2011 CS : COMPUTER SCIENCE Duration: Three Hours Read the following instructions carefully. Question Booklet Code + D - I\'FORMATION TEC~OLOGY L------I .•faximu/Il Marks: 100 1. Do not open the seal of the Question Book!~r until you are asked to do so by the invigilator. 2. Take out the Optical Response Sheer CORS) from this Question Booklet without breaking the seal. If you find that the Question Booklet Coce printed at the right hand top corner of this page does not match with the Booklet Code on the ORS. exchange the booklet immediately with a new sealed Question Booklet. 3. Write your registration number, your name and name of the examination centre at the specified locations on the right half of the ORS. Also. using HE pencil, darken the appropriate bubble under each digit of your registration number a,'ld the letters corresponding to your test paper code (CS). 4. Write your name and registration number in the space provided at the bottom of this page. 5. This Booklet contains 20 pages including blank pages for rough work. After opening the seal at the specified time, please check all pages and report discrepancy, if any. 6. There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. All these questions are of objective type. Questions must be answered on the left hand side of the ORS by darkening the appropriate bubble (marked A, B, C, D) using HE pencil against the question number. For each question darken the bubble of the correct answer. In case you wish to change an answer, erase the old answer completely. More than one answer bubbled against a question will be treated as an incorrect response. 7. Questions Q.l- Q.25 carry I-mark each, and questions Q.26 - Q.55 carry 2-marks each. 8. Questions Q.48 - Q.51 (2 pairs) are common data questions and question pairs (Q.52, Q.53) and (Q.54, Q.55) are linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is unattempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated. 9. Questions Q.56 - Q.65 belong to General Aptitude (GA). Questions Q.56 - Q.60 carry I-mark each, and questions Q.61 - Q.65 carry 2-marks each. The GA questions begin on a fresh page starting from page 16. 10. Unattempted questions will result in zero mark and wrong answers will result in NEGATIVE marks. For Q.l - Q.25 and Q.56 - Q.60, % mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For Q.26 - Q.51 and Q.61 - Q.65, % mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. The question pairs (Q.52, Q.53), and (Q.54, Q.55) are questions with linked answers. There will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question of the linked answer question pair, i.e. for Q.52 and Q.54, % mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There is no negative marking for Q.53 and Q.55. 11. Calculator is allowed whereas charts, graph sheets or tables are NOT allowed in the examination hall. 12. Rough work can be done on the question paper itself. Additionally, blank pages are provided at the end of the question paper for rough work. Name Registration Number I CS JJM/IT/IT-Portal/2011/GQP JJM/IT/IT-Portal/2011/GQP

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  • 2011




    QuestionBookletCode+D- I\'FORMATION TEC~OLOGY L------I

    .faximu/Il Marks: 100

    1. Do notopenthesealof theQuestionBook!~runtilyouareaskedtodosobytheinvigilator.

    2. Take outtheOpticalResponseSheerCORS)fromthisQuestionBookletwithout breakingtheseal.If youfind thattheQuestionBookletCoce printedattherighthandtopcornerof thispagedoesnotmatchwith the Booklet Code on the ORS. exchangethe bookletimmediatelywith a new sealedQuestionBooklet.

    3. Write your registrationnumber,your nameand nameof the examinationcentreat the specifiedlocationson therighthalf of theORS. Also. usingHE pencil,darkentheappropriatebubbleundereachdigitof yourregistrationnumbera,'ld theletterscorrespondingtoyourtestpapercode(CS).

    4. Writeyournameandregistrationnumberin thespaceprovidedatthebottomof thispage.

    5. This Bookletcontains20 pagesincludingblankpagesfor roughwork.After openingthesealat thespecifiedtime,pleasecheckall pagesandreportdiscrepancy,if any.

    6. There are a total of 65 questionscarrying100marks.All thesequestionsare of objectivetype.Questionsmustbe answeredon theleft handsideof theORS by darkeningtheappropriatebubble(markedA, B, C, D) usingHE pencilagainstthequestionnumber.For eachquestiondarken thebubble of the correct answer. In case you wish to changean answer,erasethe old answercompletely.Morethanoneanswerbubbledagainstaquestionwill betreatedasanincorrectresponse.

