[email protected] 1 | Page Cross-Platform Transportable Database: ====================================== RMAN CONVERT DATABASE from Windows to Solaris using RMAN, and upgrade the same from to ================================================================================== The RMAN CONVERT DATABASE command is used to automate the movement of an entire database From one platform (the source platform) to another (the destination platform). Provided that the source and destination platforms are of the same endian format, RMAN automates most of the steps of creating a new database on the destination platform, Which contains the same data as the source database, and which has, with a few exceptions, the same settings as the source database. Windows: Win-7 32 bit: Source ============================= SQL> set pages 50 SQL> select * from v$transportable_platform order by 2; PLATFORM_ID PLATFORM_NAME ENDIAN_FORMAT ----------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------- 6 AIX-Based Systems (64-bit) Big 16 Apple Mac OS Big 15 HP Open VMS Little 5 HP Tru64 UNIX Little 3 HP-UX (64-bit) Big 4 HP-UX IA (64-bit) Big 18 IBM Power Based Linux Big 9 IBM zSeries Based Linux Big 13 Linux 64-bit for AMD Little 10 Linux IA (32-bit) Little 11 Linux IA (64-bit) Little 12 Microsoft Windows 64-bit for AMD Little 7 Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) Little (our Source) 8 Microsoft Windows IA (64-bit) Little 17 Solaris Operating System (x86) Little (our Target) 1 Solaris[tm] OE (32-bit) Big 2 Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit) Big 17 rows selected. col PLATFORM_NAME for a50 select d.platform_name, endian_format from v$transportable_platform tp, v$database d where tp.platform_name = d.platform_name ; PLATFORM_NAME ENDIAN_FORMAT -------------------------------------------------- -------------- Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) Little

Cross-Platform Transportable Database...16 Apple Mac OS Big 15 HP Open VMS Little ... SunOS orasolaris1 5.10 Generic_142910-17 i86pc i386 i86pc -bash-3.00$ cat /etc/release ... Starting

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Page 1: Cross-Platform Transportable Database...16 Apple Mac OS Big 15 HP Open VMS Little ... SunOS orasolaris1 5.10 Generic_142910-17 i86pc i386 i86pc -bash-3.00$ cat /etc/release ... Starting

[email protected]

1 | P a g e

Cross-Platform Transportable Database:


RMAN CONVERT DATABASE from Windows to Solaris using RMAN, and upgrade the same from to


The RMAN CONVERT DATABASE command is used to automate the movement of an entire database

From one platform (the source platform) to another (the destination platform).

Provided that the source and destination platforms are of the same endian format,

RMAN automates most of the steps of creating a new database on the destination platform,

Which contains the same data as the source database, and which has, with a few exceptions, the

same settings as the source database.

Windows : Win-7 32 bit: Source


SQL> set pages 50 SQL> select * from v$transportable_platform order b y 2; PLATFORM_ID PLATFORM_NAME ENDIAN_FORMAT ----------- --------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- 6 AIX-Based Systems (64-bit) Big 16 Apple Mac OS Big 15 HP Open VMS Little 5 HP Tru64 UNIX Little 3 HP-UX (64-bit) Big 4 HP-UX IA (64-bit) Big 18 IBM Power Based Linux Big 9 IBM zSeries Based Linux Big 13 Linux 64-bit for AMD Little 10 Linux IA (32-bit) Little 11 Linux IA (64-bit) Little 12 Microsoft Windows 64-bit for AMD Little 7 Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) Little (our Source) 8 Microsoft Windows IA (64-bit) Little 17 Solaris Operating System (x86) Little (our Target) 1 Solaris[tm] OE (32-bit) Big 2 Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit) Big 17 rows selected.

col PLATFORM_NAME for a50

select d.platform_name, endian_format from

v$transportable_platform tp,

v$database d where tp.platform_name = d.platform_name ;

PLATFORM_NAME ENDIAN_FORMAT -------------------------------------------------- -------------- Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) Little

Page 2: Cross-Platform Transportable Database...16 Apple Mac OS Big 15 HP Open VMS Little ... SunOS orasolaris1 5.10 Generic_142910-17 i86pc i386 i86pc -bash-3.00$ cat /etc/release ... Starting

[email protected]

2 | P a g e

SQL> show parameter compatible NAME TYPE VA LUE ------------------------------------ ----------- -- ---------------------------- compatible string 10 .

