Critical Response of Structures to Multi Component Earthquake-Chopra

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  • 8/6/2019 Critical Response of Structures to Multi Component Earthquake-Chopra


    EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICSEarthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2000; 29:17591778

    Critical response of structures to multicomponent earthquakeexcitation

    Oscar A. Lopez1;, Anil K. Chopra2 and Julio J. Hernandez31IMME; Facultad de Ingenieria; Universidad Central de Venezuela; Urb. Santa Paula; Ave. Circunvalacion del Sol;

    Res. 18; # 10A; Caracas, Venezuela2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of California; Berkeley; U.S.A.

    3CDCH; Universidad Central de Venezuela; Caracas; Venezuela


    This paper aims to develop an improved understanding of the critical response of structures to multicomponentseismic motion characterized by three uncorrelated components that are dened along its principal axes: twohorizontal and the vertical component. An explicit formula, convenient for code applications, has been derivedto calculate the critical value of structural response to the two principal horizontal components acting alongany incident angle with respect to the structural axes, and the vertical component of ground motion. Thecritical response is dened as the largest value of response for all possible incident angles. The ratio rcr =rsrssbetween the critical value of response and the SRSS responsecorresponding to the principal components ofground acceleration applied along the structure axesis shown to depend on three dimensionless parameters:the spectrum intensity ratio between the two principal components of horizontal ground motion characterized by design spectra A(Tn) and A(Tn); the correlation coecient of responses rx and ry due to design spectrumA(Tn) applied in the x- and y-directions, respectively; and = ry=rx. It is demonstrated that the ratio rcr =rsrss

    is bounded by 1 and

    (2=1 + 2). Thus the largest value of the ratio is

    2, 1.26, 1.13 and 1.08 for = 0,

    0.5, 0.75 and 0.85, respectively. This implies that the critical response never exceeds 2 times the result ofthe SRSS analysis, and this ratio is about 1.13 for typical values of , say 0.75. The correlation coecient depends on the structural properties but is always bounded between 1 and 1. For a xed value of ,the ratio rcr =rsrss is largest if =1 and = 1. The parametric variations presented for one-storey buildingsindicate that this condition can be satised by axial forces in columns of symmetric-plan buildings or can be approximated by lateral displacements in resisting elements of unsymmetrical-plan buildings. Copyright? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    KEY WORDS: critical response; multicomponent motion; critical angles; correlated responses; uncorrelatedcomponents; complete quadratic combination rules (CQC3)


    The response of structures to multicomponent ground motion has been examined in several publica-

    tions [19]. Translational ground motion is decomposed usually into three components: two in the

    Correspondence to: Oscar A. Lopez, IMME, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Urb. SantaPaula, Ave. Circunvalacion del Sol, Res. 18, # 10A, Caracas, Venezuela.

    Received 30 September 1999

    Revised 5 April 2000

    Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 7 April 2000

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    horizontal plane and one in the vertical direction, with rotational ground motion neglected. When

    dened along a special orthogonal system of axes, the ground motion components are uncorrelated

    [10; 11]. This system of axes, dened as the principal axes of ground motion, are oriented such

    that the major principal axis is horizontal and directed toward the epicentre of the earthquake, theintermediate principal axis is in the orthogonal principal direction, and the minor principal axis is

    vertical [10]. The components of the ground motion along any other orthogonal system of axes are

    obviously correlated.

    Because the location of the epicentre is not known, it is necessary to determine the response

    of a structure for all possible orientations of the principal axes and design for the largest or

    critical response. To determine this response, the CQC3 rule has been developed, which describes

    the structural response as a function of the incident angle (the angle between the principal axes of

    ground motion and the reference axes of the structure) of seismic components described in terms of

    response spectra [68]. Because the CQC3 equation provides a simple formula for determining the

    critical angle, it is not necessary to determine the response for various values of the incident angle.

    The CQC3 equation, evaluated numerically for this critical angle, provides the critical response.

    The overall objective of this paper is to develop an improved understanding of the critical re-sponse of structures to multicomponent ground motion. The specic objectives are as follows:

    (1) develop an explicit formula for the critical response in terms of the responses to single com-

    ponents of ground motion applied separately along the three structural axes and the correlation

    between these responses; (2) develop an upper bound for the critical response; and (3) identify

    the ground motion and system parameters that inuence the critical response and the variation of

    the response with the incident angle. The rst part of the paper presents results applicable to any

    structure, followed by a parametric study of one-story building systems.


