Cross Cultural Communication A theoretical approach

Cross Cultural Communication A theoretical approach

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Cross Cultural CommunicationA theoretical approach

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What is culture?


-the attitudes and beliefs, ways of thinking, behaving and remembering shared by members of that community.” (Kramsch 1996).

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What is culture?

• Anthropological Culture

The ways that people of a certain group behave/live among themselves.

• High culture

The art, music, theater, literature created by culture

• Popular culture

Contemporary music/films/trends

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What is culture?

Surface culture• Dress• Clothing• Gestures• Music• Art• Architecture

Deep culture• Worldview• Language• Kinship systems• Social organization

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Deep culture

• WorldviewOrientation toward religion, humanity, nature, and the universe.

• LanguageMedium to transmit culture

• Kinship systemsImportance of different family roles and the relationships between family members

• Social organizationImportance of relationship among group members

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The importance of Values

• Cultural values identify behavioral characteristics that members of the society consider important and valuable.

• Serve as a mechanism of social controlby determining how members of a culture should behave.

• Core values vs. peripheral values

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The importance of values

• Talk to a partner and discuss following questions:

• What are some important values in Thai society?

• What do you think are some important values in North American culture?

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Dynamics of culture systems in one main culture

• Individual members of one culture may differ in the values and adopt several sub-cultures.

• Boundaries are only loosely definedCulture can be shared by people from different geographical locations.

• Values and systems can change over time

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What is different?

1. Communication Styles

2. Attitudes toward conflicts

3. Decision making style

4. Social behavior

What is hidden below the surface?

1. Beliefs

2. Values3. Expectations

4. Attitudes

Four Fundamental Patterns of Cultural Difference

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Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

• Dr. Geert Hofstede

worked for IBM as Psychologist from 1967-73

Geert Hofstede's dimensions analysis can assist the business person or traveler in better understanding the intercultural differences within regions and between counties.

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Individualism vs. Collectivism

Individualism (IDV) focuses on the degree the society reinforces individual or collective, achievement and interpersonal relationships. A High Individualism ranking indicates that individuality is of most importance within the society. Individuals in these societies may tend to form a larger number of looser relationships. A Low Individualism ranking typifies Collectivist societies with close ties between individuals. These cultures reinforce extended families and collectives where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group.

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Individualism vs. Collectivism

Individualistic societies• Australia• Canada• UK• New Zealand• USA• Netherlands

Collectivist societies• Costa Rica• Guatemala• Mexico• Ecuador• Most Asian countries

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Power Distance

 Power Distance Index (PDI) focuses on the degree of equality between people in the country's society. A High Power Distance ranking indicates that inequalities of power and wealth are accepted in society. These societies are more likely to follow a caste system that does not allow significant upward mobility of its citizens. A Low Power Distance ranking indicates the society de-emphasizes the differences between citizen's power and wealth. In these societies equality and opportunity for everyone is stressed.

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Power Distance in EducationSmall Power Distance societies

• Student-centered education• Teacher expects students to

initiate communication • Students may speak up in

spontaneously in class • Students allowed to contradict or

criticize teacher • Effectiveness of learning related to

amount of two-way communication in class

• Outside class, teachers are treated as equals

• Younger teachers are more liked than older teachers

Large Power Distance societies

• Teacher-centered education • Students expect teacher to initiate

communication• Students speak up in class only

when invited by the teacher • Teacher is never contradicted nor

publicly criticized • Effectiveness of learning related to

excellence of the teacher• Respect for teachers is also

shown outside class• Older teachers are more

respected than younger teachers

Where do you think MUIC fits in?

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Uncertainty avoidance

Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) level of tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity within the society - i.e. unstructured situations. High Uncertainty Avoidance ranking indicates country has a low tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. This creates a rule-oriented society that institutes laws, rules, regulations, and controls in order to reduce the amount of uncertainty. A Low Uncertainty Avoidance ranking indicates the country has less concern about ambiguity and uncertainty and has more tolerance for a variety of opinions. This is reflected in a society that is less rule-oriented, more readily accepts change, and takes more and greater risks.

