Mathematics 2014 www.cambridge.org/mathematics2014

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Mathematics 2014www.cambridge.org/mathematics2014

Welcome to the Mathematics books catalogue 2014.Here you will find new and forthcoming titles, representing the highest level of academic research from renowned authors. Our highlights this year include Quantum Information Theory by Mark M. Wilde, the three volume set A Course in Mathematical Analysis by D. J. H Garling and Stochastic Networks by Frank Kelly and Elena Yudovina.

Our publications are available in a variety of formats, including ebooks and print, as well as online collections for institutional purchase via our publishing service University Publishing Online, which incorporates the Cambridge Books Online platform.

We also publish a range of leading Mathematics journals, including our two new open access journal; Forum of Mathematics, Pi, and Forum of Mathematics, Sigma (see back inside page for more information). You can recommend our books, online collections and journals to your librarian by filling out the form at the back of this catalogue.

To see more book listings, product information, preview extracts and reviews, and to find out which conferences we are attending, you can find us online at www.cambridge.org/mathematics2014.

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How to order books

General and recreational mathematics 1

Number theory 1

Algebra 2

Logic, categories and sets 2

Discrete mathematics, information theory and coding theory 3

Cryptography, cryptology and coding 4

Topology and geometry 4

Abstract analysis 5

Real and complex analysis 6

Probability theory and stochastic processes 6

Applied probability and stochastic networks 7

Statistical theory and methods 7

Statistics for environmental sciences 7

Differential and integral equations, dynamical systems and control 8

Mathematical modelling and methods 8

Fluid dynamics and solid mechanics 8

Numerical analysis 9

Computational science 9

Thermal-fluids engineering 9

Chemical engineering 10

Engineering design, kinematics, and robotics 10

Communications and signal processing 10

Solid mechanics and materials 11

Engineering mathematics and programming 11

Theoretical physics and mathematical physics 12

Statistical physics 12

SIAM books 13

Also of interest 13

Information on related journals Inside back cover






Manifold MirrorsThe Crossing Paths of the Arts and Mathematics

Felipe CuCker

Most works of art, whether illustrative, musical or literary, are created

subject to a set of constraints. In many (but not all) cases, these con-

straints have a mathematical nature; for example, the geometric trans-

formations governing the canons of J. S. Bach, the various projection

systems used in classical painting, the catalogue of symmetries found

in Islamic art or the rules concerning poetic structure. This fascinating

book describes geometric frameworks underlying this constraint-based

creation. The author provides both a development in geometry and

a description of how these frameworks fit the creative process within

several art practices. Furthermore, he discusses the perceptual effects

derived from the presence of particular geometric characteristics.

The book began life as a liberal arts course and is certainly suitable

as a textbook. However, anyone interested in the power and ubiquity

of mathematics will enjoy this revealing insight into the relationship

between mathematics and the arts.

Felipe Cucker is Chair Professor of Mathematics at the City University of

Hong Kong. His research covers a variety of subjects, including semi-algebra-

ic geometry, computer algebra, complexity, emergence in decentralized sys-

tems (in particular, emergence of languages and flocking), learning theory

and foundational aspects of numerical analysis. He serves on the editorial

board of several journals and is Managing Editor of the journal Foundations

of Computational Mathematics, published by the Society of the same name.








Cover illustration: ‘The School of Athens’ (fresco) by Raphael.



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Stochastic NetworksFrank Kelly and Elena Yudovina


CollapseSix Sources of

A Mathematician’s Perspective onHow Things can Fall Apart in the Blink of An Eye

CollapseBy Charles R. Hadlock

Six Sources of

A Mathematician’s Perspective on

How Things can Fall Apart in the Blink of An Eye

By Charles R. Hadlock

Six Sources of Collapse is a wonderful book, in numerous ways. Chance, group behavior, evolutionaryprocesses, instability, nonlinearity, and networks are adroitly brought under the same roof, and applied to a stunning range of important examples, from the collapse of ancient civilizations to the collapse of financial markets. Lucid engaging primers in relevant areas of mathematics—including non-lineardifferential equations, network theory, and extreme value statistics—are presented with an unpretentiousinformality attainable only by those with the deepest command. In effect, Hadlock offers both the call to arms, and the armamentarium, for a unified theory of collapse. An important scientific andpedagogical contribution.

Professor Joshua M. Epstein, Director of the Center for Advanced Modeling in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, and External Professor, Santa Fe Institute.

Charles Hadlock’s engaging book provides a mathematical framework for understanding all varietiesof collapse—that of civilizations caused by environmental factors or destructive wars, companiescaused by competition or poor management, and humans infected by contagious diseases. It inspiresone to think about the reasons for collapse (Hadlock suggests six sources), and their mathematicalbasis, thereby providing guidance to the development of detailed, more specific models.

Professor Steven Brams, Professor of Politics, New York University

Charles Hadlock has studied collapse processes from many points of view:from one career as a world traveling consultant working to head off catastrophicrisks in the chemical, power, transportation, and mining industries, to anotheras the dean of a business school witnessing collapses of corporations, currencies,and markets. Add to this his broad mathematical and scientific background;collaborative work with political scientists, engineers, and others; and extensiveexperience with management challenges at the top levels of corporations andgovernments. He is an award winning author with a Carus Monograph on fieldtheory and an acclaimed text on mathematical modeling in environmentalmanagement. All these themes are interwoven in a captivating personal stylethat will provide new insights about collapse to both mathematical andnonmathematical readers.

9 780883 855799

ISBN 978-0-88385-579-9





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By Charles R. Hadlock


MAA-Collapse cover v12_Layout 1 11/16/12 3:39 PM Page 1

Handbook of Financial D

ata and R

isk Information I

Cover illustration: Origin reproduction: Speciale Collecties, Bibliotheek Wageningen UR.

Handbook of Financial Data and Risk InformationVolumes I and II


Margarita S. Brose Mark D. FloodDilip Krishna Bill Nichols

of Financial Data and Risk Information

Margarita S. Brose

Brose, Flood,

Krishna A



Risk has always been central to fi nance, and managing risk depends critically on information.

In recent decades, derivative markets for parceling and shifting risks have burgeoned,

while computational advances have increased the pace of trading. As evidenced by recent

events, the need has never been greater for skills, systems, and methodologies to manage

risk information in fi nancial markets. Authored by leading fi gures in risk management and

analysis, this handbook serves as a unique and comprehensive reference for the technical,

operational, regulatory, and political issues in collecting, measuring, and managing fi nancial

data. It will appeal to a wide range of audiences, from fi nancial industry practitioners and

regulators responsible for implementing risk management systems, to system integrators and

software fi rms helping to improve such systems.

Volume I examines the business and regulatory context that makes risk information so

important. A vast set of quantitative techniques, internal risk measurement and governance

processes, and supervisory reporting rules have grown up over time, all with important

implications for modeling and managing risk information. Without an understanding of the

broader forces at work, it is all too easy to get lost in the details.

Volume II sets out a detailed structural and operational framework for managing a

fi nancial risk data repository. As experience accumulates on managing modern risk systems,

the knowledge base of practical lessons grows. Understanding these issues and leading

practices may mean the difference between failed and successful implementations of

risk systems.

