CROSS ROADS ST. ANDREW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH JULY 2014 “Building upon God's Grace through Love, Obedience and Compassion” "You’ve been raised on the Message of the faith and have followed sound teaching. Now pass this counsel to the followers of Jesus there, and you’ll be a good servant of Jesus. Stay clear of silly stories that get dressed up as religion. Exercise daily in God - no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." 1 Timothy 4: 6-8 (The Message) Paul has a tendency of using metaphors from the physical world and applying them to the physical. In this passage, he is reminding Timothy of the importance of daily exercise - not the going to the gym exercise, but exercising your spiritual muscles. Paul concludes that physical exercise is important, however, it is also temporary. On the other hand, spiritual exercise prepares you for both the present and for the future. Faith is not simply about getting to heaven, but it is also about living well today. Let us explore some ways to prevent spiritual flabbiness! When you wake up, what is your first thought? Christians have always proclaimed prayer as vital at the beginning of the day as a way to order their life. Every morning we should be seeking what God would like us to do today and for his leading in our decisions and the way we respond to situations. It is a recognition that we have to take up our cross daily to follow Jesus (Luke 9: 23). The hope is that by focusing on God we can live today according to his desires. By seeking God’s presence first, we should respond better to our spouses, children, parents, coworkers, etc. The act of daily prayer is vital to preventing spiritual flabbiness. Reading the Bible is an important part of our daily spiritual lives. I appreciate Peterson’s translation reminding us to stay away from “silly stories that get dressed up as religion.” John Wesley, an extremely well-read and educated man, still proclaimed he was a man of one book. If the Bible is God’s word given to us, then we need to digest it in order to further understand who he is. If you are new to reading the Bible, I encourage you to seek guidance from older Christians to help you gain a better understanding (perhaps you could even talk to your Pastor). By understanding Scripture, it is easier to know how you should react in a way that honors God in every situation. Sometimes I wish I could have a spiritual scale. When I stepped on a scale about a year ago and saw 230lbs, I realized I had a flabbiness issue. The scale continues to motivate me to try better and is sometimes rewarding with the information it gives me - which I have since learned should not be rewarded at Dairy Queen. Perhaps our spiritual “scale” could be how we are living life. Do we have the joy and peace that God promises? Do our families and friends see us as loving and caring individuals? That is a part of why being in an accountability relationship with another person of faith can be so beneficial. They can help us see any spiritual flabbiness and help us get rid of it. After all, if physical training is beneficial, how much more beneficial should spiritual training be? It is of eternal significance! Rev. Robb E. Faller

CROSS ROADS - St. Andrewsaintandrewumc.org/Newsletters/201407 CROSS ROADS July... · 2014-06-20 · CROSS ROADS ST.ANDREW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH JULY 2014 “Building upon God's

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“Building upon God's Grace through Love, Obedience and Compassion”

"You’ve been raised on the Message of the faith

and have followed sound teaching. Now pass

this counsel to the followers of Jesus there, and

you’ll be a good servant of Jesus. Stay clear of

silly stories that get dressed up as religion.

Exercise daily in God - no spiritual flabbiness,

please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful,

but a disciplined life in God is far more so,

making you fit both today and forever."

1 Timothy 4: 6-8 (The Message)

Paul has a tendency of using metaphors from the

physical world and applying them to the

physical. In this passage, he is reminding

Timothy of the importance of daily exercise -

not the going to the gym exercise, but exercising

your spiritual muscles. Paul concludes that

physical exercise is important, however, it is

also temporary. On the other hand, spiritual

exercise prepares you for both the present and

for the future. Faith is not simply about getting

to heaven, but it is also about living well today.

Let us explore some ways to prevent spiritual


When you wake up, what is your first thought?

Christians have always proclaimed prayer as

vital at the beginning of the day as a way to

order their life. Every morning we should be

seeking what God would like us to do today and

for his leading in our decisions and the way we

respond to situations. It is a recognition that we

have to take up our cross daily to follow Jesus

(Luke 9: 23). The hope is that by focusing on

God we can live today according to his desires.