Solaris : (Target)


-bash-3.00$ uname -a

SunOS orasolaris1 5.10 Generic_142910-17 i86pc i386 i86pc

-bash-3.00$ cat /etc/release Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 s10x_u9wos_14a X86

Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliat es. All rights reserved. Assembled 11 August 201 0 -bash-3.00$ isainfo -kv 32-bit i386 kernel modules

You can check the Platform from one of the existing DB’s on Target as below.

col PLATFORM_NAME for a50

select d.platform_name, endian_format from

v$transportable_platform tp,

v$database d where tp.platform_name = d.platform_name ; PLATFORM_NAME ENDIAN_FORMAT -------------------------------------------------- -------------- Solaris Operating System (x86) Little

Windows : Source


SQL> select name from v$database; NAME --------- Q041 set line 200 select round(DF.TOTAL/1024/1024/1024,2) "DataFile S ize GB", round(LOG.TOTAL/1024/1024/1024,2) "Redo Log Size GB ", round(CONTROL.TOTAL/1024/1024,2) "Control File Size MB", round((DF.TOTAL + LOG.TOTAL + CONTROL.TOTAL)/104857 6,2) "Total Size Mb", round((DF.TOTAL + LOG.TOTAL + CONTROL.TOTAL)/104857 6/1024,2) "Total Size Gb" from dual, (select sum(a.bytes) TOTAL from dba_data_files a) DF, (select sum(b.bytes) TOTAL from v$log b) LOG, (select sum((cffsz+1)*cfbsz) TOTAL from x$kcccf c) CONTROL;

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[email protected]

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DataFile Size GB Redo Log Size GB Control File Size MB Total Size Mb Total Size Gb ---------------- ---------------- ----------------- --- ------------- ------------- .61 .15 21 .14 796.14 .78 SQL> create table mtest(nam varchar2(20)); Table created. SQL> insert into mtest values('Cross Plat Mig'); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. Check Pre-requisite on Source DB: =================================== SQL> set serveroutput on declare db_ready boolean; begin db_ready := dbms_tdb.check_db('Solaris Opera ting System (x86)'); end; / Database is not open in READ-ONLY mode. Open the database in READ-ONLY mode and

retry. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> set serveroutput on declare external boolean; begin /* value of external is ignored, but with SERVE ROUTPUT set to ON * dbms_tdb.check_external displays report of e xternal objects * on console */ external := dbms_tdb.check_external; end; / The following directories exist in the database: SYS.DATA_PUMP_DIR PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Make the Source DB as Read only: ====================================

SQL> shut immediate Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down.

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[email protected]

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SQL> startup mount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 369098752 bytes Fixed Size 1249080 bytes Variable Size 83886280 bytes Database Buffers 276824064 bytes Redo Buffers 7139328 bytes Database mounted. SQL> alter database open read only; Database altered. set line 200 select NAME,DB_UNIQUE_NAME,OPEN_MODE,CONTROLFILE_TYPE,DATABASE_ROLE,LOG_MODE,PROTECTION_MODE from v$database; NAME DB_UNIQUE_NAME OPEN_MODE CONTROL DATABASE_ROLE LOG_MODE PROTECTION_MODE --------- ------------------------------ ---------- ------- ---------------- ------------ -------------------- Q041 q041 READ ONLY CURRENT PRIMARY ARCHIVELOG


select distinct substr(NAME,1,instr(name,'\',-1)-1) PATH from v$datafile; PATH ======================== C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\Q041 Now Covert the Source DB(q041): =================================

c:\Oracle>set oracle ORACLE_HOME=c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1 oracle_sid=q041 rman target / CONVERT DATABASE NEW DATABASE 'test' transport script 'C:\VMDisks\winshare\orabk p\migtest\trans.sql' to platform 'Solaris Operating System (x86) ' db_file_name_convert 'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\Q041' 'C:\ VMDisks\winshare\orabkp\migtest' ;

c:\Oracle>rman target / Recovery Manager: Release - Production o n Sun Sep 27 12:12:02 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reser ved. connected to target database: Q041 (DBID=697726678) RMAN> CONVERT DATABASE NEW DATABASE 'test' 2> transport script 'C:\VMDisks\winshare\or abkp\migtest\trans.sql' 3> to platform 'Solaris Operating System (x 86)' 4> db_file_name_convert 'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ Q041' 'C:\VMDisks\winshare\orabkp\migtest' 5> ;

