Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________ Early English Period/Beowulf Unit Day Objective (from NC- SCOS) Daily Essential Question Lesson Lesson Resources Formal and Informal Assessments Text Other 1 5.01 6.01 6.02 What is expected of me in this course? What were three important events that occurred in Brittan during the Early England Period? What are the characteristics of an epic? -Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5- 10 minutes. -Students receive handout on Course Description, Class Rules, Class Procedures, and Class Expectations. -Students receive five “Out of Class Passes” to use for the entirety of the semester. -Students complete Student Information Sheet and Student Interest Sheet. -Students complete the questionnaire on Intelligences. -Students receive Vocabulary Workshop Books. -Students take notes on the Early England Period. -Students take notes on the characteristics on an epic. -Course handouts -Out of Class Passes -Student Infor- mation Sheet -Student Interest Sheet - Intelligenc es Quiz - Vocab Wks Books -Early England Period - Intelligences Quiz

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Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Early English Period/Beowulf Unit

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


What is expected of me in this course?

What were three important events that occurred in Brittan during the Early England Period?

What are the characteristics of an epic?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students receive handout on Course Description, Class Rules, Class Procedures, and Class Expectations.-Students receive five “Out of Class Passes” to use for the entirety of the semester.-Students complete Student Information Sheet and Student Interest Sheet.-Students complete the questionnaire on Intelligences.-Students receive Vocabulary Workshop Books.-Students take notes on the Early England Period.-Students take notes on the characteristics on an epic.-Students receive a handout with information regarding Beowulf.-Students receive a Beowulf Literary Terms Worksheet. Students look up the definition of the literary term in the glossary of the textbook. Students will find examples of the literary terms as we read Beowulf.-HW: Read “Messiness of English” article.

-Course handouts

-Out of Class Passes

-Student Infor-mation Sheet

-Student Interest Sheet

-Intelligences Quiz

- Vocab Wks Books

-Early England Period Handout

-Defining the Epic Handout

-Beowulf Info. Handout

-Beowulf Lit. Terms

-“Messiness of English” article

-Intelligences Quiz

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


What are some important events in history that have shaped the English language?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the previous day’s notes as well as the “Messiness of English” article.-Teacher and students review Beowulf Literary Terms Worksheet to insure the students are familiar with the literary terms. -Discuss “Messiness of English” article. What are some important events in history that have shaped the English language?-Students analyze the first 3 lines of Beowulf in five different translations to determine the effectiveness of the language/word choice and also to recognize the different languages that influence the strength of various words.-Students receive a summary of the “Early History of the Danes.” Student volunteers begin reading the summary aloud, so the students will have a basic understanding of the lineage of the Danish monarchy before beginning Beowulf.-Students receive Beowulf Character Analysis sheets to analysis specific characters in Beowulf. Students begin by analyzing Hrothgar.

-Notes quiz

-Beowulf Literary Terms worksheet

-“Messiness of English” article

-“First 3 Lines” Worksheet

-“First 3 Lines” Analysis sheet

-“The Early History of the Danes”

-Beowulf Character Analysis sheet


--“First 3 Lines” analysis sheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


Name the accomplishments Beowulf has completed that makes him believe that he is capable of defeating Grendel.

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the notes from the previous day.-Read the following selections from Beowulf in the textbook: “The Wrath of Grendel” “The Coming of Beowulf”-Complete more selections in the Beowulf Character Analysis Sheet for Hrothgar, Beowulf, and Grendel.-Begin filling out the Beowulf Literary Terms Sheet for any literary terms located in the text so far.-Complete a cartoon of one of Beowulf’s three accomplishments. Students are given a piece of white computer paper on which to draw. Students must write the line from the text which describes the accomplishment that they drew. Students also must include the line number.

Wrath of Grendel:p. 41

The Coming of Beowulf:p. 43

-Quiz on previous day’s class-Beowulf Literary Terms-Beowulf Character Analysis Sheet-Overhead for Cartoon of Beowulf’s Accom-plishments assignment

-Notes quiz-Cartoon of one of Beowulf’s Accomplishments

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Name an attribute that the Anglo-Saxon culture valued in their heroes.

-Should Beowulf be trusted to defeat Grendel?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the reading from the previous day.-“Write an Anglo-Saxon Boast”: Students write a boast about an accomplishment they have achieved. The achievement should be exaggerated to make it sound as superhuman as possible. Students must include the following conventions of Anglo-Saxon poetry: Alliteration, Allusion, Caesura, and Kenning. Each literary term needs to be underlined and labeled.-Students get into groups of 3-4. Then, they must act as council members for the Danes. The must decide that either Beowulf should be trusted to defeat Grendel or that Beowulf should not be trusted. They must come up with textual evidence to support their decisions. Students will defend their decisions tomorrow during a debate.


