ABOUT TO SELL QUAKERS WoiiIiI-I- I'lU'clinsops Itcnil.v (Jo Over Mm HpiuI Horace Fojrol. to Tl.MK MM IT .IS IT TO-DA- Y I ii side Reason Why Ilrpsnnhnn l out Chnnco's Plight flcncrnlly Deplored. crisis In lh affairs of the rhlladet-Nation- I.eaKUe club will be reached' N'ttlonal lcimuo club will be reached Mure 12 o'clock according to the statement of President Thomas J, Lynch nf th National League yesterday. l.Mieli would not ro Into details, however, huiK satisfied to await developments. Vi'i'in t National- - league club owners it was learned that Horace Fosel, who holds the presidency of the Philadelphia Hub, will he out of that offlce not later tliiin Monday. According to this Informa- tion, the controlling Interest In the club Hill he disposed of by Charles I. Taft to the hlEhest bidder If PoKel falls to tak up certain notes some time beforo ' i: o'clock one of these National League club nwncts Informed Tim HUN man that Kogel wus anxious to inHke terms by which he would receive a bonus of tit least l.in.onit before retiring from the presi- dency of the club. This lengiie' magnate also stated that as much hs 1400,000 bad In en offered by a certain would be pur- - h.iser, but that Kogel had demanded a much larger sum. It was Intimated by the same club owner that, having wearied if dlckcilns with Kogel dliect, several Individuals who are trying to buy the I'hllidelphla club would open negotl.t-lio- n with Mr. T.ift early on Monday, In spite of Kegel's emphatic denials It was stated plainly by Tub Sun's Inform- ant that Mr. T.tft holds Kegel's notes fur a sum of money which the latter used In securing more than 900 shares of the Philadelphia's club's stock and that Mr Taft was prepared to cull In theke rnte s unless they were taken up by Kogel y 1'ium otlv?r reliable National League smiicr It was learned yesterday that If Kogel found It isisslble to secure new backlns, through which he could retain the club's ptesldency, the League as n whole at the special meeting on November tfi would declare him wit of organized ball, At least one club owner, who has expressed sympathy for Kogel, admitted ttiHt, If It came to a vote, he would support a resolution to Vut the Philadel- phia magnate tinder the ottlclal ban. Tho presence of William H. Wcke, tecretary of. the Pittsburg club. In Chi- cago jcsterday, where he held a loni iiitiference with C. W. Murphy of the Cubs, revived the story that Locke and former Police Commissioner W. K. Baker of this city were trying to get the Phlla delphla franchise, but Mr. Baker could not be found. Kogel must reply to President Lynch's charges some time The former's attorney Is expected to die the documents nt National League Jieadquarters before night or mall them In Philadelphia to day so that they will be In the hands of President Ljnch early Monday morning. It leaked out yesterday that during the National League meeting here last week, Director Hocker of the St. Louis Car dlnala told the magnates that it had been decided to release Itoger Bresnahan from the management of the team because of his. Indifferent work duttng the past sea sun. Mr. Hocker saU that Biesnahan did not keep in good phslcal condition, that lie caught in comparatively few games nnd displayed an unmistakable lack of Interest. Mr. Hocker stated that the re lease of Bresnahan was not due to a de site lo reduce expanses. Last spring Bres nahan was 111 with pneumonia and was unable to nut on a uniform for man) days. He was advised by his physician to rtfraln from strenuous work, on the ball field for a greater part of the sea rnn. Bresnahan said In July that his en forced layoff hid Increased his weight oml that he regtetted his Inability to play every day. The status of Bresnahan aid Frank Chance, the deposed manager of the Cubs, has bten brought to the attention of the National Commission, with the result that privately an Informal opinion has Wn expressed. 'If, within ten days nfte Bresnahan and Chance have been ofllrlally notified that their services' no longer are reuulred. other National League clubs re fuse to nksumo the contracts originally held by the St. Louis and Chicago cuius, respectively, the American League club will have the legal right to negotiate with them, Chance says that his contract with the Chicago c,lub called for a salary o js.000 a year. Breanahan's salary ai mnnacr of the Cardinals was 110,000 toguher with 10 per cent, of the profits, In order to retain them In the ranks o th- - National l.earcue, these managers tnut tecelve similar compejaaatlon fo their services or tecelve the right to d business with clubs lr. Ban Johnson's clr mt In fhort. the Issue Is as clear cnstal. The turning down of Chance by Owner Muiphy of the Cubs Is generally deplored I". National League men, who nie some- what In doubt aa to Kvers's ability lo 111! the shoes of the Peerless I.der, Kvcrs l geneially regiu'ded as being too excit- able and too highly strung to stand the wear and tear of ft team leader. Kvcrs ami .loe Tinker, It will lie recalled, came - blows in a game In Brooklyn In Sep- tal, her at a time when Tinker was acting triannger 'Biseb.tll men 'acem to think that Murphy has erred In preferring F.vers Tinker and that, If tho latter Is to go to Cincinnati as Hank (Y Day's" fuioeasor, tho Cubs will be further weak- - Mreadv the gossips have assigned Chance to the Philadelphia. St. IjuIs and llxmkiwi National League clubs. Humor ''as ii that If Chance doesn't land In President Kbbeta wilt secure ii in Sheckurd to handle the Dodgers I'M eason. Kbbets has refused to ills- - .fs . ther Chance or Sheckard for pub- - at "o but it was said In Brooklyn sieiday that he had not yet changed y s .n to keep Bill Dahlcn In control of tin tiam. 4 a MO ewaid for his masterly handling this year the Washing- - has Increased the salary or Claik (liilllth to $10,000 for ..smi The Washington, club, by v. is sild to have made $150,000 r i new iccoid in that city. Mini, the Bed Snt malinger, i u Vl5,o0rt on the Reason Just M" received a salary of $10,000, "nentitgn of the pioflts. lie took n than $t,00(i iib his share of ' I - nerles money, in addition lo the me of his namo for adver-- ; ;kih'H and newspaper woik, lie I a 10. Olio automobile too. f tr nf Fred StimUia of the 's been settled by Manager Mc-- 'i his monologue on the vaudeville M'Uraw says that Snodcrass la a K d ban plover, that he shouldn't t. .,ns.,ici f,ir bin error In the last guinn "'" nn. Kid Sox nnd that he will play ' '" lb d for the (Slant next year as I 'ei. dent Sexton of the National As-- v in f Minor Leagues has Issiieil a '' f' i" annual meeting In Chicago en Novernher 10, The meeting of the ."tiorai Board of Arbitration, the minor leagues' supreme court, la scheduled for November 12 Ity Milwaukee, , Work on K.bbeti Held Is rapidly near-In- g completion. Tho grand stand roof Is In place and tho concrete flooring will be finished In n few dayn. The lobby, which will be a model of Its kind, Is well under way. It Is planned to complete the big undertaking before the snow begins to fall. Charles A. Comlskey, owner nf the Chicago White Sox, la royally entertain ing tutu Johnson, James McAieor, James Callahan and other American League men at Camp Jerome, Trude Lake, In northern Wisconsin. The party will return to civ- - lllintln next Monday after consuming the following menu : Celery. Canape, Home Plite. , Ortcn Olives.' Illsque of Crawfish. Fried Bass. ' Tartar Sauce. Turkey .ti titled with Oysters. Cranberry Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Waldorf Salad. Uaked Alaska. Northumberland Cheese. Cafe Nolr. Not forgetting myriads ot coldS bottles and half dollar cigars! President John T. Brush of the Giant Is said to be Improving In health. He was able to enjoy a ride yesterday In his automobile. 'FOGEL MIGHTY FINE FELLOW." Livingston, AVho'a TrylnK to Club Prom Hint, Say a Mo. Bur Cincinnati, Oct, 25 Jefferson Living- ston, the wealthy young manufacturer who Is offering n big sum for the Phila delphia Natlonil League hall club, re' tinned to hli home In this city y hul..g been called from pressing his ne giitlutlons for the team by his private Luslncrs affairs. Mr, Livingston said : "I greatly desire to own the Phtladel- - lila ball team, as I consider It a fairly good business proposition, but especially becnuse I want n means of gratifying my sporting tastes and as a way of.relnxa- - on from my dally grind. However, my offer represents the limit from u practical standpoint that can be made for the club, nd the present owners know this to be fact. The enterprise bus not yielded much In 'the way of dividends for the nst two or more sears. Of cjiurse. not much of a showing could be expected of he team the past season with young and comparatively Inexperienced players tak ing the part of the seasoned ones wno ere In the hospital. "The aggregation is at present com posed looks pretty good to tue and Presi dent Kogel nnd Manager Dooln are mighty ne fellows. Of course I am expecting to hear nt any time from Philadelphia, as I feel that I am entitled to the courtesy of being Inforrtwd, as to the final disposal of the club, whoever the purchaser may be. certainly still hope for the acceptance of my offer, and 1 believe that of the sev eral syndicates oi wouio-o- e purciinsers only one now remains In the field In ad- - Itlon to myself." MORE BIDDERS FOR PHILLIES. Two llnlrl Mrn nnd Fight Promoter Slake Itnancceaefnl Bids. Pnit.sPEl.rniA, Pa.. Oct. 25. Two hotel men, Thomas M. Carroll of , the Hermitage, New York, and L. Fred Kloox or tne coio- - nlol Annex. Plttahurg, visited Pnilaael-phi.