combine the flexibility

and go-anywhere access of online

marketing with the lucrative residual

income network marketing provides.

“I merged the two tracks: high-

impact Internet marketing and the

big commissions and lifestyle of

network marketing. When someone

comes through my system, which I

call MaxPro (Maximum Profits), they

get the same replicated powerhouse

system working for them.”

Today, Darren lives a lifestyle his

previous career never could have

provided. “I used to be at work every

day at 6 a.m. and work 12- to 16-hour

days,” he says. “These days, I still get

up early but I don’t have to leave the

house if I don’t want to. I really love the

mountains so I will often book a trip and

go skiing or hiking for days at a time—

and my businesses keep cranking cash

into my bank automatically without

any involvement.”

“That’s the ultimate goal of home

businesses,” he explains. “The time and

financial freedom they provide.” TW

for More inforMation>visit www .seemaxpro .com or

call 800 .679 .4356 ext . 8902 to

see how a home-based internet

business can earn you six to

seven figures every month!

Darren Salkeld has proven that anyone can earn a multiple six-figure income with a simple Internet marketing business.

IX FIGURES in a week?you can earn that and MoreS

Page 33: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

truewealth 31

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*Testimonial does not reflect typical results. Results will vary by individual.

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Page 35: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

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Page 36: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

TrueWealTh 34

SuccESS STORY Cory PresTon

If you want to manifest prosperity

in your life, the best thing you can do

is follow someone who has done it

already. Having a mentor or coach to

guide you is the fastest way to move

from struggling to real success. And

there may be no one better in the

world to help you than Randy Gage.

Randy is one of the most

successful people you’ll ever meet,

but his life wasn’t always easy. Randy

had a troubled childhood with drugs

and alcohol, and was arrested for

armed robbery by the time he was

15. He was thrown out of school

and worked as a minimum-wage

dishwasher to survive.

Yet he worked his way up the

ladder, toiling until he became a

manager. From there, he made the leap

to opening his own restaurant. But the

combination of his negative beliefs,

lack of capital, and inexperience

doomed him to fail again.

Things came to a head when

the IRS seized his business and

auctioned it off for unpaid taxes. Left

with no car, no job, and no money,

Randy felt things couldn’t get worse.

But things can always get worse…

And they did. Over the next year,

Randy saw his health deteriorate, his

relationships crumble, and his self-

esteem evaporate. When he could

no longer borrow any more money,

he resorted to selling his furniture.

While it was the darkest time in

his life, it actually became a pivotal

turning point. Randy began studying

the universal laws and principles

of prosperity, and they became the

pathway that eventually led him to

success. He went from $55,000 in

debt to becoming a multi-millionaire,

began to attract positive relationships,

and got healthy again. It was a

startling transformation that led to the

next step in his evolution: becoming a

prosperity coach for others.

Today Randy travels the world,

helping people manifest prosperity in

their own lives. He’s authored seven

books on success, created numerous

audio and video resources, and become

one of the most sought-after speakers

at conventions and conferences.

His new role as success coach is

the one Randy relishes the most.

“Nothing is more rewarding than

helping people shatter limiting beliefs

and step into the greatness they are

capable of,” he says. “I have the best

job in the whole world!” TW

TO lEaRn MORE>For more information on randy’s

prosperity blog, books, and speeches,

go to www.randyGage.com or call

him at: 1.800.946.7804 (toll-free)

or 316.942.1111 (international).

Manifest ProSPErity in Your lifE

Photography B

y: renie s


Once a minimum-wage dishwasher, multi-millionaire Randy Gage can help you create success.

Page 37: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809


Page 38: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

Get Paid to Give it Away!


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No gimmicks! Postage stamps, postcards, name lists, everything supplied!

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I address and mail out 200 of the exact same postcards every week and I earn $300.00 each and every week. That’s all I do! Stamps, postcards, everything supplied! There is absolutely no catch or gimmick involved here, I assure you. There is no easier way to make $300.00 per week than this. There can’t be…its impossible! Guaranteed!

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r I’ve enclosed $4.00 for all the details on addressing postcards.

