Sustainability Correlations Interim Report Computer and Mechanical Engineering Technologies ET-493 Fall 2016 Students: Vaughn Ferrara, RaNajawhan Poullard, Deuel Vaughn Advisor: Dr. Koutsougeras Professor: Dr. Koutsougeras

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Sustainability CorrelationsInterim Report

Computer and Mechanical Engineering Technologies


Fall 2016

Students: Vaughn Ferrara, RaNajawhan Poullard, Deuel Vaughn

Advisor: Dr. Koutsougeras

Professor: Dr. Koutsougeras

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Halfway through the semester our focus changed. At first, it was to figure out the best way of going about collecting and using the data. After talking to the sustainability center we found out there is a system already in place to collect the data. Our main goal has now shifted from using their data to now making our own system of collecting the data. This report will be to show what we have done in preparation for building our own data communication system for power meters connected to the solar panels.

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The sustainability center has been collecting data on their energy systems for a while now. The energy systems they use are the geothermal, solar thermal, photo voltaic, and wind. Their wind storage system has recently burnt out is not currently in use. The geothermal system takes energy from the ponds they have and transfers it across campus to be used as heating and cooling. The solar photovoltaic energy system is multiple grids of solar panel across campus and used to turn directly into power. All of these systems run through the sustainability center and can be monitor in analog in real time. As can be shown in the picture below.

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The purpose of this project originally was to take the data the sustainability center has been collecting form their energy management system and turn into something usable. However, after talking to them and our advisor we found out there had been some miscommunication on what they already had in place. Now our advisor has suggested we shift our goal to selection of off-the-shelf technology to design the data communication system that can be used on the existing mechanical apparatus to facilitate the data collection and pertinent controls.


After our purpose changed, we started doing research on how to build data communication systems for power meters. With none us having a background in this subject we started researching the basics of data communication systems. As were researching that we also looked into what equipment we would need to design it. As a reference, we asked the sustainability center if they had information on their existing system they could share. We discovered they have a web application they use to see the real time data of the energy systems. They gave us a username and password so that we can have access to it. We discovered it had the following information on it.

This a screen cap of the home page of the web application.

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From the home screen, they can navigate to see the current energy use of any building on campus. Here is a screen for all the energy meters at once.

There are many things available through this web application more than just a single power meter numbers. It can give things like the solar panel grid, solar heating pumps, and boiler temperatures.

The only problem is we were not given acces to the trednlogs they have. When trying to acces that page we get this blank screen below.

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We have tried to get acces this information wich was our main goal form the start. Apparently this is on different secuirty clearnce then we have. We had asked if it was possible to give us acces, but they said it would mess with the system. This is what were told. We have also asked if they could just copy and paste the data for us into table or word document or anything. They said they did not know how. We relaised okay that is something we must do nowdesing a system to collect the data. A system that collects the information and shows in real time but also is able to show past records for easy analaysis.

Possible solutions

We have researched ways of setting up data communications network, but now we need the equipment to do it. We looked at other companies to see how they went about setting up an energy monitoring system. Power companies like Entergy using things like smart meters. Smart meters are power meters that automatically send data upon request to the companies. There are smart meters on normal homes that energy companies use to collect data about the monthly usage wirelessly from the road in front of the house instead of going directly to read the meter. That is not the type of communication we want.

We talked to the people at the sustainability center about what kind of system do they have in place currently. They gave us a manual for their power meter called Acuvim II series. According to the manual, it has real time metering, data logging, time of use, and waveform capture. The problem is it uses something called a Modbus protocol. Therefore, we researched what Modbus protocol is. Modbus is one of the staples in the industrial technology world with regards to communication networks. Modbus is used in multiple master-slave applications to monitor and program devices; to communicate between intelligent devices and sensors and instruments; to monitor field devices using PCs and HMIs. Finding learning material on this software has been difficulty. We found this info in one book called Practical Industrial Data Communications: Best Practice Techniques it covers the basics of Modbus. After seeing what they used we looked for different power meters and to compare them. There are many different

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characteristics to look into when researching power meters. One of the things you need to know is the energy systems you are trying to measure is a single or three phase systems. A single-phase system is where you only have one voltage source or circuit. Most homes in the United States are examples of a single-phase systems. Whereas a three phase systems is when there is more than one voltage source meaning it there is more than one circuit connecting to power system. A three-phase system is usually used when some requires more power than other things like a motor, pumps, or HVAC. We have not asked if the solar panels in place on campus are either single or three. They could be either because some are connected to the geothermal pumps in the sustainably center meaning they could three phase. While some could be independent like the ones on the biology building.

