CSC444F'05 Lecture 12 1 Architectural Clarity

CSC444F'05Lecture 121 Architectural Clarity. CSC444F'05Lecture 122 Efficiency in Clarity At the end of the day, source code is what is being produced

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Page 1: CSC444F'05Lecture 121 Architectural Clarity. CSC444F'05Lecture 122 Efficiency in Clarity At the end of the day, source code is what is being produced

CSC444F'05 Lecture 12 1

Architectural Clarity

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CSC444F'05 Lecture 12 2

Efficiency in Clarity

• At the end of the day, source code is what is being produced• If it is not clearly organized and written, it becomes very inefficient to

maintain the software– Too many defects– Too much time to correct defects– Too much time to add features– Too many help desk calls– Poor user experience (slowness, inconsistency, odd features, ...)

• Two types of clarity– In-the-small

• When examining source code lines, are they clear?

– In-the-large• Are the overall operating principles clear and clearly reflected in the source

code organization

• Defects come when coders are unsure if their code works– Clearly see it is incorrect – will fix– Clearly see it is correct – it probably is

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Code Clarity – How to Achieve It?

• Need great people– Code is unrelentingly logical – will punish any lapse with hours of

debugging– Need attention to detail, quickness of mind, extreme logical

thinking– Need University-level people doing it

• Good to have great math skills

• Need great education– Two big mistakes:

• Not knowing what is going on at every level of the system

• Thinking operationally, not logically

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Not Understanding Everything• Need to understand what’s going in the software.

– E.g. building a Web app using Perl. Should know:• All about the Perl language• All about how the Perl interpreter works• All about how Apache runs Perl programs• All about the CGI protocol• All about http• All about the Apache web server• All about Linux systems programming• All about how the Linux OS works• All about the underlying Pentium processor (machine language)• All about how microprocessors are built from gates• How a NAND gate is built from semi-conductors

• Folks who only understand what’s going on at one level in the system will never be great.

• With this kind of understanding, coding is adding the “final touches” to a system.

• When something fails to work, no mysteries are involved.• Without this confidence: random attempts at corrections

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The mistake of operational thinking

• Should think of programs logically, not operationally.• Understand the program as a predicate transformer

• Predicate:– A logical expression that characterizes the state of the system

• Pre {P} Post– The program transforms the pre predicate into the post

predicate.– Each line of the program should be thought if in those terms

• Each line transforms the pre condition closer and closer to the post condition

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Example of logical thinking about a programpre-condition: array has >= 5 elementsmy $elementsLeftToPrint = 5;foreach my $element (@array) { invariant: # of elements printed + $elementsLeftToPrint == 5

print "$element<br>\n";$elementsLeftToPrint--;last if $elementsLeftToPrint == 0;

}post-condition: # of elements printed == 5

Can only exit the loop when elementsLeftToPrint is 0.Combine with invariant to get post-condition.

Now prove the invariant is always true at the top and bottom of the loop

First time: elementsLeftToPrint is set to 5.None have been printed yetTherefore the invariant is true on entry to the loop

If true at top of loop, prove true at bottom.

Each time around, 1 element is printedEach time around elementsLeftToPrint is decrementedTherefore is re-established at the bottom.

By induction:

If true firsts time,And if true on one iteration then true on nextThen invariant is always true


No “off-by-one” errors hereThis kind of thinking becomes second nature when programmingA very, very powerful tool

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Logical Thinking About Sub-Routines

• E.g, If thinking in this manner will ask:

– What am I assuming is true before this subroutine is called• COMMENT IT

– What am I guaranteeing after it is called?• COMMENT IT


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Coding Standards

• Should establish local coding standards– Don’t believe you need them until you encounter a really odd coder!

• Basics:– Hard tabstop setting

– Indentation conventions

– Bracketing conventions

– Naming conventions

– Commenting conventions

– Max sizes for subroutines, nested indents

– Avoidance of literals

– Avoidance of cloned code

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Attack of the Clones

if( $count == 0 ) {

print "<table border='1'><tr><td>none\n";

} else {

print "<table border='1'><tr><td>$count\n";



print "<table border=‘1’'><tr><td>";

print ($count==0) ? “none” : $count;

print "\n";

print "<table border=‘$DEFAULT_BORDER'><tr><td>";

print ($count==0) ? Text($NONE) : $count;

print "\n";

