Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Policy Signed Date: 30 Sept 2015 on behalf of the Management Committee Signed Date: 30 Sept 2015 on behalf of The Woodlands To be reviewed: 01 Sept 2016

Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Policy - The WoodlandsHumanities Ks3 (5 groups) 1 x 40 min lesson PSHE/Careers Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons DT Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

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Page 1: Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Policy - The WoodlandsHumanities Ks3 (5 groups) 1 x 40 min lesson PSHE/Careers Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons DT Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Policy

Signed Date: 30 Sept 2015

on behalf of the Management Committee

Signed Date: 30 Sept 2015

on behalf of The Woodlands

To be reviewed: 01 Sept 2016

Page 2: Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Policy - The WoodlandsHumanities Ks3 (5 groups) 1 x 40 min lesson PSHE/Careers Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons DT Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

Mission Statement The Woodlands will work to ensure that the education learners receive is tailored to meet their individual needs and designed to give them the skills to improve their life chances. It aims to place and support the reintegration of learners into full time education in school, further education or employment. The development of learners’ personal integrity, self-esteem and citizenship is central to all work Aims The Woodlands works with young people, parents/carers, mainstream schools and other partners to deliver the following aims: We undertake to:

Develop learners’ educational and personal potential in a safe, stimulating and supportive learning environment

Make good progress in learners’ learning

Prepare learners for successful reintegration into school, further education or employment

Develop learners’ personal integrity, and self esteem

Identify and change aspects of behaviour that are contributory to difficulties experienced in school

Ensure equal opportunities in relation to gender, race, class, special needs and beliefs

Provide a safe and happy work place

Ethos The ethos and atmosphere underpin the agreed aims of the school. Teachers provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which will develop the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for future learning. All staff, including support staff, work to remove barriers to learning and support the pastoral needs of learners. In the course of their work, staff will contribute to the development of this ethos through:

Providing a calm, quiet and effective working environment, in which each learner can achieve his or her maximum potential

Providing a welcoming environment, in which courtesy, kindness and respect are fostered

Providing positive role models

Providing a fair and disciplined environment, in line with the Whole School Behaviour Policy

Maintaining purposeful and informative planning, record-keeping and assessment documents

Effectively managing their professional time

Developing links with the wider community

Valuing and celebrating learners’ success and achievements

Reviewing personal and professional development.

Providing appropriate CPD and training and support from colleagues in order to ensure a high level of professional expertise

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Management of the School Day I. The School Day

Pupils arrive in taxi/Registration 8.40-9.00 am

Lesson One 9.00-9.40 am

Lesson Two 9.40-10.20am

Break am 10.20-10.40am

Lesson Three 10.40-11.20am

Lesson four 11.20-12.00am

Reading time in tutors 12.00-12.15pm

Lunch 12.15-12.45 pm

Lesson four 12.45-13.25 pm

Lesson five 13.25-2.05 pm

Break pm 2.05-2.20

Tutor/pupils leave in taxi 2.20-2.30

II. Time Allocation per week At The Woodlands, lessons are 40 minutes long. Core Curriculum Key stage 3

Subject Year Group Time Allocated Maths Ks3 (5 groups) 4 x 40 min lessons

English Ks3 (5 groups) 4 x 40 min lessons

Science Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lesson

Physical Education Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons Curriculum Investigation Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

Humanities Ks3 (5 groups) 1 x 40 min lesson

PSHE/Careers Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

DT Ks3 (5 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

Art Ks3 (5 groups) 1 x 40 min lesson

Core Curriculum Key Stage 4

Subject Year Group Time Allocated Maths Ks4 (6 groups) 4 x 40 min lessons

English Ks4 (6 groups) 5 x 40 min lessons

Science Ks4 (6 groups) 3 x 40 min lessons

Physical Education Ks4 (6 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

PSHE/Careers Ks4 (6 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

Life Skills Ks4 (6 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

Geography Ks4 (6 groups) 2 x 40 min lessons

Curriculum Model 2015/2016 (Option A)

Subject Year Group Time Allocated

Sport Ks3 4 x 40 min lessons

Right Trax Ks3/ks4 8 x 40 min lessons

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Computing Ks3 4 x 40 min lessons

Hair and Beauty Ks3 Mon/Ks4 Wed 4 x 40 min lessons

DT ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Construction ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Physical Education ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

H&SC ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Art ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Animal Care ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Computing ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Curriculum Model 2015/2016 (Option B)

Subject Year Group Time Allocated

Girls Fitness Ks3/ks4 2 x 40 min lessons

Enterprise Ks3/ks4 2 x 40 min lessons

Art Ks3 2 x 40 min lessons

Horticulture Ks3/ks4 2 x 40 min lessons

Outdoor Education Ks3/ks4 2 x 40 min lessons

French Ks3 2 x 40 min lessons

Sport ks4 2 x 40 min lessons

Sport Ks3 2 x 40 min lessons

Hair and Beauty Ks3 2 x 40 min lessons

History Ks3/4 2 x 40 min lessons

Media Ks3/4 2 x 40 min lessons

Curriculum Model 2015/2016 (Option C)

