Curriculum Vitae Jorge Ernesto Soria Puig Buenos Aires, Argentina Cell: 1161030066 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Curriculum Vitae English

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Curriculum Vitae Jorge Ernesto Soria Puig

Buenos Aires, Argentina Cell: 1161030066 E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

Page 2: Curriculum Vitae  English

PROFILE BEHAVIORAL MEASURE (rated by HS Latin America): Desde HS Latin America le hacemos llegar un breve resumen de .From Latin America HS we send a brief summary.

Reporte PDA (Personal Development Analysis) que describe las características de su Perfil Conductual: Report PDA (Personal Development Analysis) that describes the characteristics of the Behavioral Profile:

Jorge es un pensador meticuloso y exacto con un dinamismo innato para la solución de problemas.George is a meticulous and precise thinker with an innate dynamism to solve problems. Es analítico y creativo y tiene una considerable curiosidad por las causas de los problemas. It is analytical, creative and has considerable curiosity about the causes of problems. Jorge puede tener una amplia gama de intereses. George may have a wide range of interests. Tiene un estilo, directo, lógico, preciso y sistemático en cuanto al enfoque y forma de alcanzar sus objetivos. His style is direct, logical, precise and systematic in approach and how to achieve their goals. Se preocupa por la perfección y no le gusta cometer fallas o errores. He cares for perfection and do not like to commit faults or errors. Le agradan las tareas desafiantes y pone énfasis en usar los hechos y la lógica para ocuparse de retos complejos, en respuesta a plazos difíciles.. He likes challenging tasks and emphasizes use facts and logic to deal with complex challenges in response to pretty short times .. Prefiere la novedad, las ideas imaginativas y el trabajo que involucre cambio y variedad. Prefer novelty, inventive ideas and work involving change and variety. Puede trabajar como miembro de un equipo, pero tal vez se sienta mejor trabajando solo, de persona a persona y en grupos y equipos pequeños. It can work as a team member, but you may feel better working alone, person to person and in groups and small teams. Es intenso, impaciente y exigente al relacionarse con la gente. It's intense, impatient and demanding to relate to people. Mostrará impaciencia si cree que los otros no están haciendo el trabajo. Show impatience if you think the others are not doing the job. Si bien se desempeña de acuerdo a las normas y los procedimientos, es muy independiente de los demás. While he works according to the rules and procedures, is largely independent of others. Tiene una tendencia innata hacia la creatividad y se esmera por alcanzar la exactitud y la perfección. He has an innate tendency toward creativity and strives to achieve the accuracy and perfection. Jorge tiene un fuerte sentido de urgencia, sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, no quiere cometer ninguna falla o error. Jorge has a strong sense of urgency, however, at the same time, not to commit any failure or error. Al ser una persona directa y competitiva, buscará activamente tener el control en las situaciones en las que se encuentre. As a direct and competitive person, actively seek to retain control in situations where you are. Posiblemente sienta como una pérdida de tiempo las conversaciones sociales "irrelevantes".

Recuerde que el presente párrafo es solo un resumen del resultado de su "Reporte PDA", ya que la versión completa incluye más de 20 páginas. Remember that this paragraph is only a summary of the results of its "PDA Report", as the full version includes over 20 pages.

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Studies: School of Management and Technology

Development: Title: Master In Business Administration. In progress.

Institute of Advanced Studies Buenos Aires, Title: Computer Network Analyst 2002-2004.

National Technological University, Higher Technical Programming, 1999-2002.

Buenos Aires Federal Law Institute, Bachelor of Criminal Science. Egresado 1997 Graduated 1997

Federal School of Police Coronel. Ramón Lorenzo Falcón, Graduated 1997 - Police Officer. Bachelor in Criminal Law and Social Sciences.

Naval Academy. 1994. 1994. ENET N º 1, Title: Electrician. Graduate, 1993.

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Awards and Honors:• Institute of Advanced

Studies Buenos Aires, Medal for Best Average

• IUPFA - Medal of Honor John F. University Kennedy best average in Criminal Sciences.

• ENET No. 1: Medal of Honor for the Best Rate.

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UBA - PM - Project Management, administracion y direccion de proyectos. Project Management, administration and direction of projects.

Axigma (Oracle University), Weblogic System Administrator, (WLS-A11-100) Axigma (Oracle University), System Administrator Weblogic (WLS-A11-100) WL Server Adminstration, (WLS-A21-100) WL Advance Server Admin, (WLS-A75-100) WL Server Tuning, (WLS – A 33-81) WLS Performance Test and Troubleshooting. WL Server Adminstration (WLS-A21-100) WL Admin Advance Server (WLS-A75-100) Tuning WL Server (WLS - A 33-81) Performance Test and Troubleshooting WLS.

