Clarification to the Bidders Queries w.r.t the Bid Documents for Selection of Zonal Implementing Agency for Package-2,3,5,6 under “11 kV Rural Feeder Monitoring Scheme” – Revised Tender 1| Page S.NO Reference Clause no. Reference Bidders Query Rationale Bidders Suggestion RECTPCL response 1. Page No 19, Modem Spec , Sl.No 1 The modem at the feeder end will have a suitable interface facility to connect with meter by using RS232/RS485/RJ11 cable. If required, modem may also be retrofitted on optical port of the meter. Modem should have one Ethernet port or any suitable port to connect through Optical Fiber Cable, Leased Lines or VSAT in future. Request you to relax the condition of “Modem should have one Ethernet port or any suitable port to connect through Optical Fiber Cable, Leased Lines or VSAT in future.” Instead we request for “The bidder has to supply and deploy the required additional hardware / software for connecting through Optical Fibre Cable, Leased Lines or VSAT in future either for each individual modems or for each substation.” The provisions of Bid Documents shall prevail. 2. Sl.No. 14 Modem should be auto configurable by itself to the different makes of meters, i.e. plug & play. Modem should be compatible with Meters, Non DLMS meters & legacy version meters viz., electronic meters etc. For Non‐DLMS meters will the protocols shared? If YES by whom? In case if there is delay in obtaining the same will the time lines be relaxed & related SLA’s and penalties relaxed. Bidders are requested to note that acquisition of Data from all types of meters including DLMS, Non DLMS and Legacy is in the scope of bidder.

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Clarification to the Bidders Queries w.r.t the Bid Documents for Selection of Zonal Implementing Agency for Package-2,3,5,6 under“11 kV Rural Feeder Monitoring Scheme” – Revised Tender

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1. Page No 19,ModemSpec, Sl.No 1

The modem at the feeder endwill have a suitable interfacefacility to connect with meterby using RS232/RS485/RJ11cable. If required, modem mayalso be retrofitted on opticalport of the meter. Modemshould have one Ethernet portor any suitable port to connectthrough Optical Fiber Cable,Leased Lines or VSAT infuture.

Request you to relaxthe condition of“Modem should haveone Ethernet port orany suitable port toconnect throughOptical Fiber Cable,Leased Lines or VSATin future.”Instead we requestfor “The bidder has tosupply and deploy therequired additionalhardware / softwarefor connectingthrough Optical FibreCable, Leased Lines orVSAT in future eitherfor each individualmodems or for eachsubstation.”

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

2. Sl.No. 14 Modem should be autoconfigurable by itself to thedifferent makes of meters, i.e.plug & play. Modem should becompatible with Meters, NonDLMS meters & legacy versionmeters viz., electronic metersetc.

For Non‐DLMS meterswill the protocolsshared? If YES bywhom? In case if thereis delay in obtainingthe same will the timelines be relaxed &related SLA’s andpenalties relaxed.

Bidders are requested to notethat acquisition of Data fromall types of meters includingDLMS, Non DLMS and Legacyis in the scope of bidder.

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Clarification to the Bidders Queries w.r.t the Bid Documents for Selection of Zonal Implementing Agency for Package-2,3,5,6 under“11 kV Rural Feeder Monitoring Scheme” – Revised Tender

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3. Qualification CriteriaPage 22.

4. In case Bidder (single)/ AnyPartner (JV) is not OEM ofModems, it should supplymodems from suchmanufacturer who havemanufactured & supplied atleast 4900 nos. GSM/ GPRSmodems /meters / DCUs andthese 1960 nos of modemsmust be integrated with theserver (must have acquiredthe data from the meter &pushed it to head end systemseamlessly).

In case Bidder(single)/Any Partner(JV) is not OEM ofmodems can wepropose more thanone OEM who meetthe Supply Nos andIntegration Nos ( i.e.4900 nos and 1960Nos).

In case Bidder (single)/AnyPartner (JV) is not OEM ofmodems, he has option tochoose any nos ofmanufactures subjected to thecondition each suchmanufactures shall meet therequirement stipulated in theQualification requirement.