    7. QuestionsQ.l- Q.25carryI-markeach,andquestionsQ.26- Q.55carry2-markseach.

    8. QuestionsQ.48 - Q.51 (2 pairs)arecommondataquestionsand questionpairs (Q.52,Q.53) and(Q.54,Q.55) arelinked answerquestions.The answerto thesecondquestionof the linkedanswerquestionsdependsontheanswerto thefirstquestionof thepair.If thefirstquestionin thelinkedpairis wronglyansweredor is unattempted,thentheanswerto thesecondquestionin thepairwill notbeevaluated.

    9. QuestionsQ.56- Q.65belongto GeneralAptitude(GA). QuestionsQ.56- Q.60carryI-markeach,andquestionsQ.61- Q.65carry2-markseach.The GA questionsbeginona freshpagestartingfrompage16.

    10.Unattemptedquestionswill resultin zeromarkandwronganswerswill resultin NEGATIVE marks.For Q.l - Q.25andQ.56- Q.60,% markwill bedeductedfor eachwronganswer.For Q.26- Q.51andQ.61- Q.65,% markwill bedeductedfor eachwronganswer.Thequestionpairs(Q.52,Q.53),and (Q.54,Q.55) arequestionswith linkedanswers.Therewill be negativemarksonly for wronganswerto thefirstquestionof thelinkedanswerquestionpair,i.e.for Q.52andQ.54,% markwill bedeductedfor eachwronganswer.Thereis nonegativemarkingfor Q.53andQ.55.

    11.Calculatoris allowedwhereascharts,graphsheetsor tablesareNOT allowedin theexaminationhall.

    12.Roughwork canbedoneon thequestionpaperitself.Additionally,blankpagesareprovidedat theendof thequestionpaperfor roughwork.


    RegistrationNumber I CS


  • 2011 CS

    Q. 1- Q. 25carry onemark each.

    Q.l Let P bea regularlanguageand Q beacontext-freelanguagesuchthatQ ~ P. (Forexample,let

    Pbe thelanguagej'epresentedby theregularexpressionp*q"'and Q be {p"ql1 I n EN}). Thenwhichof thefollowingis AL WAYS regular?

    (B) P-Q (C) 2::-P (D) 2::-Q


    Q.2 An algorithmto find thelengthof thelongestmonotonicallyincreasingsequenceof numbersin analTayA[O: n-1] is givenbelow.

    Let Li denotethelengthof thelongestmonotonicallyincreasingsequencestartingatindex i inthealTay.

    InitializeLIl-1 =1.For all i suchthat0 :Si :Sn- 2

    L ={I+Li+l if A[i]

  • 2011 cs

    Q. 1- Q. 25carry onemark each.

    Q.l Let P bea regularlanguageand Q beacontext-freelanguagesuchthatQ ~ P. (For example,let

    P be thelanguagej-epresentedby theregularexpressionp'q*and Q be {p"q" I nEN}). Thenwhichof thefollowingis AL WAYS regular?

    (A) pnQ (B) P-Q (C) L:-P (D) L;*-QQ.2 An algorithmto find thelengthof thelongestmonotonicallyincreasingsequenceof numbersin an

    alTayA[O: n-1] is givenbelow.Let Li denotethelengthof thelongestmonotonicallyincreasingsequencestartingat index i in


    InitializeLII_1 =1.For all i suchthat0:::;i :::;n- 2

    L ={I+Li+l if AU]

  • 2011 CS

    Q.4 Whatdoesthefollowingfragmentof C programprint?Char c[] = "GATE2011";char *p = c;printf ("%8", p + p[3] - p[l]);

    (A) GATE2011 (B) E20ll (C) 2011 (D) 011

    Q.5 Considera hypotheticalprocessorwith an instructionof typeLW R1, 20(R2), whichduringexecutionreadsa 32-bitword from memoryandstoresit in a 32-bitregisterRl. The effectiveaddressof thememorylocationis obtainedby theadditionof a constant20 andthecontentsofregisterR2. Which of the following best reflects the addressingmode implementedby thisinstructionfor theoperandin memory?

    (A) ImmediateAddressing(C) RegisterIndirectScaledAddressing

    (B) RegisterAddressing(D) BaseIndexedAddressing

    Q.6 Let thepagefault servicetimebe 10ms in a computerwith averagememoryaccesstimebeing20 ns. If onepagefault is generatedfor every106 memoryaccesses,whatis theeffectiveaccesstimefor thememory?

