Curriculum Vitae of Kenneth Lange Rosenfeld Professor of Computational Genetics Date and Place of Birth June 16, 1946 Angola, Indiana, U.S.A. Home Address 244 Euclid Street Santa Monica, California 90402 Phone: 310-393-4529 Professional Address Departments of Biomathematics and Human Genetics David Geffen School of Medicine University of California Los Angeles, CA 90095–1766 Phone: 310-206-8076 E-mail [email protected] Degrees B.S. in Mathematics, 1967 Michigan State University M.S., 1968, and Ph.D., 1971, in Mathematics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Gian-Carlo Rota, Ph.D. Advisor Positions and Honors National Merit Scholar 1964-1965 Case Institute of Technology 1965-1967 Michigan State University NSF Predoctoral Fellow Teaching Assistant 1967-1971 MIT 1

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Curriculum Vitae of Kenneth Lange

Rosenfeld Professor of Computational Genetics

Date and Place of Birth

June 16, 1946Angola, Indiana, U.S.A.

Home Address

244 Euclid StreetSanta Monica, California 90402Phone: 310-393-4529

Professional Address

Departments of Biomathematics and Human GeneticsDavid Geffen School of MedicineUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA 90095–1766Phone: 310-206-8076E-mail [email protected]


B.S. in Mathematics, 1967Michigan State UniversityM.S., 1968, and Ph.D., 1971, in MathematicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyGian-Carlo Rota, Ph.D. Advisor

Positions and Honors

National Merit Scholar1964-1965 Case Institute of Technology1965-1967 Michigan State University

NSF Predoctoral FellowTeaching Assistant1967-1971 MIT


Assistant Professor of Mathematics1971-1972 University of New Hampshire

NIH Postdoctoral Fellow1972-1974 UCLA

Assistant Professor of Biomathematics1974-1978 UCLA

Associate Professor of Biomathematics1978-1983 UCLA

NIH Research Career Development Award1979-1984 UCLA

Visiting Associate Professor of Psychiatry1980-1981 Harvard University

Professor of Biomathematics1983-1996 UCLA

Visiting Professor of Statistics1983-1984 MIT

Chair, Department of Biomathematics1985-1994 UCLA

Visiting Professor of Statistics1990-1991 Harvard University

George W. Snedecor AwardJoint with Michael BoehnkePresented in 1993 by American Statistical Association,Biometric Society, Institute of Mathematical Statistics,and Statistical Society of Canada

Professor of Biostatistics1994-1998 University of Michigan

Professor of Mathematics1996-1998 University of Michigan


Pharmacia & Upjohn Foundation Research Professor1996-1998 University of Michigan

Professor of Biomathematics and Human Genetics1998-present UCLA

Dorothy and Leonard Straus Scholar1998-present UCLA

Professor of Statistics2000-present UCLA

Vice Chair, Department of Human Genetics2000-2002 UCLA

Fellow of the American Institute for Medicaland Biomedical Engineering, Elected 2001

Interim Chair, Department of Human Genetics2002-2004 UCLA

Eugene and Maxine Rosenfeld Chair in Computational Genetics2003-present UCLA

Chair, Department of Human Genetics2004-present UCLA

Visiting Professor of Statistics2006-2007 Stanford University

Fellow of the American Statistical Association, Elected 2011

Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Elected 2012

Best Paper in the Journal Genetic Epidemiology, 2011

Professional Organizations

American Society of Human GeneticsAmerican Statistical AssociationSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics


Professional Service

Board of Trustees of the UCLA-NSF Institute for Pureand Applied Mathematics, 1999-2003

Joint AMS-SIAM Committee on Mathematics in the LifeSciences, 1984-1987

Richard Bellman Prize Committee for MathematicalBiosciences, 1987-1990

Editorial Board of Genetic Epidemiology, 1989-1991

Editorial Board of Genomics, 1987-1997

Editorial Board of Human Heredity 1997-2005

Associate Editor of Theoretical Population Biology, 1994-2004

Associate Editor of The Journal of Computational Biology 1994-Present

Editorial Board of Statistical Methods in Medical Research 1993-Present

Editor for General Topics of Annals of Applied Statistics 2011-Present

Former Doctoral Students

David Alexander (2011)Staff ScientistPacific BiosciencesMenlo Park, California

Kristin Ayers (2008)Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of Newcastle on TyneNewcastle, England

Lara Bauman (2007)Technical Staff MemberSandia National LaboratoriesLivermore, CA


Michael Boehnke (1983)Richard G. Cornell Collegiate Professor of BiostatisticsDepartment of BiostatisticsUniversity of Michigan

Gary Chen (2006)Assistant Research ProfessorDepartment of Preventive MedicineKeck School of MedicineUniversity of Southern California

Aaron Day-Williams (2009)Co-mentor Eric SobelPostdoctoral FellowWellcome Trust Sanger InstituteCambridge University, Cambridge, England

Ruzong Fan (1998)Associate ProfessorDepartment of StatisticsTexas A&M University

Tushar Goradia (1992)NeurosurgeonCarmichael, California

David Hunter (1999)Associate ProfessorDepartment of StatisticsPennsylvania State University

Laura Lazzeroni (1994)Associate Research ProfessorDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral ScienceStanford University

Angela Presson (2007)Co-mentors Jeanette Papp and Eric SobelAdjunct Assistant ProfessorDepartments of Biostatistics and PediatricsUCLA


Neil Risch (1979)Lamond Professor of Human GeneticsDirector of the Center for Human GeneticsUniversity of California, San Francisco

Eric Schadt (2002)Jean C. and James W. Crystal Professor of GenomicsChair of the Department of Genetics and Genomic SciencesMount Sinai School of Medicine

Mary Sehl (2009)Co-mentor Janet SinsheimerClinical InstructorDepartment of MedicineGeffen School of MedicineUCLA

Eric Sobel (1996)Professor in-ResidenceDepartment of Human GeneticsUCLA

Daniel Weeks (1988)ProfessorDepartment of Human GeneticsUniversity of Pittsburgh

Jinjin Zhou (2010)Co-mentor Janet SinsheimerPostdoctoral FellowDepartment of BiostatisticsSchool of Public HealthHarvard University

Former Postdoctoral Fellows

Catherine Crespi (2004-2005)Adjunct Assistant ProfessorDepartment of BiostatisticsUCLA