-“Write an Anglo-Saxon Boast” Overhead

-Quiz-Written Boast (understanding of literary terms)

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Should Beowulf be trusted to defeat Grendel?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students review reasons for whether or not Beowulf should be trusted. All students who are arguing that Beowulf should be trusted get on one side of the room. Students who are arguing that Beowulf should not be trusted get on the other side of the room. Students then debate trusting Beowulf through a Fishbowl Debate. Only two students may talk at a time. If one student wishes to take the other’s place, they must tap that student on the shoulder. All students must speak at least once.-Read: “The Battle with Grendel” The summary of “Grendel’s Mother”

“The Battle with Grendel”p. 48


-The summary of “Grendel’s Mother”


Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How does Beowulf defeat Grendel’s Mother?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the previous day’s reading. -Read: “Monster’s Lair” “The Battle with Grendel’s Mother”-Students create a comic strip demonstrating their knowledge of “The Battle with Grendel’s Mother.” Students must include a caption from the text as well as the line number.

“The Monster’s Lair”:p. 51

“The Battle with Grendel’s Mother”:p. 52


-The summary of “Grendel’s Mother”


-Comic Strip


-Do you believe that Beowulf’s actions are heroic? Why or why not?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the previous day’s reading. -Read “The Last Battle”-Read the summary of “Beowulf Battles the Dragon”-Read the following selections from Beowulf in the textbook: “The Spoils” “The Farewell”-Complete all critical analysis questions on p. 62.-Complete questions 3 and 6 on p. 63-HW: Read handouts on Anglo-Saxon swords. Create your own Anglo-Saxon sword. Sword must be representative of you, and it must be given a name.

“The Last Battle”:p. 56

“The Spoils”:p. 60

“The Farewell”p. 61

Critical Analysis Questionsp. 62

Literary Analysis Questionsp. 63

-Quiz-Summary of “Beowulf Battles the Dragon”-Anglo-Saxon Swords Handout

-Quiz-Critical Analysis Questions-Literary Analysis Questions

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How does my Anglo-Saxon Sword represent me?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the previous day’s reading. -Present Anglo-Saxon Swords-Students receive handouts on “Beowulf Project.”-Students receive handout on “Hero Booklet.”

-Quiz-Vocab. Workbook-Beowulf Project handout-Hero Booklet handout



-What is an elegy? -Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students get into groups of 3-4. Each group is assigned one of the following poems to read in the textbook: “The Seafarer” “The Wanderer” “The Wife’s Lament”-Each group explains their poem to the class.

“The Seafarer”p. 19

“The Wanderer”p. 23

“The Wife’s Lament”:p. 27


-Poem discussions

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How are all three characters in the elegies in some type of exile?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Student receive study guide for Beowulf Test.-Students change groups to include at least one person from each of the poems. The groups then complete a Poem Analysis Sheet on each of the following poems: “The Seafarer” “The Wanderer” “The Wife’s Lament”

“The Seafarer”p. 19

“The Wanderer”p. 23

“The Wife’s Lament”:p. 27

-Poem Analysis sheet

-Beowulf Study Guide


-Poem Analysis sheet


-What was the most interesting battle in Beowulf to you?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students turn in their Hero Booklet projects.-“Beowulf in the News”: In groups or as individuals, students complete the “Beowulf in the News” assignment. Students write a newspaper article concerning one of Beowulf’s battles. They also need to include a captioned picture with the article.

Beowulf -“Beowulf in the News”: Handout

“Beowulf in the News” Assignment

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What was the most interesting battle in Beowulf to you?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish their “Beowulf in the News” assignment.

Beowulf -“Beowulf in the News”: Handout

“Beowulf in the News” Assignment


-What parts of Beowulf are still unfamiliar to you?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students present/turn in Beowulf Projects.-Teacher reviews with students for the Beowulf Test

Beowulf -Beowulf Projects


-What do we know about the Anglo-Saxon culture through reading Beowulf?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take Beowulf Test.

Beowulf -Beowulf Test

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Middle English Period/The Canterbury Tales Unit

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Name two ways knights’ armor change over the centuries.

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish presenting Beowulf Projects (if necessary).-Students begin watching Knights and Armor to gain an understanding of knights during the Middle Ages. Students need to take notes while watching the movie to prepare for the Knights and Armor quiz tomorrow.

- Knights and Armor movie


-Why were coats of arms developed?

-Who is eligible today to receive a coat of arms?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the movie Knights and Armor—from the part the students watched yesterday.-Students finish watching Knights and Armor to gain an understanding of knights during the Middle Ages. Students need to take notes while watching the movie to prepare for the Knights and Armor quiz tomorrow.

-Knights and Armor quiz

-Knights and Armor movie

- Knights and Armor quiz

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-When was the Battle of Hastings?