4. Clause 4.3page 15

The data transfer fromModems/DCUs tocentral/state MDAS should beachieved by using (2G/3G/4G)GPRS technology. The biddershall tie up with more thanone network provider so thatdata transfer should not sufferon account of unavailability/poor availability of networkconnectivity of aparticular service provider.

What is the estimatedmonthly quantum ofdata (in MB) permodem (as the centralMDAS is not in ourscope and there areNon DLMS modemsalso).

Bidders are requested toassess the quantum of data bythemselves.

5. Page 30 8.5 IMPLEMENTATIONPERIOD: The implementationperiod shall be six months

What if there is delayfrom the DISCOM( Either replacing /

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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from the date of issue of workorder where in all thehardware, software,resourcesetc. should beinstalled/deployed.

installing meters orproviding protocolsetc.)? Will theimplementationperiod be extended?

6. General There is no payment proposedduring the implementationperiod for the Feeders wheremodems have been installedand where modems have beeninstalled and data is availableat the central server beforethe entire area is coveredand declared go live. Eg. If3,000 Modems have beenconfigured and installedduring the3rd month fromthe DWA, the GPRS charges.Maintaining the centralserver associated resources willincur expenditure for whichthere is going to be no payment.If for reasons not in the biddersscope the implementation orgo live is further delayedthen the bidder will befurther burdened with themaintenance cost for the

We request youto amend thepayment termsaccordingly andmake paymentsfor successfullycommunicatingmodems fromthe date ofinstallations &Commissioningat the rate of1/60th of thequoted ratemonthly until golive of entireproject.

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

Bidders are requested to referBid Documents Clause No ‐8.33 (point no‐7).

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installations completed. Itmay be noted the installationis progressive and not only hasto be complete in all respectsbut have to be maintained inall respects until the completearea under the bidder scope iscovered.

7. 8.35.6 The burn out modems/ DCUsshould be replaced duringContract period at free of cost.

What if the modemsare burnt out due tohigh voltages beyondthe specification? Oramaged by DISCOMpersonnel or anyother externalpersonnel or anyfactor which is beyondthe scope/preview.

As the pricebreakup is providewe request you tomake additionalpayment’saccordingly forthe replacement ofnew modems /

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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8. Page 7, firstpara

The data from feeder meter isproposed to be captured on areal time basis using twomodes as depicted in thefollowing figure.

GPRS based modemon each meter canonly provide theminimum readingfrequency of 1hr., notreal time.

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

9. Page 7 There may be chances that lotof different make of meterswill be available at fieldincluding proprietary protocol.

So we only supportsMIOS based API metermakes and DLMSmeters. what shouldwe offer for othermeters?

Bidders are requested to notethat acquisition of Data fromall types of meters includingDLMS, Non DLMS and Legacyis in the scope of bidder.

10. Page 7 Web based access to allStakeholders‐MoP, stategovernments, DISCOMs, RECetc.

Only intranet canbe proposed forweb access.

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

11. Page 12,point a

A Web based user interfacedisplaying a set of rich anduser friendly web pages thatare compatible with all theleading web browsers as wellas browsers that are availableon smart phones/tablets.

Only intranetbased solutionsupported, notinternet.ZIA is providingonly DAS systemso utilities & userwill use the webapplicationprovided by CIA

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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12. Page 12,point b

The National Power Portal(NPP) to aggregateinformation from all thedifferent sources (state andCentral MDAS) together in auniform way. National PowerPortal (NPP) is a unified portalto collect and disseminate allstandardized data on powergeneration, transmission &distribution. It is web basedportal hosted in the NIC for theMinistry of Power,Government of India.

Integration withNPP portal willbe in CIA scope.

The integration of CentralMDAS is not in the scope ofZonal Implementing Agency.