Keith Gladstien (1977-1978)Physician in Private PracticeAnaheim, California

Markus Perola (2001-2002)Senior Research Scientist, Public Health GenomicsFinnish National Institute for Health and WelfareAdjunct Professor in Quantitative GeneticsUniversity of Helsinki

Tongtong Wu (2006-2007)Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Epidemiology and BiostatisticsUniversity of Maryland

Hua Zhou (2008-2010)Assistant ProfessorDepartment of StatisticsNorth Carolina State University

Grant Support

Principal Investigator for NIH grant GM53275“Statistical Methods for Gene Mapping”2012-2016, $368,564 yearly direct costs

Principal Investigator for NIH grant T32HG002536“Training Grant in Genomic Analysis and Interpretation”2007-2012, $240,260 yearly direct costs


1. Lange K, Ramsay A, Rota GC (1971) Frobenius reciprocity in ergodictheory. Bull Amer Math Soc 77:713–718

2. Lange K (1972) A reciprocity theorem for ergodic actions. Trans AmerMath Soc 167:59–78

3. Lange K (1973) Borel sets of probability measures. Pacific J Math48:141–161


4. Lange K (1973) Decompositions of substochastic transition functions.Proc Amer Math Soc 37:575–580

5. Lange K (1974) Relative-to-relative transition probabilities for twolinked genes. Theor Pop Bio 6:92–107

6. Merriam J, Lange K (1974) Maximum likelihood estimates for fatemap locations of behavior in drosophila. Develop Bio 38:196–201

7. Elston RC, Lange K (1975) The prior probability of autosomal linkage.Ann Hum Genet 38:341–350

8. Lange K, Page BM, Elston RC (1975) Age trends in human chiasmafrequencies and recombination fractions. I. Chiasma frequencies. AmerJ Hum Genet 27:410–418

9. Lange K, Elston RC (1975) Extensions to pedigree analysis. I. Likeli-hood calculations for simple and complex pedigrees. Hum Hered 25:95–105

10. Lange K (1976) Stable gene equilibria for mixtures of random andassortative mating. Math Biosciences 29:49–57

11. Lange K, Spence MA, Frank MB (1976) Application of the lod methodto the detection of linkage between a quantitative trait and a qualita-tive marker: a simulation experiment. Amer J Hum Genet 28:167–173

12. Elston RC, Lange K, Namboodiri KK (1976) Age trends in humanchiasma frequencies and recombination fractions. II. Method for ana-lyzing recombination fractions and application to the ABO:nail-patellalinkage. Amer J Hum Genet 28:69–76

13. Elston RC, Lange K (1976) The genotypic distribution of relatives ofhomozygotes when consanguinity is present. Ann Hum Genet 39:493–496

14. Lange K, Westlake J, Spence MA (1976) Extensions to pedigree anal-ysis. II. Recurrence risk calculation under the polygenic thresholdmodel. Hum Hered 26:337–348

15. Lange K, Westlake J, Spence MA (1976) Extensions to pedigree analy-sis. III. Variance components by the scoring method. Ann Hum Genet39:485–491


16. Spence MA, Westlake J, Lange K, Gold DP (1976) Estimation of poly-genic recurrence risk for cleft lip and palate. Hum Hered 26:327–336

17. Elston RC, Namboodiri KK, Lange K, Gedde-Dahl T Jr (1976) Ef-fect of age on the Gm:Pi linkage. In Baltimore Conference (1975):Third international workshop on human gene mapping. Birth Defects:Original Article Series, XII 7, The National Foundation, New York,298–301

18. Spence MA, Lange K, Crandall B (1976) Computations for prenatalprediction of myotonic dystrophy. Lancet II, 1198–1199

19. Lange K, Risch N, Louy C (1977) Laplace transforms for residual wait-ing times. Appl Math Comput 3:253–264

20. Spence MA, Westlake J, Lange K (1977) Estimation of the variancecomponents for dermal ridge count. Ann Hum Genet 41:111–115

21. Zatz M, Lange K, Spence MA (1977) Frequency of Duchenne musculardystrophy carriers. Lancet I, 759

22. Lange K, Risch N (1977) Comments on lack of interference in the fourstrand model of crossing over. J Math Bio 5:55–59

23. Lange K, Johnson NJ (1978) Renewal processes with random numbersof delays: application to a conception and birth model. J Appl Prob15:209–224

24. Lange K (1978) Central limit theorems for pedigrees. J Math Bio6:59–66

25. Gladstien K, Lange K, Spence MA (1978) A goodness of fit test forthe polygenic threshold model: application to pyloric stenosis. AmerJ Med Genet 2:7–13

26. Lange K, Gladstien K, Zatz M (1978) Effects of reproductive com-pensation and genetic drift on X-linked lethals. Amer J Hum Genet30:180–189

27. Lange K (1978) The momentum of a population whose birth ratesgradually change to replacement levels. Math Biosciences 40:225–231


28. Gladstien K, Lange K (1978) Number of people and number of gen-erations affected by a single deleterious mutation. Theor Pop Bio14:313–321

29. Gladstien K, Lange K (1978) Equilibrium distributions for deleteriousgenes in large stationary populations. Theor Pop Bio 14:322–328

30. Matthysse S, Lange K, Wagener D (1979) Continuous variation causedby genes with graduated effects. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 76:2862–2865

31. Lange K, Zatz M (1979) A new method for the analysis of age trendsin CPK levels with application to Duchenne muscular dystrophy. HumHered 29:154–160

32. Lange K (1979) On Cohen’s stochastic generalization of the strongergodic theorem of demography. J Appl Prob 16:496–504

33. Risch N, Lange K (1979) An alternative model of recombination andinterference. Ann Hum Genet 43:61–70

34. Risch N, Lange K (1979) Application of a recombination model incalculating the variance of sib pair genetic identity. Ann Hum Genet43:177–186

35. Hodge SE, Rotter JI, Lange K (1980) A three-allele model for hetero-geneity of juvenile onset, insulin-dependent diabetes. Ann Hum Genet43:399–412

36. Lange K, Gladstien K (1980) Further characterization of the long-runpopulation distribution of a deleterious gene. Theor Pop Bio 18:31–43

37. Hodge SE, Greenberg DA, Rotter JI, Lange K (1980) Second-orderapproximations of ascertainment probabilities. Biometrics 36:27–33