-What changes did Henry II implement in English society?

-Why was King John forced to sign the Magna Carta?

-What changes did the Magna Carta bring to English society?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the movie Knights and Armor—from the part the students watched yesterday.-Students begin taking “Middle English Period” notes.

-Knights and Armor quiz

-Middle English Period notes

- Knights and Armor quiz


-What was daily life like for knights?

-Was Chaucer respected for his literary talents while he was alive?

-What is a heroic couplet?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the Middle English Period notes from the previous day. -Students finish taking “Middle English Period” notes.-Students take notes to learn facts about Geoffery Chaucer.-Students write a letter from Chaucer to familiarize themselves with Chaucer’s style of writing (heroic couplets). Students write a letter from Chaucer while he is imprisoned by the French. Students write letter to either King Edward to request a ransom or write a letter to a friend describing the conditions while imprisoned.

-Middle English Period notes quiz

-Middle English Period notes

-Facts About Chaucer notes

-Chaucer Letter assignment

- Middle English Period notes quiz

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What is a heroic couplet? -Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish Chaucer Letter.-Students present Chaucer Letters.

-Chaucer Letter assignment

-Chaucer Letter assignment


-What are Body Humors? -Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take notes on Frame Story, Characterization, and Social Commentary.-Students complete an activity to recognize the difference between direct characterization and indirect characterization.-Students take Body Humors Profile.-Students receive notes on Body Humor characteristics and physiognomy.-Students draw a person using the body humors and physiognomy characteristics.

- Notes on Frame Story, Characterization, and Social Commentary

- direct characterization and indirect characterization sentences

-Body Humors Profile

-Body Humor and Physiognomy characteristics worksheet

-Written and spoken responses to discussion questions.

- direct characterization and indirect characterization sentences

-Drawing of a person using the body humors and physiognomy characteristics

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What types of people make up today’s society?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students receive a copy of the first 18 lines of the “General Prologue”. Students work in groups to translate the prologue as best as possible.-Teacher and students review prologue.-Students read the prologue from line 1 through the Knight. Students complete the Character Chart for the Knight.-Students work on Creative Writing Project. In groups, students write a poem similar to Chaucer’s prologue. Students decide on a modern place people would travel to and the stereotypical people found in today’s society.

The Canterbury Tales, p. 99-100

-Character Chart

-Creative Writing Project handout

-Character Chart

-Progress on Creative Writing Project


-What types of people make up today’s society?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students complete Creative Writing Project. -Students are put into groups to research assigned pilgrims. Research will begin during the next class period.

The Canterbury Tales, p. 99-100

-Creative Writing Project handout

-Completion of Creative Writing Project

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Identify three characteristics of two of Chaucer’s pilgrims?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students get into their groups to read about assigned pilgrims. Students read about their assigned pilgrims in the text. Students will answer the questions about their pilgrim on their Prologue Reading Guide to teach the class about their pilgrims.

The Canterbury Tales, “General Prologue”

-Prologue Reading Guide

-Answer questions regarding their group’s pilgrims


-Identify three characteristics of two of Chaucer’s pilgrims?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students get into their reading groups. Students teach the other students about their assigned pilgrim.

The Canterbury Tales, “General Prologue”

-Prologue Reading Guide

-Answer questions regarding their group’s pilgrims


-Identify three characteristics of two of Chaucer’s pilgrims?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students receive a handout on Medieval Culture Presentations. Each student will complete an oral report on an aspect of the medieval cultural. Reports must include some type of visual (posters, pictures, PowerPoint, etc.) as well as be five minutes in length. Only two people are allowed to do each topic, and students must tell Ms. Mustard what their topic is within two days. Presentations will take place over two days, and students sign up for the day on which they will present. -Students get into their reading groups. Students continue to teach the other students about their assigned pilgrim.

The Canterbury Tales, “General Prologue”

-Prologue Reading Guide

-Medieval Culture Presentation Handout

-Medieval Culture Presentation Sign Up Sheet

-Answer questions regarding their group’s pilgrims

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Identify characteristics of 10 of Chaucer’s pilgrims?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish teaching the other students about their assigned pilgrim. -Students pick 10 pilgrims and make baseball cards for them. Students draw a picture of the pilgrim on the front of the card and then put at least 5 “statistics” of the pilgrim on the back of the card.

The Canterbury Tales, “General Prologue”

-Prologue Reading Guide

-Baseball cards transparency

-Answer questions regarding their group’s pilgrims

-Baseball cards


-Identify characteristics of 10 of Chaucer’s pilgrims?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish making Chaucer Baseball Cards.

The Canterbury Tales, “General Prologue”

-Baseball cards transparency

-Baseball cards


-What are the 4 archetypal narrative elements?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students turn in baseball cards.-Students take notes on literary terms for the “Pardoner’s Tale”.-Students read “The Pardoner’s Tale”.-Students complete the critical reading questions for “The Pardoner’s Tale”.

