CSPP51036 Java Programming Instructor: Andrew Siegel

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  • CSPP51036 Java Programming Instructor: Andrew Siegel
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  • Syllabus, discussion group, etc. Everything is posted on course website http://masters.cs.uchicago.edu/~asiegel/courses/cspp51036 Please pay particular attention to grading policy/homework submission First homework already posted. Please be sure to sign up for discussion group asap!
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  • Grading Bi-weekly homework assignment 5 total 3 day automatic extension for 10% Serious emergency = not graded Submit electronically, receive confirmation. 24 hours to deal with any problems. Typically, functionality only will be graded. Wrong answer = no credit. Design will be graded only when problems specify design requirements. Final In-class, conceptual, purposeful.
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  • Who is this class for? There is no assumption that you know any Java or other OO programming language. If you do, you may find the first few weeks boring. You must have programming experience. We will not spend very much time on syntax, procedural constructs, operators, etc. It is assumed that you can pick this up.
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  • Getting Help TAs The class will be split into a number of subgroups, each of which is assigned to one of the TAs. The TAs will organize office hours/review sessions according to the needs of their group. Quickest way to answer small questions is with email to course list. Everyone is encouraged to answer will be factored into grade. Very good way to learn. Try not to spend too much class time discussing homeworks tas will handle this.
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  • Course Format All lecture Will follow book closely! Feel free to ask questions any time Probably wont call on you unsolicited Probably will make fun of you Attendance is optional but recommended Might use overhead projector, might not. Will post notes each week in any case
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  • Software/hardware requirements Command-line tools best when first learning. Suns Java Software Development Kit (SDK) Already installed on Linux cluster May choose to install on your own machine free and easy, download manageable (book CD has copy). See beginning of chapter 2 for installation instructions. Some IDE (Forte, Visual Age, Visual Caf, etc.) not recommended. May use but are responsible for exporting in a manner understandable by jdk. Your favorite text editor emacs is recommended. Textpad is pretty good for Java.
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  • History of Java First version released in 1995 Four major versions released since then 1.02 (1996) JDBC, Distributed Objects 1.1 (1997) New Event Model 1.2 (1998) Swing 1.3 (2000) Cleanup 1.4 (2002)
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  • Programming with Java
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  • What is/isnt Java? Read chapter 1 of Core Java Discussion is very balanced Basically, compared to C Java is a relatively high- level language with many built-in features for portably doing useful things such as: Multithreading Writing distributed programs Writing GUI clients Error handling Extending Web servers Embedding programs in Web browsers Connecting to commercial databases
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  • Compiling/running first java program Create source code file (call it for example MyFirstProgram.java). To compile: prompt >> javac MyFirstProgram.java This produces byte code file named MyFirstProgram.class To run: prompt >> java MyFirstProgram
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  • Observations .class file is not machine code. It is intermediate form called Java Byte code. Can run on any platform as long as platform has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The second step on previous slide invokes the JVM to interpret the byte code on the given platform. In theory, byte code can be moved to another platform and be run there without recompiling this is the magic of applets. Leave off the.class part when invoking the JVM.
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  • Observations This is an old-fashioned command-line program. Java also supports GUI applications and web-browser hosted programs called applets. After the first couple of weeks we will use graphical rather than scripting front-ends.
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  • Writing first program To keep things simple our first few programs will all be written as just a single main program. In java, the file in which your program resides must contain a.java extension (e.g. MyFirstProgram.java).
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  • Writing first program Then, the program must be wrapped in a class definition which is the same as the file basename (MyFirstProgram). Careful, Java is case-sensitive. class MyFirstProgram { } Finally, main is defined similar to C, but with a few more modifiers: public static void main(String[] args){ } These are all required. No shortcuts.
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  • Writing first program Just as in C, main(..) is the principle entry point into the program. When you say java Program Java looks in Program for a procedure named main. This is where the program starts. To print to stdout in java use: System.out.println( ); MyFirstProgram. MyFirstProgram.
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  • Basic Programming Constructs What you should learn on your own
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  • Breakdown of a java program Strategy to start is write evertything in a single main program and very quickly review the basics of java syntax (very little time here). Then we break into procedures. Then class/packages.
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  • Single-threaded program For a single thread of execution, each line of code is executed sequentially (as in C). Each statement is terminated with a semicolon. Unlike C, declarations can occur anywhere within a program. Basic operators, control statements almost exactly like C. A few minor differences. Best to just look at some examples.
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  • Java Data Types Sizes fully specified by Java standard. Java is a very strongly typed language Integer types int (4 bytes signed) short (2 bytes signed) long (8 bytes signed) use suffix L (eg 1000000000L) byte (1 byte signed) Floating-point types float (4 bytes) use suffix F (eg 1.28F) double( 8 bytes)
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  • Additional Data Types char Two-byte unicode Assignment with e.g. char c = h; boolean true or false e.g. boolean x = true; if (x){};
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  • Operators/Control Flow Almost exactly like regular ANSI C. +, *, -, /, %, ++, --, +=, etc. ==, !=, >, > Student s1 = new Student(Smith, Jim, 3.13); >> Student s2 = s1">
  • Clone method Recall that the = operator simply copies Object references. e.g., >> Student s1 = new Student(Smith, Jim, 3.13); >> Student s2 = s1; >> s1.setGPA(3.2); >> System.out.println(s2.getGPA()); 3.2 What if we want to actually make a copy of an Object? Most elegant way is to use the clone() method inherited from Object. Student s2 = (Student) s1.clone();
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  • Subtleties of clone() method First, note that the clone method is protected in the Object class. This means that it is protected for subclasses as well. Hence, it cannot be called from within an Object of another class and package. To use the clone method, you must override in your subclass and upgrade visibility to public.
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  • More subtleties of clone Also, any class that uses clone must implement the Cloneable interface. This is a bit different from other interfaces that weve seen. There are no methods; rather, it is used just as a marker of your intent. The method that needs to be implemented is inherited from Object.
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  • More clone() issues Finally, clone throws a CloneNotSupportedException. This is thrown if your class is not marked Cloneable. This is all a little odd but you must handle this in subclass.
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  • Steps for cloning To reiterate, if you would like objects of class C to support cloning, do the following: implement the Cloneable interface override the clone method with public access privileges call super.clone() Handle CloneNotSupported Exception. This will get you default cloning, but more subtleties still lurk.
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  • Shallow Copies We havent yet said what the default clone() method does. By default, clone makes a shallow copy of all ivs in a class. Shallow copy means that all native datatype ivs are copied in regular way, but ivs that are objects are not recursed upon that is, references are copied. This is not what you typically want. Must override clone explicitly clone object ivs!
