Tareq Hardan | 1 CURRICULUM VITAE TAREQ Y. A. HARDAN University lecturer and tutor Instructor of Social Work Al-Quds University School of Social Work Room # 2, 1 st floor, Arts College, Abu Dis Campus, AQU P.O Box: 00012 Phone: (+ 972) 2 297 - 9553 Mobile: (+ 972) 59 217 - 7672 FAX: (+ 972)2 627 - 4547 [email protected], [email protected] EDUCATION 2009 Master of Social Work McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2004 B.Sc. Management Information Systems The Arab American University Jenin Jenin, West Bank, Palestinian Territories ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH APPOINTMENTS 2009Present Instructor, Social Work Department, Jerusalem, Linking Social Work (SW) theory to practice, discuss critical learning cases related to SW practice, encourage and facilitate critical reflection, develop familiarity with the SW Code of Ethics and encourage the students in developing understanding of and adherence to the Palestinian SW practice standards. Field Instructor for 2 nd , 3rd and Senior SW Students, Providing regular and structured individual, group supervisory and instructional meetings with assigned students. Al-Quds University, Social Work Department, Hind al-Husseini and Abu Dis Campuses, East Jerusalem, West Bank, Palestinian Territories. 20112015 Instructor, Trainer, Coordinator, AQU Arabic Language and Thinking Program, experiential learning program with intensive introduction to the liberal arts and sciences with a particular focus on writing. It is attended by all incoming AQU

CURRICULUM VITAE TAREQ Y. A. HARDAN University lecturer ... · Tareq Hardan | 1 CURRICULUM VITAE TAREQ Y. A. HARDAN University lecturer and tutor Instructor of Social Work Al-Quds

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Tareq Hardan | 1



University lecturer and tutor

Instructor of Social Work

Al-Quds University

School of Social Work

Room # 2, 1st floor, Arts College, Abu Dis Campus, AQU

P.O Box: 00012

Phone: (+ 972) 2 297 - 9553

Mobile: (+ 972) 59 217 - 7672

FAX: (+ 972)2 627 - 4547

[email protected], [email protected]


2009 Master of Social Work

McGill University

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

2004 B.Sc. Management Information Systems

The Arab American University – Jenin

Jenin, West Bank, Palestinian Territories


2009–Present Instructor, Social Work Department, Jerusalem, Linking Social Work (SW) theory

to practice, discuss critical learning cases related to SW practice, encourage and

facilitate critical reflection, develop familiarity with the SW Code of Ethics and

encourage the students in developing understanding of and adherence to the

Palestinian SW practice standards.

Field Instructor for 2nd

, 3rd and Senior SW Students, Providing regular and

structured individual, group supervisory and instructional meetings with assigned


Al-Quds University, Social Work Department, Hind al-Husseini and Abu Dis

Campuses, East Jerusalem, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2011–2015 Instructor, Trainer, Coordinator, AQU Arabic Language and Thinking Program,

experiential learning program with intensive introduction to the liberal arts and

sciences with a particular focus on writing. It is attended by all incoming AQU

Tareq Hardan | 2

students during the last three weeks of August; it fosters robust interdisciplinary

study, innovative pedagogy, and writing across a wide range of genres. Students

read extensively, work on a variety of projects in writing and other formats, and

meet throughout the day in small groups and in one-on-one conferences with

faculty. The work aims to cultivate habits of thoughtful reading and discussion,

clear articulation, accurate self-critique and productive collaboration. I am

responsible for all the facets (Academic, Administration, Finance, & Capacity

Building) of the program and reports directly to the Vice President for Academic

Affairs and Vice President for Administration and finance, and work with close

cooperation with all university departments.

Al-Quds University, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Language and Thinking

Program, Abu Dis Campus, Abu Dis, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2013–2014 Field Instructor for Senior Social Work students, Integrate SW classroom

Learning with opportunities in the placement agency.


Bethlehem University, Department of Social Sciences, Bethelem, West Bank,

Palestinian Territories.

2012–2013 Instructor, Development in the Arab World seminar, discuss divergent perspectives

on Human Development and what approaches and set of institutions might best

promote “development”. Then examine the ways in which development concerns

for the Arab world today are framed by a variety of actors/institutions especially

when societies are going through transformation and conflict.