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Uncertainty avoidance in EducationWeak Uncertainty Avoidance


• Students feel comfortable in unstructured learning situations: vague objectives, broad assignments, no timetables 

• Teachers are allowed to say "I don't know"

• A good teacher uses plain language• Students are rewarded for

innovative approaches to problem solving

• Teacher are allowed to behave emotionally

• Teachers interpret intellectual disagreement as a stimulating exercise

• Teachers seek students' ideas

Strong Uncertainty Avoidance Societies

• Students feel comfortable in structured learning situations: precise objectives, strict timetables

• Teachers are expected to have all the answers

• A good teacher uses academic language• Students are rewarded for accuracy in


• Teachers are expected to suppress emotions (and so are students) 

• Teachers interpret intellectual disagreement as personal disloyalty

• Teachers consider themselves experts who cannot learn anything from students - and students agree

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• Masculinity/femininity (MAS) focuses on degree the society reinforces the traditional masculine work role model of male achievement, control, and power. A High Masculinity ranking indicates country experiences a high degree of gender differentiation. In these cultures, males dominate a significant portion of the society and power structure, with females being controlled by male domination. A Low Masculinity ranking indicates the country has a low level of differentiation and discrimination between genders. Females are treated equally to males in all aspects of the society.

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MAS in EducationFeminine Societies

• Teachers avoid openly praising students

• Teachers use average student as the norm 

• System rewards students' social adaptation 

• A student's failure at school is a relatively minor accident

• Students admire friendliness in teachers

• Students practice mutual solidarity 

• Students chose academic subjects in view of intrinsic interest

Masculine Societies• Teachers openly praise good

students• Teachers use best students as the

norm• System rewards students'

academic performance• A student's failure at school is a

severe blow to his/her self-image • Students admire brilliance in

teachers• Students compete with each other

in class• Students chose academic

subjects in view of career opportunities

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Long-Term OrientationLong-Term Orientation (LTO) focuses on the degree the society

embraces, or does not embrace, long-term devotion to traditional, forward thinking values. High Long-Term Orientation ranking indicates the country prescribes to the values of long-term commitments and respect for tradition. This is thought to support a strong work ethic where long-term rewards are expected as a result of today's hard work. However, business may take longer to develop in this society, particularly for an "outsider". A Low Long-Term Orientation ranking indicates the country does not reinforce the concept of long-term, traditional orientation. In this culture, change can occur more rapidly as long-term traditions and commitments do not become impediments to change

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Thailand compared to the USA


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Drawbacks of applying the Hofstede Model

• To general:model has proven to be quite often correct when applied to the general population, but not all individuals or even regions with subcultures fit into one category.

• How accurate is the data? The data has been collected through questionnaires, which have limitations.

• Is the data up to date? How much does the culture of a country change over time, either by internal or external influences?

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Cross Cultural Communication Practical implications

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How we see other cultures

• Influence of our own culture

using our own cultural framework for interpretation

• Result

- a biased view which is may cause stereotypes

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Dictionary definition of stereotype

• “A fixed general image, characteristic, etc. that a lot of people believe to represent a particular type of person or thing.”(Collins Cobuild Dictionary)

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• Exploring our own stereotypes:

Look at following pictures and write down a few things that come to mind when you think about these people. Don’t worry about writing negative/offensive things.

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• When someone claims that members of another culture all share the same, often inferior or offensive characteristics.

• Israelis are rude/loud/dirty.• Chinese are loud/rude/dirty.• Indian people smell bad.• Black people are uneducated,

trouble makers, criminals etc.• Americans are fat

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Types of stereotypes

• racial e.g. African people or people with dark skin are criminals

• gender e.g. women are bad drivers

• age e.g. old people are said to be very forgetful

• religion e.g. Muslims are violent/agressive

• profession e.g. all lawyers are greedy

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Where do stereotypes come from?