    (A) 21ns (B)30ns (C) 23 ns (D) 35ns

    Q.7 The lexicalanalysisfor a moderncomputerlanguagesuchasJavaneedsthepowerof whichoneofthefollowingmachinemodelsin anecessaryandsufficientsense?

    (A) Finite stateautomata(B) Deterministicpushdownautomata(C) Non-deterministicpushdownautomata(D) Turingmachine

    Q.8 If th"edifferencebetweentheexpectationof the squareof a randomvariable(E [ X 2 J) andthe

    squareof theexpectationof therandomvariable(E [X Jf is denotedbyR , then

    (A)R =0 (B)R 0

    Q.9 K4 andQ3 aregraphswiththefollowingstructures.

    K4 Q3

    Whichoneof thefollowingstatementsis TRUE in relationtothesegraphs?

    (A) K4 is planarwhileQ3 is not (B) BothK4 andQ3 areplanar(C) Q3 is planarwhileK3 is not (D) NeitherK4 norQ3 is planar

    Q.IO A threadis usuallydefinedasa"lightweightprocess"becauseanoperatingsystem(OS) maintainssmallerdatastructuresfor a threadthanfor aprocess.In relationto this,whichof thefollowingisTRUE?

    (A) On per-threadbasis,theOS maintainsonlyCPU registerstate(B) TheOS doesnotmaintainaseparatestackfor eachthread(C) On per-threadbasis,theOS doesnotmaintainvirtualmemorystate(D) On per-threadbasis,theOS maintainsonlyschedulingandaccountinginformation

    CS-D 3/20


  • Wil CS

    Q.11 Theminimumnumberof D flip-flopsneededtodesignamod-258counteris

    (A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 512 (D) 258

    Q.12 The simplifiedSOP (Sumof Product)formof theBooleanexpression

    (P +Q +R) .(P +Q +R) .(P +Q +R) is

    (A) (P.Q+R) (B) (P+Q.R)

    (C) (P.Q +R) (D) (P.Q +R)

    Q.13 Considera relationaltablewith a singlerecordfor eachregisteredstudentwith thefollowingattributes.

    1. Registration_Num:Uniqueregistrationnumberof eachregisteredstudent2. UID: Uniqueidentitynumber,uniqueatthenationallevelfor eachcitizen3. BankAccount_Num:Uniqueaccountnumberatthebank.A studentcanhavemultiple

    accountsorjoint accounts.This attributestorestheprimaryaccountnumber.4. Name: Nameof thestudent5. HosteCRoom:Roomnumberof thehostel

    Whichof thefollowingoptionsis INCORRECT?

    (A) BankAccounCNumis acandidatekey(B) Registration_Numcanbeaprimarykey(C) UID is acandidatekeyif all studentsarefromthesamecountry(D) If S is a superkeysuchthatS nUID is NULL thenS UUID is alsoasuperkey

    Q.14 Whichoneof thefollowingcircuitsis NOT equivalenttoa2-inputXNOR (exclusiveNOR) gate?









  • 2011

    Q.15 A computerhandlesseveralir.:':-El!p

  • WII csQ.21 A companyneedstodevelopa strategyfor softwareproductdevelopmentfor whichit hasachoice

    of twoprogramminglanguagesL1 andL2. Thenumberof linesof code(LOC) developedusingL2is estimatedto betwicetheLOC developedwithLl. The productwill haveto bemaintainedforfive years.Variousparametersfor thecompanyaregivenin thetablebelow.

    Parameter LanguageLlLanguageL2Man yearsneededfor development



    ~ 10,00,000~7,50,000Maintenancetime

    5 years5 years

    Costof maintenanceperyear~ 1,00,000:{50,000

    Totalcostof theprojectincludescostof developmentandmaintenance.Whatis theLOC for L1 forwhichthecostof theprojectusingL1 is equaltothecostof theprojectusingL2?

    (A) 4000 (B) 5000 (C) 4333 (D) 4667

    Q.22 Considerdifferentactivitiesrelatedtoemail.

    m1:Sendanemailfroma mailclienttoamailserverm2:Downloadanemailfrommailboxservertoamailclientm3:Checkingemailin awebbrowser

    Which is theapplicationlevelprotocolusedineachactivity?