By seeking God’s presence first, we should

respond better to our spouses, children, parents,

coworkers, etc. The act of daily prayer is vital

to preventing spiritual flabbiness.

Reading the Bible is an important part of our

daily spiritual lives. I appreciate Peterson’s

translation reminding us to stay away from “silly

stories that get dressed up as religion.” John

Wesley, an extremely well-read and educated

man, still proclaimed he was a man of one book.

If the Bible is God’s word given to us, then we

need to digest it in order to further understand

who he is. If you are new to reading the Bible, I

encourage you to seek guidance from older

Christians to help you gain a better

understanding (perhaps you could even talk to

your Pastor). By understanding Scripture, it is

easier to know how you should react in a way

that honors God in every situation.

Sometimes I wish I could have a spiritual scale.

When I stepped on a scale about a year ago and

saw 230lbs, I realized I had a flabbiness issue.

The scale continues to motivate me to try better

and is sometimes rewarding with the

information it gives me - which I have since

learned should not be rewarded at Dairy Queen.

Perhaps our spiritual “scale” could be how we

are living life. Do we have the joy and peace

that God promises? Do our families and friends

see us as loving and caring individuals? That is

a part of why being in an accountability

relationship with another person of faith can be

so beneficial. They can help us see any spiritual

flabbiness and help us get rid of it. After all, if

physical training is beneficial, how much more

beneficial should spiritual training be? It is of

eternal significance!

Rev. Robb E. Faller

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St. Andrew United Methodist Church

“Building upon God's Grace through Love, Obedience and Compassion.”

Church Staff

Pastor………….............Rev. Robb Faller (cell 484-686-1778)

[email protected]

Assistant Pastor.....……....………...................Adam Deering

[email protected]

Administrative Assistant ………….....….....Mary L. Cantlin

Office @SaintAndrewUMC.org

Adult Choir Director....…....…..........................Nancy Webb

Organists ..................................................Sharman Kleinhenn

Kay Behle, & Marian Meitzler

Praise Band Leader ....…....…........................Adam Deering

Treasurer ………….....…...........................Donna Werkheiser

Sunday Worship Schedule

9:00 AM Contemporary Celebration Service

An upbeat, high energy service filled with praise and worship music, and prayer and preaching. This service utilizes music to draw people into God’s presence on a very personal level.

We also offer at this time:

. Crib and Pre-K Nursery Care

. Adult Sunday School (September through May) Library - Henry Ziegler & Pat Miller, Leaders

10:30 AM Traditional Service

A service that utilizes centuries of traditions to draw people into God's presence. Multiple elements, including classic hymns played on the organ, feed the senses of the worshippers to remind them of the love and life of Jesus during the past, present and future.

We also offer at this time:

. Crib Nursery Care

. Pre-K Sunday School

. Adult Sunday School Library - Jim Good, Leader . Sunday School Classes K-6th Grade - Fellowship Hall Junior & Senior High - Fellowship Hall Youth Room






Youth Program




611 Swamp Creek Road, P.O. Box 434 . New Berlinville, PA 19545 . 610-367-7043

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

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Worship Helpers

GREETERS Date Celebration Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

10:30 am

July 6 Tim & Linda Clancy Warren and Linda Moser Susan Welsh

Rose Marie Bireley Gail & Isabelle Fisher Dave & Sue McElwee

July 13 Mike Nakonechny Jim & Bonne Riefenstahl Mary Ann Stauffer

Donna Baith Jason & Bethany Miller Harry & Linda Mohr

July 20 Jim & Shari Good The Purnell Family Richard & Marilyn Rhoads

Tracy & Jane Donmoyer Joan Herbst John Heydt

July 27 Anita Church Linda Drabinsky The Egbert Family

Rose German Mary Fox Mary Frain

TRADITIONAL SERVICE Date Head Usher Liturgist

July 6 Robert Moyer Debbie Patt

July 13 Bill Evens Pat Miller

July 20 Nathan Babb Chuck Kleinhenn

July 27 Debbie Patt Edie Scherer

NURSERY CARE Date Celebration Service Traditional Service

July 6 Linda Clancy & Lauren Fox Deb Conrad

July 13 Beth Rosenberger & Shari Good Diane Yusko

July 20 Bethany Miller & Jim Purnell Becca Riefenstahl

July 27 Amanda Deering & Lauren Fox Kris Carter

SOUND BOARD & VIDEO Celebration Service Traditional Service

Date Sound Board Video Sound Board Video

July 6 Mark Egbert Zach Weisel Lauren Fox Open July 13 Tim Clancy Tracy Donmoyer Jen Ewing Open