- i to-d- with the Intention of pur- chasing the Phillies. Mr. Carroll said they wereja'eii aoie to finance the deal If they coUId come to terms with Fogel. What price they of fered him Is not known, but whatever their proposition was. It was turned down. Jack Oleason, the ngrit promoter aiso tried to buv the Phillies He spent several hours this afternoon In conference with a number of persona who are cloae to Fogel. and even went o far aa to pay a visit to the ball park. Fogel later In- - Imated that Olenaon was unsuecessiui. It Is probable that the club will be sold It Is Known tnai rogei nas ftven nn ontlon which expires and it Is thought tnai rogei men win renrh a final dec slon as to whom lie will sell. Vrrkea Carat at Banu.net. IlATiinno. Pa.. Oct. 25. Stee Yerkes. seenn 1 baseman of the champion Bed Sox. will be the honored guest or nis many ndmlrers In Hatboro. his former nome, and those of Jenklntown, with whose teum he played beforo be Jumped Into uriiiiance aa a big leaguer. He la expected to reach hero Thuisday evening, when a committee of Hatboro and Jenklntown fsns have planned a subscription banquet III his honor, with covera laid for over two hun drcd. .lakr Slalil'a Paddy Popular. Lincoln. 111.. Oct. 28. Kvery day for the last week the countryside has gathi ered around the store of Henry Stahl, the veteran hardware dealer, illscussing tne gieat achievements of his sou Jake, whose Boston Iced Sox won me w orm s uaseoaii championship. Sunday Honor Wrlrh'a Memory Pittsiicho. Oct. 25. Billy Sunday, the evangelist and former old time bateball star, made a pilgrimage to tho grave of Mrt Welch at Kast Liverpool, Ohio. He pronounced Welch the greatest outflelde In the history or paseoan. Play Third (Same at lllrr Club. Tho Cuban champion, ,1. H. Capablunca nnd iholncal extiert. Charles .laffe. were in vited bv the lllce Chass Club lo officially open Ita new rooms on Saturday, November 2, On that uate tney win ue tniieu upon tr ntnv the Hi ril and final rams o I tnei match. Jaffa and Oscar Chajea played an exhibition nt the Cafo ties lleatix Art vesterilay, Ihe former selecting a Uenna m.nnlnir. In order lo get a promising nl tack hajes sacrinoeci a pawn, wnicu leu ii, verv interesting complications. How ever. SmTe defended rather cleverly anil when things ooked very bad for black Chajcs by on Ingenious sacrifice of both his rooks and an additional pawn securea draw jt perpetual check. Forty-thre- e. moves were recorded. Talier'a Bad Ankle Mar Bar II I m Pr.ovtDBS-CK- . It. I.. Oct. 26. Norma Tabcr, Brown's star tunner, who did well In the Olympic games, may not be ublo t.i rnmnete n the cross-countr- y event this fall because of a weakened ankle, if h does not run John Puul Jones Cornell probably will have things hU own way In the Intercollegiate chumplou ships. Mellaril Kuters for Ten Mllra The national championship committee of Hit) A. A. U tins accepted the late ,.nirv nf Fred (I. Bellara of the Ne York A. I',, for the ten mile running chumplonshlp tills afternoon on the Vails burg motordrome traca. i ins mawi i tninl nf nine entries tor tne event nix ,,. will start In the seven mile wnlkln championship mat will preceue m ie mile run. Out- - of i'tvn Sport Must tin, Oknf.va. N. Y Oct. 20. Th llnbart College Athletic Association lt voted to iibnllHh e I ter incrnsre, or iiaseuau -- I, r!n Hiioii at llobiitt for the eomln BOTH reason run question m kiih h riuui nnmi bo abolished will be icferieil to Ihe atu-de- bodv. The athletic council Is 'to fuvor the retention of base-bal- l. I it NLutlnic .Novrinlier I. St. Nlchnlaa Skating Kink In West Sixty-sixt- h street will !' opened to dev- otees nf the sleel limners on Friday night. November 1. uccoidlng to announcement lasutrt last night. Hockey will be a fea-tui- e of the. coming season, as In the IbbI tew year. , THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1912. MPORTANT TILTS TO-DA- Y Maiiunl Meets St. rani's nud Clinton Opposes Hoys in Hendliners. INTERSECTIONAIi Morris-Curti- s and Erasmus vs. Hrooklyn Prep Also Seem Even Matches. To-day- 's Schedule, Manual i, SI. Paul's, at Washington Hark Hoys lllfli vs. IM Witt Cllntonrat Hlilgc niwl I'srW. Erasmus va llrooklyn Prep, at Hawthorne Field. Mnftl, r?nftla at Mnrrln. Commerce vs. Salon Hall, at Orange. N. J. Commercial vs. FItuhlni, at Commercial iti.i.i muyvesant vs. Jersey City High, a,t AileVpM vs. Mamaroneck, at Adelphl Huthwlck va. Yonkers High, at Yonkers. 1'oly 1'rep vs. Mamensie, at uouss rerrr. The Manual-St- . Paul's and the Boya Hlgh-O- e Witt Clinton games will be con-tea- ta of the first Importance If not the most spectacular In the scholastic foot- ball world Both games are and both will have much to do with gauging the elevens at the end ut the season, a matter which Is of no little weight to players and students alike. Manual Training gradually la assuming the responsibility of upholding the quality of Brooklvn football this season and her battle with St. Paul's at Harden City this afternoon is very likely to provq the most serious which aha has had to face. Manual was beaten badly by Kast Orange at the beglnnlg of the season, but that cannot be held tu 1m- - of great signifi- cance In the local ranking. Manual ap- pears J have great latent strength, which may be called forth at any time, and her rather Indifferent record thus far ap- pears to be due more tu bud luck than anything else. De Witt Clinton, which Is sure to be a potent factor In Munhattan affairs. came perilously near to being upset by- - Hall Is of Commerce most. Boya aiiernon on the other hand, haa little In her record so far to recommend her, but those who have followed Boya High teams In the past remember that the team, although almost always starting poorly, never has failed to pick up In mldseason and rip up her stronger opponents. To-da- y may mark the turning point. The game should do much to mark the relative worth of Brooklyn and Manhattan teams. Other games, though of less Importance, should none the less be Interesting. from the ease with which Manual Training disposed of Mackenzie School Poly Prep should be able to win without much trouble, and a change In the train ing policy whlth Coach Slgrlst ted this week may tielp. Stuyveaant meets practically an unknown at Jersey Ity and the outcome of the Commerce- - Seton Hall game la equally uncertain. Morria and Curtis, and and Brooklyn Prep should be evenly at least. Schoolboy Jinpi II Feet O larhrs. A great deal of Coach Mantel'a atten tion la being directed toward priming Wal ter. Fisher for the high lump thla year. This Stuyvesant lad la aald to have lumued b feet Inches In practice re cently and naturally much" la expected of mm in ine coming cnampiuiiiiuypi. gluyrraant Manager Tom Five Ambitions. Sullivan of the Stuy. esant basketball team Is arranging a which will Include more trips than any In the past. There will be wcnty-flv- e games, fifteen of which will be played abroad. The team to Philadelphia to play Central Hlgn School, to N. J., and three daya will be spent during the Christmas week out on lxng island playing local teams. The five Is likely to lose Its captain.' (lug- - llelmo, on account of backwardness In tudles,.ln which event he will bet badly missed, as It waa he last year vho was hletly Instrumental In winning the cham pionship for Stuyvesant. if the does occur Scboen. Tamm, Vogel and .Mnmlel are available. Commerce Boya at Colgate. Twd old Commerce football players now are starring on the Colgate eleven. They are Weber, the all scholastic tackle of 1809. and Frank the rast hair bank of last year. Curtis Nulislllntra llnallr. In for this morning's game with Curtis coach Nixon or Morris put many second string men In the regular lineun yesterday for the purpose of fit ting them tor substitution, win take any man out y shows signs of fatigue or Injury and put In a second team man until he Is rested, up. Morria will try some new double shift forma tlotis with and without forward paaaea, and should Ihey work as well as they did yestenlay In practice Curtis had better have a cate. Morria Has Soccer Scrub, A acrub team haa been organised at Morris nf the soccer candidates und has elected It) an and Pasquvelle captain and respectively, In a match this team and the varsity recently the varsity won by a score of 3 to 0, Bays lllsli Coach Sanguine. Coach Matt McKenna of the Boya High football team hopes that his lads will give Clinton u good game He la satisfied with one tnmr. ana mat, la mat they try hard and aeem to Improve with everv same. The hopes of Boys High are pinned on Capt. Tiffany, and Marshall. These youngsters are piaying inifther well and are very Tne game will be played at itiagcwooo r ieiu at 2 :30 o clock. Commercial Thlnka It's Kasr. Commercial Is confident that the game wlib Flushing y will be as easy aa last Saturday's game with BushwicK, Conch Shearer has taught nis lads many new playa that he thlnka are aure for big gains. Of the four In the Manual game, two weeks ago, three Cant. Du Temnle. Furgone and Lucke . 1. I , . . 