Clean Sweep Copyright 2 010 F. Lynn Vogel USA This material may be sh ared, printed, downloaded and copied u nder the followi ng terms and condi tions:1. Credi t and reference shall be made to source it to the original author and the 20 Turns Project based at http://www.20turns.com. 2. It may only be copied, printed and shared in it’s entirety. Beyond this-I am still willing to trust the good nature and basic decency of American citizens. The author may be contacted at [email protected]  Before we begin: There is a chance that this booklet will be removed from the internet because I am about to say what we have all been waiting to hear. Some people in positions of power believe they can violate our Constitutional right of free speech. Because of this I ask that you download, share, save or  print this immediately. Be prepared to distribute it even if an attempt is made to silence the message. How Did We Get Here?  From the 1 st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:……or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. From the Declaration of Independence: … that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed. --That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government laying it’s foundations on such principles and organizing it’s powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. We know our federal government is filled with corruption. We have learned that we can expect a daily dose of new examples. We hear about the new evidence but do we need anymore? The case has been made, witnessed and confirmed, it is time for a solution. No one seems to want to state the obvious so let the discussion begin here. I’ll say it. I am convinced that Barack Obama will destroy America if he is allowed to complete a four year term as President. I believe this is his intention and deliberate goal. I also believe he has willing accomplices in our Congress and federal court system who are equally dangerous to the future of our nation as a Constitutional republic. I have reached the conclusion that it is now time to have a serious national discussion about the

CRISIS in Congress

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Clean Sweep

Copyright 2010 F. Lynn Vogel USA This material may be shared, printed, downloaded and copied under the following terms and conditions:1. Credit

and reference shall be made to source it to the original author and the 20 Turns Project based at http://www.20turns.com.2. It may only be copied, printedand shared in it’s entirety. Beyond this-I am still willing to trust the good nature and basic decency of American citizens. The author may be contacted at

[email protected] 

 Before we begin: There is a chance that this booklet will be removed from the internet because I am

about to say what we have all been waiting to hear. Some people in positions of power believe they canviolate our Constitutional right of free speech. Because of this I ask that you download, share, save or 

 print this immediately. Be prepared to distribute it even if an attempt is made to silence the message.

How Did We Get Here? 

From the 1st

Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:……or abridging thefreedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition

the Government for a redress of grievances.

From the Declaration of Independence: … that they are endowed by their Creator with certainunalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure

these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just power from the consent of the

governed. --That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Rightof the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government laying it’s foundations on such

principles and organizing it’s powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their

Safety and Happiness.

We know our federal government is filled with corruption. We have learned that we can expect a

daily dose of new examples. We hear about the new evidence but do we need anymore? The case has

been made, witnessed and confirmed, it is time for a solution. No one seems to want to state the

obvious so let the discussion begin here. I’ll say it.

I am convinced that Barack Obama will destroy America if he is allowed to complete a four yearterm as President. I believe this is his intention and deliberate goal. I also believe he has willing

accomplices in our Congress and federal court system who are equally dangerous to the future of our

nation as a Constitutional republic.

I have reached the conclusion that it is now time to have a serious national discussion about the

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process of removing a sitting President, his Cabinet, his appointees, and his mysterious group of czars.We must also discuss the process for nullification of the acts, policies and programs that have brought

us to this conclusion.

The Constitution must be restored as the literal guide for the governance of these United States. We

cannot accomplish this while so many leaders in our Congress openly ignore, subvert or defy the

Constitution. These leaders must also be removed from their various offices. This must be a part of ourdiscussion.

This is a very serious subject and must be treated as such. Removing one or even a few of our most

dangerous leaders is not enough. If we are not thorough or if we plan to leave the job half done, wemay as well just give up and do nothing. They have already won. Our entire federal government has

become infested with leaders who do not serve the best interests of a Constitutional America. To

simply remove a President will not cure what ails us. This must be a Clean Sweep. The administrationand Congress must be purged of those who do not yield to the protests and consent of us, the governed.

Our leaders take an oath of office and we reserve the right to enforce that oath when their lack of ethics

allow them to violate it at will.

We do not have a process for recall of officials by a special vote of no confidence. Our Founders

did not foresee a need for this because they provided for free elections at regular intervals. Congresswas given the power and authority to hold the President accountable to his oath of office. This

Congress has failed to do so. Our Founders expected us to replace our members of Congress

frequently. They were to be selected from the best and brightest among us, serve their terms then

return to the private sector to live among us with the results of what they had done.

Our Founders believed that installing fresh leaders on a regular basis would give us a Congress of leaders who were in touch with the American people and the issues and concerns of our daily lives.

They did not plan for Congress to be a lifelong career complete with a huge salary, fantastic benefits

and a generous pension plan that turns most of them into millionaires in a very short time. TheFounders knew that if we did not continuously replace members of Congress they would become an

aristocracy of lifelong powerbrokers. We now have an aristocracy of lifelong powerbrokers. They are a

privileged class that lives far beyond the reach of the rules, the laws and the penalties they so eagerlyimpose upon us. For example; how many Congressmen are subject to employee drug testing or full

body scans at airports? When they break laws it is usually swept under the rug. If enough commotion

develops they may get a “censure” from colleagues. They get a letter in their employee file for acts thatwould get us thrown in jail or stripped of our wealth.

The pensions and benefits that tempt these people to stay in office would not exist if we had the

chance to vote for them instead of Congress awarding it to themselves. They feel so secure in their

positions they routinely dismiss the Constitution with impunity. A majority of them are now workingin support of President Obama to permanently remove the power and freedoms of citizens so

government can control our wealth and financial activities from Washington D.C..

There is a growing belief among members of Congress that international treaties can supersede our

Bill of Rights. This attitude is dangerous and completely unacceptable. As a free American citizen Isteadfastly believe no document or power on earth can justly interfere with our Bill of Rights or any

other part of our Constitution.

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It is time for a national discussion of how to restore our Constitution. It is time for a nationaldiscussion about special steps to clean up our federal government. It is time for a Clean Sweep.

Our president and our Congress share the mistaken belief that they are above the law and can pick and choose which laws to enforce and which to ignore. They feel completely comfortable creating

penalties and enforcing laws against us but they themselves and favored groups are not held to the

same legal standards. Richard Nixon made the same mistake on a smaller scale, he was wrong too. Wemust now demonstrate to our leaders that We the People will not tolerate the corruption so many of 

them represent.