38. Lange K, Hargrove J (1980) Mean and variance of population sizeassuming Markovian vital rates. Math Biosciences 52:289–301

39. Lange K, Boehnke M, Carson R (1981) Moment computations for sub-critical branching processes. J Appl Prob 18:52–64

40. Lange K, Holmes W (1981) Stochastic stable population growth. JAppl Prob 18:325–334


41. Lange K (1981) Minimum extinction probability for surnames and fa-vorable mutations. Math Biosciences 54:71–78

42. Lange K (1982) Calculation of the equilibrium distribution for a dele-terious gene by the finite Fourier transform. Biometrics 38:79–86

43. Greenberg DA, Lange K (1982) A maximum likelihood test of the twolocus model for coeliac disease. Amer J Med Genet 12:75–82

44. Lange K, Boehnke M (1982) How many polymorphic genes will it taketo span the human genome? Amer J Hum Genet 34:842–845

45. Risch N, Lange K (1983) Statistical analysis of multilocus recombina-tion. Biometrics 39:949–963

46. Lange K, Boehnke M (l983) Extensions to pedigree analysis. IV.Covariance components models for multivariate traits. Amer J MedGenet 14:513–524

47. Lange K, Boehnke M (1983) Some combinatorial problems of DNA re-striction fragment length polymorphisms. Amer J Hum Genet 35:177–192

48. Horn R, Lange K (1983) Estimating kinetic constants from single chan-nel data. Biophys J 43:207–223

49. Lange K (1983) On Ewens’ equivalence theorem for ascertainment sam-pling schemes. Amer J Hum Genet 35:687–694

50. Boehnke M, Conneally PM, Lange K (1983) Two models for a maternalfactor in the inheritance of Huntington’s disease. Amer J Hum Genet35:845–860

51. Lange K, Boehnke M (1983) Extensions to pedigree analysis. V. Op-timal calculation of Mendelian likelihoods. Hum Hered 33:291–301

52. Lange K, Carson R (1984) EM reconstruction algorithms for emis-sion and transmission tomography. J Computer Assisted Tomography8:306–316

53. Horn R, Vandenberg CA, Lange K (1984) Statistical analysis of singlesodium channels: effects of N-bromoacetamide. Biophys J 45:323–335


54. Boehnke M, Lange K (1984) Ascertainment and goodness of fit ofvariance component models for pedigree data. In Genetic Epidemiologyof Coronary Heart Disease: Past, Present, and Future. Edited by RaoDC, Elston RC, Kuller LH, Feinleib M, Carter C, Havlik R, Alan RLiss, New York, 173–192

55. Carson RE, Lange K (1985) The EM parametric image reconstructionalgorithm. JASA 80:20–22

56. Lange K, Kunkel L, Aldridge J, Latt SA (1985) Accurate and super-accurate gene mapping. Amer J Hum Genet 37:853–867

57. Matthysse S, Holzman PS, Lange K (1986) The genetic transmissionof schizophrenia: application of Mendelian latent structure analysis toeye tracking dysfunctions in schizophrenia and affective disorder. JPsychiat Res 20:57–67

58. Boehnke M, Moll PP, Lange K, Weidman WH, Kottke BA (1986)Univariate and bivariate analyses of cholesterol and triglyceride levelsin pedigrees. Amer J Med Genet 23:775–792

59. Lange K (1986) Approximate confidence intervals for risk predictionin genetic counseling. Amer J Hum Genet 38:681–687

60. Lange K (1986) The affected sib pair method using identity by staterelations. Amer J Hum Genet 39:148–150

61. Lange K (1986) A test statistic for the affected-sib-set method. AnnHum Genet 50:283–290

62. Lange K (1986) Cohabitation, convergence, and environmental covari-ances. Amer J Med Genet 24:483–491

63. Wong FL, Lange K, Petersen GM, Jing JS, Rotter JI (1986) Sex differ-ences in recombination fraction estimates and their effect on orderingof chromosome 11 markers. Genet Epid, Supplement 1:185–190

64. Lange K, Goradia TM (1987) An algorithm for automatic genotypeelimination. Amer J Hum Genet 40:250–256

65. Lange K, Bahn M, Little R (1987) A theoretical study of some maxi-mum likelihood algorithms for emission and transmission tomography.IEEE Trans Med Imaging MI-6:106–114


66. Gatti RA, Davis RC, Weeks DE, Jaspers NJG, Sparkes RS, LangeK (1987) Genetic linkage studies of ataxia-telangiectasia: phenotypicblood markers. Disease Markers 5:207–213

67. Weeks DE, Lange K (1987) Preliminary ranking procedures for multi-locus ordering. Genomics 1:236–242

68. Weeks DE, Lange K (1988) The affected-pedigree-member method oflinkage analysis. Amer J Hum Genet 42:315–326

69. Holzman PS, Kringlen E, Matthysse S, Flanagan SD, Lipton RB,Cramer G, Levin S, Lange K, Levy DL (1988) A single dominant geneaccounts for eye tracking dysfunctions and schizophrenia in offspringof discordant twins. Archives General Psychiat 45:641–647

70. Goradia TM, Lange K (1988) Applications of coding theory to thedesign of somatic cell hybrid panels. Math Biosciences 91:201–219

71. Gatti RA, Berkel I, Boder E, Braedt G, Charmley P, Concannon P,Ersoy F, Foroud T, Jaspers NGJ, Lange K, Lathrop GM, LeppertM, Nakamura Y, O’Connell P, Paterson M, Salser W, Sanal O, SilverJ, Sparkes RS, Susi E, Weeks DE, Wei S, White R, Yoder F (1988)Localization of an ataxia-telangiectasia gene to chromosome 11q22-23.Nature 336:577–580

72. Lange K, Weeks DE (1989) Efficient computation of lod scores: geno-type elimination, genotype redefinition, and hybrid maximum likeli-hood algorithms. Ann Hum Genet 53:67–83