July 20 John Stauffer Mary Ann Stauffer Sonne Shorley Open July 27 Jen Ewing Youth Jim McClure Linda McClure


July 6 Presented by Phyllis Minner in Memory of her dad, Howard Specht who passed 7 years ago on July 6th

July 13 Presented by Scott & Mary Cantlin in Celebration of their daughter Christina's Marriage to Gregg Shankle and by Phyllis Minner in Memory of her husband Bobby on what would have been their 55th Wedding Anniversary on July 18th

July 20 Presented by Harry & Linda Mohr in Celebration of their 45th Wedding Anniversary Presented by Don & Mary Ann Reigel in Celebration of their 25th Wedding Anniversary

July 27 Presented by Sharon Blair in Memory of Louis Crouch Presented by Doris & Ron Pelko in Celebration of their 49th Wedding Anniversary

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Date Name Date Name July 1 Isabelle Fisher July 17 Drew Dugan

Madison Mahlendorf Delaney Dugan

Edith Moyer July 18 Gregg Kuder

Edie Scherer July 19 Marsha Bartholomew

July 4 Linda Mohr July 20 Stephen Dziura

July 6 Tim Clancy, II July 22 Ronald Moyer

Lauren Fox July 23 Megan Fox

July 8 Denise Kuder July 24 Brenda Grey

Jay Moyer Laverne Maute

July 9 Donald Reigel July 25 Jen Ewing

John Stauffer Xander Johnson

July 10 Paul Bancroft July 26 Jaime McElwee

July 12 Hayden Brown Donna Werkheiser

July 13 Tori Weisel James McGonigle

July 14 Dot Cross July 30 Sandra Bancroft

July 15 Megan Stehman Marian Meitzler

July 16 Miriam Bartow

Drew McGonigle

Robert Moyer

Nan Webb

Date Couple July 2 Kevin & Sharon Blair

July 4 Peter & Marbie Foster

July 10 Dave & Michelle Crawford

July 13 Gregg & Becca Riefenstahl

July 19 Harry & Linda Mohr

July 20 Dave & Sue McElwee

July 22 Terry & Pam Hewitt

Don & Mary Ann Reigel

July 23 Tony & Diane Yusko

July 24 Nathan & Amy Babb

Chuck & Sharman Kleinhenn

Ronald & Doris Pelko

July 25 Jeff & Aime Davies

July 31 Ryan & Dawn Fox

James & Debra McGonigle

If you don't see your birthday or anniversary information printed here

and you would like it to be, please contact the church office

to update your records.

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Welcome New Members!

Jessica Brunner & Mike Reyes

Laverne & Joan Maute

Jeff & Jill Miller

Robin & Jay Moyer

We Celebrated Pentecost Sunday! June 8th

Congratulations Confirmands!

Derek Dierolf

Madison Doney

Megan Fox

Shjon Gomolka

James Purnell

Anthony Yusko


Ahh… summer is here!

We all enjoy how things slow down for

the summer. While you relax on your

vacation take a moment to consider

how you can help our children when

September rolls around!

Maybe you can teach Sunday School or

Children’s Church, be a teacher’s helper or

help out in our nursery.

If you would like to volunteer,

please contact Dee Faller.

We all enjoy the yummy snacks between services!

Delores Evens is taking a much deserved

break in July and August.

Would you like to serve snacks between services this summer?

Please sign up in the Welcome Center.

to sponsor a day.

Thank You!

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Children’s Ministry by Dee Faller

It’s Summer! Just in case you still have some open space for activities … won’t

you consider a week at one of our UMC Summer Camps?! Go to epaumc.org and click on the

"Ministry" button. You will then see the different camps located on the right of your screen.