Is America Ours?

Is America owned and controlled by the federal government or is it collectively owned and

controlled by the American People? This is the true heart of our great issue of the day. In 1787 George

Washington said, “The power under the Constitution will always be in the People.” How is thatworking out? Many of our Founders warned us to remain educated and vigilant because governments

always seek to grow and acquire increased powers.

We still possess the foundation for the greatest system of government ever devised by mankind. If it

was not divinely inspired it was certainly divinely Blessed. The problems all reside in the structure our

leaders have built on top of that foundation, or beside it.

We cannot blame all of our problems on a single political party though one is certainly driving our

current fiasco. Both major parties have been at fault at various times. Both major parties have filled our

Congress with individuals that are almost impossible to remove using the process and rules they havedeveloped. I resent this. Both major parties have looked the other way at various times while our

Constitutional principles are systematically diluted by bad legislation. Both major parties have

members who are guilty of implementing very expensive programs we do not want then taxing citizensto pay for their mistakes. There have always been political mistakes and bad legislation, there always

will be. This time it is much more than that. This time it adds up to a peaceful overthrow of our basic

system of government.

In a very short time we have watched as our leaders have seized private companies, burdened our

future with unsustainable debt and forcibly taken control over many aspects of our business and

economic systems.

If the federal government owns and controls America then we must sit quietly and tolerate these

actions. If We the People still own and control America then we have the power, the duty and the

obligation to refuse to accept these changes.

I believe our federal government is now a rogue regime that does not care to govern with ourconsent. I believe that a calculated series of events has succeeded in loading our federal government

with like-minded individuals who have contempt for our Constitution and We the People.

We are experiencing a bloodless takeover of our nation. We have a President who has vowed to

‘fundamentally transform America” and he is doing it. Does he have that right under our Constitution

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or do we have the right to deny him his will? Is this his nation to do with as he pleases simply becausehe won a temporary job or is this nation still the birthright property of We the People?

This nation now knows that the election of President Obama was a dangerous mistake. This nationnow knows that we are in the middle of the greatest power grab in U.S. history. We now know that this

man consistently violates his oath of office by trampling our Constitution. We now know that if he is

allowed to complete his term this nation will certainly be damaged beyond repair. We must nowexamine the possibilities for the peaceful removal of this President and those officials who have

supported his anti-Constitutional activities.

We are now at a point where other nations say America is dying. Many Americans are whisperingabout a coming revolution. The revolution is already here, that is the problem. A socialist revolution

disguised as “reform” or “progress” has been growing within our government for decades. The only

revolution we need is the revolution of reform by restoring our Constitution. We are the generation thatmust decide if our Constitution will guide us or be cast aside. We are the people who will define the

nation and opportunities that our children and grandchildren will live with. Many of the changes they

are making will have lasting effects. The future of our society is being committed to the policies of a

President who has been riding a wave of disaster since the day he lied with his hand on the LincolnBible.

We the People will perform a Clean Sweep of our government and remove those leaders who

threaten our future or we will become the Generation of Shame I described in the companion booklet,

20 Turns. This is our duty and the need to act has been thrust upon us by the actions of others. We did

not ask for this mess and I personally address it with great reluctance. We tried other methods. Wehave complained and been ignored. We have called and written to Congressmen and been ignored. We

have attended Town Hall meetings and been ignored. Many Congressmen have websites structured soit is difficult or impossible to reach them with an email and few will ever return a phone call. We have

tried to reach them and we have made every effort to inform our leaders that we support our

Constitution. We have tried to help them realize we will NOT tolerate a shift to socialism and the vastincreases in government powers that socialism requires.

The Clean Sweep is the only peaceful option that remains for the restoration of our Constitution andthe future of America as a prosperous nation of free citizens.

When Elections Are Not Enough

As you watch the news or hear the pundits talk keep 3 questions in mind. 1. Do we really need to

keep gathering evidence and convincing each other that government is corrupt or is it time to act? 2. Isanyone offering any kind of final solution to our troubles or is everyone just locked in a pattern of 

sounding the alarms? 3. Can America be saved quickly by any method other than a sweeping removalof all corrupt leaders in one massive house-cleaning?

Why do we need a Clean Sweep when we already have elections? That is a fair question with asimple answer. Those that seek to destroy us have learned how to use our system against us. The

elections of Nov, 2010 or 2012 will be too little too late.

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 First of all- we must realize the trouble we now face is not our typical Republican vs. Democrat,

liberal vs. conservative type of fight. We have just experienced the promotion and passage of 2

massive legislative bills to take control of our health care and finances with a Pandora’s Box of othercontrols lumped in.

We have watched more than 150 new federal agencies be created and we will be expected to pay forall of these new employees, their offices, their computers and all those new government vehicles.

These new jobs exist only to increase control over us. These new agencies will be open for business

very soon if we don’t stop this madness now. We are looking at receiving notices, rules, orders and

bills from agencies we have never even heard of.

We have watched huge corporate bailouts at taxpayer expense. We have seen “stimulus” programs

that do not work funded with astronomical sums to be awarded and distributed as slush funds at thewhim and favor of our leaders and their cohorts. Our wealth and our future are being looted by those

who are accumulating the power they are stripping from us. All of this spending must be paid for and

that is where we come in. This will require huge increases in taxes for generations to come just to pay

the bills this administration has already piled up against our wishes and without our consent. This is anhistorical attack on the freedoms and principles of our basic system of capitalism and free enterprise.

Every politician that has played an active role in passing these bills must go. Many of them are not

currently up for re-election. Others are on the ballot but have become so adept at raising funds and

managing campaigns they are practically impossible to vote out. This is also discussed at length in the

20 Turns booklet which was written a full year ago. We may remove a few offenders in any electioncycle but the problem is so widespread, so deeply rooted that about 2/3’s of the problem leaders are

never at risk. When we do send new people with good intentions to Congress they immediately fallprey to the bully tactics of the old entrenched dynasty. They are brought under control quickly and

taught to play the game or they are ostracized and forced into obscurity.