73. Hargrove JW, Lange K (1989) Tsetse dispersal viewed as a diffusionprocess. Trans Zimbabwe Sci Assoc 64:1–8

74. Lange K, Little RJA, Taylor JMG (1989) Robust statistical modelingusing the t distribution. JASA 84:881–896

75. Lange K, Matthysse S (1989) Simulation of pedigree genotypes byrandom walks. Amer J Hum Genet 45:959–970

76. Cui X, Li H, Goradia TM, Lange K, Kazazian HK Jr, Galas D, Arn-heim N (1989) Single sperm typing: determination of genetic distancebetween the Gγ-globin and parathyroid hormone loci using the poly-merase chain reaction and allele specific oligomers. Proc Natl Acad SciUSA 86:9389–9393


77. Weeks DE, Lange K (1989) Trials, tribulations, and triumphs of theEM algorithm in pedigree analysis. IMA J Math Appl Bio Med 6:209–232

78. Goradia TM, Lange K (1990) Multilocus ordering strategies based onsperm typing. Ann Hum Genet 54:49–77

79. Charmley P, Foroud T, Wei S, Concannon P, Weeks DE, Lange K,Gatti RA (1990) A primary linkage map of the human chromosome11q22-23 region. Genomics 6:316–323

80. Lange K, Weeks DE (1990) Linkage methods for identifying geneticrisk factors. In Genetic Variation and Nutrition. World Review ofNutrition and Dietetics 63, Edited by Simopoulos AP, Child B, Karger,Basil, 236–249

81. Concannon P, Malhotra U, Charmley P, Reynolds J, Lange K, GattiRA (1990) Ataxia-telangiectasia gene (ATA) on chromosome 11 is dis-tinct from the ETS-1 gene. Amer J Hum Genet 46:789–794

82. Sanal O, Wei S, Foroud T, Malhotra U, Concannon P, Charmley P,Salser W, Lange K, Gatti RA (1990) Further mapping of an ataxia-telangiectasia locus to the chromosome 11q23 region. Amer J HumGenet 47:860–866

83. Lange K (1990) Convergence of EM image reconstruction algorithmswith Gibbs smoothing. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 9:439–446, Correc-tions ibid. 10:228

84. Lange K (1990) An overview of Bayesian methods in image recon-struction. In Digital Image Synthesis and Inverse Optics, Edited byGmitro AF, Idell PS, LaHaie IJ, Society of Photo-Optical Engineering,Bellingham, Washington, SPIE Vol 1351:270–287

85. Gatti RA, Boder E, Vinters HV, Sparkes RS, Norman A, Lange K(1991) Ataxia-telangiectasia: an inter-disciplinary approach to patho-genesis. Medicine 70:99–117

86. Lange K (1991) Discussion of DA Berry’s ‘Inferences using DNA pro-filing in forensic identification and paternity cases.’ Stat Sci 6:190–192


87. Goradia TM, Stanton VP, Cui X, Aburatani H, Li H, Lange K, Hous-man DE, Arnheim N (1991) Ordering three DNA polymorphisms onhuman chromosome 3 by sperm typing. Genomics 10:748–755

88. Weeks DE, Paterson MC, Lange K, Andrais B, Davis RC, Yoder F,Gatti RA (1991) Assessment of chronic γ radiosensitivity as an in vitroassay for heterozygote identification of ataxia-telangiectasia. RadiationRes 128:90–99

89. Boehnke M, Lange K, Cox D (1991) Statistical methods for multipointradiation hybrid mapping. Amer J Hum Genet 49:1174–1188

90. Foroud T, Wei S, Ziv Y, Sobel E, Lange E, Chao A, Goradia T, HuoY, Tolun A, Chessa L, Charmley P, Sanal O, Salman N, Julier C,Concannon P, McConville C, Taylor AMR, Shiloh Y, Lange K, GattiRA (1991) Localization of an ataxia-telangiectasia locus to an 3-cMinterval on chromosome 11q23: linkage analyses of an 111 families byan international consortium. Amer J Hum Genet 49:1263–1279

91. Lange K, Sobel E (1991) A random walk method for computing geneticlocation scores. Amer J Hum Genet 49:1320–1334

92. Weeks DE, Lange K (1991) An overview of the affected-pedigree-member method of linkage analysis. In Computing Science and Statis-tics: Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on the Interface, Edited byKeramidas EM, Kaufman SM, Interface Foundation of America, Mor-ristown, NJ, 386–391

93. Goradia TM, Lange K, Miller PL, Nadkarni PM (1992) Fast com-putation of genetic likelihoods on human pedigree data. Hum Hered42:42–62

94. Weeks DE, Lange K (1992) A multilocus extension of the affected-pedigree-member method of linkage analysis. Amer J Hum Genet50:859–868

95. Sobel E, Lange E, Jaspers NGJ, Chessa L, Sanal O, Shiloh Y, TaylorAMR, Weemaes CMA, Lange K, Gatti RA (1992) Ataxia telangiec-tasia: linkage evidence for genetic heterogeneity. Amer J Hum Genet50:1343–1348


96. Lange K, Boehnke M (1992) Bayesian methods and optimal experi-mental design for gene mapping by radiation hybrids. Ann Hum Genet56:119–144

97. Lange K, Sinsheimer JS (1992) Calculation of genetic identity coeffi-cients. Ann Hum Genet 56:339–346

98. Lange K, Oyarzun FJ (1992) The attractiveness of the Droop equa-tions. Math Biosciences 111:261–278

99. Lange K (1993) Match probabilities in racially admixed populations.Amer J Hum Genet 52:305–311

100. Gatti RA, Peterson KL, Novak J, Chen X, Yang-Chen L, Liang T,Lange E, Lange K (1993) Prenatal genotyping of ataxia-telangiectasia.Lancet 342:376

101. Lange K, Sinsheimer JS (1993) Normal/independent distributions andtheir applications in robust regression. J Computational Graphical Stat2:175–198

102. Lange K (1993) A stochastic model for genetic linkage equilibrium.Theor Pop Bio 44:129–148

103. Lange E, Gatti RA, Sobel E, Concannon P, Lange K (1993) How manyataxia-telangiectasia genes? In Ataxia-Telangiectasia, Edited by GattiRA, Painter RB, Springer, Berlin, NATO ASI Series Vol H 77:37–54

104. Sobel E, Lange K (1993) Metropolis sampling in pedigree analysis.Stat Methods Med Res 2:263–282

105. Woolliams JA, Haley CS, Lange K (1993) Asymptotic moments anddistribution of nearest marker distances when major genes and markerpolymorphisms are unevenly distributed. Biometrics 49:1245–1251

