Cure from Illnesses It has been reported that both Abdul Azeez bin Suhaib and Thaabit Banaani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhum went to meet Hazrat Anas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu and Thaabit Banaani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said, O Abu Hamza (Hazrat Anas), I have become ill. Hazrat Anas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said, "Should I not read that dua and blow over you which the Prophet Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam used to read and blow over those who were ill, so that they may be cured?" Hazrat Thaabit Banaani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said, "Why not", so Hazrat Anas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu read this dua: Al'laah hum'ma Rab'ban Naasi Muzhibal Baasi - Ishfi Anta Shaafi - Laa Shaafi il'la Anta Shifa'an Laa Yughaadiru Suqma O Allah, Sustainer of mankind, remove his difficulty and cure him. You are the only One who cures. There is no cure but Yours. Grant such (complete) cure that leaves no trace of illness. (Bukhari Shareef Vol.2 Pg.855) . to be continued...

Cure From Illnesses (Duas and Wazaïf)

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Cure from Illnesses

It has been reported that both Abdul Azeez bin Suhaib and Thaabit Banaani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhum went to meet Hazrat Anas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu and Thaabit Banaani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said, O Abu Hamza (Hazrat Anas), I have become ill. Hazrat Anas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said, "Should I not read that dua and blow over you which the Prophet Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam used to read and blow over those who were ill, so that they may be cured?" Hazrat Thaabit Banaani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said, "Why not", so Hazrat Anas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu read this dua:


to be continued...

For debt and worries:

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) reported,"One day the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) entered the mosque.He (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) saw there a man from the Ansar called Abu Umamah.He(sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) asked, 'What is the matter with youthat I see you sitting in the mosque when it is not the time of prayer.' He replied, 'I am very much worried and in great debt, O Messenger of Allah!'The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said,

'Let me teach you words to say so thatAllah will remove your worries and settle your debt?'

He exclaimed, 'Of course, O, Messenger of Allah.'The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said,

'Say in morning and evening,

Allahumma innee a`udhu bika mina al-hamm wal hazanwa a`udhu bika mina al-`ajzi wa al-kasalwa a`udhu bika mina al-jubun wa al-bukhlwa a`udhu bika min ghalabati al-dayni wa qahri al-rrijaal

"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from all worry and grief. I seek refuge in You fromincapacity and slackness. I seek refuge in You from cowardice and niggardliness,and I seek refuge in You from being overcome by debt and being subjected to men".' The man said, 'When I did that, Allah removed all my worries and settled my debt'." (Abu Daoud)

Small but Extreme Precious Wirds

bySyedaFatima Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:03 am

Auzu Billaahi Minash Shaitaanir RajimBismillahir Rahmaanir RaheemAssalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa SallamAssalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

1. small wird having 3 precious benefits:

One should have to read daily 70 times "Ya Hayyu" ,along Darood Paak (before and after).


1. to get extreme and keen progress in spiritual feelings and states.2. to get cure from all type of diseases.and for maintained and balanced health.3.to get prolonged and peaceful life with all betterments and easiness.

Necessary note:

1.No doubt All type of Wazaif and Wirds have 100 percent results but the need is that one who is going to start them ,,,he/she should be very punctual in his/her Salaats, having proper beliefs regarding Islaam Sharia'ah( belonging to Ahle Sunnat Jama'at, one shoulld have to be very contented with Allah's Decision ,,,means to say having Kaamil Imaan in Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala.and one should try to avoid to suffer others(Muslims) from his/her act, hand , tongue... Insha Allah Azzawajal then see the results...... they will be mustsuperb.

2.These wazaif have positive effects , if the problems are genuine and legal and if these are used for any type of wrong purposes, then it has reverse effects on the situation..and can be hamrful for such person in many ways.so be very clear and aware before going to use it.......what shari'ah says......Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala knows very well about our intentions and Niyyats(matter of hearts).

3.consistency is also a basic rule to recite any Wazaif , Wirds or Daroods to get its maximum benefits....any Tasbeeh or Wird gives vital results when it exceeds 300 times,so its very better to choose any one according to your choice and ease and try to be consistent and stick on it.

4.Always do Dua after making proper Isslae Thawaab and ask Your Duas from AllahSubhanahu wa Ta'alaWith the Blessed Waseelah Of Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam and Ahly Bait Atthaar and Peeran e Peer Ghousal Aazam Dastageer Sayyedina Hazrat Abdul Qadar Jeelani Qaddas Allahu Sirrahul Azeez & All Auwliyaah of AllahSubhanahu wa Ta'ala. Aameen Ya Rabbal Aalmin , Ya Mjeebuddawaat , Ya Samiud-dua,Wa Ya Ahamarrahimin. Sallu Alal Habib Salli Ala Muhammad Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam.

Insha Allah Azzawajal if one consider these rules in mind and do practice them inone's life...there is no reason left behind to hinder in the way of success

to be continued............... Insha Allah Azzawajal

Mein faqat (simply) khaak (soil) hun, magar Aapsay Nisbat (relation) hai meri

Eik yehi Rishta meri auwkaat badal daita hai, no doubt Maashah Allah!



Joined:Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:12 pm


TopRe: Small but Extreme Precious Wirds

bySyedaFatima Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:05 am

Auzu Billaahi Minash Shaitaanir RajimBismillahir Rahmaanir RaheemAssalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa SallamAssalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

2.Most effective Wird for the consistency of Heart:

recite "Ya Allahu Ya Rahamaanu Ya Raheem" 11 times after 5 times Salaat daily or atleast once recite it 11 times per day.and see it marvelous results.

to be continued............... Insha Allah Azzawajal

Mein faqat (simply) khaak (soil) hun, magar Aapsay Nisbat (relation) hai meri

Eik yehi Rishta meri auwkaat badal daita hai, no doubt Maashah Allah!



Joined:Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:12 pm


TopRe: Small but Extreme Precious Wirds

bySyedaFatima Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:14 pm

Auzu Billaahi Minash Shaitaanir RajimBismillahir Rahmaanir RaheemAssalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa SallamAssalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

To get rid from every type of sorrows, difficulties and fears:

Do recite the following Blessed Dua only once after every Obligatory Salaah ,whilst when recite it put your right hand on the head and after reading it, keep busy in reciting the rest of the Wazaif of Salaah.like Tasbeehat and etc.....

"Bismillah Hillazi Laa Ilaaha Ilaa Huwar Rahamanur Raheem Allahumma Azhib Annil Hamma wal Huzna."


one who read this Dua as the mentioned above...Insha Allah Azzawajal his/her heart will not be influenced by the tensions or sorrows even if they will be equivalent to the river or mountain, person's heart will be remained consistent and affirmed.

the major benefit that one should have to consider is that,,,,,,,one who read it will not be effected by the tensions, sorrows or difficulties even if they are present......Masha Allah Paak.

to be continued............... Insha Allah Azzawajal

One who read daily after Fajar Salaat" Allahus Samad" 101 times along Darood Paak (before and after), then see how your whole destiny will be changed and you will feel miracles happening in your life all around.............Masha Allah Paak.

to be continued............... Insha Allah Azzawajal

***on every Sunday one should have to recite Ism Of Allah Paak "Ya Mateenu",

360 times,do remember to recite Darood at least thrice , before and after of this Wird.


Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala make his/her every matter of life very easy with the special grace and mercy , and one's every problem will be get solved finally. Insha Allah Azzawajal.

to be continued............... Insha Allah AzzawajalI am going to share the most precious Dua,,,,

the major benefit is that...when one recite it once (along Darood Paak (before and after).)and then Ask Duas from Allah Pak, Insha Allah Azzawajal one's Dua will be accepted must


It is Narrated from Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhuma , Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam said" Hazrat Jibraeel Alayhis Salaam has told me some Dua( following mentioned Dua) and requested me , that ( Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam) ,Recite it when you need something ( Do dua after reciting the mentioned Dua).

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Ya bad'iassamawati wal Ardhi Ya Zaljalaali wal Ikraam Ya Sarikhal Mustasrihina Ya Ghiyaasal Mustaghithina Ya Kaashifass'uwee Ya Arhamarraahimeen Ya Mujeebada'watil Mudtarrina Ya Ilaahal Aalameena bika unzila Haajati wa Anta A'lamu bihaa Fakdhiha.

Delay In The Acceptance Of Prayers Causes Nearness To AllahSubhaanahu Wa Ta'ala

Sometimes there is a delay in the acceptance of prayers because; to supplicate Allah ((Subhana wa taaala).) continuously is the best of worship. It is the Mercy of Allah ((Subhana wa taaala).) that he may want us to continue to pray to Him. It is a means of seeking nearness to Him. For whomsoever He wishes good, He gives him the Tawfq of supplicating Him by delaying the acceptance of his prayers.

One day Hazrat Ibrahm (Alaisalam) saw a person wearing a dress made of Fur he went towards him & waited for him to complete his prayer, When he completer his prayer Hazrat Ibrahm (Alaisalam) said

O Worshiper! I appreciate your way and want to befriend you. After sometime Hazrat Ibrahm (Alaisalam) asked him Which is the most difficult day He replied The day Allah Subhana Wa Taala will reward and punish all His creature according to there deeds Hazrat Ibrahm (Alaisalam) said Lets together pray that Allah Subhana Wa Taala may protect from the hardship of this day The worshiper replied I will not participate in this prayer because I have been praying for something for the past thirty years and till date it has not been fulfilled, so there is no scope in praying for something else.

