| | | 1,2,* 2 1 1,2 2 1 2 Ψ S S αβ Ψ S R αβ i S S αβ i S R αβ u S S αβ u,u αβ uSx,uSy ua,u b ,uc iSx iSy RS ,RR LS ,LR Lm TR ωm p ψR γ

Current-Sensorless Method for Speed Control of Induction

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Page 1: Current-Sensorless Method for Speed Control of Induction

VOLUME: 2 | ISSUE: 4 | 2018 | December

Current-Sensorless Method for Speed

Control of Induction Motor Based on

Hysteresis Pulse Width Modulation


Cuong Dinh TRAN1,2,∗, Pavel BRANDSTETTER2. Bach Hoang DINH1, Sang

Dang HO1,2, Minh Chau Huu NGUYEN2

1Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi MinhCity, Vietnam

2Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava,Czech Republic

*Corresponding Author: Cuong Dinh Tran (email: [email protected])(Received: 18-November-2018; accepted: 21-January-2019; published:25-January-2019)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25073/jaec.201824.213

Abstract. This paper describes a new solutionto control the induction motor drive system with-out current sensors based on improving the Hys-teresis Pulse Width Modulation technique. It hasproposed a control scheme which uses stator cur-rents estimated from the dierential equation ofstate variables to replace the feedback signal fromcurrent sensors applied in the hysteresis currentcontroller. To verify the proposed method, simu-lations in MATLAB/Simulink have been imple-mented in various operating conditions of themotor where its speed has been changed underload as well as no load conditions. The simula-tion results have demonstrated the eectivenessof the proposed control method for inductive mo-tor drives.


current sensorless, estimated stator cur-

rents, eld-oriented control, hysteresis

controller, induction motor.


ΨSS Stator ux vector

in [α, β] coordinate systemΨSR Rotor ux vector

in [α, β] coordinate systemiSS Stator current vector

in [α, β] coordinate systemiSR Rotor current vector

in [α, β] coordinate systemuSS Stator voltage vector

in [α, β] coordinate systemuSα, uSβ Stator voltage component

in [α, β] systemuSx, uSy Stator voltage component

in [x, y] systemua, ub, uc Stator voltage component

in [a, b, c] systemiSx Flux current componentiSy Torque current componentRS , RR Stator and rotor resistanceLS , LR Stator and rotor inductionLm Magnetizing inductionTR Rotor time constantωm Mechanical angular speedp Pole pair numberψR Nominal rotor uxγ rotor ux angle

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Page 2: Current-Sensorless Method for Speed Control of Induction

VOLUME: 2 | ISSUE: 4 | 2018 | December


The induction motors (IM) are the most pop-ular machine applied in industrial applicationsdue to their simple and rugged constructions,high reliability, low cost with various applica-tions. Nowadays, the development of power elec-tronics and modern control techniques providesexcellent control capabilities for the IM drives[1].

Scalar control and vector control (VC) are twomain approaches to control speed and torque inIM drive system. The voltage per hertz constantmethod, which is the most popular of Scalar con-trol technique, is based on varying the voltageand the frequency to control the torque and thespeed of IM. Advantages of this method are lowcost, simplicity, no need the feedback signals ofthe sensors. However, the torque of IM cannotbe control exactly that is the major disadvan-tage of the scalar method [2]. The eld-orientedcontrol (FOC) is the most typical method of VCtechniques. In FOC strategy, the stator currentspace vectors are decomposed into two perpen-dicular elements: iSx and iSy. As a result, thetorque and the rotor ux can be independentlycontrolled as the same as the controllers of sep-arated excited DC motors. The disadvantage ofFOC strategy is that the control method withthe mathematical model of IM has more complexthan the scalar control methods. However, boththe torque and speed of IM can be controlled ex-actly at the same time. Therefore, FOC methodis applied in complex control applications in theindustrial eld [2-4].