106. Oyarzun FJ, Lange K (1994) The attractiveness of the Droop equationsII. Generic uptake and growth functions. Math Biosciences 121:127–140

107. Schmitt K, Lazzeroni LC, Foote S, Vollrath D, Fisher EMC, GoradiaTM, Lange K, Page DC, Arnheim N (1994) Multipoint linkage mapof the human pseudoautosomal region based on single sperm typing:Do double crossovers occur during male meiosis? Amer J Hum Genet55:423–430


108. Lazzeroni LC, Arnheim N, Schmitt K, Lange K (1994) Multipoint map-ping calculations for sperm-typing data. Amer J Hum Genet 55:431–436

109. Lange K (1994) An adaptive barrier method for convex programming.Methods Applications Analysis 1:392–402

110. Lange K (1995) A quasi-Newton acceleration of the EM algorithm.Statistica Sinica 5:1–18

111. Lange K (1995) A gradient algorithm locally equivalent to the EMalgorithm. J Roy Stat Soc B 57:425–437

112. Uhrhammer N, Lange E, Porras E, Naiem A, Chen X, SheikhavandiS, Chiplunkar S, Yang L, Dandekar S, Liang T, Patel N, Teraoka S,Udar N, Calvo N, Concannon P, Lange K, Gatti RA (1995) Sublocal-ization of an ataxia-telangiectasia gene distal to D11S384 by ancestralhaplotyping of Costa Rican families. Amer J Hum Genet 57:103–111

113. Lange E, Borresen A-L, Chen X, Chessa L, Chiplunkar S, ConcannonP, Dandekar S, Gerken S, Lange K, Liang T, McConville C, PolakowJ, Porras O, Rotman G, Sanal O, Sheikhavandi S, Shiloh Y, Sobel E,Taylor M, Telatar M, Teraoka S, Tolun A, Udar N, Uhrhammer N,Vanagaite L, Wang Z, Wapelhorst B, Wright J, Yang H-M, Yang L,Ziv Y, Gatti RA (1995) Localization of an ataxia-telangiectasia geneto an ≈500 kb interval on chromosome 11q23.1: linkage analysis of 176families by an international consortium. Amer J Hum Genet 57:112–119

114. Lange K (1995) Applications of the Dirichlet distribution to forensicmatch probabilities. Genetica 96:107–117

115. Lange K, Boehnke M, Cox DR, Lunetta KL (1995) Statistical methodsfor polyploid radiation hybrid mapping. Genome Res 5:136–150

116. Lunetta KL, Boehnke M, Lange K, Cox DR (1995) Experimentaldesign and error detection for polyploid radiation hybrid mapping.Genome Res 5:151–163

117. Lange K, Fessler JA (1995) Globally convergent algorithms for maxi-mum a posteriori transmission tomography. IEEE Transactions ImageProcessing 4:1430–1438


118. Fessler JA, Ficaro EP, Clinthorne NH, Lange K (1995) Fast paralleliz-able algorithms for transmission image reconstruction. Proc IEEE NucSci Symp Med Imaging Conf 3:1346–1350

119. Sobel E, Lange K, O’Connell J, Weeks DE (1996) Haplotyping algo-rithms. In Genetic Mapping and DNA Sequencing, IMA Volume 81in Mathematics and its Applications, Edited by Speed TP, WatermanMS, Springer, New York, 89–110

120. Hulbert-Shearon T, Boehnke M, Lange K (1996) Lod score curves forphase-unknown matings. Hum Hered 46:55–57

121. Lange K (1996) Illustration of some moment identities for order statis-tics. Stat Prob Letters 27:91–98

122. Sobel E, Lange K (1996) Descent graphs in pedigree analysis: appli-cations to haplotyping, location scores, and marker sharing statistics.Amer J Hum Genet 58:1323–1337

123. Lunetta KL, Boehnke M, Lange K, Cox DR (1996) Selected locus andmultiple panel models for radiation hybrid mapping. Amer J HumGenet 59:717–725

124. Fessler JA, Ficaro EP, Clinthorne NH, Lange K (1997) Grouped-coor-dinate ascent algorithms for penalized-likelihood transmission imagereconstruction. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 16:166–175

125. Koopman JS, Jacquez JA, Welch GW, Simon CP, Foxman B, PollockSM, Barth-Jones D, Adams AL, Lange K (1997) The role of early HIVinfection in the spread of HIV through populations. J AIDS 14:249–258

126. Lazzeroni LC, Lange K (1997) Markov chains for Monte Carlo tests ofgenetic equilibrium in multidimensional contingency tables. Ann Stat25:138–168

127. Becker MP, Yang I, Lange K (1997) EM algorithms without missingdata. Stat Methods Med Res 6:37–53

128. Lange K, Fan R (1997) Branching process models for mutant genes innonstationary populations. Theor Pop Bio 51:118–133


129. Lange K, Zhao H, Speed TP (1997) The Poisson-skip model of crossing-over. Ann Appl Prob 7:299–313

130. Cooney KA, McCarthy JD, Lange E, Huang L, Miesfeldt S, Montie JE,Oesterling JE, Sandler HM, Lange K (1997) Prostate cancer suscepti-bility locus on chromosome 1q: A confirmatory study. J Natl CancerInst 89:955–959

131. Lange K (1997) An approximate model of polygenic inheritance. Ge-netics 147:1423–1430

132. Lazzeroni LC, Lange K (1998) A conditional inference framework forextending the transmission/disequilibrium test. Hum Hered 48:67–81

133. Schadt E, Sinsheimer JS, Lange K (1998) Computational advances inmaximum likelihood methods for molecular phylogeny. Genome Res8:222–233

134. Fan R, Lange K (1998) Models for haplotype evolution in a nonsta-tionary population. Theor Pop Bio 53:184–198

135. Fan R, Lange K, Pena EA (1999) Applications of a formula for thevariance function of a stochastic process. Stat Prob Letters 43:123–130

136. Stringham HM, Boehnke M, Lange K (1999) Point and interval esti-mates of marker location in radiation hybrid mapping. Amer J HumGenet 65::545–553

137. Fan R, Lange K (1999) Diffusion process calculations for mutant genesin nonstationary populations. In Statistics in Molecular Biology andGenetics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Lecture Notes Mono-graph Series 33, edited Seillier-Moiseiwitsch F, The Institute of Math-ematical Statistics and the American Mathematical Society, 38-55