Then he asked the worshipper about his prayer which has not been accepted till then. He said, One day I was busy in my prayers when I saw a handsome boy grazing a herd of sheep and goats. I asked him whose animals were those. He said they belonged to him. Then I asked him who he was. He said that he was the son of Khalilullah (Friend of Allah) Hazrat Ibrahm (Alaisalam) and that his name was Ismail. At that moment I prayed to Allah to let me see my Khalil Ibrahm (Alaisalam). Hazrat Ibrahm (Alaisalam) said,

Now your prayer has been answered. I am that Hazrat Ibrahm (Alaisalam) The worshipper became extremely overjoyed and embraced Hazrat Ibrahm (Alaisalam). He kissed his head, eyes and hands and thanked the Almighty Allah with sincerity. After this both of them together prayed for the believing men and women.Repentance After Every Fardh Salaat:

RasulullahSallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallamsaid: "Whosoever recites Subhanallah 33 times after every Salaat and recites AlhamduLillah 33 times and then recites Allahu Akbar 33 times, which equals to 99 and completed the 100 by reciting:

all his sins will be forgiven even though it be equal to the foam of the ocean.To Seek Repentance through Durood (Salawaat):

Sayidina Abu Hurairah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reports that NabiSallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallamsaid: The person who recites 80 times on the day of Friday immediately after the Asr Salaat, before standing up from his place:

80 years of his sins will be forgiven by Allah and the reward equivalent to the worship of 80 years will be written for him.."At bedtime you can read this 21 times:

Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zanbinw Wa Atubu Ilay Innaka Antat Tawwaabur Raheem

When you reachZanmbinwkeep an inner attitude of presenting all your sins for maghfirat before Allah Ghafurur Raheem.

Everyone can read it. It was given by His Eminence Syed Mahmood Ashraf Ashrafi Al Jilaani (son of His Eminence Shaykh e Aazam Syed Izhar Ashraf Ashrafi Al Jilaani) to combat the nafs.Sayyidul Istighfaar (The leading form of Repentance):

ListenorDownload it

Allahumma anta Rabbi la ilaha illa anta, Anta Khalaqtani wa ana abduka, wa ana 'ala ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu, A'udhu bika min Sharri ma sana'tu, abu'u Laka bini'matika 'alaiya, wa Abu Laka bidhanbi faghfirli innahu la yaghfiru adhdhunuba illa anta.

O Allah You are my Cherisher.There is no deity except You. You have created me and I am Your servant and as far as possible, I abide by my solemn promise and covenant(which I made to You). I seek Your protection against the consequences of my wrong doings. I full acknowledge the grace You have bestowed upon me and I confess my faults.So pardon me as none besides You can pardon sins.

Narrated Shaddad bin Aus Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu:

The Prophet Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam said "The most superior way of asking for forgiveness from Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala is: [Syedul Isighfaar] The Prophet Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam added. "If somebody recites it during the day with firm faith in it, and dies on the same day before the evening, he will be from the people of Paradise; and if somebody recites it at night with firm faith in it, and dies before the morning, he will be from the people of Paradise."Bukhari,Volume 8, Book 75, Number 318.Wazifa narrated by Hazrat Sultan Nizaam Ul Din Aulia Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh.. He said that read these wazaifs as follow 100 times after Fajjar prayer InshaAllah Azwajal within one week you will get what you want.


On Friday : Ya Howa Ya Allaho (100 Times)

On Saturday : Ya Rahmano Ya Raheemo (100 Times)

On Sunday : Ya Wahida Ya Aahado Ya Samado (100 Times)

On Monday : Ya Zal Jalal-e-Wal Ikram (100 Times)

On Tuesday : Ya Hayyu Ya Qayumo (100 Times)

On Wednesday : Ya HanNano Ya ManNano (100 Times)

On Thursday : Ya Maalik-ul-Mulke Ya Zal Jalal-e-Wal Ikram (100 Times)

These Wazifas are read if you desire something:

1.ALLAHU RABBI LA SHARIKALAHU.Recite this Wazifa 874 times with 11 times Durood Shareef before and after. Make sure that you are in Wudhu, sit in the Tashahhud position and face the Qibla. Read this Wazifa everyday until your problem is solved.

2.HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL.Read this Wazifa daily 450 times with 11 times Durood Shareef before and after. It must be read continuosly when one is depressed.

3.TUFAIL-E-HAZRAT DASTAGEER DUSHMAN HUWE ZERThis wazifa should be recited 111 times after Esha Salaah with 11 times Durood Shareef before and after. This Wazifa is read with a desire to overpower one's enemies.

In connection with these 3 Wazifas, the following should be kept in mind:Recite these Wazifas according to their specific amounts as indicated, e.g. 874, 450 and 111. The first two Wazifas can be read at any time during the day. The third Wazifa must be recited only after Esha Salaah. For the sake the Barakah (to those who do not have any problems), one may read the first two Wazifas 100 times each with 3 times Durood Shareef before and after daily.Walasawfa Yu'tika Rabbuka Fatarda

[Surah Yaa-Seen 36, Verse 82]And His only task when He intends a thing is to command it, Be - and it thereupon happens!

If any person whose work has gone wrong, he must for that purpose and apart from that for any other permissible desire/wish too, read this dua with faith when walking and sitting etc (i.e., as much as he can all the way).

This dua opens theDoor of Victoryand has been tested.

Note:Always read Darood Shareef (at least 3) before and after any dua.For Fulfillment of Religious Needs

According to some Hadith. The Ismul-A'zam is contained in this verse. It is most effective if read continually in times of calamity.

Alif Laam Meem. Allah!There is none worthy of worship but He,The Ever-Living, The Eternal.Al Imran 1,2

The Ismul-A'zam is according to other traditions contained in the following verse. A person will profit tremendously if he recites it for any legitimate purpose.

None is worthy of worship besides You.You are Pure (and) surely, I am from among the transgressors.Al Ambiya 87

The Ismul-A'zam is, according to some, concealed in the following verse. Anyone who recites it seven times in the morning, an angel will be appointed to seek pardon on his behalf till the evening. If he happens to die on that day, he will die as a martyr. And if he reads it seven times in the evening, the angels will seek pardon for him till the morning. If he happens to die during the night, he will die as a martyr.

Allah is He besides whom there is none worthy of worship.He is the Knower of both secret and open.He is Most Kind, Most Merciful.Al Hashr 22

Benificial Wazaif's To Read


Protection from all calamities recite:Ya Raheem100 times after each prayer.

Deliverance from bad luck/misfortune.. repeat often:Laillah ha illa anta subhana ka ini kunto menazale meen.There is no god but you,Holy are you.I have indeed been of the wrongdoers.

Alleviate financial difficulty recite:Ya Shakoor41 times daily for removal of financial,mental,spiritual or physical hardships.

Seeking help when overwhelmed recite: 100 timesAni maghlu bun fan taa siirI am overcome,so come,you to my help.

Alleviate loneliness recite excessively :Rab la tanzarni far dau wa anta khairul wa re seenMy lord,leave me not childless,and you are the best of inheritors.


Recite often after isha prayer:Rabe habli menas sale heen.My lord,grant me a righteous son.When fearing an attack from an animal:

Read this ayah and blow towards the animal. It won't attack - Insha Allah Azwajal.

Allah is our Lord and your Lord.For us is our deeds and for you, yours.There is no argument between us and you.Allah will bring us together.Ash Shura 15

Protection Against all type of Animals, Insects, and Reptiles:

When a dog poses a threat - This verse should be recited when a dog growls or is about to attack. The same applies to any other wild animal such as a lion, cheetah etc.

And their dog stretching forth histwo fore-legs on the threshold.Al Khaf 18

To Prevent Dangerous Animals, Harmful Insects and Reptiles from entering the house:

Recite this verse excessively - especially when going to bed and on awakening.

Indeed, I rely in Allah, my Lord and your Lord.There is no animal but He grasps it by its forelock.Surely, my Lord is on the Straight Path.Al Hud 56

When stung by an insect:

ReciteSuratul Inshirah(30th Juz)[link]and blow on the patient. The pain will subside shortly - Insha-Allah Azwajal.

General Protection:

Recite this name of AllahSubhaanahu Wa Ta'alaexcessively. No harm will be caused to the reciter even if he sleeps in a place where wild animals abound.To drive out ants from house:

Upon reciting this verse, they will disappear very shortly - Insha-Allah Azwajal.

O ants, enter your dwellings (so) Sulaimaan andhis army do not trample you without knowing it.An Naml 18Robe of Rehmat & Nemat / Khirqa Khair o barkat

When there is more expense then gain and one is unable to fulfill the need of his family from his monthly salary and when one's heart is feeling like doing Haraam work to get more money then the Wazaif given below should be read to be safe from Haraam and to get the Rehmat n Nemat from Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala.The person who read the wazaif below will never face any monetary problem and he will always be safeguard from Haraam activities.

In reality this wazaif is Treasure from Unseen.

On friday after taking ghusl , take water in a Jar or bowl recite Surah Qadr 46 times & sprinkle the water on the clothes that one is wearing & sprinkle on clothes of all the family member and all the clothes that one will be wearing in whole week. If any water is left then drink that water. When the person will wear this cloth he will be away from Haraam activity and Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will give him Halaal rizq & treasure. He will not have to ask anything from anyone , Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will fulfill his wishes and there will increase in Profit's and Barakat.

This special waaif has come from Sufiya Ikraam and has been tested 1000 of times with success.

Every friday do this Amal InshaAllah Azwajal you will see the Rehmat & Barkat in your property and money etc.

Note:Dont throw the left over water, drink the water.

The Buzurg who give this wazaif has said "Jab tak Yeh Kapda Jism per Rahega, Har Haraam Kaam se bachega aur Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala Barkate Rizq aur Zar wa Maal dega".

Plz do dua for me.

JazakAllahu khayrun

For Increase in Rizq:

When u see the new moon for ramadan then reciteSurah Fatehlink3 times.. for increasment in ur rizq/sustenance for whole year..

For increasment in Rizq (income) and for its substance one should recite 41 timesSurah Alam-Nashraahlinkon a daily base.. After some duration one will be successful in his/her aim.. InshaAllah Azwajal..

Barakah in food:

Aishah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha reports that a person came to Rasulullah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam and complained that there was no barakah blessings in his home. Rasulullah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam asked: Why are you negligent ofAyatul Kursi?Whoever reads it upon any food, Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will impart barakah to such food.