In the control model based on FOC technique,the controller needs the feedback signal fromsensors, such as rotor speed, stator currents, andvoltages. Obviously, the quality of the sensor'ssignals has aected the performance of the con-trolled IM drive systems. Especially, the signalsof stator currents play a vital role throughout allstages of the control algorithms. Thus, if there isany unexpected occurrence of those current sen-sors, it causes the improper operation in the IMdrives. So, to enhance the performance of the IMdrives during such abnormal situation, it needsto detect and isolate the faulty sensor's signalas well as recongure the controller schemes to

adapt to the new situation. It is called the sen-sorless control approach [5, 6] to deal with thelack of sensor signals in the controller schemes.When the controller scheme of IM drives usesthree current sensors if one single sensor is bro-ken, the estimated signal of that such faulty sen-sor can be easily obtained by Kirchho's law[7]. However, in the control scheme using twocurrent sensors, when one sensor is broken, theloss signal cannot be estimated from Kirchho'slaw and the current sensorless strategy thus isthe appropriate choice [8]. A current sensorlessapproach of IM's controllers based on the FOCmethod and PI was proposed by using the statorcurrent's values estimated from the rotor speed,DC voltage and DC link current of the inverter[8]. The simulation results demonstrated thesuitability of this method, however, there wasstill high ripple of the actual speed at high-speedranges. In [9], authors introduced the methodof Indirect FOC vector control without currentsensors as a solution for Fault Tolerant Con-trol in IM drive system. It replaced the classicalhysteresis current controller by the space vec-tor modulation technique with only a feedbacksignal of the rotor speed. It showed the goodperformance in the simulation, however, therewere some ripples for torque responses of theIM drive system. Similarly, a current sensorlessspeed controller based on a stator voltage scalarand a feedback signal of the speed sensor hasbeen presented in [10]. The advantage of thismethod was simpler and faster than the FOCmethod, however, the speed responses were stilldisturbed in the torque control of the IM drives.

The stator current estimation method fromthe voltage and the rotor speed signals is ap-plied to detect the current sensor fault in thefault-tolerant control technique of IM drive sys-tems [11]. In this paper, another application ofthe stator current estimation technique is pro-posed with the current sensorless strategy forthe speed controller of IM drives based on thehysteresis current method where actual currentsignals are replaced by the estimated stator cur-rents in the comparator of the hysteresis cur-rent controller. The performance of the pro-posed method will be veried by simulations inMATLAB/Simulink. The paper's structure isconsists of 4 parts where the rst section is the

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VOLUME: 2 | ISSUE: 4 | 2018 | December

introduction and the second describes the mainideas of applying the sensorless control scheme,the simulation results then are demonstrated insection 3 and the conclusion nally is stated inthe fourth one.





In this section, the typical FOC method usingcurrent sensors and without current sensors willbe described.

2.1. The Field Oriented Control

Technique base on

hysteresis current


The Field Oriented Control (FOC) is a popu-lar control method used in the IM drive systemswhere the torque and the ux are controlled in-dependently. The stator current space vectoris decomposed into two perpendicular elements,iSx, and iSy, in the rotating reference frame [x,y]corresponding to the rotor ux space vector ori-entation to the x-axis as shown in Fig.1. In thisway, the component iSx is controlled to maintainthe amplitude of the ux rotor at the referencevalue. As a result, we can control the torque inthe linear relationship with component iSy [3].


VOL. 0, NO. 0, 0-0, DEC. 0000 ISSN (online): …-… ∙ ISSN (print): …-…

3 Manuscript received …; Revised …; Accepted ... (ID No. …-…)

Fig.1. In this way, the component iSx is controlled to maintain the amplitude of the flux rotor at the reference value. As a

result, we can control the torque in the linear relationship with component iSy [3].

Fig. 1. Vector diagram of the induction motor – the principle of vector control.

The Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) and the Hysteresis Pulse Width Modulation (HPWM) are two

main methods in the FOC. The SVPWM technique controls the switching on the inverter by space voltage vector. The

SVPWM is one of the most powerful methods, it can maintain a constant motor speed even under unstable load condition

with the low ripple. However, the SVPWM requires complicated computing and the transient period is too long in the

control. The HPWM technique controls the switching on the inverter by the current controller. The current controller

compares the phase current with the reference current for switching on the inverter. The ripple of the HPWM is higher the

SVPWM, however, the hysteresis control is simpler, faster and this technique is more suitable with unstable parameters

cases [12, 13]. In the paper [13], the hysteresis space vector pulse width modulation (HSVPWM) method is proposed to

control the rotor speed of IM drive. This method is a combination between HPWM and SVPWM to control the switching

on the inverter. When three methods are compared, the ripple of the current output in HSVPWM method is the smallest.