-“The Pardoner’s Tale”: p. 124-133

-Critical reading questions: p. 133

-Lit. terms transparency

-Baseball cards

-Critical reading questions

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What is an important lesson that people in today’s society should learn?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on the information from the previous class.-Students watch “The Pardoner’s Tale” clip from “The Canterbury Tales” movie.-Students write their own exemplum on an important less that people in today’s society should learn. Students will read their exemplums to the class during the next class period. Students will vote on the best story, and that student will win breakfast.

p. 124-133


-exemplum transparencey




-What is an important lesson that people in today’s society should learn?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students read their exemplums to the class. Students vote on the best story and that student wins breakfast.


Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What do you think women want most?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students read “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”, p. 137-155.

“The Wife of Bath’s Tale”, p. 137-155

-Discussion during reading


-Do you agree with the old lady?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take quiz on “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”.-Students watch “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” on “The Canterbury Tales” movie.-Students and teacher discuss / clarify “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”.

HW: Finish Medieval Culture Presentations.

“The Wife of Bath’s Tale”, p. 137-155

- “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” quiz

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What was the most interesting thing you learned about medieval culture?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students present their Medieval Culture Presentations—Day 1.

-presentation rubric



-What was the most interesting thing you learned about medieval culture?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students present their Medieval Culture Presentations—Day 2.

-presentation rubric



-What was the most interesting thing you learned about medieval culture?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students present their Medieval Culture Presentations—Day 3.

-presentation rubric


Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What was the most interesting thing you learned about medieval culture?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students present their Medieval Culture Presentations—Day 4.

-presentation rubric



-How is the Nun’s Priest’s living situation similar to Chaunticleer’s living situation?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take notes on the Beast Fable genre.-Students begin reading “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” and answering guiding questions.

-The Canterbury Tales

-Guiding questions for “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”


-How is the Nun’s Priest’s Tale a Beast Fable?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish reading “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” and answering guiding questions.-In groups, students begin writing their own beast fable.

-The Canterbury Tales

-Assignment sheet for writing the beast fable

-Guiding questions for “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”

-Composing an original beast fable

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Why are beast fables important?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish writing their own beast fable.

-The Canterbury Tales

-Assignment sheet for writing the beast fable

-Composing an original beast fable


-What do Beast Fables teach us?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students begin making puppets for the characters in their own beast fable.

-The Canterbury Tales

-Puppet supplies

-Original beast fable



-What is the moral of each beast fable puppet show?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students perform their beast fable puppet shows for the class.

-The Canterbury Tales

-Original beast fable


Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What are some important lessons that people should learn?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students perform their beast fable puppet shows for the class.

-The Canterbury Tales

-Original beast fable



-What are some important lessons that people should learn?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students perform their beast fable puppet shows for the class. -Students review guiding questions from “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”.-Students watch clip of “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales movie.

-The Canterbury Tales

-“The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales movie

-“The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” guiding questions

-Original beast fable



-Why is the Reeve offended by the subject of the Miller’s story?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students begin reading “The Miller’s Tale” and answering the guiding questions.

-The Canterbury Tales

-Fabliaux notes

-“The Miller’s Tale” guiding questions

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Name the people that are in love with Alison?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students continue reading “The Miller’s Tale” and answering the guiding questions.

-The Canterbury Tales

-“The Miller’s Tale” guiding questions


-Why is the Reeve angry at the Miller’s story?-What is the subject of the Reeve’s story?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students begin reading “The Reeve’s Tale” and answering the guiding questions.

-The Canterbury Tales

-“The Reeve’s Tale” guiding questions


-What lesson does the Reeve want the pilgrims to get from his story?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish reading “The Reeve’s Tale” and answering the guiding questions. Students and teacher discuss the story.

-The Canterbury Tales

-“The Reeve’s Tale” guiding questions

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What lesson does the Reeve want the pilgrims to get from his story?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish reading “The Reeve’s Tale” and answering the guiding questions. Students and teacher discuss the story.

-The Canterbury Tales

-“The Reeve’s Tale” guiding questions


-Does the video accurately portray the stories?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take quiz on “The Miller’s Tale” and “The Reeve’s Tale.”-Students watch video of “The Miller’s Tale” and “The Reeve’s Tale.”-Handout for The Canterbury Tales Test

-The Canterbury Tales

-“The Miller’s Tale” and “The Reeve’s Tale” quiz

-Test Handout


-What aspects of Medieval Culture and The Canterbury Tales do I still have questions about?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take quiz on “The Miller’s Tale” and “The Reeve’s Tale.”-Students watch video of “The Miller’s Tale” and “The Reeve’s Tale.”-Review The Canterbury Tales Test Handout

-The Canterbury Tales

-Test Handout

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How did the Medieval culture shape The Canterbury Tales?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take the test on The Canterbury Tales

-The Canterbury Tales



-How does the movie, A Knight’s Tale, accurately portray the Feudal system?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students watch A Knight’s Tale and complete the accompanying worksheet packet.