Brose E

t Al. 9







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Quantum Information Theory

Mark M. Wilde

see page 1

see page 4

see page 7

see page 8

see page 13

Handbook of Financial Data and Risk InformationEdited by Margarita S. Brose, Mark D. Flood, Dilip Krishna, Bill Nichols

Risk has always been central to finance, and

managing risk depends critically on information.

As evidenced by recent events, the need has never

been greater for skills, systems and methodologies

to manage risk information in financial markets.

Authored by leading figures in risk management

and analysis, this handbook serves as a unique

and comprehensive reference for the technical,

operational, regulatory and political issues in

collecting, measuring and managing financial data.

It will appeal to a wide range of audiences, from

financial industry practitioners and regulators

responsible for implementing risk management

systems, to system integrators and software firms

helping to improve such systems. Volume 1 examines

the business and regulatory context that makes risk information

so important. Volume 2 describes a structural and operational

framework for managing a financial risk data repository.

• Meetstheneedforfinancialindustry-widedata

• Bringstogethercontributionsfromadiversegroupof expertsfromthevariousfieldsrequiredforeffectiverisk informationmanagement

• Takesaholisticviewofthesubjectacrossthespectrumof financialinstitutions

2 Hardback books | 978-1-107-69070-7 | January 2014 | £160.00


General and recreational mathematics / Number theory 1

eBooks available at www.cambridge.org/ebookstore

General and recreational mathematics

Martin Gardner in the Twenty-First CenturyEdited by Michael HenleOberlin College, Ohio

and Brian HopkinsSaint Peter’s College, New Jersey

Martin Gardner was an extraordinarily prolific writer whose work had a profound influence on the field of recreational mathematics. This book is a collection of articles, some by Gardner, others inspired by his work, that appeared in various MAA publications from 1999 to 2012. Essential reading for all recreational mathematicians.2014 253 x 177 mm 274pp 211 b/w illus.  13 tables   978-0-88385-913-1 Paperback £27.00 Publication April 2014

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9780883859131

Why Is There Philosophy of Mathematics At All?Ian HackingUniversity of Toronto

Ian Hacking draws on cognitive sciences, evolutionary psychology, neurology, developmental psychology, and cognitive archaeology (tools and the mind) to explore how mathematics became possible, for a species like ours, on a planet like this. An innovative book for those studying logic, theory of knowledge, and philosophy of science.2014 216 x 138 mm 212pp 978-1-107-05017-4 Hardback £50.00 978-1-107-65815-8 Paperback £17.99 Publication February 2014

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107050174

Who’s Bigger?Where Historical Figures Really RankSteven SkienaState University of New York, Stony Brook

and Charles B. WardGoogle, Inc., Mountain View, California

Is Hitler bigger than Napoleon? Washington bigger than Lincoln? Picasso bigger than Einstein? Quantitative analysts are rapidly finding homes in social and cultural domains, from finance to politics. What about history? In this fascinating book, Steve Skiena and Charles Ward bring quantitative analysis to bear

on ranking and comparing historical reputations. They evaluate each person by aggregating the traces of millions of opinions, just as Google ranks webpages. The book includes a technical discussion for readers interested in the details of the methods, but no mathematical or computational background is necessary to understand the rankings or conclusions. Along the way, the authors present the rankings of more than one thousand of history’s most significant people in science, politics, entertainment, and all areas of human endeavor. Anyone interested in history or biography can see where their favorite figures place in the grand scheme of things.

‘This is all fun: reputational face-offs are great entertainment. And, shrewdly, Skiena and Ward have an app. More seriously, historians will put quantitative analysis to good use – and their model may help historiographers grapple with Wikipedia.’New Scientist

2013 228 x 152 mm 391pp 101 b/w illus.  2 maps  176 tables   978-1-107-04137-0 Hardback £18.99

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107041370

Manifold MirrorsThe Crossing Paths of the Arts and MathematicsFelipe CuckerCity University of Hong Kong

Felipe Cucker presents a unifying mathematical structure to explore the relationship between mathematics and the arts, including architecture, music, poetry and more. The book emerged from the author’s undergraduate course, but requiring only basic high-school knowledge of mathematics it makes a fascinating read for anyone interested in the arts.

‘Cucker [has] produced a pot au feu, an eclectic catch-all. There is much that can be learned from [his] presentation of the marriage of mathematics and art. I consider Manifold Mirrors Arcimboldesque in that it is an assemblage of many basic mathematical ideas and constructs, [adding] up to … well, to a unique work.’Philip J. Davis, SIAM News

2013 247 x 174 mm 424pp 55 b/w illus.  100 colour illus.  30 music examples   978-0-521-42963-4 Hardback £55.00 978-0-521-72876-8 Paperback £19.99

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9780521429634

How Humans Learn to Think MathematicallyExploring the Three Worlds of MathematicsDavid TallUniversity of Warwick

How Humans Learn to Think Mathematically describes the development of mathematical thinking from the young child to the sophisticated adult. Professor David Tall’s analysis offers a shared framework for understanding mathematical growth from practical beginnings through theoretical developments, to the continuing evolution of mathematical thinking.Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives

2013 228 x 152 mm 476pp 175 b/w illus.  4 tables   978-1-107-66854-6 Paperback £27.99

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107668546

Number theory

Lattice Sums Then and NowJ. M. BorweinUniversity of Newcastle, New South Wales

M. L. GlasserClarkson University, New York

R. C. McPhedranUniversity of Sydney

J. G. WanSingapore University of Technology and Design

and I. J. ZuckerKing’s College London

For over a century lattice sums have been studied by mathematicians and scientists in diverse areas of science, in some cases unwittingly duplicating previous work. Here, at last, is a comprehensive overview of the substantial body of knowledge that now exists on lattice sums and their applications.Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 150

2013 234 x 156 mm 388pp 13 b/w illus.  3 colour illus.  20 tables   978-1-107-03990-2 Hardback £75.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107039902

2 Number theory / Algebra / Logic, categories and sets

Torsors, Étale Homotopy and Applications to Rational PointsEdited by Alexei N. SkorobogatovImperial College London

Torsors are ubiquitous in many areas of mathematics. This book presents a collection of expository lecture notes and cutting-edge research articles on the theory and applications of torsors and étale homotopy, written by leading experts. An essential volume for researchers and graduate students in algebraic and arithmetic geometry.London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 405

2013 228 x 152 mm 468pp 978-1-107-61612-7 Paperback £45.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107616127

The Riemann Hypothesis for Function FieldsFrobenius Flow and Shift OperatorsMachiel van FrankenhuijsenUtah Valley University

A description of how non-commutative geometry could provide a means to attack the Riemann Hypothesis, one of the most important unsolved problems in mathematics. The book will be of interest to graduate students in analytic and algebraic number theory, and provides a strong foundation for further research in this area.London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 80

2014 228 x 152 mm 162pp 12 b/w illus.  1 table   978-1-107-04721-1 Hardback £45.00 978-1-107-68531-4 Paperback £22.99