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  • Immutable Objects A special class of Objects are called immutable because their state cannot be changed once set. Common examples are String, Integer, etc. Immutable object simplify programming in certain instances, such as when writing thread safe code. They also simplify cloning, since an object that cannot be changed doesnt really need to be deep- copied. See ShallowCopy2.java in course examples
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  • Deep Copies For deep copies that recurse through the object ivs, you have to do some more work. super.clone() is first called to clone the first level of ivs. Returned cloned objects object fields are then accessed one by one and clone method is called for each. See DeepClone.java example
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  • Additional clone() properties Note that the following are typical, but not strictly required: x.clone() != x; x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass(); x.clone().equals(x); Finally, though no one really cares, Object does not support clone();
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  • toString() method The Object method String toString(); is intended to return a readable textual representation of the object upon which it is called. This is great for debugging! Best way to think of this is using a print statement. If we execute: System.out.println(someObject); we would like to see some meaningful info about someObject, such as values of ivs, etc.
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  • default toString() By default toString() prints total garbage that no one is interested in getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) By convention, print simple formatted list of field names and values (or some important subset). The intent is not to overformat. Typically used for debugging. Always override toString()!
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  • equals() method Recall that boolean == method compares when applied to object compares references. That is, two object are the same if the point to the same memory. Since java does not support operator overloading, you cannot change this operator. However, the equals method of the Object class gives you a chance to more meaningful compare objects of a given class.
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  • equals method, cont By default, equals(Object o) does exactly what the == operator does compare object references. To override, simply override method with version that does more meaningful test, ie compares ivs and returns true if equal, false otherwise. See Equals.java example in course notes.
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  • equals subtleties As with any method that you override, to do so properly you must obey contracts that go beyond interface matching. With equals, the extra conditions that must be met are discussed on the next slide:
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  • equals contract It is reflexive: for any reference value x, x.equals(x) should return true. It is symmetric: for any reference values x and y, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true. It is transitive: for any reference values x, y, and z, if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true. It is consistent: for any reference values x and y, multiple invocations of x.equals(y) consistently return true or consistently return false, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. For any non-null reference value x, x.equals(null) should return false.
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  • hashcode() method Java provides all objects with the ability to generate a hash code. By default, the hashing algorithm is typically based on an integer representation of the java address. This method is supported for use with java.util.Hashtable Will discuss Hashtable in detail during Collections discussion.
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  • Rules for overriding hashcode Whenever invoked on the same object more than once, the hashCode method must return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result. It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hashtables. equals(java.lang.Object)
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  • finalize() method Called as final step when Object is no longer used, just before garbage collection Object version does nothing Since java has automatic garbage collection, finalize() does not need to be overridden reclaim memory. Can be used to reclaim other resources close streams, database connections, threads. However, it is strongly recommended not to rely on this for scarce resources. Be explicit and create own dispose method.
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  • A little more Swing MVC Pattern
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  • More graphics
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  • Graphics See course examples applets/BrownianMotionApplet.java shows how to do a simple animation with some basic drawing in the start() method graphics/Mandelbrot.java shows how to create an image from raw data and draw to an applet by overriding paintComponent. graphics/Shapes.java A great example of how to architect a simple GUI that seems more complex when poorly designed. graphics/Painter.java Classic example of how to paint on a Panel graphics/Bounce.java Classic example of why one needs threads.
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  • Miscellaneous
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  • Some how-to snippets See the following codes in the course examples GetProperties.java How to query various system properties ProcessTest.java An example spawning an OS executable NumberFormat.java An example formatting a double TimeTest.java An example using simple System timers.
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  • What is the Collections framework? Collections framework provides two things: implementations of common high-level data structures: e.g. Maps, Sets, Lists, etc. An organized class hierarchy with rules/formality for adding new implementations The latter point is the sense in which Collections are a framework. Note the difference between providing a framework + implementation and just implementation. Some other differences: code reuse clarity unit testing?
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  • History Pre Java SDK1.2, Java provided a handful of data structures: Hashtable Vector Bitset These were for the most part good and easy to use, but they were not organized into a more general framework. SDK1.2 added the larger skeleton which organizes a much more general set of data structures. Legacy datastructures retrofitted to new model.
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  • General comments about data structures Containers for storing data. Different data structures provide different abstractions for getting/setting elements of data. linked lists hastables vectors arrays Same data structures can even be implemented in different ways for performance/memory: queue over linked list queue over arrays
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  • More on data structures Everyone should take a basic class in building data structures I recommend the book Mastering Algorthims with C by Kyle Loudon In Java, one does not usually build data structures, but rather uses the provided one Using Javas data structures requires a little understanding of the Collections framework Adding your own requires a deeper understanding.
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  • Learning to use data structures Dual purposes for us to study Collections: Be able to choose, properly use built-in data structures. Another study in OO class design Thus, we start by study the Collections class design. Then, we provide many examples of how to use the built-in types in real programming.
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  • Collections-related Interface hierarchy Collection ListSet SortedSet Map SortedMap Iterator ListIterator The Collection inteface stores groups of Objects, with duplicates allowed The Set interface extends Collection but forbids duplicates The List interface extends Collection, allows duplicates, and introduces positional indexing. Map is a separate hierarchy
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  • Collection implementations Note that Java does not provide any direct implementations of Collection. Rather, concrete implementations are based on other interfaces which extend Collection, such as Set, List, etc. Still, the most general code will be written using Collection to type variables.
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  • Collection Interface boolean add(Object o); boolean addAll(Collection c); void clear(); boolean contains(Object o); boolean containsAll(Collection c); boolean equals(Object o); int hashCode(); boolean isEmpty(); Iterator iterator(); boolean remove(Object o); boolean removeAll(Collection c); boolean retainAll(Collection c); int size(); Object[] toArray(); Object[] toArray(Object[] a); Optional operation, throw UnsupportedOperationException
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  • Comments on Collection methods Note the iterator() method, which returns an Object which implements the Iterator interface. Iterator objects are used to traverse elements of the collection in their natural order. Iterator has the following methods: boolean hasNext(); // are there any more elements? Object next(); // return the next element void remove(); // remove the next element
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  • AbstractCollection Class java.util.AbstractCollection Abstract class which is partial implementation of of Collection interface Implements all methods except iterator() and size() Makes it much less work to implement Collections Interface
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  • List interface An interface that extends the Collections interface. An ordered collection (also known as a sequence). The user of this interface has precise control over where in the list each element is inserted. The user can access elements by their integer index (position in the list), and search for elements in the list. Unlike Set, allows duplicate elements. Provides a special Iterator called ListIterator for looping through elements of the List.
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  • Additional methods in List Interface List extends Collection with additional methods for performing index-based operations: void add(int index, Object element) boolean addAll(int index, Collection collection) Object get(int index) int indexOf(Object element) int lastIndexOf(Object element) Object remove(int index) Object set(int index, Object element)
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  • List/ListIterator Interface The List interface also provides for working with a subset of the collection, as well as iterating through the entire list in a position friendly manner: ListIterator listIterator() ListIterator listIterator(int startIndex) List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) ListIterator extends Iterator and adds methods for bi-directional traversal as well as adding/removing elements from the underlying collection.
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  • Concrete List Implementations There are two concrete implementations of the List interface LinkedList ArrayList Which is best to use depends on specific needs. Recall that linked lists are optimal for inserting/removing elements. ArrayLists are good for traversing. Note that LinkedList and ArrayList both extend abstract partial implementations of the List interface.