For Barakah and Progress in Business:

If Ayatul-Kursi is recited and blown on ones merchandise the following benefits will be reaped:

a. the merchandise will prove beneficial for its owner;b. one will make good progress;c. one will be protected from the mischief and evil promoting of Shaytan;d. a poor person will become wealthy;e. sustenance (rizq) will be acquired from strange and unknown sources.

If recited on entering the house and when going to bed:

a. no thieves will enter such a house;b. the reader will not drown, burn or die due to an accident;c. he will enjoy good health.For protection from Nightmares:

If some one reciteAyat ul Kursionce, a custodian (An angel) will be deputed for the reciter by AllahSubhaanahu Wa Ta'alaand Satan will not be able to approach him till morning.(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 2311, Vol. 3, page 88)The reciter's house as well as his neighbouring houses will remain protected from theft; further, ghosts and jinns would not enter these houses.(Al Wazifah-tul-Karimah, page 18) Spreading the palms of both hands and recitingSurah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naasonce each, blow on palms and then stroke hands on the head, face, chest, back and front up to where the hands can reach in the whole body. Do the same for a second and third time; the one doing so will remain safe from every affliction.. InshaAllah Azwajal.(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 6319, Vol. 7, page 192) Ya Mutakbirulink: Recite this 21 times if nighmates occur. InshaAllah Azwajal all nightmares will disappear. (Duration of treatment: Until acquiring Cure)

This ayah could be recited before sleeping by one who has continuous nightmares.

For them are glad tidings in the life of this world and the hereafter.There is no change in the word of Allah. This is, without doubt, supreme felicity.Yunus 64To Cure Insomnia:

To enable a patient to get a good sleep, Surah Mujadalah (Juz 28)linkshould be recited next to the patient.

To beat insomnia and have a good nights sleep read the this verse excessively.

Surely, Allah and His angels send salawaat(blessings) on the Nabi. O you who believe,(you too) send salawaat and salutations on him.Al Ahzab 56

Words That Protect From Every Harm

Khawlah Bint Hakim narrated that Allahs Messenger (Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam) said:

Whoever arrives somewhere and says: I seek refuge with Allahs complete Words from the evil He has Created ...nothing will harm until he leaves that place.(Sahih Muslim, no. 2708)

Aoodhu bi-Kalimaathillaahi- Ath-Thaammaathi min-Sharri maa Khalaq

In Taysir Al-Aziz Al-Hamid (p. 146), Sulayman Bin Abdullah relates that Al-Qurtubi commented on this by saying:

And this is true and real, and I believe in it due to the textual proof as well as my own experience. Since I heard this narration, I would constantly act upon it and nothing was able to harm me until I left it.

One night, I was stung by a scorpion in Al-Mahdiyyah (a province in Tunisia). So, I thought to myself until I realized that I had forgotten to seek refuge using these words.In Al-Qawl Al-Mufid (1/155), Al-Uthaymeen commented on this Hadith:

This protection is from all human and jinn devils whether they are visible or invisible until the person leaves that place. And there is no way that what is described in this narration will not take place, as these are the words of the truthful one who is believed (i.e. the Messenger of Allah MuhammadSallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)!

However, if what is mentioned in this narration does not take place, it is because of a preventative factor and not because of a deficiency in the method itself or the narration.

This also applies to anything that the ProphetSallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallammentioned as a Sharee method in which the desired outcome is not achieved. So, this is not because of a fault in the method, and is rather because of the presence of an obstacle that is blocking the desired outcome.

For example: reciting Al-Fatihah for a sick person is a form of healing. Some people recite it and find that the sick person is not healed.

This is not because of a deficiency in this method, and is instead because there is something present that is preventing this method from bringing about its desired effect.

Another example is mentioning "Allah" before having sexual intercourse in order to prevent Satan from harming the future child.

Some people will mention "Allah" and find that Satan still ends up harming the child due to something that is preventing this effect from being achieved.

So, you should check yourself to figure out what the obstacle is so that you can remove it and experience the effect of the method. i.e. Namaz,Roza,etc etc.For Repayment of Debt:

Recite this verse seven times after Fajr and seven times after Maghrib. Insha Allah Azwajal, Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will make means for debts to be settled.

Say: O Allah! Master of the sovereignty!You give sovereignty to whomever You desire,and withdraw sovereignty from whomever You desire.You exalt whomever You desire and debase whomever You desire.In Your hand is goodness.Truly, You possess power over everything.Al Imran 26For Abundance In Rizq & Fulfillment of Dept:

Between the Sunnah and Fardh of Fajr say the following verse 7 times and blow on the body. Also recite thrice durud in the beginning and end.

Sight cannot perceive Him. And He perceives sight.He is the Subtle, the Well-Aware.

Complete Du'a for Wudhu

At the beginning of the Wudhu pray the following Du'a:

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Allah humma inni au Zubika min hamazatish shayateen wa aoozubika raabe anyyahdhuroon

'' O Allah! Verily, I seek refuge in Thee from the evil suggestions of the devil, and I seek refuge in Thee, lest they should come to me ''

Bismilla hil azmi wal hamdu lil lahi ala dinil Islam

'' In the name of Allah, The Exalted, and praise be to Him for keeping me faithful to the religion of Islam ''

Alla hummagh firlee zambee wa wasse lee fee dari wa barik lee fee rizqi

'' O Allah! Grant me forgiveness for my sins, grant me expansion in my house and bless my livelihood ''

At the time of washing Hands pray :

Allah humma inni asalukal yumna wal barakata wa aoozubika minash shoomi wal halakati

'' O Allah! I ask of Thee good fortune and blessing, and seek refuge in Thee from misfortune and destruction ''

At the time of Gargling :

Allah Humma aa inni ala tilawati kitabeka wa kasratiz zikri laka wash shukri laka

'' O Allah ! Help me in the recitation of Thy Book, and in remembering Thee most, and in offering Thee thanks ''

At the time of pouring water in Nostrils :

Allah humma arihni ra-ehatal jannati wa anta anni radhin

'' O Allah ! Comfort me with the smells of Heaven, and under the circumstances that Thou art pleased with me ''

While Snuffing your Nose :

Allah humma aoozubika min rawaa-ihin nari wamin soo-iddari

'' O Allah! I seek refuge in Thee from the smell of the fire (of hell) and from the disgrace of the abode ''

While washing the Face :

Allah humma bayyidh waj hi yauma tabyadh-dhu wu juhu auliaika wala tusawwid wajhi yauma taswaddu wu juho aadaaika

'' O Allah! Brighten my face on the day when Thou wouldst brighten the faces of those who are dear to Thee, and do not blacken my face on the day when Thou wouldst blacken the faces of thy foes ''

While washing Right hand to the Elbow :

Allah humma aatini kitabi bi yamini wa hasibni hisabanyyaseera

'' O Allah! Give me the record of my deeds in my right hand and subject me to an easy judgment ''

While washing the Left Hand to the Elbow :

Allah humma inni aoozobika an tutiyayani kitabi bi shamli aumin wara-I Zahari

'' O Allah! I seek refuge in Thee that I may be given the record of my deeds in my left hand or from behind my back ''

While wiping Head :

Allah humma azillini tahta zilli arshika yauma la zilla illa zilla arshika

'' O Allah! give me the shade of shelter under Thy Throne, on the day when there will be no shade other than the shade of Thy throne ''

While wiping the Ears :

Allah hummaj alni minai lazeena yas tami-u-nal qaula fa yattabi-ona ahsanahu,Allah humma asmini munadiyal jannati ma al abrar

'' O Allah! make me as one of those who listen to an utterance and follow what is best in it.O Allah! make me listen to the pronouncement of the Heaven with the virtuous people ''

While wiping Neck :

Allah humma fukka raqabati minan nari wa aoozobika minas salasili wal aghla le

'' O' Allah! take my neck off from the hell-fire and I seek Thy refuge from the fetters and shackles ''

While washing Right Foot :

Allah humma sabbit qadamayya ala siratikal mustaeem

'' O Allah! let my feet stick to the right path ''

While washing left Foot :

Allah humma inni aoozobika an tazilla qadamayya alas sirati yauma tazillu aqadamul munafiqeena finnar

'' O' Allah! I seek Thy refuge that my feet slip on the bridge on the day when the feet of the hypocrites slip in Hell ''

At the end of Wudhu :

Ash-hadu an la ilaha ilal lahu wahdahu la sharika lahu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasooluhu Allah hummaj alni minat tawwabeena wajalni minal mutatahhireena waj alni min ibadikas sualiheen

'' I testify that there is no God besides Allah, He is alone, He has no partner, and I (further) testify that Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) is indeed His Bondsman and Apostle. O' Allah make me of those who are repentant and make me of those who are purified and make me of those who are Thy virtuous servants ''

Wazaifs for Ablution/Wudhu

Note:For duas just click on [Arabic - Image]

If u sayBismillahi Wal Hamdulillah[Arabic - Image]before starting with ur wudhu, then angels will write good deeds for u for as long as u are in that state.

Ya Qadiru:Whoever makes it his routine to recite this while washing every part of the body during ablution/wudhu, In'shaa-Allah Azwajal enemies will not be able to kidnap him.

This dua[Ohh Allah! Make me amnongst those who repent abundantly and make me amongst those who stay clean-[Arabic - Image]]should be read after wudhu.. with Durood Shareef before and after..

One Hadith mentions, "If a person does wudhu correctly and then looks towards sky and readsKalima e Shahadah,[Arabic - Image]then all 8 gates of Heaven are opened for him and he may enter through which ever one of them he pleases."(mulakhkhas az Sahih Muslim, V1, P122) If some one read this dua[Arabic - Image]after completing his wudu then these wording will be written on a piece of paper and that piece of paper will be put inside a ring and that ring will be kept saved till the day of judgment.. and on that day it will be given back to the reciter...