A whole lot of fun goin’ on there!!

Our teachers would like to request that you dress your kids for outdoor fun this summer!

Weather permitting; we hope to enjoy our pavilion and beautiful church property as

much as possible!

A Summer Blessing

May you walk with God this summer in whatever you do

and wherever you go. May you talk to God this summer

and every day and in every situation.

May you talk with God every day.

Youth Ministry by Adam Deering

The transition to life after high school is a big one!

Join us for "Senior Night"

Thursday, July 17th- 4:00-6:00 PM

Learn how to best navigate the change. We will have dinner, an open question time with current college students

along with some fun activities.

Feel free to bring a friend!

St. Andrew Men's Group

The St. Andrew Men's Group will hold their monthly breakfast on Sunday, July 6th at the Woodside Restaurant on Route 100 in Bechtelsville beginning at 7:30 AM. All men of the church are invited to come out and enjoy the food and fellowship!

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St. Andrew Women's Group

St. Andrew Women’s Group

meetings will resume again in September.

Enjoy your summer!

Scripture Scrapbookers by Debbie Patt

Scripture Scrapbookers will meet on Wednesday, July 16th in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 PM. Please bring a red, white or blue snack to share. Remember to bring your own beverage. Come to enjoy our camaraderie while working on your latest project! We hope to see you there!

Yarn Spinners by Marilyn Rhoads

Fun, fellowship, and of course food!! All Yarn Spinners - join us on July 17th for our "summer eat out" at the Pied Piper Restaurant. We will meet in the St. Andrew front parking lot at 12:15 PM and travel together. Anyone needing yarn for their knitting or crocheting may get it when we return to the church. Please let Mary Ann Reigel or Marilyn Rhoads know if you plan to attend.

Coupon Ministry by Bob & Faith Schlegel

Our coupon collections for March, April and May were as follows: March-$11,024.97 coupons, April-$11,009.66 and May-$22,293.59 worth of coupons!

There is a pile of donated coupon fliers under the Coupon Box. Anyone who would like to cut coupons - feel free! It would be greatly appreciated!

As always, thank you for your continued contributions to this mission!

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Mission Moments by Marilyn Rhoads

Salvation Army: Our monthly cooking and serving the noon meal at the Boyertown Salvation Army will take place on Friday, July 11th from 9:30 AM until 2:00 PM. Helping hands are needed in providing this community service. Boyertown Multi-Service and Salvation Army Food Pantries: Soup, canned meats, rice or noodle mixes and individual rolls of toilet paper are needed for those in our community who use the services provided by these organizations.

5K Race and 1 Mile Fun Walk

to benefit Humankind Water (Rain or Shine)

Saturday, September 13th

Help raise money and awareness for Humankind Water!

This year we will also have different sponsorship opportunities.

Support Humankind Water while promoting your business.

More information to come!

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News from Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu, June 2014. Dear Friends,

“Hear my voice when I call, O Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Ps. 27.7&8