Here is a map of the current installations of solar panels on campus.

The sustainability center has control room where they have someone always monitoring the energy systems across campus. There are power meters now that have a built in alarm system. Each user can set the limits for when the alarms go off and warning is sent through either an





Positions of solar panels around Southeastern Campus

1. Sustainability Center2. Kinesiology Building3. Sims Library4. Biology Building

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email, or web application. We took this into consideration when researching meters. The main function we are looking for in a power meter is the type of communication it has to relay this information elsewhere. What we want are ones with internet communication. Through things like MasterSlave, BACnet IP, ModBus TCp, Modbus/BACnet and over Ethernet.

Another critical function a power meter should have is data logging. All smart meters can read current power usage, but there are some that can store this data for later use for analysis. This makes it so we can see data from past days and months. When you have data over a long period, it makes for a more accurate analysis of the system and its efficiency. One thing the data logging can store is waveforms of voltage and current. You can see the waveform of the voltage and current over a determined period. These waveforms are useful for analysis of the system during something like a daily cycle as to when the most power is produced by the solar panels.

Those are some the qualifications we looked for one researching the type of meters to use. With those in mind, here is a list we complied that we believe are the closest with what we need.

Power meters

Embedded Web server

Communications 3 phase or single phase

Waveform capture

Trend logging

Internal Memory


Power Xpert Meter 2280

Yes HTTP, HTTPS, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, BACnet/IP, SNMP, SMTP, NTP.

Single Phase, and 3 Phase

Yes Yes 768 MB Yes

Power logicION7550 RTU 

No DNP3 Modbus TCP/IP Telnet ION 

Single Phase, and 3 Phase

Yes Yes 10 MB yes

Acuvim II Yes Ethernet, Profibus-Dp, BACnet,Rs485

Single Phase, and 3 Phase

Yes Yes 8 MB yes

Power Scout

No Modbus/BACnet MasterSlave, BACnet IP, ModBus TCp over ethernet

Single Phase, and 3 Phase

Yes No None or N/A


That is what we have completed so far in terms of research of designing a data commutation system for the energy systems around Southeastern.

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Objectives Completed

1. Research network data communications2. Research sensors that can be used for measuring power

Objectives to Do

1. Design network that can be used with multiple sensors 2. How and where will we store the data if we were to actual build the network

Altered Timeline

• October- research the best way to collect data from the sustainability center topic shifted to building data network

• November - Start setting up a way to collect and store data changed to researching data network setup.

• January – Continue collect data and ensure it is working changed to designing the network

• February -Format collected data Unknown at this time

• March/April - start analyzing the data collected Unknown at this time

• May – Finishing analysis Unknown at this time


1. "Campus Map." Campus Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016. <http://www.southeastern.edu/map/>.

2. "High Performance Power and Energy MeterAcuvim II Series." Power and Energy Meter - Acuvim II Series. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. <https://www.accuenergy.com/product/acuvim-ii-power-energy-submeter>.

3. Reynders, Deon, Steve Mackay, and E. Wright. Practical Industrial Data Communications : Best Practice Techniques. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 16 Nov. 2016.

4. "PowerLogic ION7550 RTU - Schneider Electric." Schneider Electric. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2016. <https://www.schneider-electric.com/en/product-range/1872-powerlogic-ion7550-rtu/?parent-category-id=4100>.

5. "PowerScout 3037 Power Submeter." DENT Instruments. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. <https://shop.dentinstruments.com/collections/powerscout-product/products/powerscout-3037-ps3037>.

6. "Power Xpert Meter 2000 Series." Power Xpert Meter 2000 Series. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2016. <http://www.eaton.com/Eaton/ProductsServices/Electrical/ProductsandServices/

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