However, due to both HPWM and SVPWM are calculated at the same time, so the algorithm of HSVPWM is the most

complex, and the steady time is also longest. In this paper, the HPWM technique will be applied to control the speeds of

IM drive.

The IM can be controlled by the FOC technique shown as Fig.2 [13, 14]. The reference electrical torque *

eT can be

obtained from the difference between reference speed and actual speed by PI controller. Then the reference component *


can be calculated as shown in Eq. (1) below

2. .




m R


p L (1)

The reference component *

Sxi can be calculated from the nominal rotor flux as



R Sx





The measured stator current signals from sensors can be transformed to the rotating coordinate system [x, y] by Clarke-

Park transformation as Eq. (3).

cos( ) cos( 120 ) cos( 120 )2

sin( ) sin( 120 ) sin( 120 )3











The component rotor flux angle γ can be determined from the feedback rotor speed from the speed sensor and the rotor

slip as follows:

( . )


m sl




p dt




In the current controller, actual current values will be compared to the reference currents, then, their error is used to generate switching commands for the inverter to achieve the desired speed of the rotor [ref].

Fig. 1: Vector diagram of the induction motor theprinciple of vector control.

The Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation(SVPWM) and the Hysteresis Pulse WidthModulation (HPWM) are two main methods inthe FOC. The SVPWM technique controls theswitching on the inverter by space voltage vec-tor. The SVPWM is one of the most power-ful methods, it can maintain a constant motorspeed even under unstable load condition withthe low ripple. However, the SVPWM requirescomplicated computing and the transient periodis too long in the control. The HPWM tech-nique controls the switching on the inverter bythe current controller. The current controllercompares the phase current with the referencecurrent for switching on the inverter. The rip-ple of the HPWM is higher the SVPWM, how-ever, the hysteresis control is simpler, faster andthis technique is more suitable with unstable pa-rameters cases [12, 13]. In the paper [13], thehysteresis space vector pulse width modulation(HSVPWM) method is proposed to control therotor speed of IM drive. This method is a combi-nation between HPWM and SVPWM to controlthe switching on the inverter. When three meth-ods are compared, the ripple of the current out-put in HSVPWM method is the smallest. How-ever, due to both HPWM and SVPWM are cal-culated at the same time, so the algorithm ofHSVPWM is the most complex, and the steadytime is also longest. In this paper, the HPWMtechnique will be applied to control the speedsof IM drive.

The IM can be controlled by the FOC tech-nique shown as Fig.2 [13, 14]. The reference elec-trical torque T ∗e can be obtained from the dier-ence between reference speed and actual speedby PI controller. Then the reference componenti∗Sy can be calculated as shown in Eq. (1) below

iSy =2




The reference component i∗Sx can be calcu-lated from the nominal rotor ux as

ψR =Lm

1 + TRiSx (2)

The measured stator current signals from sen-sors can be transformed to the rotating coordi-nate system [x, y] by Clarke-Park transforma-

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tion as Eq. (3).[iSxiSy




[cos(γ) cos(γ − 120) cos(γ + 120)

− sin(γ)− sin(γ − 120)− sin(γ + 120)





The component rotor ux angle γ can be de-termined from the feedback rotor speed from thespeed sensor and the rotor slip as follows:

γ =

∫(p.ωm + ωsl)dt (4)

where: ωsl =iSyTRψR


In the current controller, actual current val-ues will be compared to the reference currents,then, their error is used to generate switchingcommands for the inverter to achieve the desiredspeed of the rotor [ref].

2.2. The Field Oriented Control

Technique based on

hysteresis current

controller without current


In Fig.3, a sensorless control scheme is intro-duced where the feedback signals from the cur-rent sensors will be replaced by the stator cur-rents from the estimator.

The inputs of the stator current estimatorcomprise the rotor speed ωm from the encoderand the stator voltages where these three-phasevoltages [ua, ub, uc] will be transformed to thetwo-phase α-β stationary coordinate system byClarke transformation as Eq. (5) below.



[ 23 − 1

3 − 13

0 1√3

− 1√3

] uaubuc


The dynamic model of an induction motor inthe α-β coordinate system can be described as

(Current-Sensorless Method For Speed Control Of Induction Motor Based On Hysteresis Pulse Width Modulation Technique)


2. The Field Oriented Control Technique based on hysteresis current controller without current


In Fig.3, a sensorless control scheme is introduced where the feedback signals from the current sensors will be replaced

by the stator currents from the estimator.