    (A) m1:HTTP(B) ml: SMTP(C) m1:SMTP(D) ml: POP



    Q.23 If two fair coinsareflippedandat leastoneof theoutcomesis knownto bea head,whatis theprobabilitythatbothoutcomesareheads?~(A) 1/3 (B) 1/4 (C) 1/2 (D) 2/3

    Q.24 A layer-4firewall(adevicethatcanlookatall protocolheadersuptothetranspOltlayer)CANNOT

    (A) blockentireHTTP trafficduring9:00PMand5:00AM(B) blockall ICMP traffic(C) stopincomingtrafficfromaspecificIP addressbutallowoutgoingtraffictothesameIP


    (D) blockTCP trafficfromaspecificuseronamulti-usersystemduring9:00PMand5:00AM

    Q.25 In acompiler,keywordsof a languagearerecognizedduring


    (A) parsingof theprogram(C) thelexicalanalysisof theprogram

    (B) thecodegeneration(D) dataflowanalysis



  • 2011


    Q.26 DatabasetablebynameLoar.._? ==:::-::'z::giyenbelow.



    \lahesh "

    Whatis theoutputof thefollowin; S

    SELECT count(*)FROM (

    (SELECT BOITower,Bank_\~Q;";2~=;-?ROM Loan_Records)AS SNATURAL JOIN(SELECT Bank_Manager.=--rell__~,t0'.1ntFROM Loan_Records)AS T



    (A) 3 (B) 9 C)5 (D) 6

    Q.27 The followingis thecommentwriu;::i~cr::C fenction./* This function compUCES ~~=::-~~~sof a quadratic equa=~~~

    a.xA2 + b.x + c = o. ~~2 :'~=~~on stores two real roc=sin *rootl and *root2 a~::' ::-E~~::-~Sthe status of val~c~~~-of roots. It handles ==~::-~~::2rent kinds of cases.(i) When coefficient a ~s =E::-~ ~rrespective of disc::-~=~~ant(ii) When discriminanc ~s ~=s~~~ve(iii) When discriminanc ~s =E::-~(iv) When discriminant ~s ~2Qa~~ve.Only in case (ii) and (~~~ ~~e stored roots are va~~a.Otherwise 0 is stored in c~e ::-oots. The function retu::-nso when the roots are va~~c a~a -1 otherwise.The function also ensures ::-ooc~ >= root2.

    int get_QuadRoots(floac a, float b, float c,float *rootl, float xroot2);


    A softwaretestengineeris assignedthejob of doingblackboxtesting.He comesupwiththefollowingtestcases,manyof whichareredundant.

    Test InputSet ExpectedOut utSetCase

    abcrootlroot2ReturnValueTl -1

    T2 -1

    T3 0


    4.0- 0


    1.0-2.0-3.03.0-1.0 0

    T61. -1

    Whichoneof thefollowingoptionsprovidethesetof non-redundanttestsusingequivalenceclasspartitioningapproachfrominputperspectivefor blackboxtesting?


    (A) Tl, T2. T3. T6(C) T2, T4. T5. T6

    (B) Tl, T3, T4. T5(D) T2, T3, T4, T5



  • WII CS

    Q.31 Definitionof a languageL \\irh2.1t:"~:!~-=0, and.: is ~?G'5l:J\ c integerconstant}Whatis theminimumnumberc; S~I~5 ~ed in aDFA to recognizeL?

    (A) k+l (B) n-f (D. _

    Q.32 Consideran instructionpipell!:e~r.ti:r-.: stages(51, 52, 53 and 54circuitonly.Thepipelineregis:elS~=-=~~:redbetweeneachstageandaDelaysfor thestagesandfor the~:?=fu:.=:-egjstersareasgivenin thefigure.

    en I? enenc cc~-~~



    Q) ~Q)


    Stage ~iStagE Stage0

    Stage0~ S1 S2~>iS3







    6ns11 nsQ)8nsQ)a: -a:a:Q)






    What is theapproximatespeedq 2:~ ;:'l;-elinein steadystateunderideal conditionswhencomparedto thecorrespondingnor;-t::;-e..:-e,~lementation?

    (A) 4.0 (B) 2.5 C) 1.1 (D) 3.0

    Q.33 Considerthematrixasgivenbelow.

    II 2 31047003

    Which one of thefollowing optionsp~omatrix?

    -~e CORRECT valuesof theeigenvaluesof the

    (A) 1.4,3 (B)3,7,3 C 7,3,2 (D)I,2,3

    Q.34 Considera relationaltabler withsufficier.:il!l.r.ll.berof records,havingattributesA '~ ' ...,All andlet 1"'::.p"'::.n. Two queriesQl andQ2 are2'eLic-elow.