    2.1. Earthquake excitation

    The excitation is dened in terms of design spectra associated with the principal directions of the

    translational components of ground motion, which are oriented along the two horizontal axes 1 and

    2 and the vertical axis z, as shown in Figure 1. The pseudo-acceleration spectra are denoted as

    A(Tn) for the major principal axis, A(Tn) for the intermediate principal axis, and Az(Tn) for the

    minor principal axis; Tn is the natural vibration period of a single-degree-of-freedom system.

    Note that the design spectra in the two horizontal directions have the same shape and dier

    by the ratio of spectrum intensities where 0 6 6 1. The ground acceleration components

    along the principal axes (1, 2, and z) are assumed to be uncorrelated [10; 11]. They do correlate,

    however, if dened along any other set of axes, for example, along x, y, and z (the reference

    axes of the structure). As shown in Figure 1, denotes the orientation of the earthquakes major

    principal axis relative to structural axis x. Dened as the incident angle of the ground motion, in the counter-clockwise direction is taken to be positive.

    2.2. Structural response-incident angle relation

    The peak response of a structure to a single component of ground motion applied along one of

    the structure axes is commonly evaluated using the response spectrum method. Accounting for

    Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2000; 29:17591778

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    Figure 1. Denition of principal axes of ground motion, structural axes, and in the horizontal plane.

    the correlation among ground motion components mentioned above, these individual responses are

    combined using the CQC3 rule to obtain the mean peak value r() of the total response [68],

    where r is a specic response quantity that can be expressed as a linear function of the nodal

    displacements of the structure

    r() = {[r2x + (ry)2]cos2 + [(rx)2 + r2y ]sin2 + 2(1 2)rxy sin cos + r2z }1=2 (1)where rx and ry are the mean peak values of response quantity r due to a single component of

    ground motion dened by the spectrum A(Tn) applied rst along the x-direction and then along the

    y-direction, respectively; and rz is the mean peak value of r due the vertical component of ground

    motion dened by the spectrum Az(Tn). The peak response, rk (k=x;y;z), to these individual

    components of ground motion is given by the CQC combination rule [12]

    rk =

    i j



    where rki is the peak response due to the ith natural mode of vibration, and ij is the modal

    correlation coecient for modes i and j. The term rxy in Equation (1) is a cross-term of the modal

    responses that contribute to rx and ry:

    rxy =



    ijrxiryj (3)

    Equations (2) and (3) can be written in terms of the modal static responses [13] as follows:

    rk =




    stkj Aki Akj

    1=2rxy =




    xi rstyj Axi Ayj (4)

    where Aki is the spectral acceleration for the ith mode, k=x, y and z, and rstki is the ith modalstatic response associated with ground motion in the kth direction.

    2.3. SRSS response

    If the principal components of ground acceleration are applied along the structural axes, the response

    is given using Equation (1) with = 0 when the major principal component is oriented in the

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    x-direction, and Equation (1) with = 90 when the major principal component is oriented in the

    y-direction. Therefore,

    r( = 0) ={



    + (ry)2 + r2

    z }1=2; r( = 90) =


    2 + r2


    + r2

    z }1=2 (5)

    These equations represent the SRSS combination of responses to the individual components of

    ground motion. Here, the larger of these two response values will be dened as the SRSS response,


    rsrss = max[r( = 0); r( = 90)] (6)

    2.4. The cross-term rxy and correlation coecient

    If the principal components of ground motion coincide with the structural axes, i.e. the incident

    angle is =0 or 90, the total response is given by Equation (5) (the SRSS rule) by combining

    uncorrelated responses to the three uncorrelated components of ground motion. For other values of, the responses are correlated, as indicated by the term containing rxy in Equation (1). Observing

    the structure of Equation (3) for rxy and Equation (2) for rx and ry, it is apparent that rxy measures

    the correlation between responses rx and ry to ground motions that are perfectly correlated.

    The correlation coecient for responses rx and ry is dened as



    which is dened for rx =0 and ry = 0. For any structure and any spectral shape, is bounded asfollows (see Appendix A):

    16 6 1 (8)

    The limiting values of , 0 and 1, denote that responses rx and ry (to perfectly correlated groundmotions) are uncorrelated and perfectly correlated, respectively.

    2.5. Critical angles

    Because the value of may not be known, it is prudent to design for that value of that gives

    the largest response. Dierentiating Equation (1) with respect to and setting the derivative equal

    to zero gives the critical values of the incident angle [68].

    cr =1


    tan1 2rxyr2x r2y (9)

    Equation (9) leads to two values of between 0 and 180, separated by 90, which give the

    maximum (rmax) and minimum (rmin) response values. Note that the critical values of are in-

    dependent of the intensity ratio between the horizontal components of ground motion and are

    not inuenced by the vertical component; in particular, cr is the same whether the ground motion

    contains one horizontal component or two components. For the special case of =1 (i.e. two

    Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2000; 29:17591778

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    equally intense horizontal components of ground motion), Equation (1) indicates that the response

    is independent of the incident angle.