Consider the best case scenario. Imagine that every corrupt or anti-Constitution member of Congress

were to be voted out in Nov. 2010. Their replacements will not be seated until January 2011. Before

January arrives a great amount of damage can be done. It will be done. Large amounts of our futureincome can be spent and we cannot begin to guess what type of acts will develop on the international

stage but the danger is real.

There are officials of both major parties who have voted to pass some of our most destructive new

bills and programs. A Senator I have voted for and supported made a backroom deal then voted to pass

the Stimulus Bill. I cannot vote against him without voting for a complete buffoon that has no business

being in government. This Senator has been in office for decades now and will retire wealthy on a

pension paid by my children who will also be paying for the disastrous Stimulus Bill he helped pass.This is not the type of representation our Founders thought they had left for us.

We will not restore our Constitution while Congress is filled with people who can become wealthy

while ignoring us. We will not reverse the recent damage when 2/3’s of those who passed it remain in

office. We will not save this nation for future generations if this power-grabbing rogue President isallowed to complete a full term over the next 2 years. Removal of this President is a critical component

of an effective Clean Sweep.

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The parties are posturing and chest thumping about who will gain or retain control after Nov. 2010.For the rest of us, it hardly matters. The damage will not end in November and it will not be ended by

seating a few new Congressmen in January 2011.

We do have a few good constitutional Congressmen who can be left to guide a new group. Few, but

some of these people are exceptional. A successful Clean Sweep would leave us with these people and

a lot of fresh faces and new names.

We should then continue to demand an end to all pensions and benefits for members of Congress so

these people will serve then return to the private sector instead of staying in Congress and recreating

the problems we now have. We must take the steps needed to ensure that we are never again threatenedby an insidious group of aristocrats that become wealthy at our expense while ignoring us. This has got

to stop and it is up to us to see that these changes are made. The elimination of pensions and benefits

should be a part of the Clean Sweep.

The Case Against President Obama

President Obama ran as a Washington D.C. outsider who could reach across the traditional lines of division and lift America to a brighter, more secure future while digging us out of 2 wars and looming

financial troubles. The entire campaign was a well orchestrated scam This President is easily the most

divisive political manipulator of my lifetime. In a very short time he has already increased our nationaldebt to levels that alarm financial circles worldwide. Huge new bureaucracies have been developed and

large portions of the private sector have been placed under federal control.

President Obama does not seem to understand that he is only a temporary steward of our highestoffice. Winning an election should not be confused with being awarded possession of a nation. There is

a difference. Winning an election does not empower a temporary office holder the right or power to

install a new system of government.

The worst part is, these people are still getting warmed up. Agencies, bureaus, czars, appointees and

activist judges are all being placed to assist our shift to socialism until the 2012 elections. We cannotallow that much time for these people to operate.

It is particularly troubling to witness how President Obama and some of his appointees and devotees

are inventing racial issues to divide the nation while attempting to consolidate power within selectgroups. These people have already set many aspects of race relations back 40 years and they are

actively working to erase the progress that millions of good Americans have worked very hard to

achieve. The man is performing a real disservice to his own black heritage, wherever it came from. The

voters were decent enough to look past his race while electing him and he shows his gratitude bydisplaying his own racist and anti-Semite tendencies and employing others who are as bad or worse.

The damage to race relations will last longer than a 4 year term of a failed president. The impossible

debt and loss of jobs, businesses and rights will endure past this presidency. His incompetence in

international affairs and war policy are causing a loss of lives and a declining morale in our armedforces. Those lives cannot be replaced and now we give Miranda rights to captured enemies? This is

insanity. These are all very real problems that have developed or reached an advanced stage during the

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presidency of Barack Obama. We are facing a growing number of very serious problems that willnever be solved by electing a better president in 2012. Obama and his cronies are deliberately painting

the nation into a corner no one will be able to lead us out of. This is the end game and we better realize

it and act while we still can.

President Obama has been openly insulting to political opponents and also citizens who do not

embrace his ideology. He went as far as to insult our Supreme Court Justices publicly during a State of the Union Address. He is behaving more like a dictator than a respectable leader of a separate but co-

equal branch of government.

It would be simple to write an entire volume dedicated to why President Obama must be removedfrom office but a large and growing number of Americans already comprehend this. This man is worse

than an incompetent leader, he is actively working to ensure that we cannot recover from his damaging


Questions and concerns have clouded this mans presence since he first set foot on our national stage.

Character deficiencies have combined with potentially criminal acts to illustrate that this man must be

recalled by We the People.

There is a great website run by a retired Army Maj. General (Paul Vallely) and they have assembledthe most complete list of legal charges and complaints against President Obama that I’ve seen. The list

is at www.someonediedformetoday.com Here is the list:

Charges against the Obama Administration to be investigated:

1. The Obama Administration committed fraud by issuing the following report as a true andattested production of the seven-member committee from the National Academy of 

Engineering on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico: INCREASED SAFETY


2. The Obama Administration has knowingly, willfully, and with malice aforethought,

circumvented the Constitution; in particular, the Senate of the United States of America’s roleto “Advise and Consent” on appointees referred to as “czars” or Presidential Advisors on at

least 25 occasions;

3. The Obama Administration has seized, or caused to be seized, private assets without the consentof Congress or Due Process through the Judicial Branch. i.e. – AIG, General Motors, Chrysler,

and others;

4. The Obama Administration has committed bribery in garnering votes from Senators Landrieu of 

Louisiana, Nelson of Nebraska for the passage of H.R.3590 Title: Patient Protection and

Affordable Care Act;5. The Obama Administration has sealed, sequestered, or caused to be sealed and/or sequestered

vital documents of Constitutional importance which are subject to public disclosure in expressviolation of 44 U.S.C. § 2201;

6. The Obama Administration has knowingly, willfully, and with malice aforethought, accused the

United States of America of wrong doing while on foreign soil;7, The Obama Administration has knowingly, willfully, and with malice aforethought, usurped or

seeks to usurp the sovereignty of the several states along the border of Mexico, and the Gulf 


