www.bsc.es Montevideo, 21-25 October 2019 Based on material from NVIDIA’s GPU Teaching Kit CUDA Parallelism Model Marc Jordà, Antonio J. Peña

CUDA Parallelism Model

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Example: Vector Addition Kernel
if(i<n) C[i] = A[i] + B[i];
void vecAdd(float* h_A, float* h_B, float* h_C, int n)
vecAddKernel<<<ceil(n/256.0),256>>>(d_A, d_B, d_C, n);
void vecAdd(float* h_A, float* h_B, float* h_C, int n)
dim3 DimBlock(256, 1, 1);
ceiling function.
− Each “__” consists of two underscore characters
− A kernel function must return void
− __device__ and __host__ can be used together
− __host__ is optional if used alone
host host __host__ float HostFunc()‏
host device __global__ void KernelFunc()‏
device device __device__ float DeviceFunc()‏
Only callable from
62×76 picture
The format of an image’s row is
(r g b) (r g b) … (r g b)
RGB ranges are not distributed uniformly
Many different color spaces, here we show the
constants to convert to AdobeRGB color space
– The vertical axis (y value) and horizontal axis (x value)
show the fraction of the pixel intensity that should be
allocated to G and B. The remaining fraction (1-y–x) of
the pixel intensity that should be assigned to R
– The triangle contains all the representable colors in this
color space
RGB to Grayscale Conversion
A grayscale digital image is an image in which the value of each pixel carries only intensity information.
For each pixel (r g b) at (I, J) do:
grayPixel[I,J] = 0.21*r + 0.71*g + 0.07*b
This is just a dot product <[r,g,b],[0.21,0.71,0.07]>
with the constants being specific to input RGB space
0.21 0.71
#define CHANNELS 3 // we have 3 channels corresponding to RGB
// The input image is encoded as unsigned characters [0, 255]
__global__ void colorConvert(unsigned char * grayImage,
unsigned char * rgbImage,
// get 1D coordinate for the grayscale image
int grayOffset = y*width + x;
// one can think of the RGB image having
// CHANNEL times columns than the gray scale image
int rgbOffset = grayOffset*CHANNELS;
unsigned char g = rgbImage[rgbOffset + 2]; // green value for pixel
unsigned char b = rgbImage[rgbOffset + 3]; // blue value for pixel
// perform the rescaling and store it
// We multiply by floating point constants
grayImage[grayOffset] = 0.21f*r + 0.71f*g + 0.07f*b;
#define CHANNELS 3 // we have 3 channels corresponding to RGB
// The input image is encoded as unsigned characters [0, 255]
__global__ void colorConvert(unsigned char * grayImage,
unsigned char * rgbImage,
// get 1D coordinate for the grayscale image
int grayOffset = y*width + x;
// one can think of the RGB image having
// CHANNEL times columns than the gray scale image
int rgbOffset = grayOffset*CHANNELS;
unsigned char g = rgbImage[rgbOffset + 1]; // green value for pixel
unsigned char b = rgbImage[rgbOffset + 2]; // blue value for pixel
// perform the rescaling and store it
// We multiply by floating point constants
grayImage[grayOffset] = 0.21f*r + 0.71f*g + 0.07f*b;
#define CHANNELS 3 // we have 3 channels corresponding to RGB
// The input image is encoded as unsigned characters [0, 255]
__global__ void colorConvert(unsigned char * grayImage,
unsigned char * rgbImage,
// get 1D coordinate for the grayscale image
int grayOffset = y*width + x;
// one can think of the RGB image having
// CHANNEL times columns than the gray scale image
int rgbOffset = grayOffset*CHANNELS;
unsigned char g = rgbImage[rgbOffset + 2]; // green value for pixel
unsigned char b = rgbImage[rgbOffset + 3]; // blue value for pixel
// perform the rescaling and store it
// We multiply by floating point constants
grayImage[grayOffset] = 0.21f*r + 0.71f*g + 0.07f*b;
Each block can execute in any order relative to others.
Hardware is free to assign blocks to any processor at any time
– A kernel scales to any number of parallel processors
Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 time
– Threads are assigned to Streaming Multiprocessors (SM) in block granularity
– Up to 8 blocks to each SM as resource allows
– Fermi SM can take up to 1536 threads
– Could be 256 (threads/block) * 6 blocks
– Or 512 (threads/block) * 3 blocks, etc.
– SM maintains thread/block idx #s
– SM manages/schedules thread execution
t0 t1 t2 … tm
– An implementation decision, not part of the CUDA
programming model
– Threads in a warp execute in SIMD
– Future GPUs may have different number of threads in
each warp
Having Warps into account matters in terms of performance
– Threads in a warp “will wait” for other threads to finish
their work because of the SIMD nature
Warp Example
• If 3 blocks are assigned to an SM and each block has 256 threads, how many Warps are there in an SM?