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  • LinkedList Class The LinkedList class offeres a few additional methods for directly manipulating the ends of the list: void addFirst(Object) void addLast(Object); Object getFirst(); Object getLast(); Object removeFirst(); Object removeLast(); These methods make it natural to implement other simpler data structures, like Stacks and Queues.
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  • LinkedList examples See heavily commented LinkedList Example in course notes A few things to be aware of: it is really bad to use the positional indexing features copiously of LinkedList if you care at all about performance. This is because the LinkedList has no memory and must always traverse the chain from the beginning. Elements can be changed both with the List and ListIterator objects. That latter is often more convenient. You can create havoc by creating several iterators that you use to mutate the List. There is some protection built-in, but best is to have only one iterator that will actually mutate the list structure.
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  • ArrayList Class Also supports the List interface, so top-level code can pretty much invisibly use this class or LinkedList (minus a few additional operations in LinkedList). However, ArrayList is much better for using positional index access methods. At the same time, ArrayList is much worse at inserting elements. This behavior follows from how ArrayLists are structured: they are just like Vectors.
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  • More on ArrayList Additional methods for managing size of underlying array size, isEmpty, get, set, iterator, and listIterator methods all run in constant time. Adding n elements take O[n] time. Can explicitly grow capacity in anticipation of adding many elements. Note: legacy Vector class almost identical. Main differences are naming and synchronization. See short ArrayList example.
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  • Set Interface Set also extends Collection, but it prohibits duplicate items (this is what defines a Set). No new methods are introduced; specifically, none for index-based operations (elements of Sets are not ordered). Concrete Set implementations contain methods that forbid adding two equal Objects. More formally, sets contain no pair of elements e1 and e2 such that e1.equals(e2), and at most one null element Java has two implementations: HashSet, TreeSet
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  • HashSets and hash tables Lists allow for ordered elements, but searching them is very slow. Can speed up search tremendously if you dont care about ordering. Hash tables let you do this. Drawback is that you have no control over how elements are ordered. hashCode() computes integer (quickly) which corresponds to position in hash table. Independent of other objects in table.
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  • HashSet Class Hash tables can be used to implement several important data structures. Simplest of these is HashSet add elements with add(Object) method contains(Object) is redefined to first look for duplicates. if duplicate exists, Object is not added What determines a duplicate? careful here, must redefine both hashCode() and equals(Object)!
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  • HashSet Look HashSetExample.java Play around with some additional methods. Try creating your own classes and override hashCode method. Do Some timings. Be certain you understand this for final!
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  • Tree Sets Another concrete set implementation in Java is TreeSet. Similar to HashSet, but one advantage: While elements are added with no regard for order, they are returned (via iterator) in sorted order. What is sorted order? this is defined either by having class implement Comparable interface, or passing a Comparator object to the TreeSet Constructor. Latter is more flexible: doesnt lock in specific sorting rule, for example. Collection could be sorted in one place by name, another by age, etc.
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  • Comparable interface Many java classes already implement this. Try String, Character, Integer, etc. Your own classes will have to do this explicitly: Comparable defines the method public int compareTo(Object other); Comparator defines the method public int compare(Object a, Object b); As we discussed before, be aware of the general contracts of these interfaces. See TreeSetExample.java
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  • Maps Maps are similar to collections but are actually represented by an entirely different class hierarchy. Maps store objects by key/value pairs: map.add(1234, Andrew); ie Object Andrew is stored by Object key 1234 Keys may not be duplicated Each key may map to only one value
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  • Java Map interface Methods can be broken down into three groups: querying altering obtaining different views Fairly similar to Collection methods, but Java designers still thought best to make separate hierarchy no simple answers here.
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  • Map methods Here is a list of the Map methods: void clear() boolean containsKey(Object) boolean containsValue(Object) Set entrySet() boolean get(Object) boolean isEmpty() Set keySet() Object put(Object, Object) void putall(Map) Object remove(Object) int size() Collection values()
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  • Map Implementations We wont go into too much detail on Maps. Java provides several common class implementations: HashMap a hashtable implementation of a map good for quick searching where order doesnt matter must override hashCode and equals TreeMap A tree implementation of a map Good when natural ordering is required Must be able to define ordering for added elements.
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  • JNI Linking Java and C code
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  • JNI Stands for Java Native Interface Set of tools/code that allows user to call native methods from Java. Includes bindings for C/C++. Can be used to call C/C++ from Java (typical), or Java from C (invocation API) Differs from spawning executable data is passed to/from C/C++ method Question: why is this difficult?
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  • Reasons for using JNI Feature not available in java language (rare). Code already written in another language, dont want to rewrite (typical). Java is slow (how slow?) Other language has no additional features per se, but has much better syntax for handling certain operations (Fortran for math).
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  • Problems with JNI Only provides C/C++ bindings. Going to Fortran, COBOL, Ada, etc. requires extra step. Not portable Mapping is not trivial Can be unsafe Cannot run from applet (security issues)
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  • Machinery for using JNI Steps to follow
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  • Basic steps to calling native code 1. Write java class with at least one method declared with native keyword. Provide no implementation public native void sayHello(); Example above is most simple, but method may pass any parameters or have any return type. 2. Add a call to System.loadLibrary(libname) in the class that declares the native method: static{ System.loadLibrary(hello);}//static means called only once.
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  • Steps, cont. 3. Compile the class javac Hello.java 4. Produce the C/C++ header files using the javah utility: Javah Hello This produces the header file Hello.h 5. Write your implementation file by first copying the function signature produced in the include file. Also, #include the header file. #include Hello.h
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  • Steps, cont. 6. Write the implementation in C/C++. This will require using JNI methods to access the data or possibly casts to convert to basic C/C++ types 7. Best technique: Break into two steps. Think of your C/C++ function as a wrapper which accesses the Java data and maps it to C data using JNI methods, then shoves the converted data into a prewritten standalone C program.
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  • Steps, cont. 8. Compile your native method(s) as a shared object (or DLL on Windows). WARNING: Be sure to point your linker to the include files in /jdk1.3/include and jdk1.3/include/linux (for example). WARNING: Mixing languages is much easier using a straight C wrapper rather than C++. 9. Set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the shared object directory Run main Java class.
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  • C language bindings What does Java pass to my method?
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  • What does Java pass to my C function? JNIEnv* : A pointer to the the JNI environment. This pointer is a handle to the current thread in the JVM, and contains mapping functions and other housekeeping information. jobject : A reference to the object that called the native code. (like this pointer). Any arguments specified by the method.