Living long-term as a foreigner in another country, you have days when you wonder: where on earth do I belong? Despite all the warmth and generosity of Nepali friends and colleagues, there are still times when you just don’t seem to fit. Yet, even with e-mail and Skype facilities, how do you even start to tell family and friends overseas about the situations you are facing? Some camaraderie can be found amongst other expats, as you joke about the frustrations of living in a developing country, or roll your eyes at the misunderstandings of people from your home country. But even the expat community is transient, and our understanding and interpretation of situations varies with our own national backgrounds. Over the last 17 years, and particularly since being married, I have had the privilege of attending several special prayer/fellowship groups which have helped me find my place and keep afloat amidst the particular challenges of life here. For years, my “Friday feeling” was fed by an expat mothers and babies/toddlers prayer group, a lifeline throughout those years of teething, potty-training, and other development crises. Living far from relatives and friends, in an Asian culture with different childcare practices and expectations, the camaraderie and home-baking we shared on Friday mornings was the high point of my week. Talking seamlessly through nappy changes and toy-sharing squabbles, we listened to each others issues and struggles, offered advice and encouragement, and brought it all before the Lord in prayer. The exhaustion of motherhood - with nights broken by frequent breastfeeds, soaked nappies, coughs and blocked noses, street dogs at full moon, early morning pressure cookers, the rituals of Hindu festivals, or a neighbour’s avid rooster - was perhaps top of the list of issues. Close on its heels would be frequent illness, a serious challenge in Kathmandu’s dusty, dirty and water-deprived environment that would leave some families out of action for literally weeks. The absence of husbands during fieldtrips to rural areas, schooling choices (something with a local Nepali flavour but lower education standards, or joining an elite international school to maximise your child’s potential?), and managing household help that is economically-dependant on the provision of work in our homes, also featured regularly. Visitors might have wondered at the spiritual value of prayer held in such a noisy environment, and usually brought to an abrupt close by an impatient child announcing ‘snack time!’, but we all knew that by His grace and love each and every one of those prayers was heard and responded to with His compassion and concern. Even when our family went on extended home leaves, I would share prayer requests by e-mail with this group back in Nepal, knowing they were the ones who could most relate to our crazy lifestyle and the challenges it brought to family life. As Zachary and Benjamin have grown to become boys, and young men, with some sadness (and a realisation that I was now 10 years older than most current members!) last summer I stepped away from that Friday group. I now meet with a different set of women on Thursdays, and our focus is more on Bible study, which I thoroughly appreciate for the chance of some Christian teaching in English. Our meetings again take place in each other’s homes, and are laced with generous amounts of tea, coffee and baked goods. Nevertheless, it is our ‘shared experience’ as foreigners and our closing time of prayer together that make this group so important to me. Our prayer concerns include those familiar to women around the world, as well as those peculiar to our overseas circumstances, and we have an unwritten rule that anything you share that leaves you tearful requires immediate prayer before conversation moves on. Prayer topics in a recent week included homesickness, an overworked husband, a visit by elderly parents, a first trip home to do church visits, depression and sleeplessness related to a difficult work situation, anxiety over fund-raising, homeschooling, and our own boys’ issues with behaviour at school. We stopped for immediate prayer for a dear friend preparing to travel home, who didn’t know how she would face friends with new babies as she herself grieves over a recent miscarriage.

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Kathmandu letter continued… Since the time my boys have both been in school, I have also been attending the weekly women’s fellowship at our Nepali church. At 1pm on Wednesdays, a small group of women comes together, seated on a circle of floor mats in the main sanctuary room at the church. After a couple of hymns, accompanied by Ratna Maya on the Nepali ‘madal’ drum, we share the blessings we have experienced in the last week. Ratna Maya herself was grateful for God’s presence and provision throughout an extended period when she had no money, with money-lenders pressing her for repayments. Gyaani Maya gave thanks that after a lifetime of washing her family’s clothes by hand, her engineer son bought her a washing machine during a recent visit. An elderly Mahila was relieved that she had been able to be baptized the previous week without any opposition by her family; the pastor’s wife was relieved that children who had come for a residential holiday club at the church had stayed safe and well throughout the time; and Laxmi was relieved that medical investigation of a growth on her shoulder had shown it not to be cancerous. We give thanks for these blessings in songs and prayer before proceeding on to a time of Bible teaching. After the teaching, we come again to an essential part of our meeting together, a time of sharing needs for prayer for one another. Again the issues vary from those common to women around the world, to those very particular to the women of Nepal. The ladies in the group come from a very different economic, social and cultural background than me, but I feel that the prayer times we share in this fellowship really bind us together, as we experience our commonality before God. Health concerns often top the list for Nepali Christians: the pastor’s wife was preparing to travel to a remote region of the country and was concerned about the cold climate and her own health. Mahila, the newly baptized lady, had an ugly sore under her eye and Laxmi was facing another surgery on her shoulder. For Ramila, it was another common issue: the tension and pressure on Christians living within Hindu households. Her father-in-law, after years of anger about his son becoming a Christian, had recently become one himself after undergoing serious heart surgery. His wife, Ramila’s mother-in-law, was very upset by this and was consequently carrying out extra amounts of Hindu worship and propitiation in the house, in which Ramila and her husband and son share a room. The most upset however was Saanu Chori, a woman whose youngest teenage daughter suffers from behavioural problems and poorly controlled epilepsy, resulting in neighbours labeling her as ‘abnormal’ and weird. Saanu Chori became a Christian as a result of seeking prayer for Pratina, and perseveres in her faith in the face of minimal change in Pratina, and ongoing derision by her husband and neighbours. Related to her other challenges, Pratina has started to fail academically and so it was decided to give her a fresh start by enrolling her in a new high school. Unfortunately, Pratina’s first day coincided with her first menstrual period, which left her overwhelmed before students and teachers, and incapable of dealing with her dress and personal hygiene. Her mother was called that very afternoon to come and help deal with her, and all hope of the ‘fresh start’ was shattered. What can you say to a mother in this position, with a minimum of healthcare options or social support for her child in this poverty-bound country? There is certainly some comfort, and even practical advice, to be had when we find our challenges have been faced by other women, but that is often not enough. Perhaps some of you ladies reading this letter have also experienced times when a friend has stepped into that discouraging space of hopelessness. Unable to offer solace herself, she comes on our behalf before the One who is filled with compassion for us, reminding Him and us of His love and His promises. I am grateful for the provision of many women who have prayed such prayers for me over the years…perhaps you too are one of them? And I hope that you also may experience being caught up in that net of prayer when feeling overwhelmed and ‘at sea’. We are looking forward to visiting family in Ireland and America during the month of July, and hope you also enjoy your summer.