Subject Year Group Time Allocated

SPORT 1 Ks3 4 x 40 min lessons

SPORT 2 Ks3 4 x 40 min lessons

Child Development Ks3 4 x 40 min lessons

Computing Ks3 4 x 40 min lessons

DT Ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Uniformed Services Ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Art Ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Imedia Ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

History KS4 4 x 40 min lessons

Construction Ks4 4 x 40 min lessons

Craft Ks3/4 2 x 40 min lessons

Hair and Beauty Ks4 2 x 40 min lessons

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Primary Curriculum Model

Subject Year Lessons Minutes

Numeracy KS1/2 5 225 mins

Literacy KS1/2 5 225 mins

PSHCE KS1/2 5 150 mins

Creative Learning KS1/2 6 240 mins

P.E. KS1/2 1 60 mins

I.C.T. KS1/2 1 60 mins

Art / D.T. KS1/2 1 60 mins

Withdrawal as required

Intervention Year Group Time Allocated Ross Programme Ks3/4 Withdrawal as


Nurture Group Ks3/Ks4 8 x 40 min sessions

Read Write Inc Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

Therapeutic Story Writing

Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

Story Links Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

Sand Tray Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

Lego Therapy Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

Forest Schools Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

T’ai Chi Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

Connecting Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

WIKI Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

Parent Group Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

Cool Ks1/2 Withdrawal as required

Counselling All Withdrawal as required

Toe by Toe Ks4 Withdrawal as required

Key stage 1 and 2 will be identified on pathways and then withdrawal depending on that pathway

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Classroom Management and Organisation

I. Management The learning environment will be managed in such a way as to facilitate different styles of learning, with particular regard to Special Educational Needs:

Whole class teaching

Group work, organised according to appropriate criteria (i.e. ability, mixed ability, interest etc.)

One to one teaching

Collaborative learning in pairs or groups

Independent learning

All areas of the learning environment will be planned for, including, where appropriate, the outside areas, the vocational curriculum and work experience in order to ensure opportunities for a range of activities. II. Behaviour Management As outlined in the Whole School Behaviour Policy. In addition, each class will: • Display The Woodlands Behaviour Expectations poster • Follow the Whole School Behaviour Policy • Use the rewards scheme in order to reinforce positive behaviour • Follow through the consequences for poor behaviour Staff will: • Model appropriate behaviour • Use data to support behavioural improvement (SIMS)

III. Organisation The classroom will be organised to facilitate learning and the development of independence. This may require flexibility in the organisation of furniture.

Writing resources will be available for use at all times and will be centrally accessible

Classroom displays will be used to celebrate achievement

Classrooms will be neat and tidy

All rooms will display the learning Environment Expectations poster Planning Medium -Term Plans should be in place and reviewed regularly by Department heads and the Deputy Head. The format for the medium term plans can be found on the staff shared. Differentiation Teachers will differentiate the curriculum by:



Teacher / adult support Differentiated tasks will be detailed in learning logs for all pupils in all subjects. It is the teacher’s responsibility to keep learning logs up to date and hand these in with work scrutiny samples.

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Record-keeping and assessment Regular assessments are made of learners’ work in order to establish the level of attainment and to inform future planning. Learners should be aware of the level of work they are completing and at what level they are currently at. Please see Assessment Policy and School Calendar which gives dates for assessment weeks etc. Effective Teaching Teaching Strategies: In order to ensure equality of access, and effective matching of tasks to needs, teachers will employ a variety of strategies:

Providing opportunities for peer teaching/ collaboration

Discussion and questioning (open and closed as appropriate)

Previewing and reviewing work

Interactive teaching



Providing opportunities for reflection by learners

Demonstrating high expectations

Providing opportunities for repetition / reinforcement

Providing encouragement, positive reinforcement and praise

Making judgements and responding to individual need

Intervening, as appropriate, in the learning process in order to encourage development

Provide all learners with opportunities for success

Use a range of communication strategies, verbal and non-verbal Teachers will make their lessons purposeful:

Through carefully planned, well structured (phased) and paced lessons

By making objectives and outcomes explicit to learners at the beginning of each lesson, task or topic and involving learners actively in their evaluation of learning achievement (not just a passive process)

By ensuring learners are aware of the success criteria for each lesson

Through explicitly checking understanding and reviewing work covered in each task or topic

By delivering medium term plans or a syllabus which incorporate spiritual, moral and cultural elements.