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107047211


Group Cohomology and Algebraic CyclesBurt TotaroUniversity of Cambridge

Group cohomology reveals a deep relation between algebra and topology, and its recent applications have provided important insights into the Hodge conjecture and algebraic geometry more broadly. This book presents a coherent suite of

computational tools for the study of group cohomology and algebraic cycles.2014 228 x 152 mm 240pp 2 b/w illus.   978-1-107-01577-7 Hardback £55.00 Publication May 2014

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107015777

A Guide to Groups, Rings, and FieldsFernando Q. GouvêaColby College, Maine

Insightful overview of many kinds of algebraic structures that are ubiquitous in mathematics. For researchers at graduate level and beyond.Dolciani Mathematical Expositions, 48

2013 228 x 152 mm 326pp 978-0-88385-355-9 Hardback £31.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9780883853559

A Double Hall Algebra Approach to Affine Quantum Schur–Weyl TheoryBangming DengBeijing Normal University

Jie DuUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney

and Qiang FuTongji University, China

The first book of its kind to present an algebraic approach to affine q-Schur algebras and affine quantum Schur–Weyl theory.London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 401

2012 228 x 152 mm 216pp 978-1-107-60860-3 Paperback £35.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107608603

The Maximal Subgroups of the Low-Dimensional Finite Classical GroupsJohn N. BrayQueen Mary, University of London

Derek F. HoltUniversity of Warwick

and Colva M. Roney-DougalUniversity of St Andrews, Scotland

This book classifies the maximal subgroups of finite classical groups in low dimension. It features previously unseen results and over 100 tables, making this an essential reference for researchers. It will appeal to graduate students as a textbook on finite simple groups, computational group theory

(including Magma) and representation theory.London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 407

2013 228 x 152 mm 452pp 100 tables  20 exercises   978-0-521-13860-4 Paperback £50.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9780521138604

Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis of Wreath Products of Finite GroupsTullio Ceccherini-SilbersteinUniversità degli Studi del Sannio, Italy

Fabio ScarabottiUniversità degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, Italy

and Filippo TolliUniversità degli Studi Roma Tre

A self-contained treatment of the representation theory of wreath products of finite groups and harmonic analysis on the corresponding homogeneous spaces. The book functions as both a useful reference for researchers, and a graduate textbook with plenty of examples and several exercises.London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 410

2014 228 x 152 mm 173pp 5 b/w illus.  2 tables  18 exercises   978-1-107-62785-7 Paperback £45.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107627857

Logic, categories and sets

Elements of Logical ReasoningJan von PlatoUniversity of Helsinki

This book is an accessible and scientifically rigorous introduction to the principles of logical reasoning, covering many topics including the deductive machinery of metalogic, otherwise known as the nature and function of proofs. It will be valuable to students of logic, mathematics and computer science.2014 247 x 174 mm 271pp 978-1-107-03659-8 Hardback £55.00 978-1-107-61077-4 Paperback £18.99

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107036598

Logic, categories and sets / Discrete mathematics, information theory and coding theory 3

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Basic Category TheoryTom LeinsterUniversity of Edinburgh

Assuming little mathematical background, this short introduction to category theory is ideal for beginning graduate students or advanced undergraduates learning category theory for the first time. Suitable for independent study or as a course book, it gives extensive explanations of the key concepts along with hundreds of examples and exercises.Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 143

2014 228 x 152 mm 250pp 80 exercises   978-1-107-04424-1 Hardback c. £35.00 Publication July 2014

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107044241

Coherence in Three-Dimensional Category TheoryNick GurskiUniversity of Sheffield

Higher category theory is an increasingly important discipline with applications in topology, geometry, logic and theoretical computer science. This comprehensive treatment covers essential material for any student of coherence, or for any researcher wishing to apply higher categories or coherence results in fields such as algebraic topology.Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 201

2013 228 x 152 mm 286pp 978-1-107-03489-1 Hardback £45.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107034891

Canonical Ramsey Theory on Polish SpacesVladimir KanoveiRussian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Marcin SabokPolish Academy of Sciences

and Jindřich ZapletalUniversity of Florida

This book lays the foundations for an exciting new area of descriptive set theory. It develops a robust connection between two active areas of research: forcing and analytic equivalence relations. Ideal for graduate students and researchers in set theory, the book provides an ideal springboard for further research.Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 202

2013 228 x 152 mm 278pp 978-1-107-02685-8 Hardback £50.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107026858

Effective Mathematics of the UncountableEdited by Noam GreenbergVictoria University of Wellington

Denis HirschfeldtUniversity of Chicago

Joel David HamkinsCollege of Staten Island

and Russell MillerQueens College, City University of New York

This book provides an authoritative and multifaceted introduction to eight major approaches to computation on uncountable mathematical domains. The perspectives explored within reveal different aspects of effective uncountable mathematics, making it an ideal resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate students and researchers in this exciting new area of study.Lecture Notes in Logic, 41

2013 228 x 152 mm 204pp 978-1-107-01451-0 Hardback £55.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107014510

Pure Inductive LogicJeffrey ParisUniversity of Manchester

and Alena VencovskáUniversity of Manchester

This book establishes pure inductive logic as a contemporary branch of mathematical logic. Collecting together research from a wide range of sources within one unified context, it provides both a comprehensive account of the subject up to cutting-edge modern research, and an accessible reference for the philosopher or computer scientist.Perspectives in Logic

2014 228 x 152 mm 360pp 1 b/w illus.   978-1-107-04230-8 Hardback c. £60.00 Publication June 2014

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107042308

Lambda Calculus with TypesHenk BarendregtRadboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Wil DekkersRadboud Universiteit Nijmegen

and Richard StatmanCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Typed lambda calculus is used in functional programming (Haskell, Clean) and proof assistants (Coq, Isabelle, HOL), which are used to design and verify IT products and mathematical proofs. This book reveals unexpected mathematical beauty in three classes of typing: simple types, recursive types and

intersection types. Numerous exercises are provided.Perspectives in Logic

2013 228 x 152 mm 854pp 52 b/w illus.  300 exercises   978-0-521-76614-2 Hardback £60.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9780521766142

Discrete mathematics, information theory and coding theory

Information Theory and Coding by ExampleMark KelbertSwansea University

and Yuri SuhovUniversity of Cambridge

Introducing both the probabilistic and algebraic aspects of the subject, this book provides relevant background material, a wide range of examples and clear solutions to problems from real exam papers. It is a valuable teaching aid for students, or for researchers and engineers who want to grasp the basic principles.2013 247 x 174 mm 526pp 30 b/w illus.  100 exercises   978-0-521-76935-8 Hardback £75.00 978-0-521-13988-5 Paperback £35.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9780521769358

Modern Computer AlgebraThird editionJoachim von zur GathenBonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology

and Jürgen GerhardMaplesoft, Canada

Designed to accompany one- or two-semester courses for advanced undergraduate or graduate students, this textbook is widely regarded as the ‘bible of computer algebra’. Its comprehensiveness and reliability also makes it an essential reference for professionals. This updated edition includes an overview of recent

4 Discrete mathematics, information theory and coding theory / Cryptography, cryptology and coding / Topology and geometry

improvements in areas like primality testing.