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Page 40: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

TrueWealTh 38

We caught up with Shawn Noonan, Master Presenter

and Trainer for US Aloe Inc., a rapidly emerging startup

company in Carlsbad, CA that is using the network

marketing business model to promote its line of Aloe

Vera-based drinks: Aloe Control for weight management,

Aloe Rest for sleep and Aloe Boost for energy and focus.

“I fell in love with the concept of network marketing right

out of college,” says Shawn, a graduate of UCLA’s prestigious

Physiological Sciences program. “I immediately recognized it

as a powerful vehicle to help people transform their lives.”

A lifetime entrepreneur, Shawn has been teaching the

principles of Wellness and Personal Development to a clientele

that has included Olympic champions, Academy Award winning

actors and successful entrepreneurs for the last 15 years.

“I had all but given up on the industry, because I had

two prior experiences in network marketing, but neither was

the perfect fit for me. They had good products, but good

products don’t just build a business by themselves,” he says.

Shawn says he was blown away when he first visited US

Aloe’s sprawling 37,000 square foot corporate headquarters

and bottling facility in Carlsbad, CA. He initially met with

company founder Pete Mountanos. “Pete’s last venture

caught the attention of Bill Gates,” he notes. “Imagine

what he can accomplish this time around.”

But it was his conversation with company co-founder Zack

Linford that made the difference. “Zack’s last company built

marketing systems that he sold to many of the largest network

marketing companies. He created systems and taught distributors

how to actually go out and market themselves. I had never seen

that before. We could be the only company in the industry that

actually teaches people marketing,” says Shawn.

Utilizing the techniques recommended by Zack,

Shawn has seen explosive growth in his organization.

“These products produce immediate results, unlike

anything I have seen in the wellness industry. Immediate

product results drive the marketing machine,” he shares.

“There is no better time than now to get involved in

network marketing. In this economy, we have what people

are looking for and a system to help them get it… a business

with low risk and potentially very high reward. I almost

passed on this company because of my prior experiences,

I am so glad I didn’t make that mistake.” TW

FOR MORE InFORMaTIOn>This is an exclusive opportunity to get on board with u.s. aloe

today before it officially launches in october 2009. shawn is

expanding his north american launch team and is looking for

individuals who are looking for an opportunity and excellence.

Call 1.888.250.2491 or Visit www.reserveyourKit.com

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Shawn Noonan finally found the

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SuccESS STORY BrIdey orTh

These products produce immediate results, unlike anything I have seen in the wellness industry. Immediate product results drive the marketing machine.”

for seasoned Network MarketerCharm Charm Charm

third time is a


Page 41: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809
Page 42: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809


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Page 47: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809


Page 48: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809


For those involved in the American

auto industry these days, it seems like

any news is bad news. From CEOs

begging for bailouts to factory closings

and layoffs by the thousands, Detroit

is suffering through one of the most

tumultuous times in its history.

Scott Miller knows this better than

most. This time last year, he earned

a comfortable six-figure income as

a car dealership business manager.

But as the months flew by and the

economy worsened, Scott’s income

began to drop slowly before taking

a precipitous plunge right before the

summer. “I knew I needed to make

a change or I was going to be in real

trouble,” Scott explains.

That change was a home-business

opportunity with an Internet

marketing company. He stumbled

across the company while researching

ways to promote an e-book he was in

the process of writing. Scott began

discovering how Internet marketing

works and, more importantly, the

amount of money that can be

made by putting the techniques

into practice.

“I had always been interested

in Internet marketing and I

knew there was a great deal

of money to be made; I just

needed to learn how to do it,”

Scott says. “Thankfully, I had a

really good mentor who taught

me how to market. Using

those strategies, I put together

my training plan and training

website, and now I’m averaging

$20,000 to 30,000 a week.”

Yep—up to $30,000 a week. Not

bad considering he didn’t get his

business up and running until May

of 2008, sticking with the dealership

until the day his boss at the time

wouldn’t let Scott go home to attend

a birthday party for his 11-year-old

twin son and daughter. With that,

Scott decided he had had enough.