1. A n.tl, lt'.,Iwta- - are sure to piay, wnue mo iuuiu,, , www- - worth, will respond If he is neeuea. in game will be. played at Commercial Field at 3 o clock, Biialmlck Fnll of Hope, The Bushwlck football team will play the vnnkers team at Yonkers this after' noun The Bushwlck lads have been doing their' best to overcome their lack of team work nnd hope lo put up a rast game. Mnuy tlut for I'ols- - Five, Basketball Kacllce at Poly Prep now Is In full swing, capt. Kales nas over twenty lads hard at work In the Poly evtnnnslum eveiy afleriioon, i here arc l nrnmltlng ciiiiildnles out now tin ,,.,, i- mrirn will reiiort ai tne ciuse ui in r,, ii'.t.n The best on band hi Mehullte. Lew. Money nennv. I lardenlu nok. Vogel, and Nolman. Mnmial and St. Panl'a Beady Both learns are ready for the Important cnmi. this afternoon at Washington Park between Training and St. Paul's School, their annusj gridiron battle. The teams, with th exception ot Mlks Charles, Manual's star halfback are In' aplendld shape. Charles has had a bad ahkle all season and has been forced to play so regularly that the Joint has not had sufliclent time to lecover Its normal' condition. ' un paper ma as lar as scores nu wn-i- , lll.'ike seems to lime the better teum, hav ing lolled up a total qf. 14 points to noth- ing for opponents. Maniat on the other hand, Iihs not been so fortunate'. The llrooklyn boys were beaten 1 to o oy KjistOrnnro as a startr, men piayea Mackensle School to a standstill the next week and were tied by Commercial and N. Y. Military Academy alnce then. Both schools have played Mackenale. and on this comparison Manual shows up to an advantage. Manual defeated the Uobbs Ferry team by a score or 33 to wnue 8t. Paul s Hchool was thirteen points be hind Manual's showing, ' Commercial lo Vtr On Temple. The eleven of Flushing will Journey to Flat bush y In order to test Its foot- ball strength Commercial's con- quering heroes.' The game will be called at i o'clock on Commercial Field and by 4 :H0 the Bed and (J ray aggregation ahotild have been returned a victor. Uu Temple will be back In the game at left end for Commercial. Clinton Commercial Date Canair, The date of the De WltfCllnton-Com- - merdal came, which waa to have been played on day morning at Ameri can League ParK. naa oeen, cnangeo io next Saturday afternoon at tne same nlaee. The suggestion of a shift waa made by Commercial for the reaaon that It la always tiara to raw a crowa lor u morning game. There will be raw con-tes- next Saturday and there, should be little trouble In swelling the rate receipts to good figures. 1 Klernan Versatile Socoerlte, The Manual soccer team has a new 4lm1 by the name of Klernan. He can play either forward or nairoaca us wen s anv other matt on the team and Is sure to get in the game against this afternoon. The game win oe piayeu ai the Parade Orounds at 3 o clock. CHAMPIONS MEET DOWNFALL. Ilryaui Onlaboul Commerce In llnal The gunmen of Bryant vanquished the Erasmus last week and rather championship team doubtful strength High. Bryant gymnasium yesieroay Judg- ing Inaugur- - Kraamus matched schedule will journey vacancy Schavrl, ureparatlon who manager Holman fast. Injured sensofi. Newton, Maxwell Manual strained against election Kraamus Ounmrn In the at the by a score of ttt to 20. Three gunners made perfect scores. lorlo and Qenoveae for Biyant, and Shapiro for Commerce. Pullman, the winner of the Individual, championship at Peeksklll last Saturday, could do no, better than SJ out of S5. In Commerce the Bryant ahootera eliminated their atrongest opponent In the race for the Whitney trophy In tne auu-targ- tournament. The scores: F.vent lln'.nl.llninn SI' Ktlot. Xlf MrKSOn. SI! rienovese. SS: lorlo. : McCiraw. S3; Hebble, tt; Commerce Pullman, aS: 1 1 ortoo. 11: flrleco. II: Camutl. a!: Clmer. xs: liehnnao, St: sumeia, J: .inaplro. n. Total, nn. . MANUAL SECONDS VICTORS. Only ToneUdosru Hraalt of Famlilr In Hrcond narter, The second teams of Manual Training j and De Witt Clinton nign bciiuuis mn yesterday afternoon at Waahlngton Park. Brooklyn, and the former won by a score of to 0. The punting of Thomas and the line plunging of Monroe for De Witt Clinton and tackling of Olawang and Kerby for Manual were conspicuous fea-ture- a. Both teama tried forward paaaea, but failed to complete the play, and there waa a number of fumble. In the first quarter the Manhattan team, which appeared to be much Ihe heavier of the two, repeaUdly broke through the Manual line, but after that the Brooklyn hnvs stiffened and held the game even. Colcord, the Manual centre, broke through and picked up a fumbled ball for a touch- down In the aecond quarter. Palmer mlserd goal. The Unetrp: Manual Tratalac. Positions. retn . i.en ena .. . Nelll Nrrdham,. o corn.. . (loldberg,. erruson , Olswanr.. weinoerg., liner, . Dtnrwatl.. Lonway i.en tacKie .Left guard. . Centre..., Hlihl guard. Ittrht tackle mint ena.. De Witt Clinton. Marked ..Shel Kennedy Moasler llatfcrty Oua rurback Welntraub .Lett haimack Urouman Hlrht halfback Sernour .Fullback... Monro irore-Usn- n.t Trsaxlng. De Wilt Clinton. Touchdown Colcord.tanual Training, rjurj unites uantiai ramma viww,. . r , : 0. i mer. Wruer. Keroy. ua ni.iipion Hotnenbcnr. Thomas. Iteferee-Harm- on, Manual Training. Tlma of perlcala-sa- na lomintnes. Cntlcr Whitewashes Brnnawlgk. Th- - Sutler eleven whltwashed Bruna- - wick School at Celtic Park yeaterday Cutler accumulated 10 points. nd the visitors, who came irom t. failed to score. Herbett, Waln- - wrlght and Twyefort made the totichdowna iv overpowering line amicus, mis is mo hiri ronsecutlve for Cutler, the team having beaten Loyola School 83 to o and Irving School 33 to o. owier The lineup: rs.u.p fusltlnns. Brunswick, Connelly Left end I,. Lonu i.en lacKic irr;i luoDcn i.en auara T Mr:"" Keclt. . . Centre... Vm1? Duff li ght guard A. Twjefort High! end. Herbert. .. Quarterback Onalavla. . Irfft halfback... , . .Hanson W nwnsnt,... mini nauoacs Van Bora... I'ullback.... Williams Score-Cut- ler School. 20: Iirunswlck School. 0, n....i.aAU.n.tlrl,rt IValnwrtffht. TwreTort. tioals rrom iournaown-na- ii. . ; W. Cohu for Cobbens. Beteree Collins, Culler School, now ol penouiiu nnnuies. Maxrrella Near Destination. Baton Kouog. La.. Oct. 26. The two Maxwell automobllea carrying Charlea .1. Qlldden and party.' who left De trolt twelve daya ago for New Orleans over the Lakes to Gulf route, reacneu Baton Rouge at 5:30 o'clock The run v waa 119 mile, the last thirty- - five through a beautiful moonlit Louisiana nine, forest. The tourists leave ai o'clock for New Orleana, and expect to reach the Uulf city at noon Turnball Lradgh Tenala Champion South Brrilt.xiloH. Pa.. Oct, 26, L. F, Turnbull, captain ot the Lehigh Unlver altv tennla team y won the Cham ninnthln nf th university In that snort defeating a field of forty-tw- o mfn. Along with the title Turnbull receives a auver loving cup. He defeated J. W. Baker, in the final, 63, 63, 61. .Wiener victory Yachtsman Kinney Oris a Cap, To show their appreciation for his ser vices as chairman of the entertainment committee of the nockaway "Point Yacht Club, some twenty of his friends ana rci Inw members presented to John "T, Kln ney a silver loving cup. The presentation was made In the ciubnouso ibsi inursua evening. Mi'KnrlauU lift Kyv, on Clove HnKrAt.o. N. V.. Oct, 25. Packer Xlc t.'.irlMiul. llin Chlcairo llxhlwelgllt shaded .llnnnv Uuffv of I.ocltnort ill u ten tound bout liofote the Qileensbury Athletic Club here McParlunJ finished strong and Is marked only by n bad left eo handed him by Duffy In the third round. Destroyer Terry l.eail In Target Practice. WtKiiis-fiTON- . Oct. 55, -- Tho torpedo boat destroyer Terry leads the ships of her class In excellence or worK in elemen- tary target practice for th" period from .lulv I to October I. It una announced at the Say Department y 'The lerry, commanded l.leut. .1. C. rremont. made 1 .KFBA! ",ii31 'wltb pi e or 'iwaaUr-Bia- a aaUyacgansiWad YACHTS MAY RACE TO PORTO RICO NEXT YEAR John i. May, a Leader in Sport on dnlf I si n n1, Here to Arrange It. SEEMS TO BE ASSl'ltED Brooklyn Yachtsmen Confer With Hint, and Bensonhtirxt Club Is Interested. Thrie Is a Probability of a race for sail yachts fiom this port to Porta Itlco next season. John u. uay, a prominent yacnis- - man of that Island, has been visiting here the nasi few weeks nnd has consulted with several llrooklyn yachtsmen legard- - ln n to Han Juan. Nothing definite has been done In the matter yet, but 'the Bensonhurst Yucht Club has ugleed to undertake the management of the lace and the members of that Club think It will be the moat Important yachting event of the aeaaon. nil by Ihe race The flrat Drlle will be offered by the Military (lovernor of Porlo Klco and an other will be offered by members of the Porto Blco Legislature. These prlaes will give It official recognition Dot only by the Insular Uovernmenl of Porto Itlco but also bv Waahlngton. " The Benaonhurat plans lo ask the of other clubs In making this a success and It Is probable' that a special committee will be formed, made up of the. chairman of the regatta committees of the Uensonhurst. Atlantic and Larrh-mo- yacht clubs and with possibly rep- resentatives of ,the army and navy. This board will have full charge of the con-tes- t. It wilt bo officially appointed shorth- and' then start to work out the details of the race. The start will lie front off WestlaWn. the new home of the Bensonhurst Yacht Club on Oravesend Bay, and Ihe finish will be off the exposition grounds at San Juan. This course Is about 1,400 miles. It will be the longest ocean race started from York since the race across the At i 73.7M.I' lantic for the Germnn Kmperor's prlie. The race will he for schooners only and It Is thought that there should be at least half a dozen big yachts ut thu starting line. Commodore Ueorge it. ie uauvagr, wno II f I 1 I "11 Hi si 1 1 i III ICS Any Curbstone will Stop diamond SAFETY TREAD TIRES PREVENT SKIDDING i T isn't the