PHP y MySQL , desarrollo y administraci ó n de paginas web HTML, ASP, PHP, conexiones a BD MySql PHP and MySQL development and administration of web pages using HTML, ASP, PHP, MySql DB connections

Linux Collage; Administrador Linux. Linux Collage, Linux Administrator. (Debian) , instalaci ó n y conf. (Debian) installation nd configuration of de servidores Linux, Apache, Tomcat, Nat, FTP, DHCP, DNS, SAMBA, QMAIL, Arquitecturas de LAN/WAN. Linux Debian, Apache Server, Tomcat Services, Nat Serv., FTP, DHCP, DNS, SAMBA, QMail, Architectures LAN / WAN.

Linux Collage: Seguridad Avanzada en Linux .(Debian), iptables, firewalls Statefull, TCPWrapper, auditoria de red, sniffing, Portsentry, Exploits, Swatch, Tripwire, scaneo de vulnerabilidades. Linux Collage: Linux Advanced Security. (Debian), iptables, firewalls Stateful, TCPWrapper, network audit, sniffing, Portsentry, Exploits, Swatch, Tripwire, scanning of vulnerabilities.

Universidad Tecnol ó g ica Nacional: Cisco CCNA National Technological University: Cisco CCNA 3Com Argentina: Certificado en Tecnolog í a 3Com : configuraci ó n LAN, Wireless LAN, Seguridad LAN, dise ñ o LAN,

configuraci ó n de Switches, Routers, V Lan ' s . 3Com Argentina: Certified 3Com Tecnologies: configuration of LAN, Wireless LAN, LAN Security, LAN design, configuration of Switches, Routers, VLans.

Verizon Argentina: Programacion en Shell Scripting I y II (Korn Shell, Bash) Verizon Argentina: Shell Scripting Programming I and II (Korn Shell, Bash)

Soc. Argentina de Informatica: Construcci ó n y dise ñ o de Base de Datos Relacionales. IT Society: Construction and design of Relational Database.

Asoc. Club de Progrmadores: Diseno de sitio web con PHP y MySQL. Programmers Asoc: Web Design through PHP and MySQL.

Soc. Argentina de Informatica , Operador de Linux (Mandriva, Slakware) Argentina IT Society: Administrator Linux (Mandriva, SlackWare Linux)

General Soft Institute , Titulo: T é c nico Superior en Hardware de PC. General Soft Institute, Title: PC Hardware technician.

Certifications and Training:

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English fluent - Advanced

Degree English teacher

Saint Louis Institute, 1988-1992

Portugues - Basic

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Work experience:

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Company: "ZTE Corp" 10/2010 - PresenteRubro/Area: Telecomunicaciones. Sector / Area: Telecommunications. Posición: GERENTE DE PROYECTOS / ING. Position: IT PROJECT MANAGER / VAS ENGINEER.

IT Project Manager in charge of all IT projects for Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay customers, being IT referral for any client inquiries, being the IT problem solving specialist.

TSO responsible for telecommunications equipment housing management NMS (Network Management System) for Telecom.

Responsible customer relationship and SLA acomplish. Responsible for the coordination and the fulfillment of service and resolution of

incidents or n networks and data computer systems. Responsible for project analysis and survey, controls and services to customers

in the after-sales department. Identification requirements and customer needs, proposing solutions, administration or n and n MANAGERIAL or incidents and new features, and responsible for compliance with the quality of service agreements.

Head of Networks and Internal Communications. Project management referral for new business and monitoring of facilities and

domestic customers in neighboring countries. Responsible for configuration or n interfaces and protocols of low and high

level of data communications: TCP / IP, UDP, SNMP. SSL, H248, H323, SFTP / FTP.

People in charge: 7 field technicians and 3 chinese specialist s

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Projects accomplished at ZTE: Telefonica of Argentina VDSL Project: I went through configuration and

implementation of new equipment for Telefonica VDSL MSAN platform teams 6020, C350M and C300.

Configuration of Network Management System on servers and cilents. Coordination and guidance in the early stages of testing and configuration of

interfaces for Telefonica de Argentina. Prepare and follow up the differente project instances for the installation and

configuration and deployment of new servers Sun M4000 for Telecom data center, which consisted in the configuration and installation of Solaris 10, Oracle 10gR2, Veritas High Availability Cluster Service (VCS HA) Be the link t é c nico between China and the customer for the resolution of incidents.

Follow up and help on Uruguay GPON Projecto, regarding telecom providers and configuration of Servers SunFire 4170 for GPON network management for ANTEL Uruguay.

Migration from the Telecom Argentina Windows Server platform of VDSL to Unix Solaris 10 new platform.

Migration of MS SQL 2000 database to Oracle 10gR2. Installation of new HA enviroment with geografical redundancy through Veritas

Cluster Storage Array system.