-The Canterbury Tales

-A Knight’s Tale

-Worksheet Packet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How does the movie, A Knight’s Tale, accurately portray the Feudal system?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students watch A Knight’s Tale and complete the accompanying worksheet packet. -Students receive handout of the Idylls of the King Test.

-The Canterbury Tales

-A Knight’s Tale

-Worksheet Packet


-What language would each of the main characters actually speak in A Knight’s Tale?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students continue watching A Knight’s Tale and completing the accompanying worksheet packet.

-The Canterbury Tales

-A Knight’s Tale

-Worksheet Packet


-Why could Will never be a knight according to the Feudal system?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students finish watching A Knight’s Tale and completing the accompanying worksheet packet. -Review Idylls Test Handout.

-The Canterbury Tales

-A Knight’s Tale

-Worksheet Packet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Renaissance/Macbeth Unit

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Why is Hamlet mad at his mother?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students begin watching Hamlet.-Students complete the character handout while watching the film.

-Hamlet-Hamlet character handout

-Hamlet character handout


-Why is Hamlet hesitant to avenge his father’s death?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on what they watched the previous day from Hamlet.-Students continue watching Hamlet.-Students continue to complete the character handout while watching the film.

-Hamlet-Hamlet character handout

-Hamlet character handout

-Hamlet quiz

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How is Hamlet a tragic hero?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on what they watched the previous day from Hamlet.-Students finish watching Hamlet.-Students take notes on continue to complete the character handout while watching the film.-Students take notes on Tragedy, Tragic Hero, Aside, and Soliloquy.-Students discuss how Hamlet adheres to the tragedy and tragic hero concepts.

-Hamlet-Hamlet character handout

-Tragedy Notes

-Hamlet character handout

-Hamlet Quiz

-Tragedy discussion


-Identify a “dark” time in your life and report your feelings?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on what they watched the previous day from Hamlet as well as the tragedy notes.-Students complete the Macbeth Pre-Reading Worksheet.-Students begin Act I of Macbeth.-Students answer questions on the Act I reading guide while we read.-Students complete the Macbeth Character Chart.

-Macbethp. 307


-Macbeth Pre-Reading Worksheet

-Macbeth Act I reading guide

-Macbeth Character Chart.

-Hamlet and Tragedy Quiz

-Macbeth Pre-Reading Worksheet

-Macbeth Act I reading guide

-Macbeth Character Chart.

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How does Lady Macbeth convince Macbeth to kill Duncan?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on what they read from Act I of Macbeth.-Students discuss the Macbeth Pre-Reading Worksheet.-Students finish Act I of Macbeth.-Students answer questions on the Act I reading guide while we read.-Students answer the Critical Reading questions, p. 323, 1-6.-Students complete the Macbeth Character Chart.

-Macbeth, Act I, p. 307-323


-Macbeth Pre-Reading Worksheet

-Macbeth Act I reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 323, 1-6

- Macbeth Character Chart.

- Macbeth Quiz

-Macbeth Pre-Reading Worksheet

-Macbeth Act I reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 323, 1-6

- Macbeth Character Chart.


-How does Macbeth mismanage the murder of Duncan?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on Act I of Macbeth.-Students read Act II of Macbeth.-Students answer questions on the Act II reading guide while we read.-Students answer the Critical Reading questions, p. 339, 1-6.

-Macbeth, Act II, p. 327-339


-Macbeth Act II reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 339, 1-6

- Macbeth Quiz

-Macbeth Act II reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 339, 1-6

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Why is Macbeth afraid of Banquo?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on Act II of Macbeth.-Students read Act III of Macbeth.-Students answer questions on the Act III reading guide while we read.-Students answer the Critical Reading questions, p. 357, 1-4.

-Macbeth, Act III, p. 343-357


-Macbeth Act III reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 357, 1-4

- Macbeth Quiz

-Macbeth Act III reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 357, 1-4


-How does the movie version of Macbeth compare to the written version?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on Act II of Macbeth.-Student watch Acts I and II of Macbeth.


-Macbeth movie

- Macbeth Quiz

-Macbeth discussion

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What do the three apparitions tell Macbeth, and what further vision does he see?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on Act III of Macbeth.-Students read Act IV of Macbeth.-Students answer questions on the Act IV reading guide while we read.-Students answer the Critical Reading questions, p. 377, 1-6.