    Equation (9) can be rewritten in terms of two dimensionless parameters, and :

    tan(2cr) =2

    1 2 (10)

    where the response correlation coecient is given by Equation (7), and is a positive parameter

    dened as the ratio of responses ry and rx:



    Observe that cr = 0 if either one of or is equal to zero; if = 1, cr =45 or 135

    , depending

    on the sign + or , respectively, of the correlation coecient .

    2.6. Explicit formula for the critical response

    To determine rmax and rmin , the maximum and the minimum values of r() in Equation (1),

    usually the two numerical values of cr determined from Equation (9) are substituted for . We

    can, however, derive explicit equations for rmax and rmin by recognizing that they represent the

    combined response to three components of ground motion acting in directions 1, 2 and z, with

    = cr, as shown in Figure 1. If the responses to these uncorrelated individual components of

    ground motion are denoted by r1; r2 and rz , respectively, the combined response is given by the

    SRSS rule

    rmax = {r21 + (r2)2 + r2z }1=2; rmin ={(r1)2 + r22 + r2z }1=2 (12)To determine r1 and r2, we specialize Equation (1) for a single horizontal component of ground

    motion by substituting = 0, delete the response to the vertical component, and substitute for

    sin(cr) and cos(cr) determined from Equation (9). The result is similar to the equations for

    principal stresses found in textbooks in mechanics:

    r1; 2 =

    r2x + r2



    r2x r2y2

    2+ r2xy



    Finally, by substituting Equation (13) into Equation (12), we obtain the critical response rcr:

    rcr = rmax =(1 + 2)

    r2x + r2



    + (1 2

    )r2x r



    + r2xy + r2



    : (14)

    The explicit formula given by Equation (14) is convenient for design purposes, especially code

    applications, because it avoids computation of the two critical angles, as required in previous works

    [68], and provides a rational basis to determine the critical response from rx, ry, and rxy. The rst

    two represent responses to an individual component of ground motion applied along the x- and

    Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2000; 29:17591778

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    Figure 2. Ratio of critical and SRSS values of response as a function of for selected values of and .

    the y-axis of the structure, respectively, responses that are commonly evaluated by the response

    spectrum method; rxy is a measure of correlation between responses rx and ry. In addition, Equation

    (14) is not computationally demanding, requiring calculation of rstki , Aki, and ij, which are readily

    available if the conventional CQC modal combination rule is implemented in the dynamic analysis

    software to calculate rx and ry.

    2.7. Bounds for the critical response

    The ratio of the critical response due to horizontal ground motion, Equation (14) with rz =0, and

    the response from SRSS analysis (Equations (5) and (6)), is given by



    (1 + 2)((1 + 2)=2) + (1 2)

    ((1 2)=2)2 + ()2

    1 + ()2 or 2 + 2


    wherein the denominator has two alternatives expressions: the rst is valid if r( = 0) r( = 90),

    implying that rx ry or 6 1; the second applies if r( = 0)6 r( = 90), implying that rx 6 ry

    or 1. Note that the ratio rcr=rsrss depends on dimensionless parameters ; , and . It can beshown that rcr=rsrss is identical for values that are reciprocal to each other.

    Figure 2 plots Equation (16) as a function of correlation coecient for several values of

    and four values of : as the spectrum intensity ratio increases, we would expect rsrss and rcr to

    increase, however, rcr=rsrss decreases. For = 1, rcr=rsrss = 1, independent of and , implying that

    the SRSS analysis is correct only if both horizontal components of ground motion have the same

    intensity. For xed values of 1 and , the response ratio rcr=rsrss is largest at = 1, i.e. when

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    Figure 3. Upperbound for the ratio of critical and SRSS values of response as afunction of the spectrum intensity ratio .

    responses rx and ry are perfectly correlated. Among all values of , rcr=rsrss is largest for = 1, i.e.

    rx = ry. For = 0, rcr=rsrss = 1, independent of and , implying that the SRSS analysis is correct

    if responses rx and ry are uncorrelated. For a xed value of , rcr =rsrss is largest when = 1 and = 1, simultaneously; the latter condition implies that cr =45 or 135


    The critical response is bounded as follows (see Appendix B):

    rsrss 6 rcr 6 rsrss


    1 + 2(16)

    Plotted as a function of (see Figure 3), the upper bound value, (rcr=rsrss)max, has values

    2, 1.26,

    1.13, and 1.08 for = 0, 0.5, 0.75, and 0.85, respectively, implying that the critical response value

    does not exceed

    2 times the resut of the SRSS analysis [14]. For typical values of the spectrum

    intensity ratio , say 0.75, this ratio is 1.13. Equation (16) and the resulting conclusions are validfor any structure and any spectral shape A(Tn).