138. Lange K, Hunter DR, Yang I (2000) Optimization transfer using sur-rogate objective functions (with discussion). J Comput Graphical Stat9:1–59

139. Hunter DR, Lange K (2000) Quantile regression via an MM algorithm.J Comput Graphical Stat 9:60–77


140. Lange EM, Chen H, Brierley K, Livermore H, Wojno KJ, LangefeldCD, Lange K, Cooney KA (2000) The polymorphic exon 1 androgen re-ceptor CAG repeat in men with a potential inherited predisposition toprostate cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, Prevention 9:439–442

141. Fan R, Lange K (2000) Asymptotic properties of the maximal subinter-val of a Poisson process. Stochastic Processes, Physics and Geometry:New Interplays. II: A Volume in Honor of Sergio Albeverio. editedby Gesztesy F, Holden H, Jost J, Paycha S, Rocker M, Scarlatti S,American Mathematical Society, CMS Conference Proceedings Series29:175–187

142. Guo SW, Lange K (2000) Genetic mapping of complex traits: promises,problems, and prospects. Theor Pop Bio 57:1–11

143. Sinsheimer JS, Blangero J, Lange K (2000) Gamete competition mod-els. Amer J Hum Genet 66:1168–1172

144. Douglas JA, Boehnke M, Lange K (2000) A multipoint method fordetecting genotyping errors and mutations in sibling-pair linkage data.Amer J Hum Genet 66:1287–1297

145. Dorman KS, Kaplan AH, Lange K, Sinsheimer JS (2000) Mutationtakes no vacation. Can structured treatment interruptions increasethe risk of drug resistant HIV-1? JAIDS 25:398–402

146. Peltonen L, Palotie A, Lange K (2000) The use of population isolatesfor mapping complex traits. Nature Genet Reviews 1:182–190

147. Perola M, Ohman M, Hiekkalinna T, Leppavuori J, Pajukanta P, Wess-man M, Koskenvuo M, Palotie A, Lange K, Kaprio J, Peltonen L (2001)Quantitative-trait locus analysis of body mass index and stature, bycombined analysis of genome scans of five Finnish study groups. AmerJ Hum Genet 69:117–123

148. Sinsheimer JS, McKenzie CA, Keavney B, Lange K (2001) SNPs andsnails and puppy dogs’ tails: analysis of SNP data using the gametecompetition model. Ann Hum Genet 65:483–490

149. Lange K, Redelings B (2002) Disease gene dynamics in a populationisolate. An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling in Physiology, Cell


Biology, and Immunology. edited by Sneyd J, American MathematicalSociety, Providence, RI, pp 119–138

150. Hunter DR, Lange K (2002) Computing estimates in the proportionalodds model. Ann Inst Stat Math 54:155–168

151. Ro KM, Cantor RM, Lange K, Ahn SS (2002) Palmer hyperhidrosis:evidence of genetic transmission. J Vascular Surgery 35:382–386

152. Sobel E, Papp J, Lange K (2002) Detection and integration of geno-typing errors in statistical genetics. Amer J Hum Genet 70:496–508

153. Liao W-H, Lange K, Huang S-C, Bergsneider M (2002) Optimal designin PET data acquisition: a new approach using simulated annealingand component-wise Metropolis updating. Nuclear Science SymposiumConference Record, 2001 IEEE 4:1979–1983

154. Liao W-H, Huang S-C, Lange K, Bergsneider M (2002) Use of MMalgorithm for regularization of parametric images in dynamic PET.Brain Imaging Using PET. edited by Senda M, Kimura Yuichi, Her-scovitch P, Kimura Yui, Academic Press, New York, pp 107–114

155. Berloff N, Perola M, Lange K (2002) Spline methods for comparisonof physical and genetic maps. J Comp Biol 9:465–476

156. Schadt EE, Lange K (2002) Codon and rate variation models in molec-ular phylogeny. Mol Biol Evol 19:1534–1549

157. Schadt EE, Sinsheimer JS, Lange K (2002) Applications of codon andrate variation models in molecular phylogeny. Mol Biol Evol 19:1550–1562

158. Sabatti C, Lange K (2002) Genomewide motif identification using adictionary model. Proceedings IEEE 90:1803–1810

159. Lange K (2004) Computational statistics and optimization theory atUCLA. Amer Statistician 58:9–11

160. Hunter DR, Lange K (2004) A tutorial on MM algorithms. AmerStatistician 58:30–37

161. Lange EM, Lange K (2004) Powerful allele-sharing statistics for non-parametric linkage analysis. Hum Hered 57:49–58


162. Dorman K, Sinsheimer JS, Lange K (2004) In the garden of branchingprocesses. SIAM Review 46:202–229

163. Lange K, Sinsheimer JS (2004) The pedigree trimming problem. HumHered 58:108–11

164. Lilja HE, Suviolahti E, Soro-Paavonen A, Hiekkalinna T, Day A, LangeK, Sobel E, Taskinen M-R, Peltonen L, Perola M, Pajukanta P (2004)Locus for quantitative HDL-cholesterol on chromosome 10q in Finnishfamilies with dyslipidemia. J Lipid Res 45:1876–1884

165. Sabatti C, Rohlin L, Lange K, Liao JC (2005) Vocabulon: a dictionarymodel approach for reconstruction and localization of transcriptionfactor binding sites. Bioinformatics 21:922–931

166. Cantor RM, Chen GK, Pajukanta P, Lange K (2005) Association test-ing in a linked region using large pedigrees. Amer J Hum Genet76:538–542

167. Bauman L, Almasy L, Blangero J, Duggirala R, Sinsheimer JS, LangeK (2005) Fishing for pleiotropic QTLs in a polygenic sea. Ann HumGenet 69:590-611

168. Lange K, Sinsheimer JS, Sobel E (2005) Association testing with Men-del. Genet Epid 29:36–50

169. Greenawalt DM, Cui X, Wu Y, Lin Y, Wang H-Y, Luo M, TereshchenkoIV, Hu G, Li JY, Chu Y, Azaro MA, DeCoste CJ, Chimge N-O, GaoR, Shen L, Shih WJ, Lange K, Li H (2005) Strong correlation betweenmeiotic crossovers and haplotype structure in a 2.5-Mb region on thelong arm of chromosome 21. Genome Res 16:208–214