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8. The Obama Administration has failed to secure the safety of United States citizens, theirproperty, their livelihood, and their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by not

enforcing Federal Laws on illegal entry into the United States of America through its many

borders and points of debarkation;9. The Obama Administration has committed several open and notorious acts of lying and making

fraudulent statements to mislead the Congress and the citizens of the United States of America

under color of authority;10. The Obama Administration has, by acts of omission, malfeasance, dereliction of duty, and

onerous disregard for the safety of the United States of America, her citizens, and those legally

residing in the country allowed enemies of the state to invade the country, causing death,

mayhem, and gross property damage;11. The Obama Administration has, by acts of omission, malfeasance, dereliction of duty, and

onerous disregard of the law, allowed foreign nationals to wrest the possession of Federal and

private property from the citizens of the United States of America;12. The Obama Administration has knowingly, willfully, and with malice aforethought caused the

property of citizens to be confiscated and then redistributed such property to others without due

process, Congressional Enactment, or by order of a court;

13. The Obama Administration has knowingly, willfully, and with malice aforethought sought toconvey the sovereignty of the United States of America, in whole, or in part, to foreign entities

and the United Nations;14. The Obama Administration has by acts of omission, malfeasance, dereliction of duty, and

onerous disregard, caused the death, and/or injury of United States of America military

personnel and allied forces of other nations;

15. The Obama Administration has by acts of omission, malfeasance, dereliction of duty, andonerous disregard, caused or is attempting to cause the economy of the United States of 

America to decline precipitously;16. The Obama Administration has knowingly, willfully, and with malice aforethought, committed

the citizens of the United States of America to unmanageable, unrecoverable debt to foreign

entities;17. The Obama Administration has knowingly, willfully, and with malice aforethought, given aid

and comfort to enemies of the United States of America by causing tax payer funds to be

expended on behalf known terrorist organizations such as Hamas and others, and has causedsaid sworn enemies to be transported to the United States of America endangering her


18. The Obama Administration has feloniously interfered with local elections by offering goods inreturn for action by candidates in several states in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 595, and 18 U.S.C. §


19. The Obama Administration has caused to be created, a list of enemies, and has openly and

notoriously slandered several United States Citizens, legal institutions, citizen groups, and law

enforcement agencies;20. The Obama Administration has hired, and/or appointed tax evaders, felons, associates of 

enemies of the state, associates of known terrorists, and known supporters of communism topositions within the Federal government;

21. The Obama Administration has by acts of omission, malfeasance, dereliction of duty, and

onerous disregard, failed to enforce, through the Department of Justice, the laws regardingvoter intimidation in the case of the Black Panthers in Philadelphia in violation of 18 U.S.C.

Sec. 594

22. The Obama Administration has interfered with, promoted, and/or acted with willful and

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malignant force in the affairs of a foreign nation, and its political process; i.e – Kenya,Indonesia, Pakistan…et al

23. The Obama Adminstration has knowingly, willfully, and with malice aforethought, provided

information, omitted information, and/or mislead the American public in manner thatinvalidates any person’s security clearance, especially in the office now held;

24. The Obama Administration, specifically the President of the United States has demonstrably,

and without question, manifests psychological deficiencies that preclude him or anyonedisplaying such deficiencies and mental disorders of holding any security clearance what-so-

ever. He is therefore unfit for duty;

25. The Obama Administration has knowingly, willfully, and with malice aforethought, provided

information, omitted information, and/or mislead the American public in the use of foreignpassports, travel documents, and other Constitutionally important documents concerning

foreign citizenship, foreign travel, and foreign allegiances;

26. Mr. Obama, has employed the use of falsified documents, obtained false documents, employeddeceptive measures to secure such, and has committed fraud of the American public. i.e. -

Multiple Social Security Numbers, one of a person who died before he was born in

Connecticut, passports, visas, employment records, financial disclosure statements, and other

public domain documents;27. Mr. Obama is unfit for duty as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United

States, and is unfit to hold clearance for state secrets.

This list is not complete but it should be sufficient to demonstrate the problems to reasonable

people. I believe President Obama should be asked to resign immediately and I believe many charges

on this list should be investigated thoroughly starting today. I see no reason under the Constitution whywe do not have a right to demand his resignation. Many people talk of having him impeached, that is

not the way to go for fast removal and that does not help us to nullify his completed works or addressthe corruption in Congress. Two presidents have been impeached and both completed their terms. We

cannot risk that. To remove an impeached president 2/3’s of the Senate must vote for it and that will

never happen. Besides, in the case of a Clean Sweep, the Senators have plenty of their own troubles todeal with. It has become obvious that leaders in other branches of government are not willing to

perform their Constitutional duties of oversight of this President. We must generate the momentum

from among us, We the People. When our leaders fail in their duties we must determine to succeed inours.

We can raise the call for this misguided President to resign but we cannot trust that he will do so. Wemust be prepared to include this President in the Clean Sweep of our federal government.

Allowing President Obama to complete a four year term is not acceptable under any circumstances.

Our allies are insulted and dismissed, our enemies are emboldened or embraced and our economy is a

complete disaster. Every act of this President has increased our national debt while reducing our

prospects for being able to pay any of it off. There is an intrinsic resiliency in our economic system

that has always enabled us to bounce back from our lows. This is what President Obama is removing.

Remember, when Obama speaks of taking us forward he means farther forward into a system that will

destroy us as it strengthens the government. That ‘progress” he speaks of is ththe destruction of 

America as the leader of the world. Moving forward is not good if the path is toward socialism. You

can move forward in many directions, even toward a cliff. How about moving forward to a stronger

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America with our Constitutional freedoms and opportunities? That is the only forward direction I can

support, anything else takes us to Obama;s cliff, one step at a time.

The notion that mid-term elections in Congress can save this nation from President Obama is

ridiculous. He will still have his czars who report only to him. What they do and what it costs

taxpayers will remain a mystery. His shadow government of dozens of czars will remain after

November no matter who wins. He will still be an incompetent Commander-in-Chief of our armedforces while we are conducting 2 wars and facing a growing number of international dangers. I doubt if 

any President in recent history has commanded less respect or more resentment from active dutymilitary personnel than this man. They neither love nor trust him.

After November President Obama will still have the power to issue Executive Orders and recess

appointments. He will still wield great power over border security and immigration policies and

enforcement. He will still be fighting to keep his ObamaCare and finance bills alive and intact against

our wishes. He will still have the authority to appoint or fire federal judges and department heads. Hewill still have the authority to set many types of policies by order through a variety of department

heads. His Cabinet Secretaries will still be there along with their extensive staffs doing his bidding

publicly and behind the scenes. He will still maintain his veto power over Congress.