13. Page 13,point b

Management informationsystem (MIS).: Reports can beOperational, MIS or Regulatoryin nature. This layer would bebuilt using the MIS databaseapplication layer that wouldorganize the data in MISdatabase and display thereports on NPP using webservices hosted on the Servicebus.

MIS will be in CIAscope, ZIA‐MDASagency willprovide themeter readingdata in CDFformat andfurther anlaysis& reporting willbe done by CIA.

Bidders understanding iscorrect.

14. The different type of protocolsthat are currently used bymeters are DLMS/COSEM(IEC 62056), Modbus

Modem doesn’tsupport modbusprotocol andproprietary protocol

Bidders are requested to notethat acquisition of Data fromall types of meters includingDLMS, Non DLMS and Legacy

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RTU/TCP, IEC 1107/61107,ANSI C12 and few proprietaryprotocols.

therefore only MIOSbased API supportmeter make or DLMSmeters can be read.

is in the scope of bidder.

15. Page 15 The proposed system isexpected to providecontinuous on line monitoringand logging of abovementioned parameters andcapability to disseminateinformation on web basedapplication for: 1. Number ofsystem outages, 2. Duration ofsystem outages, 3. Peak Loadof feeders and 4. VoltageProfile of Feeder.

Analysis,reporting will bein scope of CIAonly.

It is in CIA scope.

16. Page 15 4.5 Dashboards and Reports In scope of CIAonly.

It is in CIA scope.

17. Page 17 Dashboard successfullydisplaying real time data.

In scope of CIAonly.

It is in CIA scope.

18. Page 17 The minimum automatic datainflow requirement for nopenalty under package is 90%.Therefore, bidder can acquiredata of 10% of total number offeeders only under thispackage through MRI for thepurpose of payment/incentive

As all meters are inrural areas so 90%AMR reading may notbe possible.

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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19. Page 37,Clause no.8.33

Payment Terms Supply portion for

main equipment:‐

100% (Hundred

percent) of ordered

value of the material /

equipment shall be

made to the

contractor on receipt

of material /

equipment at store

within 30 days. In

Installation and


portion :‐

100% ( Hundred

percent) payment on

monthly pro‐rata

basis after receipt of

bills along with other

relevant documents

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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such as installation

and commissioning


Service portion :‐

Annual Maintenance

Contract: 100%

( Hundred percent)

payment on monthly

pro‐rata basis after

receipt of bills along

with other relevant


20. Page no.39, Service Level Agreement (SLA) Not Acceptable The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

21. Page No. 42,Clause no.8.34.8

Penalty for Performance Not Acceptable The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

22. In case Bidder (single)/ AnyPartner (JV) is not OEM ofModems, it should supplymodems from such

In case Bidder(single)/ Any Partner(JV) is not OEM ofModems, it should

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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Page No. 22,Point No. 4

manufacturer who havemanufactured & supplied atleast 6320 nos. GSM/ GPRSmodems / meters / DCUs andthese 2530 modems must beintegrated with the server(must have acquired the datafrom the meter & pushed it tohead end system seamlessly)

supply modems fromsuch manufacturerwho havemanufactured &supplied at least 4200nos. GSM/ GPRSmodems / meters /DCUs out ofwhich1900 modems /meters / DCUs mustbe integrated with theserver (must haveacquired the datafrom the meter &pushed it to head endsystem seamlessly)


Page No.23,Point No.5

The bidder (single) shouldhave average financialturnover of Rs 10.44 Croreduring last four financial yearsending on 31‐ Mar‐2017 (i.e.for the FY 2013‐14, 2014‐15 &2015‐16, 2016‐17).

In case of consortium / JointVenture, the lead partnershould meet minimum 60% ofthe Turnover requirement andthe other consortium partner

The bidder (single)should have averagefinancial turnover of Rs10.44 Crore during lastfour financial yearsending on 31‐ Mar‐2017 (i.e. for the FY2013‐14, 2014‐15 &2015‐16, 2016‐17).