Review of previous edition: ‘Wow! What a beautifully produced book, and what a wealth of information.’Don Knuth, Stanford University

2013 247 x 174 mm 808pp 55 b/w illus.  53 colour illus.  40 tables  560 exercises   978-1-107-03903-2 Hardback £75.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107039032

Analytic Combinatorics in Several VariablesRobin PemantleUniversity of Pennsylvania

and Mark C. WilsonUniversity of Auckland

This book is the result of nearly fifteen years work on developing analytic machinery to recover, as effectively as possible, asymptotics of the coefficients of a multivariate generating function. It is the first book to describe many of the results and techniques necessary to estimate coefficients of generating functions in more than one variable.Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 140

2013 228 x 152 mm 392pp 53 b/w illus.  2 tables  64 exercises   978-1-107-03157-9 Hardback £45.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107031579

Surveys in Combinatorics 2013Edited by Simon R. BlackburnRoyal Holloway, University of London

Stefanie GerkeRoyal Holloway, University of London

and Mark WildonRoyal Holloway, University of London

This book consists of nine survey papers by internationally renowned mathematicians. It will be of interest to researchers in combinatorics, from graduate students who want an overview of several areas to advanced researchers who want to have an in-depth analysis of recent developments.London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 409

2013 228 x 152 mm 384pp 30 b/w illus.  2 tables   978-1-107-65195-1 Paperback £45.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107651951

Cryptography, cryptology and coding

A Cryptography PrimerSecrets and PromisesPhilip N. KleinBrown University, Rhode Island

This accessible introduction for undergraduates explains the cryptographic protocols for privacy and the use of digital signatures for certifying the integrity of messages and programs. It provides a guide to the principles and elementary mathematics underlying modern cryptography, giving readers a look under the hood for security techniques and the reasons they are thought to be secure.2014 228 x 152 mm 216pp 72 b/w illus.   978-1-107-60345-5 Paperback £19.99 Publication April 2014

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107603455

Quantum Information TheoryMark M. WildeLouisiana State University

Finally, here is a modern, self-contained text on quantum information theory suitable for graduate-level courses. Developing the subject ‘from the ground up’ it covers classical results as well as major advances of the past decade, such as superadditivity of private, coherent and Holevo information, and the superactivation of quantum capacity.2013 247 x 174 mm 669pp 85 b/w illus.  260 exercises   978-1-107-03425-9 Hardback £45.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107034259

Quantum Computing since DemocritusScott AaronsonMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Takes students and researchers on a tour through some of the deepest ideas of maths, computer science and physics.2013 228 x 152 mm 398pp 25 b/w illus.   978-0-521-19956-8 Paperback £24.99

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9780521199568

Topology and geometry

Manifolds, Tensors, and FormsAn Introduction for Mathematicians and PhysicistsPaul RentelnCalifornia State University, San Bernardino

Providing a succinct yet comprehensive treatment of the essentials of modern differential geometry and topology, this book’s clear prose and informal style make it accessible to advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics and the physical sciences. It features over 250 detailed exercises and discusses a variety of applications.2013 246 x 189 mm 340pp 61 b/w illus.  271 exercises   978-1-107-04219-3 Hardback £45.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107042193

New Horizons in GeometryTom ApostolCalifornia Institute of Technology

and Mamikon MnatsakanianCalifornia Institute of Technology

A beautifully illustrated collection of striking and original results in geometry. Recommended for students and teachers of geometry and calculus.Dolciani Mathematical Expositions, 47

2013 253 x 177 mm 526pp 978-0-88385-354-2 Hardback £46.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9780883853542

Aperiodic OrderVolume 1: A Mathematical InvitationMichael BaakeUniversität Bielefeld, Germany

and Uwe GrimmThe Open University, Milton Keynes

This first volume in a series provides a graduate-level introduction to the many facets of aperiodic order. Special attention is given to methods from algebra, discrete geometry and harmonic analysis, while the main focus is on topics motivated by physics and crystallography. Numerous illustrations and examples are included.Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 149

2013 234 x 156 mm 545pp 145 b/w illus.  18 colour illus.  10 tables   978-0-521-86991-1 Hardback £75.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9780521869911

Topology and geometry / Abstract analysis 5

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Convex Bodies: The Brunn–Minkowski TheorySecond editionRolf SchneiderAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany

Now in its second edition, this classic text has been expanded to reflect significant developments in Brunn–Minkowski theory over the past two decades. It gives a complete presentation from basics to the exposition of current research, with full proofs, pointers to other fields and a fully updated reference list.

Review of the first edition: ‘Neither one of [the old classics] may be considered a substitute for the excellent detailed monograph written by Rolf Schneider. I recommend this book to everyone who appreciates the beauty of convexity theory or who uses the strength of geometric inequalities, and to any expert who needs a reliable reference book for his/her research.’V. Milman, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 151

2013 234 x 156 mm 756pp 978-1-107-60101-7 Hardback £99.00

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107601017

Moduli SpacesEdited by Leticia Brambila-PazCentro de Investigación en Matemáticas A.C. (CIMAT), Mexico

Peter NewsteadUniversity of Liverpool

Richard P. W. ThomasImperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London

and Oscar Garcia-PradaConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid

Moduli theory represents a significant topic of modern mathematical research with strong connections to many areas of mathematics (including geometry, topology and number theory) and other disciplines such as theoretical physics. This book presents articles on both fundamental material and advanced research topics, accessible at the graduate level and above.London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 411

2014 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-63638-5 Paperback £50.00 Publication February 2014

For all formats available, seewww.cambridge.org/9781107636385

Non-Hausdorff Topology and Domain TheorySelected Topics in Point-Set TopologyJean Goubault-LarrecqEcole Normale Supérieure de Cachan

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Differential Geometry of Singular Spaces and Reduction of SymmetryJ. ŚniatyckiUniversity of Calgary

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2013 228 x 152 mm 247pp 978-1-107-02271-3 Hardback £55.00

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Abstract analysis

A Primer on the Dirichlet SpaceOmar El-FallahUniversité Mohammed V-Agdal, Rabat, Morocco

Karim KellayUniversité de Bordeaux

Javad MashreghiUniversité Laval, Québec

and Thomas RansfordUniversité Laval, Québec

This systematic account of the Dirichlet space provides an introduction that will be valuable to researchers in function theory, assembling results previously only found in scattered research articles. Containing more than 100 exercises, the

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2014 228 x 152 mm 220pp 5 b/w illus.  110 exercises   978-1-107-04752-5 Hardback £45.00

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A Guide to Functional AnalysisSteven G. KrantzWashington University, St Louis

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The Theory of H(b) SpacesVolume 1Emmanuel FricainUniversité de Lille 1

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This comprehensive treatment is accessible to graduate students as well as researchers. It covers all of the preliminary subjects needed to fully understand and appreciate this beautiful subject, such as Hardy spaces, Fourier analysis and Carleson measures. Hundreds of exercises are also included, making the book suitable for graduate courses.New Mathematical Monographs, 20

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Real and complex analysis

A Course in Mathematical AnalysisVolume 3: Complex Analysis, Measure and IntegrationD. J. H. GarlingUniversity of Cambridge

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A Course in Mathematical AnalysisVolume 2: Metric and Topological Spaces, Functions of a Vector VariableD. J. H. GarlingUniversity of Cambridge

This is the second of three volumes that provide a full and detailed account of all those elements of real and complex analysis the undergraduate mathematics student can expect to encounter in their first two or three years of study. Numerous exercises, examples and applications are included.2014 247 x 174 mm 330pp 15 b/w illus.  280 exercises   978-1-107-03203-3 Hardback £75.00 978-1-107-67532-2 Paperback £30.00

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A Course in Mathematical AnalysisVolume 1: Foundations and Elementary Real AnalysisD. J. H. GarlingUniversity of Cambridge

This is the first of three volumes that provide a full and detailed account of all those elements of real and complex analysis the undergraduate mathematics student can expect to encounter in their first two or three years of study.

