1 “El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús” School 10th Bachillerato CCLL “C” Customer Service Unit #1 Portfolio María Fernanda Castillo Gutiérrez Key:5

Customer service portfolio

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“El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús” School 10th Bachillerato CCLL “C” Customer Service

Unit #1 Portfolio

María Fernanda Castillo Gutiérrez




Improvement Analysis…………………………………………..3 Ethics Presentation……………………………………………...4-6 Coca-Cola Investigation…………………………………………7 Reflective Essay………………………………………………….8 Reading Comprehension………………………………………..9-10 Word of mouth……………………………………………………11 The ultimate gold…………………………………………………12 Using behaviors that engage customers………………………13 Pictonary…………………………………………………………..14-18


Improvement analysis

- We chose it because it doesn’t have new flavors, the image has been the same for too long and the service is not the best.

1. Improved product durability: The quality of the cone sometimes damages

the ice cream by breaking and being too soft.

2. Reduction in the number of complaints. Sometimes they don´t have the product people is asking for and the service could be friendlier.

3. Improved image: Renew the logo, change the colors and make the

installation more attractive.

4. Improved staff morale and lower staff turnover: Make Sarita´s employers feel appreciated and make some changes for the job to be more entertained.


Ethics presentation




Coca cola investigation

The demanding Jerusalem’s court presented a multimilionaire collective demand against the Coca-Cola Company. According to a Jerusalm’s resident, the company has been trying to fool lots of muslims to drink it up. This demand is product of a publication on internet that shows the supposed formula of Coca-Cola. The demanding affirms that they deserve a compensation of a million dollars to each muslim. Even though Coca-Cola is a great company, we must be aware of all the ingredients it contains, for example it uses burn sugar and candy to make it dark and sweet, and it uses approximately 1cm of pure sugar in each can. It contains cocaine leaves, caffeine, and salt. It has so much salt that it increases the thirsty sensation. Another ingredient is the alcohol, even if it doesn’t have a lot; it is still dangerous for our health. The most dangerous ingredients of Coca-Cola are phosphoric acid and aspartame, which combined with other chemicals are known to cause cancer, diabetes, and other sicknesses. Even in the first minutes after drinking a Coca-Cola our body reacts to the sugar and caffeine by decontrolling the metabolism causing lack of sleep and burst of energy. So as a conclusion it is better to moderate how frequently we drink Coca-Cola and in which quantities we drink it.


Reflective essay

The food we buy in restaurants we think are safe, such as KFC are not always what we think they are, as in the case of the australian girl who got infected with salmonella by eating their food. KFC is one of the biggest restaurant chains in the world but they don´t have the best sanitary conditions, it seems that their employees don´t wear gloves and they pick off food of the floor and put it back on the plate again. Also Pamela Anderson asks KFC to give a better treatment to their chickens because the way they grow them and kill them is very cruel. So as we can see not all the publicity they make and the idea they sell is true. However there are restaurants such as Subway that have programs to make their staff improve in the way they treat customers and also in the appropiate way of make a sandwich. Subway managers even ask for their employees for new menu suggestions, and they try to meet their customers demands. I think it isn´t right for some restaurants to sell us a lie, because we put our trust in them so they should fulfill all the publicity they make in the case of KFC, in the other hand i think Subway is way better because they have better customer service and also the food is healthier and more delicious.


Reading Comprehension

Customer Service in Banks

The banking profession doesn’t have a very good reputation for customer service at the moment, and it’s not just due to loss of savings. High street branches are shutting down and where banks are available, their opening hours are inconvenient. Staff at the desks are surly, increasingly under-qualified and often

unable to answer questions. . Astonishingly, however, 86% of the customers at one bank are either ‘extremely satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the service they receive. And what is even more surprising is that the bank in question has no High Street outlets at all.

First National bank is run entirely through the telephone and the internet. And its success shows that customer service is just about face-to-face contact with

clients. The primary concern of the bank is recruiting the right people. . So they only recruit people who already exhibit good communication skills.

And unlike other services that operate primarily over the telephone, the staff at First

National do not use scripts. What this bank asks for is that staff be themselves and establish a rapport with their customers. Part of this is recognizing people’s

needs. . Some want the process to be swift and efficient. The member of staff has to pick up on the caller’s mood and react accordingly.

. The idea that customer service can be improved on a medium where there is no actual contact with a member of staff may seem strange at first. However, the website designers at First National spend a great deal of time understanding their

customers and offering services which meet their needs. First National is already taking steps to fill this demand. They already offer a service in which customers receive a text when funds are received or when their account falls below a certain level. In the future, online systems may pre-empt customers’ needs in even more sophisticated ways.