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[email protected]

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Starting convert at 27-SEP-13 using target database control file instead of recov ery catalog allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=154 devtype=DISK Directory SYS.DATA_PUMP_DIR found in the database User SYS with SYSDBA and SYSOPER privilege found in password file channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile conversion input datafile fno=00001 name=C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\Q04 1\SYSTEM01.DBF converted datafile=C:\VMDISKS\WINSHARE\ORABKP\MIGTE ST\SYSTEM01.DBF channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile conversion complete, e lapsed time: 00:00:15 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile conversion input datafile fno=00002 name=C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\Q04 1\UNDOTBS01.DBF converted datafile=C:\VMDISKS\WINSHARE\ORABKP\MIGTE ST\UNDOTBS01.DBF channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile conversion complete, e lapsed time: 00:00:07 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile conversion input datafile fno=00003 name=C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\Q04 1\SYSAUX01.DBF converted datafile=C:\VMDISKS\WINSHARE\ORABKP\MIGTE ST\SYSAUX01.DBF channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile conversion complete, e lapsed time: 00:00:07 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile conversion input datafile fno=00004 name=C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\Q04 1\USERS01.DBF converted datafile=C:\VMDISKS\WINSHARE\ORABKP\MIGTE ST\USERS01.DBF channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile conversion complete, e lapsed time: 00:00:01 Run SQL script C:\VMDISKS\WINSHARE\ORABKP\MIGTEST\T RANS.SQL on the target platform to create database Edit init.ora file C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DA TABASE\INIT_00OL2HTU_1_0.ORA. This PFILE will be used to create the database on t he target platform To recompile all PL/SQL modules, run utlirp.sql and utlrp.sql on the target platform To change the internal database identifier, use DBN EWID Utility Finished backup at 27-SEP-13 RMAN> Manually create pfile to converted location, though it’s not required. =================================================== ===================== create pfile='C:\VMDisks\winshare\orabkp\migtest\pf ile.ora' from spfile; OR Edit init.ora file C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DA TABASE\INIT_00OL2HTU_1_0.ORA, and set values as per your new environment.This PFI LE will be used to create the database on the target platform. # Please change the values of the following paramet ers: control_files = "C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10. 2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\CF_D-TEST_ID-697726678_00OKUCLB" audit_file_dest = "C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10. 2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\ADUMP" background_dump_dest = "C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10. 2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\BDUMP" user_dump_dest = "C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10. 2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\UDUMP" core_dump_dest = "C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10. 2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\CDUMP" db_name = "TEST"

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[email protected]