One blessed Hadith mentions, "If a person readsSurah Qadrlinkonce after completing wudhu, then he will be amongsttruthfuland if he reads it twice then he will be amongst themartyrsand if he reads it three times, then Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will keep himwith His prophetson the day of judgement".(Kanzul-Ummal, V9, P132, Hadith 26085, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut) If a person looks up to the sky after wudhu and readsSurah Qadr,then InshaAllah Azwajal hiseyesightwill never become weak.(Masail-ul-Quran, P291) Recitation ofAyat ul kursiafter wudhu... this will raise that persons rank40 timesfor each word..

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam

Destroying A Taweez or Black Magic

There are numerous ways that a Taweez can be rendered useless. The proper way to destroy a Taweez is to tear it into four pieces. That is, tear it once vertically in the middle. Then tear the two pieces horizontally so that it becomes four pieces. Read Allahu Samad 101 times on the torn pieces and dispose the 4 pieces in flowing water, such as a river. This will destroy the Taweez and its effects completely, InshaAllah Azwajal.

If anyone suspects that they are under the influence of 'black magic', or an evil spell then they can follow the following guidelines to overcome the influence and effects:

Read from the Quran, Chapter 82 called Infitaar Cleaving Asunderlink, eight (8) times, OR Chapter 99 called Zilzal Earthquakelink, from the Quran eleven (11) times before going to sleep.

Transliteration of Infitaar and Zilzal:

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem




Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem



Read either of the above Chapters as prescribed every night at bedtime and ask Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala, if there is any outside evil influence to let you know. If there really is any outside evil influence, Insha Allah within 11 days you will come to know through a dream. If nothing is revealed within 11 days then the answer is obviously, there is no outside evil influence.

If there is any outside evil influence, then when the person sees what / who / how the evil has been influenced, then the spell is broken immediately, InshaAllah Azwajal. The above is ado it yourselfmethod of destroying evil spells and evil Taweez.

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam

Take 11 cotton threads of light blue color (sky color) same as ur length.. from hairline to toe.. put all the 11 threads together so that u will have one thick thread then fold it twice.. in a way that u will end up having 4 layers of 11 threads..

..then make a loose knot on that thick thread and read surah falaq and blow on the knot and then tighten it up.. do this for 11 times so that on end u would have read 11 surah falaq and made 11 knots on the thread..

.. then burn it on a pan or on a burning coal.. if it smells like rotten meat then it means some one has done black magic on u.. so keep doing this amal till the rotten smell is gone..

Madni Request:Before doing this amal give out niyaz of 11rupees in the name of Hazrat Ghouse Azam Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh (as a isaale suwab) and when amal has worked then give out niyaz of 25rupees on the name of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh..(u can also give out deeni books with 11/25rupees)For Protection From Blackmagic:

Ya Mumeetu

Anyone who recites this seven (7) times daily and blows on himself, Inshaa-Allah Azwajal black magic will not have any effect on him.Ayaah 68 and 69 of Suraah h (Parah 16)

Important Notes:

1)If some one has doubts that there is Jaadu on him/her or he/she is actually feeling the symptoms of Jaadu then to eliminate the effects of it recite above mention Ayaahs for 100 times and blow it onto yourself.

2)Do it for 11 days.

3)Do not read other wazaif during this cure.

And remember to recite 11 times Durood Shareef before and after.Remember to read at least 3 Darood Shareef before and after.

To remove difficulties

Sayyidinah Shaykh Sayyad Abdul Qadir Jilani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu has said that someone who falls in difficulties must read the following with Wuzu:

[1.] 7 times Surah Faatiha,[2.] 7 times Surah Alam Nashrah,[3.] 7 times Surah Ikhlaas,[4.] 11 times Darood Shareef.

After that go into prostration (sajdah) and read this dua:

Ya Qaadwiyal Haajaat Wa Yaa Kaafiyal Muhimmaat Wayaa Daafiyal Baliyyaat Wayaa Hal-Lal Mushkilaat Wayaa Raafiad Darajaat, Wayaa Shafi-al-Amraad, Wayaa Mujibaddaawaat, Wayaa Arhamar Raahimeen, Wayaa Alima Maa Fis Sudur; Akrijnee Minaz Zuluma Teelan Noor.

Then by the Blessed Waseelah of Sayyidinah Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam, ask dua. Inshah Allah, ones dua will be accepted.

When you are suffering from diabetes:

''innahu 'alaa raj'ihi la Qadir'

By reciting this du'a at a fixed time everyday, but before you do, to recite the 'Darood Shareef' eleven times at the beginning, and then to recite the above verse once, and the Surah called 'wal 'aadiyaati dabhann'. Insha'Allah Azwajal, all your problems for diabetes shall be rid of.

Amal e Ghawsia:

This Amal is for increasing sustenance (rozi), removing difficulties, black magic, refunding and erasing debts, increasing knowledge, becoming muttaqi, removing celestial and terrestrial dificulties and protecion against enmy.

After Maghrib Salaat read 2 raka'ah of Nafil; in each raka'at after Surah Faatiha (Alhamd) read 11 times Surah Ikhlaas (Qul Huwallahu Ahad). After Salaam read 11 times Darood Shareef. Then go into prostration (Sajdah) and read the following with sincerity:

Allahumma Anta Rabbee Wa ana Abduka Yaa Rabbee Atlubu Rahmatika wa-al-tamissu Ridwaanaka. Allahumma Naj-jinee min azaabika waftalee abwaaba rahmatika, Ya Arhamar-Raahimeen.

After this dua ask dua by the Blessed Waseelah of Sayyidinah Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam and mention your aim (maqsad). Inshah Allah! One will find brightness in one's life.

Amal Faatiha:

To obtain blessings, tranquilty, food in abundance and job

Between Sunnat and Farz of Fajr Salaat read the following 11 times as it is written:

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim-mil-hamdulillahi Rabbil Allameen.

After Namaaz ask dua with sincerity. Inshah Allah! All problems will be solved.Darood Shareef to be recited abundantly to get relief from all types of difficulties.:

40 million Good Deeds !!

byAttariya Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:30 pm

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam

Wazaif for relief from Debts..

byAttariya Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:27 am

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam

Note:ReadDurood Shareef, once at the beginning and once at the end of every recitation. If you do not see or notice any benefit then instead of complaining, consider your own mistakes and keep in mind the will of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala..

Relief from debts..

Recite Surah Quraishlink7 times (with durood shareef once before and after) every salah, and say prayers, InshaAllah Azwajal even huge debt will be paid. Continue this act until you are relieved from your debt.

A wazaifah for relief from debts..

Accroding to a narration, once a mukatib * said to Sayyiduna Ali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu: "Please help me I cannot pay for my release". He Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu replied: "Shall I not teach u few words that the Beloved Rasool e Akram Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam taught me? Even if you owe as much money as mount Seer Allah Azwajal will pay (yout debt) for you. The words are..

Ya Allah Azwajal grant me lawful sustenance and save me from what is unlawful and make me independent of everyone apart from You, with your grace.

(Jami' Tirmizi, V5, P329, Hadith 3574)

Recite it (with durood once before and after) 11 times after every salah and 100 times every morning and evening until you are relieved from your debt..

A madani request:Before starting this wazeefa, distrubute (as sadqah) at least 11 rupees for the Eesal e Suwab of Ghaus e A'zam Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu and at least 25 rupees for Easal e Suwab of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu in case of fulfillment of your desire (religious literature can also be distributed).

Madani Suggestion:The troubled Islamic Brothers should travel with Madani Qafilas of Dawat e Islami in the company of devoteed of Prophet (Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam) and pray; if some one is not in a position to travel, (for instance Islamic Sisters) then make another family member travel on behalf of you.

For Repayment of Debt:

Recite this verse seven times after Fajr and seven times after Maghrib. Insha Allah Azwajal, Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will make means for debts to be settled.

Say: O Allah! Master of the sovereignty!You give sovereignty to whomever You desire,and withdraw sovereignty from whomever You desire.You exalt whomever You desire and debase whomever You desire.In Your hand is goodness.Truly, You possess power over everything.Al Imran 26Few tips for increasing ur eyesight..

ReadingSurah Naba-linkafter Zuhr Numaz will increase ur eyesight..

And the one that readsSurah Naba-linkafter Assar Numaz will InshaAllah Azwajal wont losse his eyesight..

ReadSurah Qadar-linkafter wozu while looking at sky and InshaAllah Azwajal his eye sight will not become weak..

ReadYa Nooruafter each farz numaz for 11x (Before/After: Durood Shareef) then blow on ur right index finger and put that in ur eyes just like u put kohl in ur eyes..

Apply kohl (preferably Surma e Asmad) in ur eyes according to its adaab.. and this too will have some good effects on ur eyesight..

Robe of Rehmat & Nemat / Khirqa Khair o barkat

byAttariya Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:25 pm

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam

When there is more expense then gain and one is unable to fulfill the need of his family from his monthly salary and when one's heart is feeling like doing Haraam work to get more money then the Wazaif given below should be read to be safe from Haraam and to get the Rehmat n Nemat from Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala.The person who read the wazaif below will never face any monetary problem and he will always be safeguard from Haraam activities.

In reality this wazaif is Treasure from Unseen.

On friday after taking ghusl , take water in a Jar or bowl recite Surah Qadr 46 times & sprinkle the water on the clothes that one is wearing & sprinkle on clothes of all the family member and all the clothes that one will be wearing in whole week. If any water is left then drink that water. When the person will wear this cloth he will be away from Haraam activity and Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will give him Halaal rizq & treasure. He will not have to ask anything from anyone , Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala will fulfill his wishes and there will increase in Profit's and Barakat.

This special waaif has come from Sufiya Ikraam and has been tested 1000 of times with success.

Every friday do this Amal InshaAllah Azwajal you will see the Rehmat & Barkat in your property and money etc.

Note:Dont throw the left over water, drink the water.