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DSLAM Telecom ArgentinaProjectConfiguration of Sun M4000 Servers y Sun Storage 6180


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Lab confiruration on servers and equipment

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Datacenter installation

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Electrican work on Datacenter Racks of Telecom Argentina

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Server installation and configuration

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Confiugring and testing with China specialists.

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Empresa: “IBM Argentina” 8/2008 al 3/2011Rubro/Area: Global Development Center / Command Center.Posición: Duty Manager .

The role of the Duty Manager is to manage and coordinate with a heightened sense of urgency the recovery of Major Incidents impacting IBM managed services on a 24x7x365 basis. The responsibilities include ensuring:

Validating Major Incidents, be responsible for SLA’s and customer deals. Coordinating/Authorizing recovery actions and plans for Major Incidents. Executinging notifications and escalations including Executive Alert notification Acting as focal point for executives, managers, and others who require proactive communications about

outages or other critical account issues. Performing impact assessment and analysis for change, performance and problem management Managing Major Incidents until resolved Ensuring the appropriate level of technical or business skill is actively engaged. Providing support 24x7x365 for command center supervision. Participating in post Major Incident root cause analysis (RCA) as requested. Identifying opportunities to reduce operating costs and improve profitability in operations teams. Assisting and participating in training efforts to increase personal and team capabilities. Creating & updating Duty Manager Procedures and Responsibilities on a as needed basis. Suggest

changes that will improve service to clients and management towers. Identifying ways in which the partnership between the duty managers and the management team can be

enhanced. Implementing those changes as needed on a cross-site basis. Understanding management goals while aligning your personal business agenda to help achieve these

goals Understanding the necessity of cross site/team interaction and communication to develop a strong

network of relationships that benefit operations and your management team. Assisting operators in obtaining support (escalations, notification,technical assistance, etc.). Serving as an escalation point for support, vendor and customer issues.

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Empresa: “AESA Buenos Aires” 1/2006 al 8/2008Rubro/Area: Servicios Posición: REGIONAL MANAGER.

Resposabilities: Responsible Argentina at the Dept. of Systems of Company, 5 branches in Buenos Aires and

surroundings plus 8 branches outside Buenos Aires. Coordination and management of suppliers, purchasing approval. Maintenance and administration of IT infrastructure and communications Investigation of new technologies, cost evaluation, preparing new IT projects. Evaluation of the needs of the Cia and preparation of projects and budgets for constant

technological updating. Projects carried out: Planning and installation of the Branch or n Proactive Mendoza, and waste processing plant.

EVALUATION purchase or n and t ico to inform park and links to the parent. Moving from WFP headquarters in Buenos Aires to the new building, assessment or n and

purchase of the new technology , configuration and installation of the new hardware. RECRUITMENT and communications link.; Migration or domain n and email.

Project VOIP for upgrading local land telecommunication system to a ip system. Research, testing and installation Enterprise Server pair to Blackberry devices, BES). Technological upgrade of the current branchs. Planning and installation of the new offices in Mendoza city, purchase of infrastructure,

leading local suppliers, equipment configuration

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Empresa: “VERIZON Business” 9/2002 al 1/2006Rubro/Area: Enterprise Production Support / Midrange Operation SupportPosición: Tech Manager/ Unix Midrange Application

Responsabilities: Coordination of Platinum application support level 3 - multiplatform

environments on Unix Solaris / AIX / Windows 2003. Support of corporate systems at ion production, QA, testing and training. Relieve the functioning of corporate systems and report the problems of

different groups (development, DBA 's, etc). Installation and configuration and Debug of corporate systems and

maintenance by monitoring the Unix server farm for different applications (200 servers aprx. Being mostly hy Unix, AIX, Solaris, HP, and a minor hy Microsoft Win Server 2003 server).

Maintenance of Servers, File Systems, Disk space and Error debuging on platforms and Web Serv Apache, Tomcat, BEA Weblogic. CORBA Servers, Altheon, TUXEDO, used by different applications, and monitoring of Oracle databases and MySQL SQL queries, updates of tables.

Scripting for monitoring applications, programming in Korn Shell and Bash. Management, monitoring and deploy on BEA Weblogic platforms. people y charge, 7 unix admin.