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Paradoxes and Sophisms in CalculusSergiy KlymchukAuckland University of Technology

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A collection of paradoxes (counterintuitive statements that look invalid, but are in fact true) and sophisms (intentionally flawed arguments that appear formally correct) in calculus. Such examples are designed to enhance students’ understanding of the underlying concepts. Recommended for students and teachers of calculus at high school and university.Classroom Resource Materials

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Probability theory and stochastic processes

A Basic Course in Measure and ProbabilityTheory for ApplicationsRoss LeadbetterUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Stamatis CambanisUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

and Vladas PipirasUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

This concise introduction covers all of the measure theory and probability most useful for statisticians. Originating from the authors’ own graduate course, it is perfect for a two-term course or for self-study. It is especially useful to graduate students in related fields who want to shore up their mathematical foundation.2014 228 x 152 mm 374pp 15 b/w illus.  300 exercises   978-1-107-02040-5 Hardback £75.00 978-1-107-65252-1 Paperback £29.99 Publication February 2014

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Lévy Processes and Infinitely Divisible DistributionsSecond editionKen-iti SatoNagoya University, Japan

This successful text provides a comprehensive basic knowledge of Lévy processes and serves as an introduction to stochastic processes in general. Now in paperback, this corrected edition contains a brand new supplement discussing relevant developments in the area since the book’s initial publication.Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 68

2013 228 x 152 mm 534pp 160 exercises   978-1-107-65649-9 Paperback £50.00

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Uniform Central Limit TheoremsSecond editionR. M. DudleyMassachusetts Institute of Technology

This second edition of the classic work on empirical processes has been considerably expanded and revised. It now includes complete proofs of all

Probability theory and stochastic processes / Applied probability and stochastic networks / Statistical theory and methods / Statistics for environmental sciences


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results, including several new theorems not included in the first edition, such as Talagrand’s generic chaining approach to boundedness of Gaussian processes and Giné and Zinn’s characterization of uniform Donsker classes.Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 142

2014 228 x 152 mm 488pp 978-0-521-73841-5 Paperback £29.99 Publication March 2014

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Applied probability and stochastic networks

Brownian Models of Performance and ControlJ. Michael HarrisonStanford University, California

This book from one of the field’s leaders covers Brownian motion and stochastic calculus at the graduate level, and illustrates the use of that theory in various application domains, emphasizing business and economics. Aimed at non-mathematicians who build and analyze stochastic models, it contains many concrete formulas and worked examples.2013 228 x 152 mm 216pp 20 b/w illus.  2 tables  50 exercises   978-1-107-01839-6 Hardback £38.00

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Stochastic NetworksFrank KellyUniversity of Cambridge

and Elena YudovinaUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Communication networks underpin our modern world, and provide fascinating and challenging examples of large-scale stochastic systems. This compact introduction to some of the stochastic models found useful in the study of communication networks is ideal for graduate students wishing

to understand this important area of application.Institute of Mathematical Statistics Textbooks, 2

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Bayesian Filtering and SmoothingSimo SärkkäAalto University, Finland

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Statistical theory and methods

Analysis of Multivariate and High-Dimensional DataInge KochUniversity of Adelaide

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The Skew-Normal and Related FamiliesAdelchi AzzaliniUniversità degli Studi di Padova, Italy

In collaboration with Antonella CapitanioUniversità di Bologna

Blending theory and practice, this will be the standard resource for statisticians and applied researchers. Assuming only basic knowledge of (non-measure-theoretic) probability and statistical inference, it is accessible to the wide range of researchers who use statistical modelling techniques. The author’s complementary R package helps readers put theory into practice.Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monographs, 3

2013 228 x 152 mm 270pp 100 b/w illus.  60 exercises   978-1-107-02927-9 Hardback £50.00

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Statistics for environmental sciences

Measuring and ReasoningNumerical Inference in the SciencesFred L. BooksteinUniversity of Washington and Universität Wien, Austria

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8 Differential and integral equations, dynamical systems and control / Mathematical modelling and methods / Fluid dynamics and solid mechanics

Differential and integral equations, dynamical systems and control

Numerical Solution of Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential EquationsJohn A. TrangensteinDuke University, North Carolina

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Applications to Regular and Bang-Bang ControlSecond-Order Necessary and Sufficient Optimality Conditions in Calculus of Variations and Optimal ControlNikolai P. OsmolovskiiTechnical University of Radom

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This book develops theory and applications for second-order optimality conditions in the calculus of variations and optimal control. Distinctive features include coverage of no-gap conditions and broken extremals; full solutions to various numerical examples are presented. A useful resource for researchers and engineers in many branches of the physical sciences.Advances in Design and Control, 24

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An Introduction to Computational Stochastic PDEsGabriel J. LordHeriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

Catherine E. PowellUniversity of Manchester

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Mathematical modelling and methods

Complexity ScienceThe Warwick Master’s CourseEdited by Robin BallUniversity of Warwick

Vassili KolokoltsovUniversity of Warwick

and Robert S. MacKayUniversity of Warwick

Many issues of global importance reveal an urgent need for a new generation trained to understand the mathematics of complex systems. This book presents the essential mathematical aspects of complexity science, suitable for advanced undergraduate/masters-level students and researchers in complexity science and related areas. Includes plentiful examples and real-world applications.London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 408

2013 228 x 152 mm 454pp 40 b/w illus.   978-1-107-64056-6 Paperback £45.00

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Computational Mathematical Modeling: An Integrated Approach Across ScalesDaniela CalvettiCase Western Reserve University, Ohio

and Erkki SomersaloCase Western Reserve University, Ohio

A textbook that guides the reader through the mathematical modeling of real-world phenomena at both macroscopic and microscopic scales. The book, which emphasises computational skills, includes examples, self-study problems and MATLAB code to aid learning. Suitable for students in mathematics and the physical sciences at advanced undergraduate level and above.Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computation, 17

2013 247 x 174 mm 234pp 978-1-61197-247-4 Paperback £50.00

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Six Sources of CollapseCharles R. HadlockBentley College, Massachusetts

An interdisciplinary investigation of how and why things collapse, ranging from governments to species, markets and structures. The author explores the mathematics behind six fundamental processes that lead to such collapses. The exposition assumes minimal mathematical background and should appeal to readers from a wide range of fields.Spectrum

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Fluid dynamics and solid mechanics

Turbulence in Rotating, Stratified and Electrically Conducting FluidsP. A. DavidsonUniversity of Cambridge

Discussing turbulent flow in a wide range of geophysical and astrophysical settings, this book should appeal to engineers, geophysicists, astrophysicists

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and applied mathematicians who are interested in naturally occurring turbulent flows. It starts from first principles so it is suitable for graduate students as well as professional researchers.2013 247 x 174 mm 695pp 220 b/w illus.  65 colour illus.  15 tables   978-1-107-02686-5 Hardback £95.00

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Flow, Deformation and FractureLectures on Fluid Mechanics and Mechanics of Deformable Solids for Mathematicians and PhysicistsG. I. BarenblattUniversity of California, Berkeley

An outstanding resource for every teacher and student of the mechanics of continuous media. The author’s unique approach, using the concept of intermediate asymptotics, has been tried and tested over a period of 40 years teaching the subject in Russia, Europe and America.