name of the tire that makes . a .1 it non-ski- d its tne tire. Many tires are called non-zski- d but there is only one that used by tire-wis- e car owners, the Diamond Safety Tread Tire (Squegee) ON slippery, treacherous city streets safety. You'll with Diamond Safety Tread Tires. The parallel safety tread Won't slip, won't slide, won't skid they grip get 5ure and gteady trac- - Y'OU road suction in Diamond Safety Tread Tires. You control your car all the time. You drive in eafety and nas done wondots with the Bensnnhurst Yacht Club, sas: "The fact that the race will be semi-offici- will do much to make It nn Important contest, nnd I would not be surptlsed to sec It equal the tiuns-- , atlantlc race, when the Atlantic, owned by Commodore Wilson Marshall, .won. Porto Itlco Is one of our possessions about which the a American knows little; but I know how hospitable the Porto Kleins ore and bow much yachtsmen would enjoy a visit to that Island. "The course Is an Ideal one for schoon ers, although It Is conaldeiably longer llinn the- - course to Bermuda. BeimuiM lins lieen visited so often by American yachts men that t Is haul now to work up any enthusiasm over another race to tli.it Isl and. Porto Klco will be it novelty mid 1 am sure It will appeal lo all owneis of ocean racers.' GIANTS MAY BUY TOWN. .Mdtrnn'a .latent Maid In Br MnUlui Bid for I. olio, Trxua, na Cnmii. Hi, Paso, Tex.. Oct. 25. The New Yotk (Hunts may buy a Texas town tu get In their annual spring training without mo- lestation. An agent of John Mctiruw now Is In VA Paso, uccoidlng lo leal estate men, attempting to buy the town site of l.obo. Tex., about a hundred tulles east uf Kl Paso, for Uie training s. Lobo Is one of the numerous new tuwns In west Texns that teal es- tate men have tiled hard to put on the map as a metropolis. A big new hotel, a handsome brick slructtlie,' was built and some cottages wete erected by the company, but the town did not grow. Thu town site Is n beautiful level spot atid would make ii splendid training loca- tion. One of Mcdinw'H friends saw Ihe place nnd tipped it uff, nnd the deal nt once was stinted. The hotel and cot- tages would make splendid qitatteis fur the plaers and newspaper men. The cli mate is the best In the country, as It seldom tains In this section except In the summer und never gets colder at any- time In tho winter than fifteen or twenty above zero, und eeli this Is lnfr-tUeli- It Is close to Fort Davis, fumed throughout the Middle West and South as u health resort. It Is far enough from a city of any size, it Is claimed, to make It an ideal training camp. is Hamilton Institute Hopeful. The football squad of Hamilton Insti tute Is confident of the result of 's game with Carteret Academy of South Orange. N. .1. Hamilton will start the game as follows: l.eft end. Heed; left tackle. Bach: left guard. Fields: centte. Stewart : right guard, Cunningham : right tackle, Thompson: right end, Hammer' sten: Quarterback, navis: uauuttcxs, Mumane and Harris: fullback, Gregory. a you want get it cross and bars of the without you drive with Life and accident is built into Safety Tread Tires. Made in your size and to fit your style of rim. Equip your car now. At Your Dealer's The Diamond Store 1876 Broadway, N. Y. City. THE OPERA Descriptions of Suitable for pleasure. insurance Diamond the Types of Cars Use This' Winter Automobile Section THE SUN Next Sunday THE .THEATRES ARMY-NAV- PLANS MADE. I 'en n Authorities (iltc tint XeV. Tlckrl AHnttliiu; .Scheme. I'ntt, MiH.lilM, Oct 25 Announcement was mailt- - bv Hie Pennsylvania t'oiiiinittee in charge of Ihe luiz Army and Navy fool bull game of Ihe dale of the con test anil' of t el Itiln. Imiiiiilnnt changes l:i allotting the commit I ru'sshnre of IlielleketV, oiie-lliti- il of Hie lolal sealing tntuiiity of llin field, TIih giitue will lie played on franklin Field on November :in Two linpoiliitit changes have been mndu by Die committee in allollngg Hie spats allowed the I nlersly of Pennsylvania. The (ljl change is rnlleil by Ihe fiui that Ihe sealing raimiily of llie Held has been liielenseil Kieally, thus allowing Ihe colli- - mlltee lo mill n seventh class In those nl- - rally Invited lo subscribe. Tho new cln Is eoniposeil of allium! uf I be university living twenty of mute miles from I'hiln- - ilelphl i. Secondly, Ihe price of the llckelx has been rnln'il from .'..'.o to J I Fiitlher, the eoiiiiultlee lias ruled If any ticket Issued nn a unlvetsltv npplltHllnii Is oirereii lor nan- - at more inaii us rneo value Ihe cominlllee reset ves the light lo purchase It al the advanced price, and I ho person lo whom It Is Issued will lie obliged lo reimburse Ihe committee for the price thus paid In evcess of Its face nlite. A lecoril will De Uetn ol all t he ilekeis issiird TheChairmanrecommendsmMd.meUo and delicately flavored whiskey. Burke's Whiskey Is mild, mellow and delicately flavored A RARE BARGAIN ABSOLUTELY NEW ilont 0 XJnlhe-oi- i, fitted with Quinby lit'rlim, fon-doo- r limousine?. Out! of tlie fiiu-K- t enrs turnoil out. 1 hrj milt's oiVixty on liii?H hpwtl. Will be sold for lo.OOO. Ht'Hiilar price $0,50). . J. M. QU1NBY & CO., IW4H ItroadMav, Nrn Tnrk, I'arlnr.i, Newark, X. ,1. $1,000 SAVED We otter s new 1013 latrst model Series O. cylinder 60 It. P. Mathevin Car recently mounted oy us mm our isicsi siyic i passen ger tnurtag Dooy, ruuy cqmppc" i slsn front, speedometer. Klaxon, hirsf compartments. 1 stilt ces, etc.. etc. Hie body l made arcordlm to the hlghrsl stand- ard ot (Jtllsby Art and workmanship. It embodies every new and modem feature known to tne luxurious car. nir irsniw price of ihls car Is JI800. It will be sold al Zftri. If rold forthwith. J. M. QUINBY &. CO., 14 9 llronttwur, w Ynrk. Kntatory, Newark, N. J. AUTOMOBILE . EXCHANGE OWKIU AND tRIXCRfl OT COUMBRCIAL VRH1-CUta- GAnAQIta TlftBaV Bqtnp-UINT- AUO rUPAIR WILL ALWATS riND sburruiNO op iMTEncafr ih TMIf COUIUM. aiitos at nr "KAritlFICK" 1'llin.a. New Turk's Automobile Iiarssln Kstabllshment. "Par Kxcellrnce." When you buy from a rriistiie nouse ou oct a "SQUAiti: nirAi.r There are very lew reliable concerns In Ihls car business; consequently, "Caveat Kmptorl" Kleven years In this line and 10.000 pleased pur- chasers Justify our bid tor pMrnnxe. 1913 While -- Kony" .KiW: 1012 Packard.. I2.7M Uther I'ackarda, J10O up: fierce Limousine. HUK rerriesses. aau to 9i.:iiu; unninsniini iuuu lelie. Ss&O. Flat Town Cars. "25," ll.Son; Hntrhklss . .14.71 Mrrrrdes, S.1CO. SIM. itlO: Franklins. Isso &VI Mercer Toy Tminrau. 8So: "It. C. It.". .. .4M 1813 Marions. Itroaulta, (Sarfords. Htoddards. JJJo-JKl- Maxwells. . tloo lo MSO lords, lioo; v.. u. r. . iau; cnuacunurr Taxis. Cadillacs . ... S3S0 to WM .oilers tall Foredoors). attsn, Stan, i.wo-3.o- flats. l!o. i5o, vut, atJtw: Cadillac. .... .175 I'nlmrr-Slnren- i. ii5l).S7iO: Uack Tnick 1750 Chalmers. SIM) up: Oaklsnds .....13Mi JW. 7W av. aiau. oju; uvrnnim. ,rf, I'eerlesses. 17M to 11.100 Inartrorus. to 1200; Kulck Truck ......1109 Ilulck 'Thirty." ISM .. .300 others I var lain-- ur r--u rajnirnis, Uxamlnatlons Invited: Demonstration Given; Kverytniny as ucnrcwnieu. 50 TAXIS. ll&O (are incomplete). ft Ttra. - luluk.ll nfUir ItflltniM. Have 2.000; must unload; some (treat bargalna. Mainetos, Horns, Tops. Windshields, Lampsj ItcniaraaDiy v.uraii. I.lmnuilne and Mndaulette Ilodlrt-Sa- la. Hel makes, an in aooa orucr ni 7S,SllMI,ias,Sauo,U5OtnS400. Also mo latest New lloriles !i Value. J.gou Open llodles. Inside Drive, Ac. JAMUOItr ADTOMOIIII.K CO., The lllecrst. Oldest. Cheapest and Vloit Un to date Xstabllshment of Its kind anywhem. Ukimy 41iMlt.61il.il., near uunainc, BARGAIN SALE OF USED CARS j. M. QUINBY ft GO. 1849 BROADWAY One 40 De I.uxe Limousine, 1760. One 25 Pennsylvania, new, 11,100. One W Pennsylvania, demonatrated, 11,100. One 45 iBOtta, $1,800. Isotta A'olturntte, $1,000. 35 Slmplsa: Limousine, $1,500. 35 Simplex Tourinjc, $900. beveral and Tour- ing Bodiw Very Chen p. FltANKI.IMH Four anil nve nnarii in , iu,,, ikcuuh, I leal condition; 1910 and earlier models at at tractive prices 7Sd and Amsterdam Ave, TelCol. MJt. . I rllll nAL.l- v- lieauuiui r rciiuu mui rar, Inside arlve: seats lour ruiniuriituii i n. p.; I luxuriously equlpprl. In llral-cla- runnlnf con- - dispme of quickly: price. 12.200.' Call HltllNS-WIC- Grecley-37- 27. UlllUlfL' fftlPAl Ixt us sell your cr for cash no sale no chares. timks sguAiii: Atrro co.. IIIU orouuay. i'iiuuc i.mitiui. At' TOMOHII.ICS FOIt IIIItK. IT Is rtieaprr to rent than to own an automobile. We make a specialty nt irntlni cars by the mnnlfl. our seven pastcnaer I'ackanl cars, lourlnf or llinnuilne. equal ine tlmit private equipment. Ilesponilhle a.id rellalilo strvlre cuarantestt. UNMhltSAI, TAXIMl'.TKK CAII CO., UJ i;ai IkIiI Ht. rhmie 1'lara 2100. ' PACKAHHS. St hour: tlientres. IS: business shit return. It passenger; Juo-Jio- n inoiiihly; ask our plan: rrs, servk-- excellent. 460J Columbus., I'.UKAUI) Hlerlde Garter. .Kit West 7lh: full riuurilon nf prion: inurliic and llniiiulnrt.: 13 hour; IMo prr if.onth up. icwi Schuyler, AtTOMOllll.K AMI MIITOIt THICK I.N. HIltrtMilN. STKWAHT AHItlMOIIII.il At IH.5IY J2H w, r.iih si. Y, 31. C. A. llooldet explains WHY our course It MIST" Inspect nur plsnt mui be fniitliiccil VI'-S- I 811)1", Individual road work, iimallshii bend lol booklet. 311 . Uttl SI.' Phone 7(C'o Colu-rbu- s MOTOR CAR DIRECTORY i i iii III allUCC Uouaht, soli and P.ieltaated. Hit WWiMO Times Sq. AuloColTIOBroaaway, HICK Motor c., Mtwaaa aaU ai , a"ii Mia aw. raaaa aaa, watii H,.jf:,.