Dar Al-Kalima University College, Visual Arts Department, Bethlehem, West

Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2011 Researcher and Joint Instructor, Development in the Arab World Seminar,

presenting and discussing various issues in the Arab World; definition of Arab

world and Muslim world, Education, Health, Economy, War and Conflict.

Kobe University, Intercultural Studies Department, Kobe, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan.


2009 –Present Trainer, Community Action Center – Al-Quds University, Abu Dis Campus,

responsible for running all of the Community Center programs, team management,

team development, program delivery, quality control and evaluation.

Manager, Community Education Program, Community Action Center – Al-Quds

University, foster continuous program improvement with a learning community

model that respects and harnesses the participation and involvement of

stakeholders; especially students, build collaborations with current and potentially

Tareq Hardan | 3

new partners that extend and improve quality services and promote positive

systemic changes that benefit Latinos, immigrants, and the greater community,

research, design, and implement educational programs that meet constituent’s

needs and education standards (2010 – 2012).

Founder, Students Volunteers Bureau, Community Action Center – Al-Quds

University, four-level program which combines volunteer work with personal and

professional development opportunities, leadership programs, and reflection

sessions. It is a way to immerse AQU Student in volunteer and community work,

while developing skills that will enhance academic and career goals (2009 –


Al-Quds University, Aqabet al-Khaledeh, Old City, East Jerusalem.

2015 Junior National Key Expert for Palestinian Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA), EU

Technical Assistance to MoSA, Social Protection System Partnership, Planning

and Capacity Building, develop quality standards, accreditation, Licensing,

referral system, and case studies for social services to people with severe

disabilities, young people with disabilities, children with disabilities, also

performed research and field visits to coach/ support the local providers to identify

agreed criteria of services quality.

GOPA Consultants, VIP 2 Building, Ramallah, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2015 Moderator, Social Justice Forum (SJF) (Germany, Jordan, Tunisia and Palestine),

advocate for and recommends program adjustments that build towards a more

inclusive and equitable learning environment within communities that are also

reflective of the just education system and equitable society we envision

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Social Fragmentation Program, Ramallah, West

Bank, Palestinian Territories

2013–2014 Community Facilitators, Campus In Camp Program, experimental educational

program based in Dheisheh refugee camp, Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestinian

Territories, a space for communal learning and production of knowledge grounded

in lived experience and connected to communities. It brings people together in a

pluralistic environment where they can learn freely, honestly and enthusiastically.

It reasserts what is fundamental and profound in the lives of the participants,

forming an active group that chooses words, constructs meanings, and creates

useful knowledge through actions within their communities.

Campus in Camp Program, Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Bethlehem, West Bank,

Palestinian Territories.

Tareq Hardan | 4

2011–2 014 Founder, Rights Based Jerusalem Community Action Center – Kufer Aqeb, East

Jerusalem, located in the most disadvantaged and the most diverse communities

in East Jerusalem, JCAN – Kufer Aqeb Center help make access for the poorest

populations, those most disentitled, The center offers walk-in services to address

personal experiences of disentitlement, as the service is offered primarily by

volunteers from the community, many of whom have themselves experienced

disentitlement, since, the center is volunteer-based, community volunteers

participate in decision making processes that impact on the policies of the

practice centre, allowing for civilian oversight at different levels of policy and

programming. The centre maintain a combined approach employing both social

workers and lawyers, allowing non-state actors to take legal ownership

and enhance civilian oversight of the legal system, The center engage in

outreach work to identify common legal and social issues of disentitlement and

recruit the community and volunteers to organize around them, The center

counter communal, institutional and political levels of disentitlement

through community organization, legal action and empowerment. Finally,

the center is academically linked, providing community residents with academic

and institutional resources, and universities with progressive learning

environments for community practice, research and volunteering.


Jerusalem Community Advocacy Network – Kufer Aqeb Branch, East Jerusalem

2013 Coordinator, McGill Middle East Summer Course Program, International

Community Advocacy Network (ICAN), experiential international program that

included a seminar series, field visits and field placements to 17 American and

Canadian students interested in rights-based international practice. The seminar

series focused on comparative social policy and rights-based community practice.