The inputs of the stator current estimator comprise the rotor speed ωm from the encoder and the stator voltages where

these three-phase voltages [ua, ub, uc] will be transformed to the two-phase α-β stationary coordinate system by Clarke

transformation as Eq. (5) below.

2 1 1

3 3 31 1

03 3








Fig. 2. Block diagram of the HPWM technique with current sensors. Fig. 2: Block diagram of the HPWM technique with

current sensors.JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGINEERING AND COMPUTATION http://dx.doi.org/...

VOL. 0, NO. 0, 0-0, DEC. 0000 ISSN (online): …-… ∙ ISSN (print): …-…

5 Manuscript received …; Revised …; Accepted ... (ID No. …-…)

Fig. 3. Block diagram of the HPWM technique without current sensors.

The dynamic model of an induction motor in the α-β coordinate system can be described as the following expressions:





dt u i




R R m R

dR jp

dt i



S S S m RL L i i (8)


R m S R RL L i i (9)

From the Eqs (6, 7, 8, 9), we derive the differential equations of the stator and rotor currents in the α-β coordinate

system as follows [11]:


[ ( ) ( ) ]S

S S SS m m R

S S m S m m R


d L L RA R j p jL p

dt L L

iu i i (10)

1[( ( ) ( ) ]



S m S m R

S S m m

Rd R LA jp j p

dt L L L L

iu i i (11)

2: R

S R m

Lwhere A


By using the Eqs. (10, 11), finally, we can obtain the estimated stator currents. These estimated stator currents, then,

are transformed from the two-phase α-β coordinate system back to the three-phase ABC coordinate system to compare

with the reference stator currents. Therefore, the phase currents would be determined with the value around the reference

value by the hysteresis tolerance as shown in Fig 4 [12].

Fig. 3: Block diagram of the HPWM technique withoutcurrent sensors.

the following expressions:

uSS =RSiSS +



0 =RRiSR +


dt− jpωmΨS

R (7)


SS + LmiSR (8)

ΨSR =LmiSS + LRi

SR (9)

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From the Eqs (6, 7, 8, 9), we derive the dier-ential equations of the stator and rotor currentsin the α-β coordinate system as follows [11]:


= A[uSS − (RS + jL2m



− jLmpωm)iSR] (10)


= A[(1

LSuSS − (


+ jpωm)iSS

+ (RRLm

− jLRLm

pωm)iSR] (11)

where: A =LR

LSLR − L2m


By using the Eqs. (10, 11), nally, we canobtain the estimated stator currents. These es-timated stator currents, then, are transformedfrom the two-phase α-β coordinate system backto the three-phase ABC coordinate system tocompare with the reference stator currents.Therefore, the phase currents would be deter-mined with the value around the reference valueby the hysteresis tolerance as shown in Fig 4 [12].

(Current-Sensorless Method For Speed Control Of Induction Motor Based On Hysteresis Pulse Width Modulation Technique)


Fig. 4. Shape Wave Flow Control Hysteresis.

As a result, the IM drive system can be controlled to adapt the speed and torque changes by the HPWM technique

without current sensors.


This section presents the simulation of the speed controller of IM drives based on the hysteresis current control

approach according to the current sensorless method in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The parameters of the investigated system

are listed as followings:

Pn = 4.0 kW, ωn = 1430 rpm, p = 2.

ISn = 8.4 A, USn = 400 V, ΨSn = 1.23 Wb.

RS = 1.405 Ω, RR = 1.395 Ω,

LS = 0.178 H, LR = 0.178 H,

Lm = 0.172 H, TR = 0.1276 s.

Fig.5 describes the scheme of the investigated system including the dynamic model of IM, the PI controller, the current

estimator, etc.