Teachers will make lessons interesting and stimulating:

By starting lessons on time and avoiding dead minutes at the end

By consciously showing enthusiasm and positivity for and about their subject and learning

By devising imaginative/creative approaches to the development of knowledge and skills

By varying teaching styles (Tactile, Olfactory, Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic), learning activities and the learning environment to maintain learners’ interest and take account of learning styles

By structuring lessons in three parts (Starter, Main, Plenary)

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By using praise and positive reinforcement to foster self-esteem, motivation and confidence

By regularly displaying examples of learners’ work and other relevant stimuli

By encouraging learners to demonstrate their skills through formal presentations, drama, debate and role play

Using ICT and multimedia presentation when and wherever appropriate to enhance the learning experience and outcome

Teachers will create an orderly environment and manage classes efficiently:

By matching teaching style to lesson objectives and group dynamic

By organizing physical resources in ways which will promote orderly classroom management

By being consistent about classroom procedures

By keeping up to date and accurate records in mark books and submitting assessment data for reporting in line with the published deadlines

By being flexible enough to adapt their lesson plan to take account of learners’ contributions and the mood of the group

By setting and achieving high standards of behaviour and motivation Teachers will match learning activities/opportunities to all abilities and preferences (PERSONALISATION):

By using evidence of prior attainment to gauge learners’ individual capabilities

By testing understanding and acquisition of knowledge through a variety of means

By using appropriately differentiated materials and tasks which ensure learners’ active participation in lessons, for the most able learners as well as for those with SEN

By working proactively with Teaching Assistants

By setting high expectations for all learners, rewarding achievements with praise and points in line with the behaviour policy

Teachers will develop positive and productive working relationships with learners:

Through confident and assured command of subject matter which is regularly updated.

Through appropriate professional development, observations, discussions, and INSET

By being clear with instructions, questions and explanations

By understanding and promoting the value of focused discussion and setting ground rules for speaking and listening

By fostering mutual respect, both student to student, teacher to student and teacher to parent

Through actively promoting equal opportunities through the teaching and learning process

By encouraging parents to support student learning

By responding to all potential academic and pastoral concerns within 48hours and making sure that appropriate follow-up is maintained. (See Child Protection Guidelines for time scales.)

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By ensuring learners are prepared to complete GCSE course work by the agreed deadline

Teachers will use both formative and summative assessment to evaluate learners’ progress and to inform future teaching plans:

By using a variety of formative in-class assessment, which relates to the subject area

By marking consistently and positively in line with departmental marking policies

By giving regular feedback, either through marking of work or verbally, to learners about their work and setting them achievable “SMART” targets

By encouraging self-assessment and peer assessment in the drive to strive for improvement

By encouraging and trusting learners to take responsibility for their own learning e.g. through guided study, self-assessment and small scale opportunities for them to teach the rest of a class

Teachers will create further opportunities for learning

All teachers have a responsibility to promote the School’s code of conduct and values with consistency (see relevant policies)

Assemblies should start promptly, be well planned, involve opportunities for student participation wherever possible, offer time for reflection and finish in good time

The School’s Behaviour Policy should be promoted in all lessons around the school and when learners are representing the school on trips and visits

All teachers should encourage and support learners to develop an interest in the subject outside of the classroom

Resources Each classroom will be equipped with appropriate curriculum resources. Departments will be allocated a budget based on their budget requests at the beginning of the financial year. The budget holder (Subject Leader) is responsible for the ordering of materials in line with the agreed procedures. Learners will be taught how to use all resources correctly and safely, with care and respect, and with regard for Health and Safety and waste. Care will be taken to ensure that resources reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of our society, and that all learners have equality of access.

This policy is a working document and therefore is open to change and restructuring as and when the need arises.

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Learning Environments Will…

Always be clean, tidy and organised so

that children feel safe and can access

resources independently

Stimulate thinking and promote

language through artefacts, high quality

displays, quality books and well

organised spaces

Provide learning prompts, models and

information which children can use to

support learning

Serve as a continual reference point in

lessons, be referred to and refreshed to

reflect current and new learning

Reflect learning across the curriculum

Display key learning sequences being

taught and extended

Enable pupils, staff and visitors to gain

insight into the learning taking place,

including published learning

Contain examples of pupil/parental

reflection and feedback

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Teaching Sequences Will…

Focus on learning needs and next steps

Continually use assessment outcomes

to design new learning

Ensure learning experiences are rich

and meaningful

Contain quality modelling that scaffolds

pupils independent learning

Ensures multiple opportunities for pupil

reflection, feedback with response time

Create and build on meaningful cross

curricular themes

Ensure learning is challenging and

provides quality opportunities for

investigation and problem solving

Personalise learning experiences

through carefully planned precision


“There is widespread agreement now that of

all the factors inside the school that affect

children’s learning and achievement, the

most important factor is teaching –not

standards, assessments, resources, or even the

school’s leadership, but the quality of

teaching. Teaching really matters” Michael

Fullan and Andy Hargreaves