    Ql: JTA, ... A, (aA,,=r(r)) wherec is aconst3li:

    Q2: JTA, .. A. (aC,SApsr2 (r)) whereCI andC: 2I"e.::o.:':1stants

    The databasecan be configuredto do orderedindexingonAp or hashingonAp' Which of the

    followingstatementsis TRUE?

    (A) Orderedindexingwill alwaysoutperfom:rcs'"ringfor bothqueries(B) Hashing\\ ill alwaysoutperformorderedi::dexingfor bothqueries(C) Hashing\\ ill outperformorderedindexin~Of! Q1.butnotonQ2(D) Hashing'.'.ill outperformorderedindexin~0:1Q2.butnotonQl

    CS-D 9120


  • WI] ~

    Q.35 Four matricesMi, M2, M) and M4 of dimensionspxq, qXr, rXs and sXf respectively

    canbemultipliedinseveralwayswithdifferentnumberof totalscalarmultiplications.For example

    when multipliedas ((Mi xM 2)X (M) xM4)), the total numberof scalar multiplicationsis

    pqr+ rst+prt. When multiplied as (((MjxM2)xMJxM4), the total numberof scalarmultiplicationsis pqr+prs+pst.

    If P =10, q =100, r = 20, s =5, and t =80, thenthemjnimumnumberof scalarmultiplicationsneededis

    (A) 248000 (B) 44000 (C) 19000 (D) 25000

    Q.36 Which of thegivenoptionsprovidestheincreasingorderof asymptoticcomplexityof functionsh,12' 13 and14?


    (A) 13,/2,/4,h

    (C) 12,/3,h,/4

    12(n) =n3/2 hen)=n log2n

    (B) h,/2,h,/4(D) 12,/3,/4,h

    14(n)= n1og,,,

    Q.37 Considerevaluatingthe following expressiontreeon a machinewith load~storearchitectureinwhich memorycanbe accessedonly throughload andstoreinstructions.The variablesa, b, c, dand e are initially storedin memory.The binaryoperatorsusedin this expressiontreecan beevaluatedby themachineonly whentheoperandsarein registers.The instructionsproduceresultonly in a register.If no intermediateresultscanbestoredin memory,whatis theminimumnumberof registersneededtoevaluatethisexpression?

    (A) 2 (B) 9 (C) 5 (D) 3

    Q.38 Considerthefollowingtableof arrivaltimeandbursttimefor threeprocessesPO,PI andP2.

    Process Arrival timeBurst TimePO

    Oms9 msPI

    1ms4 msP2

    2ms9 ms

    The pre-emptiveshortestjob first schedulingalgorithmis used.Schedulingis caJTiedoutonly atarrivalorcompletionof processes.Whatis theaveragewaitingtimefor thethreeprocesses?


    (A) 5.0ms (B) 4.33ms (C) 6.33ms (D) 7.33ms



  • 2011 CS

    Q.39 A deckof 5 cards(eachcanyingacis:ir.~::-:umberfrom 1to:5 :5 shuffledthoroughly.Two cardsare thenremovedone at a time froiTi.r.:: deck.What is theprobabilitythatthe two cardsareselectedwiththenumberonthefirst.:~d~ing onehigherthar:~'1enumberonthesecondcard?

    (A) 1 :5 (C)1/4 (D) 2/5

    Q.40 Considera finitesequenceof rancum\ ~_=sX = [xl' xz,.... Xn ]. Let j.lx be themeanand ax be

    the standarddeviationof X. Let ::;oO:D-:',~InitesequenceY of equallengthbe derivedfrom this

    asy, =a'" _\ +b , wherea andb are~;')si:i'econstants.Let p bethemeananday bethestandardde\iationof thissequence.Whichoneo~:.~efollowingstatementsis INCORRECT?

    (A) Indexpositionof modeof X inX is L~=sameastheindexpositionof modeof Y in Y.

    (B) Indexpositionof medianof X i:1.Y is :hesameastheindexpositionof medianof Y in Y.

    (C) p, =apx +b

    (D) a, =aax+b

    Q.41 Considera databasetableT comaini:1~:.,0 columnsX andY eachof typeinteger.After thecreationof thetable,onerecordeX=:.Y=: is insertedin thetable.