Case study 1:

In this first case, the IM has been operated at the normal speed with no load condition. The reference rotor speed starts

from zero at t = 0 sec. and reaches 50% of the rating value and then, at the time of 2.5 sec., it decreases following the ramp

line (2.5 sec.– 3.0 sec.) to 25% of the rating value. The performance of the proposed controller, in this case, is depicted in

Fig.6 (a), (b) where the reference speed and actual speed as well as estimated stator currents, are shown. As we can see, the

estimated current sharp is slightly rippled due to the characteristics of the hysteresis current method, but, the actual speed

is still maintained around the reference values with a small deviation. Due to the symmetric three phase of IM, therefore

the comparison between the measured stator current and the estimated stator current simulated with A-phase current is the

same in other two phase. The result simulation is shown in Fig.6 (c) demonstrates the similarity between the measured

current signal and the estimated current signal.

Fig. 5. General Simulink simulation scheme

Fig. 4: Shape Wave Flow Control Hysteresis.

As a result, the IM drive system can be con-trolled to adapt the speed and torque changes bythe HPWM technique without current sensors.



This section presents the simulation of thespeed controller of IM drives based on the

hysteresis current control approach accordingto the current sensorless method in MAT-LAB/SIMULINK. The parameters of the inves-tigated system are listed as followings:

Pn = 4.0 kW, ωn = 1430 rpm, p = 2.

ISn = 8.4 A, USn = 400 V, ΨSn = 1.23 Wb.

RS = 1.405 Ω, RR = 1.395 Ω,

LS = 0.178 H, LR = 0.178 H,

LLm = 0.172 H, TR = 0.1276 s.

Fig.5 describes the scheme of the investigatedsystem including the dynamic model of IM, thePI controller, the current estimator, etc.

(Current-Sensorless Method For Speed Control Of Induction Motor Based On Hysteresis Pulse Width Modulation Technique)


Fig. 4. Shape Wave Flow Control Hysteresis.

As a result, the IM drive system can be controlled to adapt the speed and torque changes by the HPWM technique

without current sensors.


This section presents the simulation of the speed controller of IM drives based on the hysteresis current control

approach according to the current sensorless method in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The parameters of the investigated system

are listed as followings:

Pn = 4.0 kW, ωn = 1430 rpm, p = 2.

ISn = 8.4 A, USn = 400 V, ΨSn = 1.23 Wb.

RS = 1.405 Ω, RR = 1.395 Ω,

LS = 0.178 H, LR = 0.178 H,

Lm = 0.172 H, TR = 0.1276 s.

Fig.5 describes the scheme of the investigated system including the dynamic model of IM, the PI controller, the current

estimator, etc.

Case study 1:

In this first case, the IM has been operated at the normal speed with no load condition. The reference rotor speed starts

from zero at t = 0 sec. and reaches 50% of the rating value and then, at the time of 2.5 sec., it decreases following the ramp

line (2.5 sec.– 3.0 sec.) to 25% of the rating value. The performance of the proposed controller, in this case, is depicted in

Fig.6 (a), (b) where the reference speed and actual speed as well as estimated stator currents, are shown. As we can see, the

estimated current sharp is slightly rippled due to the characteristics of the hysteresis current method, but, the actual speed

is still maintained around the reference values with a small deviation. Due to the symmetric three phase of IM, therefore

the comparison between the measured stator current and the estimated stator current simulated with A-phase current is the

same in other two phase. The result simulation is shown in Fig.6 (c) demonstrates the similarity between the measured

current signal and the estimated current signal.

Fig. 5. General Simulink simulation scheme

Fig. 5: General Simulink simulation scheme.

Case study 1:

In this rst case, the IM has been operated atthe normal speed with no load condition. Thereference rotor speed starts from zero at t = 0sec. and reaches 50% of the rating value andthen, at the time of 2.5 sec., it decreases follow-ing the ramp line (2.5 sec. 3.0 sec.) to 25%of the rating value. The performance of theproposed controller, in this case, is depicted inFig.6 (a), (b) where the reference speed and ac-tual speed as well as estimated stator currents,are shown. As we can see, the estimated cur-rent sharp is slightly rippled due to the charac-teristics of the hysteresis current method, but,the actual speed is still maintained around thereference values with a small deviation. Dueto the symmetric three phase of IM, thereforethe comparison between the measured statorcurrent and the estimated stator current simu-lated with A-phase current is the same in othertwo phase. The result simulation is shown in

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7 Manuscript received …; Revised …; Accepted ... (ID No. …-…)




Fig. 6. HPWM technique without current sensors at no load condition: (a) Reference and actual speed at 50% - 25% rating

speed, (b) Three phase estimated currents, (c) Comparison between A phase measured current and estimated current.