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  • Pause for some nice pictures
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  • Legacy C calls Java
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  • Java calls legacy
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  • JNI is inter-language glue
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  • Simple examples on union HelloWorld Example: No data passed Hello.javaHello.java Hello.ccHello.cc Max example : Only native dataypes Utils.javaUtils.java utils.ccutils.cc Advanced Max example: Arrays Utils.javaUtils.java utils.ccutils.cc Max Java-C-Fortran: max.fmax.f
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  • General Strategy Keep interface as simple as
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  • Native datatype mappings Java TypeNative TypeSize in bits booleanjboolean8, unsigned bytejbyte8 charjchar16, unsigned shortjshort16 intjint32 longjlong64 floatjfloat32 doublejdouble64 void N/a
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  • Java object Mappings Object passed by reference All objects have type jobject as:
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  • Object mappings, cont. For example, if a method getLine exists in a class call Prompt, then: private native String getLine(String Prompt); is mapped into JNIExport jstring JNICALL Java_Prompt_getLine(JNIEnv *, jobject, jstring); But how to access data/methods from object that is passed in?
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  • JNI Advice Can seem like a bewildering number of functions. Do not try to learn it all. Keep interfaces very simple. Preferably, only native datatypes, Strings, and arrays. Be careful about Copies vs. rerences Freeing memory Best not to allocate memory from with native code.
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  • Accessing java strings Do NOT do the following: JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_Prompt_getLine(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring prompt){ printf(%s, prompt); } Why is this bad?
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  • Right way to access Strings Must use special methods in env structure char *str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,prompt,0); /* this maps into regular C char* */ printf(%s, str); /* now it is ok to print */ (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, prompt, str); /* must release String to avoid memory leaks */
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  • Returning Strings Previous technique allows us to use a String passed in from Java. What if we want to return a String? Can use NewStringUTF as: char buf[128]; /* allocate memory for local char* in C */ scanf(%s, buf); /* read into char* from stdio */ return( (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, buf)); /* construct and return the Java String */
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  • Other JNI String methods GetStringChars Takes the Java String and returns a pointer to an array of Unicode characters that comprise it. ReleaseStringChars Releases the pointer to the array of Unicode characters NewString Constructs a new String object from an array of Unicode Characters GetStringLength Returns the length of a string of Unicode characters
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  • Java arrays Note that you can NOT do the following: JNIExport jint JNICALL Java_IntArray_sumArray(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray arr){ int i, sum = 0; for (i = 0; i
  • Array methods The previous example should be written as: jsize len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env,arr); jint *body = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env,arr,0); for (i=0;iReleastIntArrayElements(env,arr,body,0); /* very important copies back to java array if copy had to be made */
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  • Array methods, cont. Note that there are analagous functions for float, byte, double, etc: Get ArrayElements Release ArrayElements Important: These Get functions may copy the entire array. If this is undesirable, use Get/Set ArrayRegion functions
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  • Function for accessing arrays FunctionArray Type GetBooleanArrayElementsboolean GetByteArrayElementsbyte GetShortArrayElementsshort GetIntArrayElementsint GetLongArrayElementslong GetFloatArrayElementsfloat GetDoubleArrayElementsdouble GetObjectArrayElementsobject
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  • Functions for releasing arrays FunctionArray Type ReleaseBooleanArrayElementsboolean ReleaseByteArrayElementsbyte ReleaseShortArrayElementsshort RelaseIntArrayElementsint ReleaseLongArrayElementslong ReleaseFloatArrayElementsfloat ReleaseDoubleArrayElementsdouble ReleaseObjectArrayElementsobject
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  • Calling java methods What if you pass a java object to a C routine and wish to call back a method on the Java object. Good to avoid this when you can but sometimes it is very important. Need to use the jobject reference that is passed in by java.
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  • Steps to follow Native method calls JNI function GetObjectClass returns the jclass object that is type of that obj Native method calls JNI function GetMethodID returns jmethodID of method in class (0 for no such method) Finally, native method calls JNI function CallVoidMethod. invokes an instance of method with void return type. You pass object, methodID, and actual arguments.
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  • A simple alternative spawning a system executable Advantages Infinitely simpler Portable Can use any native language Disadvantages Can only pass data to and from vi stdout Must reload executable for each invocation
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  • Legacy Collections java.util.Vector Still useable, but typically ArrayList is preffered. Only major difference is if you are using muliple threads java.util.HashTable Still useable, but typically HashMap is preferred. Again, different if using multiple threads.
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  • Multithreaded programming with Java
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  • What are threads? Like several concurrent subprograms running within the same address space. Within a program, individual threads are explicitly spawned and give the appearance of simultaneously running sequences of commands. On a single proc machine, the simultaneous running is an illusion cpu is time splicing. Differ from separate processes in that each process runs in its own address space shared memory model
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  • Why use threads? Single-user programs/clients continuously responsive user interfaces accept input when event handler is bus Can actually speed up certain tasks Servers Allows multiple client connections simultaneously
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  • General examples User clicks GUI button to download web page (occurs in separate thread so GUI isnt frozen) Massive numerical problems split among processors assumes each thread runs on separate processor; not necessarily the case Server spawns thread for each client connection and main thread goes back to accept() User clicks button which begins time-consuming database lookup. Client can accept more input while lookup is taking place.
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  • Concrete example Consider two versions of a program which animates a ball bouncing around in a window. In one version, the animation takes place in the event handler thread. Thus, the gui is frozen for the whole animation In a second version, the animation takes place in a new thread spawned in the event handler. This gives the event thread a chance to operate. Run Bounce.java and BounceThread.java
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  • Second concrete example Imagine a GUI program that performs a time-consuming task in the event handler (such as the AuctionSimulator). How can the GUI remain responsive? If we do task in a separate thread and sleep it periodically, user interface thread will appear live. See FrameThread.java and FrameNoThread.java
  • Slide 309
  • Machinery How to setup threads in Java
  • Slide 310
  • How to create separate threads in Java -- technique I Extend Thread. Specifically... Create a class that extends Thread and place the work that the Thread will carry out in the run() method (ie override the run method). Create an object from your class that extends the Thread class. Call the start() method on the Thread object. The new Thread then unters the runnable state (it may or may not run depending on resources/priority).
  • Slide 311
  • How to create threads Technique 2 Implement Runnable. Specifically... Create a class that implements the Runnable interface. Place all of the work that the Thread will perform in the run() method. Create an object from the Runnable class. Create a Thread object and pass the Runnable object to the constructor. Call the start() method on Thread object. See simple examples under basic directory.
  • Slide 312
  • Simple Example Thread Class ThreadExample{ public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(Main thread started); MyFirstThread t = new MyFirstThread() t.start(); } Class MyFirstThread extends Thread{ void run(){ System.out.println(in new thread ); }
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  • Example using second technique class ThreadTest{ public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(main thread started ); MyRunnableObj r = new MyRunnableObj(); Thread t = new Thread(r); t.start(); } Class MyRunnableObj implements Runnable{ public void run(){ System.out.println(new thread started ); }
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  • What happens to new threads? Main thread continues New threads execute the run method and die when they are finished If any thread calls System.exit(0), it will kill all threads. Think of each run() as its own main Program does not exit until all non-daemon threads die.