    3.1. System and ground motion

    Consider an idealized one-storey system with a rigid square slab of mass m supported on four

    massless columns clamped at the slab and at the base (Figure 4). The height of the columns is

    0.4 times the bay length, L. The rst natural vibration mode involves uncoupled motion in the

    x-direction at period Tx, and the second mode describes uncoupled motion in the y-direction atperiod Ty. The damping ratio is assumed to be 5 per cent in both modes.

    The ground motion consists of two horizontal components. The major principal component is

    dened by the pseudo-acceleration design spectrum [15] shown in Figure 5, for peak ground accel-

    eration, velocity, and displacement equal to 0:5g, 24 in=s and 18 in, respectively, 84.1 percentile

    response and 5 per cent damping. The intermediate principal component of ground motion is dened

    by times the spectrum shown in Figure 5.

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    Figure 4. One-storey square building with four columns.

    Figure 5. Pseudo-acceleration design spectrum.

    3.2. Structural response

    By specializing Equation (4) for the system depicted in Figure 4, and recognizing that only the

    rst mode contributes to rx and only the second mode to ry, we obtain

    rx = |rstx1|Ax1; ry = |rsty2|Ay2; rxy = 12rstx1rsty2Ax1Ay2 (17)Substituting Equation (17) into Equations (7) and (11), gives and for the system shown in

    Figure 4:

    = 12 sign



    ; =



    Ay2Ax1 (18)where the notation sign means that is positive if rstx1 and r

    sty2 have the same algebraic sign and

    is negative if the two algebraic signs are dierent. The response correlation coecient is simply

    the modal correlation coecient 12, but with a positive or negative sign.

    Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2000; 29:17591778

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    Table I. Modal static responses, response correlation coecient and response ratio.

    Response quantity rstx1 rsty2

    Vb m 0 Undened 0Na +0:1m +0:1m +12 Ay2=Ax1Nb 0:1m +0:1m 12 Ay2=Ax1Nc 0:1m 0:1m +12 Ay2=Ax1Nd +0:1m 0:1m 12 Ay2=Ax1

    Figure 6. Correlation coecient for the axial force in four columns of the one-storey symmetrical building.

    Figure 7. Response ratio for the axial forces in four columns of the one-storey symmetrical building.

    Table I shows the modal static responses, the response correlation coecient , and the response

    ratio for selected response quantities: base shear Vb in the x-direction and axial forces Na, Nb,

    Nc, and Nd in columns a, b, c, and d, respectively (Figure 4). Although not shown in Table I,

    shear forces and bending moments along the x-direction in the columns, have the same and

    values as for the base shear Vb.

    The response correlation coecient for the axial forces in columns a, b, c and d is plotted

    against the period ratio Tx=Ty in Figure 6. This is the well-known modal correlation coecient

    found in texbooks [13], but with a positive or negative sign depending upon the response quantity being considered. Figure 6 conrms the earlier result (Equation (8)) that is bounded by 1and 1; = + 1 or 1 when Tx = Ty, i.e., the x- and y-vibration modes have identical vibration

    periods. For the design spectrum of Figure 5, the response ratio for the axial force in the four

    columns (Table I) is plotted against the period ratio Tx=Ty in Figure 7, for three dierent values

    of Ty. Observe that =1 if Tx = Ty, but may be larger or smaller than 1 depending on the values

    of Tx=Ty and Ty.

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    Figure 8. Variation of response with incident angle for several values of : (a) base shear in x-directionfor systems with Tx = 0:5 s, (b) column axial force for systems with Tx = Ty = 0:5 s, (c) column axial

    force for systems with Tx = Ty=3, Ty = 0:5 s.

    3.3. Variation of response with incident angle

    The variation of Vb, normalized relative to the structural weight (w =mg) with , is presented

    in Figure 8(a) for systems with Tx = 0:5 s and several values of . Because ry =0 and rxy = 0

    (Equation (17) and Table I), these results are not dependent on Ty. The value of rx is obtained

    from Equation (17), Table I, and the design spectrum (Figure 5): rx = 1:355w.

    To interpret these results, Equation (1) is specialized whereby r is replaced by Vb=w:





    cos2 + 2 sin2 (19)

    wherein for this system A(Tx)=g = 1:355. Note in Figure 8(a), if both components of ground mo-

    tion have the same intensity ( =1), the x-base shear is independent of ; Equation (19) gives

    Vb() = 1:355w. For a xed , the response increases as increases, indicating increasing inten-

    sity of the weaker component of ground motion, as intuition would suggest and illustrated by

    Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2000; 29:17591778

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    Equation (1). As we shall see later, these two observations apply to all response quantities, but

    the following observations are restricted to Vb: for any value of 1, Vb is largest if = 0 and

    smallest if = 90.