“If I didn’t find this opportunity, I

would be receiving foreclosure notices

right now,” Scott says. “Now I was able

to pay my home off in January, 2009.

That’s huge financially, but the biggest

thing is that I’m never away from my

family and kids. Any activities they

have, they know I’ll be there. Whether

it’s a school play, a school dance, I

know there is absolutely no way I’ll

miss any activity. Coming from 60 to

70 hours a week in the car business,

that’s amazing.”

“I want to make this business

as large and successful as possible

and bring as many people with me

as I can,” he continues. “I’m very

impressed with the income I’m

making now, but I still look at myself

as a virtual newbie. What I’m making

in a month now is what I’ll be doing in

a week in three to six months. I don’t

see this slowing down any time soon,

for me or anyone else on my team.

How great is that?” TW

Driven to

SucceSSWhen the car industry began to head south, Scott Miller traded in his corporate job for a lucrative home business and hasn’t looked back since.

FOR MORE InFORMaTIOn>economy got you down? Visit

www.Joinyoullretire.com to learn

about starting your own recession-

proof business.

TrueWealTh 46

Page 49: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809
Page 50: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

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Page 53: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

What could be easier? You can do this easy work any time, any place—even while you are watching TV or carrying on a conversation. It doesn’t take any concentration…no hard work…no training or special education. All you do is place a mailing label and stamp on the postcard and it’s ready to go! You just take care of the postcards and cash your checks! We do the rest! And we pay every week!

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Page 54: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809

I discovered how to sponsor 100 to 141 distributorsa month, and I did it for 24 straight months.

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Page 58: Cuttingedge Tw 20090809
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TrueWealTh 60


Imagine it’s 20 years ago, and

you are listening to a man with the

last name of Gates explain how a

device called the personal computer

will revolutionize every aspect

of society. What if you had the

foresight to invest in the computer

industry in its infancy? How would

that have changed your life?

Jay Williams and Ricardo Razon

have found another opportunity out

there they feel has the potential to be

just as lucrative and ground-floor as

the PC was two decades ago.

Their business, 5LINX®, provides

high-quality, affordable digital video

phone service, and has partnered

with well-known national name-

brand providers to offer home

security, high-speed Internet, mobile

phone, and satellite television service.

The business opportunity allows its

members to make significant residual

income, even on mobile phone and

satellite service, by offering these

products to interested consumers.

“We’re not only offering services

you’re already using and familiar

with, but ones that are better and

will earn you money,” Jay explains.

“This is a win-win situation—you

can make money and save money

at the same time.”

“This is a major global wealth

trend,” Ricardo says. “Video phones

are the future. They will be the

standard. Why not get in now?”

5LINX® is a well-established

eight-year-old company whose

growth rate has outpaced industry

averages by whopping margins. It

has seen its growth explode by 800

percent over the same time period...

even through this current recession.

Ricardo and Jay’s lifestyles have

certainly been upgraded as a result of

their business. Both work exclusively

from home, are involved in every

aspect of their children’s lives, and

have the financial means to travel and

live a lifestyle most can only imagine.

“My hobby is my children,”

Ricardo says. “The business has

allowed me to be a stay-at-home

dad. I have twins and an 18-month-

old son. Just to have the freedom

and flexibility to be in their lives all

the time, help them in school, and

be a good role model is priceless.”

“It’s afforded me the opportunity

to spend time with my two daughters

whenever I want,” Jay says. “At the

end of your life, no one ever thinks,

‘I wish I would have spent more time

working at the office.’ This lets us live

a lifestyle that is above and beyond

what average people enjoy.” TW

FOR MORE InFORMaTIOn>Find out how you can start an

exciting home-based business

from home with 5lInX® by

calling 800.652.3069 or visiting

www.Voipresiduals.com today.

5LINX® is the cutting-edge income opportunity you’ve been looking for.

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ALERT: Don’t Miss This Unique Opportunity To Partner With A Featured Success Story Millionaire Mentor

(more details on page 30)

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Important Update: At the time of printing, less than 67 direct positions remain for this Top Rated Opportunity

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