With thanks for all your prayers and support, Deirdre, Mark, Zachary and Benjamin.

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The most wonderful places to be in this world are:


IN SOMEONES HEART. truth follower.com

I know I have been in all of these places since the

passing of my husband, Junior. I want to thank

everyone for putting me there. I also want to

thank everyone for the cards, letters, E-mails

and the wonderful luncheon you provided after

the services. Thank You to all who helped in any

way. Friends are the greatest people on earth.

Marion Bartman and Family

Dear St. Andrew, I want to thank you for all your support with my recent health concerns. I felt so blessed with the cards and prayers. I truly felt the warmth of our church.

Chuck Sithens

Thank you for all the cards and phone calls during my recent health issue.

Glenn Hull

Thanks to all who contributed items to be given to the Veterans at the Spring City Center. These are

things which help provide those little extras to those who have given their time in serving our


St. Andrew Women

Treasurer's Report by Donna Werkheiser

St Andrew United Methodist Church Treasurer Report - May 31, 2014

May Budget May Y-T-D

2014 2014 2013 2014

General Cash Balance 1/1/14


Income* 16,208.72 21,138.00 17,786.85 91,514.97

Actual Expenses paid 20,267.69 Open Expenses May 9,525.55 Total Expenses 29,793.24 21,407.00 24,700.25 109,336.84

Net Income (Loss) -13,584.52 -269.00 -6,913.40 -16,135.52

Other Collections that do not effect the budgeted expenses:

Improvements 1,000.00 Special Offerings 3,009.35 Memorials 150.00 Sunday School 51.58

* The income includes Current offerings, Church plate and other income used to pay budgeted expenses.

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Come join us for our Secret Agent Vacation Bible School!

We will spend the week learning bible stories, making crafts and playing games!

It is sure to be a fun-filled week!

Dates: July 7th


Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Who: Any child ages 3-12

There will be a picnic following our closing on Friday, July 11th and

EVERYONE is welcome to join us! Come and hear about all the fun the

children had and enjoy the fellowship with all the families!

To register as a volunteer or to register a child: call the church office (610) 367-7043

OR visit the church website www.saintandrewumc.org and click on the VBS link to fill out

the registration form.

*** Attention All Secret Agents ***

It's time to get excited about VBS and learning more about God! And while you are having fun with games, crafts and music you can help others too! Your mission project for VBS is to work together to help our friends in Guatemala. Your offering during VBS will be used to help them get the supplies they need to go to school. Get prepared for this special secret agent mission and let's see how many children we can help.

Thanks! Becky Rhoads

VBS Volunteer Meeting and

Decorating Party!