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Modified values ================== *.audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/test/adump ' *.background_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/test/ bdump' *.control_files='/oradata1/test/control01.ctl' *.core_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/test/cdump' *.user_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/test/udump' *.db_name="TEST" *.compatible='' ftp/Scp/transfer the converted files to Solaris tar get host: =================================================== ====== This ftp can be avoided if this filesystem is share d between Windows and Solaris as in my case below. C:\VMDisks\winshare\orabkp\migtest\* C:\Windows\System32>dir C:\VMDisks\winshare\orabkp\ migtest\* Volume in drive C is Root Volume Serial Number is BCFF-7226 Directory of C:\VMDisks\winshare\orabkp\migtest 29-09-2013 12:13 <DIR> . 29-09-2013 12:13 <DIR> .. 29-09-2013 12:13 125,837,312 SYSAUX01.DBF 29-09-2013 12:12 314,580,992 SYSTEM01.DBF 29-09-2013 12:13 2,834 TRANS.SQL 29-09-2013 12:13 209,723,392 UNDOTBS01.DBF 29-09-2013 12:13 5,251,072 USERS01.DBF 5 File(s) 655,395,602 bytes 2 Dir(s) 116,189,528,064 bytes free -bash-3.00$ df -h |grep win winshare 225G 117G 108G 52% /mnt/sf_winshare -bash-3.00$ cd /mnt/sf_winshare/orabkp/migtest -bash-3.00$ ls -ltrh total 1280070 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxsf 300M Sep 29 12: 12 SYSTEM01.DBF -rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxsf 200M Sep 29 12: 13 UNDOTBS01.DBF -rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxsf 120M Sep 29 12: 13 SYSAUX01.DBF -rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxsf 5.0M Sep 29 12: 13 USERS01.DBF -rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxsf 2.8K Sep 29 12: 13 TRANS.SQL -bash-3.00$

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[email protected]

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Below Virtual Box shows the shared folder between W indows and Solaris.

Copy the datafiles to required directories in Solar is =================================================== === cp /mnt/sf_winshare/orabkp/migtest/* /oradata1/test/

-bash-3.00$ cd /oradata1/test/ -bash-3.00$ ls -ltrh total 1602926 -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 942 Sep 27 22: 48 pfile.ora -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 2.3K Sep 27 22: 48 TRANS.SQL drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 512 Sep 29 22: 38 arch -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 5.0M Sep 29 22: 59 USERS01.DBF -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 120M Sep 29 22: 59 SYSAUX01.DBF -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 300M Sep 29 22: 59 SYSTEM01.DBF -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 200M Sep 29 22: 59 UNDOTBS01.DBF -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 7.0M Sep 29 22: 59 control01.ctl Create required directories for test DB =========================================== cd /u01/app/oracle/admin mkdir test cd test mkdir adump bdump cdump udump Create Archive folder ========================== cd /oradata1/test mkdir arch cd arch pwd /oradata1/test/arch

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[email protected]

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Verify and Copy the pfile to ORACLE_HOME/dbs in Sol aris. =================================================== ======== -bash-3.00$ cat /oradata1/test/pfile.ora test.__db_cache_size=276824064 test.__java_pool_size=4194304 test.__large_pool_size=4194304 test.__shared_pool_size=75497472 test.__streams_pool_size=0 *.db_block_size=8192 *.db_domain='' *.db_file_multiblock_read_count=16 *.java_pool_size=0 *.job_queue_processes=10 *.log_archive_format='test_arch_T%tS%sR%r.arc' *.open_cursors=300 *.pga_aggregate_target=203423744 *.processes=150 *.remote_login_passwordfile='EXCLUSIVE' *.sga_max_size=367001600 *.sga_target=367001600 *.standby_file_management='AUTO' *.undo_management='AUTO' *.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1' *.db_name='test' *.log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=/oradata1/test/arch' *.audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/test/adump ' *.background_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/test/ bdump'

*.compatible='' *.control_files='/oradata1/test/control01.ctl' *.core_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/test/cdump' *.user_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/test/udump' Copy the pfile to init<SID>.ora ===================================== cp /oradata1/test/pfile.ora $ORACLME/dbs/inittest.o ra Modify and run file TRANS.SQL which got generated a s part of convert


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[email protected]