Students also participated in an eight-week (3 days per week) community-based

field placement in ICAN community organizations and other affiliated

organizations. Visits with policy makers and to leading edge practice sites rounded

out the program.

McGill University, International Community Advocacy Network (ICAN),

Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

2012–2013 Field Researcher & Trainer, Child Resilience Initiative in Israeli and Palestinian

Communities, Centre for Development in Primary Health Care - Al Quds

University, One to One Children’s Fund, help school communities’ deal with the

on-going conflict. The model involved training and empowering teachers and

parents to deal first with their own distress, and then with that of their students.

Sessions consisted of psycho-education; skills development and training to

encourage teachers/mothers to take their new found knowledge and skills and

apply them in the classroom/home. Results of the Studies conducted have shown

Tareq Hardan | 5

that students whose teachers participate in these programs show a significant

reduction in post traumatic distress and anxiety.

Al-Quds University, Centre for Development in Primary Health Care, Abu Dis

Campus, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2012–2013 Employment Officer, Young Women’s Christian Association, Network and

develop institutional linkages with institutions, companies and employers, Identify

barriers to employment and assist the Vocational Training Center (VTC) students

with job readiness, job search strategies, writing resumes and preparing for job

interviews, Development of employment skills and the implementation of the

training student need for this purpose, coordinate employment days for YWCA

graduates and invite the relevant institutions, Assist VTC department with job

preparation and job search activities, Identifying employment opportunities for

YWCA graduates, Complete administrative functions to ensure that the

employment program is properly funded and administered also arranged an

employment day.


Young Women’s Christian Association, Vocational Training Center, Ramallah,

West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2013 Mentor, SAHARA Bedouin Project, Dar Al-Kalima University College, recruit

students after visiting Bedouin communities, train 15 Bedouin youth on how to

build narrative for their communities to use it for community mobilization around

there pressing issues (i.e, Education, Access to water and Public Health) and also

to raise awareness about their community through organized tours.

Joint Project between United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian

Refugees in Near East (UNRWA) and Dar Al-Kalima University College, Anata,

West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2012 University –Volunteers -School Coordinator and Liaison Officer, Madrasati (My

School) Palestine, improve the quality of education in disadvantaged public

schools throughout East Jerusalem. share responsibility for children education;

bringing businesses, NGOs, Communities and the Ministry of Education, together

with parents, teachers, through overall planning and coordination of the volunteer

program with AQU, train volunteers in coordination with AQU, maintain contacts

of all volunteers – interested and those already implementing activities, undertake

weekly monitoring field visits to activity sites, plan for and co-lead bi-weekly

meetings with volunteers, draft monthly progress reports.

Madrasati Palestine, Schools Program, Old City, East Jerusalem.

Tareq Hardan | 6

2012 Field Researcher, Study “The evolution of Social work and models of practice in

Palestinian territories”.

MERAC - Consulting Firm in Social Development and Research, Deheisha

Refugee Camp, Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2007–2008 Team Member, UNIVERSALIA, International Monitoring and Evaluation

Organization. Evaluation focused on Policy and Human Resources Development

Program preparation grants, project implementation grants, climate change

grants, and General PHRD program management. The objectives of the evaluation

were to review the progress and assess the development impact since 1999 of the

PHRD Program; assess the achievements of the objectives of the Program.

UNIVERSALIA, Monitoring & Evaluation, Montreal, Québec, Canada.

2006–2007 Administration and Financial Officer, Relief International – Schools Online,

Coordinate with different offices in West Bank and various international offices,

ensure that organization recourses are fully and properly accounted, supervise

recording inventory, disposal or transfer of office assets, identify the need for new

human recourses policies, practices, and reviews, assessing training needs for staff.

Relief International – Schools Online, Gandhi Project, Ramallah, West Bank,

Palestinian Territories.

2004–2006 Administration Assistant, Al-Amin for Advertising and Marketing. Public Relations

and Customer relationship management, coordinating between design unite

Management, and clients. Help in planning and supervising advertising campaigns.