    These observations can be explained easily: = 0

    implies that the stronger component of groundmotion is applied along the x-direction, which clearly gives the maximum base shear in the x-

    direction: Vb( = 0) = 1:355w (from Equation (19)); the weaker component of ground motion does

    not contribute to the x-base shear. = 90 means that the weaker component of ground motion

    is applied along the x-direction, which clearly gives the smallest base shear in the x-direction:

    Vb( = 90) = 1:355w (from Equation (19)), with no contribution from the stronger component of

    ground motion acting in the y-direction. For other values of , both components of ground motion

    contribute to Vb, which takes on intermediate values.

    The variation of the axial force Na in column a, normalized relative to the structural weight with

    , is presented in Figure 8(b) for a system with identical periods Tx = Ty = 0:5 s. For this response

    quantity, rx Nax ; ry Nay ; and rxy Naxy are all non-zero and inuenced by both Tx and Ty.For this system, Nax =Nay = 0:1mA(Tx) (from Equation (17) and Table I), and = + 1 and = 1

    (from Equation (18) and Table I).To interpret the results shown in Figure 8(b), we specialize Equation (1) by replacing r with





    g{(1 + 2) + 2(1 2)sin cos }1=2 (20)

    Observe in Figure 8(b) that the axial force for any angle may be larger or smaller than the axial

    force for =0 or 90; because Nax =Nay ; Na is the same for these two values. The maximum

    and the minimum values of Na occur for incident angles when =45 and 135, respectively,

    conrming the earlier result for = + 1 and = 1, as in this example.

    The variation of Na with can be explained as follows: consider rst a single component of

    ground motion, i.e. = 0, in which case Equation (20) gives Na = 0:1355w for =0 and 90

    ,Na = 0:1355w

    2 for = 45, and Na =0 for =135

    . Ground motion in the x-direction ( = 0)

    excites only the x-mode of vibration, and the axial force is Na = 0:1355w. Similarly, ground mo-

    tion in the y-direction ( = 90) excites only the y-mode of vibration, and the axial force is

    Na = 0:1355w.

    Ground motion ug(t) along a diagonal ( = 45) can be resolved using two components:

    ug(t) cos 45 in the x-direction and ug(t) sin 45

    in the y-direction. These resolved components

    result in axial force Nax = (0:1355w) cos 45 and Nay = (0:1355w)sin 45

    , respectively. Because

    the responses are perfectly correlated (12 = 1), these two peak values occur simultaneously. Thus

    the combined peak value becomes Na = (0:1355w) cos 45+ (0:1355w) sin 45 = 0:192w: A parallel

    development for =135 leads to Na = (0:1355w) cos 135 + (0:1355w)sin 135 = 0; both results

    are the same as obtained in Equation (20), shown in Figure 8(b).

    Next, we consider two components of ground motion. As the intensity of the second componentincreases, i.e. increases, the response value increases for all values of , consistent with intuition.

    As discussed earlier, because the less intense component of ground motion along =135 causes

    no axial force, the response is unaected by if the incident angle is = 45.

    The variation of the axial force Na in column a normalized relative to the structural weight

    w with , is presented in Figure 8(c) for a system with well-separated periods: Tx = 0:167s and

    Ty = 0:5 s. For this system, Nax =Nay = 0:1355w (from Equation (17), Table I, and Figure 5); = 1

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    Figure 9. Variation of structural response with Tx for several values of and two values of . Parts (a) and(b) show results for Vb=w; parts (c) and (d) are for Na=w.

    and 12=0, hence Naxy=0 and =0 (from Equation (18), Table I, and Figures 6 and 7). To interpretthe results shown in Figure 8(c), we specialize Equation (1) with r replaced by Na=w:


    w= 0:1355

    1 + 2 (21)

    Observe in Figure 8(c) that the axial force is essentially independent of the incident angle , which

    is the case because for a system with well separated periods, Naxy =0 and Nax =Nay.

    3.4. Variation of response with Tx

    The peak value of Vb, normalized relative to the weight w, for systems with a xed Ty = 0:5s is

    plotted for = 0 and 0.75 against Tx in Figures 9(a) and 9(b). For = 0, the plot is identical to

    the design spectrum shown in Figure 5; for other values of , the plot appears to be multiplied by a

    -dependent factor that is less than one. In Equation (19) this factor is equal to one for = 0 and

    for = 90, and takes on values between one and for other values of . This simple variation

    of Vb with Tx is because the x-base shear due to ground motion in the y-direction is zero.