    Let MX andMY denotetherespectj'e ;::::..ximumvaluesof X andY amongall recordsin thetableatanypointin time.UsingMX and~fY. ~e\\recordsareinsertedin thetable128timeswithX andY valuesbeingMX+1,2*MY +1 res;JC.::i\ely.It maybe notedthateachtimeaftertheinsertion,valuesof MX andMY change.

    What will be theoutputof thefollo\\ing SQL queryafterthestepsmentionedabovearecarriedout?


    (A) 127 (B) 255 C) 129 (D) 257

    J( / 2 ..

    . ,...--; f cas x+I SIn xQ.42 Given I =....;-1,whatwill betheevaluationof thedefiniteintegral ., dx?a caSX-ISInX

    (A) 0 (B) 2 (C) -i (D) i

    Q.43 Whichoneof thefollowingoptionsis CORRECT giventhreepositiveintegersx, yand z, anda


    P(X) =-,(x =1)/\ V'y(=::(x =y'" z)=>(y =x)v (y =1)

    (A) P(x) beingtruemeansthatx is aprimenumber

    (B) PCx) beingtruemeansthatxis anumberotherthan1

    (C) PCx) is alwaystrueinespectiveof thevalueofx

    (D) P(x) beingtruemeansthatx hasexactlytwofactorsotherthan1andx

    Q.44 We aregivena setof 11 distinctelementsandanunlabeledbinarytreewith 11nodes.In howmanywayscanwepopulatethetreewiththegivensetsothatit becomesa binarysearchtree?


    (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) n! (D) _I . ZnCn+1 11



  • 2011 CS

    Q.45 On anon-pipelinedsequentialprocessor,aprogramsegment,whichis apartof theinterruptserviceroutine,is givento transfer500bytesfromanVO devicetomemory.

    Initialize the address registerInitialize the count to 500

    LOOP: Load a byte from deviceStore in memory at address given by address registerIncrement the address registerDecrement the countIf count != 0 go to LOOP

    Assumethateachstatementin thisprogramis equivalenttoa machineinstructionwhichtakesoneclockcycletoexecuteif it is anon-load/storeinstruction.The load-storeinstructionstaketwoclockcyclestoexecute.

    The designerof the systemalso has an alternateapproachof using the DMA controllertoimplementthesametransfer.The DMA controllerrequires20 clock cyclesfor initializationandotheroverheads.EachDMA transfercycletakestwoclockcyclesto transferonebyteof datafromthedevicetothememory.

    Whatis theapproximatespeedupwhentheDMA controllerbaseddesignis usedin placeof theinterruptdrivenprogrambasedinput-output?

    (A) 3.4 (B) 4.4 (C) 5.1 (D) 6.7

    Q.46 ConsiderthelanguagesLl, L2 andL3 asgivenbelow.

    Ll={OP1'l I p, qEN},

    L2 ={OPI 'I I p, q E Nand p =q} and

    L3 ={OPI '10' I p, q, r E Nand p =q =r}. Whichof thefollowingstatementsis NOT TRUE?

    (A) PushDownAutomata(PDA) canbeusedtorecognizeLl andL2(B) Ll is aregularlanguage(C) All thethreelanguagesarecontextfree(D) Turingmachinescanbeusedto recognizeall thelanguages

    CS-D 12/20


  • 2011

    Q.47 Considertwobinaryoperators.~.~:: "," ., ith theprecedenceof opera-of theoperatori. Operatori is righ~~5..xiativewhile operator1is leftthefollowingrepresentstheparse~:-eef~T=\.pression(713i4i312)?


    -:i.Jwerthanthat::. \Yhichoneof




    3 4






    7 3




  • 2011 CS

    CommonDataQuestionsCommonData for Questions48and 49:Consider the following circuit involving three D-type flip-flops used in a certain type of counterconfiguration.

    D 0

    c10ckl Q



    o Q


    D 01R

    Q.48 If all theflip-flopswereresetto0 atpoweron, whatis thetotalnumberof distinctoutputs(states)representedby PQR generatedby thecounter?

    (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6

    Q.49 If at someinstanceprior to theoccurrenceof theclock edge,P, Q andR havea value0, 1 and0respectively,whatshallbethevalueof PQR aftertheclockedge?