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Cloned Code

• Laziness.– Unwilling to re-factor the code to account for all cases– Instead will take one case, copy it, and modify it to take into

account the other case

• Leads to:– Great difficulty in further cleaning up the code

• Must change many places

– Bugs appearing in multiple places– Features needing to be implemented in many places– Lack of separation of concerns

• E.g., gui, logic, database

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• Creating and preserving the architectural integrity of software is

– Important

– Difficult to do

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Preserving Architecture

• Ensure 1 person is in charge of it– Ensure they write it down

• Impose an architecture “tax” on release capacity

• Give estimates for features that include preserving and even enhancing the architecture

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• A “software architecture” is the structure (or structures) of a system,which comprise– software components,– the externally visible properties of those

components,– and the relationships among them.



Generic GUI


Architecture Definition

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• Architecture defines “components”– an abstraction– suppresses details not pertinent to its interactions with other


• An architecture comprises more than one structure• modular structure (calls/uses)• process structure (invokes, communicates with,

synchronises with)• physical structure (libraries, DLL’s, processors)• inheritance structures (inherits)• …

Components & Structures

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In Practice• Three levels:

– System-Level Architecture– Programming-Level Design– Programming Language Code

[User Interface– Sometimes also referred to as “design” (or even “architecture”)– Different topic. Not covered in this course.


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Code &

Unit Test

C&ut C&ut C&ut C&ut C&ut C&ut

Integration Test

System Test

Design & Architecture in the Development Process

Design Design Design Design

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Software Architecture• Specifying at the highest level the construction of the

system:– Technology choices

• Platforms, language, database, middleware, …

– System construction• Overall pattern: Monolithic, RDBMS, client/server, 3-tiered, n-

tiered, distributed, …

• Hardware interfaces (if any)

– Division into programs• E.g. a program for data entry, another for data analysis, a Web-

oriented interface, …

– Division of programs into major subsystems• Reuse strategy (shared subsystems)• Calls constraints• Major strategies (e.g., for persistence, IPC, …)

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Software Design• We are now considering how to lay down code.• E.g., Object-Oriented

– What classes? What inheritance amongst the classes?– What classes will call what other classes?– How are classes grouped into subsystems (e.g. Java

packages)?– What data members of classes

• Must decide these things at some point during the coding process.– Wish to minimize re-writes now and down the line– Danger in early over-complexity (c.f. Extreme Programming)

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Architecture & Design• Architecture

– High-level– Major decisions– Not even thinking about programming

• Design– “Laying out” the programming language code used to

implement the architecture– Organizing programming language concepts

• Coding– Implementing the design using a programming


But, … N.B. no standard terminology

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Documentation of an Architecture• Golden Rule of Software Development:

– If it’s not reviewable (written down), it doesn’t exist.

• Architectures sometime suffer from over-elaborate documentation– Unnecessary. Simply document your decisions.– Most systems don’t deserve elaborate architectural documentation

• Dealing with unknowns– Indicate they are unknown for the present– Cycle back later and add new decisions taken– But beware of costs of postponing decisions

• Must religiously keep architecture document up-to-date– Very hard to do in practice: takes effort– Therefore keep it simple as possible (but no simpler)

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How do we describe an architecture?

• What is the nature of the components?• What is the nature of the links?• Does the layout have any significance?• How does it operate at runtime

– Dataflow– Control flow

• Can we evaluate this architecture?



Prop LossModel






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Two Main Architectural Structures• Modular structure

– Purely static– Disappears at run-time

• Structures that survive through execution– E.g., pipes, processes, networks, objects, …

• Both views need to be considered (not the same)

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The Essence of the Architecture Document

• Imagine after the system has been built attempting to describe as cogently and in as compact a form as possible how the system has been put together.

• Be utterly clear

• you only have an hour in which to do it.

• your target audience is knowledgeable professionals in the field, but unfamiliar with the domain.

• They will wish to evaluate your choices

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• Manifests early design decision– most difficult to get correct and hardest to change– defines constraints on the implementation– inhibits or enables quality attributes

• Defines a work-breakdown structure– organization (especially important for long-distance development)– estimation– architecture document provides the vocabulary

• A vehicle for stakeholder communication– an architecture is the earliest artefact that enables the priorities among competing

concerns to be analysed

• Reviewable– architectural errors are vastly more expensive to fix once a system has been coded– Can serve as a basis for training new developers– As an indication of progress

Why is architecture important?