    The variation of Na with Tx shown in Figures 9(c)(d) is more complicated because it is aected by ground motion in both x- and y-directions. These results permit several observations. If = 0,

    the variation of Na=w with Tx is identical to the design spectrum, except for a scale factor that

    is dependent on the spectrum intensity ratio, as suggested by Equation (20). For other values of

    , the variation of Na=w with Tx is more complicated and is dependent on the values of and

    , reaching a peak when Tx = Ty, the largest being when = 45; reasons for these trends were

    identied in the preceding section.

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    Figure 10. Variation of the ratio of critical and SRSS responses and critical angle with Tx=Ty for the axial forcein column a of the one-storey symmetrical building; Ty = 0:5 s.

    For values of dierent than 45, increasing the value of smoothes the dierences between

    the axial force at each angle , although signicant dierences remain when = 0:75 as shown in

    Figure 9(d). For the limit case of = 1, the responses are independent of .

    3.5. Critical response and critical angle

    Next, the ratio rcr=rsrss of the critical response and the response from the SRSS analysis (Equation

    (15)), and the critical angle (Equation (10)) are examined for two response quantities: base shear

    Vb in the x-direction and axial force Na in column a. For the x-base shear, this ratio is always

    equal to one and the critical angle is zero. Such is the case because the x-base shear is not aected

    by the y-component of ground motion; ry = = 0, as shown in Table I.

    The above-mentioned results for the axial force in column a are presented in Figure 10 for a

    one-storey system with xed Ty = 0:5s and Tx over a range of values. As the spectrum intensity

    ratio increases, we expect rsrss and rcr to increase, however rcr=rsrss decreases.

    The SRSS analysis gives the correct critical response if the vibration periods, Tx and Ty, are

    well separated, because the responses rx and ry are then essentially uncorrelated. The ratio rc=rsrssis largest for systems with Tx = Ty, as this condition implies that responses rx and ry are perfectly

    correlated; the largest value of rc=rsrss is equal to the upperbound in Equation (16) and Figure 3.

    Thus the discrepancy between rsrss and rcr may be signicant for systems with closely spaced

    periods of vibration and smaller values of the spectrum intensity ratio.

    The critical angle of incidence depends on the period ratio Tx=Ty, but not on the spectrum in-

    tensity ratio. It varies between 45 and 90, as shown in Figure 10(b). If Tx=Ty is much smaller or

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    much larger than one, cr is close to 90, implying that the response reaches its critical value when

    the stronger component of horizontal ground motion is applied along the y-axis of the structure.

    Such is the case because in this range of period ratios, 1 or ryrx for systems with Ty = 0:5 s.

    For systems where Tx=Ty is close to one, the critical angle is 45

    for reasons identied in the preceding section.


    4.1. System and ground motion

    Consider an idealized one-storey unsymmetrical-plan building with a rigid slab supported by any

    number of lateral resisting elements oriented along directions x and y (Figure 11). The system has

    three degrees of freedom: translations of the centre of mass (CM) along x- and y-directions and

    rotation of the slab about a vertical axis passing through the CM. The eccentricity of the centre

    of rigidity CR relative to CM is given by distances ex and ey (Figure 11); ex=r and ey=r are the

    normalized eccentricities, where r is the radius of gyration of the oor about the vertical axis passingthrough the CM. A 5 per cent damping ratio is assumed for each of the three vibration modes.

    Introduced for reference purposes, Tx, Ty and T are the vibration periods of the corresponding

    symmetrical-plan (or torsionally uncoupled) system with ex = ey = 0, but the mass and x-, y-, and

    -stinesses are identical to the coupled system.

    The major and the intermediate principal components of ground motion are dened by A(Tn) and

    A(Tn), respectively, applied at incident angle (Figure 11), where A(Tn) is the design spectrum

    of Figure 5. No vertical ground motion is considered.

    4.2. Critical response of one-way unsymmetrical systems

    Consider rst a system with mass and stiness properties symmetrical about the y-axis (ex=r= 0)

    but unsymmetrical about the x-axis with ey=r= 0:3. Its uncoupled vibration periods are denedas follows: Ty = 0:66 s (the intersection of the constant and hyperbolic branches of the design

    spectrum); Tx and T are varied, but Tx=T = 1. Ground motion in the x-direction excites the two

    natural vibration modes (periods T1 and T2) that contain coupled x-lateral and torsional motion.

    Ground motion in the y-direction excites only the mode (period T3) that describes uncoupled motion

    in the y-lateral direction. The periods of the three natural vibration modes are plotted against Tx=Tyin Figure 12(a).