Curbstone will Stop diamond - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1912-10-26/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · the me of his namo for adver--;;kih'H and newspaper woik,

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WoiiIiI-I- I'lU'clinsops Itcnil.v(Jo Over Mm HpiuI

Horace Fojrol.



I ii side Reason Why Ilrpsnnhnnl out Chnnco's Plight

flcncrnlly Deplored.

crisis In lh affairs of the rhlladet-Nation-

I.eaKUe club will be reached'N'ttlonal lcimuo club will be reachedMure 12 o'clock according tothe statement of President Thomas J,Lynch nf th National League yesterday.l.Mieli would not ro Into details, however,huiK satisfied to await developments.Vi'i'in t National-- league club ownersit was learned that Horace Fosel, whoholds the presidency of the PhiladelphiaHub, will he out of that offlce not latertliiin Monday. According to this Informa-tion, the controlling Interest In the clubHill he disposed of by Charles I. Taftto the hlEhest bidder If PoKel falls totak up certain notes some time beforo

'i: o'clockone of these National League club

nwncts Informed Tim HUN man that Kogelwus anxious to inHke terms by whichhe would receive a bonus of tit leastl.in.onit before retiring from the presi-dency of the club. This lengiie' magnatealso stated that as much hs 1400,000 badIn en offered by a certain would be pur- -

h.iser, but that Kogel had demanded amuch larger sum. It was Intimated bythe same club owner that, having weariedif dlckcilns with Kogel dliect, severalIndividuals who are trying to buy theI'hllidelphla club would open negotl.t-lio- n

with Mr. T.ift early on Monday,In spite of Kegel's emphatic denials Itwas stated plainly by Tub Sun's Inform-ant that Mr. T.tft holds Kegel's notesfur a sum of money which the latterused In securing more than 900 shares ofthe Philadelphia's club's stock and thatMr Taft was prepared to cull In thekernte s unless they were taken up by Kogel


1'ium otlv?r reliable National Leaguesmiicr It was learned yesterday thatIf Kogel found It isisslble to secure newbacklns, through which he could retainthe club's ptesldency, the League as nwhole at the special meeting on Novembertfi would declare him wit of organizedball, At least one club owner, who hasexpressed sympathy for Kogel, admittedttiHt, If It came to a vote, he wouldsupport a resolution to Vut the Philadel-phia magnate tinder the ottlclal ban.

Tho presence of William H. Wcke,tecretary of. the Pittsburg club. In Chi-cago jcsterday, where he held a loniiiitiference with C. W. Murphy of theCubs, revived the story that Locke andformer Police Commissioner W. K. Bakerof this city were trying to get the Phlladelphla franchise, but Mr. Baker couldnot be found.

Kogel must reply to President Lynch'scharges some time The former'sattorney Is expected to die the documentsnt National League Jieadquarters beforenight or mall them In Philadelphia today so that they will be In the hands ofPresident Ljnch early Monday morning.

It leaked out yesterday that during theNational League meeting here last week,Director Hocker of the St. Louis Cardlnala told the magnates that it had beendecided to release Itoger Bresnahan fromthe management of the team because ofhis. Indifferent work duttng the past seasun. Mr. Hocker saU that Biesnahan didnot keep in good phslcal condition, thatlie caught in comparatively few gamesnnd displayed an unmistakable lack ofInterest. Mr. Hocker stated that the release of Bresnahan was not due to a desite lo reduce expanses. Last spring Bresnahan was 111 with pneumonia and wasunable to nut on a uniform for man)days. He was advised by his physicianto rtfraln from strenuous work, on theball field for a greater part of the searnn. Bresnahan said In July that his enforced layoff hid Increased his weight omlthat he regtetted his Inability to playevery day.

The status of Bresnahan aid FrankChance, the deposed manager of the Cubs,has bten brought to the attention of theNational Commission, with the resultthat privately an Informal opinion hasWn expressed. 'If, within ten days nfteBresnahan and Chance have been ofllrlallynotified that their services' no longer arereuulred. other National League clubs refuse to nksumo the contracts originallyheld by the St. Louis and Chicago cuius,respectively, the American League clubwill have the legal right to negotiate withthem, Chance says that his contract withthe Chicago c,lub called for a salary ojs.000 a year. Breanahan's salary aimnnacr of the Cardinals was 110,000toguher with 10 per cent, of the profits,In order to retain them In the ranks oth- - National l.earcue, these managerstnut tecelve similar compejaaatlon fotheir services or tecelve the right to d

business with clubs lr. Ban Johnson's clrmt In fhort. the Issue Is as clearcnstal.

The turning down of Chance by OwnerMuiphy of the Cubs Is generally deploredI". National League men, who nie some-

what In doubt aa to Kvers's ability lo 111!

the shoes of the Peerless I.der, Kvcrsl geneially regiu'ded as being too excit-able and too highly strung to stand thewear and tear of ft team leader. Kvcrsami .loe Tinker, It will lie recalled, came- blows in a game In Brooklyn In Sep-

tal, her at a time when Tinker was actingtriannger 'Biseb.tll men 'acem to thinkthat Murphy has erred In preferring F.vers

Tinker and that, If tho latter Is

to go to Cincinnati as Hank (Y Day's"fuioeasor, tho Cubs will be further weak- -

Mreadv the gossips have assignedChance to the Philadelphia. St. IjuIs andllxmkiwi National League clubs. Humor''as ii that If Chance doesn't land In

President Kbbeta wilt secureii in Sheckurd to handle the Dodgers

I'M eason. Kbbets has refused to ills- -

.fs . ther Chance or Sheckard for pub- -

at "o but it was said In Brooklynsieiday that he had not yet changed

y s .n to keep Bill Dahlcn In controlof tin tiam.

4 a


ewaid for his masterly handlingthis year the Washing- -

has Increased the salary orClaik (liilllth to $10,000 for

..smi The Washington, club, byv. is sild to have made $150,000r i new iccoid in that city.

Mini, the Bed Snt malinger,i u Vl5,o0rt on the Reason Just

M" received a salary of $10,000,"nentitgn of the pioflts. lie tookn than $t,00(i iib his share of

' I - nerles money, in addition lothe me of his namo for adver-- ;;kih'H and newspaper woik, lie

I a 10. Olio automobile too.

f tr nf Fred StimUia of the's been settled by Manager Mc-- 'i

his monologue on the vaudevilleM'Uraw says that Snodcrass la

a K d ban plover, that he shouldn'tt. .,ns.,ici f,ir bin error In the last guinn"'" nn. Kid Sox nnd that he will play' '" lb d for the (Slant next year as

I 'ei. dent Sexton of the National As-- v

in f Minor Leagues has Issiieil a'' f' i" annual meeting In Chicago

en Novernher 10, The meeting of the."tiorai Board of Arbitration, the minor

leagues' supreme court, la scheduled forNovember 12 Ity Milwaukee, ,

Work on K.bbeti Held Is rapidly near-In- g

completion. Tho grand stand roofIs In place and tho concrete flooring willbe finished In n few dayn. The lobby,which will be a model of Its kind, Is wellunder way. It Is planned to complete thebig undertaking before the snow beginsto fall.

Charles A. Comlskey, owner nf theChicago White Sox, la royally entertaining tutu Johnson, James McAieor, JamesCallahan and other American League menat Camp Jerome, Trude Lake, In northernWisconsin. The party will return to civ- -

lllintln next Monday after consuming thefollowing menu :

Celery.Canape, Home Plite.

, Ortcn Olives.'Illsque of Crawfish.

Fried Bass. ' Tartar Sauce.Turkey .ti titled with Oysters. Cranberry Sauce.

Mashed Potatoes. Waldorf Salad.Uaked Alaska. Northumberland Cheese.

Cafe Nolr.Not forgetting myriads ot coldS bottles

and half dollar cigars!President John T. Brush of the Giant

Is said to be Improving In health. Hewas able to enjoy a ride yesterday In hisautomobile.


Livingston, AVho'a TrylnK toClub Prom Hint, Say a Mo.


Cincinnati, Oct, 25 Jefferson Living-ston, the wealthy young manufacturerwho Is offering n big sum for the Philadelphia Natlonil League hall club, re'tinned to hli home In this city y

hul..g been called from pressing his negiitlutlons for the team by his privateLuslncrs affairs.

Mr, Livingston said :"I greatly desire to own the Phtladel- -

lila ball team, as I consider It a fairlygood business proposition, but especiallybecnuse I want n means of gratifying mysporting tastes and as a way of.relnxa- -

on from my dally grind. However, myoffer represents the limit from u practicalstandpoint that can be made for the club,

nd the present owners know this to befact. The enterprise bus not yielded

much In 'the way of dividends for thenst two or more sears. Of cjiurse. not

much of a showing could be expected ofhe team the past season with young and

comparatively Inexperienced players taking the part of the seasoned ones wno

ere In the hospital."The aggregation is at present com

posed looks pretty good to tue and President Kogel nnd Manager Dooln are mighty

ne fellows. Of course I am expecting tohear nt any time from Philadelphia, as I

feel that I am entitled to the courtesy ofbeing Inforrtwd, as to the final disposal ofthe club, whoever the purchaser may be.

certainly still hope for the acceptanceof my offer, and 1 believe that of the several syndicates oi wouio-o- e purciinsersonly one now remains In the field In ad- -

Itlon to myself."


Two llnlrl Mrn nnd Fight PromoterSlake Itnancceaefnl Bids.

Pnit.sPEl.rniA, Pa.. Oct. 25. Two hotelmen, Thomas M. Carroll of , the Hermitage,New York, and L. Fred Kloox or tne coio- -

nlol Annex. Plttahurg, visited Pnilaael-phi.- ito-d- with the Intention of pur-

chasing the Phillies.Mr. Carroll said they wereja'eii aoie

to finance the deal If they coUId come toterms with Fogel. What price they offered him Is not known, but whatevertheir proposition was. It was turned down.

Jack Oleason, the ngrit promoter aisotried to buv the Phillies He spentseveral hours this afternoon In conferencewith a number of persona who are cloaeto Fogel. and even went o far aa to paya visit to the ball park. Fogel later In- -

Imated that Olenaon was unsuecessiui.It Is probable that the club will be sold

It Is Known tnai rogei nasftven nn ontlon which expiresand it Is thought tnai rogei men winrenrh a final dec slon as to whom lie willsell.