The Buzurg who give this wazaif has said " Jab tak Yeh Kapda Jism per Rahega, Har Haraam Kaam se bachega aur Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala Barkate Rizq aur Zar wa Maal dega.

Plz do dua for me.

JazakAllahu khayrun

The Barakah And Blessings Of Bismillah Shareef

byZamir Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:01 pm

[center]Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakaatuhuBismillaahir Rahmaanir RaheemIn the Name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful


WHEN BISMILLAH WAS REVEALED ...Sayyidina Jaabir Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu is reported to have said that when Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem revealed, the clouds gave way by moving to the East, the winds ceased blowing, the oceans became calm, the creatures prepared themselves to listen, the shaytaan got pelted with fire from the heavens and Allah Ta'ala, swearing an oath by His honour, declared: Anyone who says this name of mine (ie. Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem) upon anything, I will surely impart barakah in that thing,(Durre Manthoor and Ibne Katheer)


It is reported that Sayyidina Isa (AS) passed by a grave whose inmate was being tormented. After some days he happened to pass by the same grave again. This time there was no punishment. The inmate was in great comfort.This surprised him a great deal. He asked Allah: -Lord, what brought about Your mercy so that you have lifted the punishment from this person?" Allah Ta'ala replied: -0 Isa, when the man died, he left behind a child. When his mother took him to the madrasah and he, the child, said Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem in the presence of the teacher, it is not like me to keep on punishing his father while he called me Rahmaan and Raheem. Hence, I forgave him.


Bashr Haafi once saw a paper with the inscription "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" lying on the ground. He picked it up. He had 2 Dirhams in his pocket. He bought perfume with these and smeared it on the paper. That night he saw (the noor(light)) of Allah Ta'ala in his dream. Allah said to him: 0 Bashr Haafi, just as you have honoured my name, in the same way I shall make you popular in the world and hereafter.


A certain Qaadhi passed away while his wife was expecting. The child was born. When he grew up, his mother took him to the madrasah. When he said "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" in the presence of the teacher for the-first time, Allah Ta'ala lifted the punishment from his father. Allah Ta'ala said to Sayyidina Jibreel (AS): "O Jibreel, it is not like me to keep on punishing the father while his child remembers me with "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" .


It is mentioned in Lam'aateSoofiyyah that a pious man was once lecturing on the virtues of "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem". A Jewish girl was also listening to his lecture. She was so moved by the lecture that she accepted Islam. Now, whenever she did anything she always said "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" first. When her father, who was the king's minister, discovered that she had embraced Islam, he became very upset. He feared that the people would look down upon him. So, he began threatening her in the hope that she would forsake Islam. But she would not. Finally, he decided, the only solution was to kill her. Thus, he thought of a plan: he gave her the ring which was used for sealing letters and documents in the king's court. He said to her: "Keep it until I ask for it."Saying "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" she took it and put it in her pocket.' That night the father tip-toed into her room and stole the ring and flung it into the river. That would give the king all the reason to hang her.

The following day a fisherman came along to the minister and gave him a fish as a gift. The minister took it and gave it to his daughter to prepare it. As soon as she opened the stomach to clean the fish she found the ring. She was shocked! For it looked exactly like the ring her father had given her! She searched for the ring in her pocket but couldn't find it. She read "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" and put the ring back into her pocket.

She then prepared the fish and presented it to her father. After he had his meal. He then asked for the ring. She said "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" and produced it from her pocket. The father was shocked for he had thrown it into the river! How could she take it out from her pocket!He then told her what he had done and enquired where the ring came from. She told him she found it from the fish's stomach.Witnessing the barakah(blessing) of Bismillah he accepted Islam straightaway.


It is mentioned in Moo-dhi-hul Qur'aan that the king wrote to Sayyidina Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu that he has continious headaches and to kindly send him some medication.Sayyidina Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu sent him a topee(hat). As long as he had the topee(hat) on his head he would feel well. But when he took it off, the headache came back.He was surprised. He took off the topee(hat) and inspected it carefully. And he found "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" inscribed inside.


On one occasion Sayyidina Khaalid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu surrounded the enemy. So they said to him that you claim that Islam is a true religion. Show us some proof. So he said to them to bring him some poison. They brought him a cup filled with poison. He said 'Bismillah' and drank it. No harm whatsoever came to him. Witnessing this, they all embraced Islam.


Faqeeh Muhammad Zamani had a severe fever. His Ustaad Faqeeh Wali Muhammad came to pay him a visit. He gave him a ta'weez(amulet) and advising him not to open it, he departed.As soon as he wore it, his fever disappeared. He became curious. So he opened it and found "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" written in it. This made him lose his confidence in the ta'weez. So his fever returned.He went back to his Ustaad and offered his apology and asked for another ta'weez(amulet). The Ustaad gave him another one. He wore it and his fever again disappeared. He opened it after a year and again, to his surprise, found "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" written in it. By this time he was cured and his yaqeen in "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem" grew tremendously.


In Durre Manthoor Sayyidina Ibne Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu is reported as saying that surely, whenever Jibreel (AS) used to bring wahee to Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam), he used to first recite Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem .The reason for the above is as follows: in Bismillah there are three names of Allah:(1) Allah which is His personal name indicating that all projects can only be initiated by the will and wish of Allah.(2) Rahmaan (Kind) which is His attributive name indicating that only Allah can keep that project intact and existent (guarding it against destruction).(3) Raheem(Most Merciful) which is also His attributive name indicating that only Allah can,through His mercy and grace, enable any person to derive benefit from that project.

This clearly proves that any project begun with Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem will be granted barakah and blessings from the beginning till the end.


It is for this reason that Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi- wasallam) used to recite Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem before doing any work. And he (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) also advisedthe Ummah to do the same. For example, reading it before shutting the door for the night, before putting out the light, before taking meals, before drinking water, before boarding a conveyance, and when alighting any conveyance.


It is mentioned in Tafseer Roohul Bayaan that Allaamah Sayyid Haqqi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said that Allah Ta'ala has three thousand names. He revealed one thousand to the angels, one thousand to the ambiya(AS), three hundred are mentioned in the Toraah, three hundred in the Zaboor, three hundred in the Injeel, and ninety-nine in the Holy Qur'aan. One Name He has kept to Himself; He revealed it to no one. Also, He has condensed all His names into the three names contained in Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem. They are Allah, Rahmaan and Raheem. Any person saying Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem; it is as though he has remembered Allah by all His names.


Rasoolullah (Sallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) is reported as saying that any du'a which is begun withis not rejected. Because of saying Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem the scales of my Ummah will become heavy on the Day of Qiyaamah. The other people will enquire: "Why is the virtues of the Ummate Muhammadiyyah so heavy?" Their prophets will say: "In the utterances of the Ummate Muhammadiyyah there is such an honourable name of Allah that if it is placed on the one side of the scale, and the sins of the entire creation is put onto the other side then the side with the virtue will be heavier.


Rasoolullah (Saliallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) said that Sayyidina Jibreel made mention of this Hadeeth under oath that he heard it from Sayyidina Mika'il(AS) under oath who in turn heard it from Sayyidina Israfeel (AS) under oath that Allah Ta'ala said: "By my honour, grace and grandeur, whoever reads Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem and Soorah Faatihah jointly once, then you be witness that I shall not burn his tongue and I will save him from the Fire as well as the punishment of the grave and the day of Qiyaamah.Note: Reading Bismillah and Sooratul Faatihah jointly means to read it as follows:Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem mil hamdu lillaahi rabbil aalameen.....


Rasoolullah (Sallailaahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: "One who does not say Bismillah before wudhu, his wudhu is incomplete." (Tirmizi). It is reported from Sayyidina Abu Hurairah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu that anyone who does not say Bismillah before wudhu, only the sins committed by the limbs which are washed in wudhu will be washed away; and one who says Bismillah before wudhu, the sins of the entire body will be washed away.(Mishkaat)


Sayyidina Umar Ibne Abee Salmah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reports that Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) said to me: "Say Bismillah and eat with your right hand the food that is in front of you."(Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi)

Whoever used to eat without saying Bismillah, Rasoolullah(Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) used to hold his hand and urge him to say Bismillah.(Zaadul Ma'aad,Uswah-e-Rasoole Akram).

The Ulama have said that it is preferable to say the Bismillah aloud so that it is a reminder for those who forget. Also, Ibne Habbaan is reported as saying that if Bismillah is said prior to utilising any bounty of Allah and Alhamdu- lillah is said after utilising it, the user will not be asked to the give accountability for that bounty on the Day of Qiyamah.


Sayyidina Anas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reports from Rasoolullah (Sallallaa- hu-alayhi-wasallam) that when a person undresses for the purpose of either relieving himself or bathing or having relations with his spouse then the shaytaan interferes and plays with his or her private parts. But if he or she says Bismillah before taking off the clothes, then this serves as a barrier and safety against the shaytaan and jinn.(Tirmizi)


Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) is reported as saying that as long as people keep on saying Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem it will be a means of safeguarding them against sicknesses; a means of granting riches to the destitute; a means of freedom against the Fire; a means of safeguard against being swallowed by the earth; a means of safety against faces becoming distorted; and a means of safety from stones raining down from the heavens.(Ghunyatut Taalibeen Page 157)eward For Reading Ayatul Qursi

byZamir Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:31 am

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Reward For Reading Ayatul Qursi