Case study 2:

In this case, the IM has been operated at low speeds with no load condition. Similar to the previous, in this simulation,

the reference speed starts from zero at t = 0 sec. and reaches 10% of the rating value at 0.5 sec. and then, at 2.5 sec., it goes

back to 5% of the rating speed following the ramp line (2.5 sec.– 3.0 sec.). The performance of the proposed controller, in

this case, is depicted in Fig.7 where the reference speed, the actual speed, estimated stator currents as well as the

comparison between the measured and estimated current signals are shown. The results show that the controller also works

well in the range of low speeds similar to its performance at the normal speed ranges. Therefore, in no load condition, the

motor can operate stably with the proposed controller without current sensors.

Fig. 6: HPWM technique without current sensors at noload condition: (a) Reference and actual speedat 50% - 25% rating speed, (b) Three phaseestimated currents, (c) Comparison between Aphase measured current and estimated current.

Fig.6 (c) demonstrates the similarity betweenthe measured current signal and the estimatedcurrent signal.

Case study 2:

In this case, the IM has been operated at lowspeeds with no load condition. Similar to theprevious, in this simulation, the reference speedstarts from zero at t = 0 sec. and reaches 10% ofthe rating value at 0.5 sec. and then, at 2.5 sec.,it goes back to 5% of the rating speed followingthe ramp line (2.5 sec. 3.0 sec.). The perfor-mance of the proposed controller, in this case, is

(Current-Sensorless Method For Speed Control Of Induction Motor Based On Hysteresis Pulse Width Modulation Technique)





Fig. 7. HPWM technique without current sensors at no load condition: (a) Reference and actual speed at 10% - 5%

rating speed, (b) Three phase estimated currents, (c) Comparison between A phase measured current and estimated current.

Case study 3 and 4:

In these two simulations, the speed references have been set up as the same as the references in the study case 1 and 2,

respectively, but, a constant load torque of 5 (N.m) has been applied during the time of 0.5s. The Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 depict

the performance of the current sensorless method in FOC based on HPWM technique of IM drive systems. In Fig. 9, as the

same as the previous case, during the low-speed operation there is only a slight overreach in the transient time and later the

performance is very good in keeping the speed reference with a small deviation.

Fig. 7: HPWM technique without current sensors at noload condition: (a) Reference and actual speedat 10% - 5% rating speed, (b) Three phase es-timated currents, (c) Comparison between Aphase measured current and estimated current.

depicted in Fig.7 where the reference speed, theactual speed, estimated stator currents as well asthe comparison between the measured and esti-mated current signals are shown. The resultsshow that the controller also works well in therange of low speeds similar to its performance atthe normal speed ranges. Therefore, in no loadcondition, the motor can operate stably with theproposed controller without current sensors.

Case study 3 and 4:

In these two simulations, the speed referenceshave been set up as the same as the references in

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VOL. 0, NO. 0, 0-0, DEC. 0000 ISSN (online): …-… ∙ ISSN (print): …-…

9 Manuscript received …; Revised …; Accepted ... (ID No. …-…)




Fig. 8. HPWM technique without current sensors at 5 (N.m) load torque: (a) Reference and actual speed at 50% - 25%

rating speed, (b) Three phase estimated currents, (c) Comparison between A-phase measured current and estimated current. Fig. 8: HPWM technique without current sensors at 5

(N.m) load torque: (a) Reference and actualspeed at 50% - 25% rating speed, (b) Threephase estimated currents, (c) Comparison be-tween A-phase measured current and estimatedcurrent.

the study case 1 and 2, respectively, but, a con-stant load torque of 5 (N.m) has been appliedduring the time of 0.5s. The Fig. 8 and Fig.9 depict the performance of the current sensor-less method in FOC based on HPWM techniqueof IM drive systems. In Fig. 9, as the sameas the previous case, during the low-speed op-eration there is only a slight overreach in thetransient time and later the performance is verygood in keeping the speed reference with a smalldeviation.

(Current-Sensorless Method For Speed Control Of Induction Motor Based On Hysteresis Pulse Width Modulation Technique)





Fig. 9. HPWM technique without current sensors at 5 (N.m) load torque: (a) Reference and actual speed at 10% - 5%

rating speed, (b) Three phase estimated currents, (c) Comparison between A phase measured current and estimated current.