    We will study the edge displacement of the system in the y-direction (dx=r= 1:225 for a square

    plan) due to a single component ( = 0) of ground motion acting at an arbitrary angle , which is

    characterized by the design spectrum shown in Figure 5. For this response quantity, the correlation

    coecient (Equation (7)), the response ratio (Equation (11)), the critical angle cr (Equa-

    tion (10)), and the critical response rcr (Equation (14)) are computed and plotted as a function of

    the uncoupled period ratio Tx=Ty. The response has been normalized relative to the displacement ofthe corresponding symmetric system, which is given by A(Ty) (2=Ty)2 = 14:67 cm. Also plottedare the response values r ( = 0) and r ( = 90), Equation (15), for the two special cases of

    ground motion applied in the x-direction ( = 0) and in the y-direction ( = 90), respectively. The

    latter response is independent of Tx=Ty because the response to ground motion in the y-direction,

    the axis of symmetry, is independent of Tx and Ty is xed. For = 0, the displacement increases

    as Tx becomes larger.

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    Figure 11. One-storey unsymmetric building.

    For the cases when Tx=Ty 1 or 1, the periods T1 and T2 are well separated from T3 (Figure12(a)), the correlation coecient approaches zero (Figure 12(b)), the critical angle cr approaches

    90 when Tx=Ty 1 and 0 when Tx=Ty 1 (Figure 12(c)), and the critical response rcr approachesr ( = 90) for Tx=Ty 1 and r ( = 0) when Tx=Ty 1 (Figure 12(d)). These results can beexplained as follows: when Tx=Ty 1, 1 (Figure 12(b)), which implies ry is much larger thanrx, therefore the response is the largest when the ground motion is applied in the y-direction. The

    opposite situation occurs when Tx=Ty 1, where 1 (Figure 12(b)), implying that rx is muchlarger than ry; therefore the response is largest when the ground motion is applied in the x-direction.

    For systems with Tx = Ty, = 0 (Figure 12(b)); thus based on Figure 2, it would be expected that

    rcr=rsrss = 1. This is conrmed by the results shown later in Figure 13(a).

    On the contrary, observe that when one of the natural vibration periods, T1 or T2, is equal to

    vibration period T3 in Figure 12(a), the correlation coecient is close to

    1 or +1, respectively,

    tends to 1 (Figure 12(b)), the critical angle is close to 135 or 45 , respectively (Figure 12(c)),

    and the critical response rcr (Figure 12(d)) has two peaks that exceed the two responses r ( = 0)

    and r ( = 90). This observation can be explained as follows: When T1 or T2 is equal to T3, the

    correlation between the modal responses increases, therefore the cross term rxy and the correlation

    coecient increases; T1 = T3 implies that Tx=Ty = 0:85, and T2 = T3 occurs at Tx=Ty = 1:15, which

    dene the two peaks in the critical response values shown in Figure 12(d). In addition, the pa-

    rameter is close to 1 in the same period range. Thus, as pointed out previously in Figure 2, the

    simultaneity of approaching 1 and approaching 1 or +1 leads to an increase in the criticalresponse with respect to the responses r ( = 0) and r ( = 90), as conrmed by the results

    shown in Figure 12(d).

    4.3. Critical response of unsymmetric systems

    The ratio of the critical value of the response to its SRSS value, rcr=rsrss, is computed from Equation

    (15) and plotted against the period ratio Tx=Ty in Figure 13. This gure is organized in three parts

    to show (a) the eect of the spectrum intensity ratio , for ex=r= 0, ey=r= 0:3 and Tx=T = 1;

    (b) the eect of Tx=T, for ex=r= 0, ey=r= 0:3 and = 0; and (c) the eect of the eccentricity

    ex=r, for Tx=T = 1, ey=r= 0:3 and =0. The system presented in Figure 13(a) is the same one-

    way, unsymmetrical system subjected to a single ground motion component that was presented

    Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2000; 29:17591778

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    Figure 12. (a) Natural vibration periods, (b) parameters and , (c) critical angle, and (d) normalizedresponse for a one-way unsymmetrical building.

    previously in Figure 12. The largest value of rcr=rsrss is 1.24 when =0 and Tx=Ty = 1:15. When

    = 0:5 and 0.75, the largest value of rcr=rsrss is reduced to 1.15 and 1.08, respectively.