‘Now those not fortunate enough to have been able to attend the course have the opportunity to see what has made it so special. The present book is a masterful exposition of fluid and solid mechanics, informed by the ideas of scaling and intermediate asymptotics, a methodology and point of view of which Professor Barenblatt is one of the originators ... This is indeed a remarkable book.’Alexandre J. Chorin, from the Foreword

Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, 49

2014 247 x 174 mm 290pp 110 b/w illus.   978-0-521-88752-6 Hardback £65.00 978-0-521-71538-6 Paperback £30.00 Publication April 2014

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Numerical analysis

Numerical Analysis for Engineers and ScientistsG. MillerUniversity of California, Davis

Striking a balance between theory and practice, this graduate-level text is perfect for students in the applied sciences. It provides full coverage of classical methods with a clear explanation of how they work, together with sample programs and many

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Acta Numerica 2013Volume 22Edited by Arieh IserlesUniversity of Cambridge

Acta Numerica is an annual publication containing invited survey papers by leading researchers in numerical mathematics and scientific computing. The papers present overviews of recent developments in their area and provide state-of-the-art techniques and analysis.Acta Numerica, 22

2013 247 x 174 mm 580pp 978-1-107-04386-2 Hardback £93.00

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Computational science

High Accuracy Computing MethodsFluid Flows and Wave PhenomenaTapan SenguptaIndian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

This book systematically develops scientific computing from classical approaches – describing equations of motion; classifying, discretizing and solving parabolic, elliptic, hyperbolic PDEs; curvilinear co-ordinates and structured meshing techniques; classical FVM and FEM and solving Navier–Stokes equations by FDM – to its present state in high accuracy computing.2013 242 x 184 mm 586pp 336 b/w illus.  9 tables   978-1-107-02363-5 Hardback £90.00

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Generalized Vectorization, Cross-Products, and Matrix CalculusDarrell A. TurkingtonUniversity of Western Australia, Perth

Matrix calculus is an efficient procedure for obtaining many derivatives at once, used in statistics and econometrics. This book studies different concepts of

matrix derivatives and a particular brand of mathematics behind matrix calculus, including special matrices whose elements are all zero or one.

‘A very neat treatment of matrix calculus. There is no doubt that the new operators and matrices presented in the book will see their applications in many areas of econometrics.’Yong Bao, Purdue University

2013 228 x 152 mm 275pp 4 tables   978-1-107-03200-2 Hardback £65.00

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Recipes for ContinuationHarry DankowiczUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

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2013 247 x 174 mm 600pp 978-1-61197-256-6 Paperback £70.00

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Thermal-fluids engineering

Buoyancy Effects on Natural VentilationTorwong ChenvidyakarnShinawatra International University, Bangkok

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Cavitation and Bubble DynamicsChristopher Earls BrennenCalifornia Institute of Technology

Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics deals with the fundamental physical processes of bubble dynamics and the phenomenon of cavitation. It is ideal for graduate students and research engineers and scientists, and a basic knowledge of fluid flow and heat transfer is assumed. The analytical methods presented are developed from basic principles.2013 253 x 177 mm 263pp 192 b/w illus.  2 tables   978-1-107-64476-2 Paperback £45.00

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The Finite Element Method with Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics ApplicationsErian A. BaskharoneTexas A & M University

This book is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. The first four chapters are devoted to the introduction of the finite element concept. The focus of the book then covers two essential areas – heat transfer and fluid mechanics: topics with different finite element formulations.2013 253 x 177 mm 387pp 211 b/w illus.  5 tables   978-1-107-03981-0 Hardback £75.00

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Chemical engineering

Mathematical Modeling in Chemical EngineeringAnders RasmusonChalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg

Bengt AnderssonChalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg

Louise OlssonChalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg

and Ronnie AnderssonChalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg

A solid introduction, equipping the reader with the insight and skill required to successfully formulate, construct, simplify, evaluate and use mathematical models in chemical engineering. The accompanying problems, tutorials, and projects provide the reader with

hands-on experience, and include model formulation at different levels, analysis, parameter estimation and numerical solution.2014 247 x 174 mm 193pp 99 b/w illus.  40 tables   978-1-107-04969-7 Hardback £40.00 Publication April 2014

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Physics of Gas-Liquid FlowsThomas J. HanrattyUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Presenting a unified theory for understanding and predicting multiphase flows, based on the ways large scale behaviour relates to small scale interactions, this text includes design equations, providing tools for improving the safety and efficiency of multiphase flow systems. Ideal for students, researchers and practising engineers.2013 247 x 174 mm 354pp 145 b/w illus.  3 tables   978-1-107-04120-2 Hardback £65.00

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An Introduction to Fluid MechanicsFaith A. MorrisonMichigan Technological University

This is a modern and elegant introduction to engineering fluid mechanics enriched with numerous examples, exercises and applications. We delve deeply into the mathematical analysis of flows on the basis that such analysis is essential to designing and optimising modern systems and devices.Contents: Part I. Preparing to Study Flow: 1. Why study fluid mechanics?; 2. How fluids behave; Part II. The Physics of Flow: 3. Modeling fluids; 4. Molecular fluid stresses; 5. Stress-velocity relationships; Part III. Flow Field Calculations: 6. Microscopic balance equations; 7. Internal flows; 8. External flows; Part IV. Advanced Flow Calculations: 9. Macroscopic balance equations; 10. How fluids behave (redux); V. Appendices: A. Glossary; B. Mathematics appendix; C. Supplemental mathematics appendix; D. Special topics.2013 253 x 177 mm 940pp 520 b/w illus.  40 tables  500 exercises   978-1-107-00353-8 Hardback £75.00

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Engineering design, kinematics, and robotics

Matrix Methods in the Design Analysis of Mechanisms and Multibody SystemsJohn J. UickerUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison

Bahram RavaniUniversity of California, Davis

and Pradip N. ShethUniversity of Virginia

This is an integrated approach to kinematic and dynamic analysis. The matrix techniques presented are general and applicable to two- or three-dimensional systems. Techniques lend themselves to programming and digital computation and can be a usable tool for designers, and are applicable to the design analysis of all multibody mechanical systems.2013 253 x 177 mm 344pp 105 b/w illus.  5 tables  65 exercises   978-0-521-76109-3 Hardback £75.00

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Communications and signal processing