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DATAFILE 'C:\VMDISKS\WINSHARE\ORABKP\MIGTEST\SYSTEM01.DBF' , 'C:\VMDISKS\WINSHARE\ORABKP\MIGTEST\UNDOTBS01.DBF ', 'C:\VMDISKS\WINSHARE\ORABKP\MIGTEST\SYSAUX01.DBF' , 'C:\VMDISKS\WINSHARE\ORABKP\MIGTEST\USERS01.DBF' CHARACTER SET WE8MSWIN1252 ; -- Database can now be opened zeroing the online lo gs. ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS; ALTER TABLESPACE TEMP ADD TEMPFILE 'C:\ORACLE\PRODU CT\10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\DATA_D-TEST_I-697726678_TS-TEMP_FNO-1_00OL2HTU' SIZE 20971520 AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 655360 MAXS IZE 32767M; SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP UPGRADE PFILE='C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\INIT_ 00OL2HTU_1_0.ORA' @@ ?/rdbms/admin/utlirp.sql SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP PFILE='C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DATABA SE\INIT_00OL2HTU_1_0.ORA' @@ ?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql set feedback 6; After modification =================== -bash-3.00$ cat TRANS.SQL REM STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE='/oradata1/test/pfile.ora' STARTUP NOMOUNT CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE SET DATABASE "TEST" RESETLOGS FORCE LOGGING ARCHIVELOG MAXLOGFILES 16 MAXLOGMEMBERS 3 MAXDATAFILES 100 MAXINSTANCES 8 MAXLOGHISTORY 292 LOGFILE GROUP 1 '/oradata1/test/redo01.rdo' SIZE 50M, GROUP 2 '/oradata1/test/redo02.rdo' SIZE 50M, GROUP 3 '/oradata1/test/redo03.rdo' SIZE 50M DATAFILE ' /oradata1/test /SYSTEM01.DBF', '/oradata1/test/UNDOTBS01.DBF', '/oradata1/test/SYSAUX01.DBF', '/oradata1/test/USERS01.DBF' CHARACTER SET WE8MSWIN1252 ; -- Database can now be opened zeroing the online lo gs. ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS; ALTER TABLESPACE TEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oradata1/test/ temp01.dbf' SIZE 20971520 AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 655360 MAXS IZE 32767M; set echo off prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt * Your database has been created successfull y!

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[email protected]

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prompt * There are many things to think about for t he new database. Here prompt * is a checklist to help you stay on track: prompt * 1. You may want to redefine the location o f the directory objects. prompt * 2. You may want to change the internal dat abase identifier (DBID) prompt * or the global database name for this da tabase. Use the prompt * NEWDBID Utility (nid). prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE REM STARTUP UPGRADE PFILE='/oradata1/test/pfile.ora' STARTUP UPGRADE @@ ?/rdbms/admin/utlirp.sql SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE REM STARTUP PFILE='/oradata1/test/pfile.ora' STARTUP -- The following step will recompile all PL/SQL mod ules. -- It may take serveral hours to complete. @@ ?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql *****************End of TRANS.SQL ************** export ORACLE_SID=test sqlplus / as sysdba sh-3.00$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Se p 30 20:50:52 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reser ved. Connected to an idle instance. --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- SQL> set echo on SQL> @TRANS.SQL SQL> -- The following commands will create a new co ntrol file and use it SQL> -- to open the database. SQL> -- Data used by Recovery Manager will be lost. SQL> -- The contents of online logs will be lost an d all backups will SQL> -- be invalidated. Use this only if online log s are damaged. SQL> SQL> -- After mounting the created controlfile, the following SQL SQL> -- statement will place the database in the ap propriate SQL> -- protection mode: SQL> -- ALTER DATABASE SET STANDBY DATABASE TO MAX IMIZE PERFORMANCE SQL> REM> STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE='/oradata1/test/pfile.or a' SQL> STARTUP NOMOUNT ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 369098752 bytes Fixed Size 1280300 bytes Variable Size 113247956 bytes Database Buffers 251658240 bytes Redo Buffers 2912256 bytes

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[email protected]

11 | P a g e

SQL> CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE SET DATABASE "TEST" R ESETLOGS FORCE LOGGING ARCHIVELOG 2 MAXLOGFILES 16 3 MAXLOGMEMBERS 3 4 MAXDATAFILES 100 5 MAXINSTANCES 8 6 MAXLOGHISTORY 292 7 LOGFILE 8 GROUP 1 '/oradata1/test/redo01.rdo' SIZE 50 M, 9 GROUP 2 '/oradata1/test/redo02.rdo' SIZE 50 M, 10 GROUP 3 '/oradata1/test/redo03.rdo' SIZE 50 M 11 DATAFILE 12 '/oradata1/test/SYSTEM01.DBF', 13 '/oradata1/test/UNDOTBS01.DBF', 14 '/oradata1/test/SYSAUX01.DBF', 15 '/oradata1/test/USERS01.DBF' 16 CHARACTER SET WE8MSWIN1252 17 ; Control file created. SQL> SQL> -- Database can now be opened zeroing the onli ne logs.


ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnectio n forced SQL> SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE TEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oradata1/ test/temp01.dbf' 2 SIZE 20971520 AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 655360 MAXSIZE 32767M;

ERROR: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE SQL> -- End of tempfile additions. SQL> -- SQL> SQL> set echo off ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Your database has been created successfully! * There are many things to think about for the new database. Here * is a checklist to help you stay on track: * 1. You may want to redefine the location of the d irectory objects. * 2. You may want to change the internal database i dentifier (DBID) * or the global database name for this database. Use the * NEWDBID Utility (nid). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ORA-24324: service handle not initialized ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn' t exist ORA-24324: service handle not initialized ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn' t exist SQL> SQL> WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; SQL> SQL> DOC DOC>############################################### ########################

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[email protected]

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DOC>############################################### ######################## DOC> The following statement will cause an "ORA-0 1722: invalid number" DOC> error if there the database was not opened i n UPGRADE mode DOC> DOC> If you encounter this error, execute "SHUTDO WN", "STARTUP UPGRADE" and DOC> re-execute utlirp.sql DOC>############################################### ######################## DOC>############################################### ######################## DOC># SQL> SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_BE_OPEN_UPGRADE') FROM v$instance 2 WHERE status != 'OPEN MIGRATE'; ERROR: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Ed ition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options sh-3.00$ sh-3.00$ exit --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Note: Script failed to open database in Reset Logs becaus e the Our Source DB

version was and on Solaris Oracle software is We need to upgrade before continuing further steps. Alert.log ========== Mon Sep 30 20:52:40 2013 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/test/udump/tes t_ora_1577.trc: ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE opt ion Mon Sep 30 20:52:40 2013 Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down da tabase USER: terminating instance due to error 704 Instance terminated by USER, pid = 1577 ORA-1092 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS... We need to manually perform further steps to upgrad e to as below: =================================================== ======================== SQL> startup upgrade ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 369098752 bytes Fixed Size 1280300 bytes Variable Size 113247956 bytes Database Buffers 251658240 bytes Redo Buffers 2912256 bytes Database mounted. ORA-01113: file 1 needs media recovery ORA-01110: data file 1: '/oradata1/test/SYSTEM01.DB F' SQL> !ls -ltrh /oradata1/test/*.rdo -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 50M Sep 30 20: 52 /oradata1/test/redo01.rdo -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 50M Sep 30 20: 52 /oradata1/test/redo02.rdo -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 50M Sep 30 20: 52 /oradata1/test/redo03.rdo

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[email protected]

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SQL> SQL> select GROUP#,SEQUENCE#,FIRST_CHANGE# from v$ log; GROUP# SEQUENCE# FIRST_CHANGE# ---------- ---------- --------------- 1 0 0 3 1 317338 2 0 0 SQL> recover database until cancel using backup con trolfile; ORA-00279: change 317339 generated at 09/30/2013 20 :52:39 needed for thread 1 ORA-00289: suggestion : /oradata1/test/arch/test_ar ch_T1S1R827527954.arc ORA-00280: change 317339 for thread 1 is in sequenc e #1 Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | C ANCEL} /oradata1/test/redo03.rdo => Here we applied the last redo generated from Log applied. resetlogs. Media recovery complete. Now database recovered successfully, so open databa se with resetlogs for upgrade as below. =================================================== ===== SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS upgrade; Database altered. Alert.log ============ Mon Sep 30 21:06:42 2013 ALTER DATABASE RECOVER LOGFILE '/oradata1/test/r edo03.rdo' Mon Sep 30 21:06:42 2013 Media Recovery Log /oradata1/test/redo03.rdo Mon Sep 30 21:06:42 2013 Incomplete recovery applied all redo ever generated . Recovery completed through change 317341 Mon Sep 30 21:06:42 2013 Media Recovery Complete (test) Completed: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER LOGFILE '/orad ata1/test/redo03.rdo' Mon Sep 30 21:08:21 2013 ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS upgrade Mon Sep 30 21:08:21 2013 RESETLOGS after complete recovery through change 31 7341 Resetting resetlogs activation ID 2125700729 (0x7eb 39e79) Online log /oradata1/test/redo01.rdo: Thread 1 Grou p 1 was previously cleared Online log /oradata1/test/redo02.rdo: Thread 1 Grou p 2 was previously cleared Mon Sep 30 21:08:23 2013 Setting recovery target incarnation to 3 Mon Sep 30 21:08:23 2013 Assigning activation ID 2125681971 (0x7eb35533) LGWR: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES ARC0 started with pid=13, OS id=1620 Mon Sep 30 21:08:23 2013 ARC0: Archival started ARC1: Archival started LGWR: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES COMPLETE Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1 Current log# 3 seq# 1 mem# 0: /oradata1/test/redo 03.rdo