    (A) 000 (B) 001 (C) 010 (D) 011

    CommonData for Questions50and 51:

    ConsiderthefollowingrecursiveC functionthattakestwoarguments.unsigned int foo(unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

    if (n>O) return ((n%r) + foo(n/r, r));else return 0;


    Q.50 Whatis thereturnvalueof thefunctionf00whenit is calledas f00(513, 2)?(A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 5 (D) 2

    Q.51 Whatis thereturnvalueof thefunctionf00whenit is calledasf00(345, 10)?


    (A) 345 (B) 12 (C) 5 (D) 3



  • CS2011

    LinkedAnswerQuestionsStatementfor Linked Answer QuestionsE2and 53:

    An undirectedgraph G(V,E) COmai:l5:: ,n>~) nodesnameC\~_r:"",vl1' Two no:L~""vj are

    connectedif andonly if 0

  • 2011

    GeneralAptitude(GA) Questions

    Q. 56- Q. 60carry onemark each.


    Q.56 Choose the most appropriateword from the optionsgiven below to completethe followingsentence.

    If you are trying to makea strong impressionon your audience,you cannotdo so by beingunderstated,tentativeor "

    (A) hyperbolic(B) restrained(C) argumentative(b) indifferent

    Q.57 Choosethewordfromtheoptionsgivenbelowthatis mostnearlyoppositein meaningto thegivenword:


    (A) merge(B) split(C) collect(D) separate

    Q.58 Whichof thefollowingoptionsis theclosestin themeaningtothewordbelow:Inexplicable

    (A) Incomprehensible(B) Indelible(C) Inextricable(D) Infallible

    Q.59 If Log (P) =(1/2)Log (Q) =(1/3) Log (R), thenwhichof thefollowingoptionsis TRUE?

    (A) p2= Q3R2 (B) Q2= PR (C) Q2= R3p (D) R = p2Q2

    Q.60 Choosethe mostappropriateword(s)from the optionsgiven below to completethe followingsentence.

    I contemplated Singaporefor my vacationbut decidedagainstit.

    (A) tovisit(B) havingtovisit(C) visiting(D) for avisit

    Q. 61toQ..65carry twomarkseach.

    Q.61 A transporterreceivesthesamenumberof orderseachday.Cunently,hehassomependingorders(backlog)to be shipped.If he uses7 trucks,thenat the endof the4th day he can clearall theorders.Alternatively,if heusesonly3 trucks,thenall theordersareclearedattheendof the lathday.What is theminimumnumberof trucksrequiredso thattherewill beno pendingorderat theendof the5thday?

    (A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7

    Q.62 A containeroriginally contains10 litres of pure spmt. From this container1 litre of spirit isreplacedwith 1 litreof water.Subsequently,1 litreof themixtureis againreplacedwith 1 litreofwaterandthisprocessis repeatedonemoretime.How muchspiritis nowleft in thecontainer?


    (A) 7.58litres (B) 7.84litres (C) 7 litres (D) 7.29litres



  • 011

    Q.63 Fewschoolcurriculaincludea unit0studentsatsomepointin theirIiyessu



    d 'yetall


    (A) ho\\'towritea letterof cone:)!:-".:e(B) \~hatemotionalstagesarepassedL:~c:.:~hin thehealing~(C) \\hattheleadingcausesof de.:.,-::'?r:-(D) howtogivesupporttoagrie":;;~f.:-~,,:

    Q.64 P, Q. Rand S arefour typesof d~~:-~0us:nicrobesrecentl~foundin ahumanhabitaLThe areaof.eachcirclewithitsdiameterprinte~'r:~:-2.;::~etsrepresentsthe2C--1hof asinglemicr, Q) (j) :~ l.... CJ)U Q) Ci:l'x .0 Eo 0f- '- >, 400

    .~ "0

    E.8'0 Q)enE-200

    Ci:l 0 '- ::t::0'lCi:l.- J::E 0---



    30 mm)

    0.6 0.8

    S (20 mm)

    Potency(Probabilitythatmicrobewill overcomehuman immunitysystem)

    A pharmaceuticalcompanyis contemplatingthe developmentof a vaccineagainstthe mostdangerousmicrobe.Whichmicrobeshouldthecompanytargetin itsfirstattempt?

    (A) P (B) Q C R (D) S

    Q.65 Thevariablecost(V) of manufacturingaproduct\ariesaccordingto theequationY= 4q,whereqis thequantityproduced.The fixedcost(F) of productionof sameproductreduceswithq accordingtotheequationF = lOO/q.How manyunitsshouldbeproducedtominimizethetotalcost(V+F)?

    (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 7 (D) 6



