Cutting the toy body and filing it on 23 rd October 2010 What did we do today in class? Today we only had a single period meaning very short period of time to work in the workshop. We also had a bad start to the period because many people including myself had not made the process journal as it should have been. But after all that was sorted out we all went together into the workshop and got back on what we had started last lesson, Cutting the toy body. I had finished one side of the toy so I decided to file it. After filing the straight sides and curvy edges I asked Mr. Anderson how it looked and he said “good job”. What did I do well today? Today in class there was one thing that I think I did well which was cutting the toy body properly and then filing it well too. I think I did a good job in this because Mr. Anderson said it was well done. Another thing I think I did well is that when Mr. Anderson told me that my process journal needed AOI, Learner Profile and other things I quickly did them without any questioning. What could I have improved? The only thing that I should improve today is my organization skills. By this I mean my homework… Today I noticed again that I had done my homework wrongly. What do I plan to improve upon & What do I plan to complete by next lesson? I plan to improve my problem solving skills. While doing my process journal last time I had forgotten what to put in the process journal so I should have checked study wiz because nowadays that is the fastest resource beside teachers to get information. By the next lesson I plan to have finished cutting out my toy’s body and getting almost close to finishing the filing of the body. Today’s AOI & Learner Profile! Today I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I was working with many different kinds of tools. Today I had worked with Coping saws, Tenant saws, Metal Rulers and pencils. I had never worked with so many tools so today I put my AOI as human ingenuity. My learner profile today was inquirer because when my process journal was wrong I asked Mr. Anderson what was wrong and he told me all the changes. Another thing that I inquired about is about how the filing was supposed to be done. Tools I had used were the flat head filer and a coping saw. Both these tools are pictured in the image below. I used the flat head filer to take out the splinters from the edges I had cut out.

Cutting the toy body shape and filing it on 21st october 2010

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Page 1: Cutting the toy body shape and filing it on 21st october 2010

Cutting the toy body and filing it on 23rd October 2010

What did we do today in class? Today we only had a single period meaning very short period of time to work in the workshop. We also had a bad start to the period because many people including myself had not made the process journal as it should have been. But after all that was sorted out we all went together into the workshop and got back on what we had started last lesson, Cutting the toy body. I had finished one side of the toy so I decided to file it. After filing the straight sides and curvy edges I asked Mr. Anderson how it looked and he said “good job”. What did I do well today? Today in class there was one thing that I think I did well which was cutting the toy body properly and then filing it well too. I think I did a good job in this because Mr. Anderson said it was well done. Another thing I think I did well is that when Mr. Anderson told me that my process journal needed AOI, Learner Profile and other things I quickly did them without any questioning. What could I have improved? The only thing that I should improve today is my organization skills. By this I mean my homework… Today I noticed again that I had done my homework wrongly. What do I plan to improve upon & What do I plan to complete by next lesson? I plan to improve my problem solving skills. While doing my process journal last time I had forgotten what to put in the process journal so I should have checked study wiz because nowadays that is the fastest resource beside teachers to get information. By the next lesson I plan to have finished cutting out my toy’s body and getting almost close to finishing the filing of the body. Today’s AOI & Learner Profile! Today I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I was working with many different kinds of tools. Today I had worked with Coping saws, Tenant saws, Metal Rulers and pencils. I had never worked with so many tools so today I put my AOI as human ingenuity. My learner profile today was inquirer because when my process journal was wrong I asked Mr. Anderson what was wrong and he told me all the changes. Another thing that I inquired about is about how the filing was supposed to be done. Tools I had used were the flat head filer and a coping saw. Both these tools are pictured in the image below. I used the flat head filer to take out the splinters from the edges I had cut out.

Page 2: Cutting the toy body shape and filing it on 21st october 2010

Cutting the toy body and filing it on 23rd October 2010