Al-Amin for Advertising and Marketing, Human Resource Department, Ramallah,

West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2005 Camp Leader, Education for People with Disabilities, Young Women`s Christian

Association, responsible for planning, leading, and implementing core and non-

core programs and experiences for children in a small group setting. Also

responsible for the general safety and development, growth, and skill achievement

of the participants in his/her group, outdoor educational and recreational

experiences for participants that focus on the YWCA core values of caring, honesty,

respect and responsibility.

Young Women’s Christian Association, Youth Leadership Training and Civic

Engagement, Ramallah, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2004–2005 Field Researchers, Development Studies Program – Birzeit University, Ramallah,

West Bank, Palestinian Territories. Part of an exit poll research team conducted by

Tareq Hardan | 7

Development Studies Program – Birzeit University, on the 2005 Palestinian

Presidential elections.

Birzeit University, Development Studies Program, Tubas, West Bank, Palestinian


2003–2004 Events Organizer, Environment Pressure Group, Panorama - The Palestinian Center

for the Dissemination of Democracy & Community Development, Outreach to

many neighborhoods through public meetings, door-knocking campaigns,

information desks, and media (TV, Radio, Newspaper) to address water as a scarce

recourse, Solid waste management, trash dumps, in this group we worked with

municipalities, local community organizations.


PANORAMA Center, Community Development Program, Jenin, West Bank,

Palestinian Territories.



Hardan, Tareq, & Fadwa, Labadi. (2015). (Under Review) the Impact of the Separation Wall on the

Socioeconomic Situation of Jerusalemite Palestinian Women; Case Study: Married Women

with Spouses Have Different Identity Card. Al-Quds University: Insan for Gender Studies

Publication. (350 Pages)

Book Chapters

Hardan, Tareq (2015). (Eds.) Social Justice and Change: joint university module about conflict

intervention. In Kilani, Sami, Baumgarten, Helga, Hardan, Tareq, Brautigam, Barbara, &

Bashtawi, Imad, Joint University Module About conflict Intervention Neubrandenburg

University, Neubrandenburg: Neubrandenburg University Press.

Journal Articles (Refereed)

Hardan, Tareq, Regan Wills, Emily, Abdulrahim, Sawsan. (2016). (Under Review). Transforming

community-based research and education: mutual learning from Canada, Palestine, and

Lebanon. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.

Tareq Hardan | 8

Labadi, Fadwa, Hardan, Tareq. (2015). (In Press). Married women, split residency, and the wall of

separation in East Jerusalem. Jerusalem Quarterly Journal, Vol. 44 No. 5.

Labadi, Fadwa, Hardan, Tareq. (2015) The Impact of the Apartheid Separation Wall on Residency

Rights of Palestinian women: A Case Study on Jerusalemite Married Women and their

Spouses Holding a Different Identity Card. International Journal of Gender and Women’s

Studies. Vol. 3 No. 2

Musa, Rana, Tareq, Hardan, (2015). (In Press) Exploring the contemporary Chilean-Palestinian

Identity and the Perception of Return. Bethlehem University Journal. Bethlehem.

Research Monographs and Final Reports

Hardan, Tareq, Vladu, Valentin. (2015). “User Guide to Palestinian Institutions Social Services

Referral” (In Arabic). Ministry of Social Affairs, Ramallah, Palestinian Territories. (100 Page).

Hardan, Tareq, Vladu, Valentin. (2015). “User Guide to Palestinian Institutions Social Services

Accreditation and licensing” (In Arabic). Ministry of Social Affairs, Ramallah, Palestinian

Territories, (110 pages).

Hardan, Tareq, & Vladu, Valentin (2015).“Establishing minimum Quality standards for services to

people with disabilities in Palestinian institutions”(In Arabic). Ministry of Social Affairs,

Ramallah, Palestinian Territories. (108 Pages).

Hardan, Tareq, Vladu, Valentin. (2015). User Guide to Social Services Case Management (In

Arabic). Ministry of Social Affairs, Ramallah, Palestinian Territories. (90 Pages).

Hardan, Tareq. (2015). “Palestinian Women and Informal Sector” (In Arabic). Palestinian Bureau

of statistics, Ramallah West Bank, Palestinian Territories. (35 Pages).