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Resumen de Conocimientos :Summary of Expertise: Project Management:Project management, resource management, Gantt, WBS, PERT, CPM. Knowledge of SCRUM, ITIL. Business planning techniques, marketing. Servidores, SO y aplicaciones: Administrador multiplataformas Servers, OS and applications: Administracion de Sist. Management and administration in Operativos UNIX Solaris 8-9-10, HP, AIX, y Linux Debian, Slackware, Ubuntu, Mandriva.Unix Solaris 9/10 S.O., HP, AIX, and Linux Debian, Slackware, Ubuntu, Mandriva. Administracion, M onitoreo y mantenimiento de servidores Web Apache, Tomcat, BEA Weblogic.Monitoring and maintenance of Web servers Apache, Tomcat, BEA Weblogic. Servidores CORBA; TUXEDO, Serv Altheon para balance de carga. CORBA servers, TUXEDO, Serv Altheon for load balancing. Administracion Application Servers, BEA Weblogic system Adminstration. Administration Application Server, BEA Weblogic Adminstration system.Administracion de Sistemas operativos: Windows Enterprise Server 2000, 2003, 2008 y SBS. Administration of Operating Systems: Windows Enterprise Server 2000, 2003, 2008 and SBS. Administraci ó n de MS Terminal Services., Servidores DHCP, DNS, WINS, VPN, Proxy ServersAdministration or MS Terminal Services., DHCP Server, DNS, WINS, VPN, Proxy Servers Herramientas de gesti ó n : Magic Total Service Desk , Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio, Start Office. Remedy. MANAGERIAL tools or n: Magic Total Service Desk, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio, Start Office. Remedy. Software virtual: VMWare, Ms-Connectix Virtual PC.VRVRVR environments: VMWare, MS Virtual, PC-Connectix. Asistencia remota: Pcanywere, VNC, Netsupport, Netmeeting (gatekeeper), Citrix , putty . Remote Assistance: PCAnywhere, VNC, NetSupport, Netmeeting (gatekeeper),Citrix platform. Administracion de Exchange. Administration of Exchange mail servers. Administracion e implementacion BESX Administration and implementation BES.' ' Blackberry Enterprise Server . Blackberry Enterprise Server. Administracion Backup Veritas Backup Excec, HP Data Storage, IOMEGA. Administration Backup Veritas Backup, Data Storage HP, Iomega.HA Enviroments:Veritas Storage Cluster ' - HA .-high availability. Veritas Storage Cluster '- HA.-High availability. Redes : Analista en Redes Informaticas – Cisco CCNA – 3com Administrator Networking: Computer Network Analyst - Cisco CCNA - 3com Administrator Dise ñ o e implementaci ó n de redes LAN, en entornos Microsoft y Unix. Design and implementation 0f Local Aarea Networks, Microsoft and Unix environments. Manejo de Protocolos: TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, SNMP, NetBEUI, UDP. Management Protocols: TCP / IP, IPX / SPX, SNMP, NetBEUI, UDP. Cableado estructurado. Structured wiring. Ethernet. Ethernet. wireless LAN 802.11x. 802.11x wireless LAN. Administraci ó n de Routers, Switches Cisco, 3-COM , Avaya, Motorola, etc . No administration or Routers, Cisco Switches, 3-COM, Avaya, Motorola, etc. Patcheras y Racks y montajes para datos y telefon í a Patch Cords and Racks and assemblies for data and Telecomunications and networkingConocimientos y planeamiento de Telefonia IP y alambrica en centrales Panasonic. Knowledge and planning and wired IP Telephony and VOIP. Administraci ó n de dominios con Microsoft Active Directory, usuarios, permisos, accesos.Administration of the Microsoft Active Directory domains, users, permissions, access. Administracion de REdes Virtuales VPN (Microsoft VPN), V-LANs. Manage Virtual Networks VPN (Microsoft VPN), V-LANs. IPSec y PPTP. IPSec and PPTP. Administraci ó n de redes Unix/Linux. Administration of networks or Unix / Linux. Conf. De Servidores DNS, DHCP, Samba, Apache, Tomcat, QMail, NAT. In Conf DNS Servers, DHCP, Samba, Apache, Tomcat, QMail, NAT. Seguridad: Especialista en Seguridad Avanzada en Linux Security: Safety Specialist Advanced in LinuxAdministracion de Firewall s por hardware y por soft, linux , conf de iptables, servers NAT, VPN, DMZ , Scaneo de vulnerabilidades, auditoria de Red, intrusi ó n . Firewall Administration s hardware and software, linux conf iptables, NAT servers, VPN, DMZ, Scanning for vulnerabilities, network audit, intrusion. Bases de Datos :Databases:Administracion e instalaci ó n de bases Oracle. Database administration, Oracle Versiones 8.0.5, 9i, 10g. 8.05, 9i, 10g, 11g. mantenimiento, backup , extracci ó n de datos ANSI SQL . maintenance, backup, queries, ANSI SQL. Administracion e instalaci ó n de Microsoft SQL Server 2000 / 2 Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 administration.Administracion MySQL y conocimientos Postgrees. MySQL administration and knowledge Postgrees. Programación Programming · Programación Web: HTML, ASP, XML, JAVA Script, Visual Basic Script, PHP. · Web Programming: HTML, ASP, XML, JAVA Script, Visual Basic Script, PHP. · Programación Shell Scripts (Korn Shell, Bash) · Programming Shell Scripts (Korn Shell, Bash) · Herramientas de diseño (Visio), Paquete Office. · Design Tools (Visio), Packet Office.