170. Ayers KL, Sabatti C, Lange K (2006) Reconstructing ancestral haplo-types with a dictionary model. J Comp Biol 13:767–785

171. Lange K, Sobel E (2006) Variance component models for X-linkedQTLs. Genet Epid 30:380–383

172. Chen GK, Slaten E, Ophoff RA, Lange K (2006) Accommodating chro-mosome inversions in linkage analysis. Amer J Hum Genet 79:238–251

173. Crespi CM, Lange K (2006) Estimation for the simple linear Booleanmodel. Methodology Computing Appl Prob 8:559–571


174. Presson AP, Sobel E, Lange K, Papp JC (2006) Merging microsatellitedata. J Comp Biol 13:1131–1147

175. Ayers KL, Sabatti C, Lange K (2007) A dictionary model for haplotyp-ing, genotype calling, and association testing. Genet Epid 31:672-683

176. Sabatti C, Lange K (2008) Bayesian Gaussian mixture models for highdensity genotyping arrays. JASA 103:89–100

177. Lange K (2008) Reflections on The Cauchy-Schwarz Master Class. TheMathematical Scientist 33:1–7

178. Lange K, Wu T (2008) An MM algorithm for multicategory vertexdiscriminant analysis. J Computational Graphical Stat 17:527–544

179. Suchard MA, Lange K, Sinsheimer JS (2008) Efficiency of protein pro-duction from mRNA. J Stat Theory Practice 2:173–182

180. Wu TT, Lange K (2008) Coordinate descent algorithms for lasso pe-nalized regression. Annals Appl Stat 2:224–244

181. Sinsheimer JS, Plaisier CL, Huertas-Vazquez A, Aguilar-Salinas C,Tusie-Luna T, Pajukanta P, Lange K (2008) Estimating ethnic ad-mixture from pedigree data. Amer J Hum Genet 82:748–755

182. Park CC, Ahn S, Bloom JS, Lin A, Wang RT, Wu TT, Sekar A, KhanAH, Farr CJ, Lusis AJ, Leahy RM, Lange K, Smith DJ (2008) Finemapping of regulatory loci for mammalian gene expression using radi-ation hybrids. Nature Genetics 40:421–429

183. Ayers KL, Lange K (2008) Penalized estimation of haplotype frequen-cies. Bioinformatics 24:1596–1602

184. Bauman LE, Sinsheimer JS, Sobel EM, Lange K (2008) Mixed effectsmodels for quantitative trait loci mapping with inbred strains. Genet-ics 180:1743–1761

185. de Leeuw J, Lange K (2009) Sharp quadratic majorization in one di-mension. Computational Stat Data Analysis 53:2471–2484

186. Wu TT, Chen YF, Hastie T, Sobel EM, Lange K (2009) Genomewideassociation analysis by lasso penalized logistic regression. Bioinfor-matics 25:714-721


187. Ahn S, Wang RT, Park CC, Lin A, Leahy RM, Lange K, Smith DJ(2009) Directed mammalian gene regulatory networks using expressionand comparative genomic hybridization microarray data from radiationhybrids. PLOS Comp Biol 5:e1000407

188. Zhou JJ, Lange K, Papp JC, Sinsheimer JS (2009) A heterozygote-homozygote test of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Europ J Hum Genet17:1495–1500

189. Zhou H, Lange K (2009) Composition Markov chains of multinomialtype. Adv Appl Prob 41:270–291

190. Sehl ME, Alexseyenko AV, Lange KL (2009) Accurate stochastic sim-ulation via the step anticipation τ -leaping (SAL) algorithm. J CompBiol 16:1195–1208

191. Korbel JO, Tirosh-Wagner T, Urban AE, Chen X-N, Kasowski M, DaiL, Grubert F, Erdman C, Gao M, Lange K, Sobel EM, Barlow GM,Aylsworth AS, Carpenter NJ, Clark RD, Cohen MY, Doran E, Falik-Zaccai T, Lewin SO, Lott IT, McGillivray BC, Moeschler JB, Pette-nati MJ, Pueschel SM, Rao KW, Shaffer LG, Shohat M, Van RiperAJ, Warburton D, Weissman S, Gerstein MB, Snyder M, KorenbergJR (2009). The genetic architecture of Down Syndrome phenotypes re-vealed by high resolution analysis of human segmental trisomies. ProcNatl Acad Sci USA 106:12031–12036

192. Zhou H, Lange K (2009) Rating movies and rating the raters who ratethem. Amer Statistician 63:297-307

193. Alexander DH, Novembre J, Lange K (2009) Fast model-based estima-tion of ancestry in unrelated individuals. Genome Res 19:1655–1664

194. Zhou H, Lange K (2009) On the bumpy road to the dominant mode.Scandinavian J Stat 37:612-631

195. Sehl ME, Sinsheimer JS, Zhou H, Lange K (2009) Differential destruc-tion of stem cells: implications for targeted cancer stem cell therapy.Cancer Research 69:9481–9489

196. Wu TT, Lange K (2010) The MM alternative to EM. Stat Sci 25:492-505


197. Zhou H, Lange K (2010) MM algorithms for some discrete multivariatedistributions. J Computational Graphical Stat 19:645-665

198. Cantor RM, Lange K, Sinsheimer JS (2010) Prioritizing GWAS re-sults: a review of statistical methods and recommendations for theirapplication. Amer J Hum Genet 86:6–22

199. Wu TT, Lange K (2010) Multicategory vertex discriminant analysisfor high-dimensional data. Ann Appl Stat 4:1698-1721

200. Childs E, Palmer CG, Lange K, Sinsheimer JS (2010) Modeling mater-nal-offspring gene-gene interactions: the extended-MFG test. GenetEpid 34:512–521

201. Gao MC, Bellugi U, Dai L, Mills DL, Sobel EM, Lange K, KorenbergJR (2010) Intelligence in Williams Syndrome is related to STX1A,which encodes a component of the presynaptic SNARE complex. PLoSONE 5:e10292. doi:10.1371

202. Zhong M, Lange K, Papp JC, Ruzong F (2010) A powerful score testto detect positive selection in genome-wide scans. Europ J Hum Genet18:1148-1159

203. Zhang Z, Lange K, Ophoff R, Sabatti C (2010) Reconstructing DNAcopy number by penalized estimation and imputation. Ann Appl Stat4:1749–1773