Hilbert Space Methods in Signal ProcessingRodney A. KennedyAustralian National University, Canberra

and Parastoo SadeghiAustralian National University, Canberra

An accessible introduction to Hilbert spaces, combining the theory with applications of Hilbert methods in signal processing.2013 247 x 174 mm 440pp 66 b/w illus.  15 tables  100 exercises   978-1-107-01003-1 Hardback £70.00

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Solid mechanics and materials / Engineering mathematics and programming 11

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Solid mechanics and materials


The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of ContinuaMorton E. GurtinCarnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania

Eliot FriedMcGill University, Montréal

and Lallit AnandMassachusetts Institute of Technology

A consolidated treatment of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics that stresses the universal status of the basic balances and the entropy imbalance. The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua is written for engineers, physicists and mathematicians.Contents: Part I. Vector and Tensor Algebra; Part II. Vector and Tensor Analysis; Part III. Kinematics; Part IV. Basic Mechanical Principles; Part V. Basic Thermodynamical Principles; Part VI. Mechanical and Thermodynamical Laws at a Shock Wave; Part VII. Basic Requirements for Developing Physically Meaningful Constitutive Theories; Part VIII. Rigid Heat Conductors; Part IX. The Mechanical Theory of Compressible and Incompressible Fluids; Part X. Mechanical Theory of Elastic Solids; Part XI. Thermoelasticity; Part XII. Species Diffusion Coupled to Elasticity; Part XIII. Theory of Isotropic Plastic Solids Undergoing Small Deformations; Part XIV. Small Deformation, Isotropic Plasticity Based on the Principle of Virtual Power; Part XV. Small Deformation, Isotropic Plasticity Based on the Principle of Virtual Power; Part XVI. Large-Deformation Theory of Isotropic Plastic Solids; Part XVII. Theory of Single Crystals Undergoing Small Deformations; Part XVIII. Single Crystals Undergoing Large Deformations.2013 254 x 178 mm 718pp 41 b/w illus.  1 table  279 exercises   978-1-107-61706-3 Paperback £44.99

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An Introduction to Continuum MechanicsSecond editionJ. N. ReddyTexas A & M University

The second edition of this best-selling textbook presents the concepts of continuum mechanics for advanced undergraduates and graduates. It features derivations of the basic equations of mechanics in invariant (vector and tensor) form and specification of governing equations

to various co-ordinate systems, and numerous illustrative examples, chapter summaries and exercises.Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Vectors and tensors; 3. Kinematics of continua; 4. Stress measures; 5. Conservation and balance laws; 6. Constitutive equations; 7. Linearized elasticity; 8. Fluid mechanics and heat transfer; 9. Linearized viscoelasticity.2013 253 x 177 mm 470pp 216 b/w illus.  9 tables  357 exercises   978-1-107-02543-1 Hardback £50.00

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Dynamics of Multibody SystemsFourth editionAhmed A. ShabanaUniversity of Illinois, Chicago

This fourth edition introduces multibody dynamics with an emphasis on flexible body dynamics. It includes an additional chapter providing explanations for some of the fundamental issues addressed. The book’s wealth of examples and practical applications will be useful to graduate students, researchers and practising engineers working on flexible multibody systems.2013 253 x 177 mm 393pp 93 b/w illus.  113 exercises   978-1-107-04265-0 Hardback £75.00

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Fundamentals of Engineering PlasticityWilliam F. HosfordUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor

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Engineering mathematics and programming


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Index 15

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A Aaronson, Scott .......................................4Acta Numerica 2013 ...............................9Analysis of Multivariate and High-

Dimensional Data .................................7Analytic Combinatorics in Several

Variables ..............................................4Anand, Lallit ..........................................11Andersson, Bengt ..................................10Andersson, Ronnie ................................10Aperiodic Order .......................................4Apostol, Tom ...........................................4Applications to Regular and Bang-Bang

Control .................................................8Azzalini, Adelchi ......................................7

B Baake, Michael ........................................4Bajnok, Zoltán .......................................12Ball, Robin ..............................................8Barenblatt, G. I. .......................................9Barendregt, Henk ....................................3Basic Category Theory .............................3Basic Course in Measure and

Probability, A ........................................6Baskharone, Erian A...............................10Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing ............7Blackburn, Simon R. ................................4Blekherman, Grigoriy .............................13Bookstein, Fred L. ....................................7Borwein, J. M. .........................................1Boundary Conformal Field Theory and

the Worldsheet Approach to D-Branes .12Brambila-Paz, Leticia ...............................5Branner, Bodil ..........................................6Bray, John N. ...........................................2Brennen, Christopher Earls ....................10Brose, Margarita S. ................................13Brownian Models of Performance and

Control .................................................7Buoyancy Effects on Natural Ventilation ...9

C Calvetti, Daniela ......................................8Cambanis, Stamatis .................................6Canonical Ramsey Theory on Polish

Spaces .................................................3Capitanio, Antonella ................................7Cardona, Alexander ...............................12Cassel, Kevin W. ....................................11Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics............10Ceccherini-Silberstein, Tullio .....................2Chenvidyakarn, Torwong .........................9Co, Tomas B. .........................................12Coherence in Three-Dimensional

Category Theory ...................................3Complexity Science ..................................8Computational Mathematical Modeling:

An Integrated Approach Across Scales ...8Contreras, Iván ......................................12Convex Bodies: The Brunn–Minkowski

Theory ..................................................5Course in Mathematical Analysis, A ..........6Cryptography Primer, A ............................4Cucker, Felipe ..........................................1

D Dankowicz, Harry ....................................9Davidson, P. A. .........................................8

Dekkers, Wil ............................................3Deng, Bangming .....................................2Dereziński, Jan ......................................12Differential Equations for Engineers .......11Differential Geometry of Singular Spaces

and Reduction of Symmetry ..................5Double Hall Algebra Approach to Affine

Quantum Schur–Weyl Theory, A ............2Du, Jie .....................................................2Dudley, R. M. ...........................................6Dynamics of Multibody Systems .............11

E Edelstein-Keshet, Leah ...........................13Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable 3El-Fallah, Omar ........................................5Elements of Logical Reasoning .................2

F Fagella, Núria ..........................................6Fannon, Paul ................................... 13, 14Finite Element Method with Heat

Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Applications, The ................................10

Flood, Mark D. ......................................13Flow, Deformation and Fracture ...............9Fouque, Jean-Pierre ...............................13Frankenhuijsen, Machiel van ....................2Fricain, Emmanuel ...................................5Fried, Eliot .............................................11Fu, Qiang ................................................2Fundamentals of Engineering Plasticity ..11

G Garcia-Prada, Oscar .................................5Garling, D. J. H. ........................................6Generalized Vectorization, Cross-

Products, and Matrix Calculus ...............9Geometric and Topological Methods for

Quantum Field Theory .........................12Gérard, Christian ...................................12Gerhard, Jürgen ......................................3Gerke, Stefanie ........................................4Glasser, M. L. ...........................................1Goubault-Larrecq, Jean ............................5Gouvêa, Fernando Q. ...............................2Greenberg, Noam ....................................3Grimm, Uwe ............................................4Group Cohomology and Algebraic Cycles .2Guide to Functional Analysis, A ................5Guide to Groups, Rings, and Fields, A .......2Gurski, Nick ............................................3Gurtin, Morton E. ..................................11