In case of consortium /Joint Venture, the leadpartner should meet

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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should meet minimum 30% ofthe total requirement.However, jointly Turnovermust be Rs. 10.44 Crore.

minimum 75% of theTurnover requirementand the otherconsortium partnershould meet minimum20% of the totalrequirement.However, jointlyTurnover must be Rs.10.44 Crore.

24. 2. The offered modem should becapable of operating on thepower drawn from the meterinput itself. Auxiliary powersupply will not be acceptable.Modem should be capable ofworking on 3 Phase – 4 wire,50 Hz. Power supply whichmust work even if single phasesupply is available. Surgecapacity of 6 kV requiredcertificate issued by any Govt.body/NABL accredited lab isto be produced in this regard.

Pleaseclarify/mentionModem’s self‐consumption limitrequired.

The bidders are requested toassess the requirement bythemselves.

25. 9. GPRS between feeder modemand data center should bemore than 40kbps

The minimum GPRSspeed of 40kbpsbetween feeder anddata center can’t be

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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promised as itdepends on networkservice providers likeVodafone, Airtel etc.

26. 11. LED Status Indicators Kindly specify whatdoes the LED indicatorIndicates?

LED should have Indicatorslike, Rx, Tx, Network, supplyand such others in modem.

27. 12. Environmental Specs:‐Operating Temperature: ‐20°Cto +60°CStorage Temperature: ‐40°C to+80°C

Please also mentionHumidity levels underenvironmental specsso that IP rating canbe determined ORRECPTCL maymention IP rating ofthe Modems to beinstalled.

The bidders are requested toassess the requirement bythemselves.

28. 14. Modem should be autoconfigurable by itself to thedifferent makes of meters, i.e.plug & play. Modem should becompatible with variousstandard DLMS compliantMeters, Non DLMS meters &legacy version meters viz.,electronic meters etc.

The plug and play typeMODEM can only beinteroperable withDLMS protocol metersfor any other Non‐DLMS and legacyversion meter, theauthority shall makesure that dataexchange protocol ofsuch meters will have

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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to be shared withZonal agency andconsiderable amountof time will also haveto be provided.

29. 15. Modem should support pullmodel as well. In case of datais required from the datacenter end, then connectionwill be established from DCend to the device.

To achieve this datacenter needs toprovide the incomingcommand protocol.Also the protocol fordata exchange to thedata center needs tobe shared.

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

30. 19. The modem shall havesufficient memory to storeresident software and data.The memory shall be scalable/ upgradable.

The MODEM can’thave scalable andexpandable memoryhence it is importantto know what dataneeds to be stored andfor how long this dataneeds to be stored todecide internalstorage memory of themodem.

The bidders are requested toassess the requirement bythemselves.

31. Sec VII –PerformanceSecurity

Performance securityequivalent to 10 % of Contractvalue shall be deposited by the

We requestRECTPCL thatsince the

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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[Page 28] selected agency in the form ofBank Guarantee fromscheduled Bank on non‐judicial stamp papers ofappropriate value as intimatedby RECTPCL in the prescribedformat provided in Section‐IX,for satisfactory workperformance within 15 days ofissue of the Notification ofAward. The Bank Guarantee isto remain valid for Contractperiod plus six months.

payment termsspecifies that60% of thepayment will bereleased onlyafter successfulcompletion of theproject tenure of5 yrs (In 20QuartelyInstalments).,PerformanceBank Guaranteeshould not bethere as the 60%payment hold for5yrs is as good asthe ‘PBG’

32. Sec (8.33)PaymentTerms [Page38]

Point 4.

Balance Contract value ofModem & Other Systemcalculated based on the ratequoted at Sr. No. 1 of Form‐5(Financial Bid Form).in 20Equal Quarterly installments

The paymentterms needs tobe relaxed insuch a way thatRECTPCL cannothold more than10% of the

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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during O&M phase. payment after 1year of successfulimplementation.