-Macbeth, Act IV, p. 361-377


-Macbeth Act IV reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 377, 1-6

- Macbeth Quiz

-Macbeth Act IV reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 377, 1-6


-What motivates people to fight for their country?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on Act IV of Macbeth.-Students watch Acts III and IV of Macbeth.-Students reflect on British, American, and German war posters from World War I and World War II.-Student create a motivational flyer/poster that will inspire young working-class English men to join in the enemy army that will be invading Scotland.


-War Posters

- Macbeth Quiz

-Motivational flyer

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How did the three apparitions mislead Macbeth?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students read Act V of Macbeth.-Students answer questions on the Act V reading guide while we read.-Students answer the Critical Reading questions, p. 394, 1-6.

-Macbeth, Act V, p. 381-394

-Macbeth Act V reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 394, 1-6

-Macbeth Act V reading guide

-Critical Reading questions, p. 394, 1-6


-How does the movie version of Macbeth compare to the written version?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take a quiz on Act V of Macbeth.-Students watch Act V of Macbeth.-Students receive Macbeth Project Handout. Students will have one week to complete the project. They may work in a group or individually. This will count as a test grade for Macbeth as well as a project grade.

-Macbeth, Act V, p. 381-394

-Macbeth Project Handout

-Macbeth Discussion

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Research Paper Unit

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What controversial topic relevant to my life would I be interested in researching?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students receive the “Guidelines for Honors English IV Research Paper” handout.-Students receive a “Research Schedule” handout.-Students receive a packet of possible research topics. Students will review the packet and choose a topic they would like to research for their research paper. Students are required to tell teacher their topic on a date noted on the “Research Schedule.” No more than two people per topic.

-Guidelines for Honors English IV Research Paper

-Research Schedule

-Research Topics Packet

-Students choose a research topic.

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Why is my research topic important to me?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-After students choose their topics, they write a Letter of Intent to explain why they chose their topic, how they are planning to research their topic, what difficulties they may experience during the research process, and why they will not cheat on this paper. The due date for the letters is noted on the “Research Schedule.” -Students receive a sample Letter of Intent.-After all the Letters of Intent have been reviewed, the students will be notified if they may keep their topic or if they need to choose a new topic.

-Sample Letter of Intent

-Letter of Intent

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How do I correctly cite a work?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students receive “How to Write a Citation” worksheet. The teacher reviews the different types of sources and how each source is cited. The teacher guides students through writing citations correctly. -In groups, students practice writing citations for books, websites, and online journal articles.

-Citation examples

-Written citations


-What information can I find on my topic?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Research Day 1: Students research their topic in the media center. They complete the “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will tell them from what source(s) they must research for this day (book, website, online journal).

-“Research Citations and Notes” worksheet

-Complete “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet


-What information can I find on my topic?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Research Day 2: Students research their topic in the media center. They complete the “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will tell them from what source(s) they must research for this day (book, website, online journal).

-“Research Citations and Notes” worksheet

-Complete “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What information can I find on my topic?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Research Day 3: Students research their topic in the media center. They complete the “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will tell them from what source(s) they must research for this day (book, website, online journal).

-“Research Citations and Notes” worksheet

-Complete “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet


-What information can I find on my topic?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Research Day 4: Students research their topic in the media center. They complete the “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will tell them from what source(s) they must research for this day (book, website, online journal).

-“Research Citations and Notes” worksheet

-Complete “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet


-What information can I find on my topic?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Research Day 5: Students research their topic in the media center. They complete the “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will tell them from what source(s) they must research for this day (book, website, online journal).

-“Research Citations and Notes” worksheet

-Complete “Research Citations and Notes” worksheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What is the thesis for my paper?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-Students take notes on introductory paragraphs and thesis statements.-Students review sample introductory paragraphs.-Students receive “In-Text Citations” worksheet. Students review how to write in-text citations. Students then practice writing in-text citations from sample excerpts, so they don’t plagiarize. -Students receive a brainstorming worksheet to organize their paper. Students write their own introductory paragraph—with the thesis statement clearly stated on this worksheet.-Students receive a worksheet with tips for writing their rough drafts. -Students receive a sample first page and a sample works cited page, so they will format these pages correctly.

-Intro. Paragraphs and Thesis Statement notes

-Intro. Paragraph and Thesis Statement worksheet

-Samples to practice writing in-text citations

-Introductory Paragraph and Thesis Statement

-In-text citation practice

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What do I want my audience to know about my research topic?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-In the media center or computer lab, students begin writing their rough draft.

-Rough Draft


-What do I want my audience to know about my research topic?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-In the media center or computer lab, students continue writing their rough draft. -The due date for the rough drafts is noted on the “Research Schedule.”

-Rough Draft


-What corrections do I need to make to my Rough Draft?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-The teacher provides the students with a worksheet with tips for writing their final draft.-In the media center or computer lab, students make corrections to their rough draft.