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[email protected]

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…. …. Dictionary check beginning Tablespace 'TEMP' #3 found in data dictionary, but not in the controlfile. Adding to controlfile. Dictionary check complete Mon Sep 30 21:08:24 2013 SMON: enabling tx recovery Mon Sep 30 21:08:24 2013 *************************************************** ****************** WARNING: The following temporary tablespaces contai n no files. This condition can occur when a backup con trolfile has been restored. It may be necessary to add files to these tablespaces. That can be done using the S QL statement: ALTER TABLESPACE <tablespace_name> ADD TEM PFILE Alternatively, if these temporary tablespa ces are no longer needed, then they can be dropped. Empty temporary tablespace: TEMP *************************************************** ****************** Database Characterset is WE8MSWIN1252 Updating NLS parameters in sys.props$ -- adding NLS parameters. …. … MMON started with pid=11, OS id=1626 MMNL started with pid=12, OS id=1628 Mon Sep 30 21:08:29 2013 ALTER SYSTEM enable restricted session; Mon Sep 30 21:08:29 2013 ALTER SYSTEM SET _system_trig_enabled=FALSE SCOPE=M EMORY; Mon Sep 30 21:08:29 2013 ALTER SYSTEM SET aq_tm_processes=0 SCOPE=MEMORY; Mon Sep 30 21:08:29 2013 ALTER SYSTEM SET resource_manager_plan='' SCOPE=MEM ORY; Threshold validation cannot be done before catproc is loaded. replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no asyn c multimaster replication found) Mon Sep 30 21:08:30 2013 LOGSTDBY: Validating controlfile with logical metad ata Mon Sep 30 21:08:30 2013 LOGSTDBY: Validation complete Global Name changed to TEST Completed: ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS upgrade Mon Sep 30 21:09:23 2013 Add Temp tablespace: ======================= SQ> ALTER TABLESPACE TEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oradata1/t est/temp01.dbf' SIZE 20971520 AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 655360 MAXSIZE 3 2767M;

Tablespace altered.

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[email protected]

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Upgrade DB, as the database is open in Upgrade mode : =================================================== === Run the Catupgrd.sql to upgrade DB to SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql … TIMESTAMP --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- COMP_TIMESTAMP UPGRD_END 2013-09-30 21:49:50 . Oracle Database 10.2 Upgrade Status Utility 09-30-2013 21:49:50 . Component Status Version HH:MM:SS Oracle Database Server VALID 00:09:08 Oracle Enterprise Manager VALID 00:00:43 . Total Upgrade Time: 00:09:51 DOC>############################################### ######################## DOC>############################################### ######################## …… …… DOC> DOC> Next shutdown immediate, restart for normal operation, and then DOC> run utlrp.sql to recompile any invalid appli cation objects. DOC> DOC>############################################### ######################## DOC>############################################### ######################## Alert.log =============== Mon Sep 30 21:40:01 2013 SERVER COMPONENT id=PATCH_BGN: timestamp=2013-09-30 21:40:01 …. … Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 9 Current log# 2 seq# 9 mem# 0: /oradata1/test/redo 02.rdo Mon Sep 30 21:49:06 2013 SERVER COMPONENT id=CATPROC: timestamp=2013-09-30 2 1:49:06