Rasool Allah peace be upon him said, "Whoever recites Aayatul Kursi after every Fard (Fard Salat). Only death is keeping him/her from entering Jannah. (As soon as he/she dies, will enter Jannah)(Nisa'i, Ibne Habban, Ibnelsani A'n Abi Amatah Albahili Radiallah Anhu)" Allah teaches us good but how can we see if we make ourselves blind ? At the end of all shall we know how small is our accept state , but for Allah Grace : Let us bow to his Will and His true guidance : Let us Praise Him and trust Him now and forever ''. Read all the Duas / Wazif with Heartily Deeply .Stricken!" Remember before Starting & Ending any Duas u should read 3 / 5 / 7 / 11 / 12 / 14 times Darood Sharif & you should must Pray Namaz (Prayer) regularly 5 times a day."& He / She must be Clean . & with wazoo.1. For Any Wishes / Hopes :Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) says, the person who recite following ayyat & than pray for his/her wishes / hajat , InshAllah his/her , hajat / wish will be fulfills .the following ayyat are" La Ilaha IllAllah Anta Subhanka Inni Kuntoo Min-al-Zalamin " .2. For Hopes / Wishes :Hazrat Imam-e-Zaman a.s says, if a person has to face any hajat so he recite 1 week following Tasbeeh like that , recite onsat1000 times" La Ilaha IllAllaho ", onsun1000 times"Ya-Hayoo Ya-Qayoomo ", onmon.1000 times" Alla Humma Salle Allaa Muhammedin Wa Aale Muhammed "ontue1000 times" La Holl Wala Qoowateh Ilaha BillAllahe "onwed1000 times" EstighfaarAllah "onthurs1000 times" Subhan Allahe "onFri. 1000 times " Ya-Allaho Ya-Allaho "& onFri., Day (mor) after complete these Tasbeeh , recite" SubhanAlMuqta-dre La-ma Yashaao Ba-qudrata-he Fahallo La-ma Yureed3. For Marriage :For Marriage of virgin girl, recite" Ya-Lateefo "100 timesafter Isha , starting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif.4. For Marriage :Read" Ya-Lateefo "129 timesin Saj-da after Maghrib, starting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif.5. For Marriage :Read" Ya-Lateefo "800 timesdaily , starting & ending with 3/5/7/11 times Darood shrif.6. For Wishes :Read" Ya-Allaho"1000 timesdaily , starting & ending with 3 times Darood .7. For Any Hard Difficulty / Marraige :Read Ista-ga-sa ," 133 times Hazrat Abbas a.s Ya Kasheefa Al-Karbee Aan Waghi Akheeka Al-Hussain a.s Ekshef Al-karbe Aan wajhi . (133 times). "starting & ending with11 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .(best)8. For Wishes :Read" Ya-Allaho "660 timesdaily after Asr , starting & ending with 3 times Darood.9. For Desires :Read70 times" Ayat-ul-Qursi (255-257) "onFriafter Asr. in a separate room.& pray.10. For Marriage :Read100 times" Ali-ul-Azim "& 3 times Ayat-ul-Qursi after every Namaz ,starting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif & pray.11. For Any Wish :Read" Saroot-al-Imran , Ayat (190-200) "after every Namaz , starting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif & pray.12. For Wishes :" Take a Gossel / Bath on Fri. & Pray Fajr Namaz after , read Tasbeeh Hazrat Fatima a.s , & read 100 times Saroot Al-hamad Ayat (1-7) & 100 times Darood shrif "than pray for wishes , remember do not talk with other & read on the same place.13. For Desires :Read" Saroot -al-hamad Ayat (1-7) like that , after Fajr 21 times , after Zohr 22 times , after Asr 23 times , after Maghrib 24 times & after Isha 10 times "daily for 1 week .remember start this wazif on Thursday.14. For Marriage :Virgin girl / virgin boy recite" 41 times Saroot Yaseen "starting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif & pray .read 21 days & remember start onFri.15. For Any Hopes :Read40 timesdaily" Ayat-ul-Qursi (255-257) ". starting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif & pray16. For Fulfillment of Wishes :Read40 times " Saroot-al-Anam ", starting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif & pray.17. For Any Wishes :Read41 times " Saroot-al-Anam ", on the same place starting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif & pray.18. For Wish :Pray4 Rakat Namaz-e-Hajat, like that , in every rakat read" Saroot-al-Hamad qur(1) with Saroot-al-Hashar qur(28) complete your 4 rakat ". after namaz pray your wishes.19. For Desires :Read360 times " Saroot-al-Qadr qur(30) "& pray20. For Nikkah Massage :The Person who writes" Saroot-al-Imran , Ayat (73-74) "& bend & wear this ayyat on your arm & send a massage to that girl that he wish to marry & InshAllah his massage will be accepted .21. For Hopes :Read12000 times" BismillahAhirRahman NirRahim "like that , after1000 timesread2 rakatnamaz hajat & pray than once again start like that & complete your12000 times.22. For Wishes :Read" 786 times Bismillah & 786 times Darood Shrif "& pray for y wishes.23. For Marriage :Read21 times " Saroot-alam-Nasra qur(30) "after Zohr for 11 days.24. ForIstekhara:Read " Al-Khabiro "This Holy Name is beneficial to become aware of unknown things. If recited 21 times at bed daily the person will come to know about his or her object in the dream. If recited 812 times for one week the person will come to know how to achieve his/her desire /object .The recitation of this name is a sort of Istekhara which is known in the dream to a person as to do a thing or not and if to do how it should be done and its way out with its result. This name should be recited with ablution.25. For Marriage :OnMonday, read4 rakat Namaz-e-Nafallike that, in "1strakat read saroot-ul-hamad with10 timesread Saroot-ul-uhad/aklash , in2ndrakat read saroot-ul-hamad with20 timesread Saroot-ul-uhad/aklash , in3rdrakat read saroot-ul-hamad with30 timesread Saroot-ul-uhad/aklash , in4thrakat read saroot-ul-hamad with40 timesread Saroot-ul-uhad/aklash after Salaam read with heartily / deeply70 timesSaroot-ul-uhad/aklash & after read75 timesAllahum Aig-fir-li & than read70 timesDarood Sharif " & than pray for y marriage (best) , if y do not see any response , read again onMon.InshAllah y will sucess.26. For Removal of Difficulty :The Person who reads after Namaz-e-Tha-hjad ," Ziyarat Ashoora & gives had-ia to the Hazrat Nurjus Kahtoon a.s mother of Imam-e-Zaman a.s ", his / her difficulty / wishes will be fulfils. InshAllah.27. For Wishes / Hopes :Starts onWednight , read14 nights, reads7 times " Saroot-al-Yaseen "& gives had-ia to theHazrat Umm-ul-Banin a.s mother of Hazrat Abbas a.s& pray for his / her help in any matter.28. For Removal of Hard Difficulty :Read "2 Rakat Namaz Hajat& reads7 times Saroot-al-Yaseen & Saroot-al-Rehman&1000 times Darood Shrifgives had-ia to theHazrat Umm-ul-Rubab a.s mother of Hazrat Ali Asghar a.s& than once again Read2 Rakat Namaz Hajat& reads7 times Saroot-al-Yaseen & Saroot-al-Rehman & 1000 times Darood Shrifgives had-ia to theHazrat Ali Asghar a.s, Remember doing this Wazif / Ista-ga-sa on afternoon or on night in the open sky & walk7 times fwd& cry for help toHazrat Ali Asghar a.s" , remember do not forget to distribute Milk / Sweets / Nahiz .InshAllah Hazrat Ali Asghar a.s will help.29. For Wish :Read" Ya-Allaho "1100 timesdaily , starting & ending with 3 times Darood .30. For Removal of Difficulty :Recite Ziyarat of Sayeda Zainab a.s then 2 rakaat namaz hajat , after finishing namaz recite 3 times: ( ta seen meem , telka Ayaatul Ketabel Mubeen , Adrekeeni Ya Zainab Binti Ameeri Al Muomeneen ) then pray 4 ur wish , inshaallah it will be sucseed.31. For Wishes :Read7 days 7 times " Saroot-al-Yaseenwith 110 times Darood shrif ", starts onthursday, read before Fajr Namaz & gives had-ia to" Hazrat Imam Ali Raza a.s "on the last day distribute sweet / any thing.32. For Marriage / Hopes :Read 2 rakat Namaz had-ia" Hazrat Masooma Qum a.s,than read 1 time Saroot-al-Yaseen & in the end read ziyarat Hazrat Masooma Qum a.s", read all things41 days.33. For Any Hard Wishes :After Dua gives "3 times qusam / sworn to Allah the blood of Hazrat Imam Hussian a.s ". InshAllah he / she will fulfills his wishes / hopes .(best)34. For Any Hopes :If a wisher gives" 3 times qusam / sworn to Allah about Hazrat Bibi Zainab a.s ".InshAllah he / she will fulfills his wishes / hopes .(best)35. For Any Difficulty :Read110 times , "Ya-Ali Adrkni Ba-haq Dum-Al-Mazloom."starting & ending with 11 times Darood36. For Removal of Difficulty :Read3 times " In-sh-dk Ba-Dum Al-Mazloom."starting & ending with 3 times Darood37. For Removal of Hard Difficulty :Read this Phrase to seeing a rising sun ,80 timesdaily with110 timesDarood shrif ,"Shah-e-Marddan , Sheer-e-Yazdan , PowerorQuota of Allah ...... La Fat-ha , ILLAllah Ali , La Saif , ILLAllah Zulfiqar "38. For Wishes :Read 2 rakat Namaz had-iaHazrat Imam Ali a.sthan read" Ya-Fa-ra-ssh Al-Hajjaz Adrkni "starting & ending with 11 times Darood Shrif.39. For Hard Difficulty :Read 2 rakat Namaz had-iaHazrat Abbas a.sthan read1000 times " Ya-Abbas a.s Adrkni "& than read1000 times " Abu-AlFazal Abbas a.s Dakiy-LLk"after Isha .starting & ending with 11 times Darood Shrif .40. For Any Wishes :Read1000 times " Ya-Allaho Ya hoo "after Namaz .starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif .41. For Wishes :Read 2 rakat Namaz Hajjat than read Tasbeeh Hazrat Fatima a.s than read69 times " Ya-Hadi Alhaq , Ba-haq Zainab a.s Aqiz Hajjati "then read Darood Shrif & gives 69 Rs / Riyal / Dinar or $ any syeda .starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif .42. For Marriage :Recite" Ayatul Kursi 21 times, a day & 1 Tasbeeh of Darood Shrif & 1 Tasbeeh of Estaghfaar "after every Namaz.43. For Marriage :Recite" Saroot Taha qur(16) "on food / water & offer to eat / drink to the virgin girl.44. For Removal of Difficult :He/She kept 3 days fast on Wed , Thurs , Fri & daily Recite" Saroot Yaseen ", starting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif & pray.45. For Wish :The person who reads 3 times" Saroot-al-Bakra "after Fajr. starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif .46. For Any Hopes / Difficulties :Recite some persons on the same place ," Saroot Yaseen " 110 timesstarting & ending with 3 times Darood shrif & gives had-ia 14 Masomeen a.s.47. For Any Hopes :Recite after Isha for 21 days on his one leg , like that" Saroot Yaseen "on 1st day read1 time, on 2nd day read3 times, on 3rd day read5 times, remember increase 2 times daily on the 21st day read41 times. remember avoid from yogurt , meet , onions etc.48. For Marriage / Wishes :Read1000 times " Alla Humma Salle Allaa Muhammedin Wa Aale Muhammed Wa Agil Faraga Hum "& gives had-ia to theHazrat Umm-ul-Banin a.s mother of Hazrat Abbas a.s& pray for his/her help in any matter.49. For Initially Wishes :For Initially wishes & help read" Saroot Al-Hamad " 313 timesstarting & ending with313 timesDarood shrif.InshAllah He will sucess in his/her work .50. For Help :The person who organize Majlis of" Hazrat Zahfar Jinn r.a "& gives had-ia to them , InshAllah there will be help from the Allah & the person will be sucessed only , who organize Majlis.51. For Wedding :Recite" Saroot-al-Imran, Ayat (73-74) "for12 daysafter Fajr Namaz , starting & ending with 5 times Darood Shrif52. For Wishes / Hopes :Read 14 days after Fajr , read 2 rakat Namaz Hajat & than read14 times " Dua-e-Tawasul ".starting & ending with 14 times Darood Shrif53. For Wish :Read" Ya-Awwalo " 1000 timesfor40 daysafter Isha. starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif54. For Hopes :Recite" Ya-Zool-Jalale Val Ikram "starting & ending with Darood .55. For Any Hajat :Recite1000 timesonthursdaynight" Ya-Badeeo Al-Samawata Wal-Arz "& pray for his wishes.starting & ending with 14 times Darood Shrif56. For Wish :Read" Ya-Mujeebo " 1000 timesdaily.starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif57. For Any Hopes :Read after Isha for11 days, start on new moon1st thursday, recite300 times " Ya-Wad'do Ya-Ra'oofo Ya-Raheemo "starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif .58. For Any Hajat :Recite40 timesin sag-da like that moving his 2nd fingre & recite ayyat" La Ilaha IllAllah Anta Subhanka Inni Kuntoo Min-al-Zalamin "& remember during reciting he also pray for his wishes / hajat .59. For Wishes :Read after Maghrib / Isha in the open sky raise his/her hands & recite100 times " Ya-Raba Ya-Raba Ya-Raba "& pray for his/her any wishes .InshAllah Allah will fulfil his hopes.starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif60. For Wishes :Read7 days, start on new moon 1st thursday , after Maghrib / Isha in the open sky raise his/her hands & recite1000 times " Ya-Raba Ya-Raba Ya-Raba "with heartly & pray for his/her any hajat .InshAllah Allah will fulfil his hopes.starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif61. For Any Hopes :" Recite 786 times for 40 days " Bis Millahir Rahman Nirrahim "after Fajr / Isha / Ta-ha-gad with heartly & pray for his/her any hajat .InshAllah Allah will fulfil his hopes.62. For Wedding :Starts on Thursday , Recite1000 timesafter Isha for 21 days" Bis Millahir Rahman Nirrahim "starting & ending with100 timesDarood Shrif.63. For Wishes :Recite after Isha" 70 times Saroot Al-hamad & 100 times Darood Shrif & 79 times Saroot Alam-Nasra qur(30) "& pray .64. For Any Hopes :Recite6 days" Saroot Al-hamadlike that ,onsat morning 62 times, onsun morning 52 times, onMon morning 42 times, onTue morning 32 times, onwed morning 22 times& onThurs morning 12 times, every time starting & ending with12 timesDarood Shrif."65. For Removal of Difficulty :Recite7 days " Saroot Al-Uhad/Aklaslike that , onsat 70 times, onsun 60 times, onMon 50 