  • Slide 315
  • Thread States Four states a Thread can be in: New When you create with new operator but havent run yet. Runnable When you invoke start() method. Note that Thread is not necessarily running, could be waiting. Blocked When sleep() is called Blocking operation such as input/output wait() is called by the Thread object Thread tries to obtain a lock on a locked object
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  • Thread states, cont. Dead Dies a natural death because the run method exits normally Dies abruptly after an uncaught exception terminates the run method Use isAlive() method to determine if Thread is currently alive (either runnable or blocked).
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  • Thread Priority The execution of multiple threads on a single CPU is called scheduling. The Java runtime supports a very simple, deterministic scheduling algorithm known as fixed priority scheduling.
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  • Thread Priority Each Java thread is given a numeric priority between MIN_PRIORITY and MAX_PRIORITY. When multiple threads are ready to be executed, the thread with the highest priority is chosen for execution. Only when that thread stops, or is suspended for some reason, will a lower priority thread start executing. Scheduling of the CPU is fully preemptive. If a thread with a higher priority than the currently executing thread needs to execute, the higher priority thread is immediately scheduled.
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  • Thread Priority The Java runtime will not preempt the currently running thread for another thread of the same priority. In other words, the Java runtime does not time-slice. However, the system implementation of threads underlying the Java Thread class may support time-slicing. Do not write code that relies on time-slicing. In addition, a given thread may, at any time, give up its right to execute by calling the yield method. Threads can only yield the CPU to other threads of the same priority--attempts to yield to a lower priority thread are ignored.
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  • Thread Priority When all the runnable threads in the system have the same priority, the scheduler chooses the next thread to run in a simple, non-preemptive, round-robin scheduling order.
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  • A common scenario: polling vs callbacks How do we implement the following? Thread1 spawns Thread2 Thread1 does work Thread2 does work that results in new value of variable (or new data in file, etc). Thread1 finishes work and needs update value (or file) from Thread2s work. How can we synchronize activities?
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  • Whats so difficult? Atomic processes, sharing resources, synchronization, deadlock
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  • Bottom Line Any time a writeable variable is visible to more than one thread, potential problems exist. Simple example: two clients try to purchase item at same time. Order or execution unpredictable If (itemsLeft > itemsRequested) not reliable! Must create thread-safe programs More on this later
  • Slide 325
  • Managing Threads Everything in either Object or Thread class Two classes of methods: Those defined in Object wait(), notify(), notifyAll() Those defined in Thread class join(), sleep(), interrupt(), isAlive(), yield(), etc. All involve situations where threads communicate with each other in some way. Will discuss later
  • Slide 326
  • Producer/Consumer example One thread is called the Producer. Producer shoves consecutive integers into a Cubbyhole object as fast as it can. Other thread is called Consumer. Consumer grabs from the Cubbyhole object as fast as it can. Consumer would like to grab once for each put by the Producer, but what if one goes faster than the other?
  • Slide 327
  • Producer Class public class Producer extends Thread { private CubbyHole cubbyhole; private int number; public Producer(CubbyHole c, int number) { cubbyhole = c; this.number = number; } public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cubbyhole.put(i); System.out.println("Producer #" + this.number + " put: " + i); try { sleep((int)(Math.random() * 100)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }}}
  • Slide 328
  • Consumer class public class Consumer extends Thread { private CubbyHole cubbyhole; private int number; public Consumer(CubbyHole c, int number) { cubbyhole = c; this.number = number; } public void run() { int value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { value = cubbyhole.get(); System.out.println("Consumer #" + this.number + " got: " + value); }}}
  • Slide 329
  • Comments Note that these classes of themselves do not forbid a race condition. This is done by shychronizing access to the Cubbyhole object. We want to guarantee that the Consumer thread cant get until the Producer has produced. Need to study wait() and notify() methods.
  • Slide 330
  • How to synchronize code This topic confuses many beginning Java programmers Two forms: synchronized(objReference){ }//synchronize a block synchronized void methodName(){}//synch a method Former is more general, but causes confusion. Best to use simple form whenever possible. Second form is equivalent to: synchronized(this) for entire method body
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  • Synchronizing a method Fairly straightforward rules: When a given thread is executing a synchronized method in an object, no other thread can execute an other synchronized method on the SAME OBJECT! We say that the first thread obtains a lock on the object and doesnt release it until it finishes the synched method Beware that only code which tries to obtain a lock on the object will have to wait. For example, if a thread wishes to call a non-synched method in the object, it will not be blocked.
  • Slide 332
  • Synchronizing a block Remember the following rules: When a thread encounters a synchronized block of code, it attempts to obtain a lock on the object that is being synchronized upon. Consider the first thread in a program that encounters the lock. Since it is the first thread, it will successfully obtain the lock. Now consider a second thread that encounters any synchronized block of code that synchronzies on the same object.
  • Slide 333
  • Synchronizing a block, cont. This second thread will attempt to obtain the lock on objReference. It will fail to obtain the lock unless the first thread has released it. This means that the first thread must have finished its synchronized block of code. If the second thread cannot obtain the lock, it must wait until the first thread releases it.
  • Slide 334
  • wait() and notify()/notifyAll() A common scenario is as follows: A thread enters a synchronized block of code (and thus obtains the object lock). The code cannot continue the sychronized block until some other thread has done some work on the same object and left it in a new state Thus, the first thread wants to temporarily relinquish the lock to another thread.
  • Slide 335
  • wait() and notify()/notifyAll() Called when a thread needs to wait for some other thread(s) to complete a task before continuing. The current thread simply calls wait(), and the thread freezes until another object calls notify() upon the waiting object (or notifyAll()). notifyAll() is much safer since notify() chooses randomly!
  • Slide 336
  • wait() and notify()/notifyAll() Beware, wait() can only be called from a synchronized method or block of code. When wait is called on an object, its lock is released until it is notified.
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  • Moving out of blocked state Must use the opposite route that put the Thread into the blocked state If put to sleep, specified time interval must elapse. If waiting for i/o operation, operation must have finished. If the thread called wait(), then another thread must call notify/notifyAll. If waiting for a lock, then owning thread must have relinquished the lock.
  • Slide 338
  • Synchronized Cubbyhole public class CubbyHole { private int contents; private boolean available = false; public synchronized int get() { while (available == false) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } available = false; notifyAll(); return contents; }
  • Slide 339
  • Cubbyhole, cont. public synchronized void put(int value) { while (available == true) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } contents = value; available = true; notifyAll(); }
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  • Interrupting Threads Thread terminates when run method ends. So, run method should check once in a while whether there is more work to do in regular way. However, what if thread is sleeping or otherwise blocked? This is where interrupt() method comes into play.
  • Slide 341
  • Interrupting, cont. When interrupt method is called on thread that is blocking, the blocking call is terminated by an InterruptException. public void run(){ try{ while (more work to do){ do work } catch(InterrupetedException e){ //thread was interrupted during sleep or wait //do whatever you wish here }
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  • Interrupting, cont. Problem with previous code is that interrupts only succeed if thread is blocked in call to sleep() or wait(). Can get around this by calling interrupted() periodically to see if thread has recently been interrupted: while (!interrupted() && more work to do){ // do work }
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  • Deadlock Dining Philosophers example http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/esse ntial/threads/deadlock.html
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  • Atomic operations -- Bank Account example See BankTest.java and SynchBankTest.java
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  • Tips on writing thread-safe code Obvious way is to use synchronization (see next slide) Performance problems Can lead to deadlock General rule: dont overuse if possible Local variables Each thread gets its own copy Immutable sequences Objects which cant be changed (String, Integer, etc.)
