CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 201 5

CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

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Page 1: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014

Midterm Review

3/16/15 2015

Page 2: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

Structures/Algorithms Analysis list, array, queue, stack,

priority queue, heap, hash table, binary search tree, tree

binary search (BS), rand select (median), seamcarve

quicksort (QS), mergesort (MS), heapsort, insertion sort, selection sort, radix sort

Op “counting” Loops,

recursion Recurrence

relations Inductive

proofs O() , Ω(), Θ() Worst case,

average case, expected case

Master theorem

Page 3: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015


Selection Pseudocode

select(list, k): pivot = list[rand(0, list.size)] L = [] E = [] G = [] for x in list: if x < pivot: L.append(x) if x == pivot: E.append(x) if x > pivot: G.append(x) if k < L.size: return select(L, k) else if k < (L.size + E.size) return pivot else return select(G, k – (L.size + E.size))

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Page 4: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

Structures/Algorithms Analysis list, array, queue, stack,

priority queue, heap, hash table, binary search tree, tree

binary search (BS), rand select (median), seamcarve

quicksort (QS), mergesort (MS), heapsort, insertion sort, selection sort, radix sort

Op “counting” Loops,

recursion Recurrence

relations Inductive

proofs O(), Θ(), Ω() Worst case,

average case, expected case

Master theorem

Page 5: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015


1 def mergesort(list):2 """mergesort: list -> list3 Consumes: a list of numbers, list4 Produces: a sorted list of numbers5 """6 if (len(list) == 1):7 return list8 m = len(list)/29 L1 = mergesort(list[:m])10 L2 = mergesort(list[m:])11 return merge(L1, L2)

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1 def mergesort(list):2 """mergesort: list -> list3 Consumes: a list of numbers, list4 Produces: a sorted list of numbers5 """6 if (len(list) == 1):7 return list8 m = len(list)/2 c39 L1 = mergesort(list[:m]) T(n/2)10 L2 = mergesort(list[m:]) T(n/2)11 return merge(L1, L2) c5 n + c6

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T(1) = c3 (base case) T(n) = c4 + T(n/2) + T(n/2) + c5*n + c6 T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + c5 n + c1

(c1 = c6 + c4)

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Have recurrence relation, now plug-and-chugT(1) = c3T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + n*c5 + c1

T(1) = c3T(2) = 2*T(1) + 2 c5 + c1 = 2 c3 + 2c5 + c1T(4) = 2*(2*c3 + 2c5 + c1) + 4c5 + c1 = 4c3 + 4c5 + 2c1 + 4c5 + c1 = 4 c3 + 8c5 + 3c1T(8) = 2*(4 c3 + 8c5 + 3c1) + 8c5 + c1 = 8c3 + 16c5 + 6c1 + 8c5 + c1 = 8 c3 + 24c5 + 7c1

T(n) = n c3 + ? c5 + (n-1) c1

? = (0,2,8,24)n log n = (0, 2, 8, 24)

T(n) = n c3 + (n log n) c5 + (n-1) c1

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Prove T(n) = c5 n log n + c3 n + c1 (n-1)

T(1) = c3 // def’n base case T(k) = c5 k log k + c3 k + c1 (k-1) // inductive assump. T(2k) = 2T(k) + c5 2k + c1 // def’n rec. rel. = 2 (c5 k log k + c3 k + c1(k-1)) + c5 2k + c1 = 2 c5 k log k + 2 c3 k + 2 c1(k-1) + c5 2k + c1 = c5 2k (log k + 1) + 2k c3 + c1 (2k-2+1) = c5 2k (log k + log 2) + 2k c3 + c1(2k-1) = c5 2k log 2k + c3 2k + c1(2k-1)

Shown for n=1; shown if true for n=k, also true for n= 2kTherefore, true for all n positive powers of 2

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Master Theorem

Let T(n) be a monotonically increasing function that satisfies:

T(n) = aT(n/b) + Θ(nd)Where a≥1, b>1, d≥0.

T(n) is Θ(nd) if a < bd

T(n) is Θ(ndlog n) if a = bd

T(n) is Θ(nlog a) if a > bd

MS: T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + c5 n + c1 a b d=1


a is number of sub-problems1/b is size of sub-problemsnd is cost within a given level

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Page 12: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

Amortized Analysis

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Structures/Algorithms Analysis

list, array, queue, stack, priority queue, heap, hash table, binary search tree, tree, graph, directed graph, directed acyclic graph

binary search (BS), rand select (median), topological sort, convex hull, seamcarve

quicksort (QS), mergesort (MS), heapsort, insertion sort, selection sort, radix sort

Op counting Loops,

recursion Recurrence

relations Inductive

proofs O(), Θ(), Ω() Worst case,

average case, expected case

Master theorem

Page 14: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

Recurrence Relations?