times, onTue 40 times, onwed 30 times& onThurs 20 times, onFri 10 times ", every time starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif.66. For Wish :On 1st day he take bath / gossul , & than read 2 rakat namaz-e-hajat & after that100 timesdarood shrif & than Read" Ya-Awwalo " 1000 times, read for40 daysafter Isha like that .67. For Marriage :Recite Virgin girl1000 times for 19 days " Bis Millahir Rahman Nirrahim Ba-haqka Ya-Moa'tee "starting & ending with Darood Shrif. & pray her marriage .68. For Marriage :Recite" Saroot Taha qur(16) Ayyat (131-132) "starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif. & pray.69. For Marriage :Recite" Saroot Al-Rahman "3 times after Fajr , starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif. & pray.70. For Marriage :After Isha , read 2 rakat Namaz Hajat than recite11 times " Saroot Al-Hamad "starting & ending with7 timesDarood Shrif & than recite100 times " Ya-Lateefo ", read40 days .71. For Hopes :The Person who recite after Fajr Namaz100 times " Ya-Qadeemo Ya-Dayymo Ya-Ahado Ya-Wahido Ya-Samado "starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif , InshAllah he will fulfill his wishes.72. For Interruption in Marriage :Recite after Isha for12 daysdaily recite1200 times " Ya-Badeeo Alagib Bilkhar Ya-Badee "starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif , InshAllah he will fulfill his wishes.73. For Wedding :Recite daily after Fajr / Isha100 times " Allahum Ya-Jame Al nassh Laa-Yuoom La Rab Fahi Ajma Zalati "starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif , InshAllah he will fulfill his wishes.74. For Any Wishes / Marriage :Recite like that , gives Nazr on sweet according to your pocket , to the son ofHazrat Muslim Bin Aqeel a.s ( which means Hazrat Muhammed & Hazrat Ibrahim a.s)recite on sweet7 times " Saroot Alhamad , 7 times Saroot Alqadr , 7 times Saroot Uhad/Aklas & starting & ending with 110 times Darood Shrif & than gives had-ia to the Hazrat Muhammed & Hazrat Ibrahim a.s "& in the evening time recite this process again as above on your street corner & pray for his/her wishes / hajat gives Wasilla to these Hazrat a.s & Distribute u sweet to the children's etc . InshAllah after Isha your wishes will be fulfill.75. For Any Hard Wishes :Recite at mid night in the open sky" Ya-Hujjat-ul-Qaim a.s "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif with heartily & pray .76. For Any Desires :Recite110 times " Ya-Ali a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with11 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .77. For Any Wishes :Recite100 times " Ya-Fatima a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray78. For Hopes :Recite100 times " Ya-Rasool Allah s.a.w Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .79. For Any Desires :Recite100 times " Ya-Mazhir ul Aghib a.s Adrkni (mean Hazrat Ali a.s) "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .80. For Any Hopes :Recite100 times " Ya-Hassan a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .81. For Urgent Desires :Recite100 times " Ya-Hussain a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .82. For Any Wishes :Recite100 times " Ya-Zain-ul-Abideen a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .83. For Hopes :Recite100 times " Ya-Muhammed Baqir a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .84. For Wishes :Recite100 times " Ya-Jaffar Sadiq a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .85. For Any Hard Difficulties :Recite100 times " Ya-Babulhawaij a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .86. For Any Needs :Recite100 times " Ya-Ali Raza a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .87. For Hopes :Recite100 times " Ya-Muhammed Taqi a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .88. For Any Wishes :Recite100 times " Ya-Ali Naqi a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .89. For Any Desires :Recite100 times " Ya-Hassan Askari a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .90. For Any Hard Difficulty :Recite100 times " Ya-Sahib-ul-Zaman a.s Adrkni Ya-Sahib-ul-Zaman a.s Agasni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .91. For Any Wishes :Recite100 times " Ya-Zainab a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray .92. For Any Hard Difficulty :Recite100 times " Ya-Gahzi Abbas Almdar a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif.with heartly & pray .93. For Marriage :Starting with Bismillah & Darood Shrif , recite on the same place on Fri. after Fajr Namaz , recite7000 times " La Ilaha IllAllah Anta Subhanka Inni Kuntoo Min-al-Zalamin "& heartly pray for your wish / marriage etc.94. For Any Hajat :Recite onFri.before Juma Akmatt ( at exact 1:30 according your Juma Akmatt time not prayer time ) recite123 times " Ya-Rahmano "starting & ending with3 timesDarood Shrif. heartily & pray remember this the time of fulfills wishes , desires , hopes & pray for your all wishes at that time .(best)95. For Marriage :Recite Virgin girl ,300 timesfor12 daysafter Isha Namaz" Bis Millahir Rahman Nirrahim . Ya Noor Kulaa-Shaa , AntaAlzi Kulk Al zlamat BaNoor ."starting & ending with100 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .96. For Interruption in Marriage :Read 2 rakat Namaz Hajat after that read Darood Shrif starting & ending & than recite 5 Tasbeeh Hazrat Fatima a.s , like that" 33 times Subhan Allah , 33 times Alhamad Allah , 34 times Allah Akbar & than recite Saroot Taha , Saroot Taa-seen , Saroot Yaseen , Saroot Ha-mem-an-kaf "& deeply , heartily pray with the Wasilla of Imam Zamana a.s , InshAllah he / she will fulfill his / her wishes.97. For Any Wishes :Recite at new moon of1st Thurs,recite 11 times " Ayyat-ul-Kursi "starting & ending with11 timesDarood Shrif. read15 daysafter Isha .98. For Any Hopes :Recite daily3 times " Saroot Yaseen "starting & ending with110 timesDarood Shrif.99. For Any Hard Difficulty :Recite110 times " Ya-Sahib Alasar Ya-Aba AlNasr a.s Adrkni Ba-Haq Fatima Zahra a.sstarting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif.with heartly & pray . remember read this on standing position & open u Cuff button100. For Any Hard Difficulty / Marriage / Wishes :Read darood afterFajr / IshaReciteDarood Shrif with Dua Tawasulfor17 dayslike that , on 1st day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Muhammed s.a.w "on 2nd day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Ali a.s "on 3rd day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Fatima a.s "on 4th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Hassan a.s "on 5th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Hussian a.s "on 6th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Zain-ul-Abideen a.s "on 7th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam M-Baqir a.s "on 8th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s "on 9th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim a.s "on 10th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Ali Raza a.s "on 11th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam M-Taqi a.s "on 12th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi a.s "on 13th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari a.s "on 14th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Mahdi a.s "on 15th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Abbas a.s "on 16th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Ummel Banin a.s mother of Hazrat Abbas a.s "on 17th day" 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Bibi Zainab a.s "remember do not forget to read" Dua Tawasul "after every ending of1000 timesDarood shrif & heartily & pray for your wishes .(best)101. For Marriage / Hopes / Any Difficulty :Take abath / Goesseldaily before starting wazifa & read 2 rakat namaz hajat , remember 2 rakat namaz hajat will be read only 1st day. Recite Darood Shrif for14 dayson 1st day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Muhammed s.a.w " on 2nd day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Ali a.s " on 3rd day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Fatima a.s " on 4th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Hassan a.s " on 5th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Hussian a.s " on 6th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Zain-ul-Abideen a.s " on 7th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam M-Baqir a.s " on 8th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s " on 9th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim a.s " on 10th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Ali Raza a.s " on 11th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam M-Taqi a.s " on 12th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi a.s " on 13th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari a.s " on 14th day " 1000 times Darood Shrif & gives had-ia to Hazrat Imam Mahdi a.s " heartily & pray for your wishes .(best)102. For Any Hard Difficulty :Recite1000 times " Ya-Alimo "after Isha on y bed when y go on sleeping , remember do not talk to any body & starting & ending with3 timesDarood Shrif & pray for your wish / any difficulty & InshAllah in the dream y will see your solution / answer.103. For Any Hard Difficulty :Read 2 rakat namaz & after recite tasbeeh150 times " Ya-Alimo "after Isha , starting & ending with3 timesDarood Shrif & pray for y wish / any difficulty & InshAllah in the dream y will see u solution / answer. remember start this on Thursday , read it for 3 days .104. For Any Hard Difficulty :Recite100 times " Ya-Hazrat Bibi Sakina a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .105. For Any Desires :Recite100 times " Ya-Hazrat Ali Asghar a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .106. For Difficulty :Recite100 times " Ya-Hazrat Bibi Kulsoom a.s Adrkni "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .107. For Any Hard Difficulty :Read 2 rakat Namaz had-ia Hazrat Ali a.s than Recite140 times " Assalam-o-Alaka Ya-Mola Ali a.s Adrkni fee Sabil Allah "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .after Fajr / Isha daily .for40 daysstarting & ending with11 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .108. For Nikkah Massage :It is written in Bihar an war to write the following portion of verse 132 of at TA HA on a paper with the solution of musk , saffron and rose water and bind it as a ta'wid' on the right arm, if a man desires to be married soon Bind another Ta'wid'like above on the right arm of the man or woman who is negotiating the proposal of marriage."NAH'NU NARZUQUK WAL A'AQIBATU LITTAQWAA "[(It is) We who give you subsistence; and the (good of) the hear after is for those who safeguard themselves against evil with full awareness of divine laws.]109. For Any Desires :The Person who wish to Allah that Allah will do his work1 or 2months so he will decide / Man-at that if his work is done so he will give had-ia Darood Shrif400 or 1400 or 14000 times (depend on u) to " Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim "a.s.& pray for his wishes , InshAllah his hopes will be fulfill .110. For Any Hard Difficulty :Read on same place , recite12000 times " Ya-Ali "starting & ending with11 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .111. For Any Hard Difficulty :2 Rakat Namaz e Hajat , Recite100 times " Ya-Saeedi Ya-Molai Ya Musa-Ibn-e-Jaffar a.s Babulhawaij Adrkni Adrkni Adrkni Fee Sybil Allah "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .112. For Any Hopes :Recite100 times "Ya-Ali a.s Adrkni Agasni War-hamni Fee Sybil Allah "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .113. For Any Difficulty :Recite100 times " Ya-Sahib-ul-Zaman a.s Adrkni Agasni War-hamni Ba-haq Jada-tqa Zahra a.s "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif. with heartily & pray .114. For Any Wishes :Recite100 times " Ya-Sahib-ul-Zaman a.s Adrkna Wala Tu-lk-na Ba-haq Jada-tqa Zahra a.s "starting & ending with14 timesDarood Shrif.with heartly & pray .115. For Any Hopes :Read" Ya-Allaho "66 timesdaily after Asr , starting & ending with 3 times Darood.116. For Any Wishes :Recite" Ya-Allaho "If recited66 timesat the time of Asr (Afternoon prayer time) or at the time of setting sun, or in that last part of the night, prayer will be granted and legitimate desires will be fulfilled . For a very busy man it is permissible to recite66 times. This is the self name of God. starting & ending with3 timesDarood Shrif.117. For Any Hopes :Recite" Ya-Allaho "If recited200 timeson a Friday with ablution for any legitimate desire it will be fulfilled by Almighty God. starting & ending with 3 times Darood Shrif118. For Marriage :The person will never be careless if recited regularly . It is recommended that if this name is recited129 times " Ya-Latifoo "on every Monday his / her all legitimate desires will be fulfilled by Almighty Allah and the person will not be put in any trial by the Almighty.119. For Any Difficulty :The Person who wish to Allah that Allah will do his work so he will decide / Man-at that if his work is done so he will give had-ia Darood Shrif1100 timesto the" Hazrat Umm-ul-Banin a.s mother of Hazrat Abbas a.s "& pray for his/her help in any matter.120. For Hardship & Wishes :Recite100 times " Ya-Sahib-ul-Zaman a.s Adrkni Ya-Sahib-ul-Zaman a.s Agasni "starting & ending with3 timesDarood Shrif. at night in the open sky or read any time , with heartily & pray .Your Ad HereHaut du formulaire