This man has lied to us, misled his own voters, dismantled the Constitution, and damaged our

nation. We have no choice but to seek his peaceful, orderly removal from office. The alternative is thecontinued loss of our nation, our freedoms, our rights and our opportunities. We cannot allow that.

A Clean Sweep

What is a Clean Sweep and how could we do it? I would describe it as a drastic measure but anecessary one. Certainly less drastic than converting America to socialism so we are actually at a

crossroad where we must choose between 2 drastic measures. I choose the one that restores the

Constitution and eliminates the tyranny of the new bills that will soon take affect. I choose the one thatremoves corrupt aristocrats from OUR Congress and shows the world that Americans still know what

it means to be an American.

America was born of a violent Revolution but the people of that day faced a much greater challenge

than we do. While they were forced to create a system of government from scratch, we already have

one. They had to stand against a hostile foreign army, we merely need to perform a tune up and

conduct a mass firing of a large number of bad employees. They had to build a nation, we just need tosweep out a rats nest of corrupt leaders. We do not need to launch a New Revolution, we need to stop

one. We do not seek to establish a new system of government; we simply choose to return to the onewe have been guaranteed for the past 234 years. We insist.

The traditional election process will not save our nation because it simply moves to slowly to

effectively address large scale emergency removals. Our rogue leaders know that most of them are stillsafe for at least a few years if we are complacent enough to wait on the process. That is why they

continue to ignore us while they hurry to pass laws and programs that consolidate their power whileremoving our rights and freedoms. They are counting on us to wait on the election process, they know

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how to manage that. They are hoping we will continue to wail and moan and do nothing more, just likewe’ve done for years. If they are right and we wait on the process they will win. They know that too.

The approval ratings for Congress are now remaining at historical lows. National approval of around 10% is now typical yet they refuse to respond to our complaints. They believe they are safely

entrenched and cannot be dug out of there. I think they are wrong and I have the words of the

Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the hearts and minds of all true Patriots to support mybeliefs. They do not.

They think we are easily led because they have gotten away with a lot. Will we wait on another 2 to

4 year election cycle and prove them right? Are we that brainwashed? Are we so subjugated andcomfortable that we will allow our own ruin? Comfortable people do not revolt or initiate drastic

measures against their leaders. Do we now wait until the situation is hopelessly dire or do we halt the

decline before it is too late? We know who the guilty people are. We know what they are doing yet wesimply sit around talking about the symptoms of the larger problem. If our Founders could return today

and see what our federal government has become they would start a new revolution by sundown. Are

we worthy of the national inheritance our founders provided for us and brave soldiers have died to

preserve for us? I believe we can be. I am amazed that so many people today are willing to quote theFounders but will not come close to recommending the type of action we all know the Founders would

take. Are Americans still the same people we were in those days? Will history record us as the secondcoming of the Founders or the Generation of Shame? Now is the time to decide.

We have watched this Congress pass enormous bills which the President signed into law. Leaders in

Congress openly admitted they did not know what the bills contained or even who wrote them. Theyadmitted they did not know how these bills would be implemented. This is not responsible

representation, this is tyranny. America was created in response to government like this, not to devolveinto it. This is not how government in America is supposed to function. Our traditional process allows

corrupt leaders to do these things, we cannot operate properly when leaders have no conscience, sense

of duty or integrity. We must stop this and we cannot stop it too soon. We must perform the emergencyremoval of many leaders and nullify many actions before all of these new laws go into effect. We must

perform a Clean Sweep. We should not allow ourselves to be forced to live under the rules and laws

that we had forced upon us against our strong objections. Americans are not that easy to push around.We push back.

Leaders of the United States are supposed to serve at the consent of the governed. Millions of 

American voters do not consent to the destruction of our Constitutional system and I say we

should withdraw our consent for this President and this Congress to continue down this path of 


The Ethics Committees, the Judiciary Committees and the Justice Department all share theresponsibility of making sure our leaders act according to the law, their oaths and our Constitution.

They exist, in part, to ensure the proper function of our government and to supervise the behavior of our leaders. All of them are now infested with political partisans who are failing us. So, the Clean

Sweep is our final option.

The ideal process for a Clean Sweep would be large scale national strikes, protests and a shut down

of commerce. Millions of protestors at every state capital and in Washington D.C. could force the

necessary resignations but in today’s world we cannot expect this. We do not have millions of 

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Americans that can afford to stay home until the protests succeed and our businesses have sufferedenough. We do not have millions of Americans that can travel to D.C. and we would have no place for

them to stay if they did. Where does that leave us?

America has descended so far into tyranny I wonder how many Americans would have the courage

to demand these resignations while standing in Washington D.C.. Many now fear our government and

how they may be punished for speaking up or challenging authority. Our first Amendment guaranteesus the right to redress government for grievances but our leaders have learned to use the IRS and other

agencies to intimidate us into silence. This is more tyranny. People who are outspoken in defense of 

traditional America and the Constitution become targets of investigation and character assassination.

This is America? Do you see how far we have already fallen due to corrupt leaders who use our systemto deny our rights or pressure us into abandoning them? Government in America is supposed to fear us

but they have grown arrogant and now display contempt for us. We have given them positions of 

power and they abuse that power to our detriment. We now fear them and we should. Is this theAmerica you want to leave for your kids and grandkids to live in? I’d prefer to clean it up before we

hand it off. This is our job and we cannot take a pass.

The process of a Clean Sweep is complicated, far to complicated to be organized by scattered groupsof concerned patriots. To be successful and guarantee a peaceful transition there must be a central

authority with superior management skills. These people must be dedicated to the principles of theConstitution and they must have a working knowledge of our Founders vision of American


Such an effort could only be accomplished by a group of leaders who truly have the best interests of We the People as their singular motivation. They would have to be people who understand our

government and know the difference between the good guys and the bad guys at our highest levels.