T(n) =3n3 + n log n

T(n) =2n!

T(n) =n + 2 T(n-1)

T(n) =3n2 + n +


Page 15: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

Structures/Algorithms Analysis

list, array, queue, stack, priority queue, heap, hash table, binary search tree, tree, graph, directed graph, directed acyclic graph

binary search (BS), rand select (median), topological sort, convex hull, seamcarve

quicksort (QS), mergesort (MS), heapsort, insertion sort, selection sort, radix sort

Op counting Loops,

recursion Recurrence

relations Inductive

proofs O(), Θ(), Ω() Worst case,

average case, expected case

Master theorem

Page 16: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

Master Theorem

Let T(n) be a monotonically increasing function that satisfies:

T(n) = aT(n/b) + Θ(nd)Where a≥1, b>1, d≥0.

T(n) is Θ(nd) if a < bd

T(n) is Θ(ndlog n) if a = bd

T(n) is Θ(nlog a) if a > bd

What is O() of T(n) = n + T(n-2), T(2)=2 (n even)


a is number of sub-problems1/b is size of sub-problemsnd is cost within a given level

Page 17: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

Structures/Algorithms Analysis

list, array, queue, stack, priority queue, heap, hash table, binary search tree, tree, graph, directed graph, directed acyclic graph

binary search (BS), rand select (median), topological sort, convex hull, seamcarve

quicksort (QS), mergesort (MS), heapsort, insertion sort, selection sort, radix sort

Op counting Loops,

recursion Recurrence

relations Inductive

proofs O(), Θ(), Ω() Worst case,

average case, expected case

Master theorem

Page 18: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

Binary Tree

A set of nodes that are connected with directed connections from parents to children so that each node has one parent, each parent has 0, 1, or 2 children, there are no cycles, and all nodes are directly or indirectly parented by a single root node.

Data structure that has 0, 1, or 2 children that are binary trees.

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Ok in pseudocode?

merge(L1,L2): merge L1 and L2 return result

insertionSort(L) insert elements into L2 return L2

qsort(L): pick random pivot...

selectionSort(L): while (len(L) > 0): find and nuke min in L append min to L2 return L2

Page 20: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

Structures/Algorithms Analysis

list, array, queue, stack, priority queue, heap, hash table, binary search tree, tree, graph, directed graph, directed acyclic graph

binary search (BS), rand select (median), topological sort, convex hull, seamcarve

quicksort (QS), mergesort (MS), heapsort, insertion sort, selection sort, radix sort

Op counting Loops,

recursion Recurrence

relations Inductive

proofs O() , Ω(), Θ() Worst case,

average case, expected case

Master theorem

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Pick random pivot, v Construct 3 lists, SL, SV, SR

Quicksort(SL) Quicksort(SR) Return(SL,SV,SR) append now-sorted


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1 def quicksort(list):2 """quicksort: list -> list3 Consumes: list of numbers4 Produces: sorted list5 """6 if(len(list)==1 or

len(list)==0):7 return list8 pivot = random.choice(list)

9 small = []10 npivot = 011 big = []

12 for e in list:13 if (e < pivot):14 small.append(e)15 else:16 if (e > pivot):17 big.append(e)18 else:19 npivot = npivot + 120 small = quicksort(small)21 big = quicksort(big)22 while (npivot):23 small.append(pivot)24 npivot = npivot - 125 return small + big

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1 def dqsort(list):2 # dqsort: list -> list3 # Consumes: a list of numbers, list4 # Produces: a sorted list of numbers5 if (len(list) == 1):6 return list7 m = len(list)/28 p = randSelect(m, list)9 for e in list:10 if (e<p) add e to L1 11 else add e to L212 L1 = dqsort(L1) 13 L2 = dqsort(L2)14 return (L1 + L2) # concat

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Page 26: CS16: Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring 2014 Midterm Review 3/16/15 2015

HullSort(L) Reduction! Create list of points, M = {(Li, (Li)2)} H = ConvexHull(M) Return list of first coordinates of Hi

(start at smallest one)

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Prove 2n > n for all positive integers Base case

n=1, 2 > 1 Inductive step: if true for n=k, true for

n=k+1 assume 2k > k Add 2 to the left side and 1 to the right

side, preserving the inequality 2k + 2 > k + 1 2(k+1) > (k+1)

True for all n