Vrrkea Carat at Banu.net.IlATiinno. Pa.. Oct. 25. Stee Yerkes.

seenn 1 baseman of the champion Bed Sox.will be the honored guest or nis manyndmlrers In Hatboro. his former nome,and those of Jenklntown, with whose teumhe played beforo be Jumped Into uriiiianceaa a big leaguer. He la expected to reachhero Thuisday evening, when a committeeof Hatboro and Jenklntown fsns haveplanned a subscription banquet III hishonor, with covera laid for over two hundrcd.

.lakr Slalil'a Paddy Popular.Lincoln. 111.. Oct. 28. Kvery day for

the last week the countryside has gathiered around the store of Henry Stahl, theveteran hardware dealer, illscussing tnegieat achievements of his sou Jake, whoseBoston Iced Sox won me w orm s uaseoaiichampionship.

Sunday Honor Wrlrh'a MemoryPittsiicho. Oct. 25. Billy Sunday, the

evangelist and former old time bateballstar, made a pilgrimage to tho grave ofMrt Welch at Kast Liverpool, Ohio. He

pronounced Welch the greatest outfleldeIn the history or paseoan.

Play Third (Same at lllrr Club.Tho Cuban champion, ,1. H. Capablunca

nnd iholncal extiert. Charles .laffe. were invited bv the lllce Chass Club lo officiallyopen Ita new rooms on Saturday, November2, On that uate tney win ue tniieu upontr ntnv the Hi ril and final rams o I tneimatch. Jaffa and Oscar Chajea played anexhibition nt the Cafo ties lleatix Artvesterilay, Ihe former selecting a Uennam.nnlnir. In order lo get a promising nltack hajes sacrinoeci a pawn, wnicu leuii, verv interesting complications. However. SmTe defended rather cleverly anilwhen things ooked very bad for blackChajcs by on Ingenious sacrifice of bothhis rooks and an additional pawn secureadraw jt perpetual check. Forty-thre- e.

moves were recorded.

Talier'a Bad Ankle Mar Bar II I mPr.ovtDBS-CK- . It. I.. Oct. 26. Norma

Tabcr, Brown's star tunner, who did wellIn the Olympic games, may not be ublot.i rnmnete n the cross-countr- y eventthis fall because of a weakened ankle,if h does not run John Puul JonesCornell probably will have things hUown way In the Intercollegiate chumplouships.

Mellaril Kuters for Ten MllraThe national championship committee

of Hit) A. A. U tins accepted the late,.nirv nf Fred (I. Bellara of the NeYork A. I',, for the ten mile runningchumplonshlp tills afternoon on the Vailsburg motordrome traca. i ins mawi i

tninl nf nine entries tor tne event nix,,. will start In the seven mile wnlklnchampionship mat will preceue m ie

mile run.

Out- - of i'tvn Sport Must tin,

Oknf.va. N. Y Oct. 20. Th llnbartCollege Athletic Association lt votedto iibnllHh e I ter incrnsre, or iiaseuau

-- I, r!n Hiioii at llobiitt for the eomln


reason run question m kiih h riuui nnmibo abolished will be icferieil to Ihe atu-de-

bodv. The athletic council Is'to fuvor the retention of base-bal- l.

I it NLutlnic .Novrinlier I.St. Nlchnlaa Skating Kink In West

Sixty-sixt- h street will !' opened to dev-

otees nf the sleel limners on Friday night.November 1. uccoidlng to announcementlasutrt last night. Hockey will be a fea-tui- e

of the. coming season, as In the IbbItew year. ,



Maiiunl Meets St. rani's nudClinton Opposes Hoys in



Morris-Curti- s and Erasmus vs.Hrooklyn Prep Also Seem

Even Matches.

To-day- 's Schedule,Manual i, SI. Paul's, at Washington HarkHoys lllfli vs. IM Witt Cllntonrat Hlilgc

niwl I'srW.Erasmus va llrooklyn Prep, at Hawthorne

Field.Mnftl, r?nftla at Mnrrln.Commerce vs. Salon Hall, at Orange. N. J.Commercial vs. FItuhlni, at Commercial

iti.i.imuyvesant vs. Jersey City High, a,t

AileVpM vs. Mamaroneck, at Adelphl

Huthwlck va. Yonkers High, at Yonkers.1'oly 1'rep vs. Mamensie, at uouss rerrr.

The Manual-St- . Paul's and the BoyaHlgh-O- e Witt Clinton games will be con-tea- ta

of the first Importance If not themost spectacular In the scholastic foot-ball world Both games are

and both will have much todo with gauging the elevens at the endut the season, a matter which Is of nolittle weight to players and students alike.Manual Training gradually la assumingthe responsibility of upholding the qualityof Brooklvn football this season and herbattle with St. Paul's at Harden Citythis afternoon is very likely to provqthe most serious which aha has had toface. Manual was beaten badly by KastOrange at the beglnnlg of the season, butthat cannot be held tu 1m- - of great signifi-cance In the local ranking. Manual ap-pears J have great latent strength, whichmay be called forth at any time, andher rather Indifferent record thus far ap-pears to be due more tu bud luck thananything else.

De Witt Clinton, which Is sure to bea potent factor In Munhattan affairs.came perilously near to being upset by--

Hall Is of Commercemost. Boya aiiernon

on the other hand, haa little In her recordso far to recommend her, but those whohave followed Boya High teams In thepast remember that the team, althoughalmost always starting poorly, never hasfailed to pick up In mldseason and ripup her stronger opponents. To-da- y maymark the turning point. The game shoulddo much to mark the relative worth ofBrooklyn and Manhattan teams.

Other games, though of less Importance,should none the less be Interesting.

from the ease with which ManualTraining disposed of Mackenzie SchoolPoly Prep should be able to win withoutmuch trouble, and a change In the training policy whlth Coach Slgrlst

ted this week may tielp. Stuyveaantmeets practically an unknown at Jersey

Ity and the outcome of the Commerce- -

Seton Hall game la equally uncertain.Morria and Curtis, and andBrooklyn Prep should be evenlyat least.

Schoolboy Jinpi II Feet O larhrs.A great deal of Coach Mantel'a atten

tion la being directed toward priming Walter. Fisher for the high lump thla year.This Stuyvesant lad la aald to havelumued b feet Inches In practice recently and naturally much" la expected ofmm in ine coming cnampiuiiiiuypi.

gluyrraantManager Tom

Five Ambitions.Sullivan of the Stuy.

esant basketball team Is arranging awhich will Include more trips

than any In the past. There will bewcnty-flv- e games, fifteen of which will

be played abroad. The teamto Philadelphia to play Central HlgnSchool, to N. J., and three dayawill be spent during the Christmas weekout on lxng island playing local teams.The five Is likely to lose Its captain.' (lug- -

llelmo, on account of backwardness Intudles,.ln which event he will bet badly

missed, as It waa he last year vho washletly Instrumental In winning the cham

pionship for Stuyvesant. if thedoes occur Scboen. Tamm, Vogel and.Mnmlel are available.

Commerce Boya at Colgate.Twd old Commerce football players now

are starring on the Colgate eleven. Theyare Weber, the all scholastic tackle of1809. and Frank the rast hairbank of last year.

Curtis Nulislllntra llnallr.In for this morning's game

with Curtis coach Nixon or Morris putmany second string men In the regularlineun yesterday for the purpose of fitting them tor substitution, wintake any man out y shows signsof fatigue or Injury and put In a secondteam man until he Is rested, up. Morriawill try some new double shift formatlotis with and without forward paaaea,and should Ihey work as well as they didyestenlay In practice Curtis had betterhave a cate.

Morria Has Soccer Scrub,A acrub team haa been organised at

Morris nf the soccer candidates und haselected It) an and Pasquvelle captain and

respectively, In a matchthis team and the varsity recently

the varsity won by a score of 3 to 0,

Bays lllsli Coach Sanguine.Coach Matt McKenna of the Boya High

football team hopes that his lads willgive Clinton u good game He lasatisfied with one tnmr. ana mat, la matthey try hard and aeem to Improve witheverv same. The hopes of Boys Highare pinned on Capt. Tiffany, andMarshall. These youngsters are piayinginifther well and are very Tnegame will be played at itiagcwooo r ieiuat 2 :30 o clock.

Commercial Thlnka It's Kasr.Commercial Is confident that the game

wlib Flushing y will be as easy aalast Saturday's game with BushwicK,Conch Shearer has taught nis lads manynew playa that he thlnka are aure forbig gains. Of the four In theManual game, two weeks ago, threeCant. Du Temnle. Furgone and Lucke

. 1. I , . . 1. A n.tl, lt'.,Iwta- -are sure to piay, wnue mo iuuiu,, , www- -worth, will respond If he is neeuea. ingame will be. played at Commercial Fieldat 3 o clock,

Biialmlck Fnll of Hope,The Bushwlck football team will play

the vnnkers team at Yonkers this after'noun The Bushwlck lads have been doingtheir' best to overcome their lack of teamwork nnd hope lo put up a rast game.

Mnuy tlut for I'ols- - Five,Basketball Kacllce at Poly Prep now

Is In full swing, capt. Kales nas overtwenty lads hard at work In the Polyevtnnnslum eveiy afleriioon, i here arc

l nrnmltlng ciiiiildnles out now tin,,.,, i- mrirn will reiiort ai tne ciuse ui inr,, ii'.t.n The best on band hi

Mehullte. Lew. Moneynennv. I lardenlu nok. Vogel, andNolman.