• Parents and family• The media• Friends• Education (school, university)• Travel• Laziness• Fear• Envy• A sense of superiority• Lack of experience of people, etc.

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How we see other culturesPerson who is culturally more… …can perceive behavior of foreigners

from other cultures as…

Collectivists Insulting, stressed, heartless, rude

Individualist Dishonest, corrupt

Large Power Distance oriented Disrespectful, improper, rude

Small Power Distance oriented Bossy, arrogant (high status person)

Cowardly (low status person)

Feminine Aggressive, selfish

Masculine Weak (of men); unfeminine (of women)

Strong Uncertainty avoiding Unprincipled, not moral

Weak Uncertainty avoiding paranoid

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Cross-cultural Communication

• Cross-cultural Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between people whose cultural background could lead them to interpret verbal and non-verbal signs differently.

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Why is Cross-Cultural Communication important ?

◦ Business Opportunities◦ Job Opportunities◦ Improves the contribution of employees in a diverse

workforce◦ Sharing of views and ideas◦ Talent improvisation◦ An understanding of diverse market

Globalization: Cross border movement of people, goods and data brings more and more cultures into contact with one another and increases the potential of cross culture communication.

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High Context and Low Context Cultures

High Context Culture:- Cultures that rely heavily on non-verbal and subtle situational cues in communication.

Low Context Culture:- Cultures that rely heavily on words to convey meaning in communication..

Edward Hall

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 Factor High-context culture

  Low-context culture


Overtness of messages

Many covert and implicit messages, with use of metaphor and reading between the lines.

Many overt and explicit messages that are simple and clear.


 Use of non-verbal


 Much nonverbal communication More focus on verbal communication than body language

Expression of reaction

Reserved, inward reactions Visible, external, outward reaction

Cohesion and separation of


Strong distinction  between ingroup and outgroup. Strong  sense of family.

Flexible and open grouping patterns, changing as needed

 People bonds Strong people bonds with affiliation to family and

communityFragile bonds between people with little sense of


Level of commitment to relationships

 High commitment to long-term relationships.Relationship more important than task.

 Low commitment to relationship. Task more important than relationships.

Flexibility of time


Time is open and flexible.Process is more important than product

Time is highly organized.Product is more important than process

High Context and Low Context Cultures

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Body Language

• 80% of our communication is non-verbal.

• Gestures:

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Culture ShockCulture shock refers to the anxiety and

feelings (of surprise, disorientation, uncertainty, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within an entirely different cultural or social environment, such as a foreign country.

Source: Wikipedia

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Stages of culture shock

• Honeymoon Phase

-differences between the old and new culture are seen in a positive light, wonderful and new. For example, an individual might love the new foods, the pace of the life, the people's habits, the architecture and so on.

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Stages of culture shock

• Irritation and HostilityAfter the initial excitement is over, more and more dissimilarities are noticed between the foreign country and home. The initial curiosity and enthusiasm turn into irritation, frustration, anger, and depression. Minor inconveniences can lead to serious distress

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Stages of culture shock

• Gradual Adjustmentgradual adaptation to the new culture over time. Persons begin to orient themselves and are able to interpret some of the subtle cultural clues and cues. Culture seems more familiar and more comfortable. They will feel less isolated, and their self-confidence will return.

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Stages of culture shock

• Adaptation or Bi-CulturalismFull recovery has occurred. Ability to function in two cultures with confidence. persons will find they enjoy some of the very customs, ways of doing and saying things, and personal attitudes that bothered them so much in phase two. persons may not realize how well they have adjusted to the new culture until returning home, at which point they may well experience reverse culture shock.

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Overcoming cross cultural communication barriers

Tips for improving cross cultural communication• Observe but don’t interpret according to your own culture –don’t

form stereotypes• Don’t assume you understand non-verbal signals• Don’t take behavior personally even if it’s insulting in your culture• Develop an awareness of your own non-verbal signals and how

they might be offensive• Understand your own stereotypes and learn about other cultures

with openness.• Don’t evaluate behavior as good or bad• Accept the fact that cross cultural communication causes stress