July 13 2013 Cryptography Chapter 1: Early Classic Ciphers Instructor: Abbas Naderi Afooshteh (aka AbiusX)

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  • July 13 2013

    CryptographyChapter 1: Early Classic Ciphers

    Instructor: Abbas Naderi Afooshteh (aka AbiusX)

  • Cryptography Usages

    ✤ Sending Encrypted Messages (e.g Attack At Dawn)

    ✤ Storing Sensitive Data (e.g Treasure Passwords)

    ✤ What else?

  • Cryptography is a Science

    ✤ Information Security is a Tech, not a science

    ✤ Cryptography is a science, very close to pure sciences

    ✤ Crypto is mostly based on Mathematics,

    ✤ But nothing like the mathematics you’ve studied so far :D

    ✤ It’s based on Discrete Mathematics (no Algebra)

  • Cryptography is a Hard

    ✤ Crypto is one of the hardest available sciences,

    ✤ You have to combine rigorous math with practice!

    ✤ It’s secret-like nature makes it interesting

    ✤ Is mostly supported by militaries

    ✤ Is the main weapon of nowadays wars

    ✤ Was the second main weapon in World War II !

  • Classic Cryptography

  • Scope of Classic Crypto

    ✤ Everything before the age of computers

    ✤ We don’t have bits and bytes, we have English alphabet

    ✤ We want to encrypt and decrypt messages in English

    ✤ So our input set is the set of English alphabet {A,B,C,...,Z}

    ✤ Our input set has 26 elements

    ✤ Every letter is equal to a number, A=0, B=1, C=2, ... , Z=25

  • Terminology

    ✤ Plaintext: the human-readable text in English

    ✤ Ciphertext: the encrypted text without meaning, also in English

    ✤ Cipher: the machine that converts plaintext to ciphertext or vice versa

    ✤ Encryption: the operation that converts plaintext to ciphertext

    ✤ Decryption: the operation that converts ciphertext to plaintext

    ✤ Key: the (cryptographically) holy magic maker

    ✤ Cryptanalysis: breaking a cipher by analyzing it

  • Cipher

    ✤ Key is always an input

    ✤ Either plaintext or ciphertext as input

    ✤ The other one as output

    ✤ Invalid keys make invalid outputs





  • 100 BC

    Caesar CipherThe earliest known cryptosystem

  • Caesar Cipher

    ✤ Key: a single English letter

    ✤ Plaintext: any English text

    ✤ Cipher: Add key to every letter of plaintext

    ✤ If its >=26, reduce by 26

    ✤ Example:This is a secret message (+D)=wklv lv d vhfuhw phvvdjh

  • Caesar Cipher (2)

    ✤ Encryption:

    ✤ E(p,k) = c = p+k mod 26

    ✤ Decryption:

    ✤ p = D(c,k) = c-k mod 26

    ✤ Key Space:

    ✤ 26 (why?)

    ✤ A larger example:

    Wb qfmdhcufodvm, o Qosgof qwdvsf, ozgc ybckb og Qosgof'g qwdvsf, hvs gvwth qwdvsf, Qosgof'g qcrs cf Qosgof gvwth, wg cbs ct hvs gwadzsgh obr acgh kwrszm ybckb sbqfmdhwcb hsqvbweisg. Wh wg o hmds ct gipghwhihwcb qwdvsf wb kvwqv soqv zshhsf wb hvs dzowbhslh wg fsdzoqsr pm o zshhsf gcas twlsr biapsf ct dcgwhwcbg rckb hvs ozdvopsh. Tcf sloadzs, kwhv o zsth gvwth ct 3, R kcizr ps fsdzoqsr pm O, S kcizr psqcas P, obr gc cb. Hvs ashvcr wg boasr othsf Xizwig Qosgof, kvc igsr wh wb vwg dfwjohs qcffsgdcbrsbqs.

  • Caesar Cryptanalysis

    ✤ First Attack: Always Brute Force

    ✤ Depends on Key Space

    ✤ Is a Known Plaintext Attack!

    ✤ But every sufficiently long message has some known words

    ✤ Is infeasible, with 100 BC literacy

    ✤ Is very slow by hand

    ✤ A moment of a CPU

  • Attack Terminology

    ✤ There are 3 types of attacks against cryptosystems:

    ✤ Ciphertext-only Attack: the attacker only has access to the ciphertext

    ✤ Known-plaintext Attack: the attacker has some plaintext, along with all ciphertext

    ✤ Chosen-plaintext Attack: the attacker has any plaintext, and its equivalent ciphertext available (e.g a crypto machine at hand)

  • Caesar Cryptanalysis (2)

    ✤ Is Caesar Linear? Lets find out:

    ✤ E(p,k) = (p + k) mod 26

    ✤ Ek(p) = (p + k) mod 26 (for a constant k)

    ✤ Ek1( Ek2(p)) = (( p + k2 mod 26) + k1) mod 26 =

    ✤ (p + k2 + k1) mod 26 = (p + k3) mod 26 =

    ✤ Ek3 (p) (k3 = k1 + k2)

    ✤ Caesar is Linear. What does it mean?

  • Caesar Cryptanalysis (3)

    ✤ Brute-Force is slow and brute! Any better methods?

    ✤ Frequency Analysis: Some letters are more frequent in English text than others.