Hardan, Tareq. (2015).“ Social Services Community Portfolios for four deeply marginalized East

Jerusalem Communities (Al-Sawhreh Al-Sharqia, Abu Dis, Al-Ayzaria, and Jerusalem

Bedouin Communities”)” (In Arabic). Community Action Center, Al-Quds University, West

Bank, Palestinian Territories. (350 Pages).

Hardan, Tareq (2014). “What does it mean to be a university instructor under occupation?” (In

Arabic). Mentorship Program, Al-Quds University, Abu Dis Campus. Abu Dis, West Bank,

Palestinian Territories. (14 Pages).

Tareq Hardan | 9

Zu`bi, Himmat, Hardan, Tareq (2013) “The Perception of Palestinian Civil Society Organizations

on Human and Bodily Rights” ( In Arabic), Al-Qaws for Sexual and Gender Diversity in

Palestinian Society, Haifa, Israel. (140 Pages).

Hardan, Tareq (2013). “Research report on Displacement in East Jerusalem”, Norwegian Refugee

Council, Community Action Center – AQU, East Jerusalem. (60 Pages)

Hardan, Tareq, Morita, Satoshi, & Iwakuni, Sawa (2012) Report of Survey Results on Life and

Education Environment of Children and Youths in Jerusalem Governorate. Kokkyo naki

Kodomotachi (KnK) in Palestine, Al-Ayzaria, West Bank, Palestinian Territories. (75 Pages).

Hardan, Tareq, Abdeen, Ziad, Khalyifa, Ayman, Abu Rahmeh, Tala, Surkhi, Omar and Surkhi,

Rana (2011). Al-Quds University Arabic Language and Thinking Antholgy. Dar Al-Fiker

Press: Al-Quds University. (459 Pages)

Hardan, Tareq (2011). “White paper on Al-Quds University Campus safety” (In Arabic).

Community Action Center, Al-Quds University, Abu Dis Campus, West Bank, Palestinian

Territories. (26 Pages).

Instructor Manuals

Hardan, Tareq. (2014). “Let’s Act Together for Change – A Practical Guide to Rights Based

Community Practice” (in Arabic). Jerusalem Community Advocacy Network (JCAN), East

Jerusalem, Palestine. (180 Pages).

Hardan, Tareq, (2009), “Students Volunteers’ Training Manual” (In Arabic). Community Action

Center, Al-Quds University, Palestine. (45 Pages).


Hardan, Tareq (2015). Education in Palestine: Current Challenges and Emancipatory Alternatives

Study Conducted by Hanan Ramahi – Panel Commentator, Rosa – Luxemburg Foundation,

Ramallah: Palestinian Territories.

Hardan, Tareq (2015). The role of social work faculty role as a liaison within Signature pedagogy:

the Integrated Field/classroom Model as an example. (In Arabic), Rethinking Social Work Field

Practice Symposium. Al-Quds University, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

Tareq Hardan | 10

Hardan, Tareq (2014). Voluntarism and its impact on the community ( In Arabic). Youth

Leadership Program Orientation, Save the Children – US, Ramallah, West Bank, Palestinian


Hardan, Tareq ( 2013). Alienation in Jabra Ibrahim Jabra Novels Jan, 2013 Reflections of young

Palestinian Social Worker (In Arabic). Jabra Ibrahim Jabra International Conference, Dar Alkalima

University College. Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

Hardan, Tareq (2012). Education as a tool for alleviating unemployment, Youth Policy in

Palestine conference, Palestine Youth Union, Ramallah, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

Hardan, Tareq (2012). Using simulated learning to help social work students make links between

course work learning and field, Al-Quds University Students Volunteer Bureau Case Study (in

Arabic). Palestinian Social Work between theory and Practice Workshop, Social Work Department,

Al-Quds University, Abu Dis Campus, Abu Dis, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

Hardan, Tareq (2011). Volunteer Emergency Response in the Eyes of a Palestinian Researcher,

Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.


Undergraduate Courses

- Language and Thinking; what does it mean to be a human in the 21st century?