204. Ranola JM, Ahn S, Sehl ME, Smith DJ, Lange K (2010) A Poissonmodel for random multigraphs. Bioinformatics 26:2004–2011

205. Zhou H, Sehl ME, Sinsheimer JS, Lange K (2010) Association screeningof common and rare genetic variants by penalized regression. Bioin-formatics 26:2357–2382

206. Zhou H, Lange K, Suchard MA (2010) Graphics processing units andhigh-dimensional optimization. Stat Science 25:311–324

207. Zhou H, Alexander DH, Lange K (2011) A quasi-Newton accelerationfor high-dimensional optimization algorithms. Statistics and Comput-ing 21:261-273

208. Zhou H, Lange K (2011) A fast procedure for calculating importanceweights in bootstrap sampling. Comput Stat Data Analysis 55:26–33


209. Zhou H, Alexander DH, Sehl ME, Sinsheimer JS, Sobel EM, Lange K(2011) Penalized regression for genome-wide association screening ofsequence data. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2011

210. Zhong M, Zhang Y, Lange K, Fan R (2011) A cross-population ex-tended haplotype-based homozygosity score test to detect positive se-lection in genome-wide scans. Statistics and its Interface 4:51-63

211. Day-Williams AG, Blangero J, Dyer TD, Lange K, Sobel EM (2011)Linkage analysis without defined pedigrees. Genet Epid 35:360-370

212. Day-Williams AG, Blangero J, Dyer TD, Lange K, Sobel EM (2011)Unifying ideas for non-parametric linkage analysis. Hum Hered 71:267–280

213. Zhou JJ, Pelka S, Lange K, Palmer CGS, Sinsheimer JS (2011) Dis-secting prenatal, postnatal, and inherited effects: ART and design.Genet Epid 35:437-446

214. Sehl ME, Zhou H, Sinsheimer JS, Lange K (2011) Extinction modelsfor cancer stem cell therapy. Math Biosciences 234:132-146

215. Alexander DH, Lange K (2011) Enhancements to the ADMIXTUREalgorithm for individual ancestry estimation. BMC Bioinformatics12:246

216. Alexander DH, Lange K (2011) Stability selection of predictors ingenome-wide association. Genet Epid 35:722-728

217. Wang RT, Ahn S, Park CC, Khan AH, Lange K, Smith DJ (2011)Effects of genome-wide copy number variation on expression in mam-malian cells. BMC Genomics 12:562

218. Zhou JJ, Ghazalpour A, Sinsheimer JS, Sobel EM, Lange K (2011)Quantitative trait loci association mapping by imputation of strainorigins in multifounder crosses. Genetics 190:459–473

219. Zhou H, Lange K (2012) A path algorithm for constrained estimation.J Computational Graphical Stat (in press)

220. Zhang Z, Lange K, Sabatti C (2012) Reconstructing DNA copy numberby joint segmentation of multiple sequences. BMC Bioinformatics (inpress)


221. Zhou H, Lange K (2012) Path following in the exact penalty methodof convex programming. (submitted)

222. Chi EC, Lange K (2012) A look at the generalized Heron problemthrough the lens of majorization-minimization. (submitted)

223. Chi EC, Lange K (2012) Techniques for solving Sudoku puzzles. (sub-mitted)

224. Chen GK, Wang K, Stram AH, Sobel EM, Lange K (2012) Haplotypeinference and genotype imputation using graphics processing units.(submitted)

225. Lange K, Zhou H (2012) MM algorithms for geometric and signomialprogramming. (submitted)

226. Ranola JM, Langfelder P, Lange K, Horvath S (2012) Cluster andpropensity based approximation of a network. (submitted)

227. Chi EC, Zhou H, Del Vecchyo DO, Lange K (2012) Genotype imputa-tion via matrix completion. (submitted)

Papers # l7, 54, 63, 80, 84, 92, 103, 118, and 153 appear in unreviewedconference proceedings.


1. Lange K (2002) Mathematical and Statistical Methods for GeneticAnalysis, 2nd ed. Springer, New York

2. Lange K (2010) Numerical Analysis for Statisticians, 2nd ed. Springer,New York

3. Lange, K (2010) Applied Probability, 2nd ed. Springer, New York

4. Lange, K (2004) Optimization. Springer, New York

Software Announcements

1. Lange K, Boehnke M, Weeks DE (1988) Programs for pedigree analy-sis: MENDEL, FISHER, and dGENE. Genet Epid 5:471–472


2. Weeks DE, Sobel E, O’Connell JR, Lange K (1995) Computer pro-grams for multilocus haplotyping of general pedigrees. Amer J HumGenet 56:1506–1507

3. Lange K, Cantor R, Horvath S, Perola M, Sabatti C, Sinsheimer J,Sobel E (2001) MENDEL version 4.0: a complete package for the exactgenetic analysis of discrete traits in pedigree and population data sets.Amer J Hum Genet 69 (supplement):a1886

Book Reviews

1. Lange K (1987) Pedigree Analysis in Human Genetics, by ThompsonEA, Quart Rev Bio 62:123–124

2. Lange K (1997) Markov Chains, by Norris JR, Bull Math Bio 60:195–196

3. Lange K (2000) Markov Chains: Gibbs Fields, Monte Carlo Simula-tion, and Queues, by Bremaud P, SIAM Review 42:754–755

4. Cantor R, Lange K, Sinsheimer J (2004) Biostatistical Genetics andGenetic Epidemiology, edited by Elston R, Olson J, Palmer L, GenetEpid 27:84–86

Recent Talks

1. Optimization in high-dimensions: MM algorithms, acceleration, andGPUs. Division of Biostatistics, Stanford University, May 6, 2010

2. Mendel Statistical Genetics Short Course. Carolina Center for GenomeSciences, University of North Carolina, August 16-20, 2010

3. Optimization in high-dimensions: MM algorithms, acceleration, andGPUs. Department of Biomathematics, University of California, LosAngeles, October 7, 2010

4. Optimization in high-dimensions: MM algorithms, acceleration, andGPUs. Department of Statistics, University of California, Irvine, De-cember 6, 2010

5. Mendel Statistical Genetics Short Course. Centro Nacional de AnalisisGenomico, Barcelona, Spain, August 22-26, 2011