33. 2. Currently no mechanism Penalty Terms –We wouldrequest RECTPCLto devise andshare amechanismthrough whichagency (Centralor Zonal)responsible anyanomaly/delay/faults in dataexchange fromMODEM to HEScan be identified.This is veryimportant for eg.If problem is onMDAS side andcloud server ofcentral agency isnot receivingdata, then thepayment shouldbe released in

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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the case that thezonal agency isable toindependentlydemonstratedata collectionand visualization.

34. Sec VIII (8.33)Service LevelAgreement(SLA) [Page40] ‐

MDAS/ HES ApplicationAvailability

Service LevelAgreements –Werequest RECTPCLto keep HESapplicationavailability underthe CentralAgencies as it ismanaged byCentral MDASand is not underthe scope ofwork of ZonalAgency.

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

35. Tentative Billof Quantity ofVariouspackages –Package 5

Total of 9792 modems Additional detailsrequired –

1. Number of substations acrosswhich modems

Will be Provided to successfulBidder

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[Page 10] – need to be installed2. Number of feeders

in each substationwhere modem is tobe installed

3. GPS co‐ordinates ofthe sub‐stations

36. Section IV –Qualificationcriteria Pointno. 2

Supporting Documentsrequired – JV agreement incase of a Joint Venture

Please provide theformat for JVagreement, if any. Or

Please provideclarification if a JV isrequired to beregistered under theCompanies Act 1956before the award ofthe contract. Or

Please clarify if aMemorandum ofUnderstandingoutlining the roles andresponsibilities ofeach partner wouldsuffice.

It is not mandatory that JVshould be registered under theCompanies Act 1956 beforethe award of the contract.


Objective of the Assignment –To develop a self‐sustained

Please clarify if amodem is required to

Modem should be installedonly at Outgoing 11kV rural

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independent web basedsystem for automated RuralFeeder monitoring throughData Logging of variousessential parameters of allOutgoing 11kV rural feedersfrom 66, 33/11 kV sub‐stations

be installed oncrossover points ifthere is a meter there.In such a case, pleasespecify the number ofcrossover points tohelp in enabling a low‐priced cost‐estimation

feeders and on such 33/66 KVIncoming feeder from where11 KV Rural Feeder areemanating. .

38. Section – VIII –Point 8.33

Payment terms – Agencyresponsible for Payments ‐100% invoice payment afterdeduction penalty, if any shallbe made within 30 days fromthe date of verification ofinvoice.

Request amendment –100% invoicepayment shall bemade within 7 daysfrom the date ofreceipt of invoice.Deduction levied dueto penalty, if any, willbe deducted from thePerformance BankGuarantee and ZonalAgency made liable toreplenish thePerformance BankGuarantee.

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

39. Section ‐ ITenderInformation

In Case Bidder is registeredwith MSME, it is required toproduce relevant Certificate inthis regard along with

Request you to pleaseconfirm the kind ofDocument to besubmitted.

Submission of Registrationcertificate from the respectivestatutory body (Directorate ofIndustries & Commerce)mentioning the firm as

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Technical Bid. Will submission ofRegistrationcertificate from therespective statutorybody (Directorate ofIndustries &Commerce)mentioning the firmasMIcro/Small/Mediumshall suffice? Or anycertificate fromOrganizations likeNSIC specificallymentioning the EMDwaiver is required?

MIcro/Small/Medium maysuffice. However, Finaldecision of RECTPCL in thisregards shall be binding on thebidder.

40. Section IIIIntroduction &ObjectiveProjectImplementation Strategy

Zonal Implementation agency(ZIA): While MDAS will beestablished by CentralImplementation agency,rollout of project to capturereal time rural feeders data ona national platform requiresvarious agencies. Hence thework of installation ofmodems on rural feedersalong with provision of

We believe thatRECTPCL shall ensurenecessary supportpromptly from theCentralImplementationAgency for necessaryintegration.

RECTPCL shall providenecessary support promptlyfrom the CentralImplementation Agency fornecessary integration.

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network connectivity andintegration with aboveestablished MDAS needs to beimplemented on a zonalapproach.