(Freshman Seminar)

- Introduction to Social Work Research

- Social Work Practice with Groups

- Community Organizing

- Social Welfare

- Social Issues in Palestinian Society

- Social Change Theory

- Social Services Management

- Women in Palestinian Society

- Social Work Field Placement

- Volunteerism

- Development in the Arab World

Tareq Hardan | 11

- Community - Based Tourism


2016 Participant in Capacity Development Program for Civil Society Representatives of

Palestinian Refugees, GIZ program FASPAR – Facilitating Social Participation of

Palestinian Refugees. The program supports civil society representatives of

Palestinian refugees to enhance social participation within their communities and

within the host communities, and engage in relevant dialogue and negotiation

processes within and between the refugee communities, UNRWA, and the host


2015 Reviewer, Policy Brief “University for all, or university for some: Access to university

education for people with disabilities in Palestine”, Palestinian Youth Network for

Citizenship and Reform.

2015 Organizer, Palestinian Social Work Film Festival, Al-Quds University.

2015 Symposium Chair, Rethinking Social Work Field Practice in Palestinian

Universities Symposium, Al- Quds University.

2014–Present Coordinator and Instructor, Palestinian German Educational Dialogue and Student

Exchange, Al-Quds University and Neubrandburg University for Applied Sciences.

2014 Facilitator, Humanities and Social Sciences Partnership between Al-Quds

University and Sao Paolo University.

2014 Joint Coordinator for the training:"Educational Mediation and Referential tutoring",

Institut European de cooperation et de developpement (IECD) and Apprentis


2013 -2014 Faculty Liaison, Social Work Student Council, Al-Quds University.

2012 Initiator and Committee member, Palestinian Social Work between Theory and

Practice Workshop, Al-Quds University, Social Work Department.

2012 Co-trainer, Joint program between AQU and Smith college departments of social

work on The Case Study in Clinical Social Work, Al-Quds University, Social Work



2015 Team member, Developing Higher Education program for Syrian Refugees in

Lebanon; Open Learning for Refugees and Host Communities in the Syrian Crisis:

Certificate Program by Distance Learning in Community Mobilization in Crisis

(CMIC), University of Ottawa.

Tareq Hardan | 12

2015 Advisory board member, Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association; to promote

human rights and respect for international humanitarian law in Palestine by all or

any of the following means; raising awareness of human rights and humanitarian

issues relevant to the Israeli—Palestinian conflict in general and to the situation of

Abu Dis in particular; researching and monitoring abuses of human rights and

infringements of humanitarian law in Abu Dis; promoting public support for human

rights and the observance of humanitarian law; working to eliminate abuses of

human rights and infringements of humanitarian law in Abu Dis ; working to obtain

and promote redress for the victims of human rights abuses and infringements of

humanitarian law and their families in Abu Dis; providing support to and relieving

need among the victims of human rights abuses and infringements of humanitarian

law and their families, in Abu Dis, Abu Dis, East Jerusalem.

2014–Present Facilitator, Joint Planning Group Committee for the Palestinian Ministry of Social


2012–Present Consultant (pro bono) Children Protection Network for Palestinian Ministry of

Social Affairs.

2013–Present Volunteer, Islamic Orphanage School (Dar Al-Aytam), Palestinian territories,

Reaching out families in crises to help their identify children with learning

difficulties and providing afterschool program that is adequate for them, and to

encourage the relationship between parents and school.

2015 Volunteers, Refugee Club Impulse Project, creative writing educational workshops

for recently arrived refugees from various nationalities, Moabite, Berlin, Germany.

2015 Volunteer, Madrasati Jordan, Jordan – Syrian Borders, Organizing psychosocial

activities for 50 children from Al-Za’atari Syrian Refugee camp in Jordan.

2014 Organizer, Community Service Day for American Corner Nablus in Bethlehem,

Office of International Development and External Affairs - Al Najah National


2013 Trainer, Palestinian Ministry of Education, Ramallah, Using statistical data and

scientific research in planning process to develop social protection in Palestinian

classroom: Case Study in Students Learning difficulty.

2012 Volunteer, Lod Community Center, Lod, Central District, Israel, Reaching out to

local community to inform them about social and economic rights, and to organize

the community around issues like housing, education and social and economic


2011 Volunteer, Tono, Iwate prefecture, Japan. Kobe University volunteers` support,

cleaning areas and helping resettling tsunami survivors into new houses.