    ✤ Requires a sufficiently large text

    ✤ In worst case, reduces key-space

    ✤ Only one run through the whole text (Counting Sort)

  • Frequency AnalysisSome letters are more frequent in English text than others

  • Caesar Cryptanalysis (4)

    ✤ How to employ Frequency Analysis?

    ✤ If our ciphertext’s counting sort result has 100 x and 80 i

    ✤ What is the key?

    ✤ If result had 70 k, 70 z and 70 o,

    ✤ What would the key be this time?

    ✤A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

  • Caesar Cryptanalysis (5)

    ✤ Assignment 1:

    ✤ I) Write a program that receives a text and a letter, and encrypts or decrypts it based on user decision via Caesar cipher.

    ✤ II) Write a program (in your desired PL) that receives a Caesar ciphertext, a part of the plaintext (at least 5 letters), and outputs the key. Break the sample on page 11 using that.

    ✤ III) Write a program (in your desired PL) that receives a Caesar ciphertext (at least 1000 characters long) and breaks the code using Frequency Analysis. Test it on shorter passages, and add features to reduce program mistakes.

    Submit To: [email protected]

  • Crypto Epoch

    Affine CipherThe twisted Caesar!

  • Affine Cipher

    ✤ Key: two single English letter

    ✤ one of them needs to be a coprime of 26 (i.e no 2’s or 13’s in it)

    ✤ We will know why later.

    ✤ Plaintext: any English text

    ✤ Cipher: Multiply every letter by first key letter, then add with second key letter

    ✤ If its >=26, modulo (not reduce) by 26

  • Affine Cipher (2)

    ✤ Key = (ka,kb)

    ✤ Encryption:

    ✤ E(p,k) = (ka*p+kb) mod 26

    ✤ Decryption:

    ✤ D(c,k) = ???

    ✤ Key Space:

    ✤ 26*12=312 (why?)

    ✤ A large example:

    Uwd vsslid zlmwdq lf v urmd xs txixvemwvkdulz fjkfulujulxi zlmwdq, nwdqdli dvzw eduudq li vi vemwvkdu lf tvmmdo ux luf ijtdqlz dbjlyvediu, dizqrmudo jflih v fltmed tvuwdtvulzve sjizulxi, vio zxiydqudo kvzp ux v eduudq. Uwd sxqtjev jfdo tdvif uwvu dvzw eduudq dizqrmuf ux xid xuwdq eduudq, vio kvzp vhvli, tdvilih uwd zlmwdq lf dffdiulveer v fuviovqo fjkfulujulxi zlmwdq nluw v qjed hxydqilih nwlzw eduudq hxdf ux nwlzw. Vf fjzw, lu wvf uwd ndvpidffdf xs vee fjkfulujulxi zlmwdqf. Dvzw eduudq lf dizlmwdqdo nluw uwd sjizulxi (vc+k)\txo(26), nwdqd k lf uwd tvhilujod xs uwd fwlsu.

  • Affine Cipher (3)

    ✤ What is the decryption algorithm?

    ✤ We need the inverse operation for a module-multiplication (finite-field arithmetic)

    ✤ a * b mod x = c => a = c/b mod x (?)

    ✤ No division in discrete mathematics (no fractions!)

    ✤ We need to multiply by MMI (modular multiplicative inverse)

  • Affine Cipher (4)

    ✤ MMI of a mod x is:

    ✤ a-1 if and only if a * a-1 mod x = 1

    ✤ x is 26 in our cipher

    ✤ MMI of 5 mod 26 is:

    ✤ 5 * ? mod 26 = 1 => 21 (5*21 = 105, 105-26*4 =1)

    ✤ MMI is calculated using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm

  • Affine Cryptanalysis

    ✤ Affine Key Space is 312:

    ✤ Large enough for hand

    ✤ Still too small for a CPU, but we made it 10 times slower easily!

    ✤ Brute-Force without a computer is futile

    ✤ What about Frequency Analysis?

  • Affine Cryptanalysis (2)

    ✤ We can still use frequency analysis, but we have to discover both key components (ka & kb)

    ✤ Example: assume we had 100 x and 80 q, how can we find out keys?

  • Affine Cryptanalysis (3)

    ✤ Is Affine Linear?

    ✤ Ek1(Ek2(p))= Ek1( k2a* p + k2b) mod 26 (both mul and sum are modulo safe)

    ✤ = (k1a* ( k2a* p + k2b) + k1b) mod 26

    ✤ = (k1a * k2a * p + k1a*k2b + k1b) mod 26

    ✤ = (k3a * p + k3b) mod 26 (Where k3a = k1a*k2a and k3b= k1a*k2b + k1b)

    ✤ = Ek3(p)

    ✤ Affine is Linear too.

  • Affine Cryptanalysis (4)

    ✤ How to make Affine or Caesar more resistant to Frequency Analysis?

    ✤ Why were both of them prone to Frequency Analysis?

    ✤ Was the ciphertext letters, the same with plaintext?

  • Caesar Cryptanalysis (5)

    ✤ Assignment 2:

    ✤ I) Write a program that receives a text and two letters, and encrypts or decrypts it based on user decision via Affine cipher.

    ✤ II) (bonus) Create a program that breaks Affine ciphertext using frequency analysis (more than 1000 characters).

    Submit To: [email protected]

  • End of Chapter 1