41. Section IIIIntroduction &ObjectiveProjectImplementation Strategy &Section VIII8.33 PaymentTerms

Project ImplementationStrategyThe tentative scope underthese packages (for ZonalImplementing Agency) is/shall be as under:

• Supply, install, DCUs/Modems, cables, connectors,casing or any other..........Transfer the infrastructuresupplied & installed alongwith required license todesignated agency at the endof Contract period

8.33 Payment Terms3. Go‐Live of the Systemunder this package Go‐LiveAcceptance Criteria

As a ZonalImplementationAgency, we shallensure integration /interfacing of datacollected fromvarious states underrespective packageswith CentralImplementationagency in terms ofparameters to beshared and themethod ofintegration.

Any short comings atthe CIA level in termsof MDASfunctionalities,Dashboards andReports etc.,envisaged byRECTPCL would effect

Milestone 1:'Interest bearingAdvance(optional) onsubmission ofBank Guarantee.

10% of Contractvalue of Modem& Other Systemcalculated basedon the ratequoted at Sr. No.1 of Form‐5(Financial BidForm).

Milestone 2:Successfulinstallation &commissioning ofall hardware atsite in states of

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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the Go‐Live of theZonal ImplementationAgency.

Further, the proposedpayment terms arevery stringentsqueezing the cashflows of the successfulbidder.

In light of the above,request you to kindlyamend the PaymentTerms


50% or 60% (ifAgency does notopt 10% AdvancePayment) ofContract value ofModem & OtherSystemcalculated basedon the ratequoted at Sr. No.1 of Form‐5(Financial BidForm). Paid pro‐rata basis everymonthly to theextent ofcompletion.

Milestone 3:Measureddeliverables andoutput regardingdata transfer &reportgenerations as

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per SLAs.

Balance Contractvalue of Modem& Other Systemcalculated basedon the ratequoted at Sr. No.1 of Form‐5(Financial BidForm).in 20Equal Quarterlyinstallmentsduring O&Mphase.

42. Section IIIIntroduction &ObjectiveProjectImplementation Strategy


Request you toplease confirmthe items to behanded over theZIA post projectcompletion.

Does that includeMRI etc., also? Ifso, the quantityof MRI to behanded over mayplease beprovided (Per

The provisions of BidDocuments are clear in thisregards.

(Pls. refer Clause No – 8.8 ofGeneral Conditions ofContract)

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Clarification to the Bidders Queries w.r.t the Bid Documents for Selection of Zonal Implementing Agency for Package-2,3,5,6 under“11 kV Rural Feeder Monitoring Scheme” – Revised Tender

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S.NO ReferenceClause no. Reference Bidders Query Rationale Bidders

SuggestionRECTPCL response

package or perstate)

43. Section ‐ VIIIGeneralConditions ofContact

8.5Implementation Period

The implementation periodshall be six months from thedate of issue of work orderwhere in all the hardware,software, resources etc.should be installed/deployed.

We understand theimportance of theproject and thetimelines. However,given the scope of thework coveringmultiple states in eachof the package (6States in Package 2, 9States in Package 3, 2States in Package 5and 4 states inPackage 6); werequest you toconsider 12 Monthsfor at least Packages2,3 and 6.

Besides the above, theimplantation alsorequires support fromvarious StateDISCOMs, RECTPCL,Support from CIA,requiring majortimelines.

For Package 2,3& 6

Theimplementationperiod shall betwelve monthsfrom the date ofissue of workorder where inall the hardware,software,resources etc.should beinstalled/deployed

For Package ‐ 5

Theimplementationperiod shall besix months fromthe date of issueof work orderwhere in all thehardware,

The provisions of BidDocuments shall prevail.

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Clarification to the Bidders Queries w.r.t the Bid Documents for Selection of Zonal Implementing Agency for Package-2,3,5,6 under“11 kV Rural Feeder Monitoring Scheme” – Revised Tender

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S.NO ReferenceClause no. Reference Bidders Query Rationale Bidders

SuggestionRECTPCL response

software,resources etc.should beinstalled/deployed.