Mnmial and St. Panl'a BeadyBoth learns are ready for the Important

cnmi. this afternoon at Washington Parkbetween Training and St. Paul'sSchool, their annusj gridiron battle. Theteams, with th exception ot Mlks Charles,

Manual's star halfback are In' aplendldshape. Charles has had a bad ahkle allseason and has been forced to play soregularly that the Joint has nothad sufliclent time to lecover Its normal'condition. '

un paper ma as lar as scores nu wn-i- ,

lll.'ike seems to lime the better teum, having lolled up a total qf. 14 points to noth-ing for opponents. Maniat on the otherhand, Iihs not been so fortunate'. Thellrooklyn boys were beaten 1 to o oyKjistOrnnro as a startr, men piayeaMackensle School to a standstill the nextweek and were tied by Commercial andN. Y. Military Academy alnce then. Bothschools have played Mackenale. and onthis comparison Manual shows up to anadvantage. Manual defeated the UobbsFerry team by a score or 33 to wnue8t. Paul s Hchool was thirteen points behind Manual's showing,

' Commercial lo Vtr On Temple.The eleven of Flushing will Journey to

Flat bush y In order to test Its foot-

ball strength Commercial's con-

quering heroes.' The game will be calledat i o'clock on Commercial Field and by4 :H0 the Bed and (J ray aggregation ahotildhave been returned a victor. Uu Templewill be back In the game at left end forCommercial.

Clinton Commercial Date Canair,The date of the De WltfCllnton-Com- -

merdal came, which waa to have beenplayed on day morning at American League ParK. naa oeen, cnangeo ionext Saturday afternoon at tne samenlaee. The suggestion of a shift waamade by Commercial for the reaaon thatIt la always tiara to raw a crowa lor umorning game. There will be raw con-tes-

next Saturday and there, should belittle trouble In swelling the rate receiptsto good figures.


Klernan Versatile Socoerlte,The Manual soccer team has a new

4lm1 by the name of Klernan. He can playeither forward or nairoaca us wen sanv other matt on the team and Is sureto get in the game against thisafternoon. The game win oe piayeu aithe Parade Orounds at 3 o clock.


Ilryaui Onlaboul CommerceIn llnal

The gunmen of Bryant vanquished theErasmus last week and rather championship teamdoubtful strength High. Bryant gymnasium yesieroay


Inaugur- -



will journey

















In theat the

by a score of ttt to 20. Three gunnersmade perfect scores. lorlo and Qenoveaefor Biyant, and Shapiro for Commerce.Pullman, the winner of the Individual,championship at Peeksklll last Saturday,could do no, better than SJ out of S5. In

Commerce the Bryant ahooteraeliminated their atrongest opponent In therace for the Whitney trophy In tne auu-targ-

tournament.The scores:


lln'.nl.llninn SI' Ktlot. Xlf MrKSOn. SI!rienovese. SS: lorlo. : McCiraw. S3; Hebble, tt;

Commerce Pullman, aS: 1 1 ortoo. 11: flrleco. II:Camutl. a!: Clmer. xs: liehnnao, St: sumeia, J:.inaplro. n. Total, nn. .


Only ToneUdosru Hraalt of FamlilrIn Hrcond narter,

The second teams of Manual Training j

and De Witt Clinton nign bciiuuis mnyesterday afternoon at Waahlngton Park.Brooklyn, and the former won by a scoreof to 0. The punting of Thomas andthe line plunging of Monroe for De WittClinton and tackling of Olawang andKerby for Manual were conspicuous fea-ture- a.

Both teama tried forward paaaea,but failed to complete the play, and therewaa a number of fumble.

In the first quarter the Manhattan team,which appeared to be much Ihe heavierof the two, repeaUdly broke through theManual line, but after that the Brooklynhnvs stiffened and held the game even.Colcord, the Manual centre, broke throughand picked up a fumbled ball for a touch-down In the aecond quarter. Palmer mlserd

goal.The Unetrp:Manual Tratalac. Positions.retn . i.en ena . . .


o corn.. .(loldberg,.

erruson ,

Olswanr..weinoerg.,liner, .


i.en tacKie.Left guard. .

Centre...,Hlihl guard.Ittrht tacklemint ena..

De Witt Clinton.Marked



Oua rurback Welntraub.Lett haimack UroumanHlrht halfback Sernour

.Fullback... Monroirore-Usn- n.t Trsaxlng. De Wilt Clinton.

Touchdown Colcord.tanual Training, rjurjunites uantiai ramma viww,.

. r,

: 0.

imer. Wruer. Keroy. ua ni.iipionHotnenbcnr. Thomas. Iteferee-Harm- on, ManualTraining. Tlma of perlcala-sa- na lomintnes.

Cntlcr Whitewashes Brnnawlgk.Th- - Sutler eleven whltwashed Bruna- -

wick School at Celtic Park yeaterdayCutler accumulated 10 points.

nd the visitors, who came irom t.

failed to score. Herbett, Waln- -wrlght and Twyefort made the totichdowna

iv overpowering line amicus, mis is mohiri ronsecutlve for Cutler, the

team having beaten Loyola School 83 too and Irving School 33 to o.


The lineup:rs.u.p fusltlnns. Brunswick,

Connelly Left endI,. Lonu i.en lacKic irr;iluoDcn i.en auara T Mr:""Keclt. . . Centre... Vm1?

Duff li ght guard A.

Twjefort High! end.Herbert. .. QuarterbackOnalavla. . Irfft halfback... , . .HansonW nwnsnt,... mini nauoacsVan Bora... I'ullback.... Williams

Score-Cut- ler School. 20: Iirunswlck School. 0,n....i.aAU.n.tlrl,rt IValnwrtffht. TwreTort.tioals rrom iournaown-na- ii. . ;

W. Cohu for Cobbens. Beteree Collins, CullerSchool, now ol penouiiu nnnuies.

Maxrrella Near Destination.Baton Kouog. La.. Oct. 26. The two

Maxwell automobllea carrying Charlea.1. Qlldden and party.' who left Detrolt twelve daya ago for New Orleansover the Lakes to Gulf route, reacneuBaton Rouge at 5:30 o'clock Therun v waa 119 mile, the last thirty- -

five through a beautiful moonlit Louisiananine, forest. The tourists leave aio'clock for New Orleana, andexpect to reach the Uulf city at noon

Turnball Lradgh Tenala ChampionSouth Brrilt.xiloH. Pa.. Oct, 26, L. F,

Turnbull, captain ot the Lehigh Unlveraltv tennla team y won the Chamninnthln nf th university In that snortdefeating a field of forty-tw- o mfn. Alongwith the title Turnbull receives a auverloving cup. He defeated J. W. Baker, inthe final, 63, 63, 61.



Yachtsman Kinney Oris a Cap,To show their appreciation for his ser

vices as chairman of the entertainmentcommittee of the nockaway "Point YachtClub, some twenty of his friends ana rciInw members presented to John "T, Klnney a silver loving cup. The presentationwas made In the ciubnouso ibsi inursuaevening.

Mi'KnrlauU lift Kyv, on CloveHnKrAt.o. N. V.. Oct, 25. Packer Xlc

t.'.irlMiul. llin Chlcairo llxhlwelgllt shaded.llnnnv Uuffv of I.ocltnort ill u ten toundbout liofote the Qileensbury Athletic Clubhere McParlunJ finished strongand Is marked only by n bad left eohanded him by Duffy In the third round.

Destroyer Terry l.eail In TargetPractice.

WtKiiis-fiTON-. Oct. 55, --Tho torpedoboat destroyer Terry leads the ships ofher class In excellence or worK in elemen-tary target practice for th" period from.lulv I to October I. It una announced atthe Say Department y 'The lerry,commanded l.leut. .1. C. rremont. made1 .KFBA! ",ii31'wltb

pi e or

'iwaaUr-Bia- a aaUyacgansiWad



John i. May, a Leader in Sport

on dnlf I si n n1, Here toArrange It.


Brooklyn Yachtsmen ConferWith Hint, and Bensonhtirxt

Club Is Interested.

Thrie Is a Probability of a race for sailyachts fiom this port to Porta Itlco nextseason. John u. uay, a prominent yacnis- -

man of that Island, has been visiting herethe nasi few weeks nnd has consultedwith several llrooklyn yachtsmen legard- -

ln n to Han Juan. Nothing definitehas been done In the matter yet, but 'theBensonhurst Yucht Club has ugleed toundertake the management of the laceand the members of that Club think Itwill be the moat Important yachting eventof the aeaaon.




The flrat Drlle will be offered by theMilitary (lovernor of Porlo Klco and another will be offered by members of thePorto Blco Legislature. These prlaes willgive It official recognition Dot only by theInsular Uovernmenl of Porto Itlco butalso bv Waahlngton." The Benaonhurat plans lo ask the

of other clubs In making thisa success and It Is probable' that a specialcommittee will be formed, made up ofthe. chairman of the regatta committeesof the Uensonhurst. Atlantic and Larrh-mo-

yacht clubs and with possibly rep-

resentatives of ,the army and navy. Thisboard will have full charge of the con-tes- t.

It wilt bo officially appointed shorth-and' then start to work out the details ofthe race.

The start will lie front off WestlaWn.the new home of the Bensonhurst YachtClub on Oravesend Bay, and Ihe finish willbe off the exposition grounds at San Juan.This course Is about 1,400 miles. It willbe the longest ocean race started from

York since the race across the At



lantic for the Germnn Kmperor'sprlie. The race will he for schooners onlyand It Is thought that there should be atleast half a dozen big yachts ut thustarting line.

Commodore Ueorge it. ie uauvagr, wno

IIf I1 I



1 1



Any Curbstone will Stop



iT isn't the name ofthe tire that makes

.a .1it non-ski- d its tnetire. Many tires arecalled non-zski- d butthere is only one that

used by tire-wis- e

car owners, the

Diamond Safety Tread Tire(Squegee)

ON slippery, treacherous city streetssafety. You'll with Diamond

Safety Tread Tires. The parallelsafety tread

Won't slip, won't slide, won't skid they gripget 5ure and gteady trac- -

Y'OU road suction inDiamond Safety Tread Tires.You control your car all thetime. You drive in eafety and

nas done wondots with the BensnnhurstYacht Club, sas: "The fact that therace will be semi-offici- will do much tomake It nn Important contest, nnd I wouldnot be surptlsed to sec It equal the tiuns-- ,

atlantlc race, when the Atlantic, owned byCommodore Wilson Marshall, .won. PortoItlco Is one of our possessions about whichthe a American knows little; but I

know how hospitable the Porto Kleins oreand bow much yachtsmen would enjoy avisit to that Island.

"The course Is an Ideal one for schooners, although It Is conaldeiably longer llinnthe- - course to Bermuda. BeimuiM linslieen visited so often by American yachtsmen that t Is haul now to work up anyenthusiasm over another race to tli.it Isl

and. Porto Klco will be it novelty mid 1

am sure It will appeal lo all owneis ofocean racers.'