– Each Block is divided into 256/32 = 8 Warps
– There are 8 * 3 = 24 Warps
… t0 t1 t2 … t31
… t0 t1 t2 … t31
Example: Thread Scheduling (Cont.)
SM implements zero-overhead warp scheduling – Warps whose next instruction has its operands ready for consumption
are eligible for execution
– Eligible Warps are selected for execution based on a prioritized scheduling policy
– All threads in a warp execute the same instruction when selected
Block Granularity Considerations
For Matrix Multiplication using multiple blocks, should I use 8X8, 16X16 or 32X32 blocks?
– For 8X8, we have 64 threads per Block. Since each SM can take up to 1536 threads, which translates to 24 Blocks. However, each SM can only take up to 8 Blocks, only 512 threads will go into each SM!
– For 16X16, we have 256 threads per Block. Since each SM can take up to 1536 threads, it can take up to 6 Blocks and achieve full capacity unless other resource considerations overrule.
– For 32X32, we would have 1024 threads per Block. Only one block can fit into an SM. Using only 2/3 of the thread capacity of an SM.
Question 1
If we need to use each thread to calculate one output element
of a vector addition, what would be the expression for
mapping the thread/block indices to data index:
a) i = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y;
b) i = blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
d) i = blockIdx.x * threadIdx.x;
Question 1 - Answer
If we need to use each thread to calculate one output element
of a vector addition, what would be the expression for
mapping the thread/block indices to data index:
a) i = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y;
b) i = blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
d) i = blockIdx.x * threadIdx.x;
Question 2
We want to use each thread to calculate two (adjacent) output
elements of a vector addition. Assume that variable i should
be the index for the first element to be processed by a thread.
What would be the expression for mapping the thread/block
indices to data index of the first element?
a) i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + 2
b) i = blockIdx.x * threadIdx.x * 2
c) i = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) * 2
d) i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * 2 + threadIdx.x
Question 2 - Answer
We want to use each thread to calculate two (adjacent) output elements of a vector addition. Assume that variable i should be the index for the first element to be processed by a thread. What would be the expression for mapping the thread/block indices to data index of the first element?
a) i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + 2
b) i = blockIdx.x * threadIdx.x * 2
c) i = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) * 2
d) i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * 2 + threadIdx.x
Explanation: Every thread covers two adjacent output elements. The starting data index is simply twice the global thread index. Another way to look at it is that all previous blocks cover (blockIdx.x*blockDim.x)*2. Within the block, each thread covers 2 elements so the beginning position for a thread is threadIdx.x*2.
Question 3
We want to use each thread to calculate two output elements of a vector addition. Each thread block processes 2*blockDim.x consecutive elements that form two sections. All threads in each block will first process a section, each processing one element. They will then all move to the next section, again each processing one element. Assume that variable i should be the index for the first element to be processed by a thread. What would be the expression for mapping the thread/block indices to data index of the first element?
a) i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + 2
b) i = blockIdx.x * threadIdx.x * 2
c) i = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) * 2
d) i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * 2 + threadIdx.x
Question 3 - Answer
We want to use each thread to calculate two output elements of a vector addition. Each thread block processes 2*blockDim.x consecutive elements that form two sections. All threads in each block will first process a section, each processing one element. They will then all move to the next section, again each processing one element. Assume that variable i should be the index for the first element to be processed by a thread. What would be the expression for mapping the thread/block indices to data index of the first element?
a) i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + 2
b) i = blockIdx.x * threadIdx.x * 2
c) i = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) * 2
d) i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * 2 + threadIdx.x
Explanation: Each previous block covers (blockIdx.x*blockDim.x)*2. The beginning elements of the threads are consecutive in this case so just add threadIdx.x to it.
Question 4
For a vector addition, assume that the vector length is 8,000,
each thread calculates one output element, and the thread
block size is 1,024 threads. The programmer configures the
kernel launch to have a minimal number of thread blocks to
cover all output elements. How many threads will be in the
Question 4 - Answer
For a vector addition, assume that the vector length is 8,000, each thread calculates one output element, and the thread block size is 1,024 threads. The programmer configures the kernel launch to have a minimal number of thread blocks to cover all output elements. How many threads will be in the grid?
a) 8,000
b) 8,196
c) 8,192
d) 8,200
Explanation: ceil(8000/1024)*1024 = 8 * 1024 = 8192. Another way to look at it is the minimal multiple of 1,024 to cover 8,000 is 1024*8 = 8192.
[email protected], [email protected]