-Final Draft

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What corrections do I need to make to my Rough Draft?

-Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 minutes.-In the media center or computer lab, students make corrections to their rough draft. -The due date for the final drafts is noted on the “Research Schedule.”

-Final Draft

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Novel One: Grendel (This is to be incorporated into the Early English Period/Beowulf Unit.)

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How might Grendel’s view of the events in Beowulf be different from Beowulf’s or the Danes’?

-Students receive Grendel. This book tells the story of Beowulf from Grendel’s point of view. Students begin reading the book during class.-Homework: Read Grendel, 1-23 (Chapt. 1 & 2).

-Grendel -Class Discussion


-How does the Shaper “change” the Danes’ history?

-Students take a quiz on the previous night’s reading of Grendel. -Discuss any questions/concerns regarding Grendel.-Homework: Read Grendel, 25-48 (Chapt. 3 & 4).

-Grendel -Grendel Quiz

-Class Discussion



-How does the Shaper “change” the Danes’ history?

-Students take a quiz on the previous night’s reading of Grendel. -Discuss any questions/concerns regarding Grendel.-Homework: Read Grendel, 49-78 (Chapt. 5 & 6).

-Grendel -Grendel Quiz

-Class Discussion


Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Name one of the blessings Grendel says he says?

-Students take a quiz on the previous night’s reading of Grendel. -Discuss any questions/concerns regarding Grendel.-Homework: Read Grendel, 79-95 (Chapt. 7).

-Grendel -Grendel Quiz

-Class Discussion



-What are the difference views of heroism in the novel?

-Students take a quiz on the previous night’s reading of Grendel. -Discuss any questions/concerns regarding Grendel.-Homework: Read Grendel, 97-108 (Chapt. 8).

-Grendel -Grendel Quiz

-Class Discussion



-What is the view of religion in the novel?

-Students take a quiz on the previous night’s reading of Grendel. -Discuss any questions/concerns regarding Grendel.-Homework: Read Grendel, 109-119 (Chapt. 9).

-Grendel -Grendel Quiz

-Class Discussion


Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How will the Shaper’s death affect Hrothgar’s society?

-Students take a quiz on the previous night’s reading of Grendel. -Discuss any questions/concerns regarding Grendel.-Homework: Read Grendel, 121-145 (Chapt. 10 & 11).

-Grendel -Grendel Quiz

-Class Discussion



-How is Beowulf’s arrival portrayed differently in Grendel than it is in Beowulf?

-Students take a quiz on the previous night’s reading of Grendel. -Discuss any questions/concerns regarding Grendel.-Students receive “Grendel Discussion Questions.” Students are to answer the questions in paragraph form (with textual evidence) in preparation for a class discussion in one week. All answers need to be typed.

Homework: Read Chapter 12 in Grendel.

Homework: Work on Grendel Discussion Questions.

-Grendel -Grendel Quiz

-Class Discussion


Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Why is Grendel an important text?

-Students receive handout on how to speak and listen in a seminar.-Students participate in the Grendel seminar. The class sits in a circle and responds to the Grendel Discussion Questions. Students should refer to their written responses to the discussion questions but not rely solely on them. Each student should make at least 2 thoughtful comments.-Student turn in their written responses at the end of the class period.-Students receive the study sheet for the Grendel Test

-Grendel -How to Speak and Listen in Seminar handout

-Grendel Discussion Questions

-Grendel Test Study Sheet

-Written and spoken responses to discussion questions.


-Why is Grendel an important text?

-Students take Grendel essay test. Students choose 4 out of 5 essay questions to respond to thoughtfully and thoroughly.

-Grendel -Grendel Test

-Written responses to essay questions.

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Novel Two: Idylls of the King (This is to be incorporated into the Middle English Period/The Canterbury Tales/ Geoffrey Chaucer Unit.)

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What do you know about King Arthur?

-Students receive Idylls of the King and summary sheet. Students begin reading the “The Coming of Arthur” to line 236 and finish for homework.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet

-Summary Sheet


-What is King Arthur’s lineage?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Finish reading “The Coming of Arthur” section in Idylls.