  • Slide 346
  • Re-entrant threads Javas model supports a concept called re- entrant threads. If a thread t obtains a lock on object o by calling a synchronized method in o (say m1), and then from within m1 calls a second sychronized method in o m2, deadlock is guaranteed not to occur.
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  • Other useful methods join() tells the calling thread to halt execution until the second thread (whose yield method is called), has completed. Thread t = new Thread(runnableObj); t.join();
  • Slide 348
  • Additional Topics Priorities Thread Groups Creating Thread pools Threads and Swing Higher-level methods Timer class
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  • Distributed Objects Higher level alternative to sockets RMI or CORBA
  • Slide 350
  • Nested Classes
  • Slide 351
  • An nested class is a class that is defined inside another class. To this point we have only studied top-level classes. at most one public per file arbitrarily man package-scope per file either package or public ONLY Nested classes introduced in jdk1.1
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  • Why use nested classes? Simplifies many coding tasks can define small classes on the fly near the objects created from them + concise syntax can access outer classes ivs automatically no need to pass a this pointer to the constructor of separate outer class can be hidden from other classes in the same package However, price to pay in terms of complexity, number of gotchas, etc.
  • Slide 353
  • Pre jdk1.1 In jdk1.0, the clean and simple class rules were ballyhooed as a major improvement over C++ Addition of inner classes complicates things significantly However, they do make certain code much less awkard to write, particularly when writing GUIs Still, you do not have to use them, but they can be quite cool and I do recommend it in moderation!
  • Slide 354
  • Types of nested classes Inner classes local anonymous or named non-local named only Static nested classes non-local named only
  • Slide 355
  • Non-local inner classes Simply a nested class that does not have the static attribute and is not defined within a class method. Can be private, public, package, protected, abstract, etc. just like any class member. Think of outer class as owning inner class inner class can only be instantiated via outer class reference (including this) Inner class has access to all outer class ivs, private or otherwise!
  • Slide 356
  • Simple non-local inner class example class Outer{ private int x1; Outer(int x1){ this.x1 = x1; } public void foo(){ System.out.println(fooing);} public class Inner{ private int x1 = 0; void foo(){ System.out.println(Outer value of x1: + Outer.this.x1); System.out.println(Inner value of x1: + this.x1); }
  • Slide 357
  • Simple example, cont -- driver Rules for instantiation a little funny public class TestDrive{ public static void main(String[] args){ Outer outer = new Outer(); // can create in regular way Inner inner = outer.new Inner(); //must call new through //outer object handle inner.foo(); // note that this can only be done if inner is visible // according to the regular scoping rules }
  • Slide 358
  • When to use non-local inner classes Most typically used when inner class is instatiated from outer class. If classes naturally belong together, it is cumbersome to pass a this pointer to a separate outer class just so second class can access first classs properties/methods. Note that inner class can access outer classs private data, making them even more powerful than mechanism implied above!
  • Slide 359
  • Local inner classes Inner classes may also be defined within class methods. These are called local inner classes. Principle advantage is scoping: such classes are completely inaccessible anywhere but the method itself where they are defined. Thus, they have no visibility attribute (public, etc.) Also, can NOT access local variables other than those declared with final attribute.
  • Slide 360
  • Local anonymous inner classes Local inner classes can be taken a step further it is not required to give them an explicit name. This is very convenient when you want to use a class only once and the code that it contains is succinct. Great example is defining Swing callback functions.
  • Slide 361
  • Anonymous class example but.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(actionEvent ae){ //do work here } );
  • Slide 362
  • Final Exam Review Questions
  • Slide 363
  • Question0 class A { static void display ( ){ System.out.println ( "Class A" ) ; } } class B extends A { static void display ( ) { System.out.println ( "Class B" ); } } When we create an object and call the display ( ) method as:. A aa = new B() ; aa.display ( ) What is displayed ?? What if display is non-static??
  • Slide 364
  • Question1 Given a class A with a protected iv ivp, which of the following are possible ways of accessing ivp? 1. using the this pointer within a subclass of A within the same package 2. using the this pointer within a subclass of B outside of the package 3. using an instance of A from within any class in the same package 4. using an instance of A from within any class 5. using an instance of A from within any class in the CLASSPATH
  • Slide 365
  • Question2 Given a class A with a private iv ivp, which of the following are possible ways of accessing ivp? 1. using the this pointer within a subclass of A within the same package 2. using the this pointer within a subclass of B outside of the package 3. using an instance of A from within any class in the same package 4. using an instance of A from within any class 5. using an instance of A from within any class in the CLASSPATH
  • Slide 366
  • Question3 List the visibility keywords in order of most to least restrictive. 1. private default protected public 2. public protected default private 3. private protected default public 4. public default private protected
  • Slide 367
  • Question4 If an iv has private scope in some superclass, then no subclass can access the iv using the this pointer.
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  • Question5 Immutable classes may contain accessor methods
  • Slide 369
  • Question6 Immutable classes are Threadsafe.
  • Slide 370
  • Question7 class X{ public boolean equals(Object o){ X anX = (X) o; if (anX.iv1 == this.iv1) return true; return false; } ? int iv1; What can be inferred about iv1? private, protected, default, public, all, some??
  • Slide 371
  • Question8-10 Assuming the class X is exactly as it appears on the previous slide (with public in place of ?), is the following valid? X x2 = (X) anX.clone(); If so, is this clone and adequate clone? If not, how would you modify the class X to make it cloneable? Is X serializable as-is?
  • Slide 372
  • Question11 Is it appropriate to store anX in HashMap, again assuming that X is defined verbatim as you see? Is it legal to store anX in a HashMap?
  • Slide 373
  • Question12 Is it possible for a subclass to override a private superclass method?
  • Slide 374
  • Question13 Can a static variable be used in a non-static context?
  • Slide 375
  • Question14 Can a static method access a non-static variable?
  • Slide 376
  • Question15 Can a class with all static methods be instantiated?
  • Slide 377
  • Questions16-18 public class ClassA { public void methodOne(int i) { } public void methodTwo(int i) { } public static void methodThree(int i) { } public static void methodFour(int i) { } } public class ClassB extends ClassA { public static void methodOne(int i) { } public void methodTwo(int i) { } public void methodThree(int i) { } public static void methodFour(int i) { } } a.Which method overrides a method in the superclass? b. Which method hides a method in the superclass? c. What do the other methods do?
  • Slide 378
  • Question19-24 Exception handling (T or F) All java Exceptions must either be caught or thrown. Classes can throw Exceptions. Static methods can throw Exceptions. main can be declared to throw Exception rethrowing Exceptions is bad programming style Every method that throws an Exception should be placed in its own try-catch block It is bad programming style to have empty catch blocks, at least in production code.