One group of people who definitely fit this description are our retired military leaders. A core group

of these people could assemble a competent team of patriotic business experts and the remainingpolitical leaders to determine how to conduct the special elections and ensure the continuity of national

business and security while the corrupt people are removed. Special interim measures would be

required to conduct the uninterrupted operation of government. Critical department heads would needto be replaced immediately. There is much to consider but it can be done, especially when the

alternative is certain destruction. We should never have let it get this bad, since we did we cannot

expect an easy way out.

Our military leaders have taken an oath to protect and defend our country against all enemies,

foreign and domestic and each has dedicated their life’s work to doing just that. They do not abandon

or release themselves from this oath upon retiring and we are now facing a domestic enemy. This is a

logical solution and a proper fit. We need these people to step forward and fulfill their duty and theiroath before more destruction can take place. We need them to act before all of these new laws and

programs are implemented. The Constitution must be restored as the guide of American governmentand the American experience must be preserved as the great hope for free people across the planet. We

must save our nation and if we do not act quickly the moment will be lost.

I absolutely believe our military people have more love for our Constitution and people than our

corrupt leaders do. I trust our military leaders much more than this President, this administration, his

czars and most of this Congress. Military leaders are sworn to protect the nation, not a corrupt

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government. Retired leaders are free to plan and build a transition team and they can function with thefaith and confidence of our active duty leaders.

All of our security people, the military, the intelligence community, our entire law enforcementstructure, each and every one of them needs to sit down and ask themselves where their loyalties lie.

They need to ask themselves what a Constitutional Republic and a free America means to them and

their families then they need to act accordingly. Some will respond as patriots, some will choosesupport the corrupt leaders but it is time for each to make that personal decision. I believe the Secret

Service personnel would also feel confident in the security of a President arrested by a group that

contained known ex military leaders. After all, they are sworn to protect the safety of the President but

are they also sworn to protect him from arrest or removal for violating his oath or breaking our laws?

Our elected leaders fall into 2 categories; those that have caused our problems and those that have

failed to stop them. Desperate times call for desperate measures and we are now at our most desperatedomestic time since our Civil War.

American citizens acting alone cannot hope to accomplish the emergency actions needed to preserve

our nation and restore our Constitution but a well organized group led by patriotic people with a greatdeal of organizational experience could do it. It would be necessary to include various private citizens

with experience in law and other fields but the right core group would know these people and how tofind them. Many of our political leaders who do not have a history of corruption or anti-Constitution

activities would not be affected directly so they would still be in place to lead as they now do.

President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Rangel, and Frank must all be among the first to go.This cycle of corruption must be ended so the job must be complete. All of these people people have

demonstrated a pattern of anti-Constitutional behavior and have violated their oaths of office. I believethis to mean they have forfeited their right to remain in their respective positions. They have exhibited

defiance to the consent of the American People should be removed by forced resignation or arrest if 

necessary. We do not need an overthrow of the government because we still have the greatest systemon earth. We simply need to remove corrupt leaders who have chosen to abuse this system. The

international money men and manipulators who have helped to fund and organize this socialist agenda

should be banned from our shores and banned from our business community.

There are also several federal court judges who have abused the power of the bench who should also

be removed. This corruption is systemic so the Clean Sweep must consider the entire system. When theduly elected state legislatures pass laws with majority support of their constituents those laws should

be enacted as passed. Activist judges that use the power of the courts against the will and consent of 

the people do not belong in the system.

This is a perversion of the process in order to achieve social goals that cannot be implementedthrough the proper legislative actions. The purpose is to advance social agendas and the act is purely

partisan and has nothing to do with the just application of law. Another fine example of how someofficials willingly use our system against us. Too many federal judges are using the courts to interfere

with the sovereign power of individual states. American citizens do not consent to this and should not

have to tolerate it.

The states share the risks that we all face as individuals. States rights are being eliminated too. The

power grab leaves no stone unturned. Private businesses and citizens are under attack on one front and

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am wasting my time, that Americans will roll over for any kind of tyranny that does not walk in theirhouse and take their couch away. They tell me Americans are pacifist ‘sheeple’ that are too easily led. I

refuse to believe this. They tell me low voter turnouts are due to the fact that Americans don’t care

about government. I think they are missing the obvious.

Low voter turnouts are due to the fact that we have been conditioned to elections that do not

produce any good results. Why vote when entrenched self-serving aristocrats are shoo-in winners?Why vote when experience has shown us that trying to elect responsive leaders is an exercise in

futility? At some point intelligent people begin to realize that voting is just a pipe dream and voters are

bucking a system that has been altered to produce preconceived results.

Perform a Clean Sweep and watch the numbers on voter turnout. Americans eagerly await a real

opportunity to speak from the booth. Americans will show up if they can actually elect someone who is

not a 30 year incumbent who is completely out of touch with how the rest of us live.

Nancy Pelosi is easily the most despised person in national politics. I doubt if Obama even likes

her. Still, you can vote on Nov 2nd

and she will still be there running the show as the head dinosaur on

Nov 3rd. Even if she loses her job or Speakership she still gets to keep that monster of a pension shehas built up. This is wrong. Very few voters in each cycle ever feel like they win anything in an

election. Give Americans a real opportunity to vote in some fresh faces of Constitutional patriotismand they will show up in larger numbers. This nation of voters who are consistently promised one thing

and who then receive something much worse are sick of the status quo. We deserve, just once in our

lives, the purification of our government that can only be provided by a Clean Sweep.

The inexorable logic of events provides no other conclusion. Yes. This is the point we have

reached. We must do this and give us all something to finally look forward to with real Hope forChange! Or, we can do nothing and keep observing the daily decline. Some tell me we should wait or

that this cannot be done. Our Founders had to dismiss the same type of do-nothings and history has

forgotten all of them. You cannot defeat people who are organized, determined and united when theyknow they are right and refuse to quit.

United Patriots

People that follow the news and politics hear plenty these days about unity and revolution. Take a

closer look and the unity is nothing more than shared disgust. The only revolution that is goinganywhere is the one that is converting us to socialism.