There will be a meeting for all VBS

volunteers on Sunday, July

6th following the 10:30 service. We

will go over what to expect for the

week, enjoy some pizza and then

decorate the church! Anyone who

wants to help decorate is welcome to

join us for pizza too! Please let

Amanda Deering know if you plan to

come so we have enough food!


Amanda Deering

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SATURDAY, July 5 @ 9:00 AM



Pastor Peter Young has been pastoring since 1992, first at Victory Center Church in Paoli, PA, for 14 years, and since January of 2006 at New Horizons Fellowship in Chadds Ford, PA. The LORD has used him as an instrument in helping to launch several ministries in the Ukraine and also a thriving Latino Church in Phoenixville, PA. Peter has a special love for the Presence of GOD, for praise and worship, and for teaching and coaching GOD's children in how to live and minister more and more in the Very Life of GOD which is found in His Glorious Presence! He has also had the great honor of serving as an advisor for the Philadelphia Area Aglow Board for 20 years. He lives with his fellow-ministering wife, Wendy, and four

children in West Chester, PA.

Connections on High Café

New York Plaza Building

238 E. High Street

Pottstown, Pa


Kay (610-367-1995)

Nancy (610-367-5207)

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Marietta Stahl

2917 E. High Street

Pottstown, PA 19464

Ginny McKinstry

P.O. Box 113

New Berlinville, PA 19545

Robert Preudhomme

125 Harry Howard Blvd.

Hudson, NY 12534

Dorothy Cross

Manatawny Manor

30 Old Schuylkill Road

Pottstown PA 19464

Pamela Hudelson

10 Indian Valley Lane

Telford, PA 18969

Nancy Jones

The Lutheran Home at Topton

1 South Home Ave. Room 302

Topton, PA 19562


Sandie Baker & Family Mary Bartholomew Pat Cavanaugh Bette Cooper Cal & Dot Cross Tasha Dakota Virginia Drabinsky Betty Graham Greg Herbst Nancy Jones The McClure Family Art & Barbara McCuley Robert Minner, Jr Ray Scardino Chuck Sithens Julia Welsh Dr. Mark Zimmerman

General Information - Please call the church office when:

A new baby arrives in your family.

Your home phone or cell number has changed.

Your email address has changed.

Your address has changed.

Please call Pastor Robb directly at 484-686-1778 when you or a family member are experiencing health concerns or have been admitted to the hospital.

Pastor Robb will direct the church office when to begin the prayer chain.


Information for the August Cross Roads Newsletter is due in the church office no later than Sunday, July 20th. Thank you.

Page 15: CROSS ROADS - St. Andrewsaintandrewumc.org/Newsletters/201407 CROSS ROADS July... · 2014-06-20 · CROSS ROADS ST.ANDREW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH JULY 2014 “Building upon God's

JULY 2014

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7:00 PM Trustees Meeting

2 7:30 PM Praise Band

3 7:15 PM Choir

4 Independence Day Office Closed


6 7:30 AM Men's Group Breakfast 11:30 VBS Meeting & Decorating/Pizza

7 VBS 9-12 AM

8 VBS 9-12 AM

9 VBS 9-12 AM

7:00 PM "Hot Topic" at Pavilion

10 VBS 9-12 AM

7:00 PM Hot Spot

11 VBS 9-12 AM

9:30 AM Prepare & Serve Lunch at Salvation Army 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal

12 Cantlin/Shankle Wedding


14 9:00 AM The Monday Group 7:00 PM ZUMBA


16 7:00 PM Scrapbookers & "Hot Topic" at Pavilion

17 12:15 Yarn Spinners meet at church for Lunch 4:00 PM "Senior Night" 7:00 PM Hot Spot


19 Fellowship Hall Reserved


21 9:00 AM The Monday Group 7:00 PM ZUMBA







28 9:00 AM The Monday Group 7:00 PM ZUMBA



31 7:00 PM Hot Spot

Notes: Sr. High Harvey Cedars 7/21-7/26 Jr. High Harvey Cedars 7/28-8/1

Do you or anyone you know need a ride to worship service

for one day or an on-going basis?

If so, call the church office at 610-367-7043 and we will arrange it for you.

We have drivers ready and willing to serve!