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[email protected]

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SERVER COMPONENT id=RDBMS: status=VALID, version=10 ., timestamp=2013-09-30 21:49:06 Mon Sep 30 21:49:11 2013 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 10 Current log# 3 seq# 10 mem# 0: /oradata1/test/red o03.rdo Mon Sep 30 21:49:50 2013 SERVER COMPONENT id=EM: status=VALID, version=10.2. 0.2.0, timestamp=2013-09-30 21:49:50 SERVER ACTION=UPGRADE id=: Upgraded from SERVER COMPONENT id=UPGRD_END: timestamp=2013-09-30 21:49:50 Mon Sep 30 21:52:41 2013 set line 200 col COMP_NAME for a55 SELECT COMP_ID,comp_name, status, substr(version,1, 10)as version,MODIFIED from dba_registry; COMP_ID COMP_NAME STATUS VERSION MODIFIED ------------------------------ -------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -------------------- OWM Oracle Workspace Man ager VALID 13-SEP-2013 15:53:13 EM Oracle Enterprise Ma nager VALID 30-SEP-2013 21:49:50 CATALOG Oracle Database Cata log Views VALID 30-SEP-2013 21:49:06 CATPROC Oracle Database Pack ages and Types VALID 30-SEP-2013 21:49:06 SQL> SQL>

Now follow further steps from TRANS.SQL for migrati ng: =================================================== ======== SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE REM STARTUP UPGRADE PFILE='/oradata1/test/pfile.ora ' STARTUP UPGRADE @@ ?/rdbms/admin/utlirp.sql Out Put of above ================= …. …. SQL> Rem =================================================== ======================== SQL> Rem END utlip.sql SQL> Rem =================================================== ======================== SQL> SQL> DOC DOC>############################################### ######################## DOC>############################################### ######################## DOC> utlirp.sql completed successfully. All PL/SQ L objects in the DOC> database have been invalidated . DOC> DOC> Shut down and restart the database in normal mode and run utlrp.sql to DOC> recompile invalid objects. DOC>############################################### ########################

Page 17: Cross-Platform Transportable Database...16 Apple Mac OS Big 15 HP Open VMS Little ... SunOS orasolaris1 5.10 Generic_142910-17 i86pc i386 i86pc -bash-3.00$ cat /etc/release ... Starting

[email protected]

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DOC>############################################### ######################## Execute Below further from TRANS.sql ==================================== SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE REM STARTUP PFILE='/oradata1/test/pfile.ora' STARTUP -- The following step will recompile all PL/SQL mod ules. -- It may take serveral hours to complete. @@ ?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql SQL> archive log list Database log mode Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled Archive destination /oradata1/test/arch Oldest online log sequence 14 Next log sequence to archive 16 Current log sequence 16 SQL> select * from mtest; NAM -------------------- Cross Plat Mig set line 200 col COMP_NAME for a55 SELECT COMP_ID,comp_name, status, substr(version,1, 10)as version,MODIFIED from dba_registry; COMP_ID COMP_NAME STATUS VERSION MODIFIED ------------------------------ -------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -------------------- OWM Oracle Workspace Man ager VALID 30-SEP-2013 22:07:40 EM Oracle Enterprise Ma nager VALID 30-SEP-2013 21:49:50 CATALOG Oracle Database Cata log Views VALID 30-SEP-2013 22:07:40 CATPROC Oracle Database Pack ages and Types VALID 30-SEP-2013 22:07:40 * There are many things to think about for the new database. Here * is a checklist to help you stay on track: * 1. You may want to redefine the location of the d irectory objects. * 2. You may want to change the internal database identifier (DBID) * or the global database name for this database. Use the * NEWDBID Utility ( nid ).

Reference: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/backup.102/b141 91/dbxptrn.htm Migration of Oracle Instances Across OS Platforms – Doc ID: Note:733205.1