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How does Arthur unite England?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “Garreth and Lynette”—Part 1

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet


-Why doesn’t Bellicent want Gareth to be a knight for Arthur?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “Garreth and Lynette”—Part 2

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What vows do Arthur’s knights have to make to become a knight?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “Garreth and Lynette”—Part 3

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet


-Why does Lynette treat Garreth so horribly?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “Garreth and Lynette”—Part 4

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What do the four knights represent symbolically?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “Pelleas and Ettarre”—Part 1

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet


-How does Pelleas embody the values of the Code of Chivalry?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “Pelleas and Ettarre”—Part 2

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How does Pelleas’s views of the Round Table change during his courtship with Ettarre?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “The Last Tournament”—Part 1

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet


- How is the name of the tournament symbolic of Arthur’s Round Table?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “The Last Tournament”—Part 2

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


- What is the meaning of the conversation between Dagonet and Tristram?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “The Last Tournament”—Part 3

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet


-How is Arthur’s return to Camelot symbolic of his kingdom?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “Guinevere”—Part 1

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How did Guinevere cause the downfall of Camelot?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “Guinevere”—Part 2

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet


-How does Guinevere repent for her sins?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “The Passing of Arthur”—Part 1

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Why is Sir Bedivere telling this story?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students use the summary sheet to help them read the lines. Questions are imbedded in the summary sheet to allow for a close reading.

HW: Read Idylls of the King: “The Passing of Arthur”—Part 2

- Idylls of the King

-Summary Sheet


-Idylls discussion

-Summary Sheet


-What is the mystery surrounding King Arthur’s death?

-Students take quiz on yesterday’s Idylls reading.-Students and teacher discussing / clarify Idylls reading.-Students receive a study sheet for the Idylls of the King Test

- Idylls of the King

- Idylls of the King Test study sheet


-Idylls discussion

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Why is Idylls of the King an important piece of literature?

-Students take an essay test on Idylls of the King.

- Idylls of the King


Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Novel Three: Lord of the Flies (This is to be incorporated into the Renaissance/Macbeth Unit.)

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-Can a person be born “good” or “evil”, or does a person learn to be good or evil?

-In groups, students complete the discussion questions on the major theme of “good versus evil” in the novel, Lord of the Flies.-The class discusses their answers to the discussion questions.-Students begin reading Chapter 1 aloud.-Students finish reading Chapter 1 and 2 for homework.-Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read.

-Lord of the Flies

-Chapter 1 and 2 Guiding Reading Questions

-Chapter 1 and 2 Guiding Reading Questions

-Class Discussion


-What keeps Roger from hurting Henry?

-Students take a quiz on Chapters 1 and 2.-Students discuss Chapters 1 and 2.-Students read Chapter 3 and 4 for homework.-Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read.

-Lord of the Flies

-Chapter 3 and 4 Guiding Reading Questions

-Lord of the Flies Quiz

-Chapter 3 and 4 Guiding Reading Questions

-Class Discussion

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What do Ralph, Piggy, and Simon respectively say about the beast?

-Students take a quiz on Chapters 3 and 4.-Students discuss Chapters 3 and 4.-Students read Chapter 5 and 6 for homework.-Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read.

-Lord of the Flies

-Chapter 5 and 6 Guiding Reading Questions

-Lord of the Flies Quiz

-Chapter 5 and 6 Guiding Reading Questions

-Class Discussion


-Why do the twins assume the dead parachutist is the best?

-Students take a quiz on Chapters 5 and 6.-Students discuss Chapters 5 and 6.-Students read Chapter 7 and 8 for homework.-Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read.

-Lord of the Flies

-Chapter 7 and 8 Guiding Reading Questions

-Lord of the Flies Quiz

-Chapter 7 and 8 Guiding Reading Questions

-Class Discussion

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-What does the Lord of the Flies tell Simon?

-Students take a quiz on Chapters 7 and 8.-Students discuss Chapters 7 and 8.-Students read Chapter 9 and 10 for homework.-Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read.

-Lord of the Flies

-Chapter 9 and 10 Guiding Reading Questions

-Lord of the Flies Quiz

-Chapter 9 and 10 Guiding Reading Questions

-Class Discussion


-How has Jack’s appearance changed from the beginning of the book to the end of the book?

-Students take a quiz on Chapters 9 and 10.-Students discuss Chapters 9 and 10.-Students read Chapter 11 and 12 for homework.-Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read.

-Lord of the Flies

-Chapter 11 and 12 Guiding Reading Questions

-Lord of the Flies Quiz

-Chapter 11 and 12 Guiding Reading Questions

-Class Discussion

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School________Subject:_Honors English IV______________________________________________

Day Objective(from NC-

SCOS)Daily Essential Question Lesson

Lesson Resources Formal and Informal

AssessmentsText Other


-How is this novel relevant to society?

-Students take a quiz on Chapters 11 and 12.-Students discuss Chapters 11 and 12.-Students receive a study sheet for the Lord of the Flies Test.

-Lord of the Flies

-Chapter 11 and 12 Guiding Reading Questions

-Lord of the Flies Test study sheet

-Lord of the Flies Quiz

-Chapter 11 and 12 Guiding Reading Questions

-Class Discussion


-What are the important themes of the novel?

-Students take an essay test on Lord of the Flies.

-Lord of the Flies

-Lord of the Flies Test

2007-2008 Work in Progress Prepared by: Melissa Mustard & Cara Duryea for HCHS department use.