  • Slide 379
  • Question25 Which best describes and Applet? 1. A thin client 2. A fat client 3. A lightweight web server 4. A full-blown application server
  • Slide 380
  • Question 26-31 All applets extend either Applet or JApplet. Applets need a main method to run All applets must override at least the start, stop, init, and destroy methods. start, stop, init, and destroy methods are declared abstract in the Applet class Unsigned applets cannot make socket connections to any server. Unsigned applets cannot access files on the local directory
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  • Somewhat irritating certification type questions
  • Slide 382
  • Question 1) Which of the following lines will compile without warning or error? 1) float f=1.3; 2) char c="a"; 3) byte b=257; 4) boolean b=null; 5) int i=10;
  • Slide 383
  • What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code public class MyClass { public static void main(String arguments[]) { amethod(arguments); } public void amethod(String[] arguments) { System.out.println(arguments); System.out.println(arguments[1]); }} 1) error Can't make static reference to void amethod. 2) error method main not correct 3) error array must include parameter 4) amethod must be declared with String
  • Slide 384
  • Which of the following will compile without error 1) import java.awt.*; package Mypackage; class Myclass {} 2) package MyPackage; import java.awt.*; class MyClass{} 3) /*This is a comment */ package MyPackage; import java.awt.*; class MyClass{}
  • Slide 385
  • What will happen when you compile and run the following code? public class MyClass{ static int i; public static void main(String argv[]){ System.out.println(i); }} 1) Error Variable i may not have been initialized 2) null 3) 1 4) 0
  • Slide 386
  • What will be the result of attempting to compile and run the following code? abstract class MineBase { abstract void amethod(); static int i; } public class Mine extends MineBase { public static void main(String argv[]){ int[] ar=new int[5]; for(i=0;i < ar.length;i++) System.out.println(ar[i]); }} 1) a sequence of 5 0's will be printed 2) Error: ar is used before it is initialized 3) Error Mine must be declared abstract 4) IndexOutOfBoundes Error
  • Slide 387
  • What will be printed out if you attempt to compile and run the following code ? int i=1; switch (i) { case 0: System.out.println("zero"); break; case 1: System.out.println("one"); case 2: System.out.println("two"); default: System.out.println("default"); } 1) one 2) one, default 3) one, two, default 4) default
  • Slide 388
  • Which of the following statements are true? 1)Methods cannot be overriden to be more private 2) Static methods cannot be overloaded 3) Private methods cannot be overloaded 4) An overloaded method cannot throw exceptions not checked in the base class
  • Slide 389
  • What will happen if you attempt to compile and run the following code? class Base {} class Sub extends Base {} class Sub2 extends Base {} public class CEx{ public static void main(String argv[]){ Base b=new Base(); Sub s=(Sub) b; }} 1) Compile and run without error 2) Compile time Exception 3) Runtime Exception
  • Slide 390
  • What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code?. class Background implements Runnable{ int i=0; public int run(){ while(true){ i++; System.out.println("i="+i); } //End while return 1; }//End run }//End class 1) It will compile and the run method will print out the increasing value of i. 2) It will compile and calling start will print out the increasing value of i. 3) The code will cause an error at compile time. 4) Compilation will cause an error because while cannot take a parameter of true.
  • Slide 391
  • What will be the result when you try to compile and run the following code? private class Base{ Base(){ int i = 100; System.out.println(i);}} public class Pri extends Base{ static int i = 200; public static void main(String argv[]){ Pri p = new Pri(); System.out.println(i);}} 1) Error at compile time 2) 200 3) 100 followed by 200 4) 100
  • Slide 392
  • JNI JNI (Java Native Interface)
  • Slide 393
  • JNI Stands for Java Native Interface Set of tools/code that allows user to call native methods from Java. Includes bindings for C/C++. Can be used to call C/C++ from Java (typical), or Java from C (invocation API) Differs from spawning executable data is passed to/from C/C++ method Question: why is this difficult?
  • Slide 394
  • Reasons for using JNI Feature not available in java language (rare). Code already written in another language, dont want to rewrite (typical). Java is slow (how slow?) Other language has no additional features per se, but has much better syntax for handling certain operations (Fortran for math).
  • Slide 395
  • Problems with JNI Only provides C/C++ bindings. Going to Fortran, COBOL, Ada, etc. requires extra step. Not portable Mapping is not trivial Can be unsafe Cannot run from applet (security issues)
  • Slide 396
  • Machinery for using JNI Steps to follow
  • Slide 397
  • Basic steps to calling native code 1. Write java class with at least one method declared with native keyword. Provide no implementation public native void sayHello(); Example above is most simple, but method may pass any parameters or have any return type. 2. Add a call to System.loadLibrary(libname) in the class that declares the native method: static{ System.loadLibrary(hello);}//static means called only once.
  • Slide 398
  • Steps, cont. 3. Compile the class javac Hello.java 4. Produce the C/C++ header files using the javah utility: Javah Hello This produces the header file Hello.h 5. Write your implementation file by first copying the function signature produced in the include file. Also, #include the header file. #include Hello.h
  • Slide 399
  • Steps, cont. 6. Write the implementation in C/C++. This will require using JNI methods to access the data or possibly casts to convert to basic C/C++ types 7. Best technique: Break into two steps. Think of your C/C++ function as a wrapper which accesses the Java data and maps it to C data using JNI methods, then shoves the converted data into a prewritten standalone C program.
  • Slide 400
  • Steps, cont. 8. Compile your native method(s) as a shared object (or DLL on Windows). WARNING: Be sure to point your linker to the include files in /jdk1.3/include and jdk1.3/include/linux (for example). WARNING: Mixing languages is much easier using a straight C wrapper rather than C++. 9. Set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the shared object directory Run main Java class.
  • Slide 401
  • C language bindings What does Java pass to my method?
  • Slide 402
  • What does Java pass to my C function? JNIEnv* : A pointer to the the JNI environment. This pointer is a handle to the current thread in the JVM, and contains mapping functions and other housekeeping information. jobject : A reference to the object that called the native code. (like this pointer). Any arguments specified by the method.
  • Slide 403
  • Pause for some nice pictures
  • Slide 404
  • Slide 405
  • Legacy C calls Java
  • Slide 406
  • Java calls legacy
  • Slide 407
  • Slide 408
  • Slide 409
  • JNI is inter-language glue
  • Slide 410
  • Simple examples on union HelloWorld Example: No data passed Hello.javaHello.java Hello.ccHello.cc Max example : Only native dataypes Utils.javaUtils.java utils.ccutils.cc Advanced Max example: Arrays Utils.javaUtils.java utils.ccutils.cc Max Java-C-Fortran: max.fmax.f
  • Slide 411
  • General Strategy Keep interface as simple as
  • Slide 412
  • Native datatype mappings Java TypeNative TypeSize in bits booleanjboolean8, unsigned bytejbyte8 charjchar16, unsigned shortjshort16 intjint32 longjlong64 floatjfloat32 doublejdouble64 void N/a
  • Slide 413
  • Java object Mappings Object passed by reference All objects have type jobject as:
  • Slide 414
  • Object mappings, cont. For example, if a method getLine exists in a class call Prompt, then: private native String getLine(String Prompt); is mapped into JNIExport jstring JNICALL Java_Prompt_getLine(JNIEnv *, jobject, jstring); But how to access data/methods from object that is passed in?