Case study 5 and 6:

In the third simulation, the IM has been operated with the reference speeds setting as the same as previous cases, but, a

pulse load torque shown in Fig. 10 has been applied during the time of 0.5 sec.

Fig. 10. Pulse load torque: amplitude 3 (N.m), period 0.5 s, pulse width 50%.

The simulation results depicted in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 demonstrate clearly that the proposed method based hysteresis

current technique without current sensors is effective in controlling the IM drives. The speed of IMs can be maintained

stably even with the load torque varying continuously periodic.

Fig. 9: HPWM technique without current sensors at 5(N.m) load torque: (a) Reference and actualspeed at 10% - 5% rating speed, (b) Three phaseestimated currents, (c) Comparison between Aphase measured current and estimated current.

Case study 5 and 6:

In the third simulation, the IM has been op-erated with the reference speeds setting as thesame as previous cases, but, a pulse load torqueshown in Fig. 10 has been applied during thetime of 0.5 sec.

The simulation results depicted in Fig. 11 andFig. 12 demonstrate clearly that the proposedmethod based hysteresis current technique with-

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(Current-Sensorless Method For Speed Control Of Induction Motor Based On Hysteresis Pulse Width Modulation Technique)





Fig. 9. HPWM technique without current sensors at 5 (N.m) load torque: (a) Reference and actual speed at 10% - 5%

rating speed, (b) Three phase estimated currents, (c) Comparison between A phase measured current and estimated current.

Case study 5 and 6:

In the third simulation, the IM has been operated with the reference speeds setting as the same as previous cases, but, a

pulse load torque shown in Fig. 10 has been applied during the time of 0.5 sec.

Fig. 10. Pulse load torque: amplitude 3 (N.m), period 0.5 s, pulse width 50%.

The simulation results depicted in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 demonstrate clearly that the proposed method based hysteresis

current technique without current sensors is effective in controlling the IM drives. The speed of IMs can be maintained

stably even with the load torque varying continuously periodic.

Fig. 10: Pulse load torque: amplitude 3 (N.m), period0.5 s, pulse width 50%.

out current sensors is eective in controlling theIM drives. The speed of IMs can be maintainedstably even with the load torque varying contin-uously periodic.


VOL. 0, NO. 0, 0-0, DEC. 0000 ISSN (online): …-… ∙ ISSN (print): …-…

11 Manuscript received …; Revised …; Accepted ... (ID No. …-…)

Fig. 11. Reference speed at 50%-25% rating speed: HPWM technique without current sensors at pulse load torque.

Fig. 12. Reference speed at 10%-5% rating speed: HPWM technique without current sensors at pulse load torque.

The high ripple of currents is the disadvantage of HPWM. The ripple can reduce if the hysteresis band is adjusted to a

smaller value, however, the inverter switching loss will increase. Thus, the hysteresis band should be set at a suitable value

to satisfy both control characteristic of IM and power loss of the drive system.


The paper has proposed a new HPWM technique without current sensors in the speed control of IM drive where the

feedback signal from the current sensors was replaced by the estimated currents determined by the hysteresis tolerance

values around the reference current value. The simulation results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed

method to maintain the speed of IM drive systems in various operating conditions, under load and no load torques, as well

as normal speed and low-speed ranges. Due to the parameters of IM can affect the accuracy of the controlling algorithm,

especially stator resistance, so the next time, we can focus on increasing the accuracy of stator resistance in the low-speed


Fig. 11: Reference speed at 50%-25% rating speed:HPWM technique without current sensors atpulse load torque.


VOL. 0, NO. 0, 0-0, DEC. 0000 ISSN (online): …-… ∙ ISSN (print): …-…

11 Manuscript received …; Revised …; Accepted ... (ID No. …-…)

Fig. 11. Reference speed at 50%-25% rating speed: HPWM technique without current sensors at pulse load torque.

Fig. 12. Reference speed at 10%-5% rating speed: HPWM technique without current sensors at pulse load torque.

The high ripple of currents is the disadvantage of HPWM. The ripple can reduce if the hysteresis band is adjusted to a

smaller value, however, the inverter switching loss will increase. Thus, the hysteresis band should be set at a suitable value

to satisfy both control characteristic of IM and power loss of the drive system.