1. Branches: a local business that is part of a larger business. Franchise 2. Shutting Down: a suspension of work. 3. Staff: the group of employees who work at a company. 4. Outlets: a commercial market for goods or services. 5. Primary: first or highest in rank. 6. Recruiting: to supply with new members or employees. 7. Scripts: a text used by a director or performer. 8. Rapport: relationship of mutual trust. 9. Demand: an urgent requirement or need. 10. Pre-empt: take for oneself before others.

Customer Service is important in business because the most important thing for a company to be successful is customers, a company with a good customer service will attract more customers even if it is not the best company out there.

Customers look for quality but also a good treat, and customers who are satisfied by the treat they recieved will encourage others to go to the same company as them, so is like a cycle a person who gets a good attention will spread to others the good service they got which is convenient to the company because if they have more customers they will have more income.


Word of mouth

Positive word of mouth keeps: It costs five or six times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep an

existing one.

Some people think that advertsing is a good way to induce people to buy.

Statistics: Advertising effectiveness to induce people to buy

o 25% television advertising. o 15-13% newspaper or magazine ads. o 63% advice or recommendation.

Word of mouth is still the best way to attract customers, even though advertising increases awarness of products and services, personal referrals and recommendations lead to actual decisions to purchase. To sustain positive word of mouth advertising provdes exemplary service. People talk about extraordinary experiences.

The impact of E-Commerce on word of mouth: The use of electronic media are ways to spread the word, it is now simpler thanks to

social networks to recommend a service or product. The good and bad news of Customer Service:

The bad news: the typical company will lose 10 to 30 percent of customers per year mostly for poor service.

The good news: organizations that initiate effective customer retention programs may see profits jump 25 to 100%.

The Golden Rule: Customer Service will always be the decisive battleground where winners and losers are quickly sorted out.

The cost of a lost customer: One lost customer spread the poor service of a company to 11 people, who at the same time tell other five people each, so at the end a company loses 67 customers by each lost customer.


The ultimate gold

Developing customer loyalty for


Understanding loyalty: The ultimate gold of customer service is to create customer loyalty.

Key elements: o What makes your customer loyal? o How can loyalty be measured?

Produces as a result:

Customer-driven Service Quality.

This is NOT customer loyalty

Customer service alone, because a customer could be satisfied today but not tomorrow.

A response to some offer or temporary iniciative.

Large market share, competition could be more efficient and other company prices more attractive.

Repeated buying, seeking alternatives.

This is coustomer loyalty:

Driven by overall satisfaction.

Involves commitment to make a sustained investment in an ongoing relationship with the company.

Customer loyalty benefits:

Combination of attitudes and behaviors. o Repeated buying.

Willingness to recommend the company to others.

Resistance to switch to a competitior.

Conclusions: Customer service skill development provides the most significant way to find

career success.

Service to internal and external customers is equally as important.

Your no. 1 task will be always to attract, satisfy, and preserve loyal customers.


Using behaviors that

engage your customers

The Little things you do.

The power of personality: Every organization like every individual has a personality that sends information to the customers and employees. The behavior is what people do and is transmitted in two was that are verbal and nonverbal. Having a good attitude is important bacause it becomes aparent to others only through behaviors. A behavior is visible, and behaviors of individuals and organizations both convey messages to customers.

Rules of communication:

Anything can and will communicate.

The reciever of the message determines what it means. This measn that the projected personality is in eyes of the person who receives it. Nevertheless , some behaviors almost always get a good response.

Nonverbal communication differences across cultures: This is one way we convey behaviors to others. People see us doing something and extract meaning from our actions. People consider nonverbal cues even more carefully when the words we use are unclear, ambiguos, or of a different language. Different cultures assign different meanings to gestures, postures, silence, spatial relations, emotional expression, touch, physical appearance, and other nonverbal cues. Some elements of nonverbal communication are consistent across cultures.

Variables that can have implication in customer service:

Proxemics: it is related to space. In conversation Americans tend to position themselves at an arm lenght.

Personal space: some people are accostumed to sitting close to each other.



Customer relationship: the way in which a company communicates and deals

with existing customers.

External customers: are the people who come from outside the company, they are the people who consume the products or services.

Internal customers: are the people who work in a company, or the employees of a company.

Reliability: the ability to consistenly perform an intended function, on demand and without degradation or failure.


E-commerce: business conducted through the use of elcetronic media.

Word of mouth: oral or written recommendation of a satisfied customer to other people.

Golden rule: developing customer loyalty for life.

Goodwill: assumed value of the attractive force that generates sales in a business.


Age issues: companies have to create products for all ages and cultures.

Facility: permanent or temporary of a property established for the performance of a function.

Globalization: the worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration.

Work-life balance: a comfortable state of equilibrium between an employee first priorities and their private lifestyle.


Customer loyalty: achieve that a previous customer keeps buying from an especific company.

Behavior: the response of an individual or a group to an action.

Cues: anything said or done, that is followed by a specific line or action.

Proxemics: the personal space of a human or animal.


Personal space: the distance at which a person feels comfortable talking to another.