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( Marriaage / Nikkah wazif / Duas started . )" Nade alian mozher alajaebtajedho awna laka fenwaebkolo hamen wa gamen sayanjalybewelayateka ya ali ya ali ya ali "

121. For Nikkah According your wish :Read 25 times daily after Fajr prayer towards Qiblah & pray the other persons should send proposal to you for your Nikkah .& pray your desires .122. Marriage According Once Wish ( Most Strongest) :Read 1000 or 110 or 400 or 100 or 313 or etc times daily (its depend on you) for his / her Marriage According Once Wish , read it daily for 40 / 41 days & pray for his / her marriage .starting & ending with 11 times darood shrif .(before starting inform me)123. For Desires / Marriage :Read 1000 times & pray .(most strongest) for any purpose.124. For Wedding :If a Virgin girl / boy wish to marry ,he/she 2 rakat namaz nafal than Read 11 times nad-e-ali & 100 times Asm-e-Allah" Ya-Wahabo" after Isha with starting & ending with 11 times darood shrif. for 40 days.125. For Every Wish :Read 41 times for 7 days after Fajr.126. For Marriage :If a girl/boy wish to marry , he / she Read 101 times with starting & ending with 21 times darood shrif. for 40 days.127. For Wish / Hope / Wedding :Read 110 times with starting & ending with 11 times darood shrif. for 40 days. (best)128. For Hope :Read 25 times for 18 days.129. For Any Desires :Read 170 times for 12 days.130. For Tensions / Wishes :Read like that , you should pray 2 rakat namaz nafal ,than put your left side mouth on sag-da-ga read 41 times Nad-e-ali than put your right side mouth on sag-da-ga read 41 times & than put your head on sag-da-ga & pray for wishes.131. For Initially Marriage :Read 100 times with starting & ending with 11 times darood shrif. for 40 days.132. For Any Needs :Put your head on sag-da-ga Read 11 times & than rise your head & pray your wish / hope.133. For Initially Success :Read 400 times for 5 days .134. For Removing Tension :Read 110 times with starting & ending with 11 times darood shrif.135. For Wish / Marriage :Read 1018 times & pray in sag-da. (most strongest) for any purpose.136. For Getting Hope :Read 24 times daily .137. For Any Desires of your life :Read 12 times for 70 days .138. For Any Hopes of your life :Read 36 or 66 times daily .139. For Love :Read 47 times on your hands & talk to your lover or any one.140. For Success :Read like that, y should pray 2 rakat namaz wish/hope in 1st rakat after Sura Alhamd than read 3 times Sura Qul howallah than fwd /send this namaz to Hazrat Ali a.s ,than Read 70 times Nad-e-ali .(read like that for 3 days) best.141. For Sure Shot :Read 313 times daily for his / her , wishes / difficulty or any purpose , read it daily & pray for his mission or work .142. For Sure Shot ( Most Strongest) :Read 1000 times daily for his / her , wishes / difficulty or any purpose , read it daily & pray for his mission or work .143. For Wish / Marriage :Read 313 times & than ask for your wish.144.Love Marriage According your Wish ( Most Strongest) :Read 400 times for 40 / 41 days starting & ending with 11 times darood shrif .& pray .145. For Proposal :Read 100 times after Fajr & Isha for 40 days , remember do not talk with anyone after both prayers , if he / she did not success , read it once again for 40 days , InshAllah his / her Marriage / Nikkah or Proposal came he / she will be success .146. To Wining the Beloved :Read Nad-e-Ali as he could .to wining