    Varying Tx=T (Figure 13(b)) leads to a decrease or increase in rcr=rsrss, depending on the periodratio Tx=Ty; rcr=rsrss is largest for systems when Tx=T =1 and Tx=Ty = 1:15. Similarly, varying the

    eccentricity ex=r (Figure 13(c)) may lead to an increase or a decrease in the values of rcr=rsrss,

    depending on Tx=Ty; rcr=rsrss is largest for systems when ex=r=0 and Tx=Ty = 1:15. For all sys-

    tems considered herein, the largest value of rcr=rsrss is 1.24, corresponding to ex=r= 0, ey=r= 0:3,

    Tx=T =1, and Tx=Ty = 1:15, when the excitation is a single seismic component ( = 0). For more

    realistic values of the spectrum intensity ratio , such as 0.75, the largest value of rcr=rsrss is 1.08;

    Copyright ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2000; 29:17591778

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    Figure 13. Ratio of critical and SRSS responses: (a) Eect of (ex=r= 0, ey=r= 0:3, Tx=T = 1), (b) eect ofTx=T (ex=r= 0, ey=r= 0:3, = 0), (c) eect of ex=r (ey=r= 0:3, Tx=T = 1, =0).

    these values are below the upperbound values presented in Figure 3. Results not presented here

    indicate that rcr=rsrss = 1:12 when = 0:75 for the displacement of some resisting elements of a

    building with a rectangular plan and an aspect ratio of 4.


    1. An explicit formula has been derived to calculate the critical values of structural response

    to two principal components of horizontal ground motion acting along any incident angle and the

    vertical component of ground motion; the critical response is dened as the largest value of response

    for all possible incident angles. Using this formula, the critical value can be computed from the

    responses to single components of ground motion applied separately along the three structuralaxes and the correlation between these responses. This explicit formula is convenient for design

    purposes, especially code applications, because it avoids computation of the critical incident angle.

    2. The ratio between the critical value of response and the SRSS responsecorresponding to the

    principal components of ground acceleration applied along the structural axesdepends on three

    dimensionless parameters: the spectrum intensity ratio between the two principal components

    of horizontal ground motion characterized by design spectra A(Tn) and A(Tn); the correlation

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    By substituting Equations (A4) into Equations (A5), and using Equations (A3), (3) and (7), it can

    be shown that

    ij ijuiuj = 2 + 2

    i j ijrxiryjrxry = 2 + 2 (A6)



    ijvivj = 2 2


    j ijrxiryj

    rxry= 2 2 (A7)

    From Equations (A5), (A6) and (A7), we can write

    2 + 2 0; 2 2 0 (A8)Finally, from Equations (A8) we conclude that

    16 6 1 (A9)

    Hence the correlation coecient is bounded between 1 and +1. This result is valid for any struc-ture and any spectral shape, under the assumption that both horizontal spectra have the same shape.


    Consider structural response to two principal components of horizontal ground motion acting along

    any incident angle , relative to the structural axes. The critical response rcr, dened as the max-

    imum response considering all possible incident angles , is given by Equation (14). Also, the

    SRSS response rsrss was dened as the larger of the two responses for =0 and 90. Obviously,

    rcr rsrss (B1)

    From Equation (14) we note that rcr = rsrss only if rxy = 0 (i.e. the correlation coecient =0). Now, from Equation (1), we can write

    r(; = 1 ) = (r2x + r2

    y )1=2 (B2)

    Note that the right-hand term is independent of and hence equal to the critical response. For any

    other value of , the critical response will be smaller. Thus,

    r2cr 6 r2

    x + r2

    y (B3)

    Furthermore, from Equation (14) it can be noted that r2cr = r2

    x +r2

    y only when rxy = rxry (i.e. ||=1).Lets assume that rsrss is dened by the response r( = 0

    ) = (r2x + 2r2y )

    1=2 (Equation (5)). Then,

    Equation (B3) can be written as

    r2cr 6 (r2

    x + 2r2y )

    (r2x + r2

    y )

    (r2x + 2r2y )



    r2cr 6 rsrss(r2x + r

    2y )

    (r2x + 2r2y )


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    which, by using the denitions of and (Equations (7) and (11)), becomes

    r2cr 6 r2


    (1 + 2)

    (1 + 22)(B6)

    The function (1 + 2)=(1 + 22) in Equation (B6) is an increasing function of with a maximum

    at = 1. Hence, Equation (B6) can be rewritten as

    r2cr 6 r2



    (1 + 2)(B7)

    If we had assumed that rsrss was dened by the response r( = 90) = (2r2x + r

    2y )

    1=2 (Equation (5)),

    following a similar procedure it is easy to show that the same Equation (B7) is obtained.

    Finally, using Equations (B1) and (B7), the lower and upper bounds of the critical response are

    rsrss 6 rcr 6 rsrss2

    1 + 2(B8)

    where the lower bound is reached if the correlation coecient = 0 and the upperbound if

    ||= = 1.It should be noted that these results are valid for any structure and any spectral shape, under

    the assumption that both horizontal spectra have the same shape.


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