The paper has proposed a new HPWM technique without current sensors in the speed control of IM drive where the

feedback signal from the current sensors was replaced by the estimated currents determined by the hysteresis tolerance

values around the reference current value. The simulation results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed

method to maintain the speed of IM drive systems in various operating conditions, under load and no load torques, as well

as normal speed and low-speed ranges. Due to the parameters of IM can affect the accuracy of the controlling algorithm,

especially stator resistance, so the next time, we can focus on increasing the accuracy of stator resistance in the low-speed


Fig. 12: Reference speed at 10%-5% rating speed:HPWM technique without current sensors atpulse load torque.

The high ripple of currents is the disadvantageof HPWM. The ripple can reduce if the hystere-sis band is adjusted to a smaller value, however,the inverter switching loss will increase. Thus,

the hysteresis band should be set at a suitablevalue to satisfy both control characteristic of IMand power loss of the drive system.


The paper has proposed a new HPWM tech-nique without current sensors in the speed con-trol of IM drive where the feedback signal fromthe current sensors was replaced by the esti-mated currents determined by the hysteresis tol-erance values around the reference current value.The simulation results have demonstrated the ef-fectiveness of the proposed method to maintainthe speed of IM drive systems in various operat-ing conditions, under load and no load torques,as well as normal speed and low-speed ranges.Due to the parameters of IM can aect the ac-curacy of the controlling algorithm, especiallystator resistance, so the next time, we can focuson increasing the accuracy of stator resistancein the low-speed range.


This research is funded by Graduate Schol-arship for Master and Doctoral Programsof Ton Duc Thang University, website:http://grad.tdtu.edu.vn.The paper was supported by the Project reg.no. SP2018/162 - Student Grant Competitionof VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Re-search and development of advanced controlmethods of electrical controlled drives, memberof research team, 2018.


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About Authors

Cuong Dinh TRAN was born in Ho ChiMinh, Vietnam. He graduated from the Uni-versity of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam. He received her B.E. and M.E. degrees inelectricalelectronics power engineering in 2005and 2008, respectively. Now, he is teachingat the department of electrical and electronicsengineering, Ton Duc Thang University, HoChi Minh city, Vietnam. His research interestsinclude modern control methods of electricaldrives, automatic control system, intelligentcontrol system, operation and control powersystem.

Pavel BRANDSTETTER was born inOstrava, Czech Republic, 1955, 1 June. Hereceived the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees inElectrical Engineering from Brno University ofTechnology, Czech Republic, in 1979 and 1987,respectively. He is currently full professor inElectrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives anddean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering andComputer Science at VSBTechnical Universityof Ostrava. His current research interests areapplied electronics and modern control methodsof electrical drives. Since 2000 he has performedresearch in eld of modern control methodsfor AC motors, for example sensorless control,

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applications of articial intelligence in controlof AC drives.

Bach Hoang DINH received Ph.D de-gree in Electrical Engineering from Heriot-WattUniversity, Edinburgh, United Kingdom in2009. He received the B.E. and the M.E.degrees in Electrical Engineering from VietnamNational University - Hochiminh City in 1995and 1998, respectively. Bach Dinh is currentlythe head of Electrical Engineering Department,Faculty of Electrical-Electronic Engineeringat Ton Duc Thang University. His researchinterests are intelligent and optimal control,computer vision, robotics, power electronics,SCADA and industrial communication net-works. He is a member of the IEEE IndustrialElectronics Society.

Sang Dang HO received his B.Eng. andM.Eng degrees in Electrical Engineering fromHo Chi Minh University of Technology, Ho ChiMinh city, Vietnam in 2001 and 2008, respec-tively. Now, he is teaching at department ofelectrical and electronics engineering, Ton DucThang university, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.His research interests include optimization ofpower system and electric machines control.

Minh Chau Huu NGUYEN was bornin Binh Duong, Vietnam. He graduated fromthe Military Technical Academy, Vietnam. Hereceived his M.E. degrees in Automation engi-neering in 2012. Now, he is researching at theFaculty of Electrical Engineering & ComputerScience, VSB Technical University of Ostrava,Czech Republic. His research interests includean automatic control system, intelligent controlsystem and electrical machine, apparatus anddrives.

280 c© 2018 Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation (JAEC)

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