.Mdtrnn'a .latent Maid In Br MnUluiBid for I. olio, Trxua, na Cnmii.

Hi, Paso, Tex.. Oct. 25. The New Yotk(Hunts may buy a Texas town tu get Intheir annual spring training without mo-

lestation. An agent of John Mctiruw nowIs In VA Paso, uccoidlng lo leal estatemen, attempting to buy the town siteof l.obo. Tex., about a hundred tulleseast uf Kl Paso, for Uie training s.

Lobo Is one of the numerousnew tuwns In west Texns that teal es-

tate men have tiled hard to put on themap as a metropolis. A big new hotel,a handsome brick slructtlie,' was builtand some cottages wete erected by thecompany, but the town did not grow.

Thu town site Is n beautiful level spotatid would make ii splendid training loca-tion. One of Mcdinw'H friends saw Iheplace nnd tipped it uff, nnd the deal ntonce was stinted. The hotel and cot-tages would make splendid qitatteis furthe plaers and newspaper men. The climate is the best In the country, as Itseldom tains In this section except In

the summer und never gets colder at any-

time In tho winter than fifteen or twentyabove zero, und eeli this Is lnfr-tUeli- ItIs close to Fort Davis, fumed throughoutthe Middle West and South as u healthresort. It Is far enough from a city ofany size, it Is claimed, to make It anideal training camp.


Hamilton Institute Hopeful.The football squad of Hamilton Insti

tute Is confident of the result of 's

game with Carteret Academy of SouthOrange. N. .1. Hamilton will start thegame as follows: l.eft end. Heed; lefttackle. Bach: left guard. Fields: centte.Stewart : right guard, Cunningham : righttackle, Thompson: right end, Hammer'sten: Quarterback, navis: uauuttcxs,Mumane and Harris: fullback, Gregory.


you wantget itcross and

bars of the

withoutyou drive with Lifeand accident is builtinto Safety Tread Tires.

Made in your size and to fit yourstyle of rim. Equip your car now.

At Your Dealer'sThe Diamond Store

1876 Broadway, N. Y. City.

THE OPERADescriptions of

Suitable for



the Types of Cars

Use This' Winter

Automobile SectionTHE SUN

Next Sunday



I 'en n Authorities (iltc tint XeV.Tlckrl AHnttliiu; .Scheme.

I'ntt, MiH.lilM, Oct 25 Announcementwas mailt- - bv Hie Pennsylvaniat'oiiiinittee in charge of Ihe luiz Army andNavy fool bull game of Ihe dale of the contest anil' of t el Itiln. Imiiiiilnnt changes l:iallotting the commit I ru'sshnre of IlielleketV,oiie-lliti- il of Hie lolal sealing tntuiiity ofllin field, TIih giitue will lie played onfranklin Field on November :in

Two linpoiliitit changes have been mnduby Die committee in allollngg Hie spatsallowed the I nlersly of Pennsylvania.The (ljl change is rnlleil by Ihe fiui thatIhe sealing raimiily of llie Held has beenliielenseil Kieally, thus allowing Ihe colli- -

mlltee lo mill n seventh class In those nl- -

rally Invited lo subscribe. Tho new clnIs eoniposeil of allium! uf I be universityliving twenty of mute miles from I'hiln- -

ilelphl i. Secondly, Ihe price of the llckelxhas been rnln'il from .'..'.o to J I

Fiitlher, the eoiiiiultlee lias ruled If anyticket Issued nn a unlvetsltv npplltHllniiIs oirereii lor nan- - at more inaii us rneovalue Ihe cominlllee reset ves the light lopurchase It al the advanced price, and I hoperson lo whom It Is Issued will lie obligedlo reimburse Ihe committee for the pricethus paid In evcess of Its face nlite. A

lecoril will De Uetn ol all t he ilekeis issiird

TheChairmanrecommendsmMd.meUoand delicately flavored whiskey.

Burke'sWhiskeyIs mild, mellow and delicately flavored


ilont 0 XJnlhe-oi- i,

fitted with Quinbylit'rlim, fon-doo- r limousine?.Out! of tlie fiiu-K- t

enrs turnoil out. 1 hrjmilt's oiVixty on liii?H hpwtl.Will be sold for lo.OOO.

Ht'Hiilar price $0,50). .

J. M. QU1NBY & CO.,IW4H ItroadMav, Nrn Tnrk,

I'arlnr.i, Newark, X. ,1.

$1,000 SAVEDWe otter s new 1013 latrst model Series O.cylinder 60 It. P. Mathevin Car recently

mounted oy us mm our isicsi siyic i passenger tnurtag Dooy, ruuy cqmppc" i

slsn front, speedometer. Klaxon, hirsfcompartments. 1 stilt ces, etc.. etc. Hiebody l made arcordlm to the hlghrsl stand-ard ot (Jtllsby Art and workmanship. Itembodies every new and modem featureknown to tne luxurious car. nir irsniwprice of ihls car Is JI800. It will be sold alZftri. If rold forthwith.

J. M. QUINBY &. CO.,149 llronttwur, w Ynrk.

Kntatory, Newark, N. J.




GAnAQIta TlftBaV Bqtnp-UINT-


sburruiNO op iMTEncafr ihTMIf COUIUM.

aiitos at nr "KAritlFICK" 1'llin.a.New Turk's Automobile Iiarssln Kstabllshment.

"Par Kxcellrnce."When you buy from a rriistiie nouse

ou oct a "SQUAiti: nirAi.rThere are very lew reliable concerns In Ihls

car business; consequently, "Caveat Kmptorl"Kleven years In this line and 10.000 pleased pur-

chasers Justify our bid tor pMrnnxe.1913 While -- Kony" .KiW: 1012 Packard.. I2.7MUther I'ackarda, J10O up: fierce Limousine. HUKrerriesses. aau to 9i.:iiu; unninsniini iuuulelie. Ss&O.

Flat Town Cars. "25," ll.Son; Hntrhklss . .14.71Mrrrrdes, S.1CO. SIM. itlO: Franklins. Isso &VI

Mercer Toy Tminrau. 8So: "It. C. It.". .. .4M1813 Marions. Itroaulta, (Sarfords.Htoddards. JJJo-JKl- Maxwells. . tloo lo MSO

lords, lioo; v.. u. r. . iau; cnuacunurrTaxis. Cadillacs . ... S3S0 to WM.oilers tall Foredoors). attsn, Stan, i.wo-3.o-

flats. l!o. i5o, vut, atJtw: Cadillac. .... .175I'nlmrr-Slnren- i. ii5l).S7iO: Uack Tnick 1750Chalmers. SIM) up: Oaklsnds .....13Mi JW. 7W

av. aiau. oju; uvrnnim. ,rf,I'eerlesses. 17M to 11.100Inartrorus. to 1200; Kulck Truck ......1109

Ilulck 'Thirty." ISM .. .300 othersI var lain-- ur r--u rajnirnis,

Uxamlnatlons Invited: Demonstration Given;Kverytniny as ucnrcwnieu.

50 TAXIS. ll&O (are incomplete). ftTtra. - luluk.ll nfUir ItflltniM.

Have 2.000; must unload; some (treat bargalna.Mainetos, Horns, Tops. Windshields, Lampsj

ItcniaraaDiy v.uraii.I.lmnuilne and Mndaulette Ilodlrt-Sa- la.

Hel makes, an in aooa orucr ni7S,SllMI,ias,Sauo,U5OtnS400.Also mo latest New lloriles !i Value.J.gou Open llodles. Inside Drive, Ac.

JAMUOItr ADTOMOIIII.K CO.,The lllecrst. Oldest. Cheapest and Vloit

Un to date Xstabllshment of Its kind anywhem.Ukimy 41iMlt.61il.il., near




One 40 De I.uxe Limousine, 1760.

One 25 Pennsylvania, new, 11,100.One W Pennsylvania, demonatrated,

11,100.One 45 iBOtta, $1,800.Isotta A'olturntte, $1,000.35 Slmplsa: Limousine, $1,500.35 Simplex Tourinjc, $900.

beveral and Tour-ing Bodiw Very Chen p.

FltANKI.IMHFour anil nve nnarii in , iu,,, ikcuuh,

I leal condition; 1910 and earlier models at attractive prices

7Sd and Amsterdam Ave, TelCol. MJt. .I rllll nAL.l- v- lieauuiui r rciiuu mui rar,

Inside arlve: seats lour ruiniuriituii i n. p.;I luxuriously equlpprl. In llral-cla- runnlnf con- -

dispme of quickly: price. 12.200.' Call HltllNS-WIC-

Grecley-37- 27.

UlllUlfL' fftlPAlIxt us sell your cr for cash no sale no chares.

timks sguAiii: Atrro co..IIIU orouuay. i'iiuuc i.mitiui.At' TOMOHII.ICS FOIt IIIItK.

IT Is rtieaprr to rent than to own an automobile.We make a specialty nt irntlni cars by the mnnlfl.our seven pastcnaer I'ackanl cars, lourlnf orllinnuilne. equal ine tlmit private equipment.Ilesponilhle a.id rellalilo strvlre cuarantestt.UNMhltSAI, TAXIMl'.TKK CAII CO., UJi;ai IkIiI Ht. rhmie 1'lara 2100.'

PACKAHHS. St hour: tlientres. IS: business shitreturn. It passenger; Juo-Jio- n inoiiihly; ask ourplan: rrs, servk-- excellent. 460J Columbus.,

I'.UKAUI) Hlerlde Garter. .Kit West 7lh:full riuurilon nf prion: inurliic and llniiiulnrt.:13 hour; IMo prr if.onth up. icwi Schuyler,



At IH.5IYJ2H w, r.iih si.

Y, 31. C. A.

llooldet explains WHYour course It MIST"Inspect nur plsntmui be fniitliiccil

VI'-S-I 811)1", Individual road work, iimallshiibend lol booklet. 311 . Uttl SI.'

Phone 7(C'o Colu-rbu- s



i iiiIII allUCC Uouaht, soli and P.ieltaated.Hit WWiMO Times Sq. AuloColTIOBroaaway,

HICK Motor c., Mtwaaa aaU ai, a"ii Mia aw. raaaa aaa, watii