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2010 Reconciliation Committee member (Islahman), Palestinian Conflict Resolution

Center “WIAM” Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestinian Territories. Committee

member in solving communal conflicts.

2010 Volunteer, Coalition of International Companies, Marrakesh, Morocco,. Team

member in Dima Adors ( I Always Study) project which aimed to outreach to keep

children at school and combat poverty.

2008 Volunteer, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America. Rehabilitating

destroyed houses in the 9th ward Neighborhood.

2007 Facilitator, Institute for Community Development, Loyola Campus, Concordia University,

Montreal, Quebec, Canada, summer program in community development.

2007 Volunteer, Equitas, International Center for Human Rights Education, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada, Data-entry and administrative work.

2002 School Replacement Teacher (pro bono), Qabatya Boys’ School, Palestinian

Ministry of Education, Qabatia District, Jenin Governorate, West Bank, Palestinian

Territories, Replaced 5th

grade teacher in civic education due to the inability of

teachers to reach their schools because of intensified conflict.


2015 Participant, workshop on theory and methods in social science research, The British

Academy and Council for British Research in the Levant, Amman, Jordan.

2015 Trainer, Skills in Neighborhood Community Work, Al-Quds University, Abu Dis

Campus, Abu Dis, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2014 Mentor, Career Guidance Spring Camp for University students’ winter camp,

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Al-Fara Refugee Camp,

Tubas, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2014 Trainer, Career Guidance Training for Palestinian Vocational Schools Coordinators,

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Ramallah, West Bank,

Palestinian Territories.

2013 Participant, Revolutionary Dawn: Writing to Read the Sixties The Fictions of

Thomas Jefferson: Notes on the State of Virginia, The Declaration of

Independence, and The Federalist Papers, Bard College, Annandale, New York,

United States.

2012 Trainer, Advocacy and lobbying for Palestinian active youth organizations,

Palestine Youth Union, Ramallah, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2012 Participant, “Shifting the Discourse” workshop; engaging diverse American

audiences on the critical importance of protecting the most basic human rights of all

Tareq Hardan | 14

peoples within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Telos Group,

Ramallah, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2012 Trainer and Moderator, Debate on the American Foreign policy on Palestine, Global

Voices Hall, United States of America, Dar Al-Kalima University College,

Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2012 Participant, Building on Strengths and Supporting Communities: Utilizing Research

and Evaluation in Context Workshop, Palestinian American Research Center

(PARC) in partnership with Bethlehem University, Bethlehem, West Bank,

Palestinian Territories.

2010 Youth Group Facilitator, Facilitating Saturdays meetings with youth group

discussing issues related to community change, conflict resolution, minorities,

marginalization, Narrative, private and public schooling in Palestine, higher

education and community, religious education in Palestine, relationship between

Bethlehem community and refugee camps, identity and community initiatives. The

Arab Educational Institute (AEI), Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2010 Participant, Non-Linear Leadership trainer, Holy Land Trust, Bethlehem, West

Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2009 Participant, Modern Practices of University Teaching and Learning Program

workshops, Mentorship program, World Bank, Al-Quds University, Abu Dis Camps,

Abu Dis, West Bank, Palestinian Territories.

2008 Participant, Leader shape Educator, Leader shape Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, United


2007 Participant, experiential and service learning courses “The University of the Streets

Café”, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

2006 Trainee, NGO Administration and Finance Management, Relief International –

Schools Online, Amman Regional Office, Amman, Jordan.

2006 Ireland and Palestine: Different Countries, United History, Palestinian Academic

Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA), East Jerusalem.


2015 Distinguished Social Work Instructor Award, Arts College, Al-Quds University.

2014 Distinguished Language and Thinking Program, Academic Affairs, Al-Quds


Tareq Hardan | 15

2004 Volunteer Decoration and Certificate of Recognition, Arab American University –



Languages: Native fluency in Arabic, Professional fluency in English (Reading,

Writing and Speaking), proficient in French and Hebrew, Professional fluency in

Palestinian Arabic Sign Language.

Computer: SPSS, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project Management Software (MS


Updated April, 2016