  • Slide 415
  • JNI Advice Can seem like a bewildering number of functions. Do not try to learn it all. Keep interfaces very simple. Preferably, only native datatypes, Strings, and arrays. Be careful about Copies vs. rerences Freeing memory Best not to allocate memory from with native code.
  • Slide 416
  • Accessing java strings Do NOT do the following: JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_Prompt_getLine(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring prompt){ printf(%s, prompt); } Why is this bad?
  • Slide 417
  • Right way to access Strings Must use special methods in env structure char *str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,prompt,0); /* this maps into regular C char* */ printf(%s, str); /* now it is ok to print */ (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, prompt, str); /* must release String to avoid memory leaks */
  • Slide 418
  • Returning Strings Previous technique allows us to use a String passed in from Java. What if we want to return a String? Can use NewStringUTF as: char buf[128]; /* allocate memory for local char* in C */ scanf(%s, buf); /* read into char* from stdio */ return( (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, buf)); /* construct and return the Java String */
  • Slide 419
  • Other JNI String methods GetStringChars Takes the Java String and returns a pointer to an array of Unicode characters that comprise it. ReleaseStringChars Releases the pointer to the array of Unicode characters NewString Constructs a new String object from an array of Unicode Characters GetStringLength Returns the length of a string of Unicode characters
  • Slide 420
  • Java arrays Note that you can NOT do the following: JNIExport jint JNICALL Java_IntArray_sumArray(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray arr){ int i, sum = 0; for (i = 0; i
  • Array methods The previous example should be written as: jsize len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env,arr); jint *body = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env,arr,0); for (i=0;iReleastIntArrayElements(env,arr,body,0); /* very important copies back to java array if copy had to be made */
  • Slide 422
  • Array methods, cont. Note that there are analagous functions for float, byte, double, etc: Get ArrayElements Release ArrayElements Important: These Get functions may copy the entire array. If this is undesirable, use Get/Set ArrayRegion functions
  • Slide 423
  • Function for accessing arrays FunctionArray Type GetBooleanArrayElementsboolean GetByteArrayElementsbyte GetShortArrayElementsshort GetIntArrayElementsint GetLongArrayElementslong GetFloatArrayElementsfloat GetDoubleArrayElementsdouble GetObjectArrayElementsobject
  • Slide 424
  • Functions for releasing arrays FunctionArray Type ReleaseBooleanArrayElementsboolean ReleaseByteArrayElementsbyte ReleaseShortArrayElementsshort RelaseIntArrayElementsint ReleaseLongArrayElementslong ReleaseFloatArrayElementsfloat ReleaseDoubleArrayElementsdouble ReleaseObjectArrayElementsobject
  • Slide 425
  • Calling java methods What if you pass a java object to a C routine and wish to call back a method on the Java object. Good to avoid this when you can but sometimes it is very important. Need to use the jobject reference that is passed in by java.
  • Slide 426
  • Steps to follow Native method calls JNI function GetObjectClass returns the jclass object that is type of that obj Native method calls JNI function GetMethodID returns jmethodID of method in class (0 for no such method) Finally, native method calls JNI function CallVoidMethod. invokes an instance of method with void return type. You pass object, methodID, and actual arguments.
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  • A simple alternative spawning a system executable Advantages Infinitely simpler Portable Can use any native language Disadvantages Can only pass data to and from vi stdout Must reload executable for each invocation
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  • Spawning Executable -- technique Process p = Runtime.exec(some_exec); Use p to manage process: p.getInputStream(); p.getOutputStream(); p.kill(); p.halt();
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  • Part 2 Extending Web Server Functionality Servlets and JSP
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  • Web Servers A server program that listens on a standard port and handles http protocol. Http protocol consists mainly of requests for documents Documents are typically html files Two most important http protocol elements: GET (request document, may upload data) POST (request document, upload data). This protocol is hidden from you by browser.
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  • Early Web Servers Earliest web sites were static: Browser requests page Server hands over page CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts defined a standard for extending functionality http GET/POST data could be passed to and processed in separate function (C, Perl, Python, etc.) This often included call to back-end database and response to user via modified html document
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  • Shortcomings of CGI E-Commerce became more popular and web sites became more heavily used. This brought to the fore some shortcomings of CGI: New process spawned for every hit not scalable No concept of sesssion or state Pretty low level Security risks (C in particular)
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  • Servlets Javas answer to CGI, very simple, high- level Requirements: a servlet-enabled web server When specified by your web page, web page passes http requests to java method (assuming everything is setup properly) Servlet method then has access to all of Java capabilities jdbc very important here. Servlet then writes html back to user.
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  • Servlets, cont. Important: a web server takes care of all interactions with the servlet servlet extends functionality. On the client side, servlet pages are typically requested in one of two ways: As a regular URL address As a link in a regular html document Details are server-dependent
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  • Writing servlets All servlets extend the Servlet class. All http servlets (by far most typical) should extend the HttpServlet class. In extending HttpServlet, you typically override the following methods: init, doGet,doPost, destroy (very common) doPut, doDelete, doOptions, doTrace (rare)
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  • Main HttpServlet Methods init() called once when servlet is loaded by server. Contains any initializations that are common to all requests. doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) Called each time the servlet receives an http GET request posted by a client. Passes two objects, one representing the information of the request, the other used to configure a response.
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  • Main HttpServlet Methods, cont. doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) Same as doGet but for an http POST request. destroy() Called before servlet is unloaded from memory. Performs any final cleanup, freeing memory, closing connections, etc.
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  • Service Method Important: The method service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) is also called for each servlet invocation. Service() in turn calls doGet and doPost, etc. It is best not to override service even if you want to handle doGet and doPost identically. Simply have one call the other.
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  • HttpServletRequest Object Passed when browser calls doGet and doPost. Most import methods for beginning servlet programming getParameter(String paramName) getParameterNames() getParameterValues() Makes getting data from web pages very simple. Many other methods for images, cookies, etc.
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  • HttpServletResponse Object Passed when browser calls doGet or doPost Most import methods for beginning servlet programming: getWriter(); Get Writer for communicating back to client setContentType(String); Typically use text/html, indicating that html will be sent back to the browser
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  • Examples Use html form to connect to servlet, accept form data, and then echo it back with the output stream. Postdata.java : Java servlet Postdata.java Form.html : HTML front-end Form.html Basic steps very simple just need to know a little HTML and a few Java methods
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  • General Comments Recall that each request for a servlet gets its own thread but access the same methods. Thus, synchronization issues arise.