al Diversity: Multiculturalism & Multilinguilism Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land http://smart. knet .ca/Library/ GlobalCN -paper. pdf Brian Beaton K-Net Services Coordinator brian . beaton @knet.ca Global Congress on Community Networking in the Digital Era October 10, 2002 - Montreal, Quebec

Cultural Diversity: Multiculturalism & Multilinguilism on-line Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land

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Page 3: Cultural Diversity: Multiculturalism & Multilinguilism on-line Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land

The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak recognized the importance of introducing communication technologies into their communities … the introduction of tools are centred on the protection and maintenance of the Native language and culture ….

Garnet Angeconeb, on the use of ICTs

Page 5: Cultural Diversity: Multiculturalism & Multilinguilism on-line Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land
Page 6: Cultural Diversity: Multiculturalism & Multilinguilism on-line Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land

The Keewaytinook Internet High School makes it possible for young people to stay in their home community to obtain their secondary school courses…


Page 8: Cultural Diversity: Multiculturalism & Multilinguilism on-line Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land

Economic Prosperity is furthered because First Nation artists and craftspeople are now able to display and sell their works to people from around the world

Derek Harper -http://arts.knet.ca/artists/harper

Emily Bluecoat, Mary-Anne & Edna Thomas -http://arts.knet.ca/crafts/ethomas

Harvey YesnoFirst Nations Connect Conference (Feb 2002)

Page 9: Cultural Diversity: Multiculturalism & Multilinguilism on-line Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land

Access to telehealth services such the Keewaytinook Okimakanak telepsychiatry project makes it possible for families and individuals living in the remote First Nations to work with health professionals in other centres.


Orpah McKenzie, KO Health Director on Telehealth

Page 10: Cultural Diversity: Multiculturalism & Multilinguilism on-line Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land

Creating new Opportunities for Women and Youth

Jesse Fiddler, KO’s Multi-Media Coordinator on ICT opportunities

Page 11: Cultural Diversity: Multiculturalism & Multilinguilism on-line Protection and Maintenance of the Original Languages of This Land


• Website - http://knet.ca (http://smart.knet.ca)

• Geordi Kakepetum, Ex Dir

([email protected])

• Brian Beaton, Coordinator

([email protected])

• K-Net Services at 877-737-KNET (5638)

Geordi Kakepetum on ICTs in First Nations