H Hacking, Ian ............................................1Hadlock, Charles R. .................................8Hamkins, Joel David ................................3Handbook of Financial Data and Risk

Information ........................................13Handbook of Financial Data and Risk

Information I ......................................13Handbook of Financial Data and Risk

Information II .....................................13Handbook on Systemic Risk ...................13Hanratty, Thomas J. ................................10Harrison, J. Michael .................................7Henle, Michael ........................................1

High Accuracy Computing Methods .........9Hilbert Space Methods in Signal

Processing ..........................................10Hirschfeldt, Denis ....................................3Holt, Derek F. ...........................................2Hopkins, Brian .........................................1Hosford, William F. .................................11How Humans Learn to Think

Mathematically .....................................1

I Information Theory and Coding by

Example ...............................................3Introduction to Computational

Stochastic PDEs, An ..............................8Introduction to Continuum Mechanics,

An......................................................11Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, An .......10Introduction to Mathematical Portfolio

Theory ................................................14Introduction to the Statistical Physics of

Integrable Many-body Systems ............12Iserles, Arieh ............................................9

J Joshi, Mark S. ........................................14

K Kadelburg, Vesna ............................ 13, 14Kanovei, Vladimir ....................................3Kelbert, Mark ..........................................3Kellay, Karim ...........................................5Kelly, Frank ..............................................7Kennedy, Rodney A. ...............................10Kiusalaas, Jaan ......................................12Klein, Philip N. .........................................4Klymchuk, Sergiy .....................................6Koch, Inge ...............................................7Kolokoltsov, Vassili ..................................8Kopp, Ekkehard .....................................14Krantz, Steven G. .....................................5Krishna, Dilip .........................................13

L Lambda Calculus with Types ....................3Langsam, Joseph A. ...............................13Lattice Sums Then and Now .....................1Leadbetter, Ross ......................................6Leinster, Tom ...........................................3Lemons, Don S. ......................................12Lévy Processes and Infinitely Divisible

Distributions .........................................6Lord, Gabriel J. ........................................8

M MacKay, Robert S. ...................................8Malczak, Jan .........................................14Manifold Mirrors .....................................1Manifolds, Tensors, and Forms .................4Martin Gardner in the Twenty-First

Century ................................................1Mashreghi, Javad ....................................5Mathematical Modeling in Chemical

Engineering ........................................10Mathematics for the IB Diploma: Higher

Level ..................................................14Mathematics Higher Level for the IB

Diploma ....................................... 13, 14

16 Index

Mathematics of Quantization and Quantum Fields ..................................12

Matrix Methods in the Design Analysis of Mechanisms and Multibody Systems ..............................................10

Maurer, Helmut .......................................8Maximal Subgroups of the Low-

Dimensional Finite Classical Groups, The 2McPhedran, R. C. .....................................1Measuring and Reasoning .......................7Mechanics and Thermodynamics of

Continua, The .....................................11Methods of Applied Mathematics for

Engineers and Scientists .....................12Miller, G. .................................................9Miller, Russell ..........................................3Mnatsakanian, Mamikon .........................4Modern Computer Algebra ......................3Moduli Spaces .........................................5Morrison, Faith A. ..................................10

N New Horizons in Geometry ......................4Newstead, Peter ......................................5Nichols, Bill ...........................................13Non-Hausdorff Topology and Domain

Theory ..................................................5Numerical Analysis for Engineers and

Scientists ..............................................9Numerical Methods in Engineering with

Python 3 ............................................12Numerical Solution of Elliptic and

Parabolic Partial Differential Equations ..8

O Olsson, Louise .......................................10Osmolovskii, Nikolai P. .............................8

P Paradoxes and Sophisms in Calculus ........6Paris, Jeffrey ............................................3Parrilo, Pablo A. .....................................13Paterson, Jane M. ..................................14Pemantle, Robin ......................................4Physics of Gas-Liquid Flows ...................10Pipiras, Vladas .........................................6Plato, Jan von ..........................................2Powell, Catherine E..................................8Primer on Mathematical Models in

Biology, A ...........................................13Primer on the Dirichlet Space, A ...............5Probability for Finance ...........................14Pure Inductive Logic ................................3

Q Quantum Computing since Democritus ....4Quantum Information Theory ...................4Quasiconformal Surgery in Holomorphic

Dynamics .............................................6

R Ransford, Thomas ....................................5Rasmuson, Anders .................................10Ravani, Bahram .....................................10Recipes for Continuation .........................9Recknagel, Andreas ...............................12Reddy, J. N.............................................11Renteln, Paul ...........................................4Representation Theory and Harmonic

Analysis of Wreath Products of Finite Groups .................................................2

Reyes-Lega, Andrés F. ............................12Riemann Hypothesis for Function Fields,

The ......................................................2Roney-Dougal, Colva M. ..........................2

S Sabok, Marcin .........................................3Sadeghi, Parastoo ..................................10Šamaj, Ladislav .....................................12Särkkä, Simo ...........................................7Sato, Ken-iti ............................................6Scarabotti, Fabio .....................................2Schilder, Frank .........................................9Schneider, Rolf ........................................5Schomerus, Volker .................................12Segel, Lee A. .........................................13Semidefinite Optimization and Convex

Algebraic Geometry ............................13Sengupta, Tapan ......................................9Shabana, Ahmed A. ...............................11Shardlow, Tony ........................................8Sheth, Pradip N. ....................................10Six Sources of Collapse ............................8Skew-Normal and Related Families, The ...7Skiena, Steven .........................................1Skorobogatov, Alexei N. ...........................2Śniatycki, J...............................................5Somersalo, Erkki ......................................8Staples, Susan G. .....................................6Statman, Richard .....................................3Stochastic Networks ................................7Student’s Guide to Entropy, A ................12Suhov, Yuri ..............................................3Surveys in Combinatorics 2013 ................4

T Tall, David ...............................................1Theory of H(b) Spaces, The .......................5Thomas, Rekha ......................................13Thomas, Richard P. W. ..............................5Tolli, Filippo .............................................2Torsors, Étale Homotopy and

Applications to Rational Points .............2Totaro, Burt .............................................2Trangenstein, John A. ...............................8Turbulence in Rotating, Stratified and

Electrically Conducting Fluids ................8Turkington, Darrell A. ...............................9

U Uicker, John J. ........................................10Uniform Central Limit Theorems ...............6

V Variational Methods with Applications

in Science and Engineering .................11Vencovská, Alena ....................................3von zur Gathen, Joachim .........................3

W Wan, J. G. ................................................1Ward, Charles B. ......................................1Ward, Stephen ................................ 13, 14Who’s Bigger? .........................................1Why Is There Philosophy of Mathematics

At All? ..................................................1Wilde, Mark M. .......................................4Wildon, Mark ..........................................4Wilson, Mark C. .......................................4Woolley, Ben ................................... 13, 14

X Xie, Wei-Chau .......................................11

Y Yudovina, Elena.......................................7

Z Zapletal, Jindřich .....................................3Zastawniak, Tomasz ..............................14Zucker, I. J................................................1

Notes 17

18 Notes



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