Concerned patriots across the nation are energized and active but united? Not really. Where can welook for unity? The Tea Parties come to mind because everyone says they are united. In their own way

they are but just how are they united and what are they accomplishing? The Tea Party members in

Dallas are united as are those in Salt Lake City and those in Tampa. However; those in Dallas are notdoing the same thing as those in Tampa or Salt Lake City, they just trust they are all climbing the same

hill. They are united in hundreds of groups in hundreds of separate locations. They are doing a great  job of shaking up the parties by advancing candidates in a variety of congressional districts but they

cannot remove corrupt leaders who are not up for re-election. On a national scale, coast to coast, they

do not conduct united discussions or speak with one voice. Their power is at home where it works well

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but remains isolated to the efforts and successes in local districts. The system they are using workswell for routine elections but how many years and election cycles would it take for that method to

clean up Washington DC? More years than we have, you can be sure of that.

There are hundreds of other groups who are fighting corruption and tyranny while they see to restore

the Constitution. Each has it’s own leaders, focus and goals. They are not working together. WE are

not working together. We cannot claim to be united when we do not share a single identifiablecommon goal that promises results. We cannot claim to be united when we are all running in a

thousand different directions with no cohesive central theme. We work but we don’t gel. Not yet.

In the days following the 9-11 attacks we saw that America can unite and how quickly it canhappen. Some in Congress became disturbed because they saw President Bush’s poll numbers staying

high so they began a whisper campaign of ‘What did he know, when did he know it?” The strategy

worked and the instigators must have been satisfied to see the unity dissolve almost as quickly as itformed. “Thank you” to Congress for that. They dismantled the unity generated by the attacks but not

before we all had a chance to share in the pride and excellence of it. The spontaneous focus of the

citizens’ patriotism was an experience I will never forget.

Where is that unity today? I believe it still resides below the surface of our national stage awaiting

the next great dramatic rally. Are we no longer able to unite out of need and only motivated to our bestby tragedy? I believe the rampant corruption at our highest levels of government should be enough to

unite us. I believe the systematic attacks on our Constitution should unite us. I believe that the

destruction of our economy and the lawless border policies of the federal government should unite us. I

believe a solution clearly stated and the very real prospect of a Clean Sweep should energize and uniteus.

Patriotic Americans are being confronted with such a barrage of issues there is little opportunity to

focus and develop strategies for fighting back. It is difficult to unite while being inundated by a

blizzard of corruption.

This is not an accident, it is a tactic and the people that are dismantling our nation are not stupid.

They are tyrants. They have learned how to bury us and keep us from organizing resistance. This isworking because even though we all agree in opposition, we have failed to unite. Divide and conquer

is succeeding. Look at how many blows have been inflicted upon us in the past 18 months and you will

see this. We are losing. We are losing because we are not united and our opponents are. The speed of their work is keeping us off balance but we can halt that by uniting behind a Clean Sweep and putting

all the worry about the future right where it belongs-in the hearts and minds of bad leaders and their


It is time to decide that America is too big to fail. I suggest one more bailout and it should consist of finally doing more than just complaining about corruption. The Clean Sweep will bail out the refuse

that lurks in our government and we can toss it overboard and start putting America back in business.We have every right to do this, it is OUR government, not theirs.

As you read the news or listen to the talkers you will notice a troubling pattern. Everyone complainsabout what his happening, some even rant and shout but they never follow the logic to a conclusion.

Everyone that understands the speed of our destruction must know in their heart that November will

slow our decline but not stop it. What good does it do to carry on daily about how Americans must be

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educated? It is a noble goal but how many will step up and what will happen to us while we wait forthe last of the willing to wise up? Educating the voters would have been the answer if begun 30 years

ago. It can also keep us from ever getting into a mess like this again. As a solution to our current

problems, relying on educating the youth scares me. We leave this for them to solve once they grow upeducated? That is an irresponsible method for ducking our duties. This developed on our watch and it

is our job to fix it. We need a solution that doesn’t require the passing of a generation to implement.

We need a solution that is dramatic and decisive, we have lost the luxury of time. What good is it towaste our days uncovering more evidence of corruption and tyranny? We get it, government is out of 

control. Now we know that, let’s do something decisive to end it.

Every day I hear about the coming revolution in November. That is preposterous. When did aroutine mid-term congressional election suddenly become a revolution? Some bums may get tossed,

some new people will be seated. Some of them will be bums too. All the new people will be fed into a

system controlled by the same old powerbrokers and they will be taught to toe the line. Just like theyalways are. I am discouraged by the process but I am extremely optimistic about our chance to finally

make a difference. Dusting off a few seats in Congress will not change much but we now have an

option. Congress has their “nuclear option” but they never mention that we have one too. The

Declaration of Independence and the Constitution tell us what our leaders never will. We have theClean Sweep option and it is past time to deploy it. We cannot justify further delay before adopting

this citizens solution. There is no reason to hope that our situation will improve when all indicatorspoint to further decline.

We have 2 options available, one is the method they control. The other is the method we control, as

our Founders would do. Did our Founders let the King choose their course of action? Why would we?Did our Founders say “We will take America as our own free nation if it is Ok with England?” Why

are Americans today shouting about taking America back then allowing the corrupt leaders todetermine the rules for doing so? If we continue to play their game their way we will continue to get

the results they want. We need to either take control of this and fix it or shut up and become the good

little serfs they are turning us into.

All of the various groups in resistance are working hard. I know because I have been invited to join

somewhere around 1,000 of them myself. Not one of them, not 1,000 of them have been able to slowour decline toward socialism. Most of these efforts are worthy of some merit, many are exceptional

and all should continue their work. What I find troubling is that they all deal with symptoms while the

cancer spreads unchecked.

It is great that groups are fighting against cap and trade. It is great that others are fighting for border

security or winning strategic elections. Others dedicate their work to preserving traditional marriage,

changing war policy or fixing our entitlement problems. For every symptom there are groups working

to fix them but what about the cancer that keeps churning out these symptoms? The cancer is rooted inthe minds of the officials that have power but no regard for the Constitution or preserving our system

of freedom and opportunities. If we do not remove the cancer with decisive surgical precision we willdie from an epidemic of symptoms. We must consider emergency surgery as a one time cure that will

restore our Constitution and our health as a nation.

Every official that has taken an oath to protect and defend our Constitution should understand our

resolve. Each should also understand that citizens have a duty to ensure that the leaders we elect

conduct themselves by the rules of our government, their oath and our established traditions that we

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hold dear.

We have limited options for performing our duty but they should never doubt our ability to rise to

the occasion. The history of America is filled with stories of people doing just that. A Clean Sweepwill add another chapter to the history of patriotism. Enemies of America have frequently

underestimated us and this government of tyrants is now making that same mistake. It is our time, it is

our duty to rise to this challenge and show the world the American Spirit lives and will not be defeatedon our watch. They had their day, now we will take ours. The strength that lives in the hearts of true

patriots is a thing to be feared and to challenge us was a poorly calculated mistake. They have spoken

and we have heard what future they offer us, it is now our turn to speak. They should have listened the

first time because now we are done with them and they must go. They had their chance. No one hasever defeated United American Patriots and this sorry lot of socialist con-artists will not defeat us now.

We are the rednecks and the office workers. We are the veterans, the peace officers and also thepowerbrokers of American industry. We are the Pastors, Priests, the nurses, teachers, repairmen, sales

staff, factory workers, engineers, farmers, Doctors and the construction workers. We are the people

that make America function and we are done backing up for “Change we don’t believe in.” We are the

people that face challenges as a matter of daily existence and when we tackle a job we don’t stop untilit is done. That is what Americans do better than anyone and cleaning up our government is a job we

will not walk away from. We are busy, not stupid. It is time to show the world why America is such aspecial place. America is the best nation on earth because the American People will accept nothing

less. They should have left us alone. They bought the ticket, now they get the ride. Leaders that

understood us would never have pushed us so hard.

We must unite, we must do it now and we must unite in support of a Clean Sweep. Every project

you are now involved with must continue because the battle rages on. We cannot afford to abandon asingle front or reduce a single stand of opposition. We must also unite behind a common cause that

will lift all of our efforts to success as one. We the People must initiate this. For 234 years Americans

have never failed when united. We are only losing now because we lack that unity. Every group, everyfoundation, every patriotic concern can succeed and become an important part of our national

restoration by sharing this goal of a Clean Sweep. Failure is possible but it is not acceptable, we must

eliminate that risk by working together.

It is now up to the leading citizens of our nation to decide if the groups they are associated with will

take part in the Clean Sweep or remain on the sidelines. Any who choose to grab the bull by the hornscan be a factor in our success. Some will emerge as champions of the Clean Sweep and history will

remember them fondly. Great people rise when their talents are required and heroes of our struggle

will be discovered through their work. The greatness of America will be displayed soon through the

actions of people you do not know of today and history will never forget.

We can begin today by displaying our unity and forcing this discussion forward. Unity is useless

without organization so we must work together in any small way we can. Individuals can do smallthings like creating email signatures that say “I support the Clean Sweep,” Every website can do the

same somewhere on a page that people see. We cannot rally support unless we demonstrate that we are

united in this. If you have a business sign at work or a window to put one in you can show yoursupport. If you can afford a bumper sticker or a billboard you can help spread this contagious message.

Discuss Clean Sweep among your friends, co-workers and family members.

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Our Founders sent runners on foot and messengers on horseback to spread their message of unity.Each of us can reach more people in one evening that any of them could reach in a week. They merely

did everything they could by all means available to them. We must do the same. Will you? We are not

united without you.

It is our duty to add our input and opinions to this discussion. It is our duty to invite others to

discuss this. We must elevate the topic of Clean Sweep to every talk show and pundit in the nation.Who will resist and what will their argument be? The resistance will come from people that stand to

gain from socialism. Who will stand and say that the current extent of corruption can be ignored? Who

will say that the system is working fine just as it is? There are people in all political parties who are

tired of the way leaders ignore us and do as they please. The leaders will try to ignore us again and if they are forced to discuss the Clean Sweep they will say we must wait for the process to work. I’ve

been waiting for decades and it only gets worse. If we wait on the election cycles America will be

forever lost-make no mistake about that. Why should we wait on the same process they use to maintaincontrol over us? Do not play their game or be fooled by them.

We must remove the bad leaders and restore the constitution for ourselves, our children and our

grandchildren. If future generations are to grow and prosper with rights and freedoms it will bebecause we stood up and did the right thing when it mattered. The future of America will be defined by

the strength of our convictions; our ability to unite, and the breadth of our success. We must not letdown those who sacrificed to provide this nation for us or those who depend upon us for a future of 

their own. Everyone deserves our best efforts and I know Americans, I will not be alone. No patriot is

ever alone in these United States.

It is our time, it is our duty.

Let the discussion begin.

…….that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom---and that government of the

 people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.-- Abraham Lincoln --

Gettysburg Address

Keep This Project Alive!

For the past year I have devoted my life to writing and speaking about the actions required to repair

our Congress and restore our Constitution.

My first booklet, 20 Turns, is the companion booklet to this one and I began by selling them. As the

national situation began to deteriorate more rapidly I made the decision to offer 20 Turns at our

website free of charge. I know times are tough and I did not want access to the discussion to be limited

by anyone’s personal financial circumstances. I am continuing that policy with this booklet. This was a

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terrible financial decision for my family. I am not a man that should be working and writing for free

but I feel very strongly that this message must be produced and shared.

This project is costing us and if you have the means and believe the effort is worthwhile, I hope you

can find it in your heart to pay what you think it is worth so we can keep the project growing. I trust

Patriots to be fair with me. My family’s finances have been used for this because if any of our children

are to have a future with the same opportunities we had, work like this must continue until we succeed.

I am aware that the nation is bristling with more gifted and eloquent writers. I can only contribute

because I will speak when others hesitate and I believe every problem has a logical solution. I truly

love America and I will not sit by while it is ruined. If I can inspire courage and action in a few

Patriots then I have not wasted my time.

If I do get paid this project will continue to grow. I am really hoping to be able to increase my

travels to speaking engagements and expanding the advertising with billboards, printing hard copies

for distribution, ad campaigns, etc. if the funding is provided. I want to be able to spread this

discussion by any and all available means. I have also begun to write the third booklet in this series.

My wife and I live with some degree of fear because we know what it means to draw the wrath of 

these people. We understand the risks I am taking but I am an American. This nation WILL NOT be

stolen from us while I have a breath left in me.

May God Bless America and guide us to success.

Payments by check, money orders etc can be mailed to:

Lynn Vogel 1590 Hwy 25, Guthrie Center